Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/templates/landing24/assets/vendor/circles/spec/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/bitrix/templates/landing24/assets/vendor/circles/spec/circlesspec.js |
describe('Circles', function() { it('is defined', function() { expect(typeof Circles).toEqual('function'); }); var element, circle; function getText() { return element.firstChild.children[1]; } function getSVG() { return element.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; } beforeEach(function() { element = document.createElement('div'); element.id = 'circles-1'; document.body.appendChild(element); }); afterEach(function() { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); }); describe('Creation', function() { it('returns a Circles instance', function() { var circles = Circles.create({}); expect(circles instanceof Circles).toBeTruthy(); }); it('returns an instance with 0 as value', function() { var circles = Circles.create({id: element.id}); expect(circles.getValue()).toEqual(0); }); it('returns an instance with 100 as max value', function() { var circles = Circles.create({id: element.id}); expect(circles.getMaxValue()).toEqual(100); }); describe('Generated content', function() { beforeEach(function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null }); }); it('contains a wrapper with default class', function() { Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null, wrpClass: 'wrapContainer' }); expect(element.firstChild.className).toEqual('wrapContainer'); }); it('contains a wrapper with provided class', function() { expect(element.firstChild.className).toEqual('circles-wrp'); }); it('contains a SVG tag', function() { expect(getSVG() instanceof SVGSVGElement).toBeTruthy(); }); it('contains two PATH tags into the SVG', function() { expect(getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path').length).toEqual(2); }); it('adds class attributes to the path', function() { expect(getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path')[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('circles-maxValueStroke'); }); it('adds provided class attributes to the path', function() { Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null, maxValueStrokeClass: 'testMaxValueClass', wrpClass: 'wrapContainer' }); expect(getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path')[0].getAttribute('class')).toEqual('testMaxValueClass'); }); it('contains the SVG without animation', function() { var dValue = getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path')[1].getAttribute('d'); expect(dValue).toEqual('M 59.988797973796764 5.000001140776291 A 55 55 0 0 1 92.3939094694214 104.44811165040569 '); }); it("contains the SVG with animation", function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60 }); var dValue = element.firstChild.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].getElementsByTagName('path')[1].getAttribute('d'); expect(dValue).toEqual('M 59.988797973796764 5.000001140776291 A 55 55 0 0 1 63.396635173034774 5.1049831997356705 '); }); it('has styles by default', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, text: '%', duration: null }); expect(element.firstChild.style[0]).toBeTruthy(); }); it('can have its styles overridden', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null, text: '%', styleWrapper: false }); expect(element.firstChild.style[0]).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('Text', function() { it('has a container', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null }); expect(getText() instanceof HTMLDivElement).toBeTruthy(); }); it('has a container with default class', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null }); expect(getText().className).toEqual('circles-text'); }); it('has a container with provided class', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null, textClass: 'textContainer' }); expect(getText().className).toEqual('textContainer'); }); it('contains the supplied text', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, text: '%', duration: null }); expect(getText().innerHTML).toEqual('%'); }); it('can be managed by a function', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, text: function(value) { return value + '%'; }, duration: null }); expect(getText().innerHTML).toEqual('40%'); }); it('can be empty', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, text: null, duration: null }); expect(getText().innerHTML).toBeFalsy(); }); it('has styles by default', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, text: '%', duration: null }); expect(getText().style[0]).toBeTruthy(); }); it('can have its styles overridden', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null, text: '%', styleText: false }); expect(getText().style[0]).toBeFalsy(); }); }); }); describe('API', function() { beforeEach(function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, value: 40, radius: 60, duration: null }); }); it('can update radius', function() { circle.updateRadius(30); expect(getSVG().getAttribute('width') == 60).toBeTruthy(); }); it('can update stroke width', function() { circle.updateWidth(20); expect(getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path')[1].getAttribute('stroke-width') == 20).toBeTruthy(); }); it('can update colors', function() { circle.updateColors(['#000', '#fff']); var paths = getSVG().getElementsByTagName('path'); expect(paths[0].getAttribute('stroke') === '#000' && paths[1].getAttribute('stroke') === '#fff').toBeTruthy(); }); it('can get correct percentage', function() { expect(circle.getPercent()).toEqual(40); }); it('can update value', function() { circle.update(50); expect(circle.getPercent()).toEqual(50); }); it('can get correct value from percentage', function() { circle = Circles.create({ id: element.id, maxValue: 1000, duration: null }); expect(circle.getValueFromPercent(25)).toEqual(250); }); it('can return HTML representation of a number', function() { expect(circle.htmlifyNumber(12.43, 'int', 'float')).toEqual('<span class="int">12</span>.<span class="float">43</span>'); }); }); });