Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_fileinput.js |
;(function() { window['BXDEBUG']=true; var BX = window.BX, repo = {}, thumbSize = 200; BX.namespace("BX.UI"); if (BX["UI"]["FileInput"]) return; BX["UI"]["FileInput"] = function(id, uploadParams, elementParams, values, template) { this.id = id; this.inited = false; this.uploadParams = (uploadParams || {}); this.uploadParams["urlUpload"] = '/bitrix/tools/upload.php?lang=' + BX.message("LANGUAGE_ID"); this.uploadParams["urlCloud"] = '/bitrix/admin/clouds_file_search.php?lang=' + BX.message("LANGUAGE_ID") + '&n='; this.uploadParams["maxCount"] = parseInt(this.uploadParams["maxCount"]) || 0; this.onUploadDoneCounter = parseInt(this.uploadParams["maxIndex"]); if (this.onUploadDoneCounter > 0) this.onUploadDoneCounter++; this.template = template; this.elementParams = elementParams; this.menu = []; this.agent = null; this.container = null; BX.ready(BX.proxy(function(){ this.init(values); }, this)); }; BX["UI"].FileInput.prototype = { init : function(values) { this.container = BX(this.id + '_block'); if (!this.container) { setTimeout(BX.proxy(function(){ this.init(values); }, this), 1000); return; } if (repo[this.id]) { if (repo[this.id].container === this.container) return; repo[this.id].destruct(); } if (!this.container["fileInputIsAppended"]) { this.container["fileInputIsAppended"] = 0; this.container.appendChild(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { className : "adm-fileinput-drag-area-input", type : "file", id : this.id + '_input', multiple : (this.uploadParams['maxCount'] !== 1), "data-fileinput" : "Y" } })); } if (!BX(this.id + '_input')) { this.container["fileInputIsAppended"]++; if (this.container["fileInputIsAppended"] < 100) setTimeout(BX.proxy(function(){ this.init(values); }, this), 500); return; } this.initFrameCounters(); this.agent = BX.Uploader.getInstance({ id : this.id, streams : 1, uploadMaxFilesize : (this.uploadParams["uploadType"] === "file" ? BX.message("phpUploadMaxFilesize") : this.uploadParams['maxSize']), allowUpload : this.uploadParams['allowUpload'], allowUploadExt : this.uploadParams['allowUploadExt'], uploadFormData : "N", uploadMethod : "immediate", uploadFileUrl : this.uploadParams["urlUpload"], showImage : true, sortItems : (this.uploadParams["allowSort"] === "Y"), deleteFileOnServer : false, pasteFileHashInForm : false, input : BX(this.id + '_input'), dropZone : BX(this.id + '_block'), placeHolder : BX(this.id + '_container'), thumb : { tagName : "DIV", className : "adm-fileinput-item-wrapper" }, fields : { thumb : { tagName : "DIV", template : this.template }, preview : { params : { width : thumbSize, height : thumbSize }, events : { } } } }); repo[this.id] = this; this.fileEvents = { onFileIsAttached : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsAttached, this), onFileIsAppended : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsAppended, this), onFileIsBound : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsBound, this), onFileIsReadyToFrame : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsReadyToFrame, this), onUploadProgress : BX.delegate(this.onUploadProgress, this), onUploadDone : BX.delegate(this.onUploadDone, this), onUploadError : BX.delegate(this.onUploadError, this), onUploadRestore : BX.delegate(this.onUploadRestore, this) }; this.agentEvents = { onAttachFiles : BX.delegate(this.onAttachFiles, this), onQueueIsChanged : BX.delegate(this.onQueueIsChanged, this), onFileIsCreated : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsCreated, this), onFileIsInited : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsInited, this), onFileIsReadyToFrame : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsReadyToFrame, this), onFilesPropsAreModified : BX.delegate(this.onFilesPropsAreModified, this), onFileIsFramed : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsFramed, this), onFilesAreFramed : BX.delegate(this.onFilesAreFramed, this), onBxDragStart : BX.delegate(this.onFileIsDragged, this), onError : BX.delegate(this.onError, this) }; if (this.uploadParams['upload']) { var signature = this.uploadParams['upload']; this.agentEvents["onPackageIsInitialized"] = BX.delegate(function(pack, raw) { pack.post.data['signature'] = signature; pack.post.size += ('signature' + signature).length; this.onUploadStart(raw); }, this); } for (ii in this.agentEvents) { if (this.agentEvents.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.addCustomEvent(this.agent, ii, this.agentEvents[ii]); } } /* if (false && this.uploadParams["uploadType"] == "file") { var isFile = function(file) { var res = Object.prototype.toString.call(file); return (res == '[object File]' || res == '[object Blob]'); }; BX.addCustomEvent(this.agent, "onFileIsAfterCreated", BX.proxy(function(item, being, itemStatus) { if (isFile(item.file)) { itemStatus.status = false; } }, this)); if (this.agent.form) { this.__onsubmit = BX.delegate(function(e) { try{ BX.unbind(this.agent.form, "submit", this.__onsubmit); var item, value; while((item = this.agent.getItems().getFirst()) && !!item && ((value = BX(item.id + 'Value')) && value) && (isFile(item.file))) { this.agent.form.delete(value.name); this.agent.form.append(value.name, item.file); this.agent.getItems().removeItem(item.id); } }catch (e){ } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this); BX.bind(this.agent.form, "submit", this.__onsubmit); } } */ if (values.length > 0) { var ar1 = [], ar2 = []; this.values = {}; for (var ii = 0; ii < values.length; ii++) { this.values[values[ii]['id']] = values[ii]; ar1.push(values[ii]); ar2.push(BX(values[ii]['id'] + 'Block')); } this.agent.onAttach(ar1, ar2, false); } this.initMenu(BX(this.id + '_add'), this.uploadParams); this.checkUploadControl(); // Adjust all styles BX[this.elementParams['delete'] !== true ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](this.container, "adm-fileinput-non-delete"); this.framedItems = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); if (BX(this.id + 'ThumbModePreview')) { BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'ThumbModePreview'), 'click', BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + '_mode'), 'mode-file'); BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + '_block'), 'mode-file'); BX.addClass(BX(this.id + '_mode'), 'mode-pict'); BX.addClass(BX(this.id + '_block'), 'mode-pict'); this.saveOptions('mode', 'mode-pict'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this)); } if (BX(this.id + 'ThumbModeNonPreview')) { BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'ThumbModeNonPreview'), 'click', BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + '_mode'), 'mode-pict'); BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + '_block'), 'mode-pict'); BX.addClass(BX(this.id + '_mode'), 'mode-file'); BX.addClass(BX(this.id + '_block'), 'mode-file'); this.saveOptions('mode', 'mode-file'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this)); } this.inited = true; }, destruct : function() { var ii; for (ii in this.agentEvents) { if (this.agentEvents.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.removeCustomEvent(this.agent, ii, this.agentEvents[ii]); } } this.agent.destruct(); this.deinitMenu(BX(this.id + '_add')); BX.remove(BX(this.id + '_input')); delete this.noticeNode; delete this.nativeNoticeMessage; delete this.container; delete this.framedItems; BX.unbindAll(BX(this.id + 'ThumbModePreview')); BX.unbindAll(BX(this.id + 'ThumbModeNonPreview')); this.agent = null; delete this.agent; delete repo[this.id]; }, checkUploadControl : function() { // drag&drop area if (!this['noticeNode']) { this.noticeNode = BX(this.id + 'Notice'); this.nativeNoticeMessage = BX(this.id + 'Notice').innerHTML; } var possibleClasses = "adm-fileinput-drag-area " + "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error " + "adm-fileinput-drag-notification-count " + "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error-permission " + "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error-count"; BX.removeClass(this.container, possibleClasses); if (!this.uploadParams['upload']) { this.noticeNode.innerHTML = BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_UPLOAD_DENIED"); BX.addClass(this.container, "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error adm-fileinput-drag-area-error-permission"); } else if (this.uploadParams["maxCount"] <= 0 || this.uploadParams["maxCount"] > this.agent.getItems().length) { this.noticeNode.innerHTML = this.nativeNoticeMessage; BX.addClass(this.container, "adm-fileinput-drag-area"); } else if (this.uploadParams["maxCount"] === this.agent.getItems().length) { this.noticeNode.innerHTML = BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_TOO_MANY_FILES2"); BX.addClass(this.container, "adm-fileinput-drag-area adm-fileinput-drag-notification-count"); } else { this.noticeNode.innerHTML = BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_TOO_MANY_FILES3"); BX.addClass(this.container, "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error adm-fileinput-drag-area-error-count"); } }, saveOptions : function(name, value) { BX.userOptions.save('main', 'fileinput', name, value); }, initMenu : function(node, uploadParams) { node = BX(node); if (!node || node.OPENER) return; this.initMenuCounter = (this.initMenuCounter || 0) + 1; var inputID, menu = []; if (uploadParams['upload']) { inputID = this.id + '_menu' + this.initMenuCounter; menu.push({ ID : "upload", HTML : BX.message("JS_CORE_FILE_UPLOAD") + '<input type="file" id="' + inputID + '"' + ' class="adm-fileinput-area-input" />', GLOBAL_ICON: "adm-menu-upload-pc"}); } if (uploadParams['medialib'] || uploadParams['file_dialog']) { menu.push({ TEXT: BX.message('JS_CORE_FILE_INSERT_PATH'), ONCLICK: BX.proxy(this.handlerFilePath, this), GLOBAL_ICON: "adm-menu-download" }); } if (menu.length > 0) { menu.push({SEPARATOR : true}); } if (uploadParams['medialib']) { menu.push({ TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FILE_MEDIALIB"), GLOBAL_ICON : "adm-menu-upload-medialib", ONCLICK : uploadParams['medialib']['click'] + "()"}); window[uploadParams['medialib']['handler']] = BX.delegate(this.handlerMedialib, this); } if (uploadParams['fileDialog']) { menu.push({TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FILE_SITE"), GLOBAL_ICON : "adm-menu-upload-site", ONCLICK : uploadParams['fileDialog']['click'] + "()"}); window[uploadParams['fileDialog']['handler']] = BX.delegate(this.handlerFileDialog, this); } if (uploadParams['cloud']) { this.__cloudClick = BX.delegate(this.clickCloudPoint, this); menu.push({TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FILE_CLOUD"), GLOBAL_ICON : "adm-menu-upload-cloud", ONCLICK : this.