Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sender/lib/postingmanager.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sender * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Sender; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Context; use Bitrix\Main\Type; use Bitrix\Sender\Entity; use Bitrix\Sender\Internals\Model\LetterTable; use Bitrix\Sender\Recipient; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class PostingManager * @package Bitrix\Sender */ class PostingManager { const SEND_RESULT_ERROR = false; const SEND_RESULT_SENT = true; const SEND_RESULT_CONTINUE = 'CONTINUE'; /** @var int $checkStatusStep */ protected static $checkStatusStep = 20; /** @var int $emailSentPerIteration */ protected static $emailSentPerIteration = 0; /** * Handler of read event. * * @param array $data Data. * @return array */ public static function onMailEventMailRead(array $data) { $id = intval($data['RECIPIENT_ID']); if ($id > 0) { static::read($id); } return $data; } /** * Handler of click event. * * @param array $data Data. * @return array */ public static function onMailEventMailClick(array $data) { $id = intval($data['RECIPIENT_ID']); $url = $data['URL']; if ($id > 0 && strlen($url) > 0) { static::click($id, $url); } return $data; } /** * Do read actions. * * @param integer $recipientId Recipient ID. * @return void */ public static function read($recipientId) { $postingContactPrimary = array('ID' => $recipientId); $row = PostingRecipientTable::getRowById($postingContactPrimary); if (!$row) { return; } if ($row['ID']) { PostingReadTable::add(array( 'POSTING_ID' => $row['POSTING_ID'], 'RECIPIENT_ID' => $row['ID'], )); } if ($row['CONTACT_ID']) { ContactTable::update( $row['CONTACT_ID'], array( 'IS_READ' => 'Y', 'AGENT' => Recipient\Agent::detect(), 'IP' => Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress() ) ); } } /** * Do click actions. * * @param integer $recipientId Recipient ID. * @param string $url Url. * @return void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function click($recipientId, $url) { $postingContactPrimary = array('ID' => $recipientId); $row = PostingRecipientTable::getRowById($postingContactPrimary); if (!$row) { return; } if ($row['ID']) { $read = PostingReadTable::getRowById(array( 'POSTING_ID' => $row['POSTING_ID'], 'RECIPIENT_ID' => $row['ID'] )); if ($read === null) { static::read($recipientId); } $postingDb = PostingTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $row['POSTING_ID']), )); if ($postingDb->fetch()) { $deleteParameters = ['bx_sender_conversion_id']; $letter = Entity\Letter::createInstanceByPostingId($row['POSTING_ID']); $linkParams = $letter->getMessage()->getConfiguration()->get('LINK_PARAMS'); if ($linkParams) { $parametersTmp = []; parse_str($linkParams, $parametersTmp); if (is_array($parametersTmp)) { $parametersTmp = array_keys($parametersTmp); $deleteParameters = array_merge($deleteParameters, $parametersTmp); } } $uri = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri($url); $fixedUrl = $uri->deleteParams($deleteParameters)->getLocator(); $addClickDb = PostingClickTable::add(array( 'POSTING_ID' => $row['POSTING_ID'], 'RECIPIENT_ID' => $row['ID'], 'URL' => $fixedUrl )); if($addClickDb->isSuccess()) { // send event $eventData = array( 'URL' => $url, 'URL_FIXED' => $fixedUrl, 'CLICK_ID' => $addClickDb->getId(), 'RECIPIENT' => $row ); $event = new Event('sender', 'OnAfterRecipientClick', array($eventData)); $event->send(); } } } if ($row['CONTACT_ID']) { ContactTable::update( $row['CONTACT_ID'], array( 'IS_CLICK' => 'Y', 'IP' => Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress() ) ); } } /** * Get chain list for resending. * * @param integer $mailingId Mailing ID. * @return array|null * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException */ public static function getChainReSend($mailingId) { $result = array(); $mailChainDb = MailingChainTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array( '=MAILING.ID' => $mailingId, '=MAILING.ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=REITERATE' => 'N', '=MAILING_CHAIN.STATUS' => MailingChainTable::STATUS_END, ) )); while($mailChain = $mailChainDb->fetch()) { $result[] = $mailChain['ID']; } return (empty($result) ? null : $result); } /** * Send letter by message from posting to address. * * @param integer $mailingChainId Chain ID. * @param string $address Address. * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception */ public static function sendToAddress($mailingChainId, $address) { $recipientEmail = $address; $emailParts = explode('@', $recipientEmail); $recipientName = $emailParts[0]; global $USER; $mailingChain = MailingChainTable::getRowById(array('ID' => $mailingChainId)); $fields = array( 'NAME' => $recipientName, 'EMAIL_TO' => $address, 'USER_ID' => $USER->GetID(), 'SENDER_CHAIN_ID' => $mailingChain["ID"], 'SENDER_CHAIN_CODE' => 'sender_chain_item_' . $mailingChain["ID"] ); $letter = new Entity\Letter($mailingChainId); $message = $letter->getMessage(); $message->getReadTracker() ->setModuleId('sender') ->setFields(array('RECIPIENT_ID' => 0)); $message->getClickTracker() ->setModuleId('sender') ->setFields(array('RECIPIENT_ID' => 0)) ->setUriParameters(array('bx_sender_conversion_id' => 0)); $message->getUnsubTracker() ->setModuleId('sender') ->setFields(array( 'MAILING_ID' => !empty($mailingChain) ? $mailingChain['MAILING_ID'] : 0, 'EMAIL' => $address, 'TEST' => 'Y' )); $message->getUnsubTracker() ->setHandlerUri(Option::get('sender', 'unsub_link')); $message->setFields($fields); $result = $message->send(); return $result ? static::SEND_RESULT_SENT : static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; } /** * Send posting. * * @param integer $id Posting ID. * @param int $timeout Timeout. * @param int $maxMailCount Max mail count. * @return bool|string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\DB\Exception * @throws \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException * @throws \Exception */ public static function send($id, $timeout=0, $maxMailCount=0) { $letter = Entity\Letter::createInstanceByPostingId($id); $sender = new Posting\Sender($letter); $sender->setLimit($maxMailCount)->setTimeout($timeout)->send(); switch ($sender->getResultCode()) { case Posting\Sender::RESULT_CONTINUE: $result = static::SEND_RESULT_CONTINUE; break; case Posting\Sender::RESULT_ERROR: $result = static::SEND_RESULT_ERROR; break; case Posting\Sender::RESULT_SENT: default: $result = static::SEND_RESULT_SENT; break; } if ($result === static::SEND_RESULT_CONTINUE && $sender->isTransportLimitsExceeded()) { // update planned date only with timed limit $limiters = $letter->getMessage()->getTransport()->getLimiters($letter->getMessage()); if (!empty($limiters) && current($limiters)->getUnit()) { $date = new Type\Date(); $date->add('1 day'); } else { $date = new Type\DateTime(); $date->add('2 minute'); } $letter->getState()->updatePlannedDateSend($date); } return $result; } /** * Lock posting for preventing double sending. * * @param integer $id ID. * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\Db\SqlQueryException * @throws \Exception * @deprecated * @use \Bitrix\Sender\Posting\Sender::lock */ public static function lockPosting($id) { return Posting\Sender::lock($id); } /** * UnLock posting that was locking for preventing double sending. * * @param integer $id ID. * @return bool * @deprecated * @use \Bitrix\Sender\Posting\Sender::unlock */ public static function unlockPosting($id) { return Posting\Sender::unlock($id); } }