Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.order.ajax/lang/en/class.php
$MESS["SOA_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"] = "The e-Store module is not installed.";
$MESS["SOA_CURRENCY_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"] = "The Currency module is not installed.";
$MESS["SOA_NEED_AUTH"] = "You need to authorise before you complete your order.";
$MESS["SOA_TITLE"] = "Complete Order";
$MESS["SOA_ERROR_PERSON_TYPE"] = "Payer type is not specified.";
$MESS["SOA_ERROR_EMAIL"] = "The e-mail address specified is incorrect.";
$MESS["SOA_ERROR_REQUIRE"] = "The field is required:";
$MESS["SOA_Y"] = "Yes";
$MESS["SOA_N"] = "No";
$MESS["SOA_FROM"] = "from";
$MESS["SOA_TO"] = "to";
$MESS["SOA_HOUR"] = "hours";
$MESS["SOA_MONTH"] = "months";
$MESS["SOA_DAY"] = "days";
$MESS["SOA_ERROR_PAY_SYSTEM"] = "No payment systems detected.";
$MESS["SOA_VAT_INCLUDED"] = "included";
$MESS["SOA_ERROR_ORDER"] = "Error creating an order.";
$MESS["SOA_PROFILE"] = "Profile";
$MESS["SOA_SHT"] = "pcs.";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_AUTH_LOGIN"] = "Authorisation error: please enter your login";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_AUTH"] = "Authorisation error";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_NAME"] = "Registration error: please enter your name";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_LASTNAME"] = "Registration error: please enter your last name";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_EMAIL"] = "Registration error: please enter your e-mail address";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_BAD_EMAIL"] = "Registration error: please check whether your e-mail is typed correctly";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_FLAG"] = "Registration error: please enter the desired login or let the system generate it automatically";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_FLAG1"] = "Registration error: please enter the desired password or let the system generate it automatically";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_PASS"] = "Registration error: the password confirmation doesn't match the password";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG"] = "Registration error";
$MESS["STOF_AUTH"] = "Authorisation";
$MESS["INFO_REQ"] = "You have been successfully registered.";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_REG_CONFIRM"] = "You have successfully registered. The registration confirmation message has been sent to your e-mail address.";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_EMAIL"] = "Email for registration is not specified";
$MESS["SALE_DELIV_PERIOD"] = "Shipping period ";
$MESS["STOF_ERROR_PAY_SYSTEM"] = "Payment system is not selected.";
$MESS["SOA_NAME_COLUMN_PREVIEW_TEXT"] = "Short description";
$MESS["SOA_ORDER_CALCULATE_ERROR"] = "Error calculating the order.";
$MESS["SOA_TEMPL_ORDER_PS_ERROR"] = "The selected payment method failed. Please contact the site administrator or select another method.";
$MESS["SOA_DELIVERY_CALCULATE_ERROR"] = "Cannot calculate delivery cost.";
$MESS["INNER_PAYMENT_BALANCE_ERROR"] = "Insufficient funds on internal account";
$MESS["P2D_CALCULATE_ERROR"] = "Error while calculating order";
$MESS["DELIVERY_CHANGE_WARNING"] = "First available delivery service selected";
$MESS["PAY_SYSTEM_CHANGE_WARNING"] = "First available payment system selected";
$MESS["SESSID_ERROR"] = "Your session has expired. Please reload your page.";
$MESS["ORDER_CONSISTENCY_CHANGED"] = "The order has been changed while saving.";