Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/cal-week.js |
JCEC.prototype.BuildWeekDaysTable = function() { var oTab = this.Tabs['week'], pTitleR = oTab.pBodyCont.rows[0], pMoreEvR = oTab.pBodyCont.rows[1], pGridR = oTab.pBodyCont.rows[2], i, c; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { pTitleR.insertCell(i + 1); c = pMoreEvR.insertCell(i + 1); c.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-wdv-more-ev"> </div>'; } pGridR.cells[0].colSpan = "9"; oTab.pTimelineCont = BX(this.id + '-week-timeline-wrap'); this.ResizeTabTitle(oTab); }; JCEC.prototype.ResizeTabTitle = function(oTab) { var width = bxInt(oTab.pBodyCont.parentNode.offsetWidth) - 40 - 16, // width - Time Column - scroll width dW, i; if (oTab.id == 'week') { oTab.dayColWidth = Math.round(width / 7); oTab.arDayColWidth = []; dW = width - (oTab.dayColWidth * 7); for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { oTab.arDayColWidth[i] = oTab.dayColWidth; if (dW < 0) { oTab.arDayColWidth[i]--; dW++; } else if(dW > 0) { oTab.arDayColWidth[i]++; dW--; } } } else if(oTab.id == 'day') { oTab.dayColWidth = width; oTab.arDayColWidth = [oTab.dayColWidth]; } }; JCEC.prototype.FillWeekDaysTitle = function(P) { this.dragDrop.Reset(); var Tab = this.Tabs[P.tabId], tbl = Tab.pBodyCont, pTitleR = tbl.rows[0], pMoreEvR = tbl.rows[1], oDate = P.startDate, arDays = [], _this = this, i, cn, innerHtml, title, day, date, month, year, bCurDay, bHoliday, c1, c2, link; Tab.curDay = false; for (i = 1; i <= P.count; i++) { day = this.ConvertDayIndex(oDate.getDay()); date = oDate.getDate(); month = oDate.getMonth(); year = oDate.getFullYear(); innerHtml = this.days[day][1] + ', ' + oDate.getDate(); title = this.days[day][0] + ', ' + oDate.getDate() + ' ' + this.arConfig.month_r[month] + ' ' + year; c1 = pTitleR.cells[i]; c2 = pMoreEvR.cells[i]; c1.setAttribute('data-bx-day-ind', i - 1); c2.setAttribute('data-bx-day-ind', i - 1); link = BX.create('A', {props: {className: 'bxec-day-link', href: 'javascript:void(0)', title: EC_MESS.GoToDay}, html: innerHtml}); BX.cleanNode(c1); // Cell width c1.style.width = (Tab.arDayColWidth[i - 1] - 2) + 'px'; c1.appendChild(this.CreateStrut(Tab.arDayColWidth[i - 1] - 2)); c1.appendChild(link); link.onmousedown = function(e){return BX.PreventDefault(e);}; link.onclick = function(e) { var D = Tab.arDays[this.parentNode.cellIndex - 1]; _this.SetTab('day', false, {bSetDay: false}); _this.SetDay(D.date, D.month, D.year); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }; c1.title = title; //It's Holliday bHoliday = (this.week_holidays[day] || this.year_holidays[date + '.' + month]) && !this.year_workdays[date + '.' + month]; bCurDay = date == this.currentDate.date && month == this.currentDate.month && year == this.currentDate.year; cn = ''; if (bCurDay || bHoliday) { if (bCurDay) { cn = 'bxec-cur-day'; Tab.curDay = {cellInd: i}; } if (bHoliday) cn += ' bxec-hol-day'; } c1.className = c2.className = cn; arDays.push({ day: day, date: date, month: month, year: year, bHoliday: bHoliday, bCurDay: bCurDay, pWnd: c1, pMoreEvents: c2, Events: {begining: [], hidden: [], all: []}, EventsCount: 0 }); if (!this.bReadOnly) { c1.onmousedown = c2.onmousedown = function(){_this.DayTitleOnMouseDown(this, P.tabId)}; c1.onmouseup = c2.onmouseup = function(e){if (!