Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_autosave.js |
(function(window){ if (BX.CAutoSave && top.BX.CAutoSave) return; /******************************* AUTOSAVE *********************************/ BX.CAutoSave = function(params) { this.FORM_NAME = params.form; this.FORM_MARKER = params.form_marker; this.FORM_ID = params.form_id; this.PERIOD = params.period || [4001, 20990]; this.RESTORE_DATA = null; this.TIMERS = [null, null]; this.bInited = false; this.bRestoreInProgress = false; this.DISABLE_STANDARD_NOTIFY = params.DISABLE_STANDARD_NOTIFY; this.NOTIFY_CONTEXT = null; BX.ready(BX.defer(this.Prepare, this)); BX.garbage(BX.delegate(this.Clear, this)); if ( BX.type.isNotEmptyString(this.FORM_MARKER) && BX(this.FORM_MARKER) ) { var formMarker = BX(this.FORM_MARKER); if ( BX(formMarker.form) && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(formMarker.form.name) ) { BX.addCustomEvent(window.top, 'onExtAutoSaveReset_' + formMarker.form.name, BX.proxy(this.Reset, this)); } } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Prepare = function() { var i; if (this.FORM_NAME && BX.type.isString(this.FORM_NAME)) this.FORM = document.forms[this.FORM_NAME]; else if (this.FORM_MARKER && BX.type.isString(this.FORM_MARKER)) this.FORM = (BX(this.FORM_MARKER)||{form:null}).form; if (!BX.type.isDomNode(this.FORM)) return; this.FORM.BXAUTOSAVE = this; BX.bind(this.FORM, 'submit', BX.proxy(this.ClearTimers, this)); for (i=0; i<this.FORM.elements.length; i++) { this.RegisterInput(this.FORM.elements[i]); } setTimeout(BX.delegate(this._PrepareAfter, this), 10); }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.RegisterInput = function(inp) { if (BX.type.isString(inp)) { setTimeout(BX.delegate(function(){this.RegisterInput(this.FORM[inp] || BX(inp))}, this), 10); } else if (BX.type.isDomNode(inp)) { if ( inp.type != 'button' && inp.type != 'submit' && inp.type != 'reset' && inp.type != 'image' && inp.type != 'hidden' ) { BX.bind(inp, 'change', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); if (inp.type == 'text' || inp.type == 'textarea') { BX.bind(inp, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); } if (inp.type == 'checkbox' || inp.type == 'radio') { BX.bind(inp, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); } } } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.UnRegisterInput = function(inp) { if (BX.type.isString(inp)) inp = this.FORM[inp] || BX(inp); if (BX.type.isDomNode(inp)) { BX.unbind(inp, 'change', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); BX.unbind(inp, 'keyup', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); BX.unbind(inp, 'click', BX.proxy(this.Init, this)); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype._PrepareAfter = function() { // we can set other "target events" here BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSavePrepare', [this, BX.proxy(this.Init, this)]); if (this.RESTORE_DATA) { var id = this.FORM.name || Math.random(); BX.addCustomEvent('onExtAutoSaveRestoreClick_' + id, BX.proxy(this.Restore, this)); var o = this._NotifyContext(); if (o) { o.Notify(BX.message('AUTOSAVE') + ' <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="BX.CAutoSave.Restore(\'' + BX.util.urlencode(id) + '\', this); return false;">' + BX.message('AUTOSAVE_R') + '</a>'); } // may be useful sometimes BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveRestoreFound', [this, this.RESTORE_DATA]); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Init = function() { // if (this.bRestoreInProgress) // return; if (this.TIMERS[0]) { clearTimeout(this.TIMERS[0]); this.TIMERS[0] = null; } this.TIMERS[0] = setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.TimerHandler, this), this.PERIOD[0]); if (!this.TIMERS[1]) { this.TIMERS[1] = setInterval(BX.proxy(this.Save, this), this.PERIOD[1]); } // may also be useful BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveInit', [this]); return true; }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.TimerHandler = function() { if (this.TIMERS[1]) { clearInterval(this.TIMERS[1]); this.TIMERS[1] = null; } this.Save(); }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Save = function() { if (this.FORM && BX.isNodeInDom(this.FORM)) { var i, j, el, data = {autosave_id: this.FORM_ID, form_data: {}}; for (i=0; i<this.FORM.elements.length; i++) { el = this.FORM.elements[i]; if (el.name && el.name != 'sessid' && el.name != 'lang' && el.name != 'autosave_id') { var n = el.name, v = '', t = el.type.toLowerCase(); switch (t) { case 'button': case 'submit': case 'reset': case 'image': case 'file': case 'password': break; case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if (el.checked) v = el.value || 'on'; break; case 