Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.selector.search/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.selector.search/class.php |
<? if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) die(); /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Data; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\LocationHelper; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CBitrixLocationSelectorSearchComponent extends CBitrixComponent { const START_SEARCH_LEN = 2; const COMPONENT_CACHE_DIR = '/sale/location/links'; /** * Fatal error list. Any fatal error makes useless further execution of a component code. * In most cases, there will be only one error in a list according to the scheme "one shot - one dead body" * * @var string[] Array of fatal errors. */ protected $errors = array(); /** * Contains some valuable info from $_REQUEST * * @var object request info */ protected $request = array(); /** * Gathered options that are required * * @var string[] options */ protected $options = array(); protected $dbResult = array(); protected $filterBySite = false; protected $currentCache = false; /** * Function checks if required modules installed. If not, throws an exception * @return void */ protected function checkRequiredModules() { if (!Loader::includeModule('sale')) $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage("SALE_SLS_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"); return true; } /** * Function checks if user have basic permissions to launch the component * @return void */ protected function checkPermissions() { $result = true; if(!LocationHelper::checkLocationEnabled()) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = 'Locations were disabled or data has not been converted'; $result = false; } return $result; } /** * Function checks and prepares all the parameters passed. Everything about $arParam modification is here. * @param mixed[] $arParams List of unchecked parameters * @return mixed[] Checked and valid parameters */ public function onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) { self::tryParseInt($arParams['ID']); self::tryParseString($arParams['CODE']); self::tryParseString($arParams['INPUT_NAME'], 'LOCATION'); self::tryParseWhiteList($arParams['PROVIDE_LINK_BY'], array('id', 'code')); self::tryParseInt($arParams['CACHE_TIME'], false, true); // filter self::tryParseInt($arParams['EXCLUDE_SUBTREE']); self::tryParseBoolean($arParams['SEARCH_BY_PRIMARY']); // which site it is if(!is_string($arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID']) || empty($arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID']) || $arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'] == 'current') $arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'] = SITE_ID; //todo: it looks like a bug for admin pages, where SITE_ID == 'ru'. else $arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'] = substr(self::tryParseStringStrict($arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID']), 0, 2); self::tryParseBoolean($arParams['FILTER_BY_SITE']); self::tryParseBoolean($arParams['SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS']); // the code below should not be here, is should belong to a template self::tryParseString($arParams['RANDOM_TAG']); self::tryParseString($arParams['JS_CONTROL_GLOBAL_ID']); self::tryParseString($arParams['JS_CONTROL_DEFERRED_INIT']); self::tryParseStringStrict($arParams['JS_CALLBACK']); return $arParams; } /** * Function processes and corrects $_REQUEST. Everyting about $_REQUEST lies here. * @return void */ protected function processRequest() { } protected function checkParameters() { if($this->arParams['FILTER_BY_SITE']) { $g = Location\SiteLocationTable::checkLinkUsage($this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG); $l = Location\SiteLocationTable::checkLinkUsage($this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], Location\Connector::DB_GROUP_FLAG); // check also for link existence if($g || $l) $this->filterBySite = true; } return true; } /** * Function forces 'Y'/'N' value to boolean * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param string $default Default value * @return string parsed value */ public static function tryParseBoolean(&$fld) { $fld = $fld == 'Y'; return $fld; } /** * Function processes parameter value by white list, if gets null, passes the first value in white list * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param string $default Default value * @return string parsed value */ public static function tryParseWhiteList(&$fld, $list = array()) { if(!in_array($fld, $list)) $fld = current($list); return $fld; } /** * Function reduces input value to integer type, and, if gets null, passes the default value * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param int $default Default value * @param int $allowZero Allows zero-value of the parameter * @return int Parsed value */ public static function tryParseInt(&$fld, $default = false, $allowZero = false) { $fld = intval($fld); if(!