Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/sla.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllTicketSLA { const SLA_SITE = 1; const SITE_SLA = 2; function err_mess() { $module_id = "support"; @include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/".$module_id."/install/version.php"); return "<br>Module: ".$module_id." <br>Class: CAllTicketSLA<br>File: ".__FILE__; } // add new or modify exist SLA function Set($arFields, $id, $checkRights=true) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: Set<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $id = intval($id); $table = "b_ticket_sla"; $isDemo = $isSupportClient = $isSupportTeam = $isAdmin = $isAccess = $userID = null; CTicket::GetRoles($isDemo, $isSupportClient, $isSupportTeam, $isAdmin, $isAccess, $userID, $checkRights); if ($isAdmin) { $validDeadlineSource = !isset($arFields['DEADLINE_SOURCE']) || in_array($arFields['DEADLINE_SOURCE'], array('', 'DATE_CREATE'), true); if (CTicket::CheckFields($arFields, $id, array("NAME","TIMETABLE_ID")) && $validDeadlineSource) { $arFields_i = CTicket::PrepareFields($arFields, $table, $id); if (intval($id)>0) { $DB->Update($table, $arFields_i, "WHERE ID=".intval($id), $err_mess.__LINE__); } else { $id = $DB->Insert($table, $arFields_i, $err_mess.__LINE__); } if (intval($id)>0) { if (is_set($arFields, "arGROUPS")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_user_group WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arGROUPS"]) && count($arFields["arGROUPS"])>0) { foreach($arFields["arGROUPS"] as $groupID) { $groupID = intval($groupID); if ($groupID>0) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_sla_2_user_group (SLA_ID, GROUP_ID) VALUES ($id, $groupID)"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } } if (is_set($arFields, "arSITES")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_site WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arSITES"]) && count($arFields["arSITES"])>0) { foreach($arFields["arSITES"] as $siteID) { //if (strlen($FIRST_SITE_ID)<=0) $FIRST_SITE_ID = $siteID; $FIRST_SITE_ID = $siteID; $siteID = $DB->ForSql($siteID); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_sla_2_site (SLA_ID, SITE_ID) VALUES ($id, '$siteID')"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } if (is_set($arFields, "arCATEGORIES")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_category WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arCATEGORIES"]) && count($arFields["arCATEGORIES"])>0) { foreach($arFields["arCATEGORIES"] as $categoryID) { $categoryID = intval($categoryID); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_sla_2_category (SLA_ID, CATEGORY_ID) VALUES ($id, $categoryID)"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } if (is_set($arFields, "arCRITICALITIES")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_criticality WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arCRITICALITIES"]) && count($arFields["arCRITICALITIES"])>0) { foreach($arFields["arCRITICALITIES"] as $criticalityID) { $criticalityID = intval($criticalityID); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_sla_2_criticality (SLA_ID, CRITICALITY_ID) VALUES ($id, $criticalityID)"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } if (is_set($arFields, "arMARKS")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_mark WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arMARKS"]) && count($arFields["arMARKS"])>0) { foreach($arFields["arMARKS"] as $markID) { $markID = intval($markID); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_sla_2_mark (SLA_ID, MARK_ID) VALUES ($id, $markID)"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } /* if (is_set($arFields, "arSHEDULE")) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_shedule WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (is_array($arFields["arSHEDULE"]) && count($arFields["arSHEDULE"])>0) { while(list($weekday, $arSHEDULE) = each($arFields["arSHEDULE"])) { $arF = array( "SLA_ID" => $id, "WEEKDAY_NUMBER" => intval($weekday), "OPEN_TIME" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arSHEDULE["OPEN_TIME"], 10)."'", ); if ($arSHEDULE["OPEN_TIME"]=="CUSTOM" && is_array($arSHEDULE["CUSTOM_TIME"]) && count($arSHEDULE["CUSTOM_TIME"])>0) { foreach($arSHEDULE["CUSTOM_TIME"] as $ar) { if (strlen(trim($ar["MINUTE_FROM"]))>0 || strlen(trim($ar["MINUTE_TILL"]))>0) { $minute_from = strlen($ar["MINUTE_FROM"])>0 ? $ar["MINUTE_FROM"] : "00:00"; $a = explode(":",$minute_from); $minute_from = intval($a[0]*60 + $a[1]); $arF["MINUTE_FROM"] = $minute_from; $minute_till = strlen($ar["MINUTE_TILL"])>0 ? $ar["MINUTE_TILL"] : "23:59"; $a = explode(":",$minute_till); $minute_till = intval($a[0]*60 + $a[1]); $arF["MINUTE_TILL"] = $minute_till; $DB->Insert("b_ticket_sla_shedule", $arF, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } else $DB->Insert("b_ticket_sla_shedule", $arF, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } */ $FIRST_SITE_ID = strlen($FIRST_SITE_ID)>0 ? "'".$DB->ForSql($FIRST_SITE_ID)."'" : "null"; $DB->Update($table, array("FIRST_SITE_ID" => $FIRST_SITE_ID), "WHERE ID=".intval($id), $err_mess.__LINE__); } } } else { //$APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SUP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED")); $arMsg = Array(); $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"PERMISSION", "text"=> GetMessage("SUP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED")); $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $APPLICATION->ThrowException($e); } CSupportTimetableCache::toCache( array( "SLA_ID"=> $id ) ); return $id; } // delete SLA function Delete($id, $checkRights=true) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: Delete<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $id = intval($id); if ($id < 1) { return false; } if ($id == 1) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SUP_ERROR_SLA_1")); return false; } $isDemo = $isSupportClient = $isSupportTeam = $isAdmin = $isAccess = $userID = null; CTicket::GetRoles($isDemo, $isSupportClient, $isSupportTeam, $isAdmin, $isAccess, $userID, $checkRights); if ($isAdmin) { $strSql = "SELECT DISTINCT 'x' FROM b_ticket WHERE SLA_ID = $id"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if (!$rs->Fetch()) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_site WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_category WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_criticality WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_mark WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_user_group WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); //$DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_shedule WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla_2_holidays WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_sla WHERE ID = $id", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_timetable_cache WHERE SLA_ID = $id", false, $err_mess . __LINE__); return true; } else { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(str_replace("#ID#", "$id", GetMessage("SUP_ERROR_SLA_HAS_TICKET"))); } } else { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage("SUP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED")); } return false; } // get SLA by ID function GetByID($id) { $id = intval($id); if ($id<=0) return false; $arFilter = array("ID" => $id, "ID_EXACT_MATCH" => "Y"); $arSort = $is_filtered = null; $rs = CTicketSLA::GetList($arSort, $arFilter, $is_filtered); return $rs; } // get shedule array by SLA ID function GetSheduleArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSheduleArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT * FROM b_ticket_sla_shedule WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID ORDER BY WEEKDAY_NUMBER, MINUTE_FROM, MINUTE_TILL"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if ($ar["OPEN_TIME"]=="CUSTOM") { if (intval($ar["MINUTE_FROM"])>0) { $h_from = floor($ar["MINUTE_FROM"]/60); $m_from = $ar["MINUTE_FROM"] - $h_from*60; } if (intval($ar["MINUTE_TILL"])>0) { $h_till = floor($ar["MINUTE_TILL"]/60); $m_till = $ar["MINUTE_TILL"] - $h_till*60; } $arResult[$ar["WEEKDAY_NUMBER"]]["OPEN_TIME"] = $ar["OPEN_TIME"]; $arResult[$ar["WEEKDAY_NUMBER"]]["CUSTOM_TIME"][] = array( "MINUTE_FROM" => $ar["MINUTE_FROM"], "SECOND_FROM" => $ar["MINUTE_FROM"]*60, "MINUTE_TILL" => $ar["MINUTE_TILL"], "SECOND_TILL" => $ar["MINUTE_TILL"]*60, "FROM" => $h_from.":".str_pad($m_from, 2, 0), "TILL" => $h_till.":".str_pad($m_till, 2, 0) ); } else { $arResult[$ar["WEEKDAY_NUMBER"]] = array("OPEN_TIME" => $ar["OPEN_TIME"]); } $arResult[$ar["WEEKDAY_NUMBER"]]["WEEKDAY_TITLE"] = GetMessage("SUP_WEEKDAY_".$ar["WEEKDAY_NUMBER"]); } } return $arResult; } function GetGroupArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetGroupArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT GROUP_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_user_group WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["GROUP_ID"]; } return $arResult; } public static function GetGroupArrayForAllSLA() { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetGroupArray<br>Line: "; $arResult = array(); $strSql = "SELECT SLA_ID, GROUP_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_user_group"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $arResult[$ar['SLA_ID']][] = $ar["GROUP_ID"]; } return $arResult; } function GetSiteArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSiteArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT SITE_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_site WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["SITE_ID"]; } return $arResult; } function GetSiteArrayForAllSLA($p = self::SLA_SITE) //self::SITE_SLA { static $GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache; if($p !== self::SITE_SLA) { $p = self::SLA_SITE; } if(!is_array($GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache)) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSiteArrayForAllSLA<br>Line: "; global $DB; $GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache = array(); $strSql = " SELECT SS.SITE_ID, SS.SLA_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_site SS "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache[self::SLA_SITE][$ar["SLA_ID"]][] = $ar["SITE_ID"]; $GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache[self::SITE_SLA][$ar["SITE_ID"]][] = $ar["SLA_ID"]; } } return $GetSiteArrayForAllSLACache[$p]; } function GetCategoryArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetCategoryArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT CATEGORY_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_category WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["CATEGORY_ID"]; } return $arResult; } function GetCriticalityArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetCriticalityArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT CRITICALITY_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_criticality WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["CRITICALITY_ID"]; } return $arResult; } function GetMarkArray($slaID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetMarkArray<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID>0) { $strSql = "SELECT MARK_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_mark WHERE SLA_ID = $slaID"; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arResult[] = $ar["MARK_ID"]; } return $arResult; } function GetDropDown($siteID="") { if (strlen($siteID)>0 && strtoupper($siteID)!="ALL") { $arFilter = array("SITE" => $siteID); } $arSort = array("FIRST_SITE_ID" => "ASC", "PRIORITY" => "ASC"); $is_filtered = null; $rs = CTicketSLA::GetList($arSort, $arFilter, $is_filtered); return $rs; } function GetForUser($siteID=false, $userID=false) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetForUser<br>Line: "; global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; $slaID = 1; // default SLA $arrGroups = array(); if (!is_object($USER)) $USER = new CUser; if ($userID===false && is_object($USER)) $userID = $USER->GetID(); if ($siteID==false) $siteID = SITE_ID; $userID = intval($userID); if ($userID>0) $arrGroups = CUser::GetUserGroup($userID); if (count($arrGroups)<=0) $arrGroups[] = 2; $arSla2Site = array(); $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT SLA_ID, SITE_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_site", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arSla2Site[$ar["SLA_ID"]][] = $ar["SITE_ID"]; $strSql = " SELECT SG.SLA_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_user_group SG INNER JOIN b_ticket_sla S ON (S.ID = SG.SLA_ID) WHERE SG.GROUP_ID in (".implode(",",$arrGroups).") GROUP BY SG.SLA_ID, S.PRIORITY ORDER BY S.PRIORITY DESC "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if (is_array($arSla2Site[$ar["SLA_ID"]]) && (in_array($siteID, $arSla2Site[$ar["SLA_ID"]]) || in_array("ALL", $arSla2Site[$ar["SLA_ID"]]))) { $slaID = $ar["SLA_ID"]; break; } } return $slaID; } function GetSLA( $siteID, $userID, $categoryID = null, $coupon = "" ) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllTicketSLA::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSLA<br>Line: "; $userID = intval($userID); if( strlen( $coupon ) > 0 ) { $rsCoupon = CSupportSuperCoupon::GetList( false, array( 'COUPON' => $coupon ) ); if($arCoupon = $rsCoupon->Fetch()) { if(intval($arCoupon['SLA_ID'] ) > 0) { return intval( $arCoupon['SLA_ID'] ); } } } $slaID = COption::GetOptionString( "support", "SUPPORT_DEFAULT_SLA_ID" ); $OLD_FUNCTIONALITY = COption::GetOptionString( "support", "SUPPORT_OLD_FUNCTIONALITY", "Y" ); if( $OLD_FUNCTIONALITY == "Y" ) { $categoryID = null; } $JOIN = ""; $fields = "1"; if( $categoryID != null ) { $categoryID = intval( $categoryID ); $fields = "CASE WHEN SC.SLA_ID IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END"; $JOIN .= " LEFT JOIN b_ticket_sla_2_category SC ON S.ID = SC.SLA_ID AND ( SC.CATEGORY_ID = 0 OR SC.CATEGORY_ID = $categoryID )"; } $strSql = " SELECT PZ.SLA_ID FROM ( SELECT SG.SLA_ID SLA_ID, $fields PRIORITY1, S.PRIORITY PRIORITY2 FROM b_ticket_sla S INNER JOIN b_ticket_sla_2_site SS ON S.ID = SS.SLA_ID AND ( SS.SITE_ID = 'ALL' OR SS.SITE_ID = '$siteID' ) INNER JOIN b_ticket_sla_2_user_group SG ON S.ID = SG.SLA_ID $JOIN WHERE SG.GROUP_ID IN ( SELECT UG.GROUP_ID FROM b_user_group UG WHERE UG.USER_ID = $userID AND (UG.DATE_ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL OR UG.DATE_ACTIVE_FROM <= ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().") AND (UG.DATE_ACTIVE_TO IS NULL OR UG.DATE_ACTIVE_TO >= ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().") ) OR SG.GROUP_ID = 2 ) PZ GROUP BY PZ.SLA_ID, PZ.PRIORITY1, PZ.PRIORITY2 ORDER BY PZ.PRIORITY1 DESC, PZ.PRIORITY2 DESC "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); if( $ar = $rs->Fetch() ) { if( is_array( $ar ) && array_key_exists( "SLA_ID", $ar ) ) { $slaID = $ar["SLA_ID"]; } } return $slaID; } } ?>