Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.selector.system/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.location.selector.system/class.php |
<? if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) die(); /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Data; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\LocationHelper; CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass("bitrix:sale.location.selector.search"); Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class CBitrixLocationSelectorSystemComponent extends CBitrixLocationSelectorSearchComponent { const ID_BLOCK_LEN = 90; const HUGE_TAIL_LEN = 30; const PAGE_SIZE = 10; const LOCATION_ENTITY_NAME = '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable'; protected $entityClass = false; protected $useGroups = true; protected $useCodes = false; protected $dbResult = array(); private $locationsFromRequest = false; private $groupsFromRequest = false; protected $locationFlag = ''; protected $groupFlag = ''; /** * Function checks and prepares all the parameters passed. Everything about $arParam modification is here. * @param mixed[] $arParams List of unchecked parameters * @return mixed[] Checked and valid parameters */ public function onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) { //$arParams = parent::onPrepareComponentParams($arParams); self::tryParseString($arParams['LINK_ENTITY_NAME']); self::tryParseString($arParams['INPUT_NAME']); self::tryParseString($arParams['ENTITY_PRIMARY']); self::tryParseString($arParams['ENTITY_VARIABLE_NAME'], 'id'); self::tryParseInt($arParams['CACHE_TIME'], false, true); self::tryParseString($arParams['EDIT_MODE_SWITCH'], 'loc_selector_mode'); return $arParams; } protected function obtainCachedData(&$cachedData) { $this->obtainDataLocationTypes($cachedData); $this->obtainDataGroups($cachedData); $this->obtainDataLevelOneLocations($cachedData); } protected function obtainCacheDependentData() { $this->obtainDataAdditional(); $this->obtainDataConnectors(); } protected function obtainDataLocationTypes(&$cachedData) { $types = Location\Admin\TypeHelper::getTypes(LANGUAGE_ID); $cachedData['TYPES'] = array(); foreach($types as $type) { $type['NAME'] = $type['NAME_CURRENT']; unset($type['NAME_CURRENT']); $cachedData['TYPES'][$type['ID']] = $type; } } protected function obtainDataGroups(&$cachedData) { $groups = array(); if($this->useGroups) { $res = Location\GroupTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME'), 'filter' => array('NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID) )); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $item['ID'] = intval($item['ID']); $groups[$item['ID']] = $item; } } $cachedData['GROUPS'] = $groups; } protected function obtainDataLevelOneLocations(&$cachedData) { // here we require a tag cache $res = Location\LocationTable::getList( array( 'filter' => array('PARENT_ID' => 0, 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID), 'select' => array('LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'CODE', 'ID', 'CHILD_CNT') ) ); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); $cachedData['LOCATIONS'] = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $cachedData['LOCATIONS'][] = array( 'ID' => $item['ID'], 'NAME' => $item['NAME'], 'IS_PARENT' => $item['CHILD_CNT'] > 0 ); } } /** * Returns a list of items by supplying a set of their IDs or CODEs * * @param string $entityClass * @param string[]|integer[] $list * @param mixed[] $parameters * @param string $fieldCode identify what type of linking is used. Only two of legal values allowed: ID and CODE * * @return Bitrix\Main\DB\ArrayResult $result */ protected static function getEntityListByListOfPrimary($entityClass, $list = array(), $parameters = array(), $fieldCode = 'ID') { $result = array(); if(is_array($list) && !empty($list)) { $block = array(); $cnt = count($list); for($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++, $j++) { if($j == self::ID_BLOCK_LEN) { $parameters['filter']['='.$fieldCode] = $block; $res = $entityClass::getList($parameters); while($item = $res->fetch()) $result[] = $item; $block = array(); $j = 0; } $block[] = $list[$i]; } if(!empty($block)) { $parameters['filter']['='.