Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/feed/data/converters/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/feed/data/converters/product.php


namespace Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Feed\Data\Converters;

use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk;
use Bitrix\Highloadblock\HighloadBlockTable;


class Product extends DataConverter
	protected $selectOfferProps;
	protected $sectionsList;
	private $result;
	const DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MAX = 3300;	// it is not entirely accurate value, but in doc i can't find true info
	const NAME_LENGHT_MIN = 4;
	const NAME_LENGHT_MAX = 100;
	 * Product constructor.
	 * @param $exportId - int ID of export
	public function __construct($exportId)
		if (!isset($exportId) || strlen($exportId) <= 0)
			throw new ArgumentNullException("EXPORT_ID");
		$this->exportId = $exportId;
		$this->sectionsList = new Vk\SectionsList($this->exportId);
	 * Main method for convert
	 * @param $data - Array of albums data from source.
	 * @return array
	public function convert($data)
		$logger = new Vk\Logger($this->exportId);
		$this->result = array();

//		get common SKU and notSKU data
		$this->result = $this->getNotSkuItemData($data);

//		product WITH SKU
		$offersDescription = '';
		if (isset($data["OFFERS"]) && is_array($data["OFFERS"]) && !empty($data["OFFERS"]))
			//adding desc and additional photos from SKU
			$this->selectOfferProps = $data["SELECT_OFFER_PROPS"];
			$this->result["PHOTOS_OFFERS"] = array();
			$this->result["PHOTOS_OFFERS_FOR_VK"] = array();
			$offersConverted = array();
			foreach ($data["OFFERS"] as $offer)
				$resultOffer = $this->getItemDataOffersOffer($offer);
				if (!empty($resultOffer["PHOTOS"]))
					$this->result["PHOTOS_OFFERS"] += $resultOffer["PHOTOS"];
				if (!empty($resultOffer["PHOTOS_FOR_VK"]))
					$this->result["PHOTOS_OFFERS_FOR_VK"] += $resultOffer["PHOTOS_FOR_VK"];
				$offersConverted[] = $resultOffer;
			$offersDescription = $this->createOffersDescriptionByPrices($offersConverted);

//		check price. After offers convertions price may be changed
		if (!$this->result["PRICE"])
			$logger->addError('PRODUCT_EMPTY_PRICE', $data["ID"]);
			return NULL;

//		if exist offers descriptions - add title for them
		if (strlen($offersDescription) > 0)
			$this->result["description"] .= "\n\n" . Loc::getMessage("SALE_VK_PRODUCT_VARIANTS") . "\n" . $offersDescription;

//		sorted photos array in right order
//		todo: move this operation in Photoresizer
		$photosSorted = $this->sortPhotosArray();

//		CHECK photo sizes and count
		$photosChecked = Vk\PhotoResizer::checkPhotos($photosSorted, 'PRODUCT');
		if (empty($photosChecked))
			$logger->addError("PRODUCT_WRONG_PHOTOS", $data["ID"]);
			return NULL;
		$this->result["PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID"] = $photosChecked["PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID"];
		$this->result["PHOTO_MAIN_URL"] = $photosChecked["PHOTO_MAIN_URL"];
		$this->result["PHOTOS"] = $photosChecked["PHOTOS"];

//		add item to log, if image was be resized
		if ($photosChecked['RESIZE_UP'])
			$logger->addError('PRODUCT_PHOTOS_RESIZE_UP', $data["ID"]);
		if ($photosChecked['RESIZE_DOWN'])
			$logger->addError('PRODUCT_PHOTOS_RESIZE_DOWN', $data["ID"]);

//		cleaing DESCRIPTION
		$this->result["description"] = html_entity_decode($this->result["description"]);
		$this->result["description"] = preg_replace('/\t*/', '', $this->result["description"]);
		$this->result["description"] = strip_tags($this->result["description"]);
//		VK don't understand specialchars-quotes. Change them to the yolochki
		$this->result["description"] = self::convertQuotes($this->result["description"]);

