Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/feed/data/processors/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/tradingplatform/vk/feed/data/processors/productadd.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Feed\Data\Processors; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\TimeIsOverException; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk; use Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Timer; /** * Class ProductAdd - Processor for adding product to VK * @package Bitrix\Sale\TradingPlatform\Vk\Feed\Data\Processors */ class ProductAdd extends DataProcessor { private static $firstRunning = true; private static $albumsMapped; private static $apiHelper; private static $isAgressive; /** * Main export process method. Adding products in VK * * @param $data * @param Timer $timer - Tradingplatform\Timer to control execution time * @return bool - return true if OK or if errors it not critical. Expression if timer is over * @throws SystemException * @throws TimeIsOverException * @throws Vk\ExecuteException */ public function process($data, Timer $timer = null) { // logger use always, but rich log need only if set this option $logger = new Vk\Logger($this->exportId); if (count($data) > Vk\Vk::MAX_EXECUTION_ITEMS) { $data = array_slice($data, 0, Vk\Vk::MAX_ALBUMS); $logger->addError('TOO_MANY_PRODUCTS_TO_EXPORT'); } // get STARTPOSITION for create next process step reset($data); $startPosition = current($data); $startPosition = $startPosition["BX_ID"]; // set STATIC variables for several cycles if (self::$firstRunning) { self::$apiHelper = new Vk\Api\ApiHelper($this->exportId); self::$albumsMapped = Vk\Map::getMappedAlbums($this->exportId); self::$albumsMapped = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::changeArrayMainKey(self::$albumsMapped, 'SECTION_ID'); self::$isAgressive = self::$vk->isAgressiveExport($this->exportId); self::$firstRunning = false; } // CHECK existing products $vkExportedData = new Vk\VkExportedData($this->exportId, 'PRODUCTS'); $productsFromVk = $vkExportedData->getData(); $data = Vk\Map::checkMappingMatches($data, $productsFromVk, $this->exportId, 'PRODUCTS', self::$isAgressive); try { // check MAIN PHOTO and delete items. NO photo = NO product! foreach ($data as $item) { if (!isset($item["PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID"]) || !$item["PHOTO_MAIN_BX_ID"]) { $logger->addError("PRODUCT_WRONG_PHOTOS", $item["BX_ID"]); unset($data[$item["BX_ID"]]); } } // UPLOAD main photo // todo: need a photo mapping check before upload. if (!empty($data)) { $logger->addLog("Upload main photo"); $mainPhotoSaveResults = self::$apiHelper->uploadPhotos($data, $this->vkGroupId, 'PRODUCT_MAIN_PHOTO', $timer); $data = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::addResultToData($data, $mainPhotoSaveResults, "BX_ID"); } // UPLOAD photoS foreach ($data as &$product) { if ($product["PHOTOS"]) { $logger->addLog("Upload product photos"); $productPhotosSaveResults = self::$apiHelper->uploadPhotos($product["PHOTOS"], $this->vkGroupId, 'PRODUCT_PHOTOS', $timer); $product["PHOTOS"] = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::addResultToData($product["PHOTOS"], $productPhotosSaveResults, "PHOTO_BX_ID"); } } unset($product); // ADD or EDIT products $logger->addLog("Add or edit products", $data); $productsData = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::prepareProductsDataToVk($data); $productsAddEditResults = $this->executer->executeMarketProductAddEdit(array( "owner_id" => $this->vkGroupId, "data" => $productsData, "count" => count($productsData), )); $data = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::addResultToData($data, $productsAddEditResults, "BX_ID"); unset($productsAddEditResults, $productsData); // construct MAPPING data for success results $dataToMapping = array(); foreach ($data as $product) { if (isset($product["FLAG_PRODUCT_ADD_RESULT"]) && $product["FLAG_PRODUCT_ADD_RESULT"]) { $dataToMapping[] = array( "value_external" => $product["VK_ID"], "value_internal" => $product["BX_ID"], ); } } // adding to ALBUMS $productsToAlbums = array(); $sectionsList = new Vk\SectionsList($this->exportId); // product may have multisections - find all them $productsIds = array_keys($data); $productsMultiSections = $sectionsList->getMultiSectionsToProduct($productsIds); foreach ($productsMultiSections as $productId => $product) { foreach ($product as $sectionId) { // find album to adding current product $toAlbumSectionId = $sectionsList->getToAlbumBySection($sectionId); // prepare array to ADDING products TO ALBUMS if (isset(self::$albumsMapped[$toAlbumSectionId])) { $productsToAlbums[] = array( "BX_ID" => $productId, "VK_ID" => $data[$productId]["VK_ID"], "ALBUM_VK_ID" => self::$albumsMapped[$toAlbumSectionId]["ALBUM_VK_ID"], ); } } } $logger->addLog("Add products to albums", $productsToAlbums); $this->executer->executeMarketProductAddToAlbums(array( "owner_id" => $this->vkGroupId, "data" => $productsToAlbums, "count" => count($productsToAlbums), )); // WRITE successful results TO MAP // we don't need use timer in last operation . Timer will be checked in feed cycle. if (!empty($dataToMapping)) { Vk\Map::addProductMapping($dataToMapping, $this->exportId); } unset($dataToMapping, $product); // add saved data to CACHE to accelereate export process. Cache updated every hour (for long exports) if (!empty($data)) { $dataToCache = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::extractItemsFromArray($data, array('VK_ID')); $dataToCache = Vk\Api\ApiHelper::changeArrayMainKey($dataToCache, 'VK_ID'); $vkExportedData->addData($dataToCache); } $logger->addLog("Finish product add chunk"); // check timer before next step, because not-agressive export can be run very long time if ($timer !== null && !$timer->check()) { throw new TimeIsOverException(); } } catch (TimeIsOverException $e) { throw new TimeIsOverException("Timelimit for export is over", $startPosition); } return true; } }