Direktori : /opt/webdir/lib/ |
Current File : //opt/webdir/lib/bxSite.pm |
# manage site # have to return # document_root # mysql: db, user, password # memcached: host:port # searchd: host:port # cluster: ip_address|dns, ip_address|dns # bx_kernel: 0(link), 1(own) # bx_status: 0(disable), 1(enable) # apache_config is usage for test bx_status # dbconn is usage for getting mysql option # package bxSite; use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use File::Basename qw( dirname basename ); use File::Spec::Functions; use Data::Dumper; use DBI; use Output; use Pool; use bxDaemon; use bxMysql; use Sys::Hostname; use bxSiteFiles; use File::Temp; use bxInventory qw( generate_password generate_tmp ); # basic path for site has 'site_name', is => 'ro', default => undef; has 'site_dir', is => 'ro', default => undef; has 'site_options', is => 'rw', lazy => 1, builder => 'get_site_options'; has 'dir_kernel', is => 'ro', default => 'bitrix'; has 'file_dbconn', is => 'ro', default => 'php_interface/dbconn.php'; has 'file_settings', is => 'ro', default => '.settings.php'; has 'apache', is => 'ro', default => '/etc/httpd/bx/conf'; has 'conf', is => 'ro', default => 'conf'; has 'pref', is => 'ro', default => 'bx_ext_'; has 'debug', is => 'ro', default => 0; has 'logfile', is => 'ro', default => '/opt/webdir/logs/bxSiteNew.debug'; our $MYSOCKET = '/var/lib/mysqld/mysqld.sock'; # parse nginx config, found certificate options (process includes too) sub https_options_in_config { my ( $nginx_config, $ssl_info ) = @_; #print "\ndebug: $nginx_config\n"; open( my $nh, '<', $nginx_config ) or return $ssl_info; my @nginx_includes; my $nginx_base = '/etc/nginx'; while (<$nh>) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if (/^$/); next if (/^#/); if (/^ssl_certificate\s+([^;]+);$/) { my $ssl_cert = $1; $ssl_cert =~ s/^['"]//; $ssl_cert =~ s/['"]$//; $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCert'} = $ssl_cert; } if (/^ssl_certificate_key\s+([^;]+);$/) { my $ssl_priv = $1; $ssl_priv =~ s/^['"]//; $ssl_priv =~ s/['"]$//; $ssl_info->{'HTTPSPriv'} = $ssl_priv; } if (/^ssl_trusted_certificate\s+([^;]+);$/) { my $ssl_trusted_certificate = $1; $ssl_trusted_certificate =~ s/^['"]//; $ssl_trusted_certificate =~ s/['"]$//; $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCertChain'} = $ssl_trusted_certificate; } if (/^ssl_protocols\s+/) { $ssl_info->{'HTTPSConf'} = $nginx_config; } if ($ssl_info->{'HTTPSCert'} =~ m|^/home/bitrix/dehydrated|){ $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCertType'} = "letsencrypt"; } elsif ( $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCert'} =~ m|^/etc/nginx/certs| ){ $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCertType'} = "own"; }else { $ssl_info->{'HTTPSCertType'} = "general"; } if (/^include\s+([^;]+);$/) { my $include_file = $1; #print "include: $include_file\n"; $include_file =~ s/^['"]//; $include_file =~ s/['"]$//; if ( $include_file !~ m:^/: ) { $include_file = catfile( $nginx_base, $include_file ); } push @nginx_includes, $include_file; } } close $nh; my $include_size = @nginx_includes; if ( ( not defined $ssl_info->{'HTTPSConf'} or $ssl_info->{'HTTPSConf'} =~ /^$/ ) and $include_size > 0 ) { foreach my $include_file (@nginx_includes) { #print " include: $include_file\n"; $ssl_info = https_options_in_config( $include_file, $ssl_info ); if ( defined $ssl_info->{'HTTPSConf'} && $ssl_info->{'HTTPSConf'} !~ /^$/ ) { next; } } } return $ssl_info; } # get nginx options for site from main config sub get_nginx_options { my $nginx_config = shift; my $nginx_options = { CompositeNginx => 'disable', proxy_ignore_client_abort => 'off', }; if ( !-f $nginx_config ) { return $nginx_options; } open( my $nh, '<', $nginx_config ) or return $nginx_options; while (<$nh>) { chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if (/^$/); next if (/^#/); if (/^set\s+\$use_composite_cache\s+\"\"\s*\;$/) { $nginx_options->{'CompositeNginx'} = 'enable'; } # proxy_ignore_client_abort on; if (/^proxy_ignore_client_abort\s+on;$/) { $nginx_options->{'proxy_ignore_client_abort'} = 'on'; } } close $nh; return $nginx_options; } # get map options for composite # create option for site without composite sub get_nginx_map_options { my $site_name = shift; my $nginx_options = { CompositeNginxID => '', CompositeNginxMap => '', }; my $nginx_maps_dir = '/etc/nginx/bx/maps'; opendir( my $dh, $nginx_maps_dir ) or return $nginx_options; my $new_id = 1; # try found ID and map config while ( my $f = readdir($dh) ) { next if ( $f =~ /^\.\.?$/ ); next if ( -d catfile( $nginx_maps_dir, $f ) ); # if found map file with id if ( $f =~ /^(\d+)\.cache_(\S+)\.conf$/ ) { my $found_id = $1; my $found_cn = sprintf "%d", $found_id; my $found_site = $2; # save id if ( $found_cn > $new_id ) { $new_id = $found_cn; } # test site name if ( $found_site eq $site_name ) { $nginx_options->{'CompositeNginxID'} = $found_id; $nginx_options->{'CompositeNginxMap'} = catfile( $nginx_maps_dir, $f ); } } } closedir $dh; # create ID if not exists if ( $nginx_options->{'CompositeNginxID'} =~ /^$/ ) { $nginx_options->{'CompositeNginxID'} = sprintf "%02d", $new_id + 1; } return $nginx_options; } # return DocumentRoot, ApacheConf, SiteName, PHP settings sub apache_config_options { my $self = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $apache_dir = $self->apache; my $apache_ext = $self->conf; my $apache_site_prefix = $self->pref; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $apache_options = { error => 0, message => '', ApacheConf => '', ApacheConfScale => '', ApacheConfNTLM => '', DocumentRoot => '', ServerName => '', SiteCharset => 'utf-8', phpUploadDir => '', phpSessionDir => '', phpMsmtpAccount => 'default', }; # external kernel variant if ( not defined $site_name ) { $apache_options->{error} = 1; return $apache_options; } $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: parse options for $site_name"); my $apache_conf = catfile( $apache_dir, $site_name . '.' . $apache_ext ); my $apache_conf_scale = catfile( "/etc/httpd/bx-scale/conf", $site_name . '.' . $apache_ext ); my $apache_conf_ntlm = catfile( $apache_dir, 'ntlm_'. $site_name . '.' . $apache_ext ); if ($site_name eq 'default'){ $apache_conf_ntlm = catfile( $apache_dir, 'ntlm_'. hostname . '.' . $apache_ext ); } if ( -f $apache_conf_ntlm ){ $apache_options->{ApacheConfNTLM} = $apache_conf_ntlm; } if ( $site_name !