Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/search/classes/mysql/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/search/classes/mysql/search.php |
<?php require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/search/classes/general/search.php"); class CSearch extends CAllSearch { /* var $arForumTopics = array(); function DBNavStart() { //total rows count $this->NavRecordCount = mysql_num_rows($this->result); if($this->NavRecordCount < 1) return; if($this->NavShowAll) $this->NavPageSize = $this->NavRecordCount; //calculate total pages depend on rows count. start with 1 $this->NavPageCount = floor($this->NavRecordCount/$this->NavPageSize); if($this->NavRecordCount % $this->NavPageSize > 0) $this->NavPageCount++; //page number to display. start with 1 $this->NavPageNomer = ($this->PAGEN < 1 || $this->PAGEN > $this->NavPageCount? ($_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] < 1 || $_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN] > $this->NavPageCount? 1:$_SESSION[$this->SESS_PAGEN]):$this->PAGEN); //rows to skip $NavFirstRecordShow = $this->NavPageSize * ($this->NavPageNomer-1); $NavLastRecordShow = $this->NavPageSize; if($this->SqlTraceIndex) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $start_time = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } while($NavFirstRecordShow > 0) { if(($res = mysql_fetch_array($this->result, MYSQL_ASSOC))) { if( $res["MODULE_ID"] == "forum" && array_key_exists($res["PARAM2"], $this->arForumTopics) ) $this->NavRecordCount--; //eat forum topic duplicates elseif( $res["module"] == "forum" && array_key_exists($res["param2"], $this->arForumTopics) ) $this->NavRecordCount--; //eat forum topic duplicates else $NavFirstRecordShow--; if($res["MODULE_ID"] == "forum") $this->arForumTopics[$res["PARAM2"]] = true; elseif($res["module"] == "forum") $this->arForumTopics[$res["param2"]] = true; } else { break; } } $temp_arrray = array(); while($NavLastRecordShow > 0) { if(($res = mysql_fetch_array($this->result, MYSQL_ASSOC))) { if( $res["MODULE_ID"] == "forum" && array_key_exists($res["PARAM2"], $this->arForumTopics) ) $this->NavRecordCount--; //eat forum topic duplicates elseif( $res["module"] == "forum" && array_key_exists($res["param2"], $this->arForumTopics) ) $this->NavRecordCount--; //eat forum topic duplicates else { if($this->arUserMultyFields) foreach($this->arUserMultyFields as $FIELD_NAME=>$flag) if($res[$FIELD_NAME]) $res[$FIELD_NAME] = unserialize($res[$FIELD_NAME]); $temp_arrray[] = $res; $NavLastRecordShow--; } if($res["MODULE_ID"] == "forum") $this->arForumTopics[$res["PARAM2"]] = true; elseif($res["module"] == "forum") $this->arForumTopics[$res["param2"]] = true; } else { break; } } //Adjust total pages depend on rows count. start with 1 $this->NavPageCount = floor($this->NavRecordCount/$this->NavPageSize); if($this->NavRecordCount % $this->NavPageSize > 0) $this->NavPageCount++; if($this->SqlTraceIndex) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); $end_time = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $exec_time = round($end_time-$start_time, 10); $GLOBALS["DB"]->arQueryDebug[$this->SqlTraceIndex - 1]["TIME"] += $exec_time; $GLOBALS["DB"]->timeQuery += $exec_time; } $this->nSelectedCount = $this->NavRecordCount; $this->arResult = $temp_arrray; } */ function MakeSQL($query, $strSqlWhere, $strSort, $bIncSites, $bStem) { global $USER; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $bDistinct = false; $arSelect = array( "ID" => "sc.ID", "MODULE_ID" => "sc.MODULE_ID", "ITEM_ID" => "sc.ITEM_ID", "TITLE" => "sc.TITLE", "TAGS" => "sc.TAGS", "PARAM1" => "sc.PARAM1", "PARAM2" => "sc.PARAM2", "UPD" => "sc.UPD", "DATE_FROM" => "sc.DATE_FROM", "DATE_TO" => "sc.DATE_TO", "URL" => "sc.URL", "CUSTOM_RANK" => "sc.CUSTOM_RANK", "FULL_DATE_CHANGE" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE", "DATE_CHANGE" => $DB->DateToCharFunction("sc.DATE_CHANGE", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE", ); if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) { if ($this->Query->bText) $arSelect["SEARCHABLE_CONTENT"] = "sct.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT"; $arSelect["USER_ID"] = "sc.USER_ID"; } else { $arSelect["LID"] = "sc.LID"; $arSelect["SEARCHABLE_CONTENT"] = "sc.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT"; } if (strpos($strSort, "TITLE_RANK") !== false) { $strSelect = ""; if ($bStem) { foreach ($this->Query->m_stemmed_words as $stem) { if (strlen($strSelect) > 0) $strSelect .