Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/cal-controlls.js |
var ECUserControll = function(params) { this.oEC = params.oEC; var _this = this; this.count = 0; this.countAgr = 0; this.countDec = 0; this.bEditMode = params.view !== true; this.pAttendeesCont = params.AttendeesCont; this.pAttendeesList = params.AttendeesList; this.pParamsCont = params.AdditionalParams; this.pSummary = params.SummaryCont; this.pCount = this.pSummary.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {className: 'bxc-count', href:"javascript:void(0)"}})); this.pCountArg = this.pSummary.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {className: 'bxc-count-agr', href:"javascript:void(0)"}})); this.pCountDec = this.pSummary.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {className: 'bxc-count-dec', href:"javascript:void(0)"}})); this.pCount.onclick = function(){_this.ListMode('all');}; this.pCountArg.onclick = function(){_this.ListMode('agree');}; this.pCountDec.onclick = function(){_this.ListMode('decline');}; this._getFromDate = (params.fromDateGetter && typeof params.fromDateGetter == 'function') ? params.fromDateGetter : function(){return false;}; this._getToDate = (params.toDateGetter && typeof params.toDateGetter == 'function') ? params.toDateGetter : function(){return false;}; this._getEventId = (params.eventIdGetter && typeof params.eventIdGetter == 'function') ? params.eventIdGetter : function(){return false;}; this.ListMode('all'); this.Attendees = {}; // Only if we need to add or delete users if (this.bEditMode) { this.pLinkCont = params.AddLinkCont; var pIcon = this.pLinkCont.appendChild(BX.create("I")), pTitle = this.pLinkCont.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {text: EC_MESS.AddAttendees})); pIcon.onclick = pTitle.onclick = BX.proxy(this.OpenSelectUser, this); var arMenuItems = [{text : EC_MESS.AddGuestsDef, onclick: BX.proxy(this.OpenSelectUser, this)}]; if (!this.oEC.bExtranet && this.oEC.type == 'group') arMenuItems.push({text : EC_MESS.AddGroupMemb, title: EC_MESS.AddGroupMembTitle, onclick: BX.proxy(this.oEC.AddGroupMembers, this.oEC)}); if (arMenuItems.length > 1) { pMore = this.pLinkCont.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: 'javascript: void(0);', className: 'bxec-add-more'}})); pMore.onclick = function() { BX.PopupMenu.show('bxec_add_guest_menu', _this.pLinkCont, arMenuItems, {events: {onPopupClose: function() {BX.removeClass(pMore, "bxec-add-more-over");}}}); BX.addClass(pMore, "bxec-add-more-over"); }; } BX.addCustomEvent(window, "onUserSelectorOnChange", BX.proxy(this.UserOnChange, this)); } }; ECUserControll.prototype = { SetValues: function(Attendees) { var i, l = Attendees.length, User; // Clear list BX.cleanNode(this.pAttendeesList); this.Attendees = {}; this.count = 0; this.countAgr = 0; this.countDec = 0; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { User = Attendees[i]; User.key = User.id || User.email; if (User && User.key && !this.Attendees[User.key]) this.DisplayAttendee(User); } if (this.bEditMode) { this.DisableUserOnChange(true, true); O_BXCalUserSelect.setSelected(Attendees); } this.UpdateCount(); }, GetValues: function() { return this.Attendees; }, SetEmpty: function(bEmpty) { if (this.bEmpty === bEmpty) return; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'SetEmpty', [bEmpty]); if (bEmpty) { BX.addClass(this.pAttendeesCont, 'bxc-att-empty'); if (this.pParamsCont) this.pParamsCont.style.display = 'none'; } else { BX.removeClass(this.pAttendeesCont, 'bxc-att-empty'); if (this.pParamsCont) this.pParamsCont.style.display = ''; } this.bEmpty = bEmpty; }, UpdateCount: function() { this.pCount.innerHTML = EC_MESS.AttSumm + ' - ' + (parseInt(this.count) || 0); if (this.countAgr > 0) { this.pCountArg.innerHTML = EC_MESS.AttAgr + ' - ' + parseInt(this.countAgr); this.pCountArg.style.display = ""; } else { this.pCountArg.style.display = "none"; } if (this.countDec > 0) { this.pCountDec.innerHTML = EC_MESS.AttDec + ' - ' + parseInt(this.countDec); this.pCountDec.style.display = ""; } else { this.pCountDec.style.display = "none"; } this.SetEmpty(this.count == 0); }, OpenSelectUser : function(e) { if (BX.PopupMenu && BX.PopupMenu.currentItem) BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow.close(); if(!e) e = window.event; if (!this.SelectUserPopup) { var _this = this; this.SelectUserPopup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create("bxc-user-popup", this.pLinkCont, { offsetTop : 1, autoHide : true, closeByEsc : true, content : BX("BXCalUserSelect_selector_content"), className: 'bxc-popup-user-select', buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Add, events: {click : function() { _this.SelectUserPopup.close(); for (var id in _this.selectedUsers) { if (_this.selectedUsers.hasOwnProperty(id)) { id = parseInt(id); if (!isNaN(id) && id > 0) { if (!_this.Attendees[id] && _this.selectedUsers[id]) // Add new user { _this.selectedUsers[id].key = id; _this.DisplayAttendee(_this.selectedUsers[id]); } else if (_this.Attendees[id] && !_this.selectedUsers[id]) // Del user from our list { _this.RemoveAttendee(id, false); } } } } BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'UserOnChange'); _this.UpdateCount(); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.SelectUserPopup.close();}} }) ] }); } // Clean if (this.bEditMode) { this.selectedUsers = {}; var Attendees = [], k; for (k in this.Attendees) { if (this.Attendees[k] && this.Attendees[k].type != 'ext') Attendees.push(this.Attendees[k].User); } O_BXCalUserSelect.setSelected(Attendees); } this.SelectUserPopup.show(); BX.PreventDefault(e); }, AddByEmail : function(e) { var _this = this; if (BX.PopupMenu && BX.PopupMenu.currentItem) BX.PopupMenu.currentItem.popupWindow.close(); if(!e) e = window.event; if (!this.EmailPopup) { var pDiv = BX.create("DIV", {props:{className: 'bxc-email-cont'}, html: '<label class="bxc-email-label">' + EC_MESS.UserEmail + ':</label>'}); this.pEmailValue = pDiv.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props: {className: 'bxc-email-input'}})); this.EmailPopup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create("bxc-user-popup-email", this.pLinkCont, { offsetTop : 1, autoHide : true, content : pDiv, className: 'bxc-popup-user-select-email', closeIcon: { right : "12px", top : "5px"}, closeByEsc : true, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: EC_MESS.Add, className: "popup-window-button-accept", events: {click : function(){ var email = BX.util.trim(_this.pEmailValue.value); if (email != "" && !_this.Attendees[email]) { var User = {name: email, key: email, type: 'ext', status: 'Y'}; _this.DisplayAttendee(User); _this.UpdateCount(); } _this.EmailPopup.close(); }} }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: EC_MESS.Close, className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: {click : function(){_this.EmailPopup.close();}} }) ] }); } this.EmailPopup.show(); setTimeout(function(){BX.focus(_this.pEmailValue);}, 50); BX.PreventDefault(e); }, DisableUserOnChange: function(bDisable, bTime) { this.bDisableUserOnChange = bDisable === true; if (bTime) setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.DisableUserOnChange, this), 300); }, UserOnChange: function(arUsers) { if (this.bDisableUserOnChange) return; this.selectedUsers = arUsers; }, DisplayAttendee: function(User, bUpdate) { this.count++; if (User.status == 'Y') this.countAgr++; else if (User.status == 'N') this.countDec++; else User.status = 'Q'; if (bUpdate && User.id && this.Attendees[User.id]) { // ? } else { var _this = this, pBusyInfo = false, status = User.status.toLowerCase(), pRow = this.pAttendeesList.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props:{className: 'bxc-attendee-row bxc-att-row-' + status}})), pStatus = pRow.appendChild(BX.create("I", {props: {className: 'bxc-stat-' + status, title: EC_MESS['GuestStatus_' + status] + (User.desc ? ' - ' + User.desc : '')}})); if (User.type == 'ext') pName = pRow.appendChild(BX.create("span", {props:{className: "bxc-name"}, text: (User.name || User.email)})); else pName = pRow.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props:{href: this.oEC.GetUserHref(User.id), className: "bxc-name"}, text: User.name})); if (this.bEditMode && User.type != 'ext') pBusyInfo = pRow.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props:{className: "bxc-busy"}})); pRow.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: "bxc-comma"}, html: ','})); if (this.bEditMode) { pRow.appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {id: 'bxc-att-key-' + User.key, href: 'javascript:void(0)', title: EC_MESS.Delete, className: 'bxc-del-att'}})).onclick = function(e){_this.RemoveAttendee(this.id.substr('bxc-att-key-'.length)); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event)}; } this.Attendees[User.key] = { User : User, pRow: pRow, pBusyCont: pBusyInfo }; } }, RemoveAttendee: function(key, bAffectToControl) { bAffectToControl = bAffectToControl !== false; if (this.Attendees[key]) { this.Attendees[key].pRow.parentNode.removeChild(this.Attendees[key].pRow); if (this.Attendees[key].User.status == 'Y') this.countAgr--; if (this.Attendees[key].User.status == 'N') this.countDec--; this.count--; this.Attendees[key] = null; delete this.Attendees[key]; if (this.bEditMode) { var Attendees = []; for (k in this.Attendees) { if (this.Attendees[k] && this.Attendees[k].type != 'ext') Attendees.push(this.Attendees[k].User); } this.DisableUserOnChange(true, true); if (bAffectToControl) O_BXCalUserSelect.setSelected(Attendees); } } this.UpdateCount(); }, ListMode: function(mode) { if (this.mode == mode) return; if (this.mode) // In start { BX.removeClass(this.pAttendeesList, 'bxc-users-mode-' + this.mode); BX.removeClass(this.pSummary, 'bxc-users-mode-' + this.mode); } this.mode = mode; BX.addClass(this.pAttendeesList, 'bxc-users-mode-' + this.mode); BX.addClass(this.pSummary, 'bxc-users-mode-' + this.mode); } }; var ECSyncPannel = function(oEC) { this.oEC = oEC; if (!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo) return; this.Display(); if (!window.jsOutlookUtils) return BX.loadScript('/bitrix/js/calendar/outlook.js'); }; ECSyncPannel.prototype = { Display: function() { var _this = this, i; this.syncList = [ { id: 'google', label: EC_MESS.syncGoogle, className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-google', active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.google.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.google.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.google.syncDate, connectHandler: function(e) { BX.util.popup(_this.oEC.arConfig.googleCalDavStatus.authLink, 500, 600); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectGoogle(e); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } }, { id: 'macosx', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-macosx', label: EC_MESS.syncMac, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.macosx.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.macosx.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.macosx.syncDate, connectHandler: function(e) { _this.ConnectMacOSX(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectMacOSX(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } }, { id: 'iphone', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-iphone', label: EC_MESS.syncIphone, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.iphone.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.iphone.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.iphone.syncDate, connectHandler: function(e) { _this.ConnectIphone(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectIphone(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } }, { id: 'android', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-android', label: EC_MESS.syncAndroid, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.android.