Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/new/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/calendar/new/calendar-entry.js |
;(function(window) { function EntryController(calendar, data) { this.calendar = calendar; this.pulledEntriesIndex = {}; this.requestedEntriesIndex = {}; this.entriesRaw = []; this.loadedEntriesIndex = {}; } EntryController.prototype = { getList: function (params) { if ((params.startDate && params.finishDate && !this.checkDateRange(params.startDate, params.finishDate)) || params.loadNext || params.loadPrevious ) { this.loadEntries(params); return false; } var activeSectionIndex = {}, entry, entries = [], entriesRaw = this.entriesRaw; this.calendar.sectionController.getSectionsInfo().allActive.forEach(function(sectionId) { activeSectionIndex[sectionId == 'tasks' ? sectionId : parseInt(sectionId)] = true; }); for (var i = 0; i < entriesRaw.length; i++) { if (entriesRaw[i]) { if ((entriesRaw[i]['~TYPE'] == 'tasks' && !activeSectionIndex['tasks']) || (entriesRaw[i]['~TYPE'] != 'tasks' && entriesRaw[i]['SECT_ID'] && !activeSectionIndex[parseInt(entriesRaw[i]['SECT_ID'])]) ) { continue; } entry = new Entry(this.calendar, entriesRaw[i]); if (params.viewRange) { if (entry.applyViewRange(params.viewRange)) { entries.push(entry); } } else { entries.push(entry); } } } return entries; }, canDo: function(entry, action) { if (typeof entry !== 'object' && action == 'add_event') return !this.calendar.util.readOnlyMode(); if ((action == 'edit' || action == 'delete') && !this.calendar.util.readOnlyMode()) { if ((entry.isMeeting() && entry.id !== entry.parentId) || entry.isResourcebooking()) { return false; } var section = this.calendar.sectionController.getSection(entry.sectionId); return section && section.canDo && section.canDo('edit'); } return false; }, getUsableDateTime: function(timestamp, roundMin) { if (typeof timestamp == 'object' && timestamp.getTime) timestamp = timestamp.getTime(); var r = (roundMin || 10) * 60 * 1000; timestamp = Math.ceil(timestamp / r) * r; return new Date(timestamp); }, getTimeForNewEntry: function(date) { date = this.getUsableDateTime(date); return { from : date, to : new Date(date.getTime() + 3600000) }; }, getDefaultEntryName: function() { return BX.message('EC_DEFAULT_ENTRY_NAME'); }, saveEntry: function(data) { var url = this.calendar.util.getActionUrl(); url += (url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&'; url += 'markAction=newEvent'; url += '&markType=' + this.calendar.util.type; url += '&markMeeting=' + (this.checkMeetingByCodes(data.attendeesCodes) ? 'Y' : 'N'); url += '&markRrule=NONE&markCrm=N'; this.calendar.request({ url: url, type: 'post', data: { action: 'simple_save_entry', name: data.name, date_from: data.dateFrom, date_to: data.dateTo, default_tz: data.defaultTz, section: data.section, location: data.location || '', skip_time: 'N', remind: data.remind || false, attendees: data.attendees || '', access_codes: data.attendeesCodesList || '', meeting_notify: data.meetingNotify ? 'Y' : 'N', meeting_allow_invite: data.allowInvite ? 'Y' : 'N', exclude_users: data.excludeUsers || '' }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { if (response.location_busy_warning) { alert(BX.message('EC_LOCATION_RESERVE_ERROR')); this.handleEntriesList(response.entries); this.calendar.getView().displayEntries(); var reload = true, entry = response.entries.find(function(el){return el.ID == response.id;}); if (entry) { var uid = this.getUniqueId(entry); if (uid) { entry = this.calendar.getView().getEntryById(uid); if (entry) { this.calendar.entryController.editEntry({ entry: entry, tryLocation: data.location }); reload = false; } } } if (reload) { this.calendar.reload(); } } else { this.handleEntriesList(response.entries); this.calendar.getView().displayEntries(); } }, this) }); }, moveEventToNewDate: function(entry, dateFrom, dateTo) { entry.from.setFullYear(dateFrom.getFullYear(), dateFrom.getMonth(), dateFrom.getDate()); if (entry.fullDay) { entry.from.setHours(dateFrom.getHours(), dateFrom.getMinutes(), 0, 0); } if (dateTo && BX.type.isDate(dateTo)) { entry.to.setFullYear(dateTo.getFullYear(), dateTo.getMonth(), dateTo.getDate()); if (entry.fullDay) { entry.to.setHours(dateTo.getHours(), dateTo.getMinutes(), 0, 0); } } else { entry.to = new Date(entry.from.getTime() + (entry.data.DT_LENGTH - (entry.fullDay ? 