= " + "; $strSelect .= "if(locate('".$stem."', upper(sc.TITLE)) > 0, 1, 0)"; } $arSelect["TITLE_RANK"] = $strSelect." as TITLE_RANK"; } else { foreach ($this->Query->m_words as $word) { if (strlen($strSelect) > 0) $strSelect .= " + "; $strSelect .= "if(locate('".$DB->ForSql(ToUpper($word))."', upper(sc.TITLE)) > 0, 1, 0)"; } $arSelect["TITLE_RANK"] = $strSelect." as TITLE_RANK"; } } $strStemList = ''; if ($bStem) { if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) $strStemList = implode(", ", $this->Query->m_stemmed_words_id); else $strStemList = "'".implode("' ,'", $this->Query->m_stemmed_words)."'"; } $bWordPos = BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1 && COption::GetOptionString("search", "use_word_distance") == "Y"; if ($bIncSites && $bStem) { $arSelect["SITE_URL"] = "scsite.URL as SITE_URL"; $arSelect["SITE_ID"] = "scsite.SITE_ID"; if (!preg_match("/(sc|sct)./", $query)) { $strSqlWhere = preg_replace('#AND\\(st.TF >= [0-9\.,]+\\)#i', "", $strSqlWhere); if (count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1) $arSelect["RANK"] = "stt.RANK as `RANK`"; else $arSelect["RANK"] = "stt.TF as `RANK`"; $strSql = " FROM b_search_content sc ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "INNER JOIN ( select search_content_id, max(st.TF) TF, ".($bWordPos? "if(STDDEV(st.PS)-".$this->normdev(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words))." between -0.000001 and 1, 1/STDDEV(st.PS), 0) + ": "")."sum(st.TF/sf.FREQ) as `RANK` from b_search_content_stem st, b_search_content_freq sf where st.language_id = '".$this->Query->m_lang."' and st.stem = sf.stem and sf.language_id = st.language_id and st.stem in (".$strStemList.") ".($this->tf_hwm > 0? "and st.TF >= ".number_format($this->tf_hwm, 2, ".", ""): "")." ".(strlen($this->tf_hwm_site_id) > 0? "and sf.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($this->tf_hwm_site_id, 2)."'": "and sf.SITE_ID IS NULL")." group by st.search_content_id having (".$query.") ) stt ON sc.id = stt.search_content_id" : "INNER JOIN b_search_content_stem stt ON sc.id = stt.search_content_id" )." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "": " and stt.language_id = '".$this->Query->m_lang."' and stt.stem in (".$strStemList.") ".($this->tf_hwm > 0? "and stt.TF >= ".number_format($this->tf_hwm, 2, ".", ""): "")."")." ".$strSqlWhere." "; } else { if (count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1) { if ($bWordPos) $arSelect["RANK"] = "if(STDDEV(st.PS)-".$this->normdev(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words))." between -0.000001 and 1, 1/STDDEV(st.PS), 0) + sum(st.TF/sf.FREQ) as `RANK`"; else $arSelect["RANK"] = "sum(st.TF/sf.FREQ) as `RANK`"; } else { $arSelect["RANK"] = "st.TF as `RANK`"; } $strSql = " FROM b_search_content sc ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID INNER JOIN b_search_content_stem st ON sc.id = st.search_content_id+0 ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_freq sf ON st.language_id = sf.language_id and st.stem=sf.stem ".(strlen($this->tf_hwm_site_id) > 0? "and sf.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($this->tf_hwm_site_id, 2)."'": "and sf.SITE_ID IS NULL" ): "" )." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND st.STEM in (".$strStemList.") ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "AND sf.STEM in (".$strStemList.")": "")." AND st.language_id='".$this->Query->m_lang."' ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY sc.ID ,scsite.URL ,scsite.SITE_ID HAVING (".$query.") "; } } elseif ($bIncSites && !$bStem) { $bDistinct = true; $arSelect["SITE_URL"] = "scsite.URL as SITE_URL"; $arSelect["SITE_ID"] = "scsite.SITE_ID"; $arSelect["RANK"] = "1 as `RANK`"; if ($this->Query->bTagsSearch) { $strSql = " FROM b_search_content sc ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID INNER JOIN b_search_tags stags ON (sc.ID = stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." ".$strSqlWhere." ".(is_array($this->Query->m_tags_words) && count($this->Query->m_tags_words) > 0? "AND stags.NAME in ('".implode("','", $this->Query->m_tags_words)."')": "")." GROUP BY sc.ID ,scsite.URL ,scsite.SITE_ID HAVING ".$query." "; } else { $strSql = " FROM ".($this->Query->bText? " b_search_content_text sct INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON sc.ID = sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID = scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID ": " b_search_content sc INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID = scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID ")." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND (".$query.") ".$strSqlWhere." "; } } elseif (!$bIncSites && $bStem) { if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION <= 1) $arSelect["SITE_ID"] = "sc.LID as SITE_ID"; if (count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1) { if ($bWordPos) $arSelect["RANK"] = "if(STDDEV(st.PS)-".$this->normdev(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words))." between -0.000001 and 1, 1/STDDEV(st.PS), 0) + sum(st.TF/sf.FREQ) as `RANK`"; else $arSelect["RANK"] = "sum(st.TF/sf.FREQ) as `RANK`"; } else { $arSelect["RANK"] = "st.TF as `RANK`"; } $strSql = " FROM b_search_content sc ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_stem st ON sc.id = st.search_content_id ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_freq sf ON st.language_id = sf.language_id and st.stem=sf.stem ".(strlen($this->tf_hwm_site_id) > 0? "and sf.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($this->tf_hwm_site_id, 2)."'": "and sf.SITE_ID IS NULL" ): "" )." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND st.STEM in (".$strStemList.") ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "AND sf.STEM in (".$strStemList.")": "")." AND st.language_id='".$this->Query->m_lang."' ".$strSqlWhere." ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? " GROUP BY sc.ID HAVING (".$query.") ": "")." "; } else //if(!$bIncSites && !$bStem) { $bDistinct = true; if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION <= 1) $arSelect["SITE_ID"] = "sc.LID as SITE_ID"; $arSelect["RANK"] = "1 as `RANK`"; $strSql = " FROM b_search_content sc ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? "INNER JOIN b_search_tags stags ON (sc.ID = stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." ".$strSqlWhere." ".(is_array($this->Query->m_tags_words) && count($this->Query->m_tags_words) > 0? "AND stags.NAME in ('".implode("','", $this->Query->m_tags_words)."')": "")." GROUP BY sc.ID HAVING (".$query.")": " WHERE (".$query.") ".$strSqlWhere." ")." "; } if ($this->offset === false) { $limit = $this->limit; } else { $limit = $this->offset.", ".$this->limit; } $strRatingJoin = ""; $RATING_MAX = 0; $RATING_MIN = 0; if ( ($this->flagsUseRatingSort & 0x01) && COption::GetOptionString("search", "use_social_rating") == "Y" && BX_SEARCH_VERSION == 2 && COption::GetOptionString("search", "dbnode_id") <= 0 ) { $rsMinMax = $DB->Query("select max(TOTAL_VALUE) RATING_MAX, min(TOTAL_VALUE) RATING_MIN from b_rating_voting"); $arMinMax = $rsMinMax->Fetch(); if ($arMinMax) { $RATING_MAX = doubleval($arMinMax["RATING_MAX"]); if ($RATING_MAX < 0) $RATING_MAX = 0; $RATING_MIN = doubleval($arMinMax["RATING_MIN"]); if ($RATING_MIN > 0) $RATING_MIN = 0; } if ($RATING_MAX != 0 || $RATING_MIN != 0) { $arSelectOuter = array(); $arSelectOuterFields = array( "BODY", ); foreach ($arSelectOuterFields as $outerField) { if (isset($arSelect[$outerField])) $arSelectOuter[$outerField] = $arSelect[$outerField]; unset($arSelect[$outerField]); } $strSelectOuter = "SELECT sc0.*".($arSelectOuter? ", ".implode(", ", $arSelectOuter): ""); $strSelectInner = "SELECT ".($bDistinct? "DISTINCT": "")."\n".implode("\n,", $arSelect); return " ".$strSelectOuter.", sc0.`RANK` + if(rv.TOTAL_VALUE > 0, ".($RATING_MAX > 0? "rv.TOTAL_VALUE/".$RATING_MAX: "0").", if(rv.TOTAL_VALUE < 0, ".($RATING_MIN < 0? "rv.TOTAL_VALUE/".abs($RATING_MIN): "0").", 0 )) SRANK ,".$DB->IsNull('rvv.VALUE', '0')." RATING_USER_VOTE_VALUE ,sc.ENTITY_TYPE_ID RATING_TYPE_ID ,sc.ENTITY_ID RATING_ENTITY_ID ,rv.TOTAL_VOTES RATING_TOTAL_VOTES ,rv.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES RATING_TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES ,rv.TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES RATING_TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES ,rv.TOTAL_VALUE RATING_TOTAL_VALUE FROM ( ".$strSelectInner." ".$strSql.$strSort."\nLIMIT ".$limit." ) sc0 INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON sc.ID = sc0.ID LEFT JOIN b_rating_voting rv ON rv.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = sc.ENTITY_TYPE_ID AND rv.ENTITY_ID = sc.ENTITY_ID LEFT JOIN b_rating_vote rvv ON rvv.