_this.dragDrop.IsDragDropNow()){_this.DayTitleOnMouseUp(this, P.tabId); BX.PreventDefault(e);}}; c1.onmouseover = c2.onmouseover = function(){_this.DayTitleOnMouseOver(this, P.tabId)}; } oDate.setDate(oDate.getDate() + 1); // Next day if (i == 1) Tab.activeFirst = new Date(year, month, date).getTime(); if (i == P.count) Tab.activeLast = new Date(year, month, date, 23, 59).getTime(); this.dragDrop.RegisterTitleDay(c1, c2, Tab.id); } return arDays; }; JCEC.prototype.BuildTimelineGrid = function(oTab, arDays) { var tbl = BX.create('TABLE', {props: {className: 'bxec-wdv-timeline-tbl'}}), adCN = '', adCN2 = '', _this = this, tabId = oTab.id, i, j, r1, r2, c, cj1, cj2, oDay, bHol1, bHol2, arTF = this.arConfig.workTime[0].split('.'), arTT = this.arConfig.workTime[1].split('.'), fromHour = bxIntEx(arTF[0]), fromMin = bxIntEx(arTF[1]), toHour = bxIntEx(arTT[0]), toMin = bxIntEx(arTT[1]); oTab.arDays = arDays; // save in oTab if (oTab.pTimelineCont) BX.cleanNode(oTab.pTimelineCont); for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) // Every hour { bHol1 = ((i < fromHour + 1 && fromMin == 30) || (i >= toHour && toMin == 0) || i > toHour || i < fromHour); bHol2 = ((i >= toHour && toMin == 30) || i < fromHour || i >= toHour); adCN = bHol1 ? ' bxec-wdv-hol-row' : ''; adCN2 = bHol2 ? ' bxec-wdv-hol-row' : ''; r1 = tbl.insertRow(-1); r1.className = 'bxec-half-time-row1' + adCN; c = r1.insertCell(-1); c.innerHTML = this.FormatTimeByNum(i); c.rowSpan = '2'; c.className = 'bxec-time'; r2 = tbl.insertRow(-1); r2.className = 'bxec-half-time-row2' + adCN2; for (j = 0; j < oTab.daysCount; j++) { cj1 = r1.insertCell(-1); if (i == 0) { cj1.style.width = (oTab.arDayColWidth[j] - 2) + 'px'; cj1.appendChild(this.CreateStrut(oTab.arDayColWidth[j] - 2)); } cj2 = r2.insertCell(-1); if (!this.bReadOnly) { cj1.onmousedown = cj2.onmousedown = function(){_this.TimeCellOnMouseDown(this, tabId)}; cj1.onmouseup = cj2.onmouseup = function(){_this.TimeCellOnMouseUp(this, tabId)}; cj1.onmouseover = cj2.onmouseover = function(){_this.TimeCellOnMouseOver(this, tabId)}; } oDay = arDays[j]; if (!oDay.bHoliday && !oDay.bCurDay) continue; if (oDay.bHoliday) { BX.addClass(cj1, 'bxec-time-hol-c1'); BX.addClass(cj2, 'bxec-time-hol-c2'); } if (oDay.bCurDay) { BX.addClass(cj1, 'bxec-time-cur-c1'); BX.addClass(cj2, 'bxec-time-cur-c2'); } } } // Add Strut tbl.rows[0].cells[0].appendChild(this.CreateStrut(40)); if (BX.browser.IsIE()) // Add scroll width for IE { setTimeout(function(){ try{ var c = tbl.rows[0].cells[tbl.rows[0].cells.length - 1]; var c2 = oTab.pBodyCont.rows[0].cells[oTab.pBodyCont.rows[0].cells.length - 2]; if (c.offsetLeft - c2.offsetLeft > 2) c.style.width = oTab.dayColWidth + 50 + 'px'; } catch(e){} }, 500); } oTab.pTimelineTable = tbl; oTab.pTimelineCont.appendChild(tbl); tbl.parentNode.style.width = '100%'; setTimeout(function() { // Scroll to the start of the work time oTab.pTimelineCont.scrollTop = 40 * bxInt(fromHour); if (oTab.id == 'week') { var d = 3; if (BX.browser.IsChrome() || BX.browser.IsSafari()) d = 6; tbl.style.width = (oTab.pBodyCont.offsetWidth - d) + 'px'; tbl.parentNode.style.width = (oTab.pBodyCont.offsetWidth - d) + 'px'; } }, 0); if (oTab.curDay) setTimeout(function(){_this.ShowCurTimePointer(tabId);}, 100); else this.HideCurTimePointer(tabId); this.dragDrop.RegisterTimeline(oTab.pTimelineCont, oTab); this.BuildWeekEventHolder(); }; JCEC.prototype.TimeCellOnMouseOver = function(pCell, tabId) { if (this.selectTimeMode) { this.selectTimeEndObj = pCell; this.SelectTime(tabId); } } JCEC.prototype.TimeCellOnMouseDown = function(pCell, tabId) { this.selectTimeMode = true; this.selectTimeStartObj = this.selectTimeEndObj = pCell; if (pCell.className.indexOf('bxec-time-selected') == -1) return this.SelectTime(tabId); this.selectTimeMode = false; this.DeSelectTime(tabId); this.CloseAddEventDialog(); } JCEC.prototype.TimeCellOnMouseUp = function() { if (!this.selectTimeMode) return; this.ShowAddEventDialog(); this.selectTimeMode = false; } JCEC.prototype.DayTitleOnMouseOver = function(pCell, tabId) { if (this.selectTimeMode && !this.selectDayTMode) { var o = this.__GetRelativeCell(pCell); this.selectTimeEndObj = this.Tabs[tabId].pTimelineTable.rows[o.rowInd].cells[o.cellInd]; // Select 00:00 time cell in the timeline this.SelectTime(tabId); return; } if (this.selectDayTMode) { this.selectDayTEndObj = pCell; this.SelectDaysT(tabId); } } JCEC.prototype.DayTitleOnMouseDown = function(pCell, tabId) { this.selectDayTMode = true; this.selectDayTStartObj = this.selectDayTEndObj = pCell; if (pCell.className.indexOf('bxec-day-t-selected') == -1) { if (this.arSelectedTime && this.arSelectedTime.length > 0) this.SelectTime(tabId); this.SelectDaysT(tabId); return; } this.selectDayTMode = false; this.DeSelectDaysT(); this.CloseAddEventDialog(); } JCEC.prototype.DayTitleOnMouseUp = function(pCell, tabId) { if (this.selectTimeMode && !this.selectDayTMode) { var o = this.__GetRelativeCell(pCell); this.selectTimeEndObj = this.Tabs[tabId].pTimelineTable.rows[o.rowInd].cells[o.cellInd]; // Select 00:00 time cell in the timeline this.TimeCellOnMouseOver(this.selectTimeEndObj, tabId); this.TimeCellOnMouseUp(this.selectTimeEndObj, tabId); return; } if (!this.selectDayTMode) return; this.ShowAddEventDialog(); this.selectDayTMode = false; } JCEC.prototype.__GetRelativeCell = function(pCell) { var cellInd = pCell.cellIndex, rowInd = 0; if (cellInd > this.