//		validate LENGTH
		$this->result['description'] = $this->validateDescription($this->result['description'], $logger);
		$this->result['NAME'] = self::convertQuotes($this->result['NAME']);
		$this->result['NAME'] = $this->validateName($this->result['NAME'], $logger);
//		VK don't understand specialchars-quotes. Change them to the yolochki
		return array($data["ID"] => $this->result);
	 * Valid length of name
	 * @param $name
	 * @param Vk\Logger|NULL $logger
	 * @return string
	private function validateName($name, Vk\Logger $logger = NULL)
		$newName = $name;
		if (strlen($name) < self::NAME_LENGHT_MIN)
			$newName = str_pad($name, self::NAME_LENGHT_MIN, "_");
			if ($logger)
				$logger->addError('PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME', $this->result["BX_ID"]);
		if (strlen($name) > self::NAME_LENGHT_MAX)
			$newName = substr($name, 0, self::NAME_LENGHT_MAX - 1 - 4) . ' ...';
			if ($logger)
				$logger->addError('PRODUCT_LONG_NAME', $this->result["BX_ID"]);
		return $newName;
	 * Valid length of description
	 * @param $name
	 * @param Vk\Logger|NULL $logger
	 * @return string
	private function validateDescription($desc, Vk\Logger $logger = NULL)
		$newDesc = $desc;
		if (strlen($desc) < self::DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MIN)
			$newDesc = $this->result['NAME'] . ': ' . $desc;
			if (strlen($newDesc) < self::DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MIN)
				$newDesc = str_pad($newDesc, self::DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MIN, "_");
				if ($logger)
					$logger->addError('PRODUCT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION', $this->result["BX_ID"]);
		if (strlen($newDesc) > self::DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MAX)
			$newDesc = substr($newDesc, 0 ,self::DESCRIPTION_LENGHT_MAX) . '...';
		return $newDesc;
	 * Create description of SKU depending of prices.
	 * If all SKU prices equal main price - hide them.
	 * If prices a different - add them to description
	 * @param $offers
	 * @return string - string of SKUs description
	private function createOffersDescriptionByPrices($offers)
		$mainPrice = isset($this->result['PRICE']) && $this->result['PRICE'] ? $this->result['PRICE'] : 0;
		$needSkuPriceDescription = false;

//		compare main price and SKU prices. Find minimum, check difference
		foreach ($offers as $offer)
			if ($offer['PRICE'])
//				if not set main price - get them from SKU prices
				if ($mainPrice == 0)
					$mainPrice = $offer['PRICE'];

//				add price to SKU descriptions only of prices is different
				if ($offer['PRICE'] != $mainPrice)
					$needSkuPriceDescription = true;
				$mainPrice = ($mainPrice != 0) ? min($offer['PRICE'], $mainPrice) : $offer['PRICE'];

//		update SKU DESRIPTIONS if needed
		$offersDescription = '';
		if ($needSkuPriceDescription)
			foreach ($offers as $offer)
				$offersDescription .= $offer["DESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES"] . " - " . Loc::getMessage("SALE_VK_PRODUCT_PRICE") . " " . $offer['PRICE'] . " " . Loc::getMessage("SALE_VK_PRODUCT_CURRENCY") . "\n";
			foreach ($offers as $offer)
				$offersDescription .= $offer["DESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES"] . "\n";
		$this->result['PRICE'] = $mainPrice;
		return $offersDescription;
	 * Sorted different photos types by priority
	 * @return array - Array of sorted photos
	private function sortPhotosArray()
		$newPhotos = array();
		if (isset($this->result['PHOTOS_FOR_VK']) && !empty($this->result['PHOTOS_FOR_VK']))
			$newPhotos += $this->result['PHOTOS_FOR_VK'];
		if (isset($this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS_FOR_VK']) && !empty($this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS_FOR_VK']))
			$newPhotos += $this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS_FOR_VK'];
		if (isset($this->result['PHOTO_MAIN']) && !empty($this->result['PHOTO_MAIN']))
			$newPhotos += $this->result['PHOTO_MAIN'];
		if (isset($this->result['PHOTOS']) && !empty($this->result['PHOTOS']))
			$newPhotos += $this->result['PHOTOS'];
		if (isset($this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS']) && !empty($this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS']))
			$newPhotos += $this->result['PHOTOS_OFFERS'];

//		delete wasted photos
		return $newPhotos;
	 * Get description, prices and photos by SKUs
	 * @param $data
	 * @return array
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException
	 * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
	private function getItemDataOffersOffer($data)
		$result = array("DESCRIPTION" => "");

//		create description for SKU PROPERTIES
		$propertyDescriptions = array();
		foreach ($this->selectOfferProps as $prop)
			if ($propValue = $data["PROPERTIES"][$prop]["VALUE"])
//				check if HIGLOADBLOCKS
				if ($data["PROPERTIES"][$prop]["USER_TYPE"] == 'directory')
					if (\CModule::IncludeModule('highloadblock'))
//						get ID for hl-block
						$resHlBlocks = HighloadBlockTable::getList(array(
							'filter' => array('=TABLE_NAME' => $data["PROPERTIES"][$prop]["USER_TYPE_SETTINGS"]["TABLE_NAME"]),
						$hlBlockItemId = $resHlBlocks->fetch();
						$hlBlockItemId = $hlBlockItemId['ID'];
//						HL directory may not exist in some strange situations
//						get entity class for current hl
						$hlBlock = HighloadBlockTable::getById($hlBlockItemId)->fetch();
						$hlEntity = HighloadBlockTable::compileEntity($hlBlock);
						$strEntityDataClass = $hlEntity->getDataClass();