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = sc.ENTITY_TYPE_ID AND rvv.ENTITY_ID = sc.ENTITY_ID AND rvv.USER_ID = ".intval($USER->GetId())." ".str_replace(" `RANK`", " SRANK", $strSort); } } $strSelect = "SELECT ".($bDistinct? "DISTINCT": "")."\n".implode("\n,", $arSelect); return $strSelect."\n".$strSql.$strSort."\nLIMIT ".$limit; } function tagsMakeSQL($query, $strSqlWhere, $strSort, $bIncSites, $bStem, $limit = 100) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $limit = intVal($limit); if ($bStem && count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1) {//We have to make some magic in case quotes was used in query //We have to move (sc.searchable_content LIKE '%".ToUpper($word)."%') from $query to $strSqlWhere $arMatches = array(); while (preg_match("/(AND\s+\([sct]+.searchable_content LIKE \'\%.+?\%\'\))/", $query, $arMatches)) { $strSqlWhere .= $arMatches[0]; $query = str_replace($arMatches[0], "", $query); $arMatches = array(); } } if ($bStem) { if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) $strStemList = implode(", ", $this->Query->m_stemmed_words_id); else $strStemList = "'".implode("' ,'", $this->Query->m_stemmed_words)."'"; } if ($bIncSites && $bStem) $strSql = " SELECT stags.NAME ,COUNT(DISTINCT stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) as CNT ,MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE) DC_TMP ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1 && strpos($query, "searchable_content") !== false ? (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1? ",sct.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT": ",sc.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT") : "" )." FROM b_search_tags stags INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=sc.ID) ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID INNER JOIN b_search_content_stem st ON sc.id = st.search_content_id ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_freq sf ON st.language_id = sf.language_id and st.stem=sf.stem ".(strlen($this->tf_hwm_site_id) > 0? "and sf.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($this->tf_hwm_site_id, 2)."'": "and sf.SITE_ID IS NULL" ): "" )." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND st.STEM in (".$strStemList.") ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "AND sf.STEM in (".$strStemList.")": "")." AND st.language_id='".$this->Query->m_lang."' AND stags.SITE_ID = scsite.SITE_ID ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY stags.NAME ".((count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1)? " HAVING (".$query.") ": "")." ".$strSort." "; elseif ($bIncSites && !$bStem) { //Copy first exists into inner join in hopeless try to defeat MySQL optimizer $strSqlJoin2 = ""; $match = array(); if ($strSqlWhere && preg_match('#\\s*EXISTS \\(SELECT \\* FROM b_search_content_param WHERE (SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc\\.ID AND PARAM_NAME = \'[^\']+\' AND PARAM_VALUE(\\s*= \'[^\']+\'|\\s+in \\(\'[^\']+\'\\)))\\)#', $strSqlWhere, $match)) { $strSqlJoin2 = "INNER JOIN b_search_content_param scp ON scp.$match[1]"; } if ($query == "1=1") { $strSql = " SELECT stags2.NAME ,COUNT(DISTINCT stags2.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) as CNT ,MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE) DC_TMP ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE FROM b_search_tags stags2 INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON (stags2.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=sc.ID) ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON (sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID AND stags2.SITE_ID=scsite.SITE_ID) ".$strSqlJoin2." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? ( //Index range scan optimization (make it for other queries ???) is_array($this->Query->m_tags_words) && count($this->Query->m_tags_words)? "stags.name in ('".implode("', '", $this->Query->m_tags_words)."')": "(1=1)" ): "(".$query.")")." ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY stags2.NAME ".$strSort." "; } else { $strSql = " SELECT stags2.NAME ,COUNT(DISTINCT stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) as CNT ,MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE) DC_TMP ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE FROM b_search_tags stags2 INNER JOIN b_search_tags stags ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=stags2.