~ /^default$/ ) { $apache_conf = catfile( $apache_dir, $apache_site_prefix . $site_name . '.' . $apache_ext ); $apache_conf_scale = catfile( "/etc/httpd/bx-scale/conf", 'ext_' . $site_name . '.' . $apache_ext ); } $apache_options->{ApacheConfScale} = $apache_conf_scale; if ( !-f $apache_conf ) { $apache_options->{'error'} = 1; $apache_options->{'message'} = "$message_p: Not found $apache_conf for $site_name"; } else { $apache_options->{'ApacheConf'} = $apache_conf; # get options from file open( my $ah, '<', $apache_conf ) or die "Cannot open $apache_conf: $!"; while ( my $line = <$ah> ) { next if ( $line =~ /^$/ ); next if ( $line =~ /^#/ ); $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ( $line =~ /^ServerName\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $apache_options->{'ServerName'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^DocumentRoot\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $apache_options->{'DocumentRoot'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^php_admin_value\s+session.save_path\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $apache_options->{'phpSessionDir'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^php_admin_value\s+upload_tmp_dir\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $apache_options->{'phpUploadDir'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^php_admin_value\s+mbstring.internal_encoding\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $apache_options->{'SiteCharset'} = 'windows-1251'; } if ( $line =~ /^php_admin_value\s+sendmail_path\s+['"]msmtp([^'"]+)['"]$/ ) { my $options = $1; if ( $options =~ /-a\s+(\S+)/ ) { $apache_options->{'phpMsmtpAccount'} = $1; } } # alias id addional values, now we not use them, but who knows if ( $line =~ /^ServerAlias\s+(.+)$/ ) { my @server_aliases = split( /\s+/, $1 ); my $sa_count = 0; foreach my $sa (@server_aliases) { $sa_count++; $apache_options->{ 'ServerAlias' . sprintf( "%02d", $sa_count ) } = $sa; } $apache_options->{'ServerAliasesCount'} = $sa_count; } } close $ah; # ServerName is not defined in config file => use hostname if ( not defined $apache_options->{'ServerName'} or $apache_options->{'ServerName'} =~ /^$/ ) { $apache_options->{'ServerName'} = hostname; } # default values for phpSessionDir and phpUploadDir if ( not defined $apache_options->{'phpSessionDir'} ) { $apache_options->{'phpSessionDir'} = ( $site_name =~ /^default$/ ) ? "/tmp/php_sessions/www" : "/tmp/php_sessions/ext_www/$site_name"; } if ( not defined $apache_options->{'phpUploadDir'} ) { $apache_options->{'phpSessionDir'} = ( $site_name =~ /^default$/ ) ? "/tmp/php_upload/www" : "/tmp/php_upload/ext_www/$site_name"; } } $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: " . Dumper($apache_options) ); return $apache_options; } # return # 0 - disabled # 1 - enabled sub getWebClusterStatus { my ($self) = @_; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = 'bxSite'; my $group_vars = "/etc/ansible/group_vars/bitrix-web.yml"; if ( ! -f $group_vars ){ return 0; } my $status = ''; open(my $hv, "<", $group_vars) or return 0; while(<$hv>){ chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if (/^#/); next if (/^$/); if (/^cluster_web_configure:\s*(\S+)/){ $status = $1; } } close $hv; if ($status eq "enable"){ return 1; } return 0; } sub nginx_config_options { my $self = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $nginx_options = { error => 0, message => '', NginxHTTPConfig => '', NginxHTTPSConfig => '', NginxHTTPDir => '', # site_avaliable NginxHTTPEDir => '', # site_enabled NginxType => '', NginxPort => '', SiteShort => '', SiteCsync2 => '', HTTPSCert => '', HTTPSPriv => '', HTTPSConf => '', HTTPSCertChain => '', HTTPSCertType => '', CompositeNginx => '', CompositeNginxID => '', CompositeNginxMap => '', }; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: estimate nginx options for $site_name"); my $site_fancy = ( $site_name !~ /^default$/ ) ? $site_name : "s1"; my $conf_https_nginx = ( $site_name =~ /^default$/ ) ? "ssl." . $site_fancy : "bx_ext_ssl_" . $site_fancy; my $conf_http_nginx = ( $site_name =~ /^default$/ ) ? $site_fancy : "bx_ext_" . $site_fancy; # change https config for cluster case my $is_cluster_enabled = getWebClusterStatus(); if ($is_cluster_enabled){ $conf_https_nginx = "https_balancer_" . $site_name; } $conf_http_nginx .= '.conf'; $conf_https_nginx .= '.conf'; #print $site_name, "\n"; $nginx_options->{'SiteShort'} = $site_name; $nginx_options->{'SiteShort'} =~ s/^([^\.]+)\..+$/$1/; $nginx_options->{'SiteCsync2'} = $site_name; $nginx_options->{'SiteCsync2'} =~ s/[\-\_\.]//g; $nginx_options->{'SiteCsync2'} =~ s/^[\d]+//; $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPConfig'} = $conf_http_nginx; $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSConfig'} = $conf_https_nginx; # cluster or single installations my @enable_nginx_dirs = ( '/etc/nginx/bx/site_enabled', '/etc/nginx/bx/site_ext_enabled' ); my @cluster_nginx_dir = '/etc/nginx/bx/site_cluster'; # search nginx config file in enable dirs foreach my $dir (@enable_nginx_dirs) { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: process $dir, search $conf_http_nginx"); my $conf_http_nginx_fn = catfile( $dir, $conf_http_nginx ); # test if file exists if ( -f $conf_http_nginx_fn ) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: found $conf_http_nginx_fn"); $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'} = $dir; # get source file if ( -l $conf_http_nginx_fn ) { my $conf_http_nginx_link = readlink($conf_http_nginx_fn); $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: $conf_http_nginx_fn is link to $conf_http_nginx_link" ); $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'} = dirname($conf_http_nginx_link); $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPEDir'} = $dir; $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: set NginxHTTPDir to " . $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'} ); # test if cluster install exists if ( $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'} =~ m|/site_cluster$| ) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: found cluster config"); $nginx_options->{'NginxType'} = 'cluster'; $nginx_options->{'NginxPort'} = 8080; } else { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: not found cluster config, set default options for site" ); $nginx_options->{'NginxType'} = 'single'; $nginx_options->{'NginxPort'} = 80; } } else { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: found ordinary file for site config"); $nginx_options->{'NginxType'} = 'single'; $nginx_options->{'NginxPort'} = 80; } } } # test options and return error is something not found if ( not defined $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'} ) { $nginx_options->{'error'} = 2; $nginx_options->{'message'} = "$message_p: not found nginx config file for $site_name"; } #$logOutput->log_data("$message_p: ".Dumper($nginx_options)); # get cerificate options if ( $nginx_options->{'NginxType'} =~ /^cluster$/ ) { my $nginx_https_fn = catfile('/etc/nginx/bx/site_enabled', $conf_https_nginx); $nginx_options = https_options_in_config( $nginx_https_fn, $nginx_options ); if (-l $nginx_https_fn ){ $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSFullPath'} = readlink $nginx_https_fn; } else { $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSFullPath'} = $nginx_https_fn; } } else { my $nginx_https_fn = catfile( $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'}, $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSConfig'} ); if (-l $nginx_https_fn ){ $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSFullPath'} = readlink $nginx_https_fn; } else { $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPSFullPath'} = $nginx_https_fn; } $nginx_options = https_options_in_config( $nginx_https_fn, $nginx_options ); } # get options from primary nginx config # CompositeNginx - enable or not my $get_nginx_options = get_nginx_options( catfile( $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPDir'}, $nginx_options->{'NginxHTTPConfig'} ) ); foreach ( keys %$get_nginx_options ) { $nginx_options->{$_} = $get_nginx_options->{$_}; } # Search site personal setting (map file) and id internal variable my $get_nginx_map_options = get_nginx_map_options($site_name); foreach ( keys %$get_nginx_map_options ) { $nginx_options->{$_} = $get_nginx_map_options->{$_}; } return $nginx_options; } sub bx_https_options { my ( $self, $site_root ) = @_; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: try defined https options for site $site_name"); my $ssl_info = { HTTPS => 'disable', }; my $site_ssl_switcher = catfile( $site_root, '.htsecure' ); if ( -f $site_ssl_switcher ) { $ssl_info->{'HTTPS'} = 'enable'; } return $ssl_info; } sub bx_email_options { my ( $self, $msmtprc_account ) = @_; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: try defined email options for site $site_name"); my $msmtp_info = { EmailAddress => undef, EmailAccount => undef, SMTPHost => undef, SMTPPort => undef, SMTPTLS => "off", SMTPUser => undef, SMTPPassword => undef, }; my $msmtp_conf = "/home/bitrix/.msmtprc"; my $bxenv_conf = "/etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini"; if ( !-f $msmtp_conf ) { return $msmtp_info; } open( my $mh, '<', $msmtp_conf ) or return $msmtp_info; my $account = ''; while ( my $line = <$mh> ) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; next if ( $line =~ /^#/ ); next if ( $line =~ /^$/ ); if ( $line =~ /^account\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $account = $1; } if ( $account =~ /^$msmtprc_account$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'EmailAccount'} = $account; if ( $line =~ /^from\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'EmailAddress'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^host\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'SMTPHost'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^port\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'SMTPPort'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^user\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'SMTPUser'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^password\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'SMTPPassword'} = $1; } if ( $line =~ /^password\s*$/ ){ $msmtp_info->{'SMTPPassword'} = ""; } if ( $line =~ /^tls\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $msmtp_info->{'SMTPTLS'} = $1; } } } close $mh; return $msmtp_info; } sub get_site_options { my $self = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug, ); my $site_options = { "error" => 0, "message" => '', "SiteName" => $site_name, "ApacheConf" => '', "BackupCronFile" => '', "BackupDay" => '', "BackupFolder" => '', "BackupHour" => '', "BackupMinute" => '', "BackupMonth" => '', "BackupTask" => '', "BackupVersion" => '', "BackupWeekDay" => '', "CronFile" => '', "CronTask" => '', "DBHost" => '', "DBLogin" => '', "DBName" => '', "DBPassword" => '', "DBType" => '', "DBConn" => '', "DocumentRoot" => '', "EmailAccount" => undef, "EmailAddress" => undef, "HTTPS" => '', "HTTPSCert" => '', "HTTPSConf" => '', "HTTPSPriv" => '', 'HTTPSCertChain' => '', 'HTTPSCertType' => '', "NginxHTTPConfig" => '', "NginxHTTPDir" => '', "NginxHTTPSConfig" => '', "NginxPort" => '', "NginxType" => '', "SMTPHost" => undef, "SMTPPassword" => undef, "SMTPPort" => undef, "SMTPTLS" => 'off', "SMTPUser" => undef, "ServerName" => '', "SiteCharset" => '', "SiteInstall" => '', "SiteShort" => '', "SiteCsync2" => '', "SiteStatus" => '', "SphinxConnection" => '', "SphinxIndexName" => '', "phpSessionDir" => '', "phpUploadDir" => '', "phpMsmtpAccount" => '', "ModuleCluster" => '', "ModuleScale" => '', "NTLM_use_ntlm" => 