Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_canvas.js |
;(function(window){ if (window.BX["CanvasEditor"]) return false; var BX = window.BX, E = {}, FormToArray = function(form, data) { data = (data || {}); var i, ii, _data = [], n = form.elements.length, files = 0, length = 0; if(!!form) { for(i=0; i<n; i++) { var el = form.elements[i]; if (el.disabled) continue; switch(el.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'password': case 'hidden': case 'select-one': _data.push({name: el.name, value: el.value}); length += (el.name.length + el.value.length); break; case 'file': if (!!el.files) { for(ii=0;ii<el.files.length;ii++) { files++; _data.push({name: el.name, value: el.files[ii]}); length += el.files[ii].size; } } break; case 'radio': case 'checkbox': if(el.checked) { _data.push({name: el.name, value: el.value}); length += (el.name.length + el.value.length); } break; case 'select-multiple': for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) { _data.push({name : el.name, value : el.options[j].value}); length += (el.name.length + el.options[j].length); } } break; default: break; } } i = 0; length = 0; var current = data; while(i < _data.length) { var p = _data[i].name.indexOf('['); if (p == -1) { current[_data[i].name] = _data[i].value; current = data; i++; } else { var name = _data[i].name.substring(0, p); var rest = _data[i].name.substring(p+1); if(!current[name]) current[name] = []; var pp = rest.indexOf(']'); if(pp == -1) { current = data; i++; } else if(pp == 0) { //No index specified - so take the next integer current = current[name]; _data[i].name = '' + current.length; } else { //Now index name becomes and name and we go deeper into the array current = current[name]; _data[i].name = rest.substring(0, pp) + rest.substring(pp+1); } } } } return {data : data, filesCount : files, roughSize : length}; }; BX.CanvasEditor = function (id) { this.previewSize = {width : 1024, height : 860, minWidth : 500, minHeight : 335}; this.dialogName = "BX.CanvasEditor"; this.id = id + 'Editor'; this.canvas = new BX.Canvas(); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeSize", BX.delegate(function(params, changeCoeff) { var props = params.props, style = { width : parseInt(params.style.width.replace('px', '')), height : parseInt(params.style.height.replace('px', '')) }, cover = BX.pos(this.canvas.getCanvas().parentNode.parentNode), cover1 = { style : params.style }, ratio, coeff = 0, cnv = this.canvas.getCanvas(); if (changeCoeff == true) { if (style.height > cover.height || style.width > cover.width) { ratio = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(props, cover, "inscribed"); coeff = ratio.coeff; if (!cnv.hasAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real")) cnv.setAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real", cnv.getAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio")); cnv.setAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio", coeff); } else if (cnv.hasAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real")) { coeff = cnv.getAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real"); cnv.setAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio", coeff); cnv.removeAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real"); } if (coeff > 0) return this.canvas.setProps(props, false); } var top = Math.ceil((cover.height - style.height) / 2), left = Math.ceil((cover.width - style.width) / 2), right = (cover.width - left - style.width), cover2 = { style : { paddingTop : top + 'px', paddingBottom : (cover.height - top - style.height) + 'px', paddingLeft : left + 'px', paddingRight : right + 'px' } }; BX.adjust(this.canvas.getCanvas().parentNode, cover1); BX.adjust(this.canvas.getCanvas().parentNode.parentNode, cover2); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChangeCanvas", BX.delegate(function(ratio) { this.canvas.getCanvas().removeAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio-real"); var props = ratio.destin, padding = {}, width = Math.max(props.width, this.previewSize.minWidth), height = Math.max(props.height, this.previewSize.minHeight); padding.left = Math.ceil((width - props.width) / 2); padding.right = width - padding.left - props.width; padding.top = Math.ceil((height - props.height) / 2); padding.bottom = height - padding.top - props.height; BX.adjust(this.canvas.getCanvas().parentNode.parentNode, { style : { padding : '' + padding.top + 'px ' + padding.right + 'px ' + padding.bottom + 'px ' + padding.left + 'px' } } ); }, this)); this.popup = null; return this; }; BX.CanvasEditor.prototype = { onApply : function() { this.canvas.apply(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onApplyCanvas", [this.canvas.orig, FormToArray(BX(this.id + 'params'))]); }, onCancel : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCancelCanvas", [this.canvas.orig]); }, onDelete : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onDeleteCanvas", [this.canvas.orig]); }, showEditor : function(canvas, params) { params = (!!params && typeof params == "object" ? params : {template : params}); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onBeforeShow"); var res = BX.GetWindowInnerSize(); if (res.innerWidth < this.previewSize.width) this.previewSize.width = res.innerWidth; if (res.innerHeight * 0.8 < (this.previewSize.height)) this.previewSize.height = res.innerHeight * 0.8; if (this.popup === null) { var ratio = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(canvas, this.previewSize, "inscribed"); var editorNode = BX.create("DIV", { attrs : { id : this.id + 'Proper', className : "bxu-edit-popup" }, style : { display : "none" }, html : [ '<div class="bxu-edit-top"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-name" id="', this.id, 'title">', BX.util.htmlspecialchars(params["title"]), '</span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-cls" id="', this.id, 'close"></span> \ </div> \ <div class="bxu-edit-img-wrap">\ <div class="bxu-edit-img-wrap-in" style="position:relative; margin:0;padding:0;border:none;"> \ <div style="position:relative; margin:0;padding:0;border:none;"> \ <canvas id="', this.id, 'canvas" width="', ratio.destin.width, '" height="', ratio.destin.height, '"><canvas> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="bxu-edit-btn-block"> \ <div class="bxu-edit-btn-wrap"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-turn-l" id="', this.id, 'turn-l', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_TURN_L"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-turn-r" id="', this.id, 'turn-r', '"title="', BX.message("CANVAS_TURN_R"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-flip-v" id="', this.id, 'flip-v', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_FLIP_V"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-flip-h" id="', this.id, 'flip-h', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_FLIP_H"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-crop" id="', this.id, 'crop', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_CROP"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-grayscale" id="', this.id, 'grayscale', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_GRAYSCALE"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn bxu-edit-btn-sign" id="', this.id, 'sign', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_SIGN"),'"> \ <span class="bxu-edit-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ </div> \ <div class="bxu-edit-inp-wrap"> \ <form onsubmit="return false;" id="', this.id , 'params">', (params["template"] || ''), '</form> \ </div> \ </div>'].join("") }); var func = BX.delegate(function() { BX(this.id + 'canvas').parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas.cnv, BX(this.id + 'canvas')); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'turn-l'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.rotate(false); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'turn-r'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.rotate(true); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'flip-v'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.flip(false); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'flip-h'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.flip(true); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'crop'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.crop(BX.proxy_context); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'grayscale'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.blackAndWhite(); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'sign'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.poster(BX.proxy_context); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'close'), "click", BX.proxy(this.popup.close, this.popup)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'params'), "submit", BX.proxy(this.onApply, this)); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupShow", func); }, this), func3 = BX.delegate(this.onCancel, this); this.popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup' + this.id, null, { className : "bxu-popup", autoHide : false, lightShadow : true, closeIcon : false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex : 1, content : editorNode, overlay : {}, events : { onPopupClose : BX.delegate( function(){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onClose", [this]); this.canvas.reset(); }, this ) }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_OK'), className : "", events : { click : BX.delegate(function(){ this.onApply(); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupClose", func3); this.popup.close(); }, this) } } ) , new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_CANCEL'), className : "", events : { click : BX.delegate(function(){ this.popup.close(); }, this) } } ) //, new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_DELETE'), className : "", events : { click : BX.delegate(this.onDelete, this) } } ) ] } ); BX.addCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupShow", func); BX.addCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupClose", func3); } var func2 = BX.delegate(function(){ if (canvas != null) this.copyCanvas(canvas); BX(this.id + 'params').innerHTML = (params["template"] || ''); if (!!params["template"]) { BX.defer_proxy(function(){ var form = BX(this.id + 'params'); if (!!form) { for (var ii = 0; ii < form.elements.length; ii++) { if (form.elements[ii].type.toUpperCase() == "TEXT" || form.elements[ii].tagName.toUpperCase() == "TEXTAREA") { BX.focus(form.elements[ii]); break; } } } }, this)(); } BX(this.id + 'title').innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(params["title"] || ''); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onAfterPopupShow", func2); }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(this.popup, "onAfterPopupShow", func2); this.popup.show(); this.popup.adjustPosition(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onAfterShow"); return true; }, copyCanvas : function(canvas) { this.canvas.copy(canvas, this.previewSize); } }; BX.CanvasEditor.show = function(canvas, html, params) { var id = ""; if (typeof params == "string") id = params; else if (typeof params == "object") id = params["id"]; id = (typeof id === "string" && id.length > 0 ? id : "default"); if(!E[id]) E[id] = new BX.CanvasEditor(id); E[id].showEditor(canvas, html, params); return E[id]; }; BX.CanvasEditor.replaceCanvas = function(canvas, id) { id = (typeof id === "string" && id.length > 0 ? id : "default"); if(!!E[id]) E[id].copyCanvas(canvas); }; BX.Canvas = function() { this.cnv = null; this.ctx = null; this.init(); return this; }; BX.Canvas.prototype = { getVisFromReal : function(prop) { var c = this.cnv.getAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio"); return ((0 < c && c < 1) ? parseInt(c * prop) : prop); }, getRealFromVis : function(prop) { var c = this.cnv.getAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio"); return ((0 < c && c < 1) ? parseInt(prop / c) : prop); }, setStyles : function(props) { var p = {width : this.getRealFromVis(props.width), height : this.getRealFromVis(props.height)}, styles = {width : props.width + 'px', height : props.height + 'px'}; BX.adjust(this.cnv, {props : p, style : styles }); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeSize", [{props : p, style : styles }]) }, setProps : function(props, recalcCoeff) { var p = ({width : props.width, height : props.height}), styles = {width : this.getVisFromReal(props.width) + 'px', height : this.getVisFromReal(props.height) + 'px'}; BX.adjust(this.cnv, {props : p, style : styles }); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeSize", [{props : p, style : styles }, recalcCoeff]); }, getCanvas : function() { return this.cnv; }, init : function() { this.cnv = BX.create('CANVAS'); BX.adjust(this.cnv, { width : 100, height : 100 } ); this.ctx = this.cnv.getContext("2d"); this.initDnD(); return this.cnv; }, reset : function() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.cnv.width, this.cnv.height); BX.adjust(this.cnv, { width : 100, height : 100 } ); }, apply : function() { this.orig.width = this.cnv.width; this.orig.height = this.cnv.height; this.orig.ctx = this.orig.getContext("2d"); this.orig.ctx.drawImage(this.cnv, 0, 0); }, copy : function(canvas, params) { this.orig = canvas; params = (params || {}); params.width = (params.width > 0 ? params.width : 0); params.height = (params.height > 0 ? params.height : 0); var ratio = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(canvas, params, "inscribed"); this.cnv.setAttribute("bx-bxu-html-compression-ratio", ratio.coeff); this.setProps(canvas); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChangeCanvas", [ratio]); this.ctx = this.cnv.getContext("2d"); this.ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0); return this.cnv; }, poster : function(node) { if (!!this.posterPopup) this.posterPopup.close(); var res = BX.pos(node); this.posterPopup = new BX.PopupWindow('bx-poster-popup-' + node.id, node, { lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -3, className : "bxu-poster-popup", offsetLeft: Math.ceil(res.width / 2), autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, zIndex : BX.PopupWindow.defaultOptions.popupOverlayZindex - BX.PopupWindow.defaultOptions.popupZindex + 2, bindOptions: {position: "top"}, overlay : false, events : { onPopupClose : function() { this.destroy() }, onPopupDestroy : BX.proxy(function() { this.posterPopup = null; }, this) }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_OK'), events : { click : BX.delegate(function() { var msg = BX('posterPopupText' + node.id); if (!!msg && msg.value.length > 0) this.posterApply(msg.value); this.posterPopup.close(); }, this) } } ) , new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_CANCEL'), events : { click : BX.delegate(function(){this.posterPopup.close();}, this) } } ) ], content : ['<div class="bxu-poster-popup-dt">', BX.message("CANVAS_POSTER_SIGN"), '</div> \ <input type="text" id="posterPopupText', node.id,'" maxlength="255" value="" />'].join("") }); this.posterPopup.show(); this.posterPopup.setAngle({position:'bottom'}); this.posterPopup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = true; this.posterPopup.adjustPosition(); BX.focus(BX('posterPopupText' + node.id)); this.posterPopup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = false; }, posterApply : function(msg) { if (msg) { var size = Math.min(this.cnv.width, this.cnv.height) / 10; this.ctx.fillStyle = "black"; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.cnv.width, size); this.ctx.fillRect(0, this.cnv.height - 2 * size, this.cnv.width, 2 * size); this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, this.cnv.height); this.ctx.fillRect(this.cnv.width - size, 0, size, this.cnv.height); this.ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; var border = 5; this.ctx.strokeRect(size - border, size - border, this.cnv.width - (size * 2) + 2 * border, this.cnv.height - (size * 3) + 2 * border); this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.textAlign = "center"; this.ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; this.ctx.font = size + "px marketing"; this.ctx.fillText(msg, this.cnv.width / 2, this.cnv.height - size, this.cnv.width); } }, blackAndWhite : function() { var frame = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.cnv.width, this.cnv.height), v, i; for (i = 0; i < frame.data.length; i += 4) { v = (frame.data[i] + frame.data[i + 1] + frame.data[i + 2]) / 3; frame.data[i] = v; frame.data[i + 1] = v; frame.data[i + 2] = v; } this.ctx.putImageData(frame, 0, 0); }, flip : function(verticaly) { this.ctx.save(); if (verticaly) { this.ctx.scale(1, -1); this.ctx.translate(0, - this.cnv.height); } else { this.ctx.scale(-1, 1); this.ctx.translate(-this.cnv.width, 0); } this.ctx.drawImage(this.cnv, 0, 0); this.ctx.restore(); }, rotate : function(clockwise) { this.turn(this.cnv, this.ctx, clockwise); }, turn : function(cnv, ctx, clockwise) { var tmpCanvas = BX.create('CANVAS', {props : { width : cnv.width, height : cnv.height }, style : { display : "none" } } ); tmpCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(cnv, 0, 0); this.setProps({width : tmpCanvas.height, height : tmpCanvas.width}, true); ctx.save(); if (clockwise) ctx.translate(this.cnv.width, 0); else ctx.translate(0, this.cnv.height); var rad = Math.PI / 2 * (clockwise ? 1 : -1); ctx.rotate(rad); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); tmpCanvas = null; }, resize : function(ratio) { var tmpCanvas = BX.create('CANVAS', {props : { width : this.cnv.width, height : this.cnv.height }, style : { display : "none" } } ); tmpCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.cnv, 0, 0); this.cnv.width *= ratio; this.cnv.height *= ratio; this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.scale(ratio, ratio); this.ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0); this.ctx.restore(); tmpCanvas = null; }, _imageDropped : function(url, x, y, drawBorder) { var img = BX.create("IMG", { style : { display : "none" }, events : { load : BX.delegate(function() { var ratioX = (img.width > this.cnv.width / 3 ? (this.cnv.width / 3) / img.width : 1), ratioY = (img.height > this.cnv.height / 3 ? (this.cnv.height / 3) / img.height : 1), ratio = Math.min(ratioX, ratioY); this.cnv.save(); this.cnv.translate(x - img.width * ratio / 2, y - img.height * ratio / 2); this.cnv.scale(ratio, ratio); this.cnv.drawImage(img, 0, 0); if (drawBorder) { this.cnv.strokeStyle = "white"; this.cnv.lineWidth = 5 / ratio; this.cnv.strokeRect(0, 0, img.width, img.height); } this.cnv.restore(); document.body.removeChild(img); img = null; }, this) } }); img.src = url; document.body.appendChild(img); }, initDnD : function() { if (!!BX.DD && BX.type.isDomNode(this.cnv) && this.cnv.parentNode) { this.cnvDD = new BX.DD.dropFiles(this.cnv.canvas); if (this.cnvDD && this.cnvDD.