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID and stags.SITE_ID=stags2.SITE_ID) INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=sc.ID) ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_site scsite ON (sc.ID=scsite.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID AND stags.SITE_ID=scsite.SITE_ID) ".$strSqlJoin2." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? ( //Index range scan optimization (make it for other queries ???) is_array($this->Query->m_tags_words) && count($this->Query->m_tags_words)? "stags.name in ('".implode("', '", $this->Query->m_tags_words)."')": "(1=1)" ): "(".$query.")")." ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY stags2.NAME ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? " HAVING (".$query.")": "")." ".$strSort." "; } } elseif (!$bIncSites && $bStem) $strSql = " SELECT stags.NAME ,COUNT(DISTINCT stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) as CNT ,MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE) DC_TMP , ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE , ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1 && strpos($query, "searchable_content") !== false ? (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1? ",sct.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT": ",sc.SEARCHABLE_CONTENT") : "" )." FROM b_search_tags stags INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=sc.ID) ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." INNER JOIN b_search_content_stem st ON sc.id = st.search_content_id ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_freq sf ON st.language_id = sf.language_id and st.stem=sf.stem ".(strlen($this->tf_hwm_site_id) > 0? "and sf.SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($this->tf_hwm_site_id, 2)."'": "and sf.SITE_ID IS NULL" ): "" )." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND st.STEM in (".$strStemList.") ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? "AND sf.STEM in (".$strStemList.")": "")." AND st.language_id='".$this->Query->m_lang."' ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY stags.NAME ".(count($this->Query->m_stemmed_words) > 1? " ,sc.ID HAVING (".$query.") ": "")." ".$strSort." "; else //if(!$bIncSites && !$bStem) $strSql = " SELECT stags2.NAME ,COUNT(DISTINCT stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID) as CNT ,MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE) DC_TMP ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)")." as FULL_DATE_CHANGE ,".$DB->DateToCharFunction("MAX(sc.DATE_CHANGE)", "SHORT")." as DATE_CHANGE FROM b_search_tags stags2 INNER JOIN b_search_tags stags ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=stags2.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID and stags.SITE_ID=stags2.SITE_ID) INNER JOIN b_search_content sc ON (stags.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID=sc.ID) ".($this->Query->bText? "INNER JOIN b_search_content_text sct ON sct.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = sc.ID": "")." WHERE ".CSearch::CheckPermissions("sc.ID")." AND ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? ( //Index range scan optimization (make it for other queries ???) is_array($this->Query->m_tags_words) && count($this->Query->m_tags_words)? "stags.name in ('".implode("', '", $this->Query->m_tags_words)."')": "(1=1)" ): "(".$query.")")." ".$strSqlWhere." GROUP BY stags2.NAME ".($this->Query->bTagsSearch? " HAVING (".$query.")": "")." ".$strSort." "; if ($limit < 1) $limit = 150; return $strSql."LIMIT ".$limit; } public static function ReindexLock() { //do not lock for mysql database } public static function OnLangDelete($lang) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $DB->Query(" DELETE FROM b_search_content_site WHERE SITE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($lang)."' ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); CSearchTags::CleanCache(); } public static function FormatDateString($strField) { return "DATE_FORMAT(".$strField.", '%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s')"; } public static function FormatLimit($strSql, $limit) { return str_replace("/*TOP*/", "", $strSql)."LIMIT ".intval($limit); } public static function CleanFreqCache($ID) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $DB->Query(" UPDATE b_search_content_freq F, b_search_content_stem S SET F.TF = null WHERE F.TF is not null AND F.LANGUAGE_ID = S.LANGUAGE_ID AND F.STEM = S.STEM AND S.SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".intval($ID)." ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } public static function IndexTitle($arLID, $ID, $sTitle) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); static $CACHE_SITE_LANGS = array(); $ID = intval($ID); $arLang = array(); if (!is_array($arLID)) $arLID = Array(); foreach ($arLID as $site => $url) { $sql_site = $DB->ForSql($site); if (!array_key_exists($site, $CACHE_SITE_LANGS)) { $db_site_tmp = CSite::GetByID($site); if ($ar_site_tmp = $db_site_tmp->Fetch()) $CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site] = array( "LANGUAGE_ID" => $ar_site_tmp["LANGUAGE_ID"], "CHARSET" => $ar_site_tmp["CHARSET"], "SERVER_NAME" => $ar_site_tmp["SERVER_NAME"] ); else $CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site] = false; } if (is_array($CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site])) { $lang = $CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site]["LANGUAGE_ID"]; $arTitle = stemming_split($sTitle, $lang); if (!empty($arTitle)) { $maxValuesLen = 2048; $strSqlPrefix = " insert ignore into b_search_content_title (SEARCH_CONTENT_ID, SITE_ID, WORD, POS) values "; $strSqlValues = ""; $strSqlSuffix = ""; foreach ($arTitle as $word => $pos) { $strSqlValues .= ",\n(".$ID.", '".$sql_site."', '".$DB->ForSql($word)."', ".$pos.")"; if (strlen($strSqlValues) > $maxValuesLen) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } if (strlen($strSqlValues) > 0) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } } } } public static function RegisterStem($stem) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); static $cache = array(); if (is_array($stem)) //This is batch check of the already exist stems { ksort($stem); $strSqlPrefix = "select * from b_search_stem where stem in ("; $maxValuesLen = 4096; $maxValuesCnt = 1500; $strSqlValues = ""; $i = 0; foreach ($stem as $word => $count) { $strSqlValues .= ",'".$DB->ForSQL($word)."'"; $i++; if (strlen($strSqlValues) > $maxValuesLen || $i > $maxValuesCnt) { $rs = $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 1).")", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $cache[$ar["STEM"]] = $ar["ID"]; $strSqlValues = ""; $i = 0; } } if (strlen($strSqlValues) > 0) { $rs = $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 1).")", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $cache[$ar["STEM"]] = $ar["ID"]; } return; } if (!isset($cache[$stem])) { $rs = $DB->Query("insert into b_search_stem (STEM) values ('".$DB->ForSQL($stem)."')", true); if ($rs === false) { $rs = $DB->Query("select ID from b_search_stem WHERE STEM = '".$DB->ForSQL($stem)."'"); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); $cache[$stem] = $ar["ID"]; } else { $cache[$stem] = $DB->LastID(); } } return $cache[$stem]; } public static function StemIndex($arLID, $ID, $sContent) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); static $CACHE_SITE_LANGS = array(); $ID = intval($ID); $arLang = array(); if (!is_array($arLID)) $arLID = array(); foreach ($arLID as $site => $url) { if (!array_key_exists($site, $CACHE_SITE_LANGS)) { $db_site_tmp = CSite::GetByID($site); if ($ar_site_tmp = $db_site_tmp->Fetch()) $CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site] = array( "LANGUAGE_ID" => $ar_site_tmp["LANGUAGE_ID"], "CHARSET" => $ar_site_tmp["CHARSET"], "SERVER_NAME" => $ar_site_tmp["SERVER_NAME"] ); else $CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site] = false; } if (is_array($CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site])) $arLang[$CACHE_SITE_LANGS[$site]["LANGUAGE_ID"]] = true; } foreach ($arLang as $lang => $value) { $sql_lang = $DB->ForSql($lang); $arDoc = stemming($sContent, $lang); $docLength = array_sum($arDoc); if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) { $arPos = stemming($sContent, $lang, /*$bIgnoreStopWords*/ false, /*$bReturnPositions*/ true); CSearch::RegisterStem($arDoc); } if ($docLength > 0) { $doc = ""; $logDocLength = log($docLength < 20? 20: $docLength); $strSqlPrefix = " insert ignore into b_search_content_stem (SEARCH_CONTENT_ID, LANGUAGE_ID, STEM, TF".(BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1? ",PS": "").") values "; $maxValuesLen = 2048; $strSqlValues = ""; if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) { foreach ($arDoc as $word => $count) { $stem_id = CSearch::RegisterStem($word); //This is almost impossible, but happens if ($stem_id > 0) $strSqlValues .= ",\n(" .$ID .", '".