Direktori : /proc/self/root/etc/init.d/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/etc/init.d/bvat |
#!/bin/bash #==================================================================== # Run level information: # # chkconfig: 2345 99 99 # description: Bitrix Virtual Appliance Tuning & Configuration Script # processname: bvat export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin INIT_FLAG=/root/BX_INITIAL_SETUP MYSQL_CNF=/root/.my.cnf # upload proc . /opt/webdir/bin/bitrix_utils.sh || exit 1 # get OS information get_os_type [[ $OS_TYPE -eq 0 ]] && exit 1 # get php settings get_php_settings # logging LOG_DIR=/opt/webdir/logs [[ ! -d $LOG_DIR ]] && mkdir -p $LOG_DIR LOGS_FILE=$LOG_DIR/bvat.log [[ -z $DEBUG ]] && DEBUG=0 if [[ -f $LOGS_FILE ]]; then tm=$(date +%s) mv -f $LOGS_FILE $LOGS_FILE.$tm echo -n "" > $LOGS_FILE fi # intial/first boot configuration script # - set mysql root password # - set mysql user and password for default bitrix site bx_init(){ # generate root password and update security options my_generate_rootpw # generate bitrix password for default site my_generate_sitepw # update crypo key update_crypto_key if [[ ( -n $BITRIX_ENV_TYPE ) && \ ( $BITRIX_ENV_TYPE == "crm" ) ]]; then # generate push settings generate_push # update bitrix and root passwords update_bitrix_password # update root password update_root_password # generate pool server generate_ansible_inventory 0 "$BITRIX_ENV_TYPE" fi } start(){ log_to_file "Start server configuration by Bitrix-Env" log_to_file "OS info: version=$OS_VERSION type=$OS_TYPE x86_64=$IS_X86_64" # get system memory on board get_available_memory log_to_file "Maximum available memory=${AVAILABLE_MEMORY}KB" # directories that used for installation install_directories="/etc/mysql/conf.d /etc/httpd/bx/conf" for install_dir in $install_directories; do if [[ ! -d $install_dir ]]; then mkdir -p $install_dir log_to_file "Create direcory=$install_dir" fi done # create config that depends on installed RAM httpd_restart=$(/etc/ansible/library/bx_perf apache | grep -c '"changed":true') mysql_restart=$(/etc/ansible/library/bx_perf mysql | grep -c '"changed":true') # restart services if [[ $mysql_restart -gt 0 ]]; then get_mysql_package log_to_file "Update mysql service; need to restart $MYSQL_SERVICE" if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then systemctl restart $MYSQL_SERVICE >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 else service mysqld restart >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 fi fi if [[ $httpd_restart -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "Update httpd service; need to restart $MYSQL_SERVICE" if [[ $OS_VERSION -eq 7 ]]; then systemctl restart httpd >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 else service httpd restart >> $LOGS_FILE 2>&1 fi fi # increase max_input_vars for php 5.4 and above if [[ $(echo "$PHP_VERSION" | egrep -c '^(5\.[456]|7\.[0-9])$') ]]; then sed -i 's/max_input_vars = 4000/max_input_vars = 10000/' \ /etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini log_to_file "Increase max_input_vars value in /etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini" fi log_to_file "IS_OLDER_PHP=$IS_OLDER_PHP" if [[ $IS_OLDER_PHP -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ $(grep -c "mbstring.internal_encoding" /etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini) -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "Found mbstring.internal_encoding at /etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini" sed -i "s/mbstring.internal_encoding/default_charset/" \ /etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini && \ log_to_file "Replace mbstring.internal_encoding by default_charset" fi fi # configure apcu module if [[ ( $IS_APCU_PHP -gt 0 ) && ( -f /etc/php.d/apc.ini ) ]]; then sed -i 's/apc.so/apcu.so/' /etc/php.d/apc.ini if [[ "$PHP_VERSION" == "5.4" ]]; then mv -f /etc/php.d/apc.ini /etc/php.d/apcu.ini elif [[ "$PHP_VERSION" == "5.6" ]]; then mv -f /etc/php.d/apc.ini /etc/php.d/40-apcu.ini elif [[ "$PHP_VERSION" == "7.0" ]]; then mv -f /etc/php.d/apc.ini /etc/php.d/40-apcu.ini fi fi # apc compatibility disable # php-pecl-apcu - php.d/40-apcu.ini # php-pecl-apcu-bc - php.d/50-apc.ini if [[ -f /etc/php.d/50-apc.ini ]]; then : > /etc/php.d/50-apc.ini fi # configure opcache module if [[ $IS_OPCACHE_PHP -gt 0 ]]; then log_to_file "Opcache module is enabled. Start configuration." opcache_template=/etc/ansible/bvat_conf/opcache.ini.bx opcache_memory_mb=$(( $AVAILABLE_MEMORY_MB/8 )) [[ -z $opcache_memory_mb ]] && opcache_memory_mb=64 [[ $opcache_memory_mb -lt 64 ]] && opcache_memory_mb=64 [[ $opcache_memory_mb -gt 2048 ]] && opcache_memory_mb=2048 opcache_memory_strings=$(( $opcache_memory_mb/4 )) opcache_config=/etc/php.d/10-opcache.ini [[ "$PHP_VERSION" == "5.4" ]] && opcache_config=/etc/php.d/opcache.ini # delete old config file; if there is one [[ ( "$PHP_VERSION" != "5.4" ) && \ ( -f /etc/php.d/opcache.ini ) ]] && \ rm -f /etc/php.d/opcache.ini # update opcache config if [[ -f $opcache_template ]]; then cat $opcache_template | \ sed -e "s:__MEMORY__:$opcache_memory_mb:;s:__MEMORYSTR__:$opcache_memory_strings:;" \ > $opcache_config 2>/dev/null && \ log_to_file "Update opcache config=$opcache_config" fi fi BXFILE=/etc/php.d/bitrixenv.ini if [[ "$PHP_VERSION" == "5.6" ]]; then if [[ $( grep -cw always_populate_raw_post_data $BXFILE ) -eq 0 ]]; then echo "always_populate_raw_post_data = -1" >> $BXFILE fi else if [[ $( grep -cw always_populate_raw_post_data $BXFILE ) -gt 0 ]]; then sed -i "/always_populate_raw_post_data/d" $BXFILE fi fi # disable or enable xmpp daemon if [[ -f /etc/init.d/xmpp ]]; then if [[ $memory_mb -le 512 ]]; then chkconfig xmpp off else chkconfig xmpp on fi fi chmod 0664 /etc/php.d/*.ini ulimit -n 10240 # generate root password and site user password if [[ -f $INIT_FLAG ]]; then bx_init rm -f $INIT_FLAG fi # update alternatives bx_alternatives_for_mycnf # change issue message (that used in login screen) /opt/webdir/bin/bx_motd > /etc/issue 2>/dev/null } test_f(){ # DEBUG=1 bx_init } ### main action=$1 [[ -z $action ]] && action=start case "$1" in start|restart|"") start ;; stop) # No-op ;; test) test_f ;; *) echo "Error: argument '$1' not supported" >&2 exit 3 ;; esac exit 0