'N', "NTLM_bitrixvm_auth_support" => 'N', "SiteKernelDir" => '', "SiteKernelDB" => '', CompositeStatus => 'disable', CompositeStorage => '', CompositeDomains => [], CompositeExcludeUri => [], CompositeIncludeUri => [], CompositeExcludeParams => [], CompositeMemcachedHost => '', CompositeMemcachedPort => '', CompositeNginx => 'disable', }; ### apache options for site my $apache_options = $self->apache_config_options(); foreach my $apache_k ( keys %$apache_options ) { $site_options->{$apache_k} = $apache_options->{$apache_k}; } # if error return found information with error if ( $apache_options->{'error'} ) { # external kernel doesn't contain web configs if ( not defined $site_dir ) { $site_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'error'; return $site_options; } else { my $bxSiteFiles = bxSiteFiles->new( site_dir => $site_dir, site_conf => 'not_found' ); my $bxSiteFilesOptions = $bxSiteFiles->site_files_options; $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'SiteName'} = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'SiteShort'} = $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'SiteName'}; $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'SiteCsync2'} = $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'SiteName'}; foreach my $fo ( keys %$bxSiteFilesOptions ) { $site_options->{$fo} = $bxSiteFilesOptions->{$fo}; } return $site_options; } } ### nginx options for site my $nginx_options = $self->nginx_config_options(); foreach my $nginx_k ( keys %$nginx_options ) { $site_options->{$nginx_k} = $nginx_options->{$nginx_k}; } # if error return found information with error if ( $nginx_options->{'error'} ) { $site_options->{'SiteStatus'} = 'error'; return $site_options; } #print Dumper($nginx_options); ### folder and config options my $bxSiteFiles = bxSiteFiles->new( site_dir => $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}, site_conf => 'found' ); my $bxSiteFilesOptions = $bxSiteFiles->site_files_options; foreach my $fo ( keys %$bxSiteFilesOptions ) { $site_options->{$fo} = $bxSiteFilesOptions->{$fo}; } if ( $bxSiteFilesOptions->{'error'} ) { return $site_options; } #print "SiteFiles: ",Dumper($bxSiteFilesOptions); ### email options if ( $site_options->{'phpMsmtpAccount'} !~ /^$/ ) { my $bx_email_options = $self->bx_email_options( $site_options->{'phpMsmtpAccount'}, ); foreach my $email_k ( keys %$bx_email_options ) { $site_options->{$email_k} = $bx_email_options->{$email_k}; } } ### cron settings if ( $site_options->{'SiteInstall'} !~ /^ext_kernel$/ ) { ### https settings on site my $bx_https_options = $self->bx_https_options( $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}, $site_options->{'NginxType'}, ); foreach my $ssl_k ( keys %$bx_https_options ) { $site_options->{$ssl_k} = $bx_https_options->{$ssl_k}; } } return $site_options; } # generate my.cnf file with connection options for the site or password file for ansible lookups sub my_connect { my ( $self, $type, $tmpdir ) = @_; $type = "password_file" if ( not defined $type ); my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; if ( ( not defined $site_name ) && ( not defined $site_dir ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "For site status you must defined site_name or document root", ); } if ( $type !~ /^(password_file|my_cnf)$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Unknown type=$type; Supported types: password_file and my_cnf", ); } my $so = $self->site_options; if ( not defined $site_name ) { $site_name = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); } # generate tmp file my $tmp_file = generate_tmp( $type, $tmpdir ); open( my $h, '>', $tmp_file ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Cannot open temporary file=$tmp_file" ); if ( $type eq "password_file" ) { print $h $so->{DBPassword}; $so->{DBPasswordFile} = $tmp_file; } elsif ( $type eq "my_cnf" ) { # generate my.cnf file print $h "# bitrix management console config file\n"; print $h "# site=" . $so->{SiteName} . "\n"; print $h "[client]\n"; if ( $so->{DBHost} =~ /^(localhost|127\.0\.0\.1)$/ ) { print $h "socket=$MYSOCKET\n"; } else { print $h "host=" . $so->{DBHost} . "\n"; } print $h "user=" . $so->{DBLogin} . "\n"; # my.cnf parsing allows quoting only \, ' or " # we need quoted ' char only my $my_escaped_password = $so->{DBPassword}; if ( $my_escaped_password =~ /'/ ) { $my_escaped_password =~ s/'/\\'/; } print $h "password='$my_escaped_password'\n"; $so->{DBMyCnf} = $tmp_file; } close $h; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_t, { $site_name => $so } ], ); } sub statusSite { my $self = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; if ( ( not defined $site_name ) && ( not defined $site_dir ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "For site status you must defined site_name or document root", ); } my $site_options = $self->site_options; if ( not defined $site_name ) { $site_name = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); } my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_t, { $site_name => $site_options } ], ); } sub statusUpdateSite { my $self = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; if ( not defined $site_name ) { $site_name = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); } my $site_options = $self->get_site_options; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_t, { $site_name => $site_options } ], ); } # add or update php values in apache config file sub replace2apache { my ( $self, $site_values ) = @_; #print $site_conf," =>",Dumper($site_values); my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; my $site_name = $self->site_name; if ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) { my $site_error = $self->site_options->{'error'}; if ( $site_error != 5 ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Site $site_name status=$site_status" . " not allow manage apache settings for it", ); } } my $apache_conf = $self->site_options->{'ApacheConf'}; my $apache_temp = $apache_conf . '.temp'; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: start update $apache_conf: $!"); # create work hash with values and statuses my ( %php_values, %php_deleted, $php_deleted, $php_values ); $php_values = $php_deleted = 0; foreach my $key ( sort keys %$site_values ) { if ( defined $site_values->{$key} ) { $php_values{$key} = [ $site_values->{$key}, 0 ]; $php_values++; } else { $php_deleted{$key} = 0; $php_deleted++; } } my $site_root = ""; my $proc_dir = undef; open( my $sc, '<', $apache_conf ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $apache_conf: $!", ); open( my $st, '>', $apache_temp ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $apache_temp: $!", ); # create new values in tmp file while (<$sc>) { s/\s+$//; my $line = $_; if ( $line =~ /^\s*DocumentRoot\s+(\S+)$/ ) { $site_root = $1; #print "DocumentRoot: $site_root\n"; } if ( $line =~ /^\s*\<Directory\s+([^\>]+)\>$/ ) { $proc_dir = $1; #print "Process directory: $proc_dir\n"; } # update existen options if ( defined $proc_dir && $proc_dir =~ /^$site_root$/ ) { # found php value if ( $line =~ /^\s*php_admin_value\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/ ) { my $php_key = $1; my $php_val = $2; #print " Found key=$php_key val=$php_val\n"; if ( grep /^$php_key$/, keys %php_values ) { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: update $php_key from $php_val to " . $php_values{$php_key}->[0] ); #print " Replace key=$php_key\n"; $line =~ s/$php_key\s+(.+)$/$php_key "$php_values{$php_key}->[0]"/; $php_values{$php_key}->[1] = 1; } if ( grep /^$php_key$/, keys %php_deleted ) { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: delete $php_key in the apache config " . $apache_conf ); $line =~ s/$php_key\s+(.+)$/#$php_key $1/; $php_deleted{$php_key} = 1; } } # close directory part and add options that not in the file if ( $line =~ /^\s*\<\/Directory\>$/ ) { if ( $proc_dir =~ /^$site_root$/ ) { #print "Finish processing: $proc_dir\n\n"; foreach my $php_key ( keys %php_values ) { #print "$php_key: ",$php_values{$php_key}->[1],"\n"; if ( $php_values{$php_key}->[1] == 0 ) { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: create $php_key set it to " . $php_values{$php_key}->[0] ); print $st qq( php_admin_value $php_key "$php_values{$php_key}->[0]"\n); $php_values{$php_key}->[1] = 1; } } } $proc_dir = undef; } } print $st $line, "\n"; } close $sc; close $st; # create backup config $logOutput->log_data( "$message_t: create backup for $apache_conf and replace it by new values" ); rename $apache_conf, $apache_conf . ".bak"; rename $apache_temp, $apache_conf; # restart httpd my $po = Pool->new(); my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf; my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'}; my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "web.yml" ); my $cmd_opts = { 'manage_web' => 'restart_web' }; my $dh = bxDaemon->new( debug => $self->debug, task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) ); my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'restart_web_services', $cmd_opts ); return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_p, $apache_conf ] ); } # disable email account in config file sub del2msmtp { my $site_name = shift; my $msmtp_conf = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $msmtp_temp = $msmtp_conf . ".temp"; open( my $mc, $msmtp_conf ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $msmtp_temp: $!", ); open( my $mt, ">" . $msmtp_temp ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $msmtp_temp: $!", ); # comment data for site_name my $account = ""; while (<$mc>) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if (/^$/); my $line = $_; # account alice if (/^account\s+(\S+)$/) { $account = $1; } if ( $account =~ /^$site_name$/ ) { $line = "#" . $line; } print $mt $line, "\n"; } close $mt; close $mc; # delete file with old data unlink $msmtp_conf; rename $msmtp_temp, $msmtp_conf; # change access rights chmod 0600, $msmtp_conf; my $uid = getpwnam 'bitrix'; my $gid = getgrnam 'bitrix'; chown $uid, $gid, $msmtp_conf; return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_p, $msmtp_conf ] ); } # create account data for site sub add2msmtp { my $site_name = shift; my $site_email_settings = shift; my $msmtp_conf = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; open( my $mh, ">>" . $msmtp_conf ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $msmtp_conf: $!", ); if (not defined $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPassword'}){ if (defined $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPasswordFile'}){ open(my $fh, '<', $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPasswordFile'}) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open ". $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPasswordFile'}, ); $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPassword'} = <$fh>; close $fh; unlink $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPasswordFile'}; } } # basic settings my $msmtp_info = qq( \# smtp account configuration for $site_name account $site_name logfile /home/bitrix/msmtp_$site_name.log host $site_email_settings->{'SMTPHost'} port $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPort'} from $site_email_settings->{'EmailAddress'} keepbcc off); # auth settings if ( defined $site_email_settings->{'SMTPUser'} ) { my $smtp_auth = 'on'; if ( ( defined $site_email_settings->{'SMTPAuth'} ) && ( $site_email_settings->{'SMTPAuth'} !