$allowZero && !$fld && $default !== false) $fld = $default; return $fld; } /** * Function processes string value and, if gets null, passes the default value to it * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param string $default Default value * @return string parsed value */ public static function tryParseString(&$fld, $default = false) { $fld = trim((string)$fld); if(!strlen($fld) && $default !== false) $fld = $default; $fld = htmlspecialcharsbx($fld); return $fld; } /** * Function processes string value and, if gets null, passes the default value to it * @param mixed $fld Field value * @param string $default Default value * @return string parsed value */ public static function tryParseStringStrict(&$fld, $default = false) { $fld = trim((string)$fld); if(!strlen($fld) && $default !== false) $fld = $default; $fld = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_-]#i', '', $fld); return $fld; } /** * Fetches all required data from database. Everyting that connected with data fetch lies here. * @return void */ protected function obtainData() { $this->obtainNonCachedData(); // obtain cached data if ($this->startCache(static::getCacheDependences())) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $CACHE_MANAGER->StartTagCache(static::COMPONENT_CACHE_DIR); try { $cachedData = array(); $this->obtainCachedData($cachedData); } catch (Exception $e) { $CACHE_MANAGER->AbortTagCache(); $this->abortCache(); throw $e; } $CACHE_MANAGER->RegisterTag(LocationHelper::LOCATION_LINK_DATA_CACHE_TAG); $CACHE_MANAGER->EndTagCache(); $this->endCache($cachedData); } else $cachedData = $this->getCacheData(); $this->dbResult = array_merge($this->dbResult, $cachedData); $this->obtainCacheDependentData(); } // at this point we can make descision to interrupt component execution, based on some conditions protected function obtainNonCachedData() { // fetch selected location data $this->obtainDataLocation(); } // here we pick up cached data protected function obtainCachedData(&$cachedData) { $this->obtainDataLocationTypes($cachedData); $this->obtainDataConnectLocations($cachedData); $this->obtainDataDefaultLocations($cachedData); } // here we pick up data that depends on what cached data we currently have protected function obtainCacheDependentData() { $this->obtainDataAdditional(); } protected function obtainDataLocation() { $parameters = $this->getLocationListParameters(); $this->dbResult['PATH'] = array(); $this->dbResult['LOCATION'] = array(); $this->dbResult['PRECACHED_POOL'] = array(); $toBeFound = false; $res = false; try { if($this->arParams['ID']) { $toBeFound = true; $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToNode($this->arParams['ID'], $parameters); } elseif(strlen($this->arParams['CODE'])) { $toBeFound = true; $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToNodeByCode($this->arParams['CODE'], $parameters); } if($res) { $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $this->dbResult['PATH'][intval($item['ID'])] = $this->forceToType($item); $this->dbResult['PRECACHED_POOL'][$item['PARENT_ID']][$item['ID']] = $item; } end($this->dbResult['PATH']); $this->dbResult['LOCATION'] = current($this->dbResult['PATH']); } } catch(Main\SystemException $e) { } if(empty($this->dbResult['PATH']) && $toBeFound) $this->errors['NONFATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_SELECTED_NODE_NOT_FOUND'); } protected function getLocationListParameters() { return array( 'select' => array_merge($this->getNodeSelectFields(), array( 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', )), 'filter' => array( 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ) ); } protected function obtainDataLocationTypes(&$cachedData) { $res = Location\TypeTable::getList(array('select' => array('ID', 'CODE'), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'asc'))); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $id = $item['ID']; unset($item['ID']); $cachedData['TYPES'][$id] = $item; } } protected function obtainDataConnectLocations(&$cachedData) { $points = array(); if($this->filterBySite) { $res = Location\SiteLocationTable::getConnectedLocations($this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], array('select' => array( 'ID' => 'ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'DEPTH_LEVEL', 'PARENT_ID' ) ), array('GET_LINKED_THROUGH_GROUPS' => true)); while($item = $res->fetch()) $points[intval($item['ID'])] = $item; } $cachedData['TEMP']['CONNECTORS'] = $points; } /** * Read some data from database, using cache * @return void */ protected function obtainDataDefaultLocations(&$cachedData) { if(!$this->arParams['SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS']) { return; } $res = Location\DefaultSiteTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], 'LOCATION.NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ), 'order' => array( 'SORT' => 'asc' ), 'select' => array( 'CODE' => 'LOCATION.CODE', 'ID' => 'LOCATION.ID', 'PARENT_ID' => 'LOCATION.PARENT_ID', 'TYPE_ID' => 'LOCATION.TYPE_ID', 'LATITUDE' => 'LOCATION.LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE' => 'LOCATION.LONGITUDE', 'NAME' => 'LOCATION.NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'LOCATION.NAME.SHORT_NAME', 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'LOCATION.LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'LOCATION.RIGHT_MARGIN' ) )); $defaults = array(); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $defaults[$item['ID']] = $item; } if($this->filterBySite && !empty($defaults)) { // check default locations to be REALLY connected with a site $linkTypeMap = Location\SiteLocationTable::getLinkStatusForMultipleNodes($defaults, $this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], $cachedData['TEMP']['CONNECTORS']); foreach($defaults as $id => $default) { if(!in_array($linkTypeMap[$id], array(Location\Connector::LSTAT_IS_CONNECTOR, Location\Connector::LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR))) unset($defaults[$id]); } } foreach($defaults as &$default) { unset($default['LEFT_MARGIN']); unset($default['RIGHT_MARGIN']); } $cachedData['DEFAULT_LOCATIONS'] = $defaults; } protected function obtainDataAdditional() { if($this->filterBySite && $this->dbResult['LOCATION']['ID']) { $linkTypeMap = Location\SiteLocationTable::getLinkStatusForMultipleNodes(array($this->dbResult['LOCATION']), $this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID'], $this->dbResult['TEMP']['CONNECTORS']); if(!in_array($linkTypeMap[$this->dbResult['LOCATION']['ID']], array(Location\Connector::LSTAT_IS_CONNECTOR, Location\Connector::LSTAT_BELOW_CONNECTOR))) { $this->dbResult['PATH'] = array(); $this->dbResult['LOCATION'] = array(); $this->errors['NONFATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_SELECTED_NODE_NOT_FOUND'); } } } protected function getCacheDependences() { return array( static::getClassName(). self::getStrForVariable($this->arParams['FILTER_BY_SITE']), // $this->filterBySite ??? self::getStrForVariable($this->arParams['FILTER_SITE_ID']), self::getStrForVariable($this->arParams['SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS']), LANGUAGE_ID ); } protected static function getStrForVariable($val) { return ':'.($val ? strval($val) : '0').':'; } protected static function getNodeSelectFields() { // todo: here we can have a comoponent paramter which allows to select what fields to choose to display return array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'SORT', 'PARENT_ID', 'LONGITUDE', 'LATITUDE', 'TYPE_ID', //'NAME' => 'NAME.NAME' ); } protected static function forceToType($node) { $node['ID'] = intval($node['ID']); $node['PARENT_ID'] = intval($node['PARENT_ID']); if(isset($node['SORT'])) $node['SORT'] = intval($node['SORT']); if(isset($node['LONGITUDE'])) $node['LONGITUDE'] = floatval($node['LONGITUDE']); if(isset($node['LATITUDE'])) $node['LATITUDE'] = floatval($node['LATITUDE']); if(isset($node['CHILD_CNT'])) $node['CHILD_CNT'] = intval($node['CHILD_CNT']); return $node; } /** * Move data read from database to a specially formatted $arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResult() { unset($this->dbResult['TEMP']); $this->arResult =& $this->dbResult; $this->arResult['ERRORS'] =& $this->errors; if(is_array($this->arResult['LOCATION'])) { if($this->arParams['PROVIDE_LINK_BY'] == 