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.android.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.android.syncDate, connectHandler: function(e) { _this.ConnectAndroid(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectAndroid(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } }, { id: 'outlook', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-outlook', label: EC_MESS.syncOutlook, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.outlook.active && !BX.browser.IsMac(), connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.outlook.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.outlook.syncDate, connectHandler: function(e) { _this.ConnectOutlook(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectOutlook(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } }, { id: 'office365', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-office365', label: EC_MESS.syncOffice365, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.office365.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.office365.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.office365.syncDate }, { id: 'exchange', className: 'bxec-sect-access-for-exchange', label: EC_MESS.syncExchange, active: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.exchange.active, connected: !!this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.exchange.connected, syncDate: this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.exchange.syncDate, connectHandler:function(e) { _this.ConnectExchange(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, disconnectHandler:function(e) { _this.DisconnectExchange(); return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); } } ]; this.pWrap = BX(this.oEC.id + '-sync-inner-wrap'); BX.cleanNode(this.pWrap); this.brightMode = true; var connectedLength = 0; var disconnectedLength = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.syncList.length; i++) { if (this.syncList[i].active) { if (this.syncList[i].connected) { this.brightMode = false; connectedLength++; } else { disconnectedLength++; } } } if (this.brightMode) { // All list for (i = 0; i < this.syncList.length; i++) { this.BuildSyncItem(this.syncList[i]); } } else { for (i = 0; i < this.syncList.length; i++) { if (this.syncList[i].connected) this.BuildSyncItem(this.syncList[i]); } this.showMoreLink = this.pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-view-all'}})).appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: ''}, text: EC_MESS.connectMore.replace(/#COUNT#/ig, disconnectedLength)})); BX.bind(this.showMoreLink, 'click', function(e) { _this.showMoreLink.style.display = 'none'; _this.hiddenWrap.style.height = (disconnectedLength * 41) + 'px'; if (!_this.hideMoreLink) { _this.hideMoreLink = _this.pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-view-all'}})).appendChild(BX.create("A", {props: {href: ''}, text: EC_MESS.showLess})); BX.bind(_this.hideMoreLink, 'click', function(e) { _this.hideMoreLink.style.display = 'none'; _this.showMoreLink.style.display = ''; _this.hiddenWrap.style.height = 0; return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }); } else { _this.hideMoreLink.style.display = ''; } return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }); this.hiddenWrap = this.pWrap.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-hidden-wrap'}})); for (i = 0; i < this.syncList.length; i++) { if (!this.syncList[i].connected) this.BuildSyncItem(this.syncList[i], this.hiddenWrap); } } }, SyncSectionWithOutlook: function(id) { var oSect = this.oEC.oSections[id]; if(oSect && oSect.OUTLOOK_JS && oSect.OUTLOOK_JS.length > 0) try{eval(oSect.OUTLOOK_JS);}catch(e){}; }, DisconnectGoogle: function(e) { if (confirm(EC_MESS.googleDisconnectConfirm)) { var i, con = null, _this = this; for (i = 0; i < this.oEC.arConnections.length; i++) { con = this.oEC.arConnections[i]; if (con.account_type == "caldav_google_oauth") { break; } } if (con && con.id) { this.oEC.Request({ postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('disconnect_google', { connectionId: con.id }), handler: function () { window.location = window.location; } }); } } return BX.PreventDefault(e || window.event); }, ConnectOutlook: function() { var activeSectionsCount = 0, _this = this, i, sect, lastSect, pItem; for (i = 0; i < this.oEC.arSections.length; i++) { sect = this.oEC.arSections[i]; if (sect.ACTIVE !== 'N' && this.oEC.IsCurrentViewSect(sect) && sect.OUTLOOK_JS) { activeSectionsCount++; lastSect = sect; } } // Only one section if (activeSectionsCount == 1 && lastSect) { this.SyncSectionWithOutlook(lastSect.ID); } else { // Show popup var sync = this.GetSyncItem('outlook'); if (!this.outlookPopup) { sync.popupCont = BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxec-sync-popup-wrap'}}); for (i = 0; i < this.oEC.arSections.length; i++) { sect = this.oEC.arSections[i]; if (this.oEC.IsCurrentViewSect(sect) && sect.OUTLOOK_JS) { pItem = sync.popupCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", { props: { id: 'ecpp_' + sect.ID, className: 'bxec-sync-popup-item' + (sect.bDark ? ' bxec-dark' : '') }, style: { backgroundColor: sect.COLOR }, text: sect.NAME })); pItem.onclick = function () { _this.SyncSectionWithOutlook(this.id.substr('ecpp_'.length)); } } } this.outlookPopup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create(this.oEC.id + "-outlook-sync-popup", sync.pConnectLink, { autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, offsetTop: -1, offsetLeft: 1, lightShadow: true, content: sync.popupCont }); } this.outlookPopup.show(true); BX.addCustomEvent(this.outlookPopup, 'onPopupClose', function() { if(_this.outlookPopup && _this.outlookPopup.destroy) { _this.outlookPopup.destroy(); _this.outlookPopup = null; } }); } }, ConnectIphone: function() { this.oEC.ShowMobileSyncDialog('iphone'); }, ConnectMacOSX: function() { this.oEC.ShowMobileSyncDialog('macosx'); }, ConnectAndroid: function() { this.oEC.ShowMobileSyncDialog('android'); }, DisconnectIphone: function() { //1. Send request to clear sync information this.oEC.Request({postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('clear_sync_info', {sync_type: 'iphone'})}); //2. Show popup with info how to disconnect it var sync = this.GetSyncItem('iphone'); if (sync && sync.pDisconnectLink) { var _this = this; this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pDisconnectLink, EC_MESS.disconnectIphone, function () { _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.iphone.connected = false; _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.iphone.syncDate = false; _this.Display(); }); } }, DisconnectMacOSX: function() { //1. Send request to clear sync information this.oEC.Request({postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('clear_sync_info', {sync_type: 'mac'})}); //2. Show popup with info how to disconnect it var sync = this.GetSyncItem('macosx'); if (sync && sync.pDisconnectLink) { var _this = this; this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pDisconnectLink, EC_MESS.disconnectMac, function () { _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.macosx.connected = false; _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.macosx.syncDate = false; _this.Display(); }); } }, DisconnectAndroid: function() { //1. Send request to clear sync information this.oEC.Request({postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('clear_sync_info', {sync_type: 'android'})}); //2. Show popup with info how to disconnect it var sync = this.GetSyncItem('android'); if (sync && sync.pDisconnectLink) { var _this = this; this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pDisconnectLink, EC_MESS.disconnectAndroid, function () { _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.android.connected = false; _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.android.syncDate = false; _this.Display(); }); } }, DisconnectOutlook: function() { //1. Send request to clear sync information this.oEC.Request({postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('clear_sync_info', {sync_type: 'outlook'})}); //2. Show popup with info how to disconnect it var sync = this.GetSyncItem('outlook'); if (sync && sync.pDisconnectLink) { var _this = this; this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pDisconnectLink, EC_MESS.disconnectOutlook, function () { _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.outlook.connected = false; _this.oEC.arConfig.syncInfo.outlook.syncDate = false; _this.Display(); }); } }, ShowInfoPopup: function(item, html, onCloseHandler) { var popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create(this.oEC.id + "-disconnect-popup", item, { autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, offsetTop: -1, offsetLeft: 1, lightShadow: true, content: BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxec-disconnect-popup-wrap'}, html:html}) }); popup.show(true); function destroyPopup() { if (onCloseHandler && typeof onCloseHandler == 'function') onCloseHandler(); if(popup && popup.destroy) { BX.removeCustomEvent(popup, 'onPopupClose', destroyPopup); popup.destroy(); popup = null; } } BX.addCustomEvent(popup, 'onPopupClose', destroyPopup); }, ConnectExchange: function() { var sync = this.GetSyncItem('exchange'); if (sync && sync.pConnectLink) { this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pConnectLink, EC_MESS.connectExchange); } }, DisconnectExchange: function() { var sync = this.GetSyncItem('exchange'); if (sync && sync.pDisconnectLink) { this.ShowInfoPopup(sync.pDisconnectLink, EC_MESS.disconnectExchange); } }, SyncExchange: function() { this.oEC.Request({ postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('exchange_sync'), handler: function(oRes) { var res = oRes.result; setTimeout(function() { if (res === true) top.window.location = top.window.location; else if (res === false) alert(EC_MESS.ExchNoSync); }, 100); } }); }, BuildSyncItem: function(sync, parentCont) { if (!parentCont) parentCont = this.pWrap; if (sync.active) { sync.pOuter = parentCont.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-el ' + (sync.className || '')}})); sync.pInner = sync.pOuter.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-el-block'}})); if (!sync.connected && sync.connectHandler) { sync.pConnectLink = sync.pInner.appendChild(BX.create("A", { props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-connect-link'}, text: EC_MESS.syncConnect })); BX.bind(sync.pConnectLink, 'click', sync.connectHandler); } sync.pIcon = sync.pInner.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-icon'}})); sync.pTextWrap = sync.pInner.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", { props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-text-wrap'}, text: sync.label })); if (!this.brightMode || sync.connected) BX.addClass(sync.pOuter, 'bxec-sect-access-connected'); if (sync.connected) { sync.pInner.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-allowed-icon'}})); sync.pInfoCont = sync.pOuter.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-block-info bxec-sect-access-el-block-active'}})); var tbl = sync.pInfoCont.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-el-table'}})); var row = tbl.insertRow(-1); BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {props : {className: 'bxec-sect-access-status'}, html: EC_MESS.syncOk}); var cell = BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {style: {textAlign: 'right'}}); if (sync.syncDate) { sync.pSyncDate = cell.