1 : 0)) * 1000); } var attendees = []; if (entry.isMeeting()) entry.data['~ATTENDEES'].forEach(function(user){attendees.push(user['USER_ID']);}); this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { id: entry.id, action: 'move_event_to_date', current_date_from: entry.data.DATE_FROM, date_from: entry.isFullDay() ? this.calendar.util.formatDate(entry.from) : this.calendar.util.formatDateTime(entry.from), date_to: entry.isFullDay() ? this.calendar.util.formatDate(entry.to) : this.calendar.util.formatDateTime(entry.to), skip_time: entry.isFullDay() ? 'Y' : 'N', attendees: attendees, location: entry.location || '', recursive: entry.isRecursive() ? 'Y' : 'N', is_meeting: entry.isMeeting() ? 'Y' : 'N', section: entry.sectionId, timezone: this.calendar.util.getUserOption('timezoneName'), //timezone set_timezone: 'Y' }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { if (entry.isMeeting() && response.busy_warning) { alert(BX.message('EC_BUSY_ALERT')); } if (response.location_busy_warning) { alert(BX.message('EC_LOCATION_RESERVE_ERROR')); } this.calendar.reload(); }, this) }); }, deleteEntry: function(entry, params) { if (!params) params = {}; if (!this.calendar.entryController.canDo(entry, 'delete') || entry.isTask()) return false; if (entry.wasEverRecursive() && !params.confirmed) { this.showConfirmDeleteDialog(entry); return false; } else { //bConfirmed = !!bConfirmed; //if (this.IsAttendee(oEvent) && !this.IsHost(oEvent)) //{ // bConfirmed = true; // if (!confirm(EC_MESS.DeclineConfirm)) // return false; //} //if (this.IsHost(oEvent) && !bConfirmed) //{ // bConfirmed = true; // if (!confirm(EC_MESS.DelMeetingConfirm)) // return false; //} if (!params.confirmed && !confirm(BX.message('EC_DELETE_EVENT_CONFIRM')) ) { return false; } entry.deleteParts(); if (BX.SidePanel.Instance) BX.SidePanel.Instance.close(); if (this.calendar.getView().simpleViewPopup) this.calendar.getView().simpleViewPopup.close(); this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { action: 'delete_entry', entry_id: entry.id, recursion_mode: params.recursionMode || false }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { if (params.recursionMode && params.recursionMode !== 'all') { this.calendar.reload(); } else { this.clientSideDeleteEntry(entry.id); this.calendar.getView().displayEntries(); } }, this) }); this.clientSideDeleteEntry(entry.id); this.calendar.getView().displayEntries({reloadEntries: false}); } }, excludeRecursionDate: function(entry) { if (BX.SidePanel.Instance) BX.SidePanel.Instance.close(); this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { action: 'exclude_recursion_date', event_id: entry.id, exclude_date: entry.data.DATE_FROM }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { this.calendar.reload(); }, this) }); }, cutOffRecursiveEvent: function(entry) { if (BX.SidePanel.Instance) BX.SidePanel.Instance.close(); this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { action: 'change_recurcive_event_until', event_id: entry.id, until_date: this.calendar.util.formatDate(entry.from.getTime() - this.calendar.util.dayLength) }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { this.calendar.reload(); }, this) }); }, deleteAllReccurent: function(entry) { return this.deleteEntry(entry, {confirmed: true, recursionMode: 'all'}); }, viewEntry: function(params) { this.calendar.getView().showViewSlider(params); }, editEntry: function(params) { this.calendar.getView().showEditSlider(params); }, checkDateRange: function(start, end, params) { if (!params) params = {}; if (!params.sections) params.sections = this.calendar.sectionController.getSectionsInfo().allActive; if (!params.index) params.index = this.pulledEntriesIndex; var i, sectionId; for (i = 0; i < params.sections.length; i++) { sectionId = params.sections[i]; if (!params.index[sectionId] || !params.index[sectionId][this.getChunkIdByDate(start)] || !params.index[sectionId][this.getChunkIdByDate(end)] ) { return false; } } return true; }, getChunkIdByDate: function(date) { return date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1); }, fillChunkIndex: function(startDate, finishDate, params) { if (!this.loadedStartDate) this.loadedStartDate = startDate; else if (startDate.getTime() < this.loadedStartDate.getTime()) this.loadedStartDate = startDate; if (!this.loadedFinishDate) this.loadedFinishDate = finishDate; else if (finishDate.getTime() > this.loadedFinishDate.getTime()) this.loadedFinishDate = finishDate; if (!params) params = {}; if (!params.sections) params.sections = this.calendar.sectionController.getSectionsInfo().allActive; if (!params.index) params.index = this.pulledEntriesIndex; var iter = 0, date = new Date(), index = params.index, sections = params.sections, value = params.value == undefined ? true : params.value; date.setFullYear(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), 1); var lastChunkId = this.getChunkIdByDate(finishDate), chunkId = this.getChunkIdByDate(date); sections.forEach(function(sectinId) { if (!index[sectinId]) index[sectinId] = {}; index[sectinId][chunkId] = value; index[sectinId][lastChunkId] = value; }); while (chunkId != lastChunkId && iter < 100) { sections.forEach(function(sectinId) { index[sectinId][chunkId] = value; }); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); chunkId = this.getChunkIdByDate(date); iter++; } }, getLoadedEntiesLimits: function() { return {start: this.loadedStartDate, end: this.loadedFinishDate}; }, loadEntries: function (params) { // Show loader if (this.calendar.currentViewName !== 'list') { this.calendar.showLoader(); } var sections = this.calendar.sectionController.getSectionsInfo(); if (this.calendar.isExternalMode()) { this.calendar.triggerEvent('loadEntries', { params: params, onLoadCallback : BX.delegate(function(json) { this.calendar.hideLoader(); this.handleEntriesList(json.entries); if (!params.finishDate && this.entriesRaw.length > 0) { var finishDate = this.entriesRaw[this.entriesRaw.length - 1].DATE_FROM; finishDate = BX.parseDate(finishDate); if (finishDate) { finishDate.setFullYear(finishDate.getFullYear(), finishDate.getMonth(), 0); params.finishDate = finishDate; } } if (params.startDate && params.finishDate) { this.fillChunkIndex(params.startDate, params.finishDate, { index: this.pulledEntriesIndex, sections: sections.allActive }); } if (params.finishCallback && typeof params.finishCallback == 'function') { params.finishCallback(json); } }, this), onErrorCallback : BX.delegate(function(error) { this.calendar.hideLoader(); }, this) }); } else { this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { action: 'load_entries', month_from: params.startDate ? (params.startDate.getMonth() + 1) : '', year_from: params.startDate ? params.startDate.getFullYear() : '', month_to: params.finishDate ? params.finishDate.getMonth() + 1 : '', year_to: params.finishDate ? params.finishDate.getFullYear() : '', active_sect: sections.active, hidden_sect: sections.hidden, sup_sect: sections.superposed, loadNext: params.loadNext ? 'Y' : 'N', loadPrevious: params.loadPrevious ? 'Y' : 'N', loadLimit: params.loadLimit || 0, cal_dav_data_sync: this.calendar.reloadGoogle ? 'Y' : 'N' }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { this.calendar.hideLoader(); //var sectionsNow = this.calendar.sectionController.getSectionsInfo(); //if (!_this.CompareArrays(sections.superposed, sectionsNow.superposed) || // !_this.CompareArrays(sections.active, sectionsNow.active) || // !