'code') $this->arResult['VALUE'] = $this->arResult['LOCATION']['CODE']; else $this->arResult['VALUE'] = $this->arResult['LOCATION']['ID']; } else $this->arResult['VALUE'] = ''; } /** * Function implements all the life cycle of our component * @return void */ public function executeComponent() { if($this->checkRequiredModules() && $this->checkPermissions() && $this->checkParameters()) { $this->processRequest(); $this->obtainData(); } $this->formatResult(); $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } ////////////////////////////////////////// // static functions for external usage protected static $allowedLocationFields = array( // entity 'ID' => 'i', 'CODE' => 's', 'TYPE_ID' => 'i', 'SORT' => 'i', 'LEFT_MARGIN' => 'i', 'RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'i', 'PARENT_ID' => 'i', 'CNT' => 'i', 'CHILD_CNT' => 'i', 'IS_PARENT' => 'i', 'NAME.NAME' => 's', 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => 's', 'GROUPLOCATION.LOCATION_GROUP_ID' => 'i', 'LONGITUDE' => 's', 'LATITUDE' => 's', // special (filter only) 'PHRASE' => 's', 'SITE_ID' => 's' ); protected static $allowedAdditionals = array( 'PATH' => true ); protected static function processSearchRequestV2CheckQuery($parameters) { // strict check of what came in request // only select, filter, PAGE and PAGE_SIZE allowed in $parameters $safe = array( 'select' => isset($parameters['select']) ? $parameters['select'] : array('ID') ); if(isset($parameters['filter'])) $safe['filter'] = $parameters['filter']; if(isset($parameters['additionals'])) $safe['additionals'] = $parameters['additionals']; if(isset($parameters['PAGE'])) $safe['PAGE'] = intval($parameters['PAGE']); if(isset($parameters['PAGE_SIZE'])) $safe['PAGE_SIZE'] = intval($parameters['PAGE_SIZE']); if(isset($parameters['order'])) $safe['order'] = $parameters['order']; $parameters = $safe; // check select if(!is_array($parameters['select'])) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); foreach($parameters['select'] as $alias => $field) { if(!isset(static::$allowedLocationFields[$field])) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); // only simple aliasing allowed: numbers or words if(((string) $alias !== (string) intval($alias)) && !preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$#', $alias)) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); } // check filter if(isset($parameters['filter']) && !is_array($parameters['filter'])) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); //if(!isset($parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID']) && !isset($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE'])) // throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); // phrase should be string and longer than static::START_SEARCH_LEN if(isset($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE']) && (!is_string($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE']) || strlen($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE']) < static::START_SEARCH_LEN)) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); foreach($parameters['filter'] as $field => $value) { // only '=' modifier allowed $field = preg_replace('#^=#', '', $field); if(!isset(static::$allowedLocationFields[$field])) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); if(!is_array($value)) $value = array($value); // check value $type = static::$allowedLocationFields[$field]; foreach($value as $item) { if( ($type == 'i' && !((string) $item === (string) intval($item))) || ($type == 's' && !is_string($item)) ) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); } } // check limitation, if searching by PHRASE if((isset($parameters['filter']['PHRASE']) || isset($parameters['filter']['=PHRASE'])) && (!isset($parameters['PAGE_SIZE']) || !isset($parameters['PAGE']))) throw new Main\ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); return $parameters; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2AfterSearchFormatResult(&$data, $parameters) { if(is_array($data['ITEMS'])) { $selectFlip = array_flip($parameters['select']); // drop unwanted data in the result foreach($data['ITEMS'] as &$item) { foreach($item as $fld => $value) { if(isset(static::$allowedAdditionals[$fld])) // it`s a special field continue; if(isset($parameters['select'][$fld])) // it`s an alias continue; if(isset($selectFlip[$fld]) && ((string) $selectFlip[$fld] === (string) intval($selectFlip[$fld]))) // it`s