$fieldCode] = $block; $res = $entityClass::getList($parameters); while($item = $res->fetch()) $result[] = $item; } } return new DB\ArrayResult($result); } protected function obtainDataConnectors() { if(!$this->arParams['LINK_ENTITY_NAME']) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLSS_LINK_ENTITY_NAME_NOT_SET'); return; } $class = $this->entityClass; $parameters = array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'SORT', 'TYPE_ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME' ), 'filter' => array( 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ) ); $linkFld = $this->useCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID'; $res = false; $points = array(); // get locations to display if($this->locationsFromRequest !== false) // get from request when form save fails or smth $res = self::getEntityListByListOfPrimary(self::LOCATION_ENTITY_NAME, $this->locationsFromRequest, $parameters, $linkFld); elseif(strlen($this->arParams['ENTITY_PRIMARY'])) // get from database, if entity exists $res = $class::getConnectedLocations($this->arParams['ENTITY_PRIMARY'], $parameters); if($res !== false) { $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); while($item = $res->fetch()) $points[$item['ID']] = $item; } if(!empty($points)) { // same algorythm repeated on client side - fetch PATH for only visible items if((count($points) - static::PAGE_SIZE) > static::HUGE_TAIL_LEN) $pointsToGetPath = array_slice($points, 0, static::PAGE_SIZE); else $pointsToGetPath = $points; try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToMultipleNodes($pointsToGetPath, array( 'select' => array( 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME' ), 'filter' => array( 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ) )); while($item = $res->Fetch()) { $item['ID'] = intval($item['ID']); if(!is_array($item['PATH']) || empty($item['PATH'])) { // we got empty PATH. This is not a normal case, item without a path is not sutable for displaying. Skip. unset($points[$item['ID']]); } else { foreach($item['PATH'] as &$node) { $node['NAME'] = $node['LNAME']; unset($node['LNAME']); } $points[$item['ID']]['PATH'] = $item['PATH']; } } } catch(\Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException $e) { LocationHelper::informAdminLocationDatabaseFailure(); } // clean up some fields foreach($points as $i => &$location) { unset($location['LEFT_MARGIN']); // system fields should not figure in $arResult unset($location['RIGHT_MARGIN']); // same } unset($location); } $this->dbResult['CONNECTIONS']['LOCATION'] = $points; if($this->useGroups) { $parameters = array('select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME' ), 'filter' => array( 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => LANGUAGE_ID ) ); $res = false; $points = array(); if($this->groupsFromRequest !== false) $res = self::getEntityListByListOfPrimary('Bitrix\Sale\Location\GroupTable', $this->groupsFromRequest, $parameters, $linkFld); elseif(strlen($this->arParams['ENTITY_PRIMARY'])) $res = $class::getConnectedGroups($this->arParams['ENTITY_PRIMARY'], $parameters); if($res !== false) { $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $item['ID'] = intval($item['ID']); $points[$item['ID']] = $item; } } $this->dbResult['CONNECTIONS']['GROUP'] = $points; } } // override for do-nothing protected function obtainDataLocation() { } protected function checkParameters() { $result = parent::checkParameters(); if(!$this->arParams['LINK_ENTITY_NAME']) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLSS_ENTITY_PRIMARY_NOT_SET'); return false; } else { $this->entityClass = $this->arParams['LINK_ENTITY_NAME'].'Table'; if(!class_exists($this->entityClass, true)) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLSS_LINK_ENTITY_CLASS_UNKNOWN'); return false; } $class = $this->entityClass; $isInstace = false; try { $a = new $class(); $isInstace = ($a instanceof \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Connector); } catch(\Exception $e) { } if(!$isInstace) { $this->errors['FATAL'][] = Loc::getMessage('SALE_SLSS_WRONG_LINK_CLASS'); return false; } $this->useGroups = $class::getUseGroups(); $this->useCodes = $class::getUseCodes(); } $entityClass = $this->entityClass; $this->locationFlag = $entityClass::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $this->groupFlag = $entityClass::DB_GROUP_FLAG; // selected in request if(is_array($this->arParams['SELECTED_IN_REQUEST'][$entityClass::DB_LOCATION_FLAG])) $this->locationsFromRequest = $this->normalizeList($this->arParams['SELECTED_IN_REQUEST'][$entityClass::DB_LOCATION_FLAG], !$this->useCodes); if(is_array($this->arParams['SELECTED_IN_REQUEST'][$entityClass::DB_GROUP_FLAG])) $this->groupsFromRequest = $this->normalizeList($this->arParams['SELECTED_IN_REQUEST'][$entityClass::DB_GROUP_FLAG], !$this->useCodes); return $result; } protected function getCacheDependences() { return array_merge(parent::getCacheDependences(), array(self::getStrForVariable($this->useGroups))); } /** * Move data read from database to a specially formatted $arResult * @return void */ protected function formatResult() { $this->arResult =& $this->dbResult; $this->arResult['ERRORS'] =& $this->errors; $this->arResult['RANDOM_TAG'] = rand(999, 99999).rand(999, 99999).rand(999, 99999); $this->arResult['USE_GROUPS'] = $this->useGroups; $this->arResult['USE_CODES'] = $this->useCodes; $this->arResult['DB_LOCATION_FLAG'] = $this->locationFlag; $this->arResult['DB_GROUP_FLAG'] = $this->groupFlag; } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetFinderBehaviour() { return array('USE_INDEX' => false); } protected static function processSearchRequestV2GetAdditional(&$data, $parameters) { if(!empty($data['ITEMS']) && is_array($parameters['additionals'])) { if(in_array('PATH', $parameters['additionals'])) { // show path to each found node static::processSearchRequestV2GetAdditionalPathNodes($data, $parameters); } // show common count of items by current filter if(in_array('CNT_BY_FILTER', $parameters['additionals']) && is_array($parameters['filter'])) { $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('select' => array('CNT'), 'filter' => $parameters['filter']))->fetch(); $data['ETC']['CNT_BY_FILTER'] = $item['CNT']; } // show parent item in case of PARENT_ID condition in filter if(in_array('PARENT_ITEM', $parameters['additionals'])) { $id = false; if(intval($parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID'])) $id = intval($parameters['filter']['=PARENT_ID']); elseif(intval($parameters['filter']['PARENT_ID'])) $id = intval($parameters['filter']['PARENT_ID']); if($id !== false) { $path = array(); $data['ETC']['PATH_ITEMS'] = array(); $res = Location\LocationTable::getPathToNode($id, array( 'select' => array( 'VALUE' => 'ID', 'CODE', 'TYPE_ID', 'DISPLAY' => 'NAME.NAME' ), 'filter' => array( '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => strlen($parameters['filter']['=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID']) ? $parameters['filter']['=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID'] : LANGUAGE_ID ) )); $node = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $path[] = intval($item['VALUE']); $data['ETC']['PATH_ITEMS'][$item['VALUE']] = $item; $node = $item; } $node['PATH'] = array_reverse($path); $data['ETC']['PARENT_ITEM'] = $node; } } } return $data; } public static function processGetPathRequest($parameters) { $idList = $parameters['ITEMS']; if(!is_array($idList) || empty($idList)) throw new Main\SystemException('Empty array passed'); // todo: assert here later $result = array(); $idList = array_unique($idList); $items = array(); $res = self::getEntityListByListOfPrimary(self::LOCATION_ENTITY_NAME, $idList, array('select' => array('ID', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN')), 'ID'); while($item = $res->fetch()) $items[] = $item; if(empty($items)) return $result; $result = static::getPathToNodesV2($items); return $result; } protected static function normalizeList($list, $expectNumeric = true) { $list = array_unique(array_values($list)); foreach($list as $i => $id) { if($expectNumeric) { if(intval($id) != $id) unset($list[$i]); $list[$i] = intval($id); if(!$list[$i]) unset($list[$i]); } else { if(!strlen($list[$i])) unset($list[$i]); } } return $list; } }