_this.CompareArrays(sections.hidden, sectionsNow.hidden) //) //{ // return; //} //this.entriesRaw = response.entries; this.handleEntriesList(response.entries); if (!params.finishDate && this.entriesRaw.length > 0) { var finishDate = this.entriesRaw[this.entriesRaw.length - 1].DATE_FROM; finishDate = BX.parseDate(finishDate); if (finishDate) { finishDate.setFullYear(finishDate.getFullYear(), finishDate.getMonth(), 0); params.finishDate = finishDate; } } if (params.startDate && params.finishDate) { this.fillChunkIndex(params.startDate, params.finishDate, { index: this.pulledEntriesIndex, sections: sections.allActive }); } if (params.finishCallback && typeof params.finishCallback == 'function') { params.finishCallback(response); } this.calendar.reloadGoogle = false; }, this) }); } }, handleEntriesList: function(entries) { if (entries && entries.length) { var i, smartId, showDeclined = this.calendar.util.getUserOption('showDeclined'); for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if((!showDeclined || parseInt(entries[i].CREATED_BY) !== this.calendar.util.userId) && entries[i].MEETING_STATUS == 'N') { continue; } smartId = this.getUniqueId(entries[i]); if (this.loadedEntriesIndex[smartId] === undefined) { this.entriesRaw.push(entries[i]); this.loadedEntriesIndex[smartId] = this.entriesRaw.length - 1; } else { if (entries[i].CAL_TYPE == this.calendar.util.type && entries[i].OWNER_ID == this.calendar.util.ownerId ) { this.entriesRaw[this.loadedEntriesIndex[smartId]] = entries[i]; } } } } }, getUniqueId: function(entryData, entry) { var sid = entryData.PARENT_ID || entryData.ID; if (entryData.RRULE) { sid += '|' + (entry ? this.calendar.util.formatDate(entry.from) : this.calendar.util.formatDate(BX.parseDate(entryData.DATE_FROM))); } if (entryData['~TYPE'] == 'tasks') { sid += '|' + 'task'; } return sid; }, sort: function(a, b) { if (a.entry.isTask() !== b.entry.isTask()) { if (a.entry.isTask()) return 1; if (b.entry.isTask()) return -1; } if (a.part.daysCount == b.part.daysCount && a.part.daysCount == 1) { return a.entry.from.getTime() - b.entry.from.getTime(); } else { if (a.part.daysCount == b.part.daysCount) return a.entry.from.getTime() - b.entry.from.getTime(); else return a.part.daysCount - b.part.daysCount; } }, clearLoadIndexCache: function() { this.pulledEntriesIndex = {}; this.requestedEntriesIndex = {}; this.entriesRaw = []; this.loadedEntriesIndex = {}; }, setMeetingStatus: function(entry, status, params) { if (typeof params == 'undefined') params = {}; if (status == 'N' && !params.confirmed) { if (entry.isRecursive()) { this.showConfirmDeclineDialog(entry); return false; } else if (!confirm(BX.message('EC_DECLINE_MEETING_CONFIRM'))) { return false; } } this.calendar.request({ type: 'post', data: { action: 'set_meeting_status', event_id: entry.id, parent_id: entry.parentId, status: status, reccurent_mode: params.recursionMode || false, current_date_from: this.calendar.util.formatDate(entry.from) }, handler: BX.delegate(function(response) { this.calendar.reload(); }, this) }); return true; }, showConfirmDeleteDialog: function(entry) { if (!this.confirmDeleteDialog) this.confirmDeleteDialog = new window.BXEventCalendar.ConfirmDeleteDialog(this.calendar); this.confirmDeleteDialog.show(entry); }, showConfirmEditDialog: function(params) { if (!this.confirmEditDialog) this.confirmEditDialog = new window.BXEventCalendar.ConfirmEditDialog(this.calendar); this.confirmEditDialog.show(params); }, showConfirmDeclineDialog: function(entry) { if (!this.confirmDeclineDialog) this.confirmDeclineDialog = new window.BXEventCalendar.ConfirmDeclineDialog(this.calendar); this.confirmDeclineDialog.show(entry); }, clientSideDeleteEntry: function(entryId) { var entries = [], i; for (i = 0; i < this.calendar.getView().entries.length; i++) { if (this.calendar.getView().entries[i].id !== entryId && this.calendar.getView().entries[i].data.RECURRENCE_ID !