Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/search/tools/en/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/search/tools/en/stemming.php |
<?php global $STEMMING_EN_STEP2A; $STEMMING_EN_STEP2A = array( "TIONAL" => "TION", "ENCI" => "ENCE", "ANCI" => "ANCE", "ABLI" => "ABLE", "ENTLI" => "ENT", "IZER" => "IZE", "IZATION" => "IZE", "ATIONAL" => "ATE", "ATION" => "ATE", "ATOR" => "ATE", "ALISM" => "AL", "ALITI" => "AL", "ALLI" => "AL", "FULNESS" => "FUL", "OUSLI" => "OUS", "OUSNESS" => "OUS", "IVENESS" => "IVE", "IVITI" => "IVE", "BILITI" => "BLE", "BLI" => "BLE", "FULLI" => "FUL", "LESSLI" => "LESS" ); global $STEMMING_EN_STEP2; $STEMMING_EN_STEP2 = "/(".implode("|", array_keys($STEMMING_EN_STEP2A))."|OGI|LI)$/"; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP3A; $STEMMING_EN_STEP3A = array( "TIONAL" => "TION", "ATIONAL" => "ATE", "ALIZE" => "AL", "ICATE" => "IC", "ICITI" => "IC", "ICAL" => "IC", "FUL" => "", "NESS" => "" ); global $STEMMING_EN_STEP3; $STEMMING_EN_STEP3 = "/(".implode("|", array_keys($STEMMING_EN_STEP3A))."|ATIVE)$/"; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP4A; $STEMMING_EN_STEP4A = array( "AL", "ANCE", "ENCE", "ER", "IC", "ABLE", "IBLE", "ANT", "EMENT", "MENT", "ENT", "ISM", "ATE", "ITI", "OUS", "IVE", "IZE" ); global $STEMMING_EN_STEP4; $STEMMING_EN_STEP4 = "/(".implode("|", $STEMMING_EN_STEP4A)."|ION)$/"; global $STEMMING_EN_EX1; $STEMMING_EN_EX1 = array( "SKIS" => "SKI", "SKIES" => "SKY", "DYING" => "DIE", "LYING" => "LIE", "TYING" => "TIE", "IDLY" => "IDL", "GENTLY" => "GENTL", "UGLY" => "UGLI", "EARLY" => "EARLI", "ONLY" => "ONLI", "SINGLY" => "SINGL", "SKY" => "SKY", "NEWS" => "NEWS", "HOWE" => "HOWE", "ATLAS" => "ATLAS", "COSMOS" => "COSMOS", "BIAS" => "BIAS", "ANDES" => "ANDES", ); global $STEMMING_EN_EX2; $STEMMING_EN_EX2 = array( "INNING" => 1, "OUTING" => 1, "CANNING" => 1, "HERRING" => 1, "EARRING" => 1, "PROCEED" => 1, "EXCEED" => 1, "SUCCEED" => 1, ); function stemming_letter_en() { return "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; } function stemming_stop_en($sWord) { if (strlen($sWord) < 2) return false; static $stop_list = false; if (!$stop_list) { $stop_list = array( "QUOTE" => 0, "HTTP" => 0, "WWW" => 0, "RU" => 0, "IMG" => 0, "GIF" => 0, "A" => 0, "THE" => 0, "IS" => 0, "ARE" => 0, "OFF" => 0, "ON" => 0, "AND" => 0, "IN" => 0, "FOR" => 0, "OF" => 0, "BY" => 0, "WITH" => 0, "BE" => 0, "WAS" => 0, "IT" => 0, ); if (defined("STEMMING_STOP_EN")) { foreach (explode(",", STEMMING_STOP_EN) as $word) { $word = trim($word); if (strlen($word) > 0) $stop_list[$word] = 0; } } } return !array_key_exists($sWord, $stop_list); } function stemming_upper_en($sText) { return ToUpper($sText); } function stemming_en($word) { global $STEMMING_EN_STEP2A; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP2; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP3A; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP3; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP4A; global $STEMMING_EN_STEP4; global $STEMMING_EN_EX1; global $STEMMING_EN_EX2; //If the word has two letters or less, leave it as it is. $word_len = strlen($word); if ($word_len <= 2) return $word; if (array_key_exists($word, $STEMMING_EN_EX1)) return $STEMMING_EN_EX1[$word]; //Set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y, and then establish the regions R1 and R2. (See note on vowel marking.) $vowels = "AEIOUY"; $word = preg_replace("/^Y/", "y", $word); $word = preg_replace("/([$vowels])(Y)/", "\\1y", $word); //In any word, R1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end of the word if it contains no such a non-vowel. $R1 = 0; while (($R1 < $word_len) && (strpos($vowels, substr($word, $R1, 1)) === false)) $R1++; while (($R1 < $word_len) && (strpos($vowels, substr($word, $R1, 1)) !== false)) $R1++; if ($R1 < $word_len) $R1++; if (preg_match("/^COMMUN/", $word)) $R1 = 6; if (preg_match("/^GENER/", $word)) $R1 = 5; $R2 = $R1; while (($R2 < $word_len) && (strpos($vowels, substr($word, $R2, 1)) === false)) $R2++; while (($R2 < $word_len) && (strpos($vowels, substr($word, $R2, 1)) !