Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/seo/lib/retargeting/internals/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/seo/lib/retargeting/internals/queue.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage seo * @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Seo\Retargeting\Internals; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use \Bitrix\Main\Entity; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Seo\Retargeting\Service; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class QueueTable extends Entity\DataManager { const MODULE_ID = 'seo'; const PORTION_QUANTITY = 50; const ACTION_IMPORT = 'IMP'; const ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE = 'IAR'; const ACTION_REMOVE = 'REM'; const ACTION_AUTO_REMOVE = 'ARM'; protected static $isAgentAdded = array(); public static function getTableName() { return 'b_seo_service_rtg_queue'; } public static function getMap() { $fieldsMap = array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'DATE_INSERT' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'default_value' => new DateTime() ), 'TYPE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'ACCOUNT_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'AUDIENCE_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'CONTACT_TYPE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'VALUE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'ACTION' => array( 'data_type' => 'enum', 'values' => array( self::ACTION_IMPORT, self::ACTION_REMOVE, self::ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE, self::ACTION_AUTO_REMOVE, ), 'default_value' => self::ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE, 'required' => true, ), 'DATE_AUTO_REMOVE' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', ) ); return $fieldsMap; } protected static function processQueueAutoRemoveAgentName() { return __CLASS__ . '::processQueueAutoRemoveAgent();'; } protected static function getProcessQueueAgentName($type) { return __CLASS__ . '::processQueueAgent("' . $type . '");'; } public static function processQueueAutoRemoveAgent() { $queueDb = static::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('=ACTION' => self::ACTION_AUTO_REMOVE), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($queueDb->fetch()) { $connection = Application::getConnection(); $sql = "UPDATE " . self::getTableName() . " " . "SET ACTION='" . self::ACTION_REMOVE . "' " . "WHERE ACTION='" . self::ACTION_AUTO_REMOVE . "' " . "AND DATE_AUTO_REMOVE <= " . $connection->getSqlHelper()->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(); $connection->query($sql); if ($connection->getAffectedRowsCount() > 0) { $types = Service::getTypes(); foreach ($types as $type) { static::addQueueAgent($type); } } return static::processQueueAutoRemoveAgentName(); } else { return ''; } } public static function processQueueAgent($type) { try { $hasQueue = static::processQueue($type); } catch(\Exception $e) { $hasQueue = false; } if (!$hasQueue) { return ''; } else { return static::getProcessQueueAgentName($type); } } protected static function processQueue($type) { $hasQueue = false; $queryData = array(); $audience = Service::getAudience($type); $maxQuantity = $audience->getMaxContactsPerPacket(); $maxQuantity = $maxQuantity > 1000 ? 1000 : $maxQuantity; $queueDb = static::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE' => $type, '=ACTION' => array( self::ACTION_IMPORT, self::ACTION_REMOVE, self::ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE, ) ), 'limit' => $maxQuantity )); while ($queueItem = $queueDb->fetch()) { $hasQueue = true; $isRemove = $queueItem['ACTION'] == self::ACTION_REMOVE ? 'Y' : 'N'; $queryId = $queueItem['TYPE']; $queryId .= '_' . $queueItem['ACCOUNT_ID']; $queryId .= '_' . $queueItem['AUDIENCE_ID']; $queryId .