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-status-time'}})); sync.pSyncDate.innerHTML = sync.syncDate; } if (sync.disconnectHandler) { sync.pDisconnectLink = cell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'bxec-sect-access-disconnect-link'}, html: EC_MESS.syncDisconnect})); BX.bind(sync.pDisconnectLink, 'click', sync.disconnectHandler); } if (sync.id == 'exchange' && this.oEC.arConfig.bExchange) { sync.pTextWrap.style.cursor = 'pointer'; sync.pTextWrap.title = EC_MESS.syncExchangeTitle; BX.bind(sync.pTextWrap, 'click', BX.proxy(this.SyncExchange, this)); } } } }, GetSyncItem: function(id) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.syncList.length; i++) { if (this.syncList[i].active && this.syncList[i].id == id) { return this.syncList[i]; } } } }; var ECMonthSelector = function(oEC) { this.oEC = oEC; this.Build(); this.content = {month: '', week: '', day: ''}; }; ECMonthSelector.prototype = { Build : function() { var _this = this; this.pPrev = BX(this.oEC.id + "selector-prev"); this.pNext = BX(this.oEC.id + "selector-next"); this.pCont = BX(this.oEC.id + "selector-cont"); this.pContInner = BX(this.oEC.id + "selector-cont-inner"); this.pPrev.onclick = function(){_this.ChangeValue(false);}; this.pNext.onclick = function(){_this.ChangeValue(true);}; }, ChangeMode : function(mode) { this.mode = mode || this.oEC.activeTabId; if (this.mode == 'month') { this.pCont.className = 'bxec-sel-but'; this.pCont.onclick = BX.proxy(this.ShowMonthPopup, this); } else { this.pCont.className = 'bxec-sel-text'; this.pCont.onclick = BX.False; } }, OnChange : function(year, month, week, date) { month = parseInt(month, 10); year = parseInt(year); var res, dayOffset; this.pNext.style.marginLeft = (this.mode == 'month' && BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsIE9()) ? '10px' : ''; // Hack for IE 8 if (this.mode == 'month') { if (month < 0 || month > 11) return alert('Error! Incorrect month'); this.content.month = this.oEC.arConfig.month[month] + ', ' + year + '<span class="bxec-sel-but-arr">'; } else if (this.mode == 'week') { var startWeekDate = new Date(); startWeekDate.setFullYear(year, month, 1); //if (week < 0 && this.oEC.weekStart != this.oEC.GetWeekDayByInd(startWeekDate.getDay())) // week = 0; dayOffset = this.oEC.GetWeekDayOffset(this.oEC.GetWeekDayByInd(startWeekDate.getDay())); if(dayOffset > 0) startWeekDate.setDate(startWeekDate.getDate() - dayOffset); // Now it-s first day in of this week if (week != 0) startWeekDate.setDate(startWeekDate.getDate() + (7 * week)); var oSunDate = new Date(startWeekDate.getTime()); oSunDate.setDate(oSunDate.getDate() + 6); var content, month_r = this.oEC.arConfig.month_r, d_f = startWeekDate.getDate(), m_f = startWeekDate.getMonth(), y_f = startWeekDate.getFullYear(), d_t = oSunDate.getDate(), m_t = oSunDate.getMonth(), y_t = oSunDate.getFullYear(); if (m_f == m_t) content = d_f + ' - ' + d_t + ' ' + month_r[m_f] + ' ' + y_f; else if(y_f == y_t) content = d_f + ' ' + month_r[m_f] + ' - ' + d_t + ' ' + month_r[m_t] + ' ' + y_f; else content = d_f + ' ' + month_r[m_f] + ' ' + y_f + ' - ' + d_t + ' ' + month_r[m_t] + ' ' + y_t; this.content.week = '<nobr>' + content + '</nobr>'; res = { dateFrom: d_f, monthFrom: m_f, yearFrom: y_f, weekStartDate: startWeekDate, monthTo: m_t, yearTo: y_t, dateTo: d_t, weekEndDate: oSunDate }; } else if (this.mode == 'day') { var oDate = new Date(); oDate.setFullYear(year, month, date); day = this.oEC.ConvertDayIndex(oDate.getDay()); date = oDate.getDate(), month = oDate.getMonth(), year = oDate.getFullYear(); this.content.day = '<nobr>' + this.oEC.arConfig.days[day][0] + ', ' + date + ' ' + this.oEC.arConfig.month_r[month] + ' ' + year + '</nobr>'; res = {date: date, month: month, year: year, oDate: oDate}; } this.Show(this.mode); return res; }, Show: function(mode) { this.pContInner.innerHTML = this.content[mode]; }, ChangeValue: function(bNext) { var delta = bNext ? 1 : -1; this.oEC.bJustRedraw = false; if (this.mode == 'month') { //IncreaseCurMonth var m = bxInt(this.oEC.activeDate.month) + delta; var y = this.oEC.activeDate.year; if (m < 0) { m += 12; y--; } else if (m > 11) { m -= 12; y++; } this.oEC.SetMonth(m, y); } else if (this.mode == 'week') { this.oEC.SetWeek(this.oEC.activeDate.week + delta, this.oEC.activeDate.month, this.oEC.activeDate.year); } else if (this.mode == 'day') { this.oEC.SetDay(this.oEC.activeDate.date + delta, this.oEC.activeDate.month, this.oEC.activeDate.year); } }, ShowMonthPopup: function() { if (!this.oMonthWin) { var _this = this; this.oMonthWin = new BX.PopupWindow(this.oEC.id + "bxc-month-sel", this.pCont, { overlay: {opacity: 1}, autoHide : true, offsetTop : 1, offsetLeft : 0, lightShadow : true, contentColor : "white", contentNoPaddings : true, content : BX('bxec_month_win_' + this.oEC.id) }); this.oMonthWin.CAL = { DOM : { Year: BX(this.oEC.id + 'md-year'), MonthList: BX(this.oEC.id + 'md-month-list') }, curYear: parseInt(this.oEC.activeDate.year) }; this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.Year.innerHTML = this.oMonthWin.CAL.curYear; BX(this.oEC.id + 'md-selector-prev').onclick = function(){_this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.Year.innerHTML = --_this.oMonthWin.CAL.curYear;}; BX(this.oEC.id + 'md-selector-next').onclick = function(){_this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.Year.innerHTML = ++_this.oMonthWin.CAL.curYear;}; var i, m, div, arM = [0, 4, 8, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 10, 3, 7, 11]; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { m = arM[i]; div = this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.MonthList.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", { props: {id: 'bxec_ms_m_' + arM[i], className: 'bxec-month-div' + (arM[i] == this.oEC.activeDate.month ? ' bxec-month-act' : '') + ' bxec-' + this.GetSeason(arM[i])}, html: '<span>' + this.oEC.arConfig.month[arM[i]] + '</span>', events: {click: function() { _this.oEC.bJustRedraw = false; BX.removeClass(_this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.curMonth, 'bxec-month-act'); BX.addClass(this, 'bxec-month-act'); _this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.curMonth = this; _this.oEC.SetMonth(parseInt(this.id.substr('bxec_ms_m_'.length)), _this.oMonthWin.CAL.curYear); _this.oMonthWin.close(); }} })); if (arM[i] == this.oEC.activeDate.month) this.oMonthWin.CAL.DOM.curMonth = div; } } this.oMonthWin.show(); }, GetSeason : function(m) { switch(m) { case 11: case 0: case 1: return 'winter'; case 2: case 3: case 4: return 'spring'; case 5: case 6: case 7: return 'summer'; case 8: case 9: case 10: return 'autumn'; } } }; var ECCalendarAccess = function(Params) { BX.Access.Init(); if (!window.EC_MESS) EC_MESS = {}; this.bind = Params.bind; this.GetAccessName = Params.GetAccessName; this.pTbl = Params.pCont.appendChild(BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: "bxc-access-tbl"}})); this.pSel = BX('bxec-' + this.bind); var _this = this; this.delTitle = Params.delTitle || EC_MESS.Delete; this.noAccessRights = Params.noAccessRights || EC_MESS.NoAccessRights; this.inputName = Params.inputName || false; Params.pLink.onclick = function(){ BX.Access.ShowForm({ callback: BX.proxy(_this.InsertRights, _this), bind: _this.bind }); }; }; ECCalendarAccess.prototype = { InsertRights: function(obSelected) { var provider, code; for(provider in obSelected) for(code in obSelected[provider]) this.InsertAccessRow(BX.Access.GetProviderName(provider) + ' ' + obSelected[provider][code].name, code); }, InsertAccessRow: function(title, code, value) { var _this = this, row, pLeft, pRight, pTaskSelect; if (this.pTbl.rows[0] && this.pTbl.rows[0].cells[0] && this.pTbl.rows[0].cells[0].className.indexOf('bxc-access-no-vals') != -1) this.DeleteRow(0); row = this.pTbl.insertRow(-1); pLeft = BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {props : {className: 'bxc-access-c-l'}, html: title + ':'}); pRight = BX.adjust(row.insertCell(-1), {props : {className: 'bxc-access-c-r'}}); pTaskSelect = pRight.appendChild(this.pSel.cloneNode(true)); //pTaskSelect.name = 'BXEC_ACCESS_' + code; pTaskSelect.id = 'BXEC_ACCESS_' + code; if (value) pTaskSelect.value = value; pDel = pRight.appendChild(BX.create('A', {props:{className: 'access-delete', href: 'javascript:void(0)', title: this.delTitle}, events: {click: function(){_this.DeleteRow(this.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex);}}})); if (this.inputName) { pTaskSelect.name = this.inputName + '[' + code + ']'; //pRight.appendChild(BX.create('INPUT', {props:{type: 'hidden', value: this.inputName + '[' + code + ']'}})); } }, DeleteRow: function(rowIndex) { if (this.pTbl.rows[rowIndex]) this.pTbl.deleteRow(rowIndex); }, GetValues: function() { var id, taskId, res = {}, arSelect = this.pTbl.getElementsByTagName("SELECT"), i, l = arSelect.length; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { id = arSelect[i].id.substr('BXEC_ACCESS_'.length); taskId = arSelect[i].value; res[id] = taskId; } return res; }, SetSelected: function(oAccess) { if (!oAccess) oAccess = {}; while (this.pTbl.rows[0]) this.pTbl.deleteRow(0); var code, oSelected = {}; for (code in oAccess) { this.InsertAccessRow(this.GetTitleByCode(code), code, oAccess[code]); oSelected[code] = true; } // Insert 'no value' if no permissions exists if (this.pTbl.rows.length <= 0) BX.adjust(this.pTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), {props : {className: 'bxc-access-no-vals', colSpan: 2}, html: '<span>' + this.noAccessRights + '</span>'}); BX.Access.SetSelected(oSelected, this.bind); }, GetTitleByCode: function(code) { return this.GetAccessName(code); } }; function ECColorPicker(Params) { //this.bCreated = false; this.bOpened = false; this.zIndex = 5000; this.id = ''; this.Popups = {}; this.Conts = {}; } ECColorPicker.prototype = { Create: function () { var _this = this; var pColCont = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "ec-colpick-cont"}, style: {zIndex: this.zIndex}})); var arColors = [ '#3AD0FF', '#A6DC00', '#FF5C5A', '#B47153','#2FC7F7','#04B4AB','#FFA801','#5CD1DF','#6E54D1','#29AD49','#FE5957','#DAA187','#78D4F1','#43DAD2','#EECE8F','#AEE5EC', '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#00FFFF', '#0000FF', '#FF00FF', '#FFFFFF', '#EBEBEB', '#E1E1E1', '#D7D7D7', '#CCCCCC', '#C2C2C2', '#B7B7B7', '#ACACAC', '#A0A0A0', '#959595', '#EE1D24', '#FFF100', '#00A650', '#00AEEF', '#2F3192', '#ED008C', '#898989', '#7D7D7D', '#707070', '#626262', '#555', '#464646', '#363636', '#262626', '#111', '#000000', '#F7977A', '#FBAD82', '#FDC68C', '#FFF799', '#C6DF9C', '#A4D49D', '#81CA9D', '#7BCDC9', '#6CCFF7', '#7CA6D8', '#8293CA', '#8881BE', '#A286BD', '#BC8CBF', '#F49BC1', '#F5999D', '#F16C4D', '#F68E54', '#FBAF5A', '#FFF467', '#ACD372', '#7DC473', '#39B778', '#16BCB4', '#00BFF3', '#438CCB', '#5573B7', '#5E5CA7', '#855FA8', '#A763A9', '#EF6EA8', '#F16D7E', '#EE1D24', '#F16522', '#F7941D', '#FFF100', '#8FC63D', '#37B44A', '#00A650', '#00A99E', '#00AEEF', '#0072BC', '#0054A5', '#2F3192', '#652C91', '#91278F', '#ED008C', '#EE105A', '#9D0A0F', '#A1410D', '#A36209', '#ABA000', '#588528', '#197B30', '#007236', '#00736A', '#0076A4', '#004A80', '#003370', '#1D1363', '#450E61', '#62055F', '#9E005C', '#9D0039', '#790000', '#7B3000', '#7C4900', '#827A00', '#3E6617', '#045F20', '#005824', '#005951', '#005B7E', '#003562', '#002056', '#0C004B', '#30004A', '#4B0048', '#7A0045', '#7A0026'], row, cell, colorCell, tbl = BX.create("TABLE", {props: {className: 'ec-colpic-tbl'}}), i, l = arColors.length; row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.colSpan = 8; var defBut = cell.appendChild(BX.create("SPAN", {props: {className: 'ec-colpic-def-but'}, text: EC_MESS.DefaultColor})); defBut.onmouseover = function() { this.className = 'ec-colpic-def-but ec-colpic-def-but-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = '#FF0000'; }; defBut.onmouseout = function(){this.className = 'ec-colpic-def-but';}; defBut.onmousedown = function(e){_this.Select('#FF0000');} colorCell = row.insertCell(-1); colorCell.colSpan = 8; colorCell.className = 'ec-color-inp-cell'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[38]; for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (Math.round(i / 16) == i / 16) // new row row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); cell.innerHTML = ' '; cell.className = 'ec-col-cell'; cell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[i]; cell.id = 'lhe_color_id__' + i; cell.onmouseover = function (e) { this.className = 'ec-col-cell ec-col-cell-over'; colorCell.style.backgroundColor = arColors[this.id.substring('lhe_color_id__'.length)]; 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} }; /* DESTINATION */ // Calbacks for destination window.BxEditEventGridSetLinkName = function(name) { var destLink = BX('event-grid-dest-add-link'); if (destLink) destLink.innerHTML = BX.SocNetLogDestination.getSelectedCount(name) > 0 ? BX.message("BX_FPD_LINK_2") : BX.message("BX_FPD_LINK_1"); } window.BxEditEventGridSelectCallback = function(item, type, search) { var type1 = type; prefix = 'S'; if (type == 'sonetgroups') prefix = 'SG'; else if (type == 'groups') { prefix = 'UA'; type1 = 'all-users'; } else if (type == 'users') prefix = 'U'; else if (type == 'department') prefix = 'DR'; BX('event-grid-dest-item').appendChild( BX.create("span", { attrs : {'data-id' : item.id }, props : {className : "event-grid-dest event-grid-dest-"+type1 }, children: [ BX.create("input", { attrs : {type : 'hidden', name : 'EVENT_DESTINATION['+prefix+'][]', value : item.id }}), BX.create("span", { props : {className : "event-grid-dest-text" }, html : item.name}), BX.create("span", { props : {className : "feed-event-del-but"}, attrs: {'data-item-id': item.id, 'data-item-type': type}}) ]}) ); BX.onCustomEvent('OnDestinationAddNewItem', [item]); BX('event-grid-dest-input').value = ''; BxEditEventGridSetLinkName(editEventDestinationFormName); } // remove block window.BxEditEventGridUnSelectCallback = function(item, type, search) { var elements = BX.findChildren(BX('event-grid-dest-item'), {attribute: {'data-id': ''+item.id+''}}, true); if (elements != null) { for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) BX.remove(elements[j]); } BX.onCustomEvent('OnDestinationUnselect'); BX('event-grid-dest-input').value = ''; BxEditEventGridSetLinkName(editEventDestinationFormName); } window.BxEditEventGridOpenDialogCallback = function() { BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'none'); BX.focus(BX('event-grid-dest-input')); } window.BxEditEventGridCloseDialogCallback = function() { if (!BX.SocNetLogDestination.isOpenSearch() && BX('event-grid-dest-input').value.length <= 0) { BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'none'); BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BxEditEventGridDisableBackspace(); } } window.BxEditEventGridCloseSearchCallback = function() { if (!BX.SocNetLogDestination.isOpenSearch() && BX('event-grid-dest-input').value.length > 0) { BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-input-box'), 'display', 'none'); BX.style(BX('event-grid-dest-add-link'), 'display', 'inline-block'); BX('event-grid-dest-input').value = ''; BxEditEventGridDisableBackspace(); } } window.BxEditEventGridDisableBackspace = function(event) { if (BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable || BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable != null) BX.unbind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable); BX.bind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable = function(event){ if (event.keyCode == 8) { BX.PreventDefault(event); return false; } }); setTimeout(function(){ BX.unbind(window, 'keydown', BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable); BX.SocNetLogDestination.backspaceDisable = null; }, 5000); } window.BxEditEventGridSearchBefore = function(event) { return BX.SocNetLogDestination.searchBeforeHandler(event, { formName: editEventDestinationFormName, inputId: 'event-grid-dest-input' }); } window.BxEditEventGridSearch = function(event) { return BX.SocNetLogDestination.searchHandler(event, { formName: editEventDestinationFormName, inputId: 'event-grid-dest-input', linkId: 'event-grid-dest-add-link', sendAjax: true }); } /* END DESTINATION */ ;(function(window){ window.EditEventPopupController = function(config) { this.config = config; this.id = this.config.id; this.oEC = this.config.oEC; this.oEvent = this.config.oEvent; this.Form = this.config.form; this.Init(); }; window.EditEventPopupController.prototype = { Init: function() { this.InitDateTimeControls(); var _this = this, editorId = this.oEC.id + '_event_editor', oEditor = window["BXHtmlEditor"].Get(editorId); if (oEditor && oEditor.IsShown()) { this.CustomizeHtmlEditor(oEditor); } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window["BXHtmlEditor"], 'OnEditorCreated', function(editor) { if (editor.id == editorId) { _this.CustomizeHtmlEditor(editor); } }); } if (this.oEC.allowMeetings) this.InitDestinationControls(); this.FillFormFields(); }, SaveForm: function(params, bConfirmed) { var fromDate, toDate, _this = this, month = parseInt(this.oEC.activeDate.month, 10), year = this.oEC.activeDate.year, url = this.oEC.actionUrl, reqId = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000); url += (url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&'; url += 'action=edit_event&bx_event_calendar_request=Y&sessid=' + BX.bitrix_sessid() + '&reqId=' + reqId; this.Form.action = url; if (BX.util.trim(this.pFromTime.value) != '' || BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value) != '') { fromDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value) + (this.pFullDay.checked ? '' : ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pFromTime.value))); } if (BX.util.trim(this.pToTime.value) != '' || BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value) != '') { toDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value) + (this.pFullDay.checked ? '' : ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pToTime.value))); } if (params.recurentEventEditMode) { BX('event-current-date-from' + this.id).value = this.oEvent.DATE_FROM; BX('event-rec-edit-mode' + this.id).value = params.recurentEventEditMode; } else { BX('event-current-date-from' + this.id).value = ''; BX('event-rec-edit-mode' + this.id).value = ''; } // Location BX('event-location-old' + this.id).value = this.Loc.OLD || false; BX('event-location-new' + this.id).value = this.Loc.NEW; if (this.Loc.NEW.substr(0, 5) == 'ECMR_' && this.RepeatCheck.checked) { alert(EC_MESS.reservePeriodWarn); return false; } if (!this.CheckUserAccessibility()) { alert(EC_MESS.EC_BUSY_ALERT); return; } // Check Meeting rooms accessibility if (this.Loc.NEW.substr(0, 5) == 'ECMR_' && !params.bLocationChecked) { if (toDate && this.pFullDay.checked) { toDate = new Date(toDate.getTime() + 86400000 /* one day*/); } if (fromDate && toDate) { this.oEC.CheckMeetingRoom( { id : this.oEvent.ID || 0, from : _this.oEC.FormatDateTime(fromDate), to : _this.oEC.FormatDateTime(toDate), location_new : this.Loc.NEW, location_old : this.Loc.OLD || false }, function(check) { if (!check) return alert(EC_MESS.MRReserveErr); if (check == 'reserved') return alert(EC_MESS.MRNotReservedErr); params.bLocationChecked = true; _this.SaveForm(params); } ); return false; } } if (fromDate && BX.util.trim(this.pFromTime.value) != '') this.pFromTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(fromDate, true); if (toDate && BX.util.trim(this.pToTime.value) != '') this.pToTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(toDate, true); BX('event-id' + this.id).value = this.oEvent.ID || 0; BX('event-month' + this.id).value = month + 1; BX('event-year' + this.id).value = year; // RRULE if (this.RepeatCheck.checked) { var FREQ = this.RepeatSelect.value; if (this.RepeatDiapTo.value == EC_MESS.NoLimits) this.RepeatDiapTo.value = ''; if (FREQ == 'WEEKLY') { var ar = [], i; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].checked) ar.push(this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].value); if (ar.length == 0) this.RepeatSelect.value = 'NONE'; else BX('event-rrule-byday' + this.id).value = ar.join(','); } } if (this.oEvent.ID && this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(this.oEvent) && !bConfirmed) { if (this.CheckForSignificantChanges()) { this.oEC.ShowConfirmEditDialog(this.oEvent, {params: params}); return false; } } BX.ajax.submit(this.Form, function() { if (params.recurentEventEditMode) { _this.oEC.Event.ReloadAll(false); } else { var oRes = top.BXCRES[reqId]; if (oRes) { if (oRes.eventIds && oRes.eventIds.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < oRes.eventIds.length; i++) { _this.oEC.Event.UnDisplay(oRes.eventIds[i], false); } } _this.oEC.HandleEvents(oRes.events, oRes.attendees); _this.oEC.arLoadedMonth[month + '.' + year] = true; _this.oEC.Event.Display(); } } }); // Color var sectId = this.pSectSelect.value, oSect = _this.oEC.oSections && _this.oEC.oSections[sectId] ? _this.oEC.oSections[sectId] : {}, text_color = this.TextColor, color = this.Color; if (!oSect.COLOR || oSect.COLOR && oSect.COLOR.toLowerCase() != color.toLowerCase()) BX(this.id + '_bxec_color').value = color; if (!oSect.TEXT_COLOR || oSect.TEXT_COLOR && oSect.TEXT_COLOR.toLowerCase() != text_color.toLowerCase()) BX(this.id + '_bxec_text_color').value = text_color; if (!this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName) { this.config.userTimezoneName = this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName = this.pDefTimezone.value; } if (params.callback) params.callback(); }, CheckUserAccessibility: function() { var i, res = true; if (this.plannerData) { for (i in this.plannerData.entries) { if (this.plannerData.entries.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.plannerData.entries[i].id && this.plannerData.entries[i].status != 'h' && this.plannerData.entries[i].strictStatus && !this.plannerData.entries[i].currentStatus ) { res = false; break; } } } return res; }, CheckForSignificantChanges: function() { var res = false; // Name if (!res && this.oEvent.NAME !== this.Form.name.value) res = true; // Description if (!res && this.oEvent.DESCRIPTION !== this.Form.desc.value) res = true; // Location if (!res && this.oEvent.LOCATION !== this.Loc.NEW) res = true; // Color if (!res && this.oEvent.displayColor !== this.Color) res = true; // Text color if (!res && this.oEvent.displayTextColor !