__cloudClick}); } if (uploadParams['menu'] && BX.type.isArray(uploadParams['menu'])) { menu.push({SEPARATOR : true}); for (var ii = 0; ii <= uploadParams['menu'].length; ii++) { menu.push(uploadParams['menu']); } menu.push({SEPARATOR : true}); } else if (uploadParams['medialib'] || uploadParams['file_dialog'] || uploadParams['cloud']) { menu.push({SEPARATOR : true}); } if (menu.length > 0 && this.agent.dialogName == "BX.Uploader") { menu.push({ GLOBAL_ICON : "adm-menu-crop", TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_FRAME_Y"), ONCLICK : BX.delegate(this.frameFiles, this), CHECKED : (this.uploadParams["frameFiles"] == "Y") }); } if (this.elementParams["edit"] && this.elementParams["description"] !== false) { menu.push({ TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_PIN_DESCRIPTION"), ONCLICK : BX.delegate(this.pinDescription, this), CHECKED : (this.uploadParams["pinDescription"] == "Y") }); } if (this.elementParams["delete"]) { menu.push({ TEXT : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_CLEAR"), ONCLICK : BX.delegate(this.deleteFiles, this), GLOBAL_ICON : "adm-menu-delete" }); } if (menu.length > 0) { node.OPENER = new BX.COpener({ DIV: node, TYPE: 'click', MENU: menu, ACTIVE_CLASS: 'adm-btn-active' }); if (inputID) { node.__onOpenerMenuOpen = BX.delegate(function() { BX.adjust(BX(inputID).parentNode, { style : { position : "relative" } } ); this.agent.init(BX(inputID)); BX.removeCustomEvent(node.OPENER, 'onOpenerMenuOpen', node.__onOpenerMenuOpen); }, this); BX.addCustomEvent(node.OPENER, 'onOpenerMenuOpen', node.__onOpenerMenuOpen); } } }, deinitMenu : function(node) { node = BX(node); if (!node || !node.OPENER) return; BX.removeCustomEvent(node.OPENER, 'onOpenerMenuOpen', node.__onOpenerMenuOpen); BX.unbindAll(node.OPENER.DIV); delete node.OPENER.DIV; delete node.OPENER; }, handlerFilePathPopup : null, handlerFilePath : function(data) { if (BX.type.isArray(data)) { var result = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < data.length; ii++) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(data[ii])) { result.push({tmp_url : BX.util.htmlspecialchars(data[ii]), real_url : decodeURIComponent(data[ii])}); } } this.agent.onAttach(result, {}); } else { this.handlerFilePathPopup = (this.handlerFilePathPopup || new filePath(this.id + 'filePath', { onApply : BX.delegate(this.handlerFilePath, this) }, this.uploadParams['maxCount'])); this.handlerFilePathPopup.show(); } }, handlerMedialib : function(data) { if (!BX.type.isArray(data)) data = [data]; var result = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < data.length; ii++) { if (data[ii]) { result.push({ name : BX.UploaderUtils.getFileNameOnly(data[ii]['src']), description : data[ii]['description'], type : data[ii]['type'] + '/medialib', size : data[ii]['file_size'], sizeFormatted : data[ii]['file_size'], tmp_url : data[ii]['src'], real_url : data[ii]['src'] }); } } this.agent.onAttach(result, result); }, handlerFileDialog : function(name, path) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(name) && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(path)) { var file = { name : name, type : (BX.UploaderUtils.isImageExt((name || '').lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.')+1) : '') ? 'image' : 'notimage') + '/filedialog', tmp_url : path + '/' + name, real_url : path + '/' + name }; this.agent.onAttach([file], [file]); } }, clickCloudPointPath : '/bitrix/admin/clouds_file_search.php?lang=' + BX.message("LANGUAGE_ID") + '&n=undefined', clickCloudPointBound : false, clickCloudPoint : function() { if (this.clickCloudPointBound === false) { BX.addCustomEvent("onCloudFileIsChosen", BX.delegate(this.clickCloudPointChange, this)); this.clickCloudPointBound = true; } BX.util.popup(this.clickCloudPointPath, 710, 600); }, clickCloudPointChange : function(path) { var name = BX.UploaderUtils.getFileNameOnly(path); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(path)) { var file = { name : name, type : (BX.UploaderUtils.isImageExt((name || '').lastIndexOf('.') > 0 ? name.substr(name.lastIndexOf('.')+1) : '') ? 'image' : 'notimage') + '/cloudfile', tmp_url : path }; this.agent.onAttach([file], [file]); } }, frameFlags : { hasNew : false, active : false, preparing : false, ready : false }, framedItems : null, frameFiles : function(activeId) { if (activeId && !BX.type.isNumber(activeId) && activeId["type"] == "click") { this.uploadParams["frameFiles"] = (this.uploadParams["frameFiles"] == "Y" ? "N" : "Y"); this.saveOptions("frameFiles", this.uploadParams["frameFiles"]); if (this.uploadParams["frameFiles"] == "N") return false; } if (this.frameFlags.active === true && (activeId || this.frameFlags.hasNew)) { try { if(!this['__frameFiles']) { this['__frameFiles'] = BX.delegate(function() { BX.removeCustomEvent(this, "onFilesCanBeFramed", this.__frameFiles); if(this.frameFilesWaitPopup) this.frameFilesWaitPopup.close(); this.framedItems = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); if(!this.frameFilesBound) { this.frameFilesBound = true; BX.addCustomEvent(frameMaster, "onDeleteItem", BX.delegate(function(item) { this.deleteFile(item); }, this)); } this.frameFlags.hasNew = false; var p = BX.clone(this.uploadParams, true); p["description"] = this.elementParams["description"]; frameMaster.start(this.agent, (activeId || this.counters.newItemId), p); this['__frameFiles'] = null; delete this['__frameFiles']; }, this); } BX.removeCustomEvent(this, "onFilesCanBeFramed", this['__frameFiles']); if (this.frameFlags.ready === true) { this.__frameFiles(); } else { this.frameFilesWait(); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onFilesCanBeFramed", this.__frameFiles); } } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } return true; }, pinDescription : function(e) { this.uploadParams["pinDescription"] = (this.uploadParams["pinDescription"] == "Y" ? "N" : "Y"); this.saveOptions("pinDescription", this.uploadParams["pinDescription"]); if (this.uploadParams["pinDescription"] == "Y") { if (!BX.hasClass(BX(this.id + "_block"), "mode-with-description")) BX.addClass(BX(this.id + "_block"), "mode-with-description"); } else { BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + "_block"), "mode-with-description"); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, frameFilesWaitPopup : null, frameFilesWait : function() { if (this.frameFilesWaitPopup == null) { this.frameFilesWaitPopup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup-frame-wait' + this.id, null, { autoHide : true, titleBar: BX.message("JS_CORE_LOADING"), contentColor : 'white', closeIcon : true, closeByEsc : true, zIndex : getZIndex(1), content : '<span class="adm-photoeditor-popup-frame-wait"><span></span>' + BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_FRAME_IS_LOADING") + '</span>', overlay : {}, events : { onPopupClose : BX.proxy(function() { BX.removeCustomEvent(this, "onFilesCanBeFramed", this.__frameFiles)}, this) }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( { text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : BX.delegate(function() { this.frameFilesWaitPopup.close(); }, this) } } ) ] } ); } this.frameFilesWaitPopup.show(); }, initFrameCounters : function() { this.counters = { images : { created : new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(), ready : new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash() }, uploaded : new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(), // files : { created : [], ready : [] }, newItemOrder : 0, newItemId : 0 }; }, incrementFrameCounter : function(id, item) { if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { if (this.values && this.values[item.id]) { this.counters.uploaded.setItem(id, item.dialogName); } else if (!this.counters.uploaded.hasItem(id) || this.counters.uploaded.getItem(id) !== item.dialogName) { if (this.frameFlags.hasNew !== true) { this.frameFlags.hasNew = true; this.counters.newItemOrder = this.counters.images.created.length; this.counters.newItemId = id; } } item.canvasIsReady = false; this.frameFlags.active = true; this.frameFlags.ready = false; this.counters.images.created.setItem(id, id); } }, decrementFrameCounters : function(id, item) { if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { this.counters.images.created.removeItem(id); this.counters.images.ready.removeItem(id); //this.counters.uploaded.removeItem(id); this.frameFlags.active = (this.counters.images.created.length > 0); } }, amountFrameCounter : function(id, item) { if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { item.canvasIsReady = true; if (this.counters.uploaded.hasItem(id)) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.agent, "onFileIsReadyToFrame", [id, item]); } } }, onFileIsReadyToFrame : function(id, item) { if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage" && this.counters.images.created.hasItem(id)) { this.counters.images.ready.setItem(id, id); this.frameFlags.ready = (this.counters.images.created.length == this.counters.images.ready.length); if (this.frameFlags.ready) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onFilesCanBeFramed", [this]); } } }, deleteFiles : function() { var items = this.agent.getItems(), item; while ((item = items.getFirst()) && item) { this.deleteFile(item, true); } }, onQueueIsChanged : function() { if (this.inited === true && this.uploadParams['maxCount'] > 0) { this.checkUploadControl(); } }, onAttachFiles : function(files) { var error = false; if(files && this.inited === true && this.uploadParams['maxCount'] > 0) { if (this.uploadParams['maxCount'] == 1 && files.length > 0) { while (this.agent.getItems().length > 0) this.deleteFile(this.agent.getItems().getFirst(), true); while (files.length > 1) files.pop(); } var acceptableL = this.uploadParams['maxCount'] - this.agent.getItems().length; acceptableL = (acceptableL > 0 ? acceptableL : 0); while (files.length > acceptableL) { files.pop(); error = true; } } if (error) { this.onError(BX.message('JS_CORE_FI_TOO_MANY_FILES').replace('#amount#', this.uploadParams['maxCount']), true); } return files; }, onFileIsCreated : function(id, item) { if (this.inited === true) item.IND = this.onUploadDoneCounter++; if (item.file["preview_url"] && item.file["width"] > 0 && item.file["height"] > 0) { BX.addCustomEvent(item, "onFileCanvasIsLoaded", BX.proxy(function(/*id, it, ag, image*/) { item.file["tmp_url"] = item.file["~tmp_url"]; delete item.file["~tmp_url"]; item.file["width"] = item.file["~width"]; item.file["height"] = item.file["~height"]; delete item.file["~width"]; delete item.file["~height"]; item.canvasIsLoaded = true; this.replaceHint(item); }, this)); item.file["~tmp_url"] = item.file["tmp_url"]; item.file["tmp_url"] = item.file["preview_url"]; item.file["~width"] = item.file["width"]; item.file["~height"] = item.file["height"]; delete item.file["preview_url"]; } else if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { BX.addCustomEvent(item, "onFileCanvasIsLoaded", BX.proxy(function(/*id, it, ag, image*/) { item.canvasIsLoaded = true; this.replaceHint(item); }, this)); } item.description = (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(item.file["description"]) ? item.file["description"] : ""); this.incrementFrameCounter(id, item); for (var ii in this['fileEvents']) { if (this['fileEvents'].hasOwnProperty(ii)) { if (this['fileEvents'][ii]) { BX.addCustomEvent(item, ii, this.fileEvents[ii]); } } } }, onFileIsInited : function(id, item) { this.amountFrameCounter(id, item); }, onFileIsAppended : function(id, item) { this.bindFile(item); }, onFileIsBound : function(id, item) { this.bindFile(item); }, onFileIsAttached : function(id, item) { if (item.file["sizeFormatted"]) { item.size = item.file["sizeFormatted"]; delete item.file["sizeFormatted"]; } this.bindFile(item); if (item.file['tmp_url']) this.onUploadDone(item, {file : {uploadId : item.file.tmp_url}}); }, onFilesPropsAreModified : function(id, item, props) { if (props) { item.description = props.description; if (BX(item.id + 'Description')) BX(item.id + 'Description').value = item.description; } }, onFileIsFramed : function(id, item, canvas, file) { if (canvas.width != item.canvas.width || canvas.height != item.canvas.height) { BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height} }); } else { BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : item.canvas.width - 1} }); BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : item.canvas.width + 1} }); } item.canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, item.canvas.width, item.canvas.height ); item.file = file; this.framedItems.setItem(item.id, item); }, onFilesAreFramed : function() { if (this.framedItems && this.framedItems.length > 0) { if (this.uploadParams["uploadType"] == "file") { } else { this.agent.restoreItems(this.framedItems, true, true); this.agent.submit(); } } }, onFileIsDragged : function(item, node) { if (BX.hasClass(BX(this.id + '_block'), 'mode-file')) { BX.addClass(node, 'mode-file'); } }, onUploadStart : function(raw) { if (raw.length > 0) { var node, item, ii; for (ii in raw["items"]) { if (raw["items"].hasOwnProperty(ii)) { item = raw["items"][ii]; node = (this.agent.getItem(item.id) || {node: false}).node; if (node && !BX.hasClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-uploading")) BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-uploading"); } } } }, onUploadProgress : function(item, progress) { var node = this.agent.getItem(item.id).node; if (!node.hasAttribute("bx-progress-bound")) { node.setAttribute("bx-progress-bound", "Y"); BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-uploading"); } progress = (progress < 5 ? 5 : (progress > 100 ? 100 : progress)); progress = Math.ceil(progress); if(BX(item.id + 'Progress', true)) { BX(item.id + 'Progress', true).style.width = progress + '%'; } }, onUploadDoneCounter : 0, replaceInput : function(item, data) { var node = this.agent.getItem(item.id).node, input_name = node["__replaceInputName"], id = item.id + 'Value', input = BX.findChild(node, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : {id : id}}, true), tmp, file = (data && data['file'] && data['file']['files'] && data['file']['files']['default'] ? data['file']['files']['default'] : false); if (!input_name) input_name = node["__replaceInputName"] = input.name; if (file) { input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name + '[name]', id : input.id, value : item.name }}), input); input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name + '[type]', value : file['type'] }}), input); input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name + '[tmp_name]', value : file['path'] }}), input); input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name + '[size]', value : file['size'] }}), input); input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name + '[error]', value : 0 }}), input); } else { input.parentNode.insertBefore(BX.create("INPUT", { attrs : { type : "hidden", name : input_name, id : input.id, value : data['file']['uploadId'] }}), input); } while (BX(input) && input.name.indexOf(input_name) === 0) { tmp = input.nextSibling; BX.remove(input); input = tmp; } if (this.uploadParams["maxCount"] <= 1) { var n = BX.findChild(this.agent.form, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : {name : (input_name)}}, false); if (n) { BX.adjust(n, { attrs : { disabled : true }}); var nDelName = input_name + '_del'; if (input_name.indexOf('[') > 0) nDelName = input_name.substr(0, input_name.indexOf('[')) + '_del' + input_name.substr(input_name.indexOf('[')); n = BX.findChild(this.agent.form, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : {name : nDelName}}, false); if (n) BX.adjust(n, { attrs : { disabled : true } } ); } } }, onUploadDone : function(it, data) { var pointer = this.agent.getItem(it.id), item = pointer.item, node = pointer.node; if (item && BX(node)) { var file = (data && data['file'] && data['file']['files'] && data['file']['files']['default'] ? data['file']['files']['default'] : false); this.counters.uploaded.setItem(item.id, item.dialogName); if (file && (file["wasChangedOnServer"] === true || (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") !== BX.UploaderUtils.isImage(file["name"], file["type"], file["size"]))) { this.replaceItem(item, file, node); } else if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { this.amountFrameCounter(item.id, item); } this.replaceInput(item, data); if (node.firstChild && BX.hasClass(node.firstChild, "adm-fileinput-item-saved")) BX.removeClass(node.firstChild, "adm-fileinput-item-saved"); node.removeAttribute("bx-progress-bound"); BX.removeClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-uploading"); if (this.uploadParams["frameFiles"] == "Y") this.frameFiles(); } }, onUploadError : function(item, data) { var node = this.agent.getItem(item.id).node; node.removeAttribute("bx-progress-bound"); BX.removeClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-uploading adm-fileinput-item-image"); BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-error"); if (data && data["error"]) { node = BX(item.id + 'ErrorText'); if (!node) { node = BX.create('SPAN', { attrs : { id : item.id + 'ErrorText' , className : 'container-doc-error' } } ); BX(item.id + 'Name').parentNode.appendChild(node); } node.innerHTML = data["error"]; } }, onUploadRestore : function () { }, onError : function(errorText, errorModal) { BX.addClass(this.agent.placeHolder, "adm-fileinput-drag-area-error"); if (errorModal === true) { alert(errorText); } else { BX.debug(errorText); } }, bindFile : function(item) { var id = item.id, node = this.agent.getItem(item.id).node; if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { BX.removeClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-file"); BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-image"); } else { BX.removeClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-image"); BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-file"); } if (node && !node.hasAttribute("bx-bound-editor")) { node.setAttribute("bx-bound-editor", "Y"); if (this.agent.dialogName == "BX.UploaderSimple") { BX.bind(node, "dblclick", BX.delegate(function(e){ var pointer = this.agent.getItem(item.id); if (pointer && pointer.item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { var url = (pointer.item.file['real_url'] || pointer.item.file['tmp_url']); if (url) BX.util.popup(url); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this)); } else if (this.elementParams["edit"]) { BX.bind(node, "dblclick", BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); var pointer = this.agent.getItem(item.id); if (pointer && pointer.item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { this.frameFiles(item.id); } }, this)); } } if (BX(id + 'Edit') && !BX(id + 'Edit').hasAttribute("bx-bound")) { BX(id + 'Edit').setAttribute("bx-bound", "Y"); if (this.elementParams["edit"]) { BX.bind(BX(id + 'Edit'), "click", BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); var pointer = this.agent.getItem(item.id); if (pointer && pointer.item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { this.frameFiles(item.id); } }, this)); } else { BX.hide(BX(id + 'Edit')); } } if (BX(id + 'Del') && !BX(id + 'Del').hasAttribute("bx-bound")) { BX(id + 'Del').setAttribute("bx-bound", "Y"); BX.bind(BX(id + 'Del'), "click", BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); this.deleteFile(item); }, this)); } if (BX(id + 'Description') && !BX(id + 'Description').hasAttribute("bx-bound")) { BX(id + 'Description').setAttribute("bx-bound", "Y"); BX.bind(BX(id + 'Description'), "click", BX.delegate(function(e){ BX.defer_proxy(function(){ BX.focus(BX(id + 'Description')); })(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(id + 'Description'), "blur", function(){ item.description = BX(id + 'Description').value; } ); } this.replaceHint(item); }, replaceHint : function(item) { var id = item.id, node = this.agent.getItem(item.id).node; if (node.hint) node.hint.Destroy(); var hint = '<span class="adm-fileinput-drag-area-popup-title">' + BX.util.htmlspecialchars(item.name) + '</span>'; if (item.size) hint += '<span class="adm-fileinput-drag-area-popup-param">' + BX.message('JS_CORE_FILE_INFO_SIZE') + ': <span>' + item.size + '</span></span>'; if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { var text = '' ; if (item.file["width"] > 0 && item.file["height"] > 0) { text = item.file.width + 'x' + item.file.height; } else if (item.canvasIsLoaded && item.canvas) { text = item.canvas.width + 'x' + item.canvas.height; } if (text != '') hint += '<span class="adm-fileinput-drag-area-popup-param">' + BX.message('JS_CORE_FILE_INFO_DIM') + ': <span>' + text + '</span></span>'; } if (item.description == undefined) item.description = (BX(id + 'Description') && BX(id + 'Description').value ? BX(id + 'Description').value : ''); if (item.description) hint += '<span class="adm-fileinput-drag-area-popup-param">' + BX.message('JS_CORE_FILE_DESCRIPTION') + ': <span>' + item.description + '</span></span>'; var path = item["file"] ? (item["file"]["real_url"] || item["file"]["tmp_url"]) : ''; if (path) { path = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(path); hint += '<span class="adm-fileinput-drag-area-popup-param">' + BX.message('JS_CORE_FILE_INFO_LINK') + ': <span><a target="_blank" href="' + path.replace(/[%]/g, "%25") + '">' + path + '</a></span></span>'; } node.hint = new BX.CHint({ parent: node, show_timeout: 10, hide_timeout: 200, dx: -10, preventHide: true, min_width: 165, hint: hint }); }, replaceItem : function(item, file, thumb) { file['id'] = item['id']; item.replaced = true; this.deleteFile(item, true); thumb.removeAttribute("bx-bound-editor"); this.agent.onAttach([file], [thumb]); }, deleteFile : function(item, immediate) { var pointer = (item ? this.agent.getItem(item.id) : false); if (!pointer) return; item = pointer.item; this.decrementFrameCounters(item.id, item); for (var ii in this['fileEvents']) { if (this['fileEvents'].hasOwnProperty(ii)) BX.removeCustomEvent(item, ii, this['fileEvents'][ii]); } var node = pointer.node; if (node) { if (node.hint) node.hint.Destroy(); if (item.replaced !