Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/self/root/etc/ansible/roles/web/tasks/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //proc/self/root/etc/ansible/roles/web/tasks/create_link.yml

#  create link site
#  mandatory options:
#  web_site_name    - name for web server (ex. example.org)
#  web_kernel_root  - directory with kernel data (ex. /usr/share/bitrix)
#  non-mandatory options:
#  web_kernel_site  - kernel site name ( playbook try found this name in the pool)
#  web_site_dir     - document root for new site
#  ansible_playbook_file - all options can pass by yml file

######## load variables from groups config file
- name: gathering facts about kernel
  delegate_to: "{{ cluster_web_server }}"
  bx_facts: name=status password=0 site={{ web_kernel_site }} site_dir={{ web_kernel_root }}
  tags: sites_facts

- name: create variable with kernel options
    kernel_default: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['bx_sites'][0] }}"
  tags: sites_facts

- name: set variables for kernel site
    kernel_default_root: "{{ kernel_default.DocumentRoot }}"
    kernel_default_charset: "{{ kernel_default.SiteCharset }}"
  tags: sites_facts

- name: create additional variables when they not defined in the input
  delegate_to: "{{ cluster_web_server }}"
  bx_generate_site_vars: site_type={{ web_site_type }} site_name={{ web_site_name }}
    site_dir={{ web_site_dir }}
  register: site_vars
  tags: configure_site

- name: set filesystem options for new site
    web_site_shname: "{{ site_vars.site_short }}"
    web_site_csync2: "{{ site_vars.site_csync2 }}"
    web_site_root_dir: "{{ site_vars.site_dir }}"
    web_site_sess_dir: "{{ site_extentend_php_sess }}/{{ web_site_name }}"
    web_site_upld_dir: "{{ site_extentend_upload }}/{{ web_site_name }}"
  tags: configure_site

- name: set charset options for new site
    bitrix_site_encoding: cp1251
    bitrix_site_collation: cp1251_general_ci
    bitrix_site_php_overload: "php_admin_value mbstring.func_overload 0"
    bitrix_site_php_internal: "php_admin_value mbstring.internal_encoding latin"
  when: "kernel_default_charset == 'windows-1251'"

- name: set charset options for new site
    bitrix_site_php_internal: "php_admin_value default_charset latin"
  when: "kernel_default_charset == 'windows-1251' and php_older_version == 1"

# defined is_cluster and bx_sites_info variables
- include: bx_sites_info.yml

######## /load variables from groups config file

######## testing input options - to avoid the situation with overwriting existing data
######## 1. apache and nginx config
######## 2. directories:  document root, sessions and uploads
######## 3. kernel contains bitrix, upload and images directory
- include: test_site_exist.yml

# test images, upload and bitrix directories
- name: check directory bitrix exists
    path: "{{ kernel_default_root }}/bitrix"
  register: bitrix_details

- name: check directory upload exists
    path: "{{ kernel_default_root }}/upload"
  register: upload_details

- name: check directory images exists
    path: "{{ kernel_default_root }}/images"
  register: images_details

- fail:
    msg: "There are no directory {{ kernel_default_root }}/bitrix"
  when: not bitrix_details.stat.exists|bool

- fail:
    msg: "There are no directory {{ kernel_default_root }}/upload"
  when: not upload_details.stat.exists|bool

- debug:
    msg: "There are no directory {{ kernel_default_root }}/images"
  when: not images_details.stat.exists|bool

######## /testing input options - to avoid the situation with overwriting existing data

######## create site directories on all web servers in the pool
- include: create_basic_dirs.yml

- name: create symbolic link to bitrix kernel directories
    dest: "{{ web_site_root_dir }}/{{ item }}"
    src: "{{ kernel_default_root }}/{{ item }}"
    state: link
    owner: "{{ site_bitrix }}"
    group: "{{ site_bitrix }}"
    - bitrix
    - upload
  tags: create_site_files
  when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names"

- name: create symbolic link to images kernel directory
    dest: "{{ web_site_root_dir }}/images"
    src: "{{ kernel_default_root }}/images"
    state: link
    owner: "{{ site_bitrix }}"
    group: "{{ site_bitrix }}"
  tags: create_site_files
  when: images_details.stat.exists|bool and 'bitrix-web' in group_names

######## /create site directories on all web servers in the pool

######## create csync configuration and sync data for site between nodes for new site
- include: create_csync2_site.yml
  when: "cluster_web_configure == 'enable' and fstype == 'csync'"

- include: configs_lsyncd_create_site.yml
  when: "cluster_web_configure == 'enable' and fstype =='lsync'"

######## /create csync configuration and sync data for site between nodes for new site

######## create configs for web services
- include: create_web_configs.yml
  when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names"
######## /create configs for web services

######## remove files
- file: 
    path: "{{ web_site_root_dir }}/bitrix/.settings.php.crm.orig"
    state: absent
  when: "'bitrix-web' in group_names"
####### /remove files

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0