== this.TextColor) res = true; // Date & time if (!res && (this.oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y') != this.Form.skip_time.checked) res = true; if (!res) { var dateFrom = this.pFromDate.value, dateTo = this.pToDate.value; if (this.oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME != 'Y') { // Timezones if (!res && (this.oEvent.TZ_FROM != this.Form.tz_from.value || this.oEvent.TZ_TO != this.Form.tz_to.value)) res = true; dateFrom += ' ' + this.pFromTime.value; dateTo += ' ' + this.pToTime.value; if (!res) { var dFromOrig = this.oEC.ParseDate(this.oEvent['~DATE_FROM']), dToOrig = this.oEC.ParseDate(this.oEvent['~DATE_TO']), dFrom = this.oEC.ParseDate(dateFrom), dTo = this.oEC.ParseDate(dateTo); if (!dFromOrig || !dToOrig || !dFrom || !dTo) res = true; if (!res && Math.abs(dFromOrig.getTime() - dFrom.getTime()) > 1000 || Math.abs(dToOrig.getTime() - dTo.getTime()) > 1000) res = true; } } else { if (!res && (this.oEvent['~DATE_FROM'] != dateFrom || this.oEvent['~DATE_TO'] != dateTo)) res = true; } } // Attendees if (!res && this.plannerData) { var i, attendeesInd = {}, count = 0; if (this.oEvent.IS_MEETING && this.oEvent['~ATTENDEES']) { for (i in this.oEvent['~ATTENDEES']) { if (this.oEvent['~ATTENDEES'].hasOwnProperty(i) && this.oEvent['~ATTENDEES'][i]['USER_ID']) { attendeesInd[this.oEvent['~ATTENDEES'][i]['USER_ID']] = true; count++ } } } // Check if we have new attendees for (i in this.plannerData.entries) { if (this.plannerData.entries.hasOwnProperty(i) && this.plannerData.entries[i].type == 'user' && this.plannerData.entries[i].id) { if (attendeesInd[this.plannerData.entries[i].id]) { attendeesInd[this.plannerData.entries[i].id] = '+'; } else { res = true; break; } } } // Check if we have all old attendees if (!res && attendeesInd) { for (i in attendeesInd) { if (attendeesInd.hasOwnProperty(i) && attendeesInd[i] !== '+') { res = true; break; } } } } // Recurtion if (!res && (this.oEvent.RRULE.FREQ != this.RepeatSelect.value)) res = true; if (!res && (this.oEvent.RRULE.INTERVAL != this.RepeatCount.value)) res = true; if (!res && this.oEvent.RRULE.FREQ == 'WEEKLY' && this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY) { var BYDAY = []; for (i in this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY) { if (this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY.hasOwnProperty(i)) { BYDAY.push(this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY[i]); } } if (BYDAY.join(',') != BX('event-rrule-byday' + this.id).value) res = true; } return res; }, InitDestinationControls: function() { BX.addCustomEvent('OnDestinationAddNewItem', BX.proxy(this.CheckPlannerState, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('OnDestinationUnselect', BX.proxy(this.CheckPlannerState, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('OnSetTab', BX.proxy(this.OnPlannerTabShow, this)); this.pMeetingParams = BX('event-grid-meeting-params' + this.id); this.pDestValuesCont = BX('event-grid-dest-item'); this.pPlannerCont = BX('event-grid-planner-cont' + this.id); this.plannerId = this.id + '_Planner'; BX.addCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged', BX.proxy(this.OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged', BX.proxy(this.OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged, this)); BX.bind(this.pDestValuesCont, 'click', function(e) { var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ.className == 'feed-event-del-but') // Delete button { BX.SocNetLogDestination.deleteItem(targ.getAttribute('data-item-id'), targ.getAttribute('data-item-type'), editEventDestinationFormName); BX.PreventDefault(e); } }); BX.bind(this.pDestValuesCont, 'mouseover', function(e) { var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ.className == 'feed-event-del-but') // Delete button BX.addClass(targ.parentNode, 'event-grid-dest-hover'); }); BX.bind(this.pDestValuesCont, 'mouseout', function(e) { var targ = e.target || e.srcElement; if (targ.className == 'feed-event-del-but') // Delete button BX.removeClass(targ.parentNode, 'event-grid-dest-hover'); }); if (this.oEvent.IS_MEETING) { this.pMeetingParams.style.display = 'block'; } this.AddMeetTextLink = BX(this.id + '_add_meet_text'); this.HideMeetTextLink = BX(this.id + '_hide_meet_text'); this.MeetTextCont = BX(this.id + '_meet_text_cont'); this.MeetText = BX(this.id + '_meeting_text'); this.OpenMeeting = BX(this.id + '_ed_open_meeting'); this.NotifyStatus = BX(this.id + '_ed_notify_status'); this.Reinvite = BX(this.id + '_ed_reivite'); this.ReinviteCont = BX(this.id + '_ed_reivite_cont'); if (this.oEvent.IS_MEETING) { this.OpenMeeting.checked = !!(this.oEvent.MEETING && this.oEvent.MEETING.OPEN); this.NotifyStatus.checked = !!(this.oEvent.MEETING && this.oEvent.MEETING.NOTIFY); this.Reinvite.checked = this.oEvent.MEETING.REINVITE === true; } this.AddMeetTextLink.parentNode.style.display = 'none'; }, OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged: function(params) { this.pFromDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(params.dateFrom); this.pFromTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(params.dateFrom); this.pToDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(params.dateTo); this.pToTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(params.dateTo); this.pFullDay.checked = !!params.fullDay; this.FullDay(false, !params.fullDay); }, OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged: function(params) { this.UpdatePlanner({ entrieIds: params.entrieIds, entries: params.entries, from: params.from, to: params.to, location: this.Loc && this.Loc.NEW ? this.Loc.NEW : '', roomEventId: this.Loc && this.Loc.OLD_mrevid ? parseInt(this.Loc.OLD_mrevid) : '', focusSelector: params.focusSelector === true }); }, DestroyDestinationControls: function() { BX.removeCustomEvent('OnDestinationAddNewItem', BX.proxy(this.CheckPlannerState, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent('OnDestinationUnselect', BX.proxy(this.CheckPlannerState, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged', BX.proxy(this.OnCalendarPlannerSelectorChanged, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged', BX.proxy(this.OnCalendarPlannerScaleChanged, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent('OnSetTab', BX.proxy(this.OnPlannerTabShow, this)); BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoUninstall', [{plannerId: this.plannerId}]); }, OnPlannerTabShow: function(tab, show) { if (show && tab.tab == BX(this.id + 'ed-tab-2')) { var location = '', arLoc = this.oEC.ParseLocation(this.Loc.NEW, true); if (arLoc.mrid) location = this.Loc.NEW; if (this.plannerLoadedTimezone !== this.pFromTz.value || this.plannerLoadedlocation !== location) { this.CheckPlannerState(); } else { this.RefreshPlannerState(); } } }, CheckPlannerState: function() { var i, params = {codes: []}, fromDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value)), toDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value)), arInputs = this.pDestValuesCont.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), arLoc = this.oEC.ParseLocation(this.Loc.NEW, true), locMrind = arLoc.mrind == undefined ? false : arLoc.mrind; for (i = 0; i < arInputs.length; i++) { params.codes.push(arInputs[i].value); } if (arLoc.mrid) params.location = this.Loc.NEW; params.locationMrind = locMrind; if (this.Loc && this.Loc.OLD_mrevid) params.roomEventId = this.Loc.OLD_mrevid; if ( fromDate && toDate && fromDate.getTime && toDate.getTime && fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime() && (params.location || params.codes.length > 0) ) { params.from = BX.date.format(this.oEC.DATE_FORMAT, (fromDate.getTime() - this.oEC.dayLength * 3) / 1000); params.to = BX.date.format(this.oEC.DATE_FORMAT, (toDate.getTime() + this.oEC.dayLength * 10) / 1000); this.UpdatePlanner(params); } else if (this.pPlannerCont && BX.hasClass(this.pPlannerCont, 'event-grid-planner-cont-shown')) { this.HidePlanner(); } }, UpdatePlanner: function(params) { if (!params) params = {}; this.plannerLoadedTimezone = params.tzFrom || this.pFromTz.value; this.plannerLoadedlocation = params.location || ''; var _this = this, curEventId = params.eventId || this.oEvent.ID || 0, addCurUserToAttendees = !curEventId || !this.oEvent || !this.oEvent.IS_MEETING; this.oEC.Request({ getData: this.oEC.GetReqData('update_planner', { codes: params.codes || [], cur_event_id: curEventId, date_from: params.dateFrom || params.from || '', date_to: params.dateTo || params.to || '', timezone: this.plannerLoadedTimezone, location: this.plannerLoadedlocation, roomEventId: params.roomEventId || '', entries: params.entrieIds || false, add_cur_user_to_list: addCurUserToAttendees ? 'Y' : 'N' }), handler: function(oRes) { var showPlanner = !!(params.entries || (oRes.entries && oRes.entries.length > 0)), plannerShown = BX.hasClass(_this.pPlannerCont, 'event-grid-planner-cont-shown'); // Show first time or refresh it state if (showPlanner) { var refreshParams = { show: showPlanner && !plannerShown }; if (params.entries) { oRes.entries = params.entries; refreshParams.scaleFrom = params.from; refreshParams.scaleTo = params.to; } refreshParams.loadedDataFrom = params.from; refreshParams.loadedDataTo = params.to; refreshParams.data = { entries: oRes.entries, accessibility: oRes.accessibility }; refreshParams.focusSelector = params.focusSelector == undefined ? false : params.focusSelector; _this.ShowPlannerAnimation(); _this.RefreshPlannerState(refreshParams); } else if (!showPlanner && plannerShown) // Hide { _this.HidePlanner(); } } }); }, RefreshPlannerState: function(params) { if (!params || typeof params !== 'object') params = {}; this.plannerData = params.data; var fromDate, toDate, fullDay = this.pFullDay.checked, config = {}, i, plannerWidth, scaleFrom, scaleTo, plannerShown = this.pPlannerCont && BX.hasClass(this.pPlannerCont, 'event-grid-planner-cont-shown'); if (params.focusSelector == undefined) params.focusSelector = true; if (fullDay) { fromDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value)); toDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value)) || fromDate; } else { fromDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pFromTime.value)); if (this.pToDate.value == '') this.pToDate.value = this.pFromDate.value; toDate = this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(this.pToDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(this.pToTime.value)); } if (fromDate && toDate && fromDate.getTime && toDate.getTime && fromDate.getTime() <= toDate.getTime()) { if (!plannerShown && !params.data) { this.CheckPlannerState(); } else { // Show planner cont if (params.show) { BX.addClass(this.pPlannerCont, 'event-grid-planner-cont-shown'); this.pMeetingParams.style.display = 'block'; plannerWidth = this.pPlannerCont.offsetWidth - 8; if (!plannerShown && params.show) { params.focusSelector = true; } } if (fullDay) { scaleFrom = new Date(fromDate.getTime()); scaleFrom = params.scaleFrom || new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() - this.oEC.dayLength * 3); scaleTo = params.scaleTo || new Date(scaleFrom.getTime() + this.oEC.dayLength * 10); config.scaleType = '1day'; config.scaleDateFrom = scaleFrom; config.scaleDateTo = scaleTo; config.adjustCellWidth = false; } else { config.changeFromFullDay = { scaleType: '1hour', timelineCellWidth: 40 }; config.shownScaleTimeFrom = parseInt(this.config.workTimeStart); config.shownScaleTimeTo = parseInt(this.config.workTimeEnd); } config.entriesListWidth = 170; config.width = plannerWidth; // RRULE var RRULE = false; if (this.RepeatCheck.checked) { RRULE = { FREQ: this.RepeatSelect.value, INTERVAL: this.RepeatCount.value, UNTIL: this.RepeatDiapTo.value }; if (RRULE.UNTIL == EC_MESS.NoLimits) RRULE.UNTIL = ''; if (RRULE.FREQ == 'WEEKLY') { RRULE.WEEK_DAYS = []; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].checked) { RRULE.WEEK_DAYS.push(this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].value); } } if (!RRULE.WEEK_DAYS.length) { RRULE = false; } } } BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoUpdate', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, config: config, focusSelector: params.focusSelector, selector: { from: fromDate, to: toDate, fullDay: !!this.pFullDay.checked, RRULE: RRULE, animation: true, updateScaleLimits: true }, data: params.data || false, loadedDataFrom: params.loadedDataFrom, loadedDataTo: params.loadedDataTo, show: !!params.show } ]); } } else if (plannerShown) { this.HidePlanner(); } }, HidePlanner: function() { var _this = this; // Opacity animation this.pPlannerCont.style.opacity = 1; this.pPlannerCont.style.display = ''; this.pPlannerCont.style.height = this.pPlannerCont.offsetHeight + 'px'; this.pPlannerCont.style.overflow = 'hidden'; BX.onCustomEvent('OnCalendarPlannerDoUpdate', [ { plannerId: this.plannerId, hide: true } ]); this.pMeetingParams.style.display = 'none'; new BX.easing({ duration: 600, start: {opacity: 100, height: parseInt(this.pPlannerCont.offsetHeight), padding: 14}, finish: {opacity: 0, height: 0, padding: 0}, transition: BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quad), step: function(state) { _this.pPlannerCont.