== true) BX.addClass(node, "adm-fileinput-item-remove"); } var name = (item['file']['input_name'] || node["__replaceInputName"]), nDelName = name + '_del'; if (name && name.indexOf('[') > 0) nDelName = name.substr(0, name.indexOf('[')) + '_del' + name.substr(name.indexOf('[')); if (item['file']['input_name']) { node = BX.create("INPUT", { props : { name : name, type : "hidden", value : item['file']['input_value']}}); this.agent.form.appendChild(node); node = BX.create("INPUT", { props : { name : nDelName, type : "hidden", value : "Y"}}); this.agent.form.appendChild(node); } else { var n = BX.findChild(this.agent.form, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : { name : name, disabled : true }}, false); if (n) { BX.adjust(n, { attrs : { disabled : false } } ); BX.adjust(BX.findChild(this.agent.form, {tagName : "INPUT", attr : { name : nDelName, disabled : true }}, false), { attrs : { disabled : false } } ); } } if (immediate !== true) setTimeout(function(){ item.deleteFile(); }, 500); else item.deleteFile(); }, destroy : function() { this.deleteFiles(); } }; BX["UI"].FileInput.getInstance = function(id) { return repo[id]; }; var filePath = function(id, events, maxCount) { this.single = parseInt(maxCount) === 1; this.id = id; this.number = 0; this.templateNode = [ '<div class="adm-fileinput-item-panel"', (this.single ? ' style="display: none;"' : ''), '>', '<span class="adm-fileinput-item-panel-btn adm-btn-del" id="#id#_#number#_del"> </span>', '</div>', '<div class="adm-fileinput-urls-item">', '<label for="#id#_#number#_path">', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_LINK"),'</label>', '<input id="#id#_#number#_path" type="text" value="" />', '</div>' ].join("").replace(/#id#/gi, this.id); var v1 = (this.number++); this.number++; this.template = [ '<div class="adm-fileinput-urls-container" id="#id#_container">', '<ol class="adm-fileinput-list adm-fileinput-urls" id="#id#_list">', '<li>', this.templateNode.replace(/#number#/gi, v1 + ''), '</li>', '</ol>', '<a href="#" id="#id#_add_point" class="adm-fileinput-item-add"', (this.single ? ' style="display:none"' : ''),'>', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_ADD_LINK"), '</a>', '<div style="clear:both;"></div>', '</div>'].join("").replace(/#id#/gi, this.id); if (events) { for (var ii in events) { if (events["hasOwnProperty"] && events.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { BX.addCustomEvent(this, ii, events[ii]); } } } this._onAfterShow = BX.delegate(this.onAfterShow, this); this._onApply = BX.delegate(this.onApply, this); this._onCancel = BX.delegate(this.onCancel, this); this._addRow = BX.delegate(this.addRow, this); this._delRow = BX.delegate(this.delRow, this); }; filePath.prototype = { popup : null, number : 0, addRow : function(e) { BX.PreventDefault(e); var list = BX(this.id + '_list'), v2 = (this.number++); if (list) { list.appendChild(BX.create('LI', {html : this.templateNode.replace(/#number#/gi, v2 + '')})); BX.defer_proxy(function(){ BX.bind(BX(this.id + '_' + v2 + '_del'), "click", this._delRow); this.bindFocus(); }, this)(); } return false; }, bindFocus : function() { var list = BX(this.id + '_list'); if (list && !this.single) { for (var ii = 0; ii < this.number; ii++) { if (BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path')) { BX.unbind(BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path'), "focus", this._addRow); } } for (ii = this.number; ii >= 0; ii--) { if (BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path')) { BX.bind(BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path'), "focus", this._addRow); break; } } } }, delRow : function() { var node = BX.proxy_context; if (BX(node)) { var li = BX.findParent(node, {tagName : "LI"}); if (BX(li)) { var rebuild = (li == li.parentNode.lastChild); BX.remove(li); if (rebuild) this.bindFocus(); } } }, onApply : function() { var list = BX(this.id + '_list'), result = [], v; if (list) { for (var ii = 0; ii <= this.number; ii++) { v = (BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path') ? BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_path').value : ''); if (v && v.length > 0) result.push(v); } } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onApply", [result, this]); this.onCancel(); }, onCancel : function() { this.popup.close(); this.popup.destroy(); this.popup = null; this.number = 0; }, onAfterShow : function() { BX.bind(BX(this.id + '_add_point'), "click", this._addRow); for (var ii = 0; ii <= this.number; ii++) { if (BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_del')) { BX.bind(BX(this.id + '_' + ii + '_del'), "click", this._delRow); } } this.bindFocus(); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onAfterPopupShow", this._onAfterShow); }, show : function() { if (this.popup === null) { var editorNode = BX.create("DIV", { attrs : {id : this.id + 'Proper'}, style : { display : "none" }, html : this.template }); this.popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup' + this.id, null, { autoHide : true, lightShadow : true, closeIcon : false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex : getZIndex(1), content : editorNode, overlay : {}, events : { onAfterPopupShow : this._onAfterShow }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_ADD"), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : this._onApply } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_CANCEL"), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : this._onCancel } } ) ] } ); } this.popup.show(); this.popup.adjustPosition(); } }; var FramePresetID = 0, FramePreset = function() { var d = function(params) { this.id = 'framePreset' + (FramePresetID++); this.onAfterShow = BX.delegate(this.onAfterShow, this); this.addRow = BX.delegate(this.addRow, this); this.delRow = BX.delegate(this.delRow, this); if (params) { this.init(params); } }; d.prototype = { active : null, id : 'framePreset0', values : [], valuesInner : [], popup : null, number : 0, maxLength : 10, getTemplateNode : function() { return [ '<li>', '<div class="adm-fileinput-item-panel">', '<span class="adm-fileinput-item-panel-btn adm-btn-del" id="#classId##id#_del"> </span>', '</div>', '<div class="adm-fileinput-presets-item">', '<input class="adm-fileinput-presets-title" id="presets_#id#__title_" name="presets[#id#][title]" type="text" value="#title#" placeholder="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_TITLE"), '" />', '<input class="adm-fileinput-presets-width" name="presets[#id#][width]" type="text" value="#width#" placeholder="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_WIDTH"), '" />', '<input class="adm-fileinput-presets-hight" name="presets[#id#][height]" type="text" value="#height#" placeholder="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_HEIGHT"), '" />', '</div>', '</li>' ].join("").replace(/#classId#/gi, this.id); }, getTemplate : function() { return [ '<div class="adm-fileinput-presets-container" id="#classId#_container">', '<form id="#classId#_form">', '<ol class="adm-fileinput-list adm-fileinput-presets" id="#classId#_list">', '#nodes#', '</ol>', '</form>', '<a href="#" id="#classId#_add_point" class="adm-fileinput-item-add">', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_ADD_PRESET"), '</a>', '<div style="clear:both;"></div>', '</div>' ].join(""); }, init : function(params) { this.values = []; this.length = 0; if (BX.type.isArray(params["presets"])) { var id; for (var ii = 0; ii < params["presets"].length; ii++) { id = this.values.length; this.values.push({id : id, title : params["presets"][ii]["title"], width : params["presets"][ii]["width"], height : params["presets"][ii]["height"]}); } this.length = this.values.length; this.setActive(params["presetActive"]); } }, setActive : function(id) { id = parseInt(id); this.activeId = this.values[id] ? id : 0; this.active = (this.values[this.activeId] || null); }, edit : function(params) { var node = BX.proxy_context, html = '', values = this.values; for (var ii = 0; ii < values.length; ii ++) { html += this.getTemplateNode() .replace(/#id#/gi, values[ii]["id"]) .replace(/#title#/gi, values[ii]["title"]) .replace(/#width#/gi, values[ii]["width"]) .replace(/#height#/gi, values[ii]["height"]); } if (this.values.length < this.maxLength && params && params["width"] && params["height"]) { html += this.getTemplateNode() .replace(/#id#/gi, ii) .replace(/#title#/gi, "") .replace(/#width#/gi, params["width"]) .replace(/#height#/gi, params["height"]); } if (!!this.popup) this.popup.close(); var res = BX.pos(node); this.popup = new BX.PopupWindow('bx-preset-popup-' + node.id, node, { lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -3, className : "bxu-poster-popup", offsetLeft: Math.ceil(res.width / 2), autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, zIndex : getZIndex(30 + BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupOverlayZindex") - BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupZindex")), bindOptions: {position: "top"}, overlay : false, events : { onAfterPopupShow : this.onAfterShow, onPopupClose : function() { this.destroy() }, onPopupDestroy : BX.proxy(function() { this.popup = null; }, this) }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_OK'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : BX.delegate(function() { var data = BX.UploaderUtils.FormToArray(BX(this.id + '_form')); this.onApply(data.data); this.popup.close(); }, this) } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : BX.delegate(function(){this.popup.close();}, this) } } ) ], content : this.getTemplate().replace(/#classId#/gi, this.id).replace(/#nodes#/i, html) }); this.popup.show(); this.popup.setAngle({position:'bottom'}); this.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = true; this.popup.adjustPosition(); BX.focus(BX('popupText' + node.id)); this.popup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = false; }, onAfterShow : function() { BX.bind(BX(this.id + "_add_point"), "click", this.addRow); var node, notEmpty = false; for (var ii = 0; ii < this.length; ii++) { node = BX(this.id + ii + "_del"); if (node) { BX.bind(node, "click", this.delRow); notEmpty = (notEmpty===false ? 0 : notEmpty) + 1; } } if (notEmpty === false) this.addRow(); this.checkAddButton(); if (BX('presets_' + ii + '__title_')) BX.focus(BX('presets_' + ii + '__title_')) }, checkAddButton : function() { var list = BX(this.id + '_list'), active = (this.maxLength > list.childNodes.length); if (active) BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + "_add_point"), "disabled"); else BX.addClass(BX(this.id + "_add_point"), "disabled"); return active; }, addRow : function(e) { BX.PreventDefault(e); var list = BX(this.id + '_list'), id; if (list && this.checkAddButton()) { id = this.length++; list.appendChild(BX.create('LI', {html : this.getTemplateNode() .replace(/^<li(.