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 * Bitrix Framework
 * @package bitrix
 * @subpackage sender
 * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Sender\Entity;

use Bitrix\Main\DB;
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\InvalidOperationException;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Main\Result;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\Date;

use Bitrix\Sender\Message as MainMessage;
use Bitrix\Sender\Dispatch;
use Bitrix\Sender\Posting;
use Bitrix\Sender\Templates;
use Bitrix\Sender\TemplateTable;
use Bitrix\Sender\Recipient;
use Bitrix\Sender\Security;
use Bitrix\Sender\Integration;

use Bitrix\Sender\Internals\Model\LetterTable;
use Bitrix\Sender\Internals\Model\LetterSegmentTable;


class Letter extends Base
	/** @var null|array $postingData Posting data. */
	protected $postingData = null;

	/** @var  MainMessage\Adapter $message Message. */
	protected $message;

	/** @var  Dispatch\Duration $duration Duration. */
	protected $duration;

	/** @var  Dispatch\Method $method Method. */
	protected $method;

	/** @var  Dispatch\State $state State. */
	protected $state;

	/** @var  Posting\Counter $counter Counter. */
	protected $counter;

	 * Get filter fields.
	 * @return array
	protected static function getFilterFields()
		return array(
				'CODE' => 'IS_ADS',
				'VALUE' => 'N',
				'FILTER' => '=IS_ADS'

	 * Get data manager.
	 * @return \Bitrix\Main\Entity\DataManager
	public static function getDataClass()
		return LetterTable::getEntity()->getDataClass();

	 * Get list.
	 * @param array $parameters Parameters.
	 * @return DB\Result
	public static function getList(array $parameters = array())
		if (!isset($parameters['select']))
			$parameters['select'] = array(



				'USER_ID' => 'CREATED_BY',
		if (!isset($parameters['filter']))
			$parameters['filter'] = array();

		foreach (static::getFilterFields() as $field)
			if (!$field['FILTER'])

			if (isset($parameters['filter'][$field['FILTER']]))
				$current = $parameters['filter'][$field['FILTER']];
				if (is_array($field['VALUE']))
					if (!is_array($current) && in_array($current, $field['VALUE']))

			$parameters['filter'][$field['FILTER']] = $field['VALUE'];

		return LetterTable::getList($parameters);

	 * Create instance by ID.
	 * @param integer|null $id ID.
	 * @param array $messageCodes Message codes.
	 * @return static|Letter|Ad|Rc|null
	public static function createInstanceById($id = null, array $messageCodes = [])
		$code = null;
		if ($id)
			$row = LetterTable::getRow([
				'select' => ['MESSAGE_CODE'],
				'filter' => ['=ID' => $id],
			if ($row)
				$code = $row['MESSAGE_CODE'];
				$id = null;

		$instance = self::createInstanceByCode($code, $messageCodes);
		if (!$instance)
			return null;

		if ($id)
		elseif ($instance)
			$instance->set('MESSAGE_CODE', $code);

		return $instance;

	 * Create instance by array data.
	 * @param array $data Data.
	 * @param array $messageCodes Message codes.
	 * @return static|Letter|Ad|Rc|null
	public static function createInstanceByArray(array $data, array $messageCodes = [])
		$code = empty($data['MESSAGE_CODE']) ? null : $data['MESSAGE_CODE'];
		$instance = self::createInstanceByCode($code, $messageCodes);

		return $instance;

	 * Create instance by posting ID.
	 * @param integer $postingId Posting ID.
	 * @return static|Ad|null
	public static function createInstanceByPostingId($postingId)
		$row = LetterTable::getList(array(
			'select' => array('ID', 'IS_ADS'),
			'filter' => array('=POSTING_ID' => $postingId),
			'limit' => 1
		if (!$row)
			return new static();

		if ($row['IS_ADS'] === 'Y')
			return new Ad($row['ID']);
			return new static($row['ID']);

	 * Create instance by contact ID.
	 * @param integer $contactId Contact ID.
	 * @param array $messageCodes Message codes.
	 * @return static|Ad|null
	public static function createInstanceByContactId($contactId, array $messageCodes = [])
		$typeId = Contact::create($contactId)->get('TYPE_ID') ?: Recipient\Type::EMAIL;
		switch ($typeId)
			case Recipient\Type::EMAIL:
				$code = MainMessage\iBase::CODE_MAIL;
			case Recipient\Type::PHONE:
				$code = MainMessage\iBase::CODE_SMS;
				return null;

		return self::createInstanceByCode($code, $messageCodes);

	protected static function createInstanceByCode($code = null, array $messageCodes = [])
		if (!$code && empty($messageCodes))
			return null;

		if (!$code)
			$code = current($messageCodes);

		if (empty($messageCodes))
			$messageCodes = [$code];

		if (!in_array($code, $messageCodes))
			return null;