~ /^(auto|on)$/ ) ) { $smtp_auth = $site_email_settings->{'SMTPAuth'}; } my $pass = ($site_email_settings->{'SMTPPassword'})? $site_email_settings->{'SMTPPassword'}: ""; $msmtp_info = $msmtp_info . qq( auth $smtp_auth user $site_email_settings->{'SMTPUser'} password $pass); } else { $msmtp_info = $msmtp_info . qq( auth off); } # tls settings if ( defined $site_email_settings->{'SMTPTLS'} && $site_email_settings->{'SMTPTLS'} =~ /^(on|yes)$/i ) { $msmtp_info = $msmtp_info . qq( tls on tls_certcheck off); if ( $site_email_settings->{'EmailAddress'} =~ /yandex\.ru/ ) { $msmtp_info = $msmtp_info . qq( tls_starttls on ); } } # save info and change access rights print $mh $msmtp_info, "\n"; close $mh; chmod 0600, $msmtp_conf; my $uid = getpwnam 'bitrix'; my $gid = getgrnam 'bitrix'; chown $uid, $gid, $msmtp_conf; return Output->new( error => 0, data => [ $message_p, $msmtp_conf ] ); } # delete email options for site sub deleteEmailForSite { my ($self) = @_; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: delete email settings for $site_name"); # update personal apache config fo site my $apache_conf = $self->site_options->{'ApacheConf'}; my %msmtp_options = ( 'sendmail_path' => undef ); my $update_apache = $self->replace2apache( \%msmtp_options ); if ( $update_apache->is_error ) { return $update_apache; } # delete site info in msmtp config my $msmtp_conf = "/home/bitrix/.msmtprc"; my $msmtp_update = undef; # if file exists => delete old site's data if ( -f $msmtp_conf ) { $msmtp_update = del2msmtp( $site_name, $msmtp_conf ); if ( $msmtp_update->is_error ) { return $msmtp_update } } return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # update or create email settings sub createEmailForSite { my $self = shift; my $site_email_settings = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: update email settings for $site_name"); my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) { my $site_error = $self->site_options->{'error'}; if ( $site_error != 5 ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Site $site_name status=$site_status, not allow create email for it", ); } } my $msmtp_conf = "/home/bitrix/.msmtprc"; # create config for msmtp agent my $msmtp_update = undef; # if file exists => delete old site's data if ( -f $msmtp_conf ) { $msmtp_update = del2msmtp( $site_name, $msmtp_conf ); if ( $msmtp_update->is_error ) { return $msmtp_update } } # adding new data to file $msmtp_update = add2msmtp( $site_name, $site_email_settings, $msmtp_conf ); if ( $msmtp_update->is_error ) { return $msmtp_update } # update personal apache config fo site my $apache_conf = $self->site_options->{'ApacheConf'}; my %msmtp_options = ( 'sendmail_path' => 'msmtp -t -i' ); if ( $site_name !~ /^default$/ ) { $msmtp_options{'sendmail_path'} = qq(msmtp -t -i -a $site_name); my $update_apache = $self->replace2apache( \%msmtp_options ); if ( $update_apache->is_error ) { return $update_apache; } } # create link for cron tasks my $msmtp_system_conf = "/etc/msmtprc"; if ( ( !-f $msmtp_system_conf ) && ( !-l $msmtp_system_conf ) ) { symlink $msmtp_conf, $msmtp_system_conf; } # update cron if it configured if ( ( defined $self->site_options->{'CronTask'} ) && ( $self->site_options->{'CronTask'} =~ /^enable$/ ) ) { $self->addEmail2Cron(); } return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # disable cron for internal sites tasks sub disableCronForSite { my $self = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_options = $self->site_options; my $site_status = $site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) && ( $site_options->{'error'} < 4 ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site status=$site_status, not allow manage cron for it", ); } my $cron_task = $self->site_options->{'CronTask'}; if ( $cron_task =~ /^disable$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cron is already disabled ", ); } my $cron_task_tool = catfile( $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}, 'bitrix/modules/main/tools/cron_events.php' ); my $site_crontab = $self->site_options->{'CronFile'}; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: update data in $site_crontab"); my $cron_temp = catfile( "/tmp", basename($site_crontab) ); my $cron_replace = 0; open( my $cth, '>', $cron_temp ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $cron_temp: $!", ); open( my $cfh, '<', $site_crontab ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab: $!", ); while (<$cfh>) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my $line = $_; if ( $line !~ /^#/ && $line =~ m:$cron_task_tool: ) { $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: found $cron_task_tool"); $line = "#" . $line; $cron_replace++; } print $cth $line, "\n"; } close $cfh; close $cth; if ( $cron_replace > 0 ) { $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: replace $site_crontab by new version"); unlink $site_crontab; rename $cron_temp, $site_crontab; chmod 0644, $site_crontab; } else { unlink $cron_temp; } return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # add email to cron task sub addEmail2Cron { my $self = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_options = $self->site_options; my $site_status = $site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; my $cron_task = $self->site_options->{'CronTask'}; if ( not defined $site_dir ) { $site_dir = $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; } if ( not defined $site_name ) { $site_name = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); } my $site_cron_path = ( $site_options->{'SiteInstall'} =~ /^link$/ ) ? $site_options->{'SiteKernelDir'} : $site_dir; my $site_mstmtp_str = qq(-d sendmail_path="msmtp -t -i -a $site_name"); my $cron_task_tool = catfile( $site_cron_path, 'bitrix/modules/main/tools/cron_events.php' ); my $site_crontab = catfile( '/etc/cron.d', 'bx_' . $self->site_options->{'DBName'} ); if ( $cron_task =~ /^enable$/ ) { my $cron_file = $self->site_options->{'CronFile'}; my $cron_file_bak = $cron_file . ".bak"; open( my $cf, '<', $cron_file ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $cron_file: $!", ); open( my $cfb, '>', $cron_file_bak ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $cron_file_bak: $!", ); my $found = 0; while ( my $line = <$cf> ) { chomp $line; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ( ( $line !