$sql_lang."'" .", ".CSearch::RegisterStem($word) .", ".number_format(log($count + 1) / $logDocLength, 4, ".", "") .", ".number_format($arPos[$word] / $count, 4, ".", "") .")"; if (strlen($strSqlValues) > $maxValuesLen) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } } else { foreach ($arDoc as $word => $count) { $strSqlValues .= ",\n(" .$ID .", '".$sql_lang."'" .", '".$DB->ForSQL($word)."'" .", ".number_format(log($count + 1) / $logDocLength, 4, ".", "") .")"; if (strlen($strSqlValues) > $maxValuesLen) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } } if (strlen($strSqlValues) > 0) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } } } public static function TagsIndex($arLID, $ID, $sContent) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $ID = intval($ID); if (!is_array($arLID)) $arLID = Array(); $sContent = str_replace("\x00", "", $sContent); foreach ($arLID as $site_id => $url) { $sql_site_id = $DB->ForSQL($site_id); $arTags = tags_prepare($sContent, $site_id); if (!empty($arTags)) { $strSqlPrefix = " insert ignore into b_search_tags (SEARCH_CONTENT_ID, SITE_ID, NAME) values "; $maxValuesLen = 2048; $strSqlValues = ""; CSearchTags::CleanCache($arTags); foreach ($arTags as $tag) { $strSqlValues .= ",\n(".$ID.", '".$sql_site_id."', '".$DB->ForSql($tag, 255)."')"; if (strlen($strSqlValues) > $maxValuesLen) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } if (strlen($strSqlValues) > 0) { $DB->Query($strSqlPrefix.substr($strSqlValues, 2), false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $strSqlValues = ""; } } } } public static function UpdateSite($ID, $arSITE_ID) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $ID = intval($ID); if (!is_array($arSITE_ID)) { $DB->Query(" DELETE FROM b_search_content_site WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".$ID." ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } else { $rsSite = $DB->Query(" SELECT SITE_ID, URL FROM b_search_content_site WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".$ID." ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($arSite = $rsSite->Fetch()) { if (!array_key_exists($arSite["SITE_ID"], $arSITE_ID)) { $DB->Query(" DELETE FROM b_search_content_site WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".$ID." AND SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arSite["SITE_ID"])."' ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } else { if ($arSite["URL"] !== $arSITE_ID[$arSite["SITE_ID"]]) { $DB->Query(" UPDATE b_search_content_site SET URL = '".$DB->ForSql($arSITE_ID[$arSite["SITE_ID"]], 2000)."' WHERE SEARCH_CONTENT_ID = ".$ID." AND SITE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arSite["SITE_ID"])."' ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } unset($arSITE_ID[$arSite["SITE_ID"]]); } } foreach ($arSITE_ID as $site => $url) { $DB->Query(" REPLACE INTO b_search_content_site(SEARCH_CONTENT_ID, SITE_ID, URL) VALUES(".$ID.", '".$DB->ForSql($site, 2)."', '".$DB->ForSql($url, 2000)."') ", false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } } } } class CSearchQuery extends CAllSearchQuery { var $cnt = 0; function BuildWhereClause($word) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('search'); $this->cnt++; if ($this->cnt > 10) return "1=1"; if (isset($this->m_kav[$word])) { $word = $this->m_kav[$word]; $bInQuotes = true; } else { $bInQuotes = false; } $this->m_words[] = $word; $word = $DB->ForSql($word, 100); if ($this->bTagsSearch) { if (strpos($word, "%") === false) { //We can optimize query by doing range scan if (is_array($this->m_tags_words)) $this->m_tags_words[] = $word; $op = "="; } else { //Optimization is not possible $this->m_tags_words = false; $op = "like"; } return "(sum(stags.name ".$op." '".$word."')>0)"; } elseif ($this->bStemming && !$bInQuotes) { $word = ToUpper($word); $this->m_stemmed_words[] = $word; if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) { $rs = $DB->Query("select ID from b_search_stem where STEM='".$DB->ForSQL($word)."'"); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); $this->m_stemmed_words_id[] = intval($ar["ID"]); return "(sum(st.stem = ".intval($ar["ID"]).")>0)"; } else { return "(sum(st.stem = '".$word."')>0)"; } } else { if (BX_SEARCH_VERSION > 1) { $this->bText = true; return "(sct.searchable_content LIKE '%".str_replace(array("%", "_"), array("\\%", "\\_"), ToUpper($word))."%')"; } else { return "(sc.searchable_content LIKE '%".str_replace(array("%", "_"), array("\\%", "\\_"), ToUpper($word))."%')"; } } } }