Direktori : /opt/webdir/bin/ |
Current File : //opt/webdir/bin/auth_in_ansible.sh |
#!/bin/bash # manage ssh keys for ansible # 1. create ney key for host ( removes previous keys ) # 2. removes the outdated keys # auth E.Shemaeva # created 30/01/2014 PROGNAME=$(basename $0) PROGPATH=$(dirname $0) VERBOSE=0 BASE_DIR=/opt/webdir LOGS_DIR=$BASE_DIR/logs TEMP_DIR=$BASE_DIR/temp TMPL_DIR=$BASE_DIR/templates LOGS_FILE=$LOGS_DIR/$(echo $PROGNAME | sed -e 's/\.sh$//').log # print help message print_usage(){ _return_code=$1 echo "Usage: $PROGNAME -o mgmt|key [-hv] [ -t livetime_for_key ] [ -u sshuser ] [-s secret] [ -k keyid ] [-b location]" echo " -o - determines action script;" echo " mgmt - configure server for mgmt role" echo " key - get current mgmt key file" echo " -b - location in the web through which the key will be available" echo " -u - ssh user ( default: root )" echo " -t - lifetime for ssh keys in seconds ( default: 900s = 15m )" echo " -k - ssh key id, used for the point clear" echo " -s - secret link that allows to get a sshkey to enter the server" echo " -h - show this message" echo " -v - enable verobose mode" echo exit $_return_code } # save information in log file print_log() { _log_message=$1 if [[ -n "$LOGS_FILE" ]]; then log_date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # exclude test domain printf "%-14s: %6d: %s\n" "$log_date" "$$" "$_log_message" >> $LOGS_FILE fi } # print information and exit # here identifies possible return codes from script # main rule: # 0xx - notice message and return_code=0 # 1xx - warning message and return_code=1 # 2xx - critical message and return_code=2 # 3xx - impossible message/situation and return_code=3 print_and_exit() { _exit_code=$1 _exit_opt=$2 return_mess="CODE_$_exit_code: " return_code=$(echo ${_exit_type:0:1}) case $_exit_code in "101") return_mess=$return_mess"'-o' - is mandatory option. Use '-h' for help message." ;; "102") return_mess=$return_mess"'-o' can contain 'create' or 'clear' values only." ;; "103") return_mess=$return_mess"Ansible key already installed on this server." ;; "104") return_mess=$return_mess"$_exit_opt already exists in ansible system" ;; "201") return_mess=$return_mess"Can't create ssh key $_exit_opt" ;; "202") return_mess=$return_mess"Can't found ssh key for user $_exit_opt" ;; "203") return_mess=$return_mess"To add the client must specify the link with key" ;; "204") return_mess=$return_mess"Not found Annsible key for master. May be you must create it - '-o mgmt'" ;; "205") return_mess=$return_mess"Ansible key is found but it is empty." ;; "206") return_mess=$return_mess"Cannot access to the key $_exit_opt" ;; "207") return_mess=$return_mess"Cannot connect to $_exit_opt" ;; "001") return_mess=$return_mess"To add a machine to control, enter the following link in the interface\n" return_mess=$return_mess"$_exit_opt\n" return_mess=$return_mess"Attention! The file is temporary and will be removed in $SSHTIME seconds." ;; "002") return_mess=$return_mess"Delete old keys file is complete. Was removed $_exit_opt key(s)." ;; "003") return_mess=$return_mess"Create new key $_exit_opt for Ansible" ;; "004") return_mess=$return_mess"Client $_exit_opt is added" ;; *) return_mess=$return_mess"$_exit_opt" ;; esac print_log "$return_mess" echo -e "$return_mess" exit $return_code } get_ip_addr() { # get firt ip address for host ip -f inet -o addr show | cut -d\ -f 7 | cut -d/ -f 1 | grep -v '127\.0\.0\.1' | head -1 } # set host like ansible master/mgmt server # create key key that will be used on other machine set_mgmt_role() { _sshuser=$1 # home of user sshhome=$(getent passwd $_sshuser| cut -d':' -f6) sshdir=/etc/ansible/.ssh [[ ! -d $anshome ]] && mkdir -m 700 $anshome sshconf=$sshdir/config [[ -z "$sshhome" ]] && print_and_exit "202" "$_sshuser" # test if it's already installed [[ ( -f $sshconf ) && ( $(grep -c 'ANSIBLE_KEY' $sshconf) -gt 0 ) ]] && print_and_exit "103" # create new sshid=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'a-f0-9' | head -c 32)_$(date +%s) sshkey=$sshdir/$sshid.bxkey ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f $sshkey -C "ANSIBLE_KEY_$(hostname -s)" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then print_and_exit "201" "$sshkey" fi # set value to config file #echo -e "# ANSIBLE_KEY_$sshid\nhost *\n StrictHostKeyChecking no\n user $_sshuser\n identityfile $sshkey\n\n" >> $sshconf echo -e "# ANSIBLE_KEY_$sshid\nhost *\n user $_sshuser\n identityfile $sshkey\n\n" >> $sshconf # add default config options to ansible hosts file ansible_template=$TMPL_DIR/ansible/hosts ansible_config=/etc/ansible/hosts if [[ -f $ansible_template ]]; then hostname=$(hostname -s) sed -e "s/__HOSTNAME__/$hostname/g" $ansible_template >> $ansible_config fi print_and_exit "003" "$sshid" } # get ssh key info from config file ssh_key(){ _sshuser=$1 # home of user sshhome=$(getent passwd $_sshuser| cut -d':' -f6) sshdir=$sshhome/.ssh sshconf=$sshdir/config sshauth=$sshdir/authorized_keys if [[ -z "$sshhome" ]]; then print_and_exit "202" "$_sshuser" fi sshid=$(awk -F'_' '/ANSIBLE_KEY/{printf "%s_%s",$3,$4}' $sshconf) # if key doesn't exist [[ -z "$sshid" ]] && print_and_exit "204" #ssh public key sshkey="$sshdir/$sshid.bxkey.pub" [[ ! -f "$sshkey" ]] && print_and_exit "205" # print info about key print_and_exit 005 "$sshkey" } # parse command line argvs while getopts ":o:b:u:t:k:s:vh" opt; do case $opt in h) print_usage 0 ;; o) OP=$OPTARG ;; b) BWEB=$OPTARG ;; u) SSHUSER=$OPTARG ;; t) SSHTIME=$OPTARG ;; k) SSHKEY=$OPTARG ;; s) SSHLINK=$OPTARG ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; \?) print_usage 1 ;; esac done [[ -z "$OP" ]] && print_and_exit 101 [[ -z "$BWEB" ]] && BWEB=webkey [[ -z "$SSHUSER" ]] && SSHUSER=root [[ -z "$SSHTIME" ]] && SSHTIME=900 case $OP in "mgmt") set_mgmt_role $SSHUSER ;; "key") ssh_key "$SSHUSER" ;; *) print_and_exit 102 ;; esac