//						get value for current hl
						$resData = $strEntityDataClass::getList(array(
							'select' => array('ID', 'UF_NAME'),
							'filter' => array('=UF_XML_ID' => $propValue),
						$propValue = $resData->fetch();
						$propValue = $propValue['UF_NAME'];
					$propValue = implode(', ', $propValue);
				$propertyDescriptions[] = $data["PROPERTIES"][$prop]["NAME"] . ": " . $propValue;
		if (!empty($propertyDescriptions))
			$result["DESCRIPTION_PROPERTIES"] = implode("; ", $propertyDescriptions);

		$description = strip_tags(strlen($data["~DETAIL_TEXT"]) > 0 ? $data["~DETAIL_TEXT"] : $data["~PREVIEW_TEXT"]);
		if ($description)
			$result["DESCRIPTION"] .= $description;

//		adding PRICE. Ib desc we adding prices later
		$result['PRICE'] = $data["PRICES"]["MIN_RUB"];

//		adding PHOTOS
		$photoId = (strlen($data["DETAIL_PICTURE"]) > 0) ? $data["DETAIL_PICTURE"] : $data["PREVIEW_PICTURE"];
		if ($photoId)
			$result["PHOTOS"] = array($photoId => array("PHOTO_BX_ID" => $photoId));

//		adding special VK photos
		$vkPhotosKey = 'PHOTOS_FOR_VK_' . $data["IBLOCK_ID"];
		$resOfferProps = new \_CIBElement();
		$resOfferProps->fields = array("IBLOCK_ID" => $data["IBLOCK_ID"], "ID" => $data["ID"]);
		$resOfferProps = $resOfferProps->GetProperties(array(), array("CODE" => $vkPhotosKey));
		if (!empty($resOfferProps[$vkPhotosKey]["VALUE"]))
			foreach ($resOfferProps[$vkPhotosKey]["VALUE"] as $ph)
				$result["PHOTOS_FOR_VK"][$ph] = array(
					"PHOTO_BX_ID" => $ph,
		return $result;
	 * Get main (not SKU) data.
	 * @param $data
	 * @return array
	private function getNotSkuItemData($data)
		$result = array();
		$result["BX_ID"] = $data["ID"];
		$result["IBLOCK_ID"] = $data["IBLOCK_ID"];;
		$result["NAME"] = $data["NAME"];
		$result["SECTION_ID"] = $data["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"];
		$result["CATEGORY_VK"] = $this->sectionsList->getVkCategory($data["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]);

//		todo: DELETED should depended by AVAILABLE
		$result["deleted"] = 0;
		$result["PRICE"] = $data["PRICES"]["MIN_RUB"];    // price converted in roubles
		$result["description"] = strlen($data["~DETAIL_TEXT"]) > 0 ? $data["~DETAIL_TEXT"] : $data["~PREVIEW_TEXT"];
		$result["description"] = trim(preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', "\n", $result["description"]));
//		get main photo from preview or detail
		$photoMainBxId = strlen($data["DETAIL_PICTURE"]) > 0 ? $data["DETAIL_PICTURE"] : $data["PREVIEW_PICTURE"];
		$photoMainUrl = strlen($data["DETAIL_PICTURE_URL"]) > 0 ? $data["DETAIL_PICTURE_URL"] : $data["PREVIEW_PICTURE_URL"];
		if ($photoMainBxId && $photoMainUrl)
			$result["PHOTO_MAIN"] = array(
				$photoMainBxId => array(
					"PHOTO_BX_ID" => $photoMainBxId,
					"PHOTO_URL" => $photoMainUrl,

//		adding MORE PHOTOS to the all_photos array/ Later we will checked sizes
		if (isset($data["PROPERTIES"]["MORE_PHOTO"]["VALUE"]) &&
			is_array($data["PROPERTIES"]["MORE_PHOTO"]["VALUE"]) &&
			foreach ($data["PROPERTIES"]["MORE_PHOTO"]["VALUE"] as $ph)
				$result["PHOTOS"][$ph] = array("PHOTO_BX_ID" => $ph);

//		take special VK photos
		$vkPhotosKey = 'PHOTOS_FOR_VK_' . $data["IBLOCK_ID"];
		if (isset($data["PROPERTIES"][$vkPhotosKey]["VALUE"]) &&
			is_array($data["PROPERTIES"][$vkPhotosKey]["VALUE"]) &&
			foreach ($data["PROPERTIES"][$vkPhotosKey]["VALUE"] as $ph)
				$result["PHOTOS_FOR_VK"][$ph] = array(
					"PHOTO_BX_ID" => $ph,
		return $result;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0