Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.personal.profile.detail/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/components/bitrix/sale.personal.profile.detail/class.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage sale * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Config, Bitrix\Main\Localization, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Main\Loader, Bitrix\Sale, Bitrix\Iblock, Bitrix\Main\Data, Bitrix\Sale\Location; if (!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) die(); class PersonalProfileDetail extends CBitrixComponent { const E_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED = 10000; const E_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 10001; /** @var Main\ErrorCollection $errorCollection*/ protected $errorCollection; protected $idProfile; /** * Function checks and prepares all the parameters passed. Everything about $arParam modification is here. * @param $params Parameters of component. * @return array Checked and valid parameters. */ public function onPrepareComponentParams($params) { global $APPLICATION; $this->errorCollection = new Main\ErrorCollection(); $this->idProfile = 0; if (isset($params['ID']) && $params['ID'] > 0) { $this->idProfile = (int)$params['ID']; } else { $request = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $this->idProfile = (int)($request->get('ID')); } if (isset($params['PATH_TO_LIST'])) { $params['PATH_TO_LIST'] = trim($params['PATH_TO_LIST']); } elseif ($this->idProfile) { $params['PATH_TO_LIST'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($APPLICATION->GetCurPage()); } else { return false; } if ($params["PATH_TO_DETAIL"] !== '') { $params["PATH_TO_DETAIL"] = trim($params["PATH_TO_DETAIL"]); } else { $params["PATH_TO_DETAIL"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($APPLICATION->GetCurPage()."?ID=#ID#"); } if (!isset($params['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE']) && $this->initComponentTemplate()) { $template = $this->getTemplate(); if ($template instanceof CBitrixComponentTemplate && $template->GetSiteTemplate() == '' && $template->GetName() == '.default' ) $params['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] = 'N'; else $params['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] = 'Y'; } else { $arParams['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] = $params['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'; } return $params; } public function executeComponent() { global $USER, $APPLICATION; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); $this->setFrameMode(false); $this->checkRequiredModules(); if (!$USER->IsAuthorized()) { if(!$this->arParams['AUTH_FORM_IN_TEMPLATE']) { $APPLICATION->AuthForm(Loc::getMessage("SALE_ACCESS_DENIED"), false, false, 'N', false); } else { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_ACCESS_DENIED"), self::E_NOT_AUTHORIZED)); } } $request = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); if ($this->arParams['AJAX_CALL'] === 'Y') { return $this->responseAjax(); } if ($this->arParams["SET_TITLE"] === 'Y') { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(Loc::getMessage("SPPD_TITLE").$this->idProfile); } if ($this->idProfile <= 0 || $request->get('reset')) { if (!empty($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"])) { LocalRedirect($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"]); } else { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_NO_PROFILE"))); } } if ($this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { $userProperties = Sale\OrderUserProperties::getList( array( 'order' => array("DATE_UPDATE" => "DESC"), 'filter' => array( "ID" => $this->idProfile, "USER_ID" => (int)($USER->GetID()) ), "select" => array("*") ) ); $htmlConvector = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter::getHtmlConverter(); if ($userOrderProperties = $userProperties->fetch($htmlConvector)) { if ($request->isPost() && ($request->get("save") || $request->get("apply")) && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $this->updateProfileProperties($request, $userOrderProperties); } $this->fillResultArray($userOrderProperties); } else { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_NO_PROFILE"))); } } $this->formatResultErrors(); $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } /** * Function checks if required modules installed. If not, throws an exception * @throws Main\SystemException * @return void */ protected function checkRequiredModules() { if (!Loader::includeModule('sale')) { throw new