Direktori : /lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/ |
Current File : //lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/winrm.py |
# (c) 2014, Chris Church <chris@ninemoreminutes.com> # # This file is part of Ansible. # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import base64 import inspect import os import re import shlex import traceback import json HAVE_KERBEROS = False try: import kerberos HAVE_KERBEROS = True except ImportError: pass from ansible.compat.six import string_types from ansible.compat.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlunsplit from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleConnectionFailure from ansible.errors import AnsibleFileNotFound from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text from ansible.plugins.connection import ConnectionBase from ansible.utils.hashing import secure_hash from ansible.utils.path import makedirs_safe try: import winrm from winrm import Response from winrm.protocol import Protocol except ImportError: raise AnsibleError("winrm is not installed") try: import xmltodict except ImportError: raise AnsibleError("xmltodict is not installed") try: from __main__ import display except ImportError: from ansible.utils.display import Display display = Display() class Connection(ConnectionBase): '''WinRM connections over HTTP/HTTPS.''' transport = 'winrm' module_implementation_preferences = ('.ps1', '.exe', '') become_methods = [] allow_executable = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.has_pipelining = False self.protocol = None self.shell_id = None self.delegate = None self._shell_type = 'powershell' # FUTURE: Add runas support super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def set_host_overrides(self, host, hostvars=None): ''' Override WinRM-specific options from host variables. ''' self._winrm_host = self._play_context.remote_addr self._winrm_port = int(self._play_context.port or 5986) self._winrm_scheme = hostvars.get('ansible_winrm_scheme', 'http' if self._winrm_port == 5985 else 'https') self._winrm_path = hostvars.get('ansible_winrm_path', '/wsman') self._winrm_user = self._play_context.remote_user self._winrm_pass = self._play_context.password if hasattr(winrm, 'FEATURE_SUPPORTED_AUTHTYPES'): self._winrm_supported_authtypes = set(winrm.FEATURE_SUPPORTED_AUTHTYPES) else: # for legacy versions of pywinrm, use the values we know are supported self._winrm_supported_authtypes = set(['plaintext','ssl','kerberos']) # TODO: figure out what we want to do with auto-transport selection in the face of NTLM/Kerb/CredSSP/Cert/Basic transport_selector = 'ssl' if self._winrm_scheme == 'https' else 'plaintext' if HAVE_KERBEROS and ((self._winrm_user and '@' in self._winrm_user)): self._winrm_transport = 'kerberos,%s' % transport_selector else: self._winrm_transport = transport_selector self._winrm_transport = hostvars.get('ansible_winrm_transport', self._winrm_transport) if isinstance(self._winrm_transport, string_types): self._winrm_transport = [x.strip() for x in self._winrm_transport.split(',') if x.strip()] unsupported_transports = set(self._winrm_transport).difference(self._winrm_supported_authtypes) if unsupported_transports: raise AnsibleError('The installed version of WinRM does not support transport(s) %s' % list(unsupported_transports)) # arg names we're going passing directly internal_kwarg_mask = set(['self', 'endpoint', 'transport', 'username', 'password', 'scheme', 'path']) self._winrm_kwargs = dict(username=self._winrm_user, password=self._winrm_pass) argspec = inspect.getargspec(Protocol.