		$message = MainMessage\Adapter::create($code);
		if ($message->isAds())
			$instance = new Ad();
		elseif ($message->isReturnCustomer())
			$instance = new Rc();
			$instance = new Letter();

		return $instance;

	 * Get default data.
	 * @return array
	protected function getDefaultData()
		return array(
			'TITLE' => '',
			'MESSAGE_ID' => '',
			'MESSAGE_CODE' => MainMessage\Adapter::CODE_MAIL,
			'SEGMENTS_INCLUDE' => array(),
			'SEGMENTS_EXCLUDE' => array(),

	 * Save data.
	 * @param integer|null $id ID.
	 * @param array $data Data.
	 * @return integer|null
	protected function saveData($id = null, array $data)
			return $id;

		$segmentsInclude = $data['SEGMENTS_INCLUDE'];
		$segmentsExclude = $data['SEGMENTS_EXCLUDE'];

		foreach (static::getFilterFields() as $field)
			if (!$field['CODE'])

			if (is_array($field['VALUE']))
				if (empty($data[$field['CODE']]) || !in_array($data[$field['CODE']], $field['VALUE']))
					$data[$field['CODE']] = current($field['VALUE']);
				$data[$field['CODE']] = $field['VALUE'];
		$this->filterDataByEntityFields(LetterTable::getEntity(), $data);

		$initialId = $id;
		$previousData = $id ? LetterTable::getRowById($id) : null;
		$previousData = $previousData ?: array();

		// segment check
		if(!is_array($segmentsInclude) || count($segmentsInclude) == 0)
			if ($data['IS_TRIGGER'] <> 'Y' && $previousData['IS_TRIGGER'] <> 'Y')
				return $id;
		$segmentsExclude = is_array($segmentsExclude) ? $segmentsExclude : array();

		// campaign setting
		if (!isset($data['CAMPAIGN_ID']))
			$data['CAMPAIGN_ID'] = Campaign::getDefaultId();
			$this->set('CAMPAIGN_ID', $data['CAMPAIGN_ID']);

		// parent letter setting for triggers
		if (!$id && $data['IS_TRIGGER'] === 'Y')
			if (empty($data['PARENT_ID']))
				$previousLetter = (new Chain)->load($data['CAMPAIGN_ID'])->getLast();
				if ($previousLetter && $previousLetter->getId() != $this->getId())
					$data['PARENT_ID'] = $previousLetter->getId();

			if (!isset($data['TIME_SHIFT']))
				$data['TIME_SHIFT'] = 1440;

			$data['STATUS'] = Dispatch\State::WAITING;
			$data['REITERATE'] = 'Y';

		if ($this->filterDataByChanging($data, $previousData))
			$id = $this->saveByEntity(LetterTable::getEntity(), $id, $data);

		if ($this->hasErrors())
			return $id;

		if ($this->canChangeSegments())
			$this->saveDataSegments($id, $segmentsInclude, $segmentsExclude);

		// update template use count
		$this->updateTemplateUseCount($data, $previousData);

		// change status for init recipients
		if (!$initialId && !$this->isTrigger())

		return $id;

	protected function prepareSearchContent()
		$content = $this->getSearchBuilder()->getContent();
		$config = $this->getMessage()->getConfiguration();

		foreach ($config->getOptions() as $option)
			$value = $option->getValue();
			if (!$value)

			switch ($option->getType())
				case $option::TYPE_EMAIL:

				case $option::TYPE_HTML:
				case $option::TYPE_MAIL_EDITOR:

				case $option::TYPE_TEXT:
				case $option::TYPE_STRING:
				case $option::TYPE_PRESET_STRING:
				case $option::TYPE_SMS_EDITOR:


		return $this;

	protected function saveDataSegments($id, array $segmentsInclude, array $segmentsExclude)
		$segmentsExclude = array_unique($segmentsExclude);
		$segmentsInclude = array_unique($segmentsInclude);
		$segmentsInclude = array_diff($segmentsInclude, $segmentsExclude);

		$segmentsList = array(
				'list' => $segmentsExclude,
				'include' => false
				'list' => $segmentsInclude,
				'include' => true

		$oldSegments = $this->loadDataSegments($id);
		LetterSegmentTable::delete(array('LETTER_ID' => $id));

		$isChanged = false;
		foreach ($segmentsList as $segments)
			foreach ($segments['list'] as $segmentId)
				$result = LetterSegmentTable::add(array(
					'LETTER_ID' => $id,
					'SEGMENT_ID' => $segmentId,
					'INCLUDE' => $segments['include'],