= '_' . $isRemove; if (!isset($queryData[$queryId])) { $queryData[$queryId] = array( 'ACCOUNT_ID' => $queueItem['ACCOUNT_ID'], 'AUDIENCE_ID' => $queueItem['AUDIENCE_ID'], 'IS_REMOVE' => $isRemove, 'CONTACTS' => array(), 'DELETE_ID_LIST' => array(), 'AUTO_REMOVE_ID_LIST' => array(), ); } $contactType = $queueItem['CONTACT_TYPE']; if (!isset($queryData[$queryId]['CONTACTS'][$contactType])) { $queryData[$queryId]['CONTACTS'][$contactType] = array(); } $queryData[$queryId]['CONTACTS'][$contactType][] = $queueItem['VALUE']; if ($queueItem['ACTION'] == self::ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE) { $queryData[$queryId]['AUTO_REMOVE_ID_LIST'][] = $queueItem['ID']; } else { $queryData[$queryId]['DELETE_ID_LIST'][] = $queueItem['ID']; } } foreach ($queryData as $queryId => $query) { foreach ($query['CONTACTS'] as $contactType => $contacts) { $query['CONTACTS'][$contactType] = array_unique($contacts); } $audience->disableQueueMode(); $audience->setAccountId($query['ACCOUNT_ID']); $contactTypes = $audience->isSupportMultiTypeContacts() ? array('') : array_keys($query['CONTACTS']); foreach ($contactTypes as $contactType) { if ($query['IS_REMOVE'] != 'Y') { $audienceImportResult = $audience->addContacts( $query['AUDIENCE_ID'], $query['CONTACTS'], array( 'type' => $contactType ) ); } else { $audienceImportResult = $audience->deleteContacts( $query['AUDIENCE_ID'], $query['CONTACTS'], array( 'type' => $contactType ) ); } if ($audienceImportResult->isSuccess()) { if (!empty($query['DELETE_ID_LIST'])) { $portions = self::divideListIntoPortions($query['DELETE_ID_LIST']); foreach ($portions as $portion) { Application::getConnection()->query( "DELETE FROM " . self::getTableName() . " WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $portion) . ")" ); } } if (!empty($query['AUTO_REMOVE_ID_LIST'])) { $portions = self::divideListIntoPortions($query['AUTO_REMOVE_ID_LIST']); foreach ($portions as $portion) { Application::getConnection()->query( "UPDATE " . self::getTableName() . " SET ACTION='" . self::ACTION_AUTO_REMOVE . "'" . "WHERE ID IN (" . implode(',', $portion) . ")" ); } static::addQueueAutoRemoveAgent(); } } else { Application::getConnection()->query( "DELETE FROM " . self::getTableName() . " WHERE TYPE = '" . Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->forSql($type) . "'" . " AND ACTION in ('" . implode("', '", [self::ACTION_IMPORT, self::ACTION_IMPORT_AND_AUTO_REMOVE, self::ACTION_REMOVE]) . "')" . " AND DATE_INSERT < '" . (new DateTime())->add('-1 day')->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'" ); } } } return $hasQueue; } protected static function divideListIntoPortions($list) { $portions = array(); $deleteCount = count($list); $portionCount = ceil($deleteCount / self::PORTION_QUANTITY); $deleteNum = 0; for ($portionNum = 0; $portionNum < $portionCount; $portionNum++) { $deleteList = array(); $deletePortionCount = ($portionNum + 1) * self::PORTION_QUANTITY; for (; $deleteNum < $deletePortionCount; $deleteNum++) { if ($deleteNum >= $deleteCount) { break; } $deleteList[] = (int) $list[$deleteNum]; } $portions[] = $deleteList; } return $portions; } protected static function addQueueAutoRemoveAgent() { if (isset(static::$isAgentAdded['sys.auto_remove'])) { return; } $agentName = static::processQueueAutoRemoveAgentName(); $agent = new \CAgent(); $agentsDb = $agent->GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "MODULE_ID" => self::MODULE_ID, "NAME" => $agentName, )); if (!$agentsDb->Fetch()) { $agent->AddAgent($agentName, self::MODULE_ID, "N", 86400, null, "Y", ""); } } protected static function addQueueAgent($type) { if (isset(static::$isAgentAdded[$type])) { return; } $agent = new \CAgent(); if ($type) { $agentName = static::getProcessQueueAgentName($type); $agentsDb = $agent->GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array( "MODULE_ID" => self::MODULE_ID, "NAME" => $agentName, )); if (!$agentsDb->Fetch()) { $agent->AddAgent($agentName, self::MODULE_ID, "N", 300, null, "Y", ""); } } static::$isAgentAdded[$type] = true; } public static function onAfterAdd(Entity\Event $event) { $fields = $event->getParameter('fields'); $type = $fields['TYPE']; static::addQueueAgent($type); } }