__init__) supported_winrm_args = set(argspec.args) supported_winrm_args.update(internal_kwarg_mask) passed_winrm_args = set([v.replace('ansible_winrm_', '') for v in hostvars if v.startswith('ansible_winrm_')]) unsupported_args = passed_winrm_args.difference(supported_winrm_args) # warn for kwargs unsupported by the installed version of pywinrm for arg in unsupported_args: display.warning("ansible_winrm_{0} unsupported by pywinrm (is an up-to-date version of pywinrm installed?)".format(arg)) # pass through matching kwargs, excluding the list we want to treat specially for arg in passed_winrm_args.difference(internal_kwarg_mask).intersection(supported_winrm_args): self._winrm_kwargs[arg] = hostvars['ansible_winrm_%s' % arg] def _winrm_connect(self): ''' Establish a WinRM connection over HTTP/HTTPS. ''' display.vvv("ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: %s on PORT %s TO %s" % (self._winrm_user, self._winrm_port, self._winrm_host), host=self._winrm_host) netloc = '%s:%d' % (self._winrm_host, self._winrm_port) endpoint = urlunsplit((self._winrm_scheme, netloc, self._winrm_path, '', '')) errors = [] for transport in self._winrm_transport: if transport == 'kerberos' and not HAVE_KERBEROS: errors.append('kerberos: the python kerberos library is not installed') continue display.vvvvv('WINRM CONNECT: transport=%s endpoint=%s' % (transport, endpoint), host=self._winrm_host) try: protocol = Protocol(endpoint, transport=transport, **self._winrm_kwargs) # open the shell from connect so we know we're able to talk to the server if not self.shell_id: self.shell_id = protocol.open_shell(codepage=65001) # UTF-8 display.vvvvv('WINRM OPEN SHELL: %s' % self.shell_id, host=self._winrm_host) return protocol except Exception as e: err_msg = to_text(e).strip() if re.search(to_text(r'Operation\s+?timed\s+?out'), err_msg, re.I): raise AnsibleError('the connection attempt timed out') m = re.search(to_text(r'Code\s+?(\d{3})'), err_msg) if m: code = int(m.groups()[0]) if code == 401: err_msg = 'the specified credentials were rejected by the server' elif code == 411: return protocol errors.append(u'%s: %s' % (transport, err_msg)) display.vvvvv(u'WINRM CONNECTION ERROR: %s\n%s' % (err_msg, to_text(traceback.format_exc())), host=self._winrm_host) if errors: raise AnsibleConnectionFailure(', '.join(map(to_native, errors))) else: raise AnsibleError('No transport found for WinRM connection') def _winrm_send_input(self, protocol, shell_id, command_id, stdin, eof=False): rq = {'env:Envelope': protocol._get_soap_header( resource_uri='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/cmd', action='http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/windows/shell/Send', shell_id=shell_id)} stream = rq['env:Envelope'].setdefault('env:Body', {}).setdefault('rsp:Send', {})\ .setdefault('rsp:Stream', {}) stream['@Name'] = 'stdin' stream['@CommandId'] = command_id stream['#text'] = base64.b64encode(to_bytes(stdin)) if eof: stream['@End'] = 'true' protocol.send_message(xmltodict.unparse(rq)) def _winrm_exec(self, command, args=(), from_exec=False, stdin_iterator=None): if not self.protocol: self.protocol = self._winrm_connect() self._connected = True if from_exec: display.vvvvv("WINRM EXEC %r %r" % (command, args), host=self._winrm_host) else: display.vvvvvv("WINRM EXEC %r %r" % (command, args), host=self._winrm_host) command_id = None try: stdin_push_failed = False command_id = self.protocol.run_command(self.shell_id, to_bytes(command), map(to_bytes, args), console_mode_stdin=(stdin_iterator is None)) # TODO: try/except around this, so we can get/return the command result on a broken pipe or other failure (probably more useful than the 500 that comes from this) try: if stdin_iterator: for (data, is_last) in stdin_iterator: self._winrm_send_input(self.protocol, self.shell_id, command_id, data, eof=is_last) except Exception as ex: from traceback import format_exc display.warning("FATAL ERROR DURING FILE TRANSFER: %s" % format_exc(ex)) stdin_push_failed = True if stdin_push_failed: raise AnsibleError('winrm send_input failed') # NB: this can hang if the receiver is still running (eg, network failed a Send request but the server's still happy). # FUTURE: Consider adding pywinrm status check/abort operations to see if the target is still running after a failure. response = Response(self.protocol.get_command_output(self.shell_id, command_id)) # TODO: check result from response and set stdin_push_failed if we have nonzero if from_exec: display.vvvvv('WINRM RESULT %r' % to_text(response), host=self._winrm_host) else: display.vvvvvv('WINRM RESULT %r' % to_text(response), host=self._winrm_host) display.vvvvvv('WINRM STDOUT %s' % to_text(response.std_out), host=self._winrm_host) display.vvvvvv('WINRM STDERR %s' % to_text(response.std_err), host=self._winrm_host) if stdin_push_failed: raise AnsibleError('winrm send_input failed; \nstdout: %s\nstderr %s' % (response.std_out, response.std_err)) return response finally: if command_id: self.protocol.cleanup_command(self.shell_id, command_id) def _connect(self): super(Connection, self)._connect() if not self.protocol: self.protocol = self._winrm_connect() self._connected = True return self def _reset(self): # used by win_reboot (and any other action that might need to bounce the state) self.protocol = None self.shell_id = None self._connect() def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=True): super(Connection, self).exec_command(cmd, in_data=in_data, sudoable=sudoable) cmd_parts = shlex.split(to_bytes(cmd), posix=False) cmd_parts = map(to_text, cmd_parts) script = None cmd_ext = cmd_parts and self._shell._unquote(cmd_parts[0]).lower()[-4:] or '' # Support running .ps1 files (via script/raw). if cmd_ext == '.ps1': script = '& %s' % cmd # Support running .bat/.cmd files; change back to the default system encoding instead of UTF-8. elif cmd_ext in ('.bat', '.cmd'): script = '[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Default; & %s' % cmd # Encode the command if not already encoded; supports running simple PowerShell commands via raw. elif '-EncodedCommand' not in cmd_parts: script = cmd if script: cmd_parts = self._shell._encode_script(script, as_list=True, strict_mode=False) if '-EncodedCommand' in cmd_parts: encoded_cmd = cmd_parts[cmd_parts.index('-EncodedCommand') + 1] decoded_cmd = to_text(base64.b64decode(encoded_cmd).decode('utf-16-le')) display.vvv("EXEC %s" % decoded_cmd, host=self._winrm_host) else: display.vvv("EXEC %s" % cmd, host=self._winrm_host) try: result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:], from_exec=True) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleConnectionFailure("failed to exec cmd %s" % cmd) result.std_out = to_bytes(result.std_out) result.std_err = to_bytes(result.std_err) # parse just stderr from CLIXML output if self.is_clixml(result.std_err): try: result.std_err = self.parse_clixml_stream(result.std_err) except: # unsure if we're guaranteed a valid xml doc- use raw output in case of error pass return (result.status_code, result.std_out, result.std_err) def is_clixml(self, value): return value.startswith("#< CLIXML") # hacky way to get just stdout- not always sure of doc framing here, so use with care def parse_clixml_stream(self, clixml_doc, stream_name='Error'): clear_xml = clixml_doc.replace('#< CLIXML\r\n', '') doc = xmltodict.parse(clear_xml) lines = [l.get('#text', '').replace('_x000D__x000A_', '') for l in doc.get('Objs', {}).get('S', {}) if l.get('@S') == stream_name] return '\r\n'.join(lines) # FUTURE: determine buffer size at runtime via remote winrm config? def _put_file_stdin_iterator(self, in_path, out_path, buffer_size=250000): in_size = os.path.getsize(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) offset = 0 with open(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as in_file: for out_data in iter((lambda:in_file.read(buffer_size)), ''): offset += len(out_data) self._display.vvvvv('WINRM PUT "%s" to "%s" (offset=%d size=%d)' % (in_path, out_path, offset, len(out_data)), host=self._winrm_host) # yes, we're double-encoding over the wire in this case- we want to ensure that the data shipped to the end PS pipeline is still b64-encoded b64_data = base64.b64encode(out_data) + '\r\n' # cough up the data, as well as an indicator if this is the last chunk so winrm_send knows to set the End signal yield b64_data, (in_file.tell() == in_size) if offset == 0: # empty file, return an empty buffer + eof to close it yield "", True def put_file(self, in_path, out_path): super(Connection, self).put_file(in_path, out_path) out_path = self._shell._unquote(out_path) display.vvv('PUT "%s" TO "%s"' % (in_path, out_path), host=self._winrm_host) if not os.path.exists(to_bytes(in_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')): raise AnsibleFileNotFound('file or module does not exist: "%s"' % in_path) script_template = u''' begin {{ $path = '{0}' $DebugPreference = "Continue" $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" Set-StrictMode -Version 2 $fd = [System.IO.File]::Create($path) $sha1 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider]::Create() $bytes = @() #initialize for empty file case }} process {{ $bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($input) $sha1.TransformBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length, $bytes, 0) | Out-Null $fd.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length) }} end {{ $sha1.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, 0) | Out-Null $hash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sha1.Hash).Replace("-", "").ToLowerInvariant() $fd.Close() Write-Output "{{""sha1"":""$hash""}}" }} ''' script = script_template.format(self._shell._escape(out_path)) cmd_parts = self._shell._encode_script(script, as_list=True, strict_mode=False) result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:], stdin_iterator=self._put_file_stdin_iterator(in_path, out_path)) # TODO: improve error handling if result.status_code != 0: raise AnsibleError(to_native(result.std_err)) put_output = json.loads(result.std_out) remote_sha1 = put_output.get("sha1") if not remote_sha1: raise AnsibleError("Remote sha1 was not returned") local_sha1 = secure_hash(in_path) if not remote_sha1 == local_sha1: raise AnsibleError("Remote sha1 hash {0} does not match local hash {1}".format(to_native(remote_sha1), to_native(local_sha1))) def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path): super(Connection, self).fetch_file(in_path, out_path) in_path = self._shell._unquote(in_path) out_path = out_path.replace('\\', '/') display.vvv('FETCH "%s" TO "%s"' % (in_path, out_path), host=self._winrm_host) buffer_size = 2**19 # 0.5MB chunks makedirs_safe(os.path.dirname(out_path)) out_file = None try: offset = 0 while True: try: script = ''' If (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "%(path)s") { $stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead("%(path)s"); $stream.Seek(%(offset)d, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) | Out-Null; $buffer = New-Object Byte[] %(buffer_size)d; $bytesRead = $stream.Read($buffer, 0, %(buffer_size)d); $bytes = $buffer[0..($bytesRead-1)]; [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes); $stream.Close() | Out-Null; } ElseIf (Test-Path -PathType Container "%(path)s") { Write-Host "[DIR]"; } Else { Write-Error "%(path)s does not exist"; Exit 1; } ''' % dict(buffer_size=buffer_size, path=self._shell._escape(in_path), offset=offset) display.vvvvv('WINRM FETCH "%s" to "%s" (offset=%d)' % (in_path, out_path, offset), host=self._winrm_host) cmd_parts = self._shell._encode_script(script, as_list=True) result = self._winrm_exec(cmd_parts[0], cmd_parts[1:]) if result.status_code != 0: raise IOError(to_native(result.std_err)) if result.std_out.strip() == '[DIR]': data = None else: data = base64.b64decode(result.std_out.strip()) if data is None: makedirs_safe(out_path) break else: if not out_file: # If out_path is a directory and we're expecting a file, bail out now. if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')): break out_file = open(to_bytes(out_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'wb') out_file.write(data) if len(data) < buffer_size: break offset += len(data) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() raise AnsibleError('failed to transfer file to "%s"' % out_path) finally: if out_file: out_file.close() def close(self): if self.protocol and self.shell_id: display.vvvvv('WINRM CLOSE SHELL: %s' % self.shell_id, host=self._winrm_host) self.protocol.close_shell(self.shell_id) self.shell_id = None self.protocol = None self._connected = False