*?)>/gi, "") .replace(/<\/li(.*?)>$/gi, "") .replace(/#id#/gi, id) .replace(/#title#/gi, "") .replace(/#width#/gi, "") .replace(/#height#/gi, "") })); BX.defer_proxy(function(){ BX.bind(BX(this.id + id + "_del"), "click", this.delRow); }, this)(); } this.checkAddButton(); return false; }, delRow : function() { var node = BX.proxy_context; if (BX(node)) { var li = BX.findParent(node, {tagName : "LI"}); if (li) { BX.remove(li); } } this.checkAddButton(); }, onApply : function(data) { this.values = []; if (data && data["presets"]) { data["presets"] = BX.util.array_values(data["presets"]); for (var id, ii = 0; ii < data["presets"].length; ii++) { if (data["presets"][ii] && data["presets"][ii]["width"] > 0 && data["presets"][ii]["height"] > 0) { id = this.values.length; this.values.push({ id : id, width : data["presets"][ii]["width"], height : data["presets"][ii]["height"], title : (data["presets"][ii]["title"] || (data["presets"][ii]["width"] + 'x' + data["presets"][ii]["height"])) }); } } } this.save(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onApply", [this.values, this]); }, savedLastTime : '', save : function() { var sParam = ''; sParam += '&p[0][c]=main&p[0][n]=fileinput'; if (this.values.length > 0) { for (var jj, ii = 0; ii < this.values.length; ii++) { for (jj in this.values[ii]) { if (this.values[ii].hasOwnProperty(jj)) { if (jj != "id") sParam += "&p[0][v][presets][" + ii + "][" + jj + "]=" + BX.util.urlencode(this.values[ii][jj]); } } } } else { sParam += "&p[0][v][presets]="; } if (this.savedLastTime != sParam) { BX.ajax({ 'method': 'GET', 'dataType': 'html', 'processData': false, 'cache': false, 'url': BX.userOptions.path+sParam+'&sessid='+BX.bitrix_sessid() }); } }, getActive : function() { this.activeId = (this.values[this.activeId] ? this.activeId : 0); var res = this.values[this.activeId]; if (res) res["id"] = this.activeId; return (res || null); } }; return d; } (); var preset, cnv, FrameMaster = function(params) { this.params = params; this.preset = preset = (preset || new FramePreset(params)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.preset, "onApply", BX.delegate(this.onPresetsApply, this)); this.id = 'FM'; // TODO Generate some ID this.handlers = { show : BX.delegate(this.onShow, this), afterShow : BX.delegate(this.onAfterShow, this), close : BX.delegate(this.onClose, this), cancel : BX.delegate(this.onCancel, this), apply : BX.delegate(this.onApply, this) } }; FrameMaster.prototype = { id : '', canvas : null, description : null, agent : null, items : null, activeItem: null, popup : null, init : function(params) { if (params) { this.params = params; this.preset.init(params); } this.params = (this.params || {}); this.params["description"] = (this.params["description"] !== false); }, start : function(agent, activeId, params) { this.init(params); this.agent = agent; this.items = new BX.UploaderUtils.Hash(); cnv = (cnv || new BX.UploaderFileCnvConstr()); var items = this.agent.getItems(), item, id; items.reset(); while ((item = items.getNext()) && item) { if (item.dialogName == "BX.UploaderImage") { id = this.id + '_' + item.id; this.items.setItem(id , { id : id, item : item, canvas : item.canvas.cloneNode(true), file : null, props : { description : item.description } } ); if (activeId == item.id) activeId = id; } } if (this.items.length > 0) { this.activeItem = (this.items.hasItem(activeId) ? this.items.getItem(activeId) : this.items.getFirst()); this.showEditor(); } }, finish : function(save) { if (this.items !== null && this.agent !== null) { var item; this.items.reset(); while ((item = this.items.getNext()) && item) { if (save && item.props) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.agent, "onFilesPropsAreModified", [item.item.id, item.item, item.props]); } if (save && item.file) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.agent, "onFileIsFramed", [item.item.id, item.item, item.canvas, item.file]); } BX.remove(item.canvas); delete item.canvas; delete item.file; delete item.item; delete item.props; } BX.onCustomEvent(this.agent, "onFilesAreFramed", []); } this.agent = null; this.items = null; this.activeItem = null; }, onShow : function() { }, bindThumbItem : function(item) { var node = BX(item.id + 'EditorItemCanvas'); node.parentNode.replaceChild(item.canvas, node); BX.addClass(item.canvas, "adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-img"); item.canvas.setAttribute("id", item.id + 'EditorItemCanvas'); var i = 0, f = function(id) { i++; if (id) { if (i > 1) BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : item.item.canvas.width, height : item.item.canvas.height} }); BX.removeCustomEvent(item.item, "onFileIsInited", f); } item.canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(item.item.canvas, 0, 0); }; BX.addCustomEvent(item.item, "onFileIsInited", f); f(); BX.removeClass(BX(item.id + 'EditorItem'), "adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-wait"); BX.bind(BX(item.id + 'EditorItem'), "click", BX.proxy(function() { if (this.activeItem !== item) { this.setActiveItem(item); } }, this)); BX.bind(BX(item.id + 'EditorItemDelete'), "click", BX.proxy(function(e){ BX.PreventDefault(e); this.deleteItem(item);}, this)); }, deleteItem : function(item) { if (this.activeItem == item) { this.items.setPointer(item.id); var active = this.items.getNext(); if (active) this.setActiveItem(active); else this.clearActiveItem(); } BX.remove(BX(item.id + 'EditorItem')); item = this.items.removeItem(item.id); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onDeleteItem", [item.item]); }, saveActiveItem : function(canvas) { if (this.activeItem !== null) { var item = this.activeItem, res = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(canvas, {width : thumbSize, height : thumbSize}); if (res.destin.width != item.canvas.width || res.destin.height != item.canvas.height) { BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : res.destin }); } else { BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : item.canvas.width - 1} }); BX.adjust(item.canvas, { props : { width : item.canvas.width + 1} }); } item.canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, item.canvas.width, item.canvas.height ); var dataURI = canvas.toDataURL(item.item.file.type, 0.75); item.file = BX.UploaderUtils.dataURLToBlob(dataURI); item.file.width = canvas.width; item.file.height = canvas.height; } }, saveActiveItemChanges : function() { if (this.activeItem != null) { this.activeItem.props.description = this.description.value; if (this.canvas.changed === true) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChange", [this.canvas.getCanvas(), this.canvas]); } } return null; }, clearActiveItem : function() { this.activeItem = this.saveActiveItemChanges(); this.canvas.set(BX.create('CANVAS'), { props : { width : 100, height : 100 } }); this.description.value = ''; }, setActiveItem : function(item) { if (this.activeItem != item) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onActiveItemIsChanged", [item, this.activeItem]); BX.onCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onCropHasToBeHidden", []); BX.onCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onActiveItemIsChanged", []); if (this.activeItem !== null) { BX.removeClass(BX(this.activeItem.id + 'EditorItem'), "active"); } this.saveActiveItemChanges(); } if (!BX.hasClass(BX(item.id + 'EditorItem'), "active")) { BX.addClass(BX(item.id + 'EditorItem'), "active"); } this.activeItem = item; this.description.value = item.props.description; var file = (item.file || item.item.file); this.canvas.set(item.canvas, { props : { width : file.width, height : file.height } }); if (item.canvas.width != file.width || item.canvas.height != file.height) { item.__onload = BX.proxy(function(image) { if (this.activeItem == item) { BX.adjust(cnv.getCanvas(), { props : { width : image.width, height : image.height } } ); cnv.getContext().drawImage(image, 0, 0); this.canvas.set(cnv.getCanvas(), false); item.__onerror(); } }, this); item.__onerror = BX.proxy(function() { if (this.activeItem == item) { item.__onload = null; delete item.__onload; item.__onerror = null; delete item.__onerror; } }, this); BX.defer_proxy(function(){cnv.push(file, item.__onload, item.__onerror);})(); } }, onAfterShow : function() { try { this.bindTemplate(); } catch(e) { this['bindTemplateCounter'] = (this['bindTemplateCounter'] || 0) + 1; if (this['bindTemplateCounter'] < 10) { setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.onAfterShow, this), 500); } } var item; this.items.reset(); while ((item = this.items.getNext()) && item) { this.bindThumbItem(item); } this.canvas.setCancelNode(this.id + "cancel"); this.canvas.setMapCollapsed(this.id + "MapCollapsed"); this.setActiveItem(this.activeItem); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'turn-l'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.rotate(false); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'turn-r'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.rotate(true); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'flip-v'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.flip(false); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'flip-h'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.flip(true); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'crop'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.crop(BX.proxy_context); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'grayscale'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.blackAndWhite(); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'sign'), "click", BX.proxy(function(){ this.poster(BX.proxy_context); }, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator'), "mousedown", BX.proxy(this.canvas.scale, this.canvas)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidthPlus'), "mousedown", BX.proxy(function(){ this.increaseScale("width", true)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidthPlus'), "mouseup", BX.proxy(function(){ this.scaleChange("width", true)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth'), "focus", BX.proxy(function(){ this.startTraceScale("width"); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth'), "blur", BX.proxy(function(){ this.stopTraceScale("width"); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidthMinus'), "mousedown", BX.proxy(function(){ this.increaseScale("width", false)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleWidthMinus'), "mouseup", BX.proxy(function(){ this.scaleChange("width", false)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeightPlus'), "mousedown", BX.proxy(function(){ this.increaseScale("height", true)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeightPlus'), "mouseup", BX.proxy(function(){ this.scaleChange("height", true)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeight'), "focus", BX.proxy(function(){ this.startTraceScale("height"); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeight'), "blur", BX.proxy(function(){ this.stopTraceScale("height"); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeightMinus'), "mousedown", BX.proxy(function(){ this.increaseScale("height", false)}, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'scaleHeightMinus'), "mouseup", BX.proxy(function(){ this.scaleChange("height", false)}, this)); this.onPresetsApply(); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'presetsValues'), "change", BX.proxy(function() { this.preset.setActive(BX.proxy_context.value); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'presetInsert'), "click", BX.proxy(function() { BX(this.id + 'scaleChained').checked = true; var preset = this.preset.getActive(); if (preset) { this.canvas.scaleInit(BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator')); this.canvas.cropInsert(preset, BX(this.id + 'crop')); } }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'presetEdit'), "click", BX.proxy(this.preset.edit, this.preset)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onCropStart", BX.delegate(function(){ BX.removeClass(BX(this.id + 'presetSave'), "disabled"); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onCropFinish", BX.delegate(function(){ BX.addClass(BX(this.id + 'presetSave'), "disabled"); }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'presetSave'), "click", BX.proxy(function() { if (this.canvas.busy === true && this.canvas.cropObj) { this.preset.edit(this.canvas.cropObj.cropParams); } }, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'editorQueueUp'), "click", BX.proxy(this.up, this)); BX.bind(BX(this.id + 'editorQueueDown'), "click", BX.proxy(this.down, this)); }, onPresetsApply : function() { var node = BX(this.id + 'presetsValues'); if (node) { var presets = '', activePreset = this.preset.getActive(), ii; for (ii = 0; ii < this.preset.values.length; ii++) { presets += '<option value="' + ii + '" bx-width="' + this.preset.values[ii]['width'] + '" bx-height="' + this.preset.values[ii]['height'] + '"' + (ii == activePreset["id"] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') + '>' + preset.values[ii]['title'] + '(' + this.preset.values[ii]['width'] + 'x' + this.preset.values[ii]['height'] + ')</option>'; } node.innerHTML = presets; } }, onApply : function() { this.saveActiveItemChanges(); this.popup['onApplyFlag'] = true; this.popup.close(); }, onCancel : function() { this.popup.close(); }, onClose : function() { this.finish((this.popup['onApplyFlag'] === true)); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupShow", this.handlers.show); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onAfterPopupShow", this.handlers.afterShow); BX.removeCustomEvent(this.popup, "onPopupClose", this.handlers.close); BX.onCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onPopupClose", []); this.popup.destroy(); this.popup = null; this.slider = null; }, bindTemplate : function() { this.canvas = new CanvasMaster( this.id + 'editorActive', { block : BX(this.id + 'editorActiveBlock'), canvas : BX(this.id + 'editorActiveImageCanvas'), canvasBlock : BX(this.id + 'editorActiveImageBlock') } ); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onChange", BX.delegate(this.saveActiveItem, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onSetCanvas", BX.delegate(this.scaleChangeSize, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvas, "onScaleCanvas", BX.delegate(this.scaleChangeSize, this)); this.canvas.registerWheel(BX(this.id + 'editorActiveBlock')); this.description = BX(this.id + 'editorDescription'); }, getTemplate : function() { var thumbs=''; var iTemplate = [ /*jshint multistr: true */ '<div class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-wait" id="#id#EditorItem"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-sub"> \ <img src="', '/bitrix/images/1.gif', '" class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-space" /> \ <span id="#id#EditorItemCanvas"></span> \ <span id="#id#EditorItemDelete" class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-container-close"> </span> \ </div> \ </div>' ].join(''), item; this.items.reset(); while ((item = this.items.getNext()) && item) { thumbs += iTemplate.replace(/#id#/gi, item.id); } return [ /*jshint multistr: true */ '<div class="adm-photoeditor-container"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-buttons-panel"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-buttons-panel-save disabled" id="', this.id, 'presetSave', '"><span>', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_SAVE_PRESET"),'</span></div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-buttons-panel-cancel disabled" id="', this.id, 'cancel', '"><span>', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_CANCEL_PRESET"),'</span></div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-btn-wrap"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-turn-l" id="', this.id, 'turn-l', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_TURN_L"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-turn-r" id="', this.id, 'turn-r', '"title="', BX.message("CANVAS_TURN_R"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-flip-v" id="', this.id, 'flip-v', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_FLIP_V"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-flip-h" id="', this.id, 'flip-h', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_FLIP_H"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-crop" id="', this.id, 'crop', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_CROP"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-grayscale" id="', this.id, 'grayscale', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_GRAYSCALE"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-sign" id="', this.id, 'sign', '" title="', BX.message("CANVAS_SIGN"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ </div> \ <div id="', this.id, 'cropPresets"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-buttons-panel-cropping"> \ <span class="crop">', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_FRAMING"), '</span> \ <span class="adm-select-wrap"> \ <select class="adm-select" id="', this.id, 'presetsValues"></select> \ </span> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-btn-wrap"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-cut" id="', this.id, 'presetInsert" title="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_USE_PRESET"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-edit" id="', this.id, 'presetEdit" title="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_EDIT_PRESET"),'"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ </div> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn adm-photoeditor-btn-ph disabled" id="', this.id, 'MapCollapsed"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-btn-icon"></span> \ </span> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-options"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-options-title">', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_WIDTH"), '</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-plus" id="', this.id , 'scaleWidthPlus"> </span> \ <input type="number" value="0" id="', this.id , 'scaleWidth" /> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-minus" id="', this.id , 'scaleWidthMinus"> </span> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-options"> \ <div class="sidebar-options-checkbox-container"> \ <input type="checkbox" value="Y" id="', this.id , 'scaleChained" checked /> \ <label for="', this.id , 'scaleChained"><span class="label-icon"></span></label> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-options"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-options-title">', BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_HEIGHT"), '</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-plus" id="', this.id , 'scaleHeightPlus"> </span> \ <input type="number" value="0" id="', this.id , 'scaleHeight" /> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-minus" id="', this.id , 'scaleHeightMinus"> </span> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale-value" style="top: 0">+100%</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale-value" style="top: 25%">+50%</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale-value" style="top: 50%">0%</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale-value" style="top: 75%">-50%</span> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-sidebar-scale-value" style="top: 100%">-100%</span> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-scale-indicator" style="top: 50%" id="', this.id, 'scaleIndicator">0%</div> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel"> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-arrow-top" id="', this.id, 'editorQueueUp"></span> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-previews" id="', this.id, 'editorQueue"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-previews-inner" id="', this.id, 'editorQueueInner">', thumbs, '</div> \ </div> \ <span class="adm-photoeditor-preview-panel-arrow-bottom" id="', this.id, 'editorQueueDown"></span> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-block-outer"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-block" id="', this.id, 'editorActiveBlock"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-image-block" id="', this.id, 'editorActiveImageBlockOuter"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-image" id="', this.id, 'editorActiveImageBlock"> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-crop" id="', this.id, 'editorActiveCrop"></div> \ <canvas id="', this.id, 'editorActiveImageCanvas"></canvas> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-cursor"></div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-active-move-cursor"></div> \ </div> \ </div> \ <div class="adm-photoeditor-desc"><input type="text" id="', this.id, 'editorDescription" placeholder="', BX.message("JS_CORE_FILE_DESCRIPTION"),'"></div> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div>'].join('').replace(/[\n\t]/gi, '').replace(/>\s</gi, '><'); }, showEditor : function() { if (!this.popup || this.popup === null) { var editorNode = BX.create("DIV", { attrs : { id : this.id + 'Proper', className : "bxu-edit-popup" }, style : { display : "none" }, html : this.getTemplate() }); this.popup = BX.PopupWindowManager.create( 'popup' + this.id, null, { className : "bxu-popup" + (this.params["description"] !