== entryId) { entries.push(this.calendar.getView().entries[i]); } } this.calendar.getView().entries = entries; var entriesRaw = []; for (i = 0; i < this.entriesRaw.length; i++) { if (this.entriesRaw[i].ID !== entryId && this.entriesRaw[i].RECURRENCE_ID !== entryId) { entriesRaw.push(this.entriesRaw[i]); } } this.entriesRaw = entriesRaw; }, checkMeetingByCodes: function(codes) { var code, n = 0; if (codes) { for (code in codes) { if (codes.hasOwnProperty(code)) { if (codes[code] != 'users' || n > 0) { return true; } n++; } } } return false; } }; function Entry(calendar, data) { this.calendar = calendar; this.data = data; this.id = data.ID || 0; if (!this.data.DT_SKIP_TIME) { this.data.DT_SKIP_TIME = this.data.SKIP_TIME ? 'Y' : 'N'; } this.fullDay = data.DT_SKIP_TIME == 'Y'; this.parentId = data.PARENT_ID || 0; this.textColor = data.TEXT_COLOR; this.accessibility = data.ACCESSIBILITY; this.important = data.IMPORTANCE == 'high'; this.private = !!data.PRIVATE_EVENT; this.sectionId = this.isTask() ? 'tasks' : parseInt(data.SECT_ID); this.name = data.NAME; this.parts = []; var _this = this, util = this.calendar.util, startDayCode, endDayCode, color = data.COLOR || _this.calendar.sectionController.getSection(this.sectionId).color; Object.defineProperties(this, { startDayCode: { get: function(){return startDayCode;}, set: function(value){startDayCode = util.getDayCode(value);} }, endDayCode: { get: function(){return endDayCode;}, set: function(value){endDayCode = util.getDayCode(value);} }, color: { get: function(){return color;}, set: function(value){color = value;} }, textColor: { value: data.TEXT_COLOR, writable: true, enumerable : true }, location: { value: data.LOCATION, writable: true, enumerable : true } }); this.prepareData(); this.uid = this.calendar.entryController.getUniqueId(data, this); } Entry.prototype = { prepareData: function() { if (!this.data.DT_LENGTH) { this.data.DT_LENGTH = this.data.DURATION || 0; } if (this.fullDay && !this.data.DT_LENGTH) { this.data.DT_LENGTH = 86400; } if (this.isTask()) { this.from = BX.parseDate(this.data.DATE_FROM) || new Date(); this.to = BX.parseDate(this.data.DATE_TO) || this.from; } else { this.from = BX.parseDate(this.data.DATE_FROM) || new Date(); if (this.fullDay) { this.from.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (this.data.DT_SKIP_TIME !== "Y") { this.from = new Date(this.from.getTime() - (parseInt(this.data['~USER_OFFSET_FROM']) || 0) * 1000); } this.to = new Date(this.from.getTime() + (this.data.DT_LENGTH - (this.fullDay ? 1 : 0)) * 1000); } if (!this.data.ATTENDEES_CODES && !this.isTask()) { if (this.data.CAL_TYPE == 'user') { this.data.ATTENDEES_CODES = ['U' + this.data.OWNER_ID]; } else { this.data.ATTENDEES_CODES = ['U' + this.data.CREATED_BY]; } } this.startDayCode = this.from; this.endDayCode = this.to; }, getAttendeesCodes: function() { return this.data.ATTENDEES_CODES; }, getAttendees: function() { return this.data['~ATTENDEES'] || []; }, cleanParts: function() { this.parts = []; }, startPart: function(part) { part.partIndex = this.parts.length; this.parts.push(part); return this.parts[part.partIndex]; }, registerPartNode: function(part, params) { part.params = params; }, checkPartIsRegistered: function(part) { return BX.type.isPlainObject(part.params); }, getPart: function(partIndex) { return this.parts[partIndex] || false; }, getWrap: function(partIndex) { return this.parts[partIndex || 0].params.wrapNode; }, getSectionName: function() { return this.calendar.sectionController.getSection(this.sectionId).name || ''; }, getDescription: function(callback) { if (this.data.DESCRIPTION && this.data['~DESCRIPTION'] && BX.type.isFunction(callback)) { setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() { callback(this.data['~DESCRIPTION']); }, this), 50); } }, applyViewRange: function(viewRange) { var viewRangeStart = viewRange.start.getTime(), viewRangeEnd = viewRange.end.getTime(), fromTime = this.from.getTime(), toTime = this.to.getTime(); if (toTime < viewRangeStart || fromTime > viewRangeEnd) return false; if (fromTime < viewRangeStart) { this.displayFrom = viewRange.start; this.startDayCode = this.displayFrom; } if (toTime > viewRangeEnd) { this.displayTo = viewRange.end; this.endDayCode = this.displayTo; } return true; }, isPersonal: function() { return (this.data.CAL_TYPE == 'user' && this.data.OWNER_ID == this.calendar.util.userId); }, isMeeting: function() { return !!this.data.IS_MEETING; }, isResourcebooking: function() { return this.data.EVENT_TYPE === '#resourcebooking#'; }, isTask: function() { return this.data['~TYPE'] == 'tasks'; }, isFullDay: function() { return this.fullDay; }, isLongWithTime: function() { return !this.fullDay && this.calendar.util.getDayCode(this.from) != this.calendar.util.getDayCode(this.to); }, isExpired: function() { return this.to.getTime() < new Date().getTime(); }, isExternal: function() { return false; }, isSelected: function() { return !!this.selected; }, isCrm: function() { return this.data.UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT && this.data.UF_CRM_CAL_EVENT != ""; }, isFirstReccurentEntry: function() { var result = ( this.data.DATE_FROM_TS_UTC === Math.floor(BX.parseDate(this.data['~DATE_FROM']).getTime() / 1000) * 1000 || BX.parseDate(this.data['DATE_FROM']).getTime() === BX.parseDate(this.data['~DATE_FROM']).getTime() ) && !this.data.RECURRENCE_ID; return result; }, isRecursive: function() { return !!this.data.RRULE; }, getMeetingHost: function() { return parseInt(this.data.MEETING_HOST); }, getRrule: function() { return this.data.RRULE; }, hasRecurrenceId: function() { return this.data.RECURRENCE_ID; }, wasEverRecursive: function() { return this.data.RRULE || this.data.RECURRENCE_ID; }, deselect: function() { this.selected = false; }, select: function() { this.selected = true; }, deleteParts: function() { this.parts.forEach(function(part){ if (part.params) { if (part.params.wrapNode) { part.params.wrapNode.style.opacity = 0; } } }, this); setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){ this.parts.forEach(function(part){ if (part.params) { if (part.params.wrapNode) { BX.remove(part.params.wrapNode); } } }, this); }, this), 300); }, getUniqueId: function() { var sid = this.data.PARENT_ID || this.data.PARENT_ID; if (this.isRecursive()) sid += '|' + this.data.DT_FROM_TS; if (this.data['~TYPE'] == 'tasks') sid += '|' + 'task'; return sid; }, getCurrentStatus: function() { var i, user, status = false; if (this.isMeeting()) { if (this.calendar.util.userId == this.data.CREATED_BY || this.calendar.util.userId == this.data.MEETING_HOST ) { status = this.data.MEETING_STATUS; } else if (this.calendar.util.userId == this.data.MEETING_HOST) { status = this.data.MEETING_STATUS; } else if (this.data['~ATTENDEES']) { for (i = 0; i < this.data['~ATTENDEES'].length; i++) { user = this.data['~ATTENDEES'][i]; if (user.USER_ID == this.calendar.util.userId) { status = user.STATUS; break; } } } } return status; }, getReminders: function() { var res = []; if (this.data && this.data.REMIND) { this.data.REMIND.forEach(function (remind) { if (remind.type == 'min') { res.push(remind.count); } else if (remind.type == 'hour') { res.push(parseInt(remind.count) * 60); } if (remind.type == 'day') { res.push(parseInt(remind.count) * 60 * 24); } }); } return res; }, getLengthInDays: function() { var from = new Date(this.from.getFullYear(), this.from.getMonth(), this.from.getDate(), 0, 0, 0), to = new Date(this.to.getFullYear(), this.to.getMonth(), this.to.getDate(), 0, 0, 0); return Math.round((to.getTime() - from.getTime()) / this.calendar.util.dayLength) + 1; } }; if (window.BXEventCalendar) { window.BXEventCalendar.Entry = Entry; window.BXEventCalendar.EntryController = EntryController; } else { BX.addCustomEvent(window, "onBXEventCalendarInit", function() { window.BXEventCalendar.Entry = Entry; window.BXEventCalendar.EntryController = EntryController; }); } })(window);