Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.reindex/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.reindex/class.php |
<? if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) die(); /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage crm * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ //use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\LocationHelper; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\TypeHelper; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Search; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CBitrixSaleLocationReindexComponent extends CBitrixComponent { protected $componentData = array(); protected $dbResult = array(); protected $errors = array('FATAL' => array(), 'NONFATAL' => array()); /** * Function checks and prepares all the parameters passed. Everything about $arParam modification is here. * @param mixed[] $arParams List of unchecked parameters * @return mixed[] Checked and valid parameters */ public function onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) { self::tryParseInt($arParams['INITIAL_TIME']); return $arParams; } /** * Function checks if required modules installed. If not, throws an exception * @throws Exception * @return void */ protected function checkRequiredModules() { $result = true; if(!Loader::includeModule('sale')) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage("SALE_SLRI_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"); $result = false; } return $result; } protected static function checkAccessPermissions($parameters = array()) { if(!is_array($parameters)) $parameters = array(); $errors = array(); if ($GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->GetGroupRight("sale") < "W") $errors[] = Loc::getMessage("SALE_SLI_SALE_MODULE_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED"); if(!LocationHelper::checkLocationEnabled()) $errors[] = 'Locations were disabled or data has not been converted'; if($parameters['CHECK_CSRF']) { $post = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getPostList(); if(!strlen($post['csrf']) || bitrix_sessid() != $post['csrf']) $errors[] = 'CSRF token is not valid'; } return $errors; } /** * Function checks if user have basic permissions to launch the component * @throws Exception * @return void */ protected function checkPermissions() { $errors = static::checkAccessPermissions(); if(is_array($errors)) { $this->errors['FATAL'] = array_merge($this->errors['FATAL'], $errors); } return count($errors) == 0; } /** * Additional parameters check, if needed. * @return void */ protected function checkParameters() { return true; } /* protected function prepareInstances() { $this->import = $this->getImportInstance(array( 'INITIAL_TIME' => $this->arParams['INITIAL_TIME'] )); } */ /** * Function makes some actions based on what is in $this->request * @return void */ protected function performAction() { /* $this->dbResult['REQUEST'] = $this->getRequest(); $requestMethod = $this->getRequestMethod(); if($requestMethod == 'POST') { } */ } /** * Here we get some data that cannot be cached for a long time * @return boolean */ protected function obtainNonCachedData() { // types $types = LocationHelper::getTypeList(); $selectedTypes = array_flip(Search\Finder::getIndexedTypes()); $this->dbResult['TYPES'] = array(); foreach($types as $id => $name) { $this->dbResult['TYPES'][$id] = array( 'NAME' => $name, 'SELECTED' => isset($selectedTypes[$id]) ); } // langs $langs = TypeHelper::getLanguageList(); $selectedLangs = array_flip(Search\Finder::getIndexedLanguages()); $this->dbResult['LANGS'] = array(); foreach($langs as $id => $name) { $this->dbResult['LANGS'][$id] = array( 'NAME' => $name, 'SELECTED' => isset($selectedLangs[$id]) ); } return true; } /** * Move data read from database to a specially formatted $arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResult() { $this->arResult =& $this->dbResult; $this->arResult['ERRORS'] =& $this->errors; $this->arResult['URLS'] = array( //'URL' => $this->arParams['PATH_TO_REINDEX'], 'AJAX_URL' => $this->getPath().'/get.php' ); unset($this->componentData); } /** * Function implements all the life cycle of our component * @return void */ public function executeComponent() { if($this->checkRequiredModules() && $this->checkPermissions() && $this->checkParameters()) { //$this->prepareInstances(); $this->performAction(); $this->obtainData(); } $this->formatResult(); $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } /** * Do smth when called over ajax * @return mixed[] */ public static function doAjaxStuff($parameters = array()) { $errors = static::checkAccessPermissions(array('CHECK_CSRF' => true)); $data = array(); if(count($errors) == 0) { $request = static::getRequest(); // action: process ajax if(isset($request['POST']['AJAX_CALL'])) { if($request['POST']['ACT'] == 'REINDEX') $process = new Search\ReindexProcess($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']); if($request['POST']['step'] == 0) { if(is_array($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['TYPES'])) { $all = false; foreach($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['TYPES'] as $k => $type) { if($type == '') { $all = true; break; } $request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['TYPES'][$k] = intval($type); } $optValue = array(); if(!$all) { $optValue = array_unique($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['TYPES']); } Search\Finder::setIndexedTypes($optValue); } if(is_array($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['LANG'])) { $langs = TypeHelper::getLanguageList(); $all = false; foreach($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['LANG'] as $k => $lang) { if($lang == '') { $all = true; break; } if(!isset($langs[$lang])) unset($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['LANG'][$k]); } $optValue = array(); if(!$all) { $optValue = array_unique($request['POST']['ACT_DATA']['LANG']); } Search\Finder::setIndexedLanguages($optValue); } $process->reset(); } try { @set_time_limit(0); $data['PERCENT'] = $process->performStage(); $data['NEXT_STAGE'] = $process->getStageCode(); } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { $errors[] = $e->getMessage(); } if($data['PERCENT'] == 100) { //$GLOBALS['CACHE_MANAGER']->ClearByTag('sale-location-data'); } } } return array( 'ERRORS' => $errors, 'DATA' => $data ); } protected function checkHasErrors($fatalOnly = false) { return count($this->errors['FATAL']) || (!$fatalOnly && count($this->errors['NONFATAL'])); } /** * Fetches all required data from database. Everyting that connected with data fetch lies here. * @return void */ protected function obtainData() { $this->obtainNonCachedData(); } protected static function getRequest() { $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); return array( 'GET' => $request->getQueryList(), 'POST' => $request->getPostList(), ); } protected static function getRequestMethod() { return Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getRequestMethod(); } /** * Function reduces input value to integer type, and, if gets null, passes the default value * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param int $default Default value * @param int $allowZero Allows zero-value of the parameter * @return int Parsed value */ public static function tryParseInt(&$fld, $default = false, $allowZero = false) { $fld = intval($fld); if(!$allowZero && !$fld && $default !== false) $fld = $default; return $fld; } }