Main\SystemException(Loc::getMessage("SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALL"), self::E_SALE_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED); } } /** * @return string|void */ protected function responseAjax() { if ($this->arParams['ACTION'] === 'getLocationHtml') { $name = $this->arParams['LOCATION_NAME']; $key = $this->arParams['LOCATION_KEY']; $locationTemplate = $this->arParams['LOCATION_TEMPLATE']; $resultHtml = $this->getLocationHtml($name, $key, $locationTemplate); echo $resultHtml; } require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_after.php'); die(); } /** * Load html for multiply location input * * @param $name * @param $key * @param $locationTemplate * * @return string */ protected function getLocationHtml($name, $key, $locationTemplate) { $name = strlen($name) > 0 ? $name : "" ; $key = (int)$key >= 0 ? (int)$this->arParams['LOCATION_KEY'] : 0; $locationTemplate = strlen($locationTemplate) > 0 ? $locationTemplate : ''; $locationClassName = 'location-block-wrapper'; if (empty($locationTemplate)) { $locationClassName .= ' location-block-wrapper-delimeter'; } ob_start(); CSaleLocation::proxySaleAjaxLocationsComponent( array( "ID" => "propertyLocation".$name."[$key]", "AJAX_CALL" => "N", 'CITY_OUT_LOCATION' => 'Y', 'COUNTRY_INPUT_NAME' => $name.'_COUNTRY', 'CITY_INPUT_NAME' => $name."[$key]", 'LOCATION_VALUE' => '' ), array( ), $locationTemplate, true, $locationClassName ); $resultHtml = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $resultHtml; } /** * @param Main\HttpRequest $request * @param array $userOrderProperties * @return void */ protected function updateProfileProperties($request, $userOrderProperties) { $fieldValues = $this->prepareUpdatingProperties($request, $userOrderProperties); if ($this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { $this->executeUpdatingProperties($request, $fieldValues); } if ($this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { if (strlen($request->get("save")) > 0) { LocalRedirect($this->arParams["PATH_TO_LIST"]); } elseif (strlen($request->get("apply")) > 0) { LocalRedirect(CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate($this->arParams["PATH_TO_DETAIL"], Array("ID" => $this->idProfile))); } } } /** * Fill $arResult array for output in template * @param $property * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @return void */ protected function fillResultArray($property) { $this->arResult["ORDER_PROPS"] = array(); $this->arResult = $property; $this->arResult["TITLE"] = Loc::getMessage("SPPD_PROFILE_NO", array("#ID#" => $property["ID"])); $personType = Sale\PersonType::load(SITE_ID, $property["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]); $this->arResult["PERSON_TYPE"] = $personType[$property["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]]; $this->arResult["PERSON_TYPE"]["NAME"] = htmlspecialcharsbx($this->arResult["PERSON_TYPE"]["NAME"]); $locationValue = array(); if ($this->arParams['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] == 'Y') { $locationDb = CSaleLocation::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC", "COUNTRY_NAME_LANG" => "ASC", "CITY_NAME_LANG" => "ASC"), array(), LANGUAGE_ID ); while ($location = $locationDb->Fetch()) { $locationValue[] = $location; } } $arrayTmp = array(); $propertyIds = array(); $orderPropertiesListGroup = CSaleOrderPropsGroup::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array("PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $property["PERSON_TYPE_ID"]), false, false, array("ID", "PERSON_TYPE_ID", "NAME", "SORT") ); while ($orderPropertyGroup = $orderPropertiesListGroup->GetNext()) { $arrayTmp[$orderPropertyGroup["ID"]] = $orderPropertyGroup; $orderPropertiesList = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array( "PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $property["PERSON_TYPE_ID"], "PROPS_GROUP_ID" => $orderPropertyGroup["ID"], "USER_PROPS" => "Y", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "UTIL" => "N" ), false, false, array("ID", "PERSON_TYPE_ID", "NAME", "TYPE", "REQUIED", "DEFAULT_VALUE", "SORT", "USER_PROPS", "IS_LOCATION", "PROPS_GROUP_ID", "SIZE1", "SIZE2", "DESCRIPTION", "IS_EMAIL", "IS_PROFILE_NAME", "IS_PAYER", "IS_LOCATION4TAX", "CODE", "SORT", "MULTIPLE") ); while ($orderProperty = $orderPropertiesList->GetNext()) { if ($orderProperty["REQUIED"] == "Y" || $orderProperty["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y" || $orderProperty["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y" || $orderProperty["IS_LOCATION"] == "Y" || $orderProperty["IS_PAYER"] == "Y") $orderProperty["REQUIED"] = "Y"; if (in_array($orderProperty["TYPE"], Array("SELECT", "MULTISELECT", "RADIO"))) { $dbVars = CSaleOrderPropsVariant::GetList(($by = "SORT"), ($order = "ASC"), Array("ORDER_PROPS_ID" => $orderProperty["ID"])); while ($vars = $dbVars->GetNext()) $orderProperty["VALUES"][] = $vars; } elseif ($orderProperty["TYPE"] == "LOCATION" && $this->arParams['COMPATIBLE_LOCATION_MODE'] == 'Y') { $orderProperty["VALUES"] = $locationValue; } $arrayTmp[$orderPropertyGroup["ID"]]["PROPS"][] = $orderProperty; $orderPropertyList[$orderProperty['ID']] = $orderProperty; } $this->arResult["ORDER_PROPS"] = $arrayTmp; } // get prop values $propertiesValueList = Array(); $htmlConvector = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter::getHtmlConverter(); $profileData = Sale\OrderUserProperties::getProfileValues((int)($this->idProfile)); if (!empty($profileData)) { foreach ($profileData as $propertyId => $value) { if ($orderPropertyList[$propertyId]['TYPE'] === 'LOCATION') { $locationMap = array(); $locationData = Sale\Location\LocationTable::getList( array( 'filter' => array('=CODE' => $value), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE') ) ); while ($location = $locationData->fetch()) { $locationMap[] = $location['ID']; } $value = ($orderPropertyList[$propertyId]['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y') ? $locationMap : $locationMap[0]; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as &$elementValue) { if (!is_array($elementValue)) $elementValue = $htmlConvector->encode($elementValue); else $elementValue = htmlspecialcharsEx($elementValue); } } else { $value = $htmlConvector->encode($value); } $propertiesValueList["ORDER_PROP_" . $propertyId] = $value; } } $this->arResult["ORDER_PROPS_VALUES"] = $propertiesValueList; } /** * Move all errors to $this->arResult, if there were any * @return void */ protected function formatResultErrors() { if (!$this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { /** @var Main\Error $error */ foreach ($this->errorCollection->toArray() as $error) { $this->arResult['ERROR_MESSAGE'] .= $error->getMessage(); if ($error->getCode()) $this->arResult['ERRORS'][$error->getCode()] = $error->getMessage(); else $this->arResult['ERRORS'][] = $error->getMessage(); } } } /** * Check value required params of property * @param $property * @param $currentValue * @return bool */ protected function checkProperty($property, $currentValue) { if ($property["TYPE"] == "LOCATION" && $property["IS_LOCATION"] == "Y") { if ((int)($currentValue) <= 0) return false; } elseif ($property["IS_PROFILE_NAME"] == "Y") { if (strlen(trim($currentValue)) <= 0) return false; } elseif ($property["IS_PAYER"] == "Y") { if (strlen(trim($currentValue)) <= 0) return false; } elseif ($property["IS_EMAIL"] == "Y") { if (strlen(trim($currentValue)) <= 0 || !check_email(trim($currentValue))) return false; } elseif ($property["REQUIED"] == "Y") { if ($property["TYPE"] == "LOCATION") { if ((int)($currentValue) <= 0) return false; } elseif ($property["TYPE"] == "MULTISELECT" || $property["MULTIPLE"] == "Y") { if (!is_array($currentValue) || count($currentValue) <= 0) return false; } else { if (strlen($currentValue) <= 0) return false; } } return true; } /** * Create array properties for updating and check required properties * @param Main\HttpRequest $request * @param array $userOrderProperties * @return array $fieldValues */ protected function prepareUpdatingProperties($request, $userOrderProperties) { if (strlen($request->get("NAME")) <= 0) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_NO_NAME")."<br>")); } $fieldValues = array(); $orderPropertiesList = CSaleOrderProps::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME" => "ASC"), array( "PERSON_TYPE_ID" => $userOrderProperties["PERSON_TYPE_ID"], "USER_PROPS" => "Y", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "UTIL" => "N" ), false, false, array("ID", "NAME", "TYPE", "REQUIED", "MULTIPLE", "IS_LOCATION", "PROPS_GROUP_ID", "IS_EMAIL", "IS_PROFILE_NAME", "IS_PAYER", "IS_LOCATION4TAX", "CODE", "SORT") ); while ($orderProperty = $orderPropertiesList->GetNext()) { $currentValue = $request->get("ORDER_PROP_" . $orderProperty["ID"]); if ($this->checkProperty($orderProperty, $currentValue)) { $fieldValues[$orderProperty["ID"]] = array( "USER_PROPS_ID" => $this->idProfile, "ORDER_PROPS_ID" => $orderProperty["ID"], "NAME" => $orderProperty["NAME"], 'MULTIPLE' => $orderProperty["MULTIPLE"] ); if ($orderProperty['TYPE'] == "LOCATION") { $changedLocation = array(); $locationResult = Sale\Location\LocationTable::getList( array( 'filter' => array('=ID' => $currentValue), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE') ) ); while ($location = $locationResult->fetch()) { if ($orderProperty['MULTIPLE'] === "Y") { $changedLocation[] = $location['CODE']; } else { $changedLocation = $location['CODE']; } } $currentValue = !empty($changedLocation) ? $changedLocation : ""; } if ($orderProperty["TYPE"] === 'FILE') { $fileIdList = array(); $currentValue = $request->getFile("ORDER_PROP_" . $orderProperty["ID"]); foreach ($currentValue['name'] as $key => $fileName) { if (strlen($fileName) > 0) { $fileArray = array( 'name' => $fileName, 'type' => $currentValue['type'][$key], 'tmp_name' => $currentValue['tmp_name'][$key], 'error' => $currentValue['error'][$key], 'size' => $currentValue['size'][$key], ); $fileIdList[] = CFile::SaveFile($fileArray, "/sale/profile/"); } } $fieldValues[$orderProperty["ID"]]['VALUE'] = $fileIdList; } elseif ($orderProperty['TYPE'] == "MULTISELECT") { $fieldValues[$orderProperty["ID"]]['VALUE'] = implode(',',$currentValue); } elseif ($orderProperty['MULTIPLE'] == "Y") { if (is_array($currentValue)) { $currentValue = array_diff($currentValue, array("", NULL, false)); } $fieldValues[$orderProperty["ID"]]['VALUE'] = serialize($currentValue); } else { $fieldValues[$orderProperty["ID"]]['VALUE'] = $currentValue; } } else { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_NO_FIELD") . " \"" . $orderProperty["NAME"] . "\".<br />")); } } return $fieldValues; } /** * Update and add profile properties * @param Main\HttpRequest $request * @param $fieldValues * @return void */ protected function executeUpdatingProperties($request, $fieldValues) { if ($this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { $saleProps = new \CSaleOrderUserProps; if (!$saleProps->Update($this->idProfile, array("NAME" => trim($request->get("NAME"))))) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("SALE_ERROR_EDIT_PROF") . "<br />")); return; } } $updatedValues = array(); $saleOrderUserPropertiesValue = new CSaleOrderUserPropsValue; $userPropertiesList = $saleOrderUserPropertiesValue::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array("USER_PROPS_ID" => $this->idProfile), false, false, array("ID", "ORDER_PROPS_ID", "VALUE", "SORT", "PROP_TYPE") ); while ($propertyValues = $userPropertiesList->Fetch()) { if ($propertyValues['PROP_TYPE'] === 'FILE') { $baseArray = unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($propertyValues['VALUE'])); if ($idFileDeletingList = $request->get("ORDER_PROP_" . $propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"] . "_del")) { $propertyValues['VALUE'] = $this->deleteFromPropertyTypeFile($idFileDeletingList, $baseArray); } $inputArray = $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]; if (count($inputArray['VALUE']) > 0) { if ($inputArray['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y') { foreach ($inputArray['VALUE'] as $value) { if (!in_array($value, $baseArray)) { $baseArray[] = $value; } } $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]['VALUE'] = serialize($baseArray); } else { CFile::Delete($propertyValues['VALUE']); $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]['VALUE'] = serialize($inputArray['VALUE']); } } else { $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]['VALUE'] = $propertyValues['VALUE']; } } if (isset($fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]['VALUE'])) { Sale\Internals\UserPropsValueTable::update( $propertyValues["ID"], array("VALUE" => $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]['VALUE']) ); } $updatedValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]] = $fieldValues[$propertyValues["ORDER_PROPS_ID"]]; } if ($newValues = array_diff_key($fieldValues, $updatedValues)) { foreach ($newValues as $value) { unset($value['MULTIPLE']); $saleOrderUserPropertiesValue->Add($value); } } } /** * Delete id's files from property with type "File" * @param string $idFileDeletingList * @param array $baseArray * @return string $newValue */ protected function deleteFromPropertyTypeFile($idFileDeletingList, $baseArray) { if (CheckSerializedData($idFileDeletingList) && ($serialisedValue = @unserialize($idFileDeletingList)) !== false) { $idFileDeletingList = $serialisedValue; } else { $idFileDeletingList = explode(';', $idFileDeletingList); } foreach ($idFileDeletingList as $idDelete) { $key = array_search($idDelete, $baseArray); if ($key !== false) { unset($baseArray[$key]); } } $newValue = serialize($baseArray); return $newValue; } }