Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/posting/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/posting/builder.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sender * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sender\Posting; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Sender\Connector; use Bitrix\Sender\Integration; use Bitrix\Sender\Entity; use Bitrix\Sender\MailingSubscriptionTable; use Bitrix\Sender\Recipient; use Bitrix\Sender\Message; use Bitrix\Sender\PostingTable; use Bitrix\Sender\ContactTable; use Bitrix\Sender\MailingGroupTable; use Bitrix\Sender\PostingRecipientTable; use Bitrix\Sender\Internals\Model\LetterSegmentTable; use Bitrix\Sender\Internals\SqlBatch; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class Builder * @package Bitrix\Sender\Posting */ class Builder { /** @var bool $checkDuplicates Check duplicates. */ protected $checkDuplicates = true; /** @var array $groupCount Group count. */ protected $groupCount = array(); /** @var integer $postingId Posting ID. */ protected $postingId; /** @var array $postingData Posting data. */ protected $postingData; /** @var integer $typeId Type ID. */ protected $typeId; /** * Create instance. * * @return static */ public static function create() { return new static(); } /** * Shaper constructor. * * @param integer|null $postingId Posting ID. * @param bool $checkDuplicates Check duplicates. */ public function __construct($postingId = null, $checkDuplicates = true) { if ($postingId) { $this->run($postingId, $checkDuplicates); } } /** * Load. * * @param integer $postingId Posting ID. * @param bool $checkDuplicates Check duplicates. */ public function run($postingId, $checkDuplicates = true) { $postingData = PostingTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('*', 'MESSAGE_TYPE' => 'MAILING_CHAIN.MESSAGE_CODE'), 'filter' => array('ID' => $postingId), 'limit' => 1 ))->fetch(); if(!$postingData) { return; } $this->postingData = $postingData; $this->checkDuplicates = $checkDuplicates; $this->postingId = $postingId; $this->groupCount = array(); if(!$checkDuplicates) { if($this->postingData['STATUS'] === PostingTable::STATUS_NEW) { self::clean($postingId); $this->checkDuplicates = false; } } $message = Message\Adapter::create($this->postingData['MESSAGE_TYPE']); foreach ($message->getSupportedRecipientTypes() as $typeId) { if (!Recipient\Type::getCode($typeId)) { continue; } $this->typeId = $typeId; $this->runForRecipientType(); } PostingTable::update( array('ID' => $postingId), array( 'COUNT_SEND_ALL' => PostingRecipientTable::getCount(array('POSTING_ID' => $postingId)) ) ); } protected function runForRecipientType() { // fetch all connectors for getting emails $groups = array(); $groups = array_merge($groups, $this->getLetterConnectors($this->postingData['MAILING_CHAIN_ID'])); $groups = array_merge($groups, $this->getSubscriptionConnectors($this->postingData['MAILING_ID'])); // sort groups by include value usort( $groups, function ($a, $b) { if ($a['INCLUDE'] == $b['INCLUDE']) { return 0; } return ($a['INCLUDE'] > $b['INCLUDE']) ? -1 : 1; } ); // import recipients foreach($groups as $group) { if (is_array($group['ENDPOINT']) && !(isset($group['CONNECTOR']) && $group['CONNECTOR'] instanceof Connector\Base)) { $group['CONNECTOR'] = Connector\Manager::getConnector($group['ENDPOINT']); } if(empty($group['CONNECTOR'])) { continue; } $connector = $group['CONNECTOR']; $connector->setDataTypeId($this->typeId); if (is_array($group['ENDPOINT']['FIELDS'])) { $connector->setFieldValues($group['ENDPOINT']['FIELDS']); } $this->fill($connector, $group['INCLUDE'], $group['GROUP_ID']); } // update group counter of addresses foreach($this->groupCount as $groupId => $count) { Entity\Segment::updateAddressCounters( $groupId, array( new Connector\DataCounter(array( $this->typeId => $count )) ) ); } } protected static function clean($postingId) { $primary = array('POSTING_ID' => $postingId); PostingRecipientTable::delete($primary); PostingTable::update( array('ID' => $postingId), array( 'COUNT_SEND_ALL' => 0, 'COUNT_SEND_NONE' => 0, 'COUNT_SEND_ERROR' => 0, 'COUNT_SEND_SUCCESS' => 0, ) ); } protected function getTypeCode() { return Recipient\Type::getCode($this->typeId); } protected function getSubscriptionConnectors($campaignId) { $groups = array(); $groups[] = array( 'INCLUDE' => true, 'ENDPOINT' => array('FIELDS' => array('MAILING_ID' => $campaignId)), 'GROUP_ID' => null, 'CONNECTOR' => new Integration\Sender\Connectors\Subscriber ); $groups[] = array( 'INCLUDE' => false, 'ENDPOINT' => array('FIELDS' => array('MAILING_ID' => $campaignId)), 'GROUP_ID' => null, 'CONNECTOR' => new Integration\Sender\Connectors\UnSubscribers ); return $groups; } protected function getCampaignGroups($campaignId) { $groups = array(); $groupConnectorDb = MailingGroupTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'INCLUDE', 'CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT' => 'GROUP.GROUP_CONNECTOR.ENDPOINT', 'GROUP_ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=MAILING_ID' => $campaignId, ), 'order' => array('INCLUDE' => 'DESC', 'GROUP_ID' => 'ASC') )); while($group = $groupConnectorDb->fetch()) { $groups[] = array( 'INCLUDE' => $group['INCLUDE'], 'ENDPOINT' => $group['CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT'], 'GROUP_ID' => $group['GROUP_ID'], 'CONNECTOR' => null ); } return $groups; } protected function getLetterConnectors($letterId) { $groups = array(); $groupConnectors = LetterSegmentTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'INCLUDE', 'CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT' => 'SEGMENT.GROUP_CONNECTOR.ENDPOINT', 'SEGMENT_ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=LETTER_ID' => $letterId, ), 'order' => array('INCLUDE' => 'DESC', 'LETTER_ID' => 'ASC') )); while($group = $groupConnectors->fetch()) { $groups[] = array( 'INCLUDE' => $group['INCLUDE'], 'ENDPOINT' => $group['CONNECTOR_ENDPOINT'], 'GROUP_ID' => $group['SEGMENT_ID'], 'CONNECTOR' => null ); } return $groups; } protected function setRecipientIdentificators(array &$dataList) { if (count($dataList) === 0) { return; } $codes = array_keys($dataList); $tableName = ContactTable::getTableName(); $subsTableName = MailingSubscriptionTable::getTableName(); $existed = []; $contactCodeFilter = []; $connection = Application::getConnection(); $primariesString = SqlBatch::getInString($codes); $recipientDb = $connection->query( "select c.ID, c.NAME, c.CODE, c.BLACKLISTED, s.IS_UNSUB " . "from $tableName c " . "left join $subsTableName s on " . "c.ID = s.CONTACT_ID " . "and s.MAILING_ID=" . (int) $this->postingData['MAILING_ID'] . " " . "where c.TYPE_ID = " . (int) $this->typeId . " and c.CODE in ($primariesString)" ); while ($row = $recipientDb->fetch()) { $existed[] = $row['CODE']; if ($row['BLACKLISTED'] === 'Y' || $row['IS_UNSUB'] === 'Y') { unset($dataList[$row['CODE']]); continue; } $dataList[$row['CODE']]['CONTACT_ID'] = $row['ID']; $name = isset($dataList[$row['CODE']]['NAME']) ? $dataList[$row['CODE']]['NAME'] : null; if ($name && $name !