Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/local/components/UB/photogallery.upload/templates/.default/lang/en/ |
Current File : //home/bitrix/www/local/components/UB/photogallery.upload/templates/.default/lang/en/template.php |
<? $MESS["SourceFile"] = "File"; $MESS["Tags"] = "Tags"; $MESS["Description"] = "Description"; $MESS["Public"] = "Publish"; $MESS["NoPhoto"] = "No"; $MESS["Photo"] = " photos"; $MESS["AddFolders"] = "Add Folder"; $MESS["AddFiles"] = "Add Files"; $MESS["ErrorNoData"] = "No data to upload, or the file size exceeds #POST_MAX_SIZE# MB."; $MESS["RemoveAllFromUploadList"] = "Delete All"; $MESS["Send"] = "Upload"; $MESS["Title"] = "Name"; $MESS["P_RESIZE"] = "Resize images to"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK"] = "Print watermarks"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_COLOR_TITLE"] = "Color"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_SIZE_TITLE"] = "Watermark size"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_SIZE_REAL"] = "Real size"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_SIZE_BIG"] = "Big"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_SIZE_MIDDLE"] = "Middle"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_SIZE_SMALL"] = "Small"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_TL"] = "Top left"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_TC"] = "Top center"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_TR"] = "Top right"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_ML"] = "Left"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_MC"] = "Center"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_MR"] = "Right"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_BL"] = "Bottom left"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_BC"] = "Bottom center"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_BR"] = "Bottom right"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_POSITION_TITLE"] = "Position"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_COPYRIGHT"] = "Copyright watermark"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_TEXT"] = "Text"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_IMG"] = "Image"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_COPYRIGHT_SHOW"] = "Insert copyright sign before text"; $MESS["P_WATERMARK_COPYRIGHT_HIDE"] = "Print text only"; $MESS["P_TO_ALBUM"] = "Upload photos to album"; $MESS["P_ORIGINAL"] = "original"; $MESS["P_LOADING"] = "Loading..."; $MESS["P_IN_NEW_ALBUM"] = "New album"; $MESS["P_JAVASCRIPT_DISABLED"] = "JavaScript is disabled."; $MESS["P_ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS"] = "Additional settings"; $MESS["P_ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS_HIDE"] = "Hide additional settings"; $MESS["P_DEF_COLOR"] = "Default"; $MESS["P_SHOW_APPLET"] = "Go to mass upload"; $MESS["P_SHOW_FORM"] = "Go to simple upload form"; $MESS["P_OPACITY"] = "Opacity"; $MESS["P_DEL_PREVIEW"] = "Delete image"; $MESS["P_DEL_PREVIEW_CONFIRM"] = "Are you sure you want to delete the uploaded image?"; $MESS["P_STOP_LOADING"] = "Stop uploading"; $MESS["P_GO_TO_ALBUM"] = "Open album"; $MESS["P_MAX_FILE_DIMENTIONS_NOTICE"] = "Large photos will be proportionally scaled down to <i>#MAX_FILE_DIMENTIONS# x #MAX_FILE_DIMENTIONS# px</i>."; $MESS["P_MAX_FILE_SIZE_NOTICE"] = "Each of the image files cannot exceed the file size limit - <i>#POST_MAX_SIZE_STR# MB</i>."; $MESS["P_MODERATION_NITICE"] = "This is a pre-moderated gallery. The new photos will become visible to other users once the moderator approves them."; $MESS["P_LARGE_SIZE_WARN"] = "The file is too large."; $MESS["P_NOT_IMAGE_TYPE_WARN"] = "The file you have selected is not an image.."; $MESS["P_WRONG_SERVER_RESPONSE"] = "Error uploading files: incorrect server response."; $MESS["MAGIC_QUOTES_NOTICE_ADMIN"] = "Attention! The Flash based uploader may perform incorrectly with the current PHP settings (magic_quotes_gpc=On). You will find more information at the <a href=\"#URL#\">website check page</a>. "; $MESS["MAGIC_QUOTES_NOTICE"] = "Attention! Flash based uploader may perform incorrectly. Java uploader will be used instead. Please contact the website administrator for more information. "; $MESS["YOU_HAVE_EXCEEDED_A_LIMIT_ON_THE_NUMBER_OF_FILES"] = "You have exceeded a limit on the number of files.\nPlease select a maximum "; $MESS["FILE_A"] = " file."; $MESS["FILE_OV"] = " files."; ?>