~ /^#/ ) && ( $line =~ m:$cron_task_tool: ) ) { $line = qq(* * * * * bitrix test -f $cron_task_tool && { /usr/bin/php $site_mstmtp_str -f $cron_task_tool; } >/dev/null 2>&1\n); $found = 1; } print $cfb $line, "\n"; } close $cf; if ( $found == 0 ) { print $cfb "#\n# cron tasks for site $site_dir db="; print $cfb $self->site_options->{'DBName'}; print $cfb "\n#\n"; print $cfb qq(* * * * * bitrix test -f $cron_task_tool && { /usr/bin/php $site_mstmtp_str -f $cron_task_tool; } >/dev/null 2>&1\n); } close $cfb; unlink $cron_file; rename $cron_file_bak, $cron_file; } else { open( my $sch, '>>', $site_crontab ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab: $!", ); print $sch "#\n# cron tasks for site $site_dir db="; print $sch $self->site_options->{'DBName'}; print $sch "\n#\n"; print $sch qq(* * * * * bitrix test -f $cron_task_tool && { /usr/bin/php $site_mstmtp_str -f $cron_task_tool; } >/dev/null 2>&1\n); close $sch; } return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # enable cron for internal sites tasks sub enableCronForSite { my $self = shift; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_options = $self->site_options; my $site_status = $site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) && ( $site_options->{'error'} < 4 ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site status=$site_status, not allow manage cron for it", ); } my $cron_task = $self->site_options->{'CronTask'}; if ( $cron_task =~ /^enable$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cron record already enabled in " . $self->site_options->{'CronFile'}, ); } if ( not defined $site_dir ) { $site_dir = $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; } if ( not defined $site_name ) { $site_name = "ext_" . basename($site_dir); } my $site_mstmtp_str = ( ( defined $site_options->{'SMTPHost'} ) && ( $site_options->{'SMTPHost'} !~ /^$/ ) ) ? qq(-d sendmail_path="msmtp -t -i -a $site_name") : ""; #print "site_name=$site_name site_dir=$site_dir\n"; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: enable cron settings for $site_dir"); my $cron_task_tool = catfile( $site_dir, 'bitrix/modules/main/tools/cron_events.php' ); my $site_crontab = catfile( '/etc/cron.d', 'bx_' . $self->site_options->{'DBName'} ); open( my $sch, '>>', $site_crontab ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab: $!", ); print $sch "#\n# cron tasks for site $site_dir db="; print $sch $self->site_options->{'DBName'}; print $sch "\n#\n"; print $sch qq(* * * * * bitrix test -f $cron_task_tool && { /usr/bin/php $site_mstmtp_str -f $cron_task_tool; } >/dev/null 2>&1\n); close $sch; return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # disable SSL for site sub disableSSLForSite { my $self = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: disable SSL-ONLY settings for $site_name"); my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) { my $site_error = $self->site_options->{'error'}; if ( $site_error != 5 ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Site $site_name status=$site_status, not allow manage ssl settings for it", ); } } my $https_status = $self->site_options->{'HTTPS'}; if ( $https_status =~ /^disable$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "HTTPS-only mode already disabled for $site_name", ); } my $site_root = $self->site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; my $site_ssl_switcher = catfile( $site_root, '.htsecure' ); $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: unlink $site_ssl_switcher"); unlink $site_ssl_switcher; # restart nginx my $po = Pool->new(); my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf; my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'}; my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "web.yml" ); my $cmd_opts = { 'manage_web' => 'restart_web' }; my $dh = bxDaemon->new( debug => $self->debug, task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) ); my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'restart_web_services', $cmd_opts ); return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # enable SSL-ONLY for site sub enableSSLForSite { my $self = shift; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: enable SSL-ONLY settings for $site_name"); my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) { my $site_error = $self->site_options->{'error'}; if ( $site_error != 5 ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "Site $site_name status=$site_status, not allow manage ssl settings for it", ); } } my $https_status = $self->site_options->{'HTTPS'}; if ( $https_status =~ /^enable$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "HTTPS-only mode already enabled for $site_name", ); } my $site_root = $self->site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; my $site_ssl_switcher = catfile( $site_root, '.htsecure' ); open( my $sss, '>', $site_ssl_switcher ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Can't create $site_ssl_switcher: $!" ); close $sss; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: created $site_ssl_switcher"); # restart nginx my $po = Pool->new(); my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf; my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'}; my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "web.yml" ); my $cmd_opts = { "manage_web" => "restart_web" }; my $dh = bxDaemon->new( debug => $self->debug, task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) ); my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( 'restart_web_services', $cmd_opts ); return $self->statusUpdateSite(); } # enable cron for site services sub enableCronService { my ( $self, $service ) = @_; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $site_options = $self->site_options; my $site_status = $site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); if ( not defined $service ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: You must defined service name" ); } if ( ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) && ( $site_options->{'error'} < 4 ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site status=$site_status, not allow manage cron for it", ); } my $site_root = $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: enable start service $service for site in $site_root"); if ( $service !