== false ? "" : " bxu-popup-nondescription"), autoHide : false, lightShadow : true, closeIcon : false, closeByEsc : true, zIndex : getZIndex(1), content : editorNode, overlay : {}, events : { onPopupShow : this.handlers.show, onAfterPopupShow : this.handlers.afterShow, onPopupClose : this.handlers.close }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_SAVE'), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : this.handlers.apply } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message('JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL'), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : this.handlers.cancel } } ) ] } ); } this.popup.show(); this.popup.adjustPosition(); }, slider : null, initSliderParams : function() { if (this.slider == null) { this.slider = { top : 0, step : 30, outer : BX(this.id + 'editorQueue'), outerPos : BX.pos(BX(this.id + 'editorQueue')), inner : BX(this.id + 'editorQueueInner'), innerPos : BX.pos(BX(this.id + 'editorQueueInner')) }; this.slider.maxHeight = Math.min((this.slider.outerPos.height - this.slider.innerPos.height), 0); } return this.slider; }, up : function(e) { if (this.initSliderParams()) { this.slider.top = Math.min((this.slider.top + this.slider.step), 0); this.slider.inner.style.top = this.slider.top + 'px'; } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, down : function(e) { if (this.initSliderParams()) { this.slider.top = Math.max(this.slider.maxHeight, (this.slider.top - this.slider.step)); this.slider.inner.style.top = this.slider.top + 'px'; } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, lastProportion : { width : 0, height : 0, "~width" : 0, "~height" : 0, timeout : null }, increaseScale : function(name, direction) { if (this.increaseScaleTimeout > 0) clearTimeout(this.increaseScaleTimeout); name = (name == "width" ? "width" : "height"); var node = (name == "width" ? BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth') : BX(this.id + 'scaleHeight')), _this = this, f = function() { if (direction === false) { node.value = (++_this.lastProportion[name]); } else if (direction === true) { node.value = Math.max((--_this.lastProportion[name]), 1); } _this.lastProportion[name]= parseInt(node.value); _this.increaseScaleTimeoutCounter++; _this.increaseScaleTimeout = setTimeout(f, (150 - Math.min(100, _this.increaseScaleTimeoutCounter*_this.increaseScaleTimeoutCounter))); }; this.increaseScaleTimeoutCounter = 0; this.increaseScaleTimeout = setTimeout(f, 50); }, startTraceScale : function(name) { if (this.traceScaleTimeout > 0) clearTimeout(this.traceScaleTimeout); this.traceScaleTimeout = (this.traceScaleTimeout > 0 ? this.traceScaleTimeout : 0); name = (name == "width" ? "width" : "height"); var node = (name == "width" ? BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth') : BX(this.id + 'scaleHeight')); if (this.lastProportion[name] === parseInt(node.value)) { this.traceScaleTimeout++; if (this.traceScaleTimeout > 5) { this.traceScaleTimeout = 0; this.scaleAdjust(name, null); } } else { this.traceScaleTimeout = 0; this.lastProportion[name] = parseInt(node.value); } this.traceScaleTimeout = setTimeout(BX.proxy(function(){ this.startTraceScale(name); }, this), 500); }, stopTraceScale : function(name) { if (this.traceScaleTimeout > 0) clearTimeout(this.traceScaleTimeout); this.traceScaleTimeout = 0; this.scaleAdjust(name, null); }, scaleChange : function(name, direction) { if (this.increaseScaleTimeout > 0) clearTimeout(this.increaseScaleTimeout); if (this.traceScaleTimeout > 0) clearTimeout(this.traceScaleTimeout); if (this.lastProportion.timeout === null) this.lastProportion.timeout = setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.scaleAdjust, this), 500); }, scaleAdjust : function(width) { this.lastProportion.timeout = null; if (width > 0) { this.lastProportion["~width"] = this.lastProportion.width = width; this.canvas.scaleWidth(this.lastProportion.width, true, BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator')); } else { if (this.lastProportion["~width"] != this.lastProportion.width) { this.lastProportion["~width"] = this.lastProportion.width; this.canvas.scaleWidth(this.lastProportion.width, this.scaleIsChained(), BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator')); } if (this.lastProportion["~height"] != this.lastProportion.height) { this.lastProportion["~height"] = this.lastProportion.height; this.canvas.scaleHeight(this.lastProportion.height, this.scaleIsChained(), BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator')); } } }, scaleIsChained : function() { return (!!BX(this.id + 'scaleChained').checked); }, scaleChained : function() { BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth').value = this.lastProportion.width; }, scaleChangeSize : function(canvas) { this.lastProportion["~width"] = this.lastProportion.width = BX(this.id + 'scaleWidth').value = (canvas.width || 0); this.lastProportion["~height"] = this.lastProportion.height = BX(this.id + 'scaleHeight').value = (canvas.height || 0); } }; var CanvasStack = function(depth) { this.depth = depth; }; CanvasStack.prototype = { id : 'CanvasStack', depth : 3, stack : [], number : 0, init : function() { var canvas; while ((canvas = this.stack.shift()) && canvas) { BX.remove(canvas); canvas = null; } this.stack = []; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChange", [this.stack.length, this.stack]); }, add : function(canvas) { this.number++; var res = BX.create("CANVAS", { attrs : { id : this.id + this.number}, props : { width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height }, style : { display : "none" } }); res.getContext("2d").drawImage(canvas, 0, 0); this.stack.push(res); while (this.stack.length > this.depth) { res = this.stack.shift(); BX.remove(res); res = null; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChange", [this.stack.length, this.stack]); }, restore : function() { var res = this.stack.pop(); if (res) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onRestore", [res]); BX.remove(res); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onChange", [this.stack.length, this.stack]); } } }; var CanvasMaster = function(id, nodes) { this.block = nodes.block; this.block.pos = BX.pos(this.block); this.canvas = nodes.canvas; this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvasBlock = nodes.canvasBlock; var pos = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(this.block.pos, {width : this.mapSize, height : this.mapSize}); this.canvasMap = new CanvasMapMaster( nodes.block, { width : pos.destin.width, height : pos.destin.height, scale : pos.coeff } ); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvasMap, "onMapPointerIsMoved", BX.delegate(this.move, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.canvasMap, "onMapIsInitialised", BX.delegate(function(){ this.registerWheel(this.canvasMap.root); }, this)); this.id = id; BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.onResizeWindow, this)); this.stack = new CanvasStack(5); BX.addCustomEvent(this.stack, "onChange", BX.delegate(this.changeCancelNode, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.stack, "onRestore", BX.delegate(this.restore, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onActiveItemIsChanged", BX.delegate(this.stack.init, this.stack)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onPopupClose", BX.delegate(function(){ if(this.cropObj) { this.cropObj.finish(); } this.canvasMap.hide(false); }, this)); }; CanvasMaster.prototype = { registerWheel : function(node) { BX.bind(node, this.onWheelEvent, BX.delegate(this.onWheel, this)); if (this.onWheelEvent == "DOMMouseScroll") BX.bind(node, "MozMousePixelScroll", BX.delegate(this.onWheel, this)); }, onWheelEvent : ("onwheel" in document.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : // Modern browsers support "wheel" document['onmousewheel'] !== undefined ? "mousewheel" : // Webkit and IE support at least "mousewheel" "DOMMouseScroll"// let's assume that remaining browsers are older Firefox ), onWheelMaxSpeed : 50, onWheelLastEvent : 0, onWheel : function(e) { // calculate deltaY (and deltaX) according to the event var delta, time = (new Date()).getTime(); if ((time - this.onWheelLastEvent) < this.onWheelMaxSpeed) return BX.PreventDefault(e); this.onWheelLastEvent = time; if (e['deltaY']) { delta = e['deltaY']; } else if ( this.onWheelEvent == "mousewheel" ) { delta = - 1/40 * e.wheelDelta; } else { delta = e.detail; } if (delta != undefined) { this.zoom(delta * (-1), e); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, startScale : 1, mapSize : 300, onResizeWindow : function() { }, setHack : {width : 0, height : 0}, set : function(canvas, props) { var settings = (props || {props : { width : canvas.width , height : canvas.height } }), pos = this.block.pos, k, kReal, style; if ((this.setHack.width + '') == (settings.props.width + '') && (this.setHack.height + '') == (settings.props.height + '')) { this.setHack.width--; BX.adjust(this.canvas, { props : this.setHack }); } this.setHack.width = settings.props.width; this.setHack.height = settings.props.height; BX.adjust(this.canvas, settings); kReal = k = Math.min( ( this.canvas.width > 0 ? pos["width"] / this.canvas.width : 1 ), ( this.canvas.height > 0 ? pos["height"] / this.canvas.height : 1 ) ); k = (0 < k && k < 1 ? k : 1); style = { top : Math.ceil((pos["height"] - this.canvas.height * k) / 2), left : Math.ceil((pos["width"] - this.canvas.width * k) / 2), width : this.canvas.width, height : this.canvas.height, transform : 'translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(' + k + ', ' + k + ')' }; this.zoomCounter = 0; this.canvas.startScale = k; this.canvas.maxVisibleScale = kReal; this.canvas.scale = k; this.canvas.pos = { absoluteLeft : style.left + pos.left, absoluteTop : style.top + pos.top, absoluteWidth : pos.width, absoluteHeight : pos.height, startedWidth : Math.ceil(this.canvas.width * k), startedHeight : Math.ceil(this.canvas.height * k), left : style.left, top : style.top, shiftX : 0, // ceil '~shiftX' : 0, // float shiftY : 0, // ceil '~shiftY' : 0 // float }; this.canvas.visiblePart = { left : 0, '~left' : 0, top : 0, '~top' : 0, "~width" : canvas.width, width : canvas.width, "~height" : canvas.height, height : canvas.height, leftGap : this.canvas.pos.left, topGap : this.canvas.pos.top, rightGap : this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth - this.canvas.pos.startedWidth - this.canvas.pos.left, bottomGap : this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight - this.canvas.pos.startedHeight - this.canvas.pos.top }; for (var ii in style) { if (style.hasOwnProperty(ii)) { if (style[ii] > 0) { style[ii] = style[ii] + 'px'; } } } BX.adjust( BX(this.canvasBlock), { style : style } ); this.ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height ); this.canvasMap.init(this.canvas, (props ? props.props : false)); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onSetCanvas", [this.canvas, canvas]); this.changed = false; }, setMapCollapsed : function(node) { if (this.canvasMap) this.canvasMap.registerCollapsedNode(node); }, setCancelNode : function(node) { this.cancelNode = BX(node); if (!BX.hasClass(this.cancelNode, "disabled")) BX.addClass(this.cancelNode, "disabled"); BX.bind(this.cancelNode, "click", BX.delegate(this.stack.restore, this.stack)); }, changeCancelNode : function(available) { if (available) BX.removeClass(this.cancelNode, "disabled"); else if (!BX.hasClass(this.cancelNode, "disabled")) BX.addClass(this.cancelNode, "disabled"); }, restore : function(canvas) { this.set(canvas, { props : { width : canvas.width, height : canvas.height } } ); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropHasToBeHidden", []); }, cursor : { x : 0, y : 0 }, zoomEdge : 2, zoomCounter : 0, busy : false, zoom : function(zoomIn, e) { if (this.busy !== false) return; var delta = 0; if (zoomIn > 0 && this.zoomCounter < this.zoomEdge) delta = 0.1; else if (zoomIn < 0 && this.zoomCounter > 0) delta = -0.1; if (delta !== 0) { this.zoomCounter += delta; var newScale = this.canvas.startScale + this.zoomCounter; if (e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); this.cursor = { // Cursor position above the picture x : Math.max(0, Math.min((e.pageX - this.canvas.pos.absoluteLeft), this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth)), y : Math.max(0, Math.min((e.pageY - this.canvas.pos.absoluteTop), this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight)) }; } this.zoomProcess(newScale); } }, zoomProcess : function(newScale) { this.zoomCanvas(newScale); if (this.canvas.scale > this.canvas.maxVisibleScale) { this.canvasMap.show(); this.canvasMap.zoom(this.canvas.visiblePart); } else { this.canvasMap.zoom(this.canvas.visiblePart); this.canvasMap.hide(true); } }, zoomCanvas : function(newScale, e) { if (e === true || newScale <= this.canvas.startScale) { this.canvas.visiblePart = { left : 0, '~left' : 0, top : 0, '~top' : 0, "~width" : this.canvas.width, width : this.canvas.width, "~height" : this.canvas.height, height : this.canvas.height, leftGap : this.canvas.pos.left, topGap : this.canvas.pos.top, rightGap : this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth - this.canvas.pos.startedWidth - this.canvas.pos.left, bottomGap : this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight - this.canvas.pos.startedHeight - this.canvas.pos.top }; this.canvas.pos['~shiftX'] = 0; this.canvas.pos['~shiftY'] = 0; this.canvas.pos.shiftX = 0; this.canvas.pos.shiftY = 0; this.canvas.scale = this.canvas.startScale; } else { var x = this.cursor.x, y = this.cursor.y, left = (((-1) * (this.canvas.pos['~shiftX'] || 0) + x) / this.canvas.scale), top = (((-1) * (this.canvas.pos['~shiftY'] || 0) + y) / this.canvas.scale), newLeft = left * newScale, newTop = top * newScale, xShift = Math.max(newLeft - x, 0), yShift = Math.max(newTop - y, 0); this.formVisiblePart(newScale, xShift, yShift); xShift *= (-1); yShift *= (-1); this.canvas.pos["~shiftX"] = xShift; this.canvas.pos["~shiftY"] = yShift; this.canvas.pos.shiftX = Math.ceil(xShift); this.canvas.pos.shiftY = Math.ceil(yShift); this.canvas.scale = newScale; } this.canvasBlock.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + this.canvas.pos.shiftX + 'px, ' + this.canvas.pos.shiftY + 'px, 0) ' + 'scale(' + this.canvas.scale + ', ' + this.canvas.scale + ')'; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCanvasPositionHasChanged", []); }, formVisiblePart : function(newScale, xShift, yShift) { var visibleLeft = (xShift - this.canvas.pos.left), visibleTop = (yShift - this.canvas.pos.top); this.canvas.visiblePart["~left"] = (visibleLeft > 0 ? visibleLeft : 0) / newScale; this.canvas.visiblePart["left"] = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart["~left"]); this.canvas.visiblePart["~top"] = (visibleTop > 0 ? visibleTop : 0) / newScale; this.canvas.visiblePart["top"] = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart["~top"]); var newWidth = this.canvas.width * newScale, leftGap = (-1) * visibleLeft, rightGap = this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth - (newWidth + leftGap); if (this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth > newWidth) { if (leftGap < 0) newWidth += leftGap; else if (rightGap < 0) newWidth += rightGap; } else { newWidth = this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth; if (leftGap > 0) newWidth -= leftGap; else if (rightGap > 0) newWidth -= rightGap; } this.canvas.visiblePart["leftGap"] = leftGap; this.canvas.visiblePart["rightGap"] = rightGap; this.canvas.visiblePart["~etalonWidth"] = (this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth / newScale); this.canvas.visiblePart["~width"] = (newWidth / newScale); this.canvas.visiblePart["width"] = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart["~width"]); var newHeight = this.canvas.height * newScale, topGap = (-1) * visibleTop, bottomGap = this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight - (newHeight + topGap); if (this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight > newHeight) { if (topGap < 0) newHeight += topGap; else if (bottomGap < 0) newHeight += bottomGap; } else { newHeight = this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight; if (topGap > 0) newHeight -= topGap; else if (bottomGap > 0) newHeight -= bottomGap; } this.canvas.visiblePart["topGap"] = topGap; this.canvas.visiblePart["bottomGap"] = bottomGap; this.canvas.visiblePart["~etalonHeight"] = (this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight / newScale); this.canvas.visiblePart["~height"] = (newHeight / newScale); this.canvas.visiblePart["height"] = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart["~height"]); }, move : function(pos) { var width = Math.round(this.canvas.width * this.canvas.scale), height = Math.round(this.canvas.height * this.canvas.scale), xShift = (-1) * Math.ceil(pos['left'] * this.canvas.scale), yShift = (-1) * Math.ceil(pos['top'] * this.canvas.scale); if (pos.right === true || (width + xShift) < this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth) xShift = this.canvas.pos.absoluteWidth - width; if (pos.bottom === true || (height + yShift) < this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight) yShift = this.canvas.pos.absoluteHeight - height; xShift -= this.canvas.pos.left; yShift -= this.canvas.pos.top; this.formVisiblePart(this.canvas.scale, (-1) * xShift, (-1) * yShift); this.canvas.pos['~shiftX'] = xShift; this.canvas.pos['~shiftY'] = yShift; this.canvas.pos.shiftX = xShift; this.canvas.pos.shiftY = yShift; this.canvasBlock.style.transform = 'translate3d(' + this.canvas.pos.shiftX + 'px, ' + this.canvas.pos.shiftY + 'px, 0) ' + 'scale(' + this.canvas.scale + ', ' + this.canvas.scale + ')'; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCanvasPositionHasChanged", []); }, canvasesID : "canvasForEdit", copyCanvas : null, workCanvas : null, getCopyCanvas : function() { if (this.copyCanvas === null) { this.copyCanvas = BX.create("CANVAS", { attrs : { id : this.id + 'Copy' }, style : { display : "none" }}); } BX.adjust(this.copyCanvas, { props : { width : this.canvas.width, height : this.canvas.height } }); this.copyCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0); return this.copyCanvas; }, getCanvas : function() { return this.canvas; }, getWorkCanvas : function(draw) { if (this.workCanvas === null) { this.workCanvas = BX.create("CANVAS", { attrs : { id : this.id + 'Work' }, style : { display : "none" }}); } BX.adjust(this.workCanvas, { props : { width : this.canvas.width, height : this.canvas.height } }); if (draw) this.workCanvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0); return this.workCanvas; }, rotate : function(clockwise) { if (this.busy === true) return; var rad = Math.PI / 2 * (clockwise ? 1 : -1), tmpCanvas1 = this.getCopyCanvas(), tmpCanvas2 = this.getWorkCanvas(false), w = this.canvas.height, h = this.canvas.width; BX.adjust(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : w, height : h } }); var ctx = tmpCanvas2.getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); if (clockwise) ctx.translate(tmpCanvas1.height, 0); else ctx.translate(0, tmpCanvas1.width); ctx.rotate(rad); ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas1, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); this.set(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : w, height : h } } ); this.stack.add(tmpCanvas1); this.changed = true; }, poster : function(node) { if (this.busy === true) return; if (!!this.posterPopup) this.posterPopup.close(); var res = BX.pos(node); this.posterPopup = new BX.PopupWindow('bx-poster-popup-' + node.id, node, { lightShadow : true, offsetTop: -3, className : "bxu-poster-popup", offsetLeft: Math.ceil(res.width / 2), autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, zIndex : BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupOverlayZindex") + getZIndex(2), bindOptions: {position: "top"}, overlay : false, events : { onPopupClose : function() { this.destroy() }, onPopupDestroy : BX.proxy(function() { this.posterPopup = null; }, this) }, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_OK'), events : { click : BX.delegate(function() { var msg = BX('posterPopupText' + node.id); if (!!msg && msg.value.length > 0) this.posterApply(msg.value); this.posterPopup.close(); }, this) } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message('CANVAS_CANCEL'), events : { click : BX.delegate(function(){this.posterPopup.close();}, this) } } ) ], content : [/*jshint multistr: true */'<div class="bxu-poster-popup-dt">', BX.message("CANVAS_POSTER_SIGN"), '</div> \ <input type="text" id="posterPopupText', node.id,'" maxlength="255" value="" />'].join("") }); this.posterPopup.show(); this.posterPopup.setAngle({position:'bottom'}); this.posterPopup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = true; this.posterPopup.adjustPosition(); BX.focus(BX('posterPopupText' + node.id)); this.posterPopup.bindOptions.forceBindPosition = false; }, posterApply : function(msg) { if (msg) { this.stack.add(this.getCopyCanvas()); var cnv = this.getWorkCanvas(true), ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"), size = Math.min(cnv.width, cnv.height) / 10; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, cnv.width, size); ctx.fillRect(0, cnv.height - 2 * size, cnv.width, 2 * size); ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, cnv.height); ctx.fillRect(cnv.width - size, 0, size, cnv.height); ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; var border = 5; ctx.strokeRect(size - border, size - border, cnv.width - (size * 2) + 2 * border, cnv.height - (size * 3) + