Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/templates/landing24/assets/js/components/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/templates/landing24/assets/js/components/hs.chart-pie.js.orig |
/** * Chart Pies wrapper. * * @author Htmlstream * @version 1.0 * @requires appear.js (v1.0.3), circles.js (v0.0.6) * */ ; (function ($) { 'use strict'; $.HSCore.components.HSChartPie = { /** * * * @var Object _baseConfig */ _baseConfig: { bounds: -100, debounce: 10, rtl: false, wrpClass: 'circles-wrp', textClass: 'circles-text', valueStrokeClass: 'circles-valueStroke', maxValueStrokeClass: 'circles-maxValueStroke', styleWrapper: true, styleText: true }, /** * * * @var jQuery pageCollection */ pageCollection: $(), /** * * * @var */ appearCollectionIds: [], /** * Initialization of ChartPie wrapper. * * @param String selector (optional) * @param Object config (optional) * * @return jQuery pageCollection - collection of initialized items. */ init: function (selector, config) { this.collection = selector && $(selector).length ? $(selector) : $(); if (!$(selector).length) return; this.config = config && $.isPlainObject(config) ? $.extend({}, this._baseConfig, config) : this._baseConfig; this.config.itemSelector = selector; this.initCircles(); return this.pageCollection; }, /** * Initialization of each Circle of the page. * * @return undefined */ initCircles: function () { var lastItem = this.pageCollection.last(), lastId = 0, self = this; if (lastItem.length) { lastId = +lastItem.attr('id').substring(lastItem.attr('id').lastIndexOf('-') + 1); } this.collection.each(function (i, el) { var $this = $(el), id = 'hs-pie-' + (lastId + (i + 1)), value = 0; $this.attr('id', id); if (!$this.data('circles-scroll-animate')) { value = $this.data('circles-value') || 0; } else { $this.data('reminded-value', $this.data('circles-value') || 0); self.appearCollectionIds.push('#' + id); } var circle = Circles.create({ id: id, radius: $this.data('circles-radius') || 80, value: value, maxValue: $this.data('circles-max-value') || 100, width: $this.data('circles-stroke-width') || 10, text: function (value) { if ($this.data('circles-type') == 'iconic') { return $this.data('circles-icon'); } else { return value + ($this.data('circles-additional-text') || ''); } }, colors: [$this.data('circles-bg-color') || '#72c02c', $this.data('circles-fg-color') || '#eeeeee'], duration: $this.data('circles-duration') || 1000, wrpClass: self.config['wrpClass'], textClass: self.config['textClass'], valueStrokeClass: self.config['valueStrokeClass'], maxValueStrokeClass: self.config['maxValueStrokeClass'], styleWrapper: self.config['styleWrapper'], styleText: self.config['styleText'] }); $this.data('circle', circle); $this.find('.' + self.config['textClass']).css({ 'font-size': $this.data('circles-font-size'), 'font-weight': $this.data('circles-font-weight'), 'color': $this.data('circles-color') }); if (self.config['rtl']) { $this.find('svg').css('transform', 'matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)'); } self.pageCollection = self.pageCollection.add($this); }); if (self.appearCollectionIds.length) self._initAppear(); }, /** * Updates value of the chart pie when an item has appeared in the visible region. * * @return undefined */ _initAppear: function () { var self = this; appear({ bounds: self.config['bounds'], debounce: self.config['debounce'], elements: function () { return document.querySelectorAll(self.appearCollectionIds.join(',')); }, appear: function (element) { element = $(element); element.data('circle').update(element.data('reminded-value')); } }); }, /** * Returns item by index or entire collection in case when index has not been passed. * * @param Number index * * @return jQuery */ get: function (index) { if (index && $.isNumeric(index)) return this.pageCollection.eq(index); return this.pageCollection; }, /** * Returns item by id. * * @param String id * * @return circle */ getById: function (id) { if (id && this.pageCollection.filter('#' + id).length) return this.pageCollection.filter('#' + id); return null; }, /** * Returns object of circle class (for the access to circle API) by index. * * @param Number index * * @return circle */ getCircleAPI: function (index) { if (index && $.isNumeric(index) && this.pageCollection.eq(index).length) return this.pageCollection.eq(index).data('circle'); return null; }, /** * Returns object of circle class (for the access to circle API) by id. * * @param String id * * @return circle */ getCircleAPIById: function (id) { if (id && this.pageCollection.filter('#' + id).length) return this.pageCollection.filter('#' + id).data('circle'); return null; } } })(jQuery);