__ConvertCellIndex(this.selectTimeStartObj.parentNode.rowIndex, this.selectTimeStartObj.cellIndex)) { cellInd--; rowInd = 47; } return {cellInd: cellInd, rowInd: rowInd}; } JCEC.prototype.SelectDaysT = function(tabId) { if (!this.arSelectedDaysT) this.arSelectedDaysT = []; if (!this.selectDayTStartObj || !this.selectDayTEndObj) return; if (this.arSelectedDaysT.length > 0) this.DeSelectDaysT(); var oTab = this.Tabs[tabId], sCell = this.selectDayTStartObj, // Start cell eCell = this.selectDayTEndObj, // End cell sCol = sCell.cellIndex, eCol = eCell.cellIndex, tbl = oTab.pBodyCont, pTitleR = tbl.rows[0], pMoreEvR = tbl.rows[1], i; if (sCol > eCol) // Swap { sCell = this.selectDayTEndObj; eCell = this.selectDayTStartObj; sCol = sCell.cellIndex; eCol = eCell.cellIndex; } this.curDayTSelection = {sDay: oTab.arDays[sCol - 1], eDay: oTab.arDays[eCol - 1]}; for (i = sCol; i <= eCol; i++) { c1 = pTitleR.cells[i]; c2 = pMoreEvR.cells[i]; BX.addClass(c1, 'bxec-day-t-selected'); BX.addClass(c2, 'bxec-day-t-selected'); this.arSelectedDaysT.push({pCell1 : c1, pCell2 : c2}); } } JCEC.prototype.DeSelectDaysT = function() { if (!this.arSelectedDaysT) return; var i, l; for (i = 0, l = this.arSelectedDaysT.length; i < l; i++) { BX.removeClass(this.arSelectedDaysT[i].pCell1, 'bxec-day-t-selected'); BX.removeClass(this.arSelectedDaysT[i].pCell2, 'bxec-day-t-selected'); } this.arSelectedDaysT = []; } JCEC.prototype.SelectTime = function(tabId) { if (!this.arSelectedTime) this.arSelectedTime = []; if (!this.selectTimeStartObj || !this.selectTimeEndObj) return; if (this.arSelectedTime.length > 0) this.DeSelectTime(tabId); var oTab = this.Tabs[tabId], sCell = this.selectTimeStartObj, // Start cell sRow = sCell.parentNode.rowIndex, sCol = this.__ConvertCellIndex(sRow, sCell.cellIndex), eCell = this.selectTimeEndObj, // End cell eRow = eCell.parentNode.rowIndex, eCol = this.__ConvertCellIndex(eRow, eCell.cellIndex), oDays = { sDay: oTab.arDays[sCol - 1], eDay: oTab.arDays[eCol - 1], sTime: sRow / 2, eTime: eRow / 2 + 0.5 }, i, min, max, r1, r2, sRow_, eRow_; if (sRow > eRow && sCol == eCol || sCol > eCol) // Reverse selection { oDays.sTime += 0.5; oDays.eTime -= 0.5; } oDays.sHour = Math.floor(oDays.sTime); oDays.eHour = Math.floor(oDays.eTime); oDays.sMin = (oDays.sTime - oDays.sHour) * 60; oDays.eMin = (oDays.eTime - oDays.eHour) * 60; this.curTimeSelection = oDays; // Show selection in the timeline if (sCol == eCol) // during one day { this._SelectTime({sRow: sRow, eRow: eRow, col: sCol, bShowNotifier: true, tabId: tabId, oDays: oDays}); } else // Several days { if (sCol < eCol) { min = sCol; max = eCol; sRow_ = sRow; eRow_ = eRow; } else { min = eCol; max = sCol; sRow_ = eRow; eRow_ = sRow; _d = oDays.sDay; oDays.sDay = oDays.eDay; oDays.eDay = _d; // Swap days _t = oDays.sTime; oDays.sTime = oDays.eTime; oDays.eTime = _t; // Swap time } for (i = min; i <= max; i++) { r1 = (i == min) ? sRow_ : 0; r2 = (i == max) ? eRow_ : 47; this._SelectTime({sRow: r1, eRow: r2, col: i, bShowNotifier: i == min, tabId: tabId, oDays: oDays}); } } } JCEC.prototype._SelectTime = function(P) { var pTable = this.Tabs[P.tabId].pTimelineTable, min = Math.min(P.eRow, P.sRow), max = Math.max(P.eRow, P.sRow), i, pCell; for (i = min; i <= max; i++) { pCell = pTable.rows[i].cells[this.