an un-aliased field continue; unset($item[$fld]); } } } } protected static function processSearchRequestV2ModifyParameters($parameters) { // drop data that should not go to find() $clean = $parameters; // dont get NAME if there is PATH, kz we`ll get NAMES after all if(is_array($clean['select']) && is_array($parameters['additionals']) && in_array('PATH', $parameters['additionals'])) { //unset($clean['filter']['=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID']); //unset($clean['filter']['NAME.LANGUAGE_ID']); foreach($clean['select'] as $alias => $field) { if($field == 'NAME.NAME') { unset($clean['select'][$alias]); } } } if(intval($clean['filter']['=GROUPLOCATION.LOCATION_GROUP_ID'])) { $clean['runtime']['GROUPLOCATION'] = array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupLocationTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.LOCATION_ID' ) ); } unset($clean['additionals']); $clean['select'][] = 'LEFT_MARGIN'; $clean['select'][] = 'RIGHT_MARGIN'; $clean['select'][] = 'ID'; return $clean; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetFinderBehaviour() { return array(); } public static function processSearchRequestV2($parameters) { static::checkRequiredModules(); $parameters = static::processSearchRequestV2CheckQuery($parameters); // map page & page_size => limit & offset if($pageSize = intval($parameters['PAGE_SIZE'])) { $page = intval($parameters['PAGE']); $parameters['limit'] = $pageSize; $parameters['offset'] = ($page ? $page * $pageSize : 0); } $parameters['select'][] = 'CHILD_CNT'; unset($parameters['PAGE_SIZE']); unset($parameters['PAGE']); // do request $data = array( 'ITEMS' => array(), 'ETC' => array() ); $result = Location\Search\Finder::find(static::processSearchRequestV2ModifyParameters($parameters), static::processSearchRequestV2GetFinderBehaviour()); while($item = $result->fetch()) { // hack to repair ORM if(!isset($item['ID'])) $item['ID'] = $item['VALUE']; if(intval($item['CHILD_CNT']) > 0) $item['IS_PARENT'] = true; unset($item['CHILD_CNT']); $data['ITEMS'][] = $item; } static::processSearchRequestV2GetAdditional($data, $parameters); $parameters['select'][] = 'IS_PARENT'; static::processSearchRequestV2AfterSearchFormatResult($data, $parameters); return $data; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetNameAlias($parameters) { if(is_array($parameters['select'])) { foreach($parameters['select'] as $alias => $field) { if($field == 'NAME.NAME') { if((string) $alias === (string) intval($alias)) // numeric alias return 'NAME'; else return $alias; } } } return false; } protected static function getPathNodesSelect() { return array('ID', 'DISPLAY' => 'NAME.NAME'); } protected static function getPathToNodesV2($list, $parameters = array()) { $select = static::getPathNodesSelect(); if(is_array($parameters['select'])) { $select = $parameters['select']; // orm wont return a correct result in case of array("ID", "VALUE" => "ID") select passed, so orm fix required unset($select['VALUE']); $select[] = 'ID'; } $result = array( 'ITEM_NAMES' => array(), 'PATH_ITEMS' => array() ); try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToMultipleNodes( $list, array( 'select' => $select, 'filter' => array('=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => (string) $parameters['filter']['=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID'] != '' ? $parameters['filter']['=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID'] : LANGUAGE_ID) ) ); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException $e) // in case of database damage this will be thrown { LocationHelper::informAdminLocationDatabaseFailure(); return $result; } $pathItems = array(); while($path = $res->fetch()) { // format path as required for JSON responce $chain = array(); $itemId = false; $i = -1; foreach($path['PATH'] as $id => $pItem) { $i++; if(!$i) // we dont need for an item itself in the path chain { $itemId = $id; $result['ITEM_NAMES'][$id] = $pItem['DISPLAY']; continue; } // orm fix, return everything back if(isset($pItem['ID'])) $pItem['VALUE'] = intval($pItem['ID']); $chain[] = intval($pItem['VALUE']); $id = $pItem['VALUE']; unset($pItem['ID']); $pathItems[$id] = $pItem; } $result['PATH'][$itemId] = $chain; } $result['PATH_ITEMS'] = $pathItems; return $result; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetAdditionalPathNodes(&$data, $parameters) { $pathes = static::getPathToNodesV2($data['ITEMS'], $parameters); $nameAlias = static::processSearchRequestV2GetNameAlias($parameters); foreach($data['ITEMS'] as $i => &$item) { if(empty($pathes['ITEM_NAMES']) || empty($pathes['ITEM_NAMES'][$item['ID']])) { // we got empty ITEM_NAMES. This is not a normal case, item without a name is not sutable for displaying. Skip. unset($data['ITEMS'][$i]); continue; } $item['PATH'] = $pathes['PATH'][$item['ID']]; if(isset($pathes['ITEM_NAMES'][$item['ID']]) && $nameAlias !