Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/scale/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/scale/lib/action.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Scale; use Bitrix\Main\IO\File; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class Action * @package Bitrix\Scale */ class Action { protected $id = ""; protected $userParams = array(); protected $freeParams = array(); protected $actionParams = array(); protected $serverHostname = ""; protected $shellAdapter = null; protected $result = array(); protected $logLevel = Logger::LOG_LEVEL_INFO; /** * @param string $actionId * @param array $actionParams * @param string $serverHostname * @param array $userParams * @param array $freeParams * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct($actionId, $actionParams, $serverHostname="", $userParams = array(), $freeParams = array()) { if(strlen($actionId) <= 0) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("actionId"); if(!is_array($actionParams) || empty($actionParams)) throw new \Exception("Params of action ".$actionId." are not defined correctly!"); if(!isset($actionParams["START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE"]) || strlen($actionParams["START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE"]) <= 0) throw new \Exception("Required param START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE of action ".$actionId." are not defined!"); if(!is_array($userParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("userParams", "array"); if(!is_array($freeParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("freeParams", "array"); $this->id = $actionId; $this->userParams = $userParams; $this->freeParams = $freeParams; $this->actionParams = $actionParams; $this->serverHostname = $serverHostname; $this->shellAdapter = new ShellAdapter; if(isset($actionParams["LOG_LEVEL"])) $this->logLevel = $actionParams["LOG_LEVEL"]; } protected function getServerParams() { return ServersData::getServer($this->serverHostname); } /** * Makes command for shell action execution * @param array $inputParams * @return string - command to execute * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException */ protected function makeStartCommand($inputParams = array()) { if(!is_array($inputParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("inputParams", "array"); $retStr = $this->actionParams["START_COMMAND_TEMPLATE"]; foreach ($this->userParams as $key => $paramValue) { if($this->actionParams['USER_PARAMS'][$key]['THROUGH_FILE'] == 'Y') { if(strlen($paramValue) > 0) { $tmpDir = Helper::getTmpDir(); $tmpFile = $tmpDir.'/.'.randString(); $res = File::putFileContents($tmpFile, $paramValue); if($res === false) return ''; $paramValue = $tmpFile; } } $retStr = str_replace('##USER_PARAMS:'.$key.'##', $paramValue, $retStr); } if(strlen($this->serverHostname) > 0 && $this->serverHostname != "global") { $serverParams = $this->getServerParams(); $serverParams["hostname"] = $this->serverHostname; if(is_array($serverParams)) foreach ($serverParams as $key => $paramValue) $retStr = str_replace('##SERVER_PARAMS:'.$key.'##', $paramValue, $retStr); } if(!empty($inputParams)) foreach ($inputParams as $key => $paramValue) $retStr = str_replace('##INPUT_PARAMS:'.$key.'##', $paramValue, $retStr); if(isset($this->actionParams["CODE_PARAMS"]) && is_array($this->actionParams["CODE_PARAMS"])) { foreach($this->actionParams["CODE_PARAMS"] as $paramId => $paramCode) { $func = create_function("", $paramCode); if(is_callable($func)) { $res = $func(); $retStr = str_replace('##CODE_PARAMS:'.$paramId.'##', $res, $retStr); } } } foreach ($this->freeParams as $key => $paramValue) $retStr = str_replace('##'.$key.'##', $paramValue, $retStr); return $retStr; } /** * Starts the action execution * @param array $inputParams - params from previously started actions * @return int code returned by shell * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException * @throws \Exception */ public function start(array $inputParams = array()) { if(!is_array($inputParams)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException("inputParams", "array"); if(isset($this->actionParams["MODIFYERS"]) && is_array($this->actionParams["MODIFYERS"])) { $needMoreUserInfo = false; foreach($this->actionParams["MODIFYERS"] as $modifyerFunction) { if(is_callable($modifyerFunction)) { try { $this->actionParams = call_user_func($modifyerFunction, $this->id, $this->actionParams, $this->serverHostname, $this->userParams); } catch(NeedMoreUserInfoException $e) { $this->actionParams = $e->getActionParams(); $needMoreUserInfo = true; } } } if($needMoreUserInfo) throw new NeedMoreUserInfoException("Need more user's info", $this->actionParams); } $result = null; $output = ''; $arOutput = array(); $command = $this->makeStartCommand($inputParams); if(strlen($command) > 0) { $result = $this->shellAdapter->syncExec($command); $output = $this->shellAdapter->getLastOutput(); $arOutput = array(); if(strlen($output) > 0) { $arOut = json_decode($output, true); if(is_array($arOut) && !empty($arOut)) $arOutput = $arOut; } //error returned by shell $error = $this->shellAdapter->getLastError(); //error returned by bitrix-env if(isset($arOutput["error"]) && intval($arOutput["error"]) > 0 && isset($arOutput["message"]) && strlen($arOutput["message"]) > 0) $error .= " ".$arOutput["message"]; $this->makeLogRecords($command, $result, $output, $error); } else //$command == '' { $result = false; $error = 'Cant\'t create command for action execution'; } $this->result = array( $this->id => array( "NAME" => isset($this->actionParams["NAME"]) ? $this->actionParams["NAME"] : "[".$this->id."]", "RESULT" => $result ? "OK" : "ERROR", "OUTPUT" => array( "TEXT" => $output, "DATA" => $arOutput ), "ERROR" => $error ) ); return $result; } /** * @return array Last command execution results */ public function getResult() { return $this->result; } protected function makeLogRecords($command = "", $result = null, $output = "", $error = "") { if(strlen($command) > 0) { //cut password data from log records $preg = "/(-p.*\s+|--mysql_password=.*\s+|--cluster_password=.*\s+|--replica_password=.*\s+|--password=.*\s+)/is"; $command = preg_replace($preg, ' PASS_PARAMS ', $command); $this->log( ($result ? Logger::LOG_LEVEL_INFO : Logger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR), "SCALE_ACTION_STARTED", $this->actionParams["NAME"], $command ); } if($result !== null) { $this->log( ($result ? Logger::LOG_LEVEL_INFO : Logger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR), "SCALE_ACTION_RESULT", $this->actionParams["NAME"], $result ? Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ACTION_RESULT_SUCCESS") : Loc::getMessage("SCALE_ACTION_RESULT_ERROR") ); } if(strlen($output) > 0) { $this->log( Logger::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "SCALE_ACTION_OUTPUT", $this->actionParams["NAME"], $output ); } if(strlen($error) > 0) { $this->log( Logger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SCALE_ACTION_ERROR", $this->actionParams["NAME"], $error ); } } protected function log($level, $auditType, $actionId, $description) { if($this->logLevel < $level) return false; return Logger::addRecord($level, $auditType, $actionId, $description); } }