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; _this.pPlannerCont.style.height = state.height + 'px'; }, complete: function() { _this.pPlannerCont.removeAttribute('style'); BX.removeClass(_this.pPlannerCont, 'event-grid-planner-cont-shown'); } }).animate(); }, ShowPlannerAnimation: function() { var _this = this; // Opacity animation this.pPlannerCont.style.opacity = 0; this.pPlannerCont.style.display = ''; new BX.easing({ duration: 300, start: {opacity: 0}, finish: {opacity: 100}, transition: BX.easing.makeEaseOut(BX.easing.transitions.quad), step: function(state){ _this.pPlannerCont.style.opacity = state.opacity / 100; }, complete: function(){ _this.pPlannerCont.removeAttribute('style'); } }).animate(); }, InitDateTimeControls: function() { // From-to this.pFromToCont = BX('feed-cal-from-to-cont' + this.id); this.pFromDate = BX('feed-cal-event-from' + this.id); this.pToDate = BX('feed-cal-event-to' + this.id); this.pFromTime = BX('feed_cal_event_from_time' + this.id); this.pToTime = BX('feed_cal_event_to_time' + this.id); this.pFullDay = BX('event-full-day' + this.id); this.pDefTimezone = BX('event-tz-def' + this.id); this.pDefTimezoneWrap = BX('event-tz-def-wrap' + this.id); this.pDefTimezone.onchange = BX.proxy(this.DefaultTimezoneOnChange, this); this.pFromTz = BX('event-tz-from' + this.id); this.pToTz = BX('event-tz-to' + this.id); this.pTzOuterCont = BX('event-tz-cont-outer' + this.id); this.pTzSwitch = BX('event-tz-switch' + this.id); this.pTzCont = BX('event-tz-cont' + this.id); this.pTzInnerCont = BX('event-tz-inner-cont' + this.id); this.pTzSwitch.onclick = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneSwitch, this); this.pFromTz.onchange = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneFromOnChange, this); this.pToTz.onchange = BX.proxy(this.TimezoneToOnChange, this); // Timezone hints for dialog new BX.CHint({parent: BX('event-tz-tip' + this.id), hint: EC_MESS.eventTzHint}); new BX.CHint({parent: BX('event-tz-def-tip' + this.id), hint: EC_MESS.eventTzDefHint}); //Reminder this.pReminderCont = BX('feed-cal-reminder-cont' + this.id); this.pReminder = BX('event-reminder' + this.id); this.pRemType = BX('event_remind_type' + this.id); this.pRemCount = BX('event_remind_count' + this.id); // Control events this.pFullDay.onclick = BX.proxy(this.FullDay, this); this.pReminder.onclick = BX.proxy(this.Reminder, this); var _this = this; // Date this.pFromDate.onclick = function(){BX.calendar({node: this.parentNode, field: this, bTime: false});}; this.pToDate.onclick = function(){BX.calendar({node: this.parentNode, field: this, bTime: false});}; this.pFromDate.onchange = function() { if(_this._FromDateValue) { var prevF = BX.parseDate(_this._FromDateValue), F = BX.parseDate(_this.pFromDate.value), T = BX.parseDate(_this.pToDate.value); if (F && prevF) { var duration = T.getTime() - prevF.getTime(); if (duration < 0) duration = 0; T = new Date(F.getTime() + duration); if (T) _this.pToDate.value = bxFormatDate(T.getDate(), T.getMonth() + 1, T.getFullYear()); } } _this._FromDateValue = _this.pFromDate.value; }; // Time this.pFromTime.parentNode.onclick = this.pFromTime.onclick = window['bxShowClock_' + 'feed_cal_event_from_time' + _this.id]; this.pToTime.parentNode.onclick = this.pToTime.onclick = window['bxShowClock_' + 'feed_cal_event_to_time' + _this.id]; this.pFromTime.onchange = function() { var fromDate = _this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(_this.pFromTime.value)); if (_this.pToDate.value == '') _this.pToDate.value = _this.pFromDate.value; var toDate = _this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pToDate.value) + ' ' + BX.util.trim(_this.pToTime.value)); if (_this._FromTimeValue) { var prefFromDate = _this.oEC.ParseDate(BX.util.trim(_this.pFromDate.value) + ' ' + _this._FromTimeValue); var duration = toDate.getTime() - prefFromDate.getTime(); if (duration < 0) duration = 3600000; // 1 hour var newToDate = new Date(fromDate.getTime() + duration); _this.pToDate.value = _this.oEC.FormatDate(newToDate); _this.pToTime.value = _this.oEC.FormatTime(newToDate); } _this._FromTimeValue = _this.pFromTime.value; }; var dateFrom, dateTo; if (this.oEvent.ID) { this.pFullDay.checked = this.bFullDay = this.oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y'; this.pFullDay.onclick(); dateFrom = (BX.parseDate(this.oEvent['~DATE_FROM'] || this.oEvent.DATE_FROM)); dateTo = (BX.parseDate(this.oEvent['~DATE_TO'] || this.oEvent.DATE_TO)); this.pFromDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(dateFrom); this.pToDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(dateTo); if (this.oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME !== 'Y') { this.pFromTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateFrom); this.pToTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateTo); this.pFromTz.value = this.oEvent.TZ_FROM || ''; this.pToTz.value = this.oEvent.TZ_TO || ''; if (this.oEvent.TZ_TO !== this.oEvent.TZ_FROM || this.oEvent.TZ_TO !== this.config.userTimezoneName || parseInt(this.oEvent['~USER_OFFSET_FROM']) > 0 || parseInt(this.oEvent['~USER_OFFSET_TO']) > 0) { this.pTzCont.style.height = this.pTzInnerCont.offsetHeight + 'px'; BX.addClass(this.pTzOuterCont, 'bxec-timezone-outer-wrap-opened'); } } // Reminder if(this.oEvent.REMIND && this.oEvent.REMIND.length > 0) { // Default value this.pReminder.checked = true; this.pRemType.value = this.oEvent.REMIND[0].type; this.pRemCount.value = this.oEvent.REMIND[0].count; this.Reminder(false, true); } else { // Default value this.pReminder.checked = false; this.pRemType.value = 'min'; this.pRemCount.value = '15'; this.Reminder(false, false); } if (this.config.userTimezoneName) { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; } else { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = ''; this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneDefault || ''; } } else // new event { // Dafault values for from-to fields dateFrom = this.oEC.GetUsableDateTime(new Date().getTime(), 15); dateTo = this.oEC.GetUsableDateTime(dateFrom.getTime() + 3600000 /* one hour*/, 15); this.pFromDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(dateFrom); this.pFromTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateFrom); this.pToDate.value = this.oEC.FormatDate(dateTo); this.pToTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateTo); if (this.config.userTimezoneName) { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = 'none'; this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; } else { this.pDefTimezoneWrap.style.display = ''; this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneDefault || ''; } // Default value this.pFullDay.checked = false; this.FullDay(false, true); // Default value this.pReminder.checked = true; this.pRemType.value = 'min'; this.pRemCount.value = '15'; this.Reminder(false, true); } this.linkFromToTz = this.pFromTz.value == this.pToTz.value; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = this.pFromTz.value == this.pToTz.value && this.pFromTz.value == this.pDefTimezone.value; this._FromTimeValue = this.pFromTime.value; this._FromDateValue = this.pFromDate.value; }, FillFormFields: function() { var _this = this; this.pName = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_name'); this.pName.value = this.oEvent.NAME || ''; this.Title = this.config.Title; this.pName.onkeydown = this.pName.onchange = function() { if (this._titleTimeout) clearTimeout(this._titleTimeout); this._titleTimeout = setTimeout( function(){ var val = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(_this.pName.value); _this.Title.innerHTML = (_this.oEvent.ID ? EC_MESS.EditEvent : EC_MESS.NewEvent) + (val != '' ? ': ' + val : ''); }, 20 ); }; // Location this.Location = new BXInputPopup({ id: this.id + 'loc_1', values: this.oEC.bUseMR ? this.oEC.meetingRooms : false, input: BX(this.id + '_planner_location1'), defaultValue: EC_MESS.SelectMR, openTitle: EC_MESS.OpenMRPage, className: 'calendar-inp calendar-inp-time', noMRclassName: 'calendar-inp calendar-inp-time' }); this.Loc = {}; BX.addCustomEvent(this.Location, 'onInputPopupChanged', BX.proxy(this.LocationOnChange, this)); if (this.oEvent.ID) { var loc = BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(this.oEvent.LOCATION); this.Loc.OLD = loc; this.Loc.NEW = loc; var arLoc = this.oEC.ParseLocation(loc, true); if (arLoc.mrid && arLoc.mrevid) { this.Location.Set(arLoc.mrind, ''); this.Loc.OLD_mrid = arLoc.mrid; this.Loc.OLD_mrevid = arLoc.mrevid; } else { this.Location.Set(false, loc); } } else { this.Location.Set(false, ''); } // Accessibility this.pAccessibility = BX(this.id + '_bxec_accessibility'); if (this.pAccessibility) this.pAccessibility.value = this.oEvent.ACCESSIBILITY || 'busy'; // Private this.pPrivate = BX(this.id + '_bxec_private'); if (this.pPrivate) this.pPrivate.checked = this.oEvent.PRIVATE_EVENT || false; // Importance this.pImportance = BX(this.id + '_bxec_importance'); if (this.pImportance) this.pImportance.value = this.oEvent.IMPORTANCE || 'normal'; // Sections this.pSectSelect = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_calend_sel'); var sectId = this.oEvent.SECT_ID || this.oEC.GetLastSection(); if (!this.oEC.oSections[sectId]) { sectId = this.oEC.arSections[0].ID; this.oEC.SaveLastSection(sectId); } this.oEC.BuildSectionSelect(this.pSectSelect, sectId); this.pSectSelect.onchange = function() { var sectId = this.value; if (_this.oEC.oSections[sectId]) { _this.oEC.SaveLastSection(sectId); //D.CAL.DOM.Warn.style.display = _this.oActiveSections[sectId] ? 'none' : 'block'; _this.ColorControl.Set(_this.oEC.oSections[sectId].COLOR, _this.oEC.oSections[sectId].TEXT_COLOR); } }; // Repeat this.RepeatCheck = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_check'); this.RepeatSelect = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_sel'); this.RepeatCont = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_cont'); this.RepeatPhrase1 = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_phrase1'); this.RepeatPhrase2 = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_phrase2'); this.RepeatWeekDays = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_week_days'); this.RepeatCount = BX(this.id + '_edit_ed_rep_count'); this.RepeatEndsOnNever = BX(this.id + 'edit-ev-rep-endson-never'); this.RepeatEndsOnCount = BX(this.id + 'edit-ev-rep-endson-count'); this.RepeatEndsOnUntil = BX(this.id + 'edit-ev-rep-endson-until'); this.RepeatDiapTo = BX(this.id + 'edit-ev-rep-diap-to'); this.RepeatCountInp = BX(this.id + 'edit-ev-rep-endson-count-input'); this.RepeatSelect.onchange = function() {_this.RepeatSelectOnChange(this.value);}; this.RepeatCount.onmousedown = function() {_this.bEditEventDialogOver = true;}; this.RepeatCheck.onclick = function() { if (this.checked) BX.addClass(_this.RepeatCont, 'bxec-popup-row-repeat-show'); else BX.removeClass(_this.RepeatCont, 'bxec-popup-row-repeat-show'); }; BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnNever, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnCount, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatEndsOnUntil, 'change', BX.proxy(this.EndsOnChange, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatDiapTo, 'click', BX.proxy(function() { this.RepeatEndsOnUntil.checked = 'checked'; BX.calendar({node: this.RepeatDiapTo, field: this.RepeatDiapTo, bTime: false}); BX.focus(this.RepeatDiapTo); this.EndsOnChange(); }, this)); BX.bind(this.RepeatCountInp, 'click', BX.proxy(function() { this.RepeatEndsOnCount.checked = 'checked'; BX.focus(this.RepeatCountInp); this.EndsOnChange(); }, this)); /* this.RepeatDiapTo.onblur = this.RepeatDiapTo.onchange = function() { //if (this.value && this.value != EC_MESS.NoLimits) //{ // this.style.color = '#000000'; // return; //} //this.value = EC_MESS.NoLimits; //this.style.color = '#C0C0C0'; }; this.RepeatDiapTo.onclick = function(){BX.calendar({node: this, field: this, bTime: false});BX.focus(this);}; this.RepeatDiapTo.onfocus = function() { if (!this.value || this.value == EC_MESS.NoLimits) this.value = ''; this.style.color = '#000000'; }; */ // Set recurtion rules "RRULE" if (this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(this.oEvent)) { this.RepeatCheck.checked = true; this.RepeatSelect.value = this.oEvent.RRULE.FREQ; } else { this.RepeatCheck.checked = false; } this.RepeatCheck.onclick(); this.RepeatSelect.onchange(); // Color this.ColorControl = this.oEC.InitColorDialogControl('event', function(color, textColor) { _this.Color = color; _this.TextColor = textColor; }); if (!this.oEvent.displayColor && this.oEC.oSections[sectId]) this.oEvent.displayColor = this.oEC.oSections[sectId].COLOR; if (!this.oEvent.displayTextColor && this.oEC.oSections[sectId]) this.oEvent.displayTextColor = this.oEC.oSections[sectId].TEXT_COLOR; if (this.oEvent.displayColor) this.ColorControl.Set(this.oEvent.displayColor, this.oEvent.displayTextColor); else if(this.oEC.oSections[sectId]) this.ColorControl.Set(this.oEC.oSections[sectId].COLOR, this.oEC.oSections[sectId].TEXT_COLOR); }, EndsOnChange: function() { if (this.RepeatEndsOnNever.checked) { this.RepeatCountInp.value = ''; this.RepeatDiapTo.value = ''; } else if (this.RepeatEndsOnCount.checked) { this.RepeatDiapTo.value = ''; if (!this.RepeatCountInp.value) this.RepeatCountInp.value = this.RepeatCountInp.placeholder; BX.focus(this.RepeatCountInp); this.RepeatCountInp.select(); } else { this.RepeatCountInp.value = ''; BX.focus(this.RepeatDiapTo); this.RepeatDiapTo.select(); } }, LocationOnChange: function(oLoc, ind, value) { this.Loc.NEW = (ind === false) ? (value || '') : 'ECMR_' + this.oEC.meetingRooms[ind].ID; }, RepeatSelectOnChange: function(val) { var i, BYDAY, date; val = val.toUpperCase(); if (val == 'NONE') { //this.RepeatSect.style.display = 'none'; } else { //this.RepeatSect.style.display = 'block'; this.RepeatPhrase2.innerHTML = EC_MESS.DeDot; // Works only for de lang if (val == 'WEEKLY') { this.RepeatPhrase1.innerHTML = EC_MESS.EveryF; this.RepeatPhrase2.innerHTML += EC_MESS.WeekP; this.RepeatWeekDays.style.display = (val == 'WEEKLY') ? 'inline-block' : 'none'; BYDAY = {}; if (!this.RepeatWeekDaysCh) { this.RepeatWeekDaysCh = []; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i] = BX(this.id + 'bxec_week_day_' + i); } if (this.oEvent && this.oEvent.ID && this.oEvent.RRULE && this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY) { BYDAY = this.oEvent.RRULE.BYDAY; } else { date = BX.parseDate(this.pFromDate.value); if (!date) date = bxGetDateFromTS(this.oEvent.DT_FROM_TS); if(date) BYDAY[this.oEC.GetWeekDayByInd(date.getDay())] = true; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].checked = !!BYDAY[this.RepeatWeekDaysCh[i].value]; } else { if (val == 'YEARLY') this.RepeatPhrase1.innerHTML = EC_MESS.EveryN; else this.RepeatPhrase1.innerHTML = EC_MESS.EveryM; if (val == 'DAILY') this.RepeatPhrase2.innerHTML += EC_MESS.DayP; else if (val == 'MONTHLY') this.RepeatPhrase2.innerHTML += EC_MESS.MonthP; else if (val == 'YEARLY') this.RepeatPhrase2.innerHTML += EC_MESS.YearP; this.RepeatWeekDays.style.display = 'none'; } var bPer = this.oEvent && this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(this.oEvent); this.RepeatCount.value = (!this.oEvent.ID || !bPer) ? 1 : this.oEvent.RRULE.INTERVAL; if (!this.oEvent.ID || !bPer) { this.RepeatEndsOnNever.checked = true; } else { if (this.oEvent.RRULE && this.oEvent.RRULE.COUNT > 0) { this.RepeatCountInp.value = parseInt(this.oEvent.RRULE.COUNT); this.RepeatEndsOnCount.checked = true; } else if (this.oEvent.RRULE && this.oEvent.RRULE['~UNTIL']) { this.RepeatDiapTo.value = this.oEvent.RRULE['~UNTIL']; this.RepeatEndsOnUntil.checked = true; } else { this.RepeatEndsOnNever.checked = true; } this.EndsOnChange(); } } }, CustomizeHtmlEditor: function(editor) { if (editor.toolbar.controls && editor.toolbar.controls.spoiler) { BX.remove(editor.toolbar.controls.spoiler.pCont); } }, FullDay: function(bSaveOption, value) { if (value == undefined) value = !this.bFullDay; if (value && this.pFromDate.value !== '' && this.pFromTime.value === '' && this.pToDate.value !== '' && this.pToTime.value === '') { var dateFrom = BX.parseDate(this.pFromDate.value), dateTo = BX.parseDate(this.pToDate.value), oneDay = dateFrom.getTime() === dateTo.getTime(); if (dateFrom) { dateFrom.setHours(12); dateFrom.setMinutes(0); this.pFromTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateFrom); } if (dateTo) { dateTo.setHours(oneDay ? 13 : 12); dateTo.setMinutes(0); this.pToTime.value = this.oEC.FormatTime(dateTo); } this.UpdateAccessibility(); } if (value && this.config.userTimezoneName && (this.pFromTz.value == '' || this.pToTz.value == '')) { this.pFromTz.value = this.pToTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value = this.config.userTimezoneName; } if (value) { BX.removeClass(this.pFromToCont, 'feed-cal-full-day'); } else { BX.addClass(this.pFromToCont, 'feed-cal-full-day'); } this.bFullDay = value; }, Reminder: function(bSaveOption, value) { if (value == undefined) value = !this.bReminder; this.pReminderCont.className = value ? 'bxec-reminder' : 'bxec-reminder-collapsed'; this.bReminder = value; }, TimezoneSwitch: function() { if(this.pTzCont.offsetHeight > 0) { this.pTzCont.style.height = 0; BX.removeClass(this.pTzOuterCont, 'bxec-timezone-outer-wrap-opened'); } else { this.pTzCont.style.height = this.pTzInnerCont.offsetHeight + 'px'; BX.addClass(this.pTzOuterCont, 'bxec-timezone-outer-wrap-opened'); } }, DefaultTimezoneOnChange: function() { var defTimezoneName = this.pDefTimezone.value; BX.userOptions.save('calendar', 'timezone_name', 'timezone_name', defTimezoneName); if (this.linkFromToDefaultTz) this.pToTz.value = this.pFromTz.value = this.pDefTimezone.value; }, TimezoneFromOnChange: function() { if (this.linkFromToTz) this.pToTz.value = this.pFromTz.value; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = false; }, TimezoneToOnChange: function() { this.linkFromToTz = false; this.linkFromToDefaultTz = false; }, UpdateAccessibility: function(bTimeout) { var _this = this; //if (this.attendeeIndex = {};) if (bTimeout !== false) { if (this.updateAccessibilityTimeout) this.updateAccessibilityTimeout = clearTimeout(this.updateAccessibilityTimeout); this.updateAccessibilityTimeout = setTimeout(function() { _this.UpdateAccessibility(false); }, 500); return; } //get_accessibility }, ParseDateFromTo: function() { var dateFrom = this.pFromDate.value, dateTo = this.pToDate.value; if (!this.pFullDay.checked) { dateFrom += ' ' + this.pFromTime.value; dateTo += ' ' + this.pToTime.value; } return { from: this.oEC.ParseDate(dateFrom), to: this.oEC.ParseDate(dateTo) }; } }; window.ECDragDropControl = function(Params) { this.oEC = Params.calendar; this.enabled = true; }; window.ECDragDropControl.prototype = { Reset: function() { jsDD.Reset(); }, RegisterDay: function(dayCont) { if(!this.enabled) return; var _this = this; jsDD.registerDest(dayCont); dayCont.onbxdestdragfinish = function(currentNode, x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) { var eventInd = parseInt(_this.oDiv.getAttribute('data-bx-event-ind')), dayDate = new Date(_this.oEC.activeDateDays[_this.oEC.GetDayIndexByElement(dayCont.parentNode)].getTime()); if (!isNaN(eventInd) && _this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd]) _this.MoveEventToNewDate(_this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd], dayDate, "day"); BX.removeClass(dayCont, 'bxc-day-drag'); } _this.OnDragFinish(); return true; }; dayCont.onbxdestdraghover = function(currentNode, x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) BX.addClass(dayCont, 'bxc-day-drag'); }; dayCont.onbxdestdraghout = function(currentNode, x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) BX.removeClass(dayCont, 'bxc-day-drag'); }; }, RegisterTitleDay: function(dayCont1, dayCont2, tabId) { if(!this.enabled) return; var _this = this; jsDD.registerDest(dayCont1); jsDD.registerDest(dayCont2); dayCont1.onbxdestdragfinish = dayCont2.onbxdestdragfinish = function(currentNode, x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) { var eventInd = parseInt(_this.oDiv.getAttribute('data-bx-event-ind')), dayInd = parseInt(dayCont1.getAttribute('data-bx-day-ind')), day = _this.oEC.Tabs[tabId].arDays[dayInd], dayDate = new Date(); dayDate.setFullYear(day.year, day.month, day.date); if (!isNaN(eventInd) && _this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd]) _this.MoveEventToNewDate(_this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd], dayDate, "day"); } BX.removeClass(dayCont1, 'bxc-day-drag'); BX.removeClass(dayCont2, 'bxc-day-drag'); _this.OnDragFinish(); return true; }; dayCont1.onbxdestdraghover = dayCont2.onbxdestdraghover = function(currentNode, x, y) { BX.addClass(dayCont1, 'bxc-day-drag'); BX.addClass(dayCont2, 'bxc-day-drag'); }; dayCont1.onbxdestdraghout = dayCont2.onbxdestdraghout = function(currentNode, x, y) { BX.removeClass(dayCont1, 'bxc-day-drag'); BX.removeClass(dayCont2, 'bxc-day-drag'); }; }, RegisterTimeline: function(timelineCont, oTab) { if(!this.enabled) return; var _this = this; jsDD.registerDest(timelineCont); timelineCont.onbxdestdragfinish = function(currentNode, x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) { var eventInd = parseInt(_this.oDiv.getAttribute('data-bx-event-ind')); if (isNaN(eventInd) || !_this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd]) return; var oEvent = _this.oEC.arEvents[eventInd]; if (currentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-event-resizer') == 'Y') { // Delta height var originalHeight = parseInt(_this.oDiv.getAttribute('data-bx-original-height'), 10), deltaHeight = _this.oDiv.offsetHeight - originalHeight, dur = parseInt(((deltaHeight - 1) / 40) * 3600); // In seconds _this.ResizeEventTimeline(oEvent, dur); } else { var dayInd = _this.oDiv.getAttribute('data-bx-day-index'); if (dayInd != undefined && oTab.arDays[dayInd]) { var curDay = oTab.arDays[dayInd], eventY = parseInt(_this.oDiv.style.top, 10) - BX.pos(timelineCont).top + timelineCont.scrollTop, dtFrom = Math.max((eventY - 1) / 42 * 60, 0); // In seconds dtFrom = Math.round(dtFrom / 10) * 10; // Round to 10 minutes var hour = parseInt(dtFrom / 60, 10), min = Math.max(dtFrom - hour * 60, 0), dayDate = new Date(); dayDate.setFullYear(curDay.year, curDay.month, curDay.date); dayDate.setHours(hour); dayDate.setMinutes(min); dayDate.setSeconds(0); if (_this.oDiv.getAttribute("data-bx-title-event")) { oEvent.DT_SKIP_TIME = 'N'; // It cames from title _this.MoveEventToNewDate(oEvent, dayDate, "timeline", 3600000); } else _this.MoveEventToNewDate(oEvent, dayDate, "timeline"); } } } _this.OnDragFinish(); return true; }; timelineCont.onbxdestdraghover = function(currentNode, x, y) { _this.timeLineEventOver = true; _this.PrepareTimelineDaysPos(timelineCont, oTab); BX.addClass(timelineCont, 'bxec-timeline-div-drag'); }; timelineCont.onbxdestdraghout = function(currentNode, x, y) { _this.ClearTimeline(timelineCont); }; timelineCont.onbxdestdragstop = function(currentNode, x, y) { _this.ClearTimeline(timelineCont); }; }, ClearTimeline: function(timelineCont) { this.timeLineEventOver = false; BX.removeClass(timelineCont, 'bxec-timeline-div-drag'); jsDD.current_dest_index = false; }, GetTimelinePos: function(obDest) { return obDest.