__ConvertCellIndex(i, P.col, true)]; BX.addClass(pCell, 'bxec-time-selected'); this.arSelectedTime.push({pCell : pCell}); } if (P.bShowNotifier) { if (min == P.eRow && (P.eRow != P.sRow)) { var _d = P.oDays.sDay; P.oDays.sDay = P.oDays.eDay; P.oDays.eDay = _d; // Swap days var _t = P.oDays.sTime; P.oDays.sTime = P.oDays.eTime; P.oDays.eTime = _t; // Swap time } this.ShowSelectTimeNotifier({tabId: P.tabId, rowInd: min, colInd: P.col, oDays: P.oDays}); } }; JCEC.prototype.__ConvertCellIndex = function(rowInd, cellInd, bInv) { if ((rowInd / 2) !== Math.round((rowInd / 2))) cellInd += bInv ? -1 : 1; return cellInd; }; JCEC.prototype.DeSelectTime = function(tabId) { if (!this.arSelectedTime) return; var i, l; for (i = 0, l = this.arSelectedTime.length; i < l; i++) BX.removeClass(this.arSelectedTime[i].pCell, 'bxec-time-selected'); this.HideSelectTimeNotifier({tabId: tabId}); this.arSelectedTime = []; }; JCEC.prototype.ShowSelectTimeNotifier = function(P, bShow) { var oTab = this.Tabs[P.tabId], pTable = oTab.pTimelineTable, pCell = pTable.rows[P.rowInd].cells[this.__ConvertCellIndex(P.rowInd, P.colInd, true)], left = bxInt(pCell.offsetLeft), top = bxInt(pCell.offsetTop), sHour = Math.floor(P.oDays.sTime), eHour = Math.floor(P.oDays.eTime), sMin = (P.oDays.sTime - sHour) * 60, eMin = (P.oDays.eTime - eHour) * 60, d1 = P.oDays.sDay, d2 = P.oDays.eDay, dTop = -19, dLeft = 15, innnerHTML, t1, t2; if (eHour == 24) eHour = '00'; if (!oTab.pSTNotifier) oTab.pSTNotifier = pTable.parentNode.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxec-st-notifier'}})); t1 = this.FormatTimeByNum(sHour, sMin); t2 = this.FormatTimeByNum(eHour, eMin); if (P.oDays.sDay == P.oDays.eDay) // during one day innnerHTML = '<nobr>' + t1 + ' - ' + t2 + '</nobr>'; else innnerHTML = '<nobr>' + bxFormatDate(d1.date, d1.month + 1, d1.year) + ' ' + t1 + ' - ' + bxFormatDate(d2.date, d2.month + 1, d2.year) + ' ' + t2 + '</nobr>'; if (bxInt(sHour) <= 0) // If start time 00:00 dTop = 20; oTab.pSTNotifier.innerHTML = '<img class="bxec-iconkit" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif">' + innnerHTML; oTab.pSTNotifier.style.left = left + dLeft + 'px'; oTab.pSTNotifier.style.top = top + dTop + 'px'; oTab.pSTNotifier.style.display = 'block'; }; JCEC.prototype.HideSelectTimeNotifier = function(P) { var oTab = this.Tabs[P.tabId]; if (!oTab.pSTNotifier) return; oTab.pSTNotifier.style.display = 'none'; }; JCEC.prototype.BuildSingleDayTable = function() { var oTab = this.Tabs['day'], tbl = oTab.pBodyCont, pTitleR = tbl.rows[0], pMoreEvR = tbl.rows[1], pGridR = tbl.rows[2], c; pTitleR.insertCell(1); c = pMoreEvR.insertCell(1); c.innerHTML = '<div class="bxec-wdv-more-ev"> </div>'; pGridR.cells[0].colSpan = "3"; oTab.pTimelineCont = pGridR.cells[0].firstChild; this.ResizeTabTitle(oTab); }; JCEC.prototype.ShowCurTimePointer = function(tabId) { var _this = this, oTab = this.Tabs[tabId]; if (!oTab.oCurTimePointer) this.CreateCurTimePointer(tabId); function fMove() { var curTime = new Date(), h = bxInt(curTime.getHours()), m = bxInt(curTime.getMinutes()), cnt = oTab.pTimelineTable.rows[h * 2].cells[1], dTop = cnt.offsetTop + Math.round(cnt.offsetHeight * 2 * m / 6) / 10 - (BX.browser.IsSafari() ? 3 : 4); oTab.oCurTimePointer.pWnd.style.top = dTop + 'px'; oTab.oCurTimePointer.pWnd.title = EC_MESS.CurTime + ' - ' + _this.FormatTimeByNum(h, m); } var oCTP = oTab.oCurTimePointer, c = oTab.pTimelineTable.rows[0].cells[oTab.curDay.cellInd]; if (!c) return; oTab.pTimelineCont.appendChild(oCTP.pWnd); oCTP.pWnd.style.display = 'block'; oCTP.pWnd.style.left = bxInt(c.offsetLeft) + 'px'; oCTP.pWnd.style.width = bxInt(c.offsetWidth) + 'px'; oCTP.interval = setInterval(fMove, 60000); fMove(); }; JCEC.prototype.CreateCurTimePointer = function(tabId) { this.Tabs[tabId].oCurTimePointer = {pWnd : BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bxec-time-pointer'}, html: '<img class="bxec-iconkit" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif">'})}; }; JCEC.prototype.HideCurTimePointer = function(tabId) { var oTab = this.Tabs[tabId]; if (!oTab.oCurTimePointer) return; if (oTab.oCurTimePointer.interval) clearInterval(oTab.oCurTimePointer.interval); oTab.oCurTimePointer.pWnd.style.display = 'none'; }; JCEC.prototype.SetWeek = function(w1, m1, y1) { var res = this.Selector.OnChange(y1, m1, w1), m = res.monthTo, y = res.yearTo, w = this.GetWeekByDate({date: res.dateTo, month: res.monthTo, year: res.yearTo}); if (!this.arLoadedMonth[m + '.'+ y]) return this.LoadEvents(m, y, {week: w1, month: m1, year: y1}); var curTs = new Date().getTime(); // Cur week if (curTs >= res.weekStartDate.getTime() && curTs <= res.weekEndDate.getTime()) { m = this.currentDate.month; y = this.currentDate.year; w = this.GetWeekByDate(this.currentDate); } var bSetActiveDate = this.activeDate.month != m || this.activeDate.year != y; this.activeDate.week = w; this.activeDate.month = m; this.activeDate.year = y; if (bSetActiveDate) this.SetTabNeedRefresh('week', true); this.BuildTimelineGrid(this.Tabs['week'], this.FillWeekDaysTitle({tabId: 'week', count: 7, startDate: res.weekStartDate})); } JCEC.prototype.SetDay = function(d, m1, y1) { var res = this.Selector.OnChange(y1, m1, false, d), m = res.month, y = res.year; if (!this.arLoadedMonth[m + '.'+ y]) return this.LoadEvents(m, y, {date: d, month: m1, year: y1}); var bSetActiveDate = this.activeDate.month != res.month || this.activeDate.year != res.year; this.activeDate.date = res.date; this.activeDate.month = res.month; this.activeDate.year = res.year; if (bSetActiveDate) this.SetTabNeedRefresh('day', true); var arDays = this.FillWeekDaysTitle({tabId: 'day', count: 1, startDate: res.oDate}); this.BuildTimelineGrid(this.Tabs['day'], arDays); }