== false) { $item[$nameAlias] = $pathes['ITEM_NAMES'][$item['ID']]; } } $data['ETC']['PATH_ITEMS'] = $pathes['PATH_ITEMS']; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetAdditional(&$data, $parameters) { if(!empty($data['ITEMS'])) { if(is_array($parameters['additionals']) && in_array('PATH', $parameters['additionals'])) { // show path to each found node static::processSearchRequestV2GetAdditionalPathNodes($data, $parameters); } } return $data; } protected static function getClassName() { return __CLASS__; } //////////////////////// // Cache functions //////////////////////// /** * Function checks if cacheing is enabled in component parameters * @return boolean */ final protected function getCacheNeed() { return intval($this->arParams['CACHE_TIME']) > 0 && $this->arParams['CACHE_TYPE'] != 'N' && (!(defined("ADMIN_SECTION") && ADMIN_SECTION == true)) && Config\Option::get("main", "component_cache_on", "Y") == "Y"; } /** * Function perform start of cache process, if needed * @param mixed[]|string $cacheId An optional addition for cache key * @return boolean True, if cache content needs to be generated, false if cache is valid and can be read */ final protected function startCache($cacheId = array()) { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return true; $this->currentCache = Data\Cache::createInstance(); return $this->currentCache->startDataCache(intval($this->arParams['CACHE_TIME']), $this->getCacheKey($cacheId), static::COMPONENT_CACHE_DIR); } /** * Function perform start of cache process, if needed * @throws Main\SystemException * @param mixed[] $data Data to be stored in the cache * @return void */ final protected function endCache($data = false) { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); $this->currentCache->endDataCache($data); $this->currentCache = null; } /** * Function discard cache generation * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void */ final protected function abortCache() { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); $this->currentCache->abortDataCache(); $this->currentCache = null; } /** * Function return data stored in cache * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void|mixed[] Data from cache */ final protected function getCacheData() { if(!$this->getCacheNeed()) return; if($this->currentCache == 'null') throw new Main\SystemException('Cache were not started'); return $this->currentCache->getVars(); } /** * Function leaves the ability to modify cache key in future. * @return string Cache key to be used in CPHPCache() */ final protected function getCacheKey($cacheId = array()) { if(!is_array($cacheId)) $cacheId = array((string) $cacheId); $cacheId['SITE_ID'] = SITE_ID; $cacheId['LANGUAGE_ID'] = LANGUAGE_ID; // if there are two or more caches with the same id, but with different cache_time, make them separate $cacheId['CACHE_TIME'] = intval($this->arResult['CACHE_TIME']); if(defined("SITE_TEMPLATE_ID")) $cacheId['SITE_TEMPLATE_ID'] = SITE_TEMPLATE_ID; return implode('|', $cacheId); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEPRECATED methods to support DEPRECATED query method ////////////////////////////////////////// // static functions for external usage /** * @deprecated */ protected static function getPathToNodes($list) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToMultipleNodes( $list, array( 'select' => array('ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME'), 'filter' => array('=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID) ) ); $pathNames = array(); $result = array(); while($path = $res->fetch()) { // format path as required for JSON responce $chain = array(); $itemId = false; $i = -1; foreach($path['PATH'] as $id => $pItem) { $i++; if(!