== false)) $R2++; if ($R2 < $word_len) $R2++; //Step 1a: // Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated. $found = array(); if (preg_match("/(SSES|IED|IES|US|SS|S)$/", $word, $found)) { switch ($found[0]) { //sses - replace by ss case "SSES": $word = substr($word, 0, $word_len - 4)."SS"; break; //ied+ ies* - replace by i if preceded by more than one letter, otherwise by ie (so ties -> tie, cries -> cri) case "IED": case "IES": if (strlen($word) > 4) $word = substr($word, 0, $word_len - 3)."I"; else $word = substr($word, 0, $word_len - 3)."IE"; break; //s delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel not immediately before the s // (so gas and this retain the s, gaps and kiwis lose it) case "S": if (preg_match("/([$vowels].*.)(S)$/", $word)) $word = substr($word, 0, $word_len - 1); break; //us+ ss - do nothing } } if (array_key_exists($word, $STEMMING_EN_EX2)) return $word; //Step 1b: // Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated. //eed eedly+ - replace by ee if in R1 if (preg_match("/(EEDLY|INGLY|EDLY|EED|ING|ED)$/", $word, $found)) { switch ($found[0]) { case "EEDLY": case "EED": if (preg_match("/".$found[0]."$/", substr($word, $R1))) $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - strlen($found[0]))."EE"; break; default: //delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel, and then if (($step1b = preg_replace("/([$vowels].*)(ED|EDLY|ING|INGLY)$/", "\\1", $word)) != $word) { //if the word ends at, bl or iz add e (so luxuriat -> luxuriate), or if (($step1b1 = preg_replace("/(AT|BL|IZ)$/", "\\1E", $step1b)) == $step1b) //if the word ends with a double remove the last letter (so hopp -> hop), or if (preg_match("/(BB|DD|FF|GG|MM|NN|PP|RR|TT)$/", $step1b)) $step1b1 = substr($step1b, 0, strlen($step1b) - 1); else { //if the word is short, add e (so hop -> hope) //A word is called short if it consists of a short syllable preceded by zero or more consonants. //Define a short syllable in a word as either (a) a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y //and preceded by a non-vowel, or * (b) a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel. if (preg_match("/^[^$vowels]+[$vowels][^WXy$vowels]$/", $step1b) || preg_match("/^[$vowels][^$vowels]$/", $step1b) ) $step1b1 = $step1b."E"; } $step1b = $step1b1; } $word = $step1b; } } //Step 1c: * // replace suffix y or Y by i if preceded by a non-vowel which is not the first letter of the word (so cry -> cri, by -> by, say -> say) $word = preg_replace("/^(.+[^$vowels])([yY])$/", "\\1I", $word); //Step 2: // Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and, if found and in R1, perform the action indicated. if ( preg_match($STEMMING_EN_STEP2, $word, $found) && preg_match("/".$found[0]."$/", substr($word, $R1)) ) { switch ($found[0]) { case "OGI": if (preg_match("/LOGI$/", $word)) $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 3)."OG"; break; case "LI": if (preg_match("/[CDEGHKMNRT]LI$/", $word)) $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 2); break; default: $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - strlen($found[0])).$STEMMING_EN_STEP2A[$found[0]]; } } //Step 3: // Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and, if found and in R1, perform the action indicated. if ( preg_match($STEMMING_EN_STEP3, $word, $found) && preg_match("/".$found[0]."$/", substr($word, $R1)) ) { switch ($found[0]) { case "ATIVE": if (preg_match("/ATIVE$/", substr($word, $R2))) $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 5); break; default: $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - strlen($found[0])).$STEMMING_EN_STEP3A[$found[0]]; } } //Step 4: // Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and, if found and in R2, perform the action indicated. if ( preg_match($STEMMING_EN_STEP4, $word, $found) && preg_match("/".$found[0]."$/", substr($word, $R2)) ) { switch ($found[0]) { case "ION": if (preg_match("/[ST]ION$/", $word)) $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - strlen($found[0])); break; default: $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - strlen($found[0])); } } //Step 5: if ( preg_match("/E$/", substr($word, $R2)) || ( preg_match("/E$/", substr($word, $R1)) //Define a short syllable in a word as either (a) a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y //and preceded by a non-vowel, or * (b) a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel. && !( preg_match("/[^$vowels][$vowels][^WXy$vowels].$/", $word) || preg_match("/^[$vowels][^$vowels].$/", $word) ) ) ) { $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 1); } elseif (preg_match("/L$/", substr($word, $R2)) && preg_match("/LL$/", $word)) { $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - 1); } return str_replace("y", "Y", $word); }