Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/util/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/location/util/csvreader.php |
<? /** * This class is for internal use only, not a part of public API. * It can be changed at any time without notification. * * The class is used when reading csv files doing location import. * * @access private */ namespace Bitrix\Sale\Location\Util; use Bitrix\Main; include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/csv_data.php"); final class CSVReader extends \CCSVData { const FILE_ENCODING = 'UTF-8'; private $header = array(); private $useHeader = false; private $legacy = false; private $convertCharset = true; private $callbacks = array(); public function __construct($fields_type = "R", $convertCharset = true) { parent::__construct($fields_type = "R", false); $this->convertCharset = $convertCharset; } public function LoadFile($filename, $firstHeader = true) { parent::LoadFile($filename); $this->SetFieldsType("R"); if($firstHeader) $this->SetFirstHeader(); $this->SetDelimiter(";"); } public function SetFirstHeader($first_header = false) { $this->useHeader = true; $this->header = $this->ReadHeader(); } public function ReadHeader() { if(!$this->useHeader || !$this->__file) return false; if($this->cFieldsType == 'F') return false; // sorry, not implemented for that $fPos = ftell($this->__file); fseek($this->__file, $this->__hasBOM ? 3 : 0); $h = fgets($this->__file); fseek($this->__file, $fPos); return explode($this->cDelimiter, $h); } public function FetchAssoc() { if(!($line = $this->Fetch())) return false; if(!$this->useHeader || $this->legacy) return $line; $header = $this->header; $result = array(); $colCount = count($line); $langFields = array(); for($k = 0; $k < $colCount; $k++) { $fld = trim(array_shift($header)); if(!$fld) // column grid appeared shorter than data field break; $resLine = array(); $prev =& $resLine; $subFields = explode('.', $fld); foreach($subFields as $subfld) { $subfld = trim($subfld); $prev[$subfld] = array(); $prev =& $prev[$subfld]; } $prev = trim($line[$k]); // keep for charset conversion if(strpos($fld, 'NAME') !== false) $langFields[] = &$prev; $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $resLine); } if(is_callable($this->callbacks['AFTER_ASSOC_LINE_READ'])) { call_user_func_array($this->callbacks['AFTER_ASSOC_LINE_READ'], array(&$result)); } // character conversion if($this->convertCharset && self::FILE_ENCODING != SITE_CHARSET) { foreach($langFields as &$value) { $value = \CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset($value, self::FILE_ENCODING, SITE_CHARSET); } } return $result; } // this function should not be here public function CheckFileIsLegacy() { return $this->legacy; } public function ReadBlockLowLevel(&$bytesRead = false, $lineLimit = false) { if(trim($this->header[0]) == 'en' && !isset($this->header[1])) { $this->legacy = true; $this->SetDelimiter(","); } if($bytesRead !== false) $this->SetPos($bytesRead); $result = array(); $i = -1; while ($line = $this->FetchAssoc()) { $i++; if($lineLimit !== false && $lineLimit + 1 == $i) break; if(!$i && !$bytesRead) { continue; // header, skip } $result[] = $line; if($bytesRead !== false) $bytesRead = $this->GetPos(); } return $result; } public function ReadBlock($file, &$bytesRead = false, $lineLimit = false) { if(strpos($file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) != 0) // not found or somwhere else $file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file; if(!file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)) throw new Main\SystemException('Cannot open file '.$file.' for reading'); $this->LoadFile($file); return $this->ReadBlockLowLevel($bytesRead, $lineLimit); } public function GetFileSize() { return $this->iFileLength; } public function GetHeaderAssoc() { return $this->GetAssocLineByHeader($this->header, $this->header); } public function SetCharsetConvert($switch) { $this->convertCharset = !!$switch; } public function AddEventCallback($event, $callback) { if((string) $event != '' && is_callable($callback)) $this->callbacks[$event] = $callback; } private function GetAssocLineByHeader($line, $header) { $result = array(); $lineLen = count($line); for($k = 0; $k < $lineLen; $k++) { $fld = array_shift($header); if(!$fld) // column grid appeared shorter than data field break; $resLine = array(); $prev =& $resLine; $subFields = explode('.', $fld); foreach($subFields as $subfld) { $subfld = trim($subfld); $prev[$subfld] = array(); $prev =& $prev[$subfld]; } $prev = trim($line[$k]); $result = array_merge_recursive($result, $resLine); } return $result; } }