			$typeCode = $segments['include'] ? 'INCLUDE' : 'EXCLUDE';
			$newest = self::getArrayDiffNewest($segments['list'], $oldSegments[$typeCode]);
			$removed = self::getArrayDiffRemoved($segments['list'], $oldSegments[$typeCode]);
			if (count($newest) === 0 && count($removed) === 0)

			if (count($newest) > 0)
				Segment::updateUseCounters($newest, $segments['include']);
			$isChanged = true;

		if ($isChanged && $this->getId() && $this->get('POSTING_ID'))
			Posting\Builder::create()->run($this->get('POSTING_ID'), false);

	private static function getArrayDiffNewest(array $current, array $old)
		return array_diff($current, $old);

	private static function getArrayDiffRemoved(array $current, array $old)
		return array_diff($old, $current);

	protected function updateTemplateUseCount(array $data, array $previousData)
		if (!$data['TEMPLATE_TYPE'] || !$data['TEMPLATE_ID'])
			return false;

		if (Templates\Type::getCode(Templates\Type::USER) !== $data['TEMPLATE_TYPE'])
			return false;
		if ($data['TEMPLATE_ID'] === $previousData['TEMPLATE_ID'] && $data['TEMPLATE_TYPE'] === $previousData['TEMPLATE_TYPE'])
			return false;

		return TemplateTable::incUseCount($data['TEMPLATE_ID']);

	 * Load data.
	 * @param integer $id ID.
	 * @return array|null
	public function loadData($id)
		$data = static::getList(array(
			'filter' => array(
				'=ID' => $id
		if (!is_array($data))
			return null;

		$segments = $this->loadDataSegments($id);
		foreach ($segments as $typeCode => $list)
			$data["SEGMENTS_$typeCode"] = $list;

		return $data;

	 * Return true if it have statistics.
	 * @return bool
	public function hasStatistics()
		return (

	 * Return true if can change segments.
	 * @return bool
	public function canChangeSegments()
		return !$this->getState()->wasPostingBuilt();

	 * Load segments data.
	 * @param integer $id ID.
	 * @return array
	public function loadDataSegments($id)
		$data = array('INCLUDE' => array(), 'EXCLUDE' => array());
		$segments = LetterSegmentTable::getList(array(
				'=LETTER_ID'=> $id
		foreach($segments as $segment)
			if ($segment['INCLUDE'])
				$data['INCLUDE'][] = $segment['SEGMENT_ID'];
				$data['EXCLUDE'][] = $segment['SEGMENT_ID'];

		return $data;

	 * Return true if can change template.
	 * @return bool
	public function canChangeTemplate()
		if ($this->getState()->isFinished())
			return false;

		//return $this->getMessage()->getCode() !== MainMessage\Adapter::CODE_MAIL;
		return true;

	 * Get Message instance.
	 * @return MainMessage\Adapter
	public function getMessage()
		$messageCode = $this->get('MESSAGE_CODE') ?: MainMessage\Adapter::CODE_MAIL;
		$messageId = $this->get('MESSAGE_ID') ?: null;

		if ($this->message && $this->message->getCode() === $messageCode)
			return $this->message;

		$this->message = MainMessage\Adapter::create($messageCode);
		$createdById = $this->get('CREATED_BY') ?: Security\User::current()->getId();
		$this->message->getConfiguration()->set('LETTER_CREATED_BY_ID', $createdById);

		return $this->message;

	 * Is support heat map.
	 * @return bool
	public function isSupportHeatMap()
		return $this->getMessage()->getCode() == MainMessage\Adapter::CODE_MAIL;

	 * Is support reiterate run.
	 * @return bool
	public function isSupportReiterate()
		if (in_array($this->getMessage()->getCode(), ['rc_lead', 'rc_deal']))
			return true;

		return !Integration\Bitrix24\Service::isPortal();

	 * Get campaign ID.
	 * @return mixed
	public function getCampaignId()
		return $this->get('CAMPAIGN_ID');

	 * Get duration instance.
	 * @return Dispatch\Duration
	public function getDuration()
		if ($this->duration)
			return $this->duration;

		$this->duration = new Dispatch\Duration($this);

		return $this->duration;

	 * Get state instance.
	 * @return Dispatch\State
	public function getState()
		if ($this->state)
			return $this->state;

		$this->state = new Dispatch\State($this);

		return $this->state;

	 * Get method instance.
	 * @return Dispatch\Method
	public function getMethod()
		if ($this->method)
			return $this->method;

		$this->method = new Dispatch\Method($this);

		return $this->method;

	 * Get counter instance.
	 * @return Posting\Counter
	public function getCounter()
		if ($this->counter)
			return $this->counter;

		$this->counter = new Posting\Counter($this);

		return $this->counter;