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { BX.addCustomEvent(this.cnvDD, 'dragover', BX.preventDefault); BX.addCustomEvent(this.cnvDD, 'drop', BX.delegate(function(e) { BX.preventDefault(e); BX.fixEventPageXY(e); var dt = e.dataTransfer, x = e.pageX - this.cnv.canvas.offsetLeft - this.cnv.canvas.parentNode.offsetLeft, y = e.pageY - this.cnv.canvas.offsetTop - this.cnv.canvas.parentNode.offsetTop, files = dt.files; if (files.length == 0) { var type = "application/x-moz-file-promise-url"; if (dt.types.contains(type)) { this._imageDropped(dt.getData(type), x, y, false); } } else { var file = files[0], reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = BX.proxy(function(e) { this._imageDropped(e.target.result, x, y, true); reader = null; }, this); reader.readAsDataURL(file); } }, this)); } } }, cropParams : null, crop : function(button) { if (!!button) BX.addClass(button, "bxu-edit-btn-active"); var cropBox = BX.create("DIV", { attrs : { id : "crop" + this.id, className : "bx-bxu-canvas-crop-rectangle" }, style : { border : "3px dashed gray", position : "absolute", display : "none", zIndex : 1201 } } ); this.cropParams = { x : 0, y : 0, width : 0, height : 0, top : 0, left : 0, mousedown : BX.delegate(function(e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); if (e.layerX || e.layerX == 0) { this.cropParams.left = e.layerX; this.cropParams.top = e.layerY; } else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0) { this.cropParams.left = e.offsetX; this.cropParams.top = e.offsetY; } else { this.cropParams.top = e.pageX - this.cnv.pos["left"]; this.cropParams.left = e.pageY - this.cnv.pos["top"]; } this.cropParams["~top"] = this.cropParams.top; this.cropParams["~left"] = this.cropParams.left; this.cropParams.x = e.pageX; this.cropParams.y = e.pageY; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.cropParams.mousemove); }, this), mousemove : BX.delegate(function(e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); var x = e.pageX, y = e.pageY; this.cropParams.width = (x - this.cropParams.x); if (this.cropParams.width < 0) { this.cropParams.left = this.cropParams["~left"] + this.cropParams.width; this.cropParams.width *= -1; if (this.cropParams.left < 0) { this.cropParams.left = 0; this.cropParams.width = this.cropParams["~left"]; } } else { this.cropParams.left = this.cropParams["~left"]; if ((this.cropParams.left + this.cropParams.width) > this.cnv.pos.width) this.cropParams.width = this.cnv.pos.width - this.cropParams.left; } this.cropParams.height = y - this.cropParams.y; if (this.cropParams.height < 0) { this.cropParams.top = this.cropParams["~top"] + this.cropParams.height; this.cropParams.height *= -1; if (this.cropParams.top < 0) { this.cropParams.top = 0; this.cropParams.height = this.cropParams["~top"]; } } else { this.cropParams.top = this.cropParams["~top"]; if ((this.cropParams.top + this.cropParams.height) > this.cnv.pos.height) this.cropParams.height = this.cnv.pos.height - this.cropParams.top; } BX.adjust(cropBox, {style : { left : (this.cropParams.left + 'px'), top : (this.cropParams.top + 'px'), width : ((this.cropParams.width - (cropBox.borderLeft + cropBox.borderRight)) + 'px'), height : ((this.cropParams.height - (cropBox.borderTop + cropBox.borderBottom)) + 'px'), display : "block" }}); }, this), mouseup : BX.delegate(function(e) { BX.PreventDefault(e); if (this.cropParams.width > 0 && this.cropParams.height > 0) { var cnv = BX.create("CANVAS", { props : { width : this.cnv.width, height : this.cnv.height }, style : { display : "none" } } ); cnv.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.cnv, 0, 0); this.setStyles(this.cropParams); this.ctx.save(); this.ctx.drawImage(cnv, -this.getRealFromVis(this.cropParams["left"]), -this.getRealFromVis(this.cropParams["top"])); this.ctx.restore(); cnv = null; } this.cropParams.clear(e); }, this), clear : BX.delegate(function(e) { if (!!button) BX.removeClass(button, "bxu-edit-btn-active"); BX.unbind(this.cnv, "mousedown", this.cropParams.mousedown); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.cropParams.mousemove); BX.unbind(this.cnv, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); BX.unbind(cropBox, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); this.cnv.parentNode.style.position = this.cnv.parentNode.style._position; this.cnv.parentNode.removeChild(cropBox); cropBox = null; this.cropParams = null; }, this) }; BX.bind(this.cnv, "mousedown", this.cropParams.mousedown); BX.bind(this.cnv, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); BX.bind(cropBox, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.cropParams.mouseup); this.cnv.pos = BX.pos(this.cnv); this.cnv.parentNode.style._position = this.cnv.parentNode.style.position; this.cnv.parentNode.style.position = "relative"; this.cnv.parentNode.appendChild(cropBox); for (var ii = 0, i = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]; ii < i.length; ii++) { cropBox["b" + i[ii]] = parseInt(BX.style(cropBox, 'border-' + i[ii] + '-width')); cropBox["b" + i[ii]] = (!isNaN(cropBox["b" + i[ii]]) && cropBox["b" + i[ii]] > 0 ? cropBox["b" + i[ii]] : 0); } cropBox.borderLeft = cropBox["bleft"]; cropBox.borderTop = cropBox["btop"]; cropBox.borderRight = cropBox["bright"]; cropBox.borderBottom = cropBox["bbottom"]; } }; }(window));