Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/contact.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sender * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sender; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Type as MainType; use Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression; use Bitrix\Sender\Recipient; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class ContactTable * * @package Bitrix\Sender */ class ContactTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Get table name. * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_sender_contact'; } /** * Get map. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'DATE_INSERT' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'default_value' => new MainType\DateTime(), 'required' => true, ), 'DATE_UPDATE' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'default_value' => new MainType\DateTime(), ), 'TYPE_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'default_value' => Recipient\Type::EMAIL, 'required' => true, ), 'CODE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'NAME' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'USER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'BLACKLISTED' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'required' => true, ), 'IS_READ' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'required' => true, ), 'IS_CLICK' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'required' => true, ), 'IS_UNSUB' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'required' => true, ), 'IS_SEND_SUCCESS' => array( 'data_type' => 'boolean', 'values' => array('N', 'Y'), 'default_value' => 'N', 'required' => true, ), 'IP' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'AGENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'CONTACT_LIST' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sender\ContactListTable', 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.CONTACT_ID'), ), 'MAILING_SUBSCRIPTION' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sender\MailingSubscriptionTable', 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.CONTACT_ID', 'ref.IS_UNSUB' => new SqlExpression('?', 'N')), ), 'MAILING_UNSUBSCRIPTION' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sender\MailingSubscriptionTable', 'reference' => array('=this.ID' => 'ref.CONTACT_ID', 'ref.IS_UNSUB' => new SqlExpression('?', 'Y')), ), ); } /** * Returns validators for EMAIL_FROM field. * * @return array */ public static function validateEmail() { return array( new Entity\Validator\Length(1, 255), array(__CLASS__, 'checkEmail'), new Entity\Validator\Unique ); } /** * Check email. * * @return bool|string */ public static function checkEmail($value) { if(empty($value) || check_email($value)) { return true; } else { return Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_CONTACT_VALID_EMAIL'); } } /** * Handler of before add event. * * @param Entity\Event $event Event object. * @return Entity\EventResult */ public static function onBeforeAdd(Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Entity\EventResult; $data = $event->getParameters(); if(isset($data['fields']['EMAIL'])) { $result->modifyFields(array('EMAIL' => Recipient\Normalizer::normalizeEmail($data['fields']['EMAIL']))); } if(isset($data['fields']['CODE'])) { $typeId = isset($data['fields']['TYPE_ID']) ? $data['fields']['TYPE_ID'] : null; $isValid = Recipient\Validator::validate($data['fields']['CODE'], $typeId); if (!$isValid) { $result->addError(new Entity\EntityError(Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_CONTACT_VALID_CODE'))); } else { $result->modifyFields(array( 'CODE' => Recipient\Normalizer::normalize($data['fields']['CODE'], $typeId) )); } } return $result; } /** * Handler of before update event. * * @param Entity\Event $event Event object. * @return Entity\EventResult */ public static function onBeforeUpdate(Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Entity\EventResult; $data = $event->getParameters(); if(isset($data['fields']['EMAIL'])) { $result->modifyFields(array('EMAIL' => Recipient\Normalizer::normalizeEmail($data['fields']['EMAIL']))); } if(isset($data['fields']['CODE'])) { $typeId = isset($data['fields']['TYPE_ID']) ? $data['fields']['TYPE_ID'] : null; if (!$typeId) { $row = static::getRowById($data['primary']['ID']); $typeId = $row['TYPE_ID']; } $isValid = Recipient\Validator::validate($data['fields']['CODE'], $typeId); if (!$isValid) { $result->addError(new Entity\EntityError(Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_CONTACT_VALID_CODE'))); } else { $result->modifyFields(array( 'CODE' => Recipient\Normalizer::normalize($data['fields']['CODE'], $typeId) )); } } return $result; } /** * On after delete. * * @param Entity\Event $event Event. * @return Entity\EventResult */ public static function onAfterDelete(Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Entity\EventResult; $data = $event->getParameters(); $primary = array('CONTACT_ID' => $data['primary']['ID']); ContactListTable::delete($primary); MailingSubscriptionTable::delete($primary); return $result; } /** * Add if not exist. * * @param array $ar Data. * @return bool|int * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function addIfNotExist($ar) { $id = false; $listId = false; if(array_key_exists('LIST_CODE', $ar) && array_key_exists('LIST_NAME', $ar)) { $listId = ListTable::addIfNotExist($ar['LIST_CODE'], $ar['LIST_NAME']); unset($ar['LIST_CODE'], $ar['LIST_NAME']); } $ar['EMAIL'] = strtolower($ar['EMAIL']); $contactDb = ContactTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array( '=CODE' => $ar['EMAIL'], '=TYPE_ID' => Recipient\Type::EMAIL ) )); if($contact = $contactDb->fetch()) { $id = $contact['ID']; } else { $ar['TYPE_ID'] = Recipient\Type::EMAIL; $ar['CODE'] = $ar['EMAIL']; unset($ar['EMAIL']); $resultAdd = static::add($ar); if($resultAdd->isSuccess()) $id = $resultAdd->getId(); } if($listId && $id) { ContactListTable::addIfNotExist($id, $listId); } return $id; } /** * Check connectors. * * @return void */ public static function checkConnectors() { $connectorList = Connector\Manager::getConnectorList(); foreach($connectorList as $connector) { if($connector->requireConfigure()) continue; static::addFromConnector($connector); } } /** * Add from connector. * * @param Connector\Base $connector Connector instance. * @param null|integer $pageNumber Page number. * @param int $timeout Timeout. * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function addFromConnector(Connector\Base $connector, $pageNumber = null, $timeout = 0) { $startTime = getmicrotime(); $withoutNav = empty($pageNumber); $result = false; $onlyOneLoop = false; $rowsInPage = 5; $countAll = 0; $countProcessed = 0; $countUpdated = 0; $countAdded = 0; $countError = 0; $dataDb = $connector->getResult(); if($dataDb->resourceCDBResult) { $dataDb = $dataDb->resourceCDBResult; } elseif($dataDb->resource) { $dataDb = new \CDBResult($dataDb->resource); } else { $dataDb = new \CDBResult(); $dataDb->initFromArray(array()); } if(!is_subclass_of($dataDb, 'CDBResultMysql')) { $rowsInPage = 50; $onlyOneLoop = true; } while($timeout==0 || getmicrotime()-$startTime < $timeout) { if(!$withoutNav) { $dataDb->navStart($rowsInPage, false, $pageNumber); $countAll = $dataDb->selectedRowsCount(); } $listId = null; while ($row = $dataDb->fetch()) { if($withoutNav) { $countAll++; } $countProcessed++; if(!$listId) { $listId = ListTable::addIfNotExist( $connector->getModuleId() . '_' . $connector->getCode(), Loc::getMessage('CONTACT_PULL_LIST_PREFIX').$connector->getName() ); } $id = null; $contactDb = ContactTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('EMAIL' => $row['EMAIL']) )); if($contactRow = $contactDb->fetch()) { $id = $contactRow['ID']; $countUpdated++; } else { $resultAdd = static::add(array( 'NAME' => $row['NAME'], 'EMAIL' => $row['EMAIL'], 'USER_ID' => $row['USER_ID'] )); if ($resultAdd->isSuccess()) { $id = $resultAdd->getId(); $countAdded++; } else { $countError++; } } if($id) ContactListTable::addIfNotExist($id, $listId); } if($withoutNav) { $result = false; break; } if ($dataDb->NavPageCount <= $pageNumber) { $result = false; break; } else { $pageNumber++; $result = $pageNumber; } if($onlyOneLoop) { break; } } if($withoutNav) { $countProgress = $countAll; } else { $countProgress = ($pageNumber-1) * $dataDb->NavPageSize; if (!$result || $countProgress > $countAll) $countProgress = $countAll; } return array( 'STATUS' => $result, 'COUNT_ALL' => $countAll, 'COUNT_PROGRESS' => $countProgress, 'COUNT_PROCESSED' => $countProcessed, 'COUNT_NEW' => $countAdded, 'COUNT_ERROR' => $countError, ); } /** * Upload contacts. * * @param array $list List of contacts. * @param bool $isBlacklist Is blacklist. * @param int $listId List ID. * @return bool|int */ public static function upload(array $list, $isBlacklist = false, $listId = null) { $sqlHelper = Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper(); $dateInsert = new MainType\DateTime(); $updateList = []; foreach ($list as $item) { if (is_string($item)) { $item = ['CODE' => $item]; } if (empty($item['CODE'])) { continue; } $code = trim($item['CODE']); $typeId = Recipient\Type::detect($code); if (!$typeId) { continue; } $code = Recipient\Normalizer::normalize($code, $typeId); if (!$code) { continue; } $updateItem = [ 'TYPE_ID' => $typeId, 'CODE' => $code, 'DATE_INSERT' => $dateInsert, 'DATE_UPDATE' => $dateInsert, ]; if (!empty($item['NAME'])) { $updateItem['NAME'] = $item['NAME']; } if ($isBlacklist) { $updateItem['BLACKLISTED'] = $isBlacklist ? 'Y' : 'N'; } $updateList[] = $updateItem; } // insert contacts if (count($updateList) === 0) { return 0; } $onDuplicateUpdateFields = array( 'NAME', array( 'NAME' => 'BLACKLISTED', 'VALUE' => $isBlacklist ? "'Y'" : "'N'" ), array( 'NAME' => 'DATE_UPDATE', 'VALUE' => $sqlHelper->convertToDbDateTime(new MainType\DateTime()) ) ); foreach (Internals\SqlBatch::divide($updateList) as $list) { Internals\SqlBatch::insert( ContactTable::getTableName(), $list, $onDuplicateUpdateFields ); } if (!$listId) { return count($updateList); } $row = ListTable::getRowById($listId); if (!$row) { return false; } // insert contacts & lists $codesByType = array(); foreach ($updateList as $updateItem) { $typeId = $updateItem['TYPE_ID']; if (!is_array($codesByType[$typeId])) { $codesByType[$typeId] = array(); } $codesByType[$typeId][] = $updateItem['CODE']; } foreach ($codesByType as $typeId => $allCodes) { $typeId = (int) $typeId; $listId = (int) $listId; $contactTableName = ContactTable::getTableName(); $contactListTableName = ContactListTable::getTableName(); foreach (Internals\SqlBatch::divide($allCodes) as $codes) { $codes = Internals\SqlBatch::getInString($codes); $sql = "INSERT IGNORE $contactListTableName "; $sql .="(CONTACT_ID, LIST_ID) "; $sql .="SELECT ID AS CONTACT_ID, $listId as LIST_ID "; $sql .="FROM $contactTableName "; $sql .="WHERE TYPE_ID=$typeId AND CODE in ($codes)"; Application::getConnection()->query($sql); } } return ContactListTable::getCount(array('=LIST_ID' => $listId)); } }