	 * Get Tester instance.
	 * @return MainMessage\Tester
	protected function getTester()
		return $this->getMessage()->getTester();

	 * Is reiterate letter.
	 * @return bool
	public function isReiterate()
		return $this->get('REITERATE') === 'Y';

	 * Is trigger letter.
	 * @return bool
	public function isTrigger()
		return $this->get('IS_TRIGGER') === 'Y';

	 * Is support testing.
	 * @return bool
	public function isSupportTesting()
		return $this->getTester()->isSupport();

	 * Remove.
	 * @return bool
	public function remove()
		return $this->removeByEntity(LetterTable::getEntity(), $this->getId());

	 * Remove by letter ID.
	 * @param integer $id Letter ID.
	 * @return bool
	public static function removeById($id)
		return static::create()->removeByEntity(LetterTable::getEntity(), $id);

	 * Copy.
	 * @return integer|null
	public function copy()
		$configurationId = $this->getMessage()->getConfiguration()->getId();
		if (!$configurationId)
			return null;

		$result = $this->getMessage()->copyConfiguration($configurationId);
		if (!$result->isSuccess() || !$result->getId())
			return null;

		$data = array(
			'CAMPAIGN_ID' => $this->get('CAMPAIGN_ID'),
			'MESSAGE_CODE' => $this->get('MESSAGE_CODE'),
			'MESSAGE_ID' => $result->getId(),
			'REITERATE' => $this->get('REITERATE'),
			'TEMPLATE_TYPE' => $this->get('TEMPLATE_TYPE'),
			'TEMPLATE_ID' => $this->get('TEMPLATE_ID'),
			'CREATED_BY' => $this->getUser()->getId(),
			'IS_TRIGGER' => $this->get('IS_TRIGGER'),
			'TITLE' => Loc::getMessage('SENDER_ENTITY_LETTER_COPY_PREFIX') . ' ' . $this->get('TITLE'),
		$instance = static::create()->mergeData($data);

		return $instance->getId();

	 * Send test message to recipient.
	 * @param array $codes Recipient codes.
	 * @param array $parameters Parameters.
	 * @return Result
	public function test(array $codes, array $parameters = array())
		return $this->getTester()->send($codes, $parameters);

	 * Plan sending.
	 * @param Date $date Date.
	 * @return bool
	public function plan(Date $date)
			return $this->getState()->plan($date);
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Wait sending.
	 * @return bool
	public function wait()
		if ($this->isTrigger())
				return $this->getState()->wait();
			catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
				$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
				return false;

		if (!$this->isReiterate())
			$this->errors->setError(new Error('Entity is not reiterate.'));
			return false;

			$scheduleTime = Dispatch\MethodSchedule::parseTimesOfDay($this->get('TIMES_OF_DAY'));
			$scheduleMonths = Dispatch\MethodSchedule::parseMonthsOfYear($this->get('MONTHS_OF_YEAR'));
			$scheduleWeekDays = Dispatch\MethodSchedule::parseDaysOfWeek($this->get('DAYS_OF_WEEK'));
			$scheduleMonthDays = Dispatch\MethodSchedule::parseDaysOfMonth($this->get('DAYS_OF_MONTH'));
			$method = (new Dispatch\MethodSchedule($this))
				->setTime($scheduleTime[0], $scheduleTime[1]);
			return true;
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Send.
	 * @return bool
	public function send()
			return $this->getState()->send();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Send errors.
	 * @return bool
	public function sendErrors()
			return $this->getState()->sendErrors();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Stop.
	 * @return bool
	public function stop()
			return $this->getState()->stop();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Halt.
	 * @return bool
	public function halt()
			return $this->getState()->halt();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Resume.
	 * @return bool
	public function resume()
			return $this->getState()->resume();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Pause.
	 * @return bool
	public function pause()
			return $this->getState()->pause();
		catch (InvalidOperationException $exception)
			$this->errors->setError(new Error($exception->getMessage()));
			return false;

	 * Get last posting data.
	 * @return array
	public function getLastPostingData()
		$defaults = array();

		if (!$this->getId())
			return $defaults;

		if ($this->postingData !== null)
			return $this->postingData;

		$this->postingData = $defaults;
		$postingFilter = array(
			'=ID' => $this->getId(),
			//'!POSTING.DATE_SENT' => null

		$postings = static::getList(array(
			'select' => array(
				'LETTER_ID' => 'ID',
				'TITLE' => 'TITLE',
			'filter' => $postingFilter,
			'limit' => 1,
			'order' => array('POSTING.DATE_SENT' => 'DESC', 'POSTING.DATE_CREATE' => 'DESC'),
		if ($postingData = $postings->fetch())
			$this->postingData = $postingData + $this->postingData;

		return $this->postingData;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0