$i) // we dont need for an item itself in the path chain { $itemId = $id; continue; } $pathNames[$pItem['ID']] = $pItem['LNAME']; $chain[] = intval($pItem['ID']); } $result['PATH'][$itemId] = $chain; } $result['PATH_NAMES'] = $pathNames; return $result; } /** * @deprecated */ public static function processSearchRequest() { static::checkRequiredModules(); $parameters = static::processSearchGetParameters(); $result = static::processSearchGetList($parameters); $result = static::processSearchGetAdditional($result); // drop unwanted data foreach($result['ITEMS'] as &$item) { unset($item['LEFT_MARGIN']); unset($item['RIGHT_MARGIN']); } return $result; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetParameters() { $parameters = array( 'select' => static::processSearchGetSelect(), 'filter' => static::processSearchGetFilter() ); if($pageSize = intval($_REQUEST['PAGE_SIZE'])) { $page = intval($_REQUEST['PAGE']); $parameters['limit'] = $pageSize; $parameters['offset'] = ($page ? $page * $pageSize : 0); } return $parameters; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchRequestGetLang() { return strlen($_REQUEST['BEHAVIOUR']['LANGUAGE_ID']) ? $_REQUEST['BEHAVIOUR']['LANGUAGE_ID'] : LANGUAGE_ID; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetFilter() { if(!isset($_REQUEST['FILTER']['PARENT_ID']) && !isset($_REQUEST['FILTER']['QUERY'])) // ddos protection throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); $rFilter = $_REQUEST['FILTER']; $langId = static::processSearchRequestGetLang(); // filter $filter = array( 'LANGUAGE_ID' => $langId ); if(strlen($rFilter['SITE_ID'])) $filter['SITE_ID'] = $rFilter['SITE_ID']; if($_REQUEST['BEHAVIOUR']['EXPECT_EXACT']) { ################################### # exact search ################################### // EXPECT_EXACT assumes presence of QUERY key in query. in this case QUERY is being treated as an exact value for ID if(!strlen($rFilter['QUERY'])) throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLS_BAD_QUERY')); $filter['ID'] = intval($rFilter['QUERY']); } else { ################################### # Non-exact search, there could be a set of matched elements ################################### if(strlen($rFilter['QUERY'])) { if(strlen($rFilter['QUERY']) >= static::START_SEARCH_LEN) $filter['NAME'] = $rFilter['QUERY']; if($_REQUEST['BEHAVIOUR']['SEARCH_BY_PRIMARY']) $filter['PRIMARY'] = $rFilter['QUERY']; } if(isset($rFilter['PARENT_ID']) && intval($rFilter['PARENT_ID']) >= 0) $filter['PARENT_ID'] = intval($rFilter['PARENT_ID']); if($typeId = intval($rFilter['TYPE_ID'])) $filter['TYPE_ID'] = $typeId; } return $filter; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetSelect() { $select = array(); if($_REQUEST['SHOW']['CHILD_EXISTENCE']) $select[] = 'CHILD_CNT'; if($_REQUEST['SHOW']['TYPE_ID']) $select[] = 'TYPE_ID'; return $select; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetList($parameters) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getListFast($parameters); $result = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) $result[] = $item; return $result; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetAdditionalPathNodes(&$data) { if($_REQUEST['SHOW']['PATH'] && is_array($data['ITEMS'])) { $pathes = static::getPathToNodes($data['ITEMS']); foreach($data['ITEMS'] as &$item) $item['PATH'] = $pathes['PATH'][$item['ID']]; $data['ETC']['PATH_NAMES'] = $pathes['PATH_NAMES']; } } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function processSearchGetAdditional($result) { $data = array( 'ITEMS' => $result, 'ETC' => array() ); if(!empty($result)) { ################################### # Additional extras ################################### // show path to each found node static::processSearchGetAdditionalPathNodes($data); // show item count based on filter, but only when the first page called (it may be useful for calculating client-side pager) if(intval($_REQUEST['PAGE_SIZE']) && !intval($_REQUEST['PAGE']) && $_REQUEST['SHOW']['ITEM_COUNT']) { $filter = static::processSearchGetFilter(); // spike! spike! spike! // we hope we can make filter compatible with ORM by replacing getListFast with smth cleverer, but for now we got only option: unset($filter['LANGUAGE_ID']); $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'runtime' => array( 'CNT' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array('COUNT(*)') ) ), 'select' => array('CNT'), 'filter' => $filter ))->fetch(); $data['ETC']['TOTAL_ITEM_COUNT'] = intval($res['CNT']); } } return $data; } /** * @deprecated */ protected static function isNonemptyArray($arr) { return is_array($arr) && !empty($arr); } }