~ /^(xmppd|smtpd)$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Service $service is not supported", ); } my $cron_services = $self->site_options->{'CronService'}; if ( defined $cron_services->{$service} ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Service $service already enabled in " . $cron_services->{$service}->{'cron'} ); } my $service_script = '/opt/webdir/bin/bx_cron_services.sh'; my $site_db = $site_options->{'DBName'}; my $site_crontab = catfile( '/etc/cron.d', 'bx_' . $site_db ); open( my $sh, '>>', $site_crontab ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab: $!", ); print $sh qq(#\n#auto start service=$service tasks for site in $site_root\n#\n); print $sh qq(*/5 * * * * root $service_script $service $site_root\n\n); close $sh; return Output->new( error => 0, message => "$message_t: Add task for service $service to $site_crontab for site in $site_root" ); } # disable cron for site services sub disableCronService { my ( $self, $service ) = @_; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); my $site_dir = $self->site_dir; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_options = $self->site_options; my $site_status = $site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; if ( not defined $service ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: You must defined service name" ); } if ( $service !~ /^(xmppd|smtpd)$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Service $service is not supported", ); } if ( ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) && ( $site_options->{'error'} < 4 ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site status=$site_status, not allow manage cron for it", ); } $logOutput->log_data( "$message_p: disable start service $service for site in " . $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'} ); my $cron_services = $site_options->{'CronService'}; if ( not defined $cron_services->{$service} ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Service $service already disabled" ); } my $site_root = $site_options->{'DocumentRoot'}; my $site_crontab = $cron_services->{$service}->{'cron'}; my $site_util = $cron_services->{$service}->{'util'}; my $site_crontab_tmp = $site_crontab . ".tmp"; open( my $ch, '<', $site_crontab ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab: $!" ); open( my $cn, '>', $site_crontab_tmp ) or return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Cannot open $site_crontab_tmp: $!" ); while ( my $line = <$ch> ) { if ( $line =~ m:$site_util\s+$service\s+$site_root: ) { $line = "#$line"; } if ( $line =~ m:$site_util\s*$: ) { $line = "#$line"; } print $cn $line; } close $cn; close $ch; unlink $site_crontab; rename $site_crontab_tmp, $site_crontab; return Output->new( error => 0, message => "$message_t: Delete task for service $service from $site_crontab for site $site_root" ); } # Manage composite settings for the site # enable - create new settings or update existen # disable - disable nginx settings sub manageNginxComposite { my ( $self, $opt ) = @_; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_install = $self->site_options->{'SiteInstall'}; my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); if ( ( $site_install =~ /^$/ ) && ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Not found site=$site_name on the server", ); } if ( $site_install =~ /^ext_kernel$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site=$site_name hasn't nginx configs. Nothing to do.", ); } my $a_opts = { web_site_name => $site_name, manage_web => 'composite', }; if ( $opt =~ /^enable$/ ) { $a_opts->{'manage_web'} = 'enable_composite'; } elsif ( $opt =~ /^disable$/ ) { $a_opts->{'manage_web'} = 'disable_composite'; } else { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: You can usage only enable or disable actions" ); } $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: start $opt fo site_name=$site_name"); # create site by ansible task my $po = Pool->new(); my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf; my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'}; my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "web.yml" ); my $dh = bxDaemon->new( debug => $self->debug, task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) ); my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( "site_composite", $a_opts ); return $created_process; } # Manage Site options sub siteOptions { my ( $self, $opt, $val ) = @_; my $site_name = $self->site_name; my $site_install = $self->site_options->{'SiteInstall'}; my $site_status = $self->site_options->{'SiteStatus'}; my $message_p = ( caller(0) )[3]; my $message_t = __PACKAGE__; my $logOutput = Output->new( error => 0, logfile => $self->logfile, debug => $self->debug ); if ( ( $site_install =~ /^$/ ) && ( $site_status =~ /^error$/ ) ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Not found site=$site_name on the server", ); } if ( $site_install =~ /^ext_kernel$/ ) { return Output->new( error => 1, message => "$message_p: Site=$site_name hasn't nginx configs. Nothing to do.", ); } my $a_opts = { web_site_name => $site_name, option => $opt, value => $val, manage_web => 'site_options', }; $logOutput->log_data("$message_p: start $opt fo site_name=$site_name"); # create site by ansible task my $po = Pool->new(); my $ansData = $po->ansible_conf; my $cmd_play = $ansData->{'playbook'}; my $cmd_conf = catfile( $ansData->{'base'}, "web.yml" ); my $dh = bxDaemon->new( debug => $self->debug, task_cmd => qq($cmd_play $cmd_conf) ); my $created_process = $dh->startAnsibleProcess( "site_options", $a_opts ); return $created_process; } # Manage certificates by LE 1;