== $row['NAME']) { $contactCodeFilter[] = $row['CODE']; } } // update existed contact names $this->updateContacts($dataList, $contactCodeFilter); // exit if no new contacts if (count($existed) === count($codes)) { return; } // add new contacts $list = array_diff($codes, $existed); $batch = array(); $sqlDateTimeFunction = Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(); $updateFieldsOnDuplicate = array( array('NAME' => 'DATE_UPDATE', 'VALUE' => $sqlDateTimeFunction), ); foreach ($list as $code) { $batchItem = array( 'TYPE_ID' => $this->typeId, 'CODE' => $code, 'DATE_INSERT' => array('VALUE' => $sqlDateTimeFunction), 'DATE_UPDATE' => array('VALUE' => $sqlDateTimeFunction), ); $key = 'NAME'; if (isset($dataList[$key]) && $dataList[$key]) { $batchItem[$key] = $dataList[$key]; if (!in_array($key, $updateFieldsOnDuplicate)) { $updateFieldsOnDuplicate[] = $key; } } $batch[] = $batchItem; } SqlBatch::insert($tableName, $batch, $updateFieldsOnDuplicate); $recipientDb = $connection->query( "select ID, CODE " . "from $tableName " . "where TYPE_ID = " . (int) $this->typeId . " and CODE in ($primariesString)" ); while ($row = $recipientDb->fetch()) { $dataList[$row['CODE']]['CONTACT_ID'] = $row['ID']; } } protected function fill(Connector\Base $connector, $isInclude = false, $groupId = null) { $count = 0; $typeCode = $this->getTypeCode(); $result = $connector->getResult(); while (true) { $dataList = array(); $maxPart = 500; while ($data = $result->fetch()) { if (!isset($data[$typeCode]) || !$data[$typeCode]) { continue; } $primary = Recipient\Normalizer::normalize($data[$typeCode], $this->typeId); if (strlen($primary) <= 0) { continue; } $dataList[$primary] = $data; $count++; $maxPart--; if ($maxPart == 0) { break; } } if (count($dataList) === 0) { break; } $this->setRecipientIdentificators($dataList); if ($isInclude) { // add address if not exists if ($this->checkDuplicates) { $primariesString = SqlBatch::getInString(array_keys($dataList)); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $rowDb = $connection->query( "select r.CODE " . "from b_sender_posting_recipient pr, b_sender_contact r " . "where pr.CONTACT_ID = r.ID " . "and pr.POSTING_ID = " . (int) $this->postingId . " " . "and r.TYPE_ID = " . (int) $this->typeId . " " . "and r.CODE in ($primariesString)" ); while ($row = $rowDb->fetch()) { unset($dataList[$row['CODE']]); } } if (empty($dataList)) { continue; } $this->addPostingRecipients($dataList); } else { $this->removePostingRecipients($dataList); } } $this->incGroupCounters($groupId, $count); } protected function removePostingRecipients(array &$list) { $primaries = array(); foreach($list as $code => $data) { if (!isset($data['CONTACT_ID']) || !$data['CONTACT_ID']) { continue; } $primaries[] = (int) $data['CONTACT_ID']; } if (count($primaries) === 0) { return; } $connection = Application::getConnection(); $primariesString = implode(',', $primaries); $connection->query( "delete " . "from b_sender_posting_recipient " . "where POSTING_ID = " . (int) $this->postingId . " " . "and CONTACT_ID in (" . $primariesString . ")" ); } protected function updateContacts(array &$list, array $codeFilter) { $fields = []; foreach ($codeFilter as $code) { if (!isset($list[$code])) { continue; } $item = $list[$code]; $fields[] = ['ID' => $item['CONTACT_ID'], 'NAME' => $item['NAME']]; } SqlBatch::update(ContactTable::getTableName(), $fields); } protected function addPostingRecipients(array &$list) { $dataList = array(); foreach($list as $code => $data) { $recipientInsert = array( 'CONTACT_ID' => (int) $data['CONTACT_ID'], 'STATUS' => PostingRecipientTable::SEND_RESULT_NONE, 'POSTING_ID' => (int) $this->postingId, 'USER_ID' => null, 'FIELDS' => null ); if (array_key_exists('USER_ID', $data) && intval($data['USER_ID']) > 0) { $recipientInsert['USER_ID'] = intval($data['USER_ID']); } if (array_key_exists('FIELDS', $data) && count($data['FIELDS']) > 0) { $recipientInsert['FIELDS'] = serialize($data['FIELDS']); } $dataList[] = $recipientInsert; } if(count($dataList) == 0) { return; } SqlBatch::insert( PostingRecipientTable::getTableName(), $dataList, array('USER_ID', 'FIELDS') ); } protected function incGroupCounters($groupId = null, $count = 0) { if (!$groupId) { return; } if (array_key_exists($groupId, $this->groupCount)) { $this->groupCount[$groupId] += $count; } else { $this->groupCount[$groupId] = $count; } } }