__bxpos; }, PrepareTimelineDaysPos: function(timelineCont, oTab) { this.timeLinePos = this.GetTimelinePos(timelineCont); var pTimelineRow = oTab.pTimelineTable.rows[0]; var dayCell, i, dayPos; this.arDays = []; for (var i = 1; i < pTimelineRow.cells.length; i++) { dayCell = pTimelineRow.cells[i]; dayPos = BX.pos(dayCell); dayPos._left = dayPos.left - this.timeLinePos[0]; dayPos._right = dayPos.right - this.timeLinePos[0]; this.arDays.push(dayPos); } if (!this.activeDayDrop) { this.activeDayDrop = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-timeline-active-day-drag-selector'}}); this.activeDayDrop.style.height = parseInt(oTab.pTimelineTable.offsetHeight, 10) + 'px'; } if (this.activeDayDrop.parentNode != timelineCont) timelineCont.appendChild(this.activeDayDrop); if (!this.timelineDragOverlay) { this.timelineDragOverlay = BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: 'bxec-timeline-drag-overlay'}}); this.timelineDragOverlay.style.height = parseInt(oTab.pTimelineTable.offsetHeight, 10) + 'px'; } if (this.timelineDragOverlay.parentNode != timelineCont) timelineCont.appendChild(this.timelineDragOverlay); }, CheckTimelineOverPos: function(x, y) { if (this.timeLineEventOver) { this.activeDayDrop.style.display = 'block'; var i, l = this.arDays.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (x >= this.arDays[i].left && x <= this.arDays[i].right) { this.activeDayDrop.style.left = (this.arDays[i]._left - 1) + 'px'; this.activeDayDrop.style.width = (this.arDays[i].width -1) + 'px'; this.oDiv.style.width = (this.arDays[i].width - 5) + 'px'; this.oDiv.style.left = (this.arDays[i].left + 1) + 'px'; this.oDiv.style.top = (y - 10) + 'px'; this.oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-day-index', i); break; } } } else { if (this.activeDayDrop) this.activeDayDrop.style.display = 'none'; } }, RegisterEvent: function(oDiv, event, tab) { if(!this.enabled) return; var bDeny = (event['~TYPE'] == 'tasks' || !this.oEC.Event.CanDo(event, 'edit')); if (this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event) && !this.oEC.Event.IsHost(event)) bDeny = true; if (event.PRIVATE_EVENT && !this.oEC.Personal()) bDeny = true; var _this = this; jsDD.registerObject(oDiv); oDiv.setAttribute("data-bx-title-event", true); oDiv.onbxdragstart = function() { if (bDeny) { _this.oDiv = null; document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; _this.ShowDenyNotice(oDiv, event); } else { _this.oDiv = oDiv.cloneNode(true); _this.oDiv.className = 'bxec-event bxec-event-drag'; document.body.appendChild(_this.oDiv); _this.oDiv.style.top = '-1000px'; _this.oDiv.style.left = '-1000px'; var moreEventsWin = _this.oEC.MoreEventsWin; if(moreEventsWin) { moreEventsWin.close(); moreEventsWin.destroy(); moreEventsWin = null; } } }; oDiv.onbxdrag = function(x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) { _this.oDiv.style.left = (x - 20) + 'px'; _this.oDiv.style.top = (y - 10) + 'px'; if (tab == 'week_title') { // We move event from title to timeline (week, day mode) _this.CheckTimelineOverPos(x, y); } } }; oDiv.onbxdragstop = function(x, y) { if (_this.oDiv) { setTimeout(function() { if (_this.oDiv && _this.oDiv.parentNode) { _this.oDiv.parentNode.removeChild(_this.oDiv); _this.oDiv = null; } }, 100); } _this.OnDragFinish(); }; oDiv.onbxdragfinish = function(destination, x, y) { _this.OnDragFinish(); return true; }; }, RegisterTimelineEvent: function(oDiv, event, tab) { if(!this.enabled) return; var bDeny = (event['~TYPE'] == 'tasks' || !this.oEC.Event.CanDo(event, 'edit')); if (this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event) && !this.oEC.Event.IsHost(event)) bDeny = true; if (event.PRIVATE_EVENT && !this.oEC.Personal()) bDeny = true; var _this = this; jsDD.registerObject(oDiv); oDiv.onbxdragstart = function() { if (bDeny) { _this.oDiv = null; document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; _this.ShowDenyNotice(oDiv, event); } else { _this.oDiv = oDiv.cloneNode(true); _this.oDiv.className = 'bxec-tl-event bxec-event-drag'; document.body.appendChild(_this.oDiv); _this.oDiv.style.top = '-1000px'; _this.oDiv.style.left = '-1000px'; } }; oDiv.onbxdrag = function(x, y) { if (!_this.oDiv) return; if (_this.timeLineEventOver) { var i, l = _this.arDays.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (x >= _this.arDays[i].left && x <= _this.arDays[i].right) { _this.oDiv.style.width = (_this.arDays[i].width - 15) + 'px'; _this.oDiv.style.left = (_this.arDays[i].left + 1) + 'px'; _this.oDiv.style.top = (y - 10) + 'px'; _this.oDiv.setAttribute('data-bx-day-index', i); break; } } } }; oDiv.onbxdragstop = function(x, y) { _this.OnDragFinish(); if (!_this.oDiv) return; setTimeout(function() { if (_this.oDiv && _this.oDiv.parentNode) { _this.oDiv.parentNode.removeChild(_this.oDiv); _this.oDiv = null; } }, 100); }; oDiv.onbxdragfinish = function(destination, x, y) { _this.OnDragFinish(); }; }, RegisterTimelineEventResizer: function(ddResizer, oDiv, event, tab) { if(!this.enabled) return; var bDeny = (event['~TYPE'] == 'tasks' || !this.oEC.Event.CanDo(event, 'edit')); ddResizer.setAttribute('data-bx-event-resizer', 'Y'); BX.bind(ddResizer, "mousedown", function(e) { var wndSize = BX.GetWindowSize(); e = e || window.event; _this.timelineResize = { oDiv : oDiv, startY: e.clientY + wndSize.scrollTop, height: parseInt(oDiv.offsetHeight) }; }); var _this = this; jsDD.registerObject(ddResizer); ddResizer.onbxdragstart = function() { if (bDeny) { _this.oDiv = null; document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; _this.ShowDenyNotice(ddResizer, event); return; } document.body.style.cursor = 's-resize'; _this.oDiv = oDiv; BX.removeClass(_this.oDiv, 'bxec-tl-ev-hlt'); }; ddResizer.onbxdrag = function(x, y) { if (_this.oDiv && _this.timeLineEventOver) { var height = (_this.timelineResize.height + y - _this.timelineResize.startY + 5); if (height <= 0) height = 5; _this.timelineResize.oDiv.style.height = height + 'px'; } }; ddResizer.onbxdragstop = function(x, y) { _this.OnDragFinish(); if (!_this.oDiv) return; }; ddResizer.onbxdragfinish = function(destination, x, y) { _this.OnDragFinish(); }; }, ResizeEventTimeline: function(event, length) { var attendees = [], _this = this; event.DT_LENGTH = Math.max(parseInt(event.DT_LENGTH, 10) + length, 0); event.DT_LENGTH = Math.round(event.DT_LENGTH / 600) * 600; // Round to 10 min event.dateTo.setTime(event.dateFrom.getTime() + event.DT_LENGTH * 1000); event.DATE_TO = this.oEC.FormatDateTime(event.dateTo); if (this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event)) { event['~ATTENDEES'].forEach(function(element){attendees.push(element['USER_ID']);}); } var setTimezone = event.TZ_FROM != this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName || event.TZ_TO != this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName; this.oEC.Request({ postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('move_event_to_date', { id: event.ID, current_date_from: event.DATE_FROM, recursive: this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(event) ? 'Y' : 'N', is_meeting: this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event) ? 'Y' : 'N', attendees: attendees, date_from: event.DATE_FROM, date_to: event.DATE_TO, section: event.SECT_ID, skip_time: event.DT_SKIP_TIME, timezone: setTimezone ? this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName : event.TZ_FROM, //timezone set_timezone: setTimezone ? 'Y' : 'N' } ), errorText: EC_MESS.EventSaveError, handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes.reload || _this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(event)) _this.oEC.Event.ReloadAll(false); return true; } }); this.oEC.Event.PreHandle(event); this.oEC.Event.Display(); }, MoveEventToNewDate: function(event, newDate, mode, DT_LENGTH) { var attendees = [], _this = this, dayLen = 86400000, newDateTo; if (mode == 'day' && event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'N') { newDate.setHours(event.dateFrom.getHours() || 0); newDate.setMinutes(event.dateFrom.getMinutes() || 0); } if (DT_LENGTH) { newDateTo = new Date(newDate.getTime() + DT_LENGTH); } else if (event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'N') { newDateTo = new Date(newDate.getTime() + event.DT_LENGTH * 1000); } else if (event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y') { newDateTo = new Date(newDate.getTime() + event.DT_LENGTH * 1000 - dayLen); } var currentDateFrom = event.DATE_FROM; event.DATE_FROM = event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y' ? this.oEC.FormatDate(newDate) : this.oEC.FormatDateTime(newDate); event.DATE_TO = event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y' ? this.oEC.FormatDate(newDateTo) : this.oEC.FormatDateTime(newDateTo); if (this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event)) { event['~ATTENDEES'].forEach(function(element){attendees.push(element['USER_ID']);}); } var setTimezone = event.TZ_FROM != this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName || event.TZ_TO != this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName; this.oEC.Request({ postData: this.oEC.GetReqData('move_event_to_date', { id: event.ID, current_date_from: currentDateFrom, recursive: this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(event) ? 'Y' : 'N', is_meeting: this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event) ? 'Y' : 'N', attendees: attendees, date_from: event.DATE_FROM, date_to: event.DATE_TO, section: event.SECT_ID, skip_time: event.DT_SKIP_TIME, timezone: setTimezone ? this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName : event.TZ_FROM, //timezone set_timezone: setTimezone ? 'Y' : 'N' } ), errorText: EC_MESS.EventSaveError, handler: function(oRes) { if (oRes.reload || _this.oEC.Event.IsRecursive(event)) _this.oEC.Event.ReloadAll(false); if (_this.oEC.Event.IsMeeting(event) && oRes.busy_warning) { alert(EC_MESS.EC_BUSY_ALERT); } return true; } }); if (event.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'N') { event['~USER_OFFSET_FROM'] = 0; event['~USER_OFFSET_TO'] = 0; event.TZ_FROM = event.TZ_TO = this.oEC.arConfig.userTimezoneName; } if (DT_LENGTH != undefined) event.DT_LENGTH = parseInt(DT_LENGTH, 10) / 1000; this.oEC.Event.PreHandle(event); this.oEC.Event.Display(); }, ShowDenyNotice: function(oDiv, event) { if (!this.pNotice) this.pNotice = document.body.appendChild(BX.create("DIV", {props: {className: "bxec-event-drag-deny-notice"}})); if (this.bNoticeShown) this.HideDenyNotice(); if (event['~TYPE'] == 'tasks') this.pNotice.innerHTML = EC_MESS.ddDenyTask; else this.pNotice.innerHTML = EC_MESS.ddDenyEvent; var pos = BX.align(oDiv, 250, 50, 'top'); this.pNotice.style.left = pos.left + 'px'; this.pNotice.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; this.pNotice.style.display = "block"; this.bNoticeShown = true; BX.bind(document, "mouseup", BX.proxy(this.HideDenyNotice, this)); }, HideDenyNotice: function() { if (this.bNoticeShown) { this.bNoticeShown = false; if (this.pNotice) this.pNotice.style.display = "none"; BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", BX.proxy(this.HideDenyNotice, this)); } }, OnDragFinish: function() { }, IsDragDropNow: function() { return jsDD.bStarted; } }; })(window);