'select-multiple': n = n.substring(0, n.length-2); v = []; for (j=0;j<el.options.length;j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) { v.push(el.options[j].value); } } break; default: v = el.value; } if (n.indexOf('[]') > 0) { n = _encodeName(n); if (typeof(data.form_data[n]) == 'undefined') data.form_data[n] = [v]; else data.form_data[n].push(v); } else data.form_data[_encodeName(n)] = v; } } // we can adjust form_data before autosaving BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSave', [this, data.form_data]); BX.ajax.post( '/bitrix/tools/autosave.php?bxsender=core_autosave&sessid=' + BX.bitrix_sessid(), data, BX.proxy(this._Save, this) ); } else { this.Clear(); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Reset = function() { if (this.FORM && BX.isNodeInDom(this.FORM)) { BX.ajax.post( '/bitrix/tools/autosave.php?bxsender=core_autosave&action=reset&sessid=' + BX.bitrix_sessid(), {autosave_id: this.FORM_ID }, null ); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype._Save = function(data) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveFinished', [this, data]); }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Restore = function(data, clicker) { if (data) { this.RESTORE_DATA = _decodeData(data); } else if (this.FORM && this.RESTORE_DATA) { // we can change restore data or make some unusual actions here BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveRestore', [this, this.RESTORE_DATA]); this.bRestoreInProgress = true; for (var i=0; i<this.FORM.elements.length; i++) { var el = this.FORM.elements[i]; if (el && BX.type.isDomNode(el) && el.name) { var value = undefined, n = el.name; if (el.type == 'select-multiple') n = el.name.substring(0, el.name.length-2); value = this.RESTORE_DATA[n]; if (n.indexOf('[]') > 0 && BX.type.isArray(value)) value = this.RESTORE_DATA[n].shift(); if (el.type != 'checkbox' && typeof value == 'undefined') continue; var bChange = false; switch(el.type) { case 'radio': if (!el.checked && !!(value == el.value)) { bChange = true; BX.fireEvent(el, 'click'); } break; case 'checkbox': if (el.checked != !!(value == el.value)) { bChange = true; BX.fireEvent(el, 'click'); } break; case 'select-one': for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { var q = el.options[j].selected; el.options[j].selected = !!(value == el.options[j].value); bChange |= el.options[j].selected != q; } break; case 'select-multiple': value = this.RESTORE_DATA[el.name.substring(0, el.name.length-2)]; for (j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { q = el.options[j].selected; el.options[j].selected = !!(BX.type.isArray(value) && BX.util.in_array(el.options[j].value, value)); bChange |= el.options[j].selected != q; } break; case 'file': case 'button': case 'image': case 'submit': case 'reset': case 'password': break; default: bChange = value != el.value; el.value = value; } if (bChange) BX.fireEvent(el, 'change'); } } var o = this._NotifyContext(); if (o) o.hideNotify(clicker.parentNode.parentNode); this.bRestoreInProgress = false; BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveRestoreFinished', [this, this.RESTORE_DATA]); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype._NotifyContext = function() { var o = null; if (!this.DISABLE_STANDARD_NOTIFY) { if (this.NOTIFY_CONTEXT) o = this.NOTIFY_CONTEXT; else if (BX.WindowManager && BX.WindowManager.Get()) o = BX.WindowManager.Get(); else if (BX.adminPanel) o = BX.adminPanel; else if (BX.admin && BX.admin.panel) o = BX.admin.panel; this.NOTIFY_CONTEXT = o; } return o; }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.ClearTimers = function() { if (this.TIMERS) { clearTimeout(this.TIMERS[0]); clearInterval(this.TIMERS[1]); } }; BX.CAutoSave.prototype.Clear = function() { if (this.FORM) { this.FORM.BXAUTOSAVE = null; for (var i=0; i<this.FORM.elements.length; i++) { this.UnRegisterInput(this.FORM.elements[i]); } } this.ClearTimers(); // we should unset any additional "target events" here BX.onCustomEvent(this.FORM, 'onAutoSaveClear', [this]); this.FORM = null; this.TIMERS = null; }; BX.CAutoSave.Restore = function(id, el) { BX.onCustomEvent('onExtAutoSaveRestoreClick_' + id, [null, el]); }; function _encodeName(n) { var q; while (q = /[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/.exec(n)) { n = n.replace(q[0], 'X' + BX.util.str_pad_left(q[0].charCodeAt(0).toString(), 6, '0') + 'X'); } return n; } function _decodeName(n) { var q; while (q = /X[\d]{6}X/.exec(n)) { n = n.replace(q[0], String.fromCharCode(parseInt(q[0].replace(/(^X[0]*)|(X$)/g, '')))) } return n; } function _decodeData(data) { var d = {}; for (var i in data) { d[_decodeName(i)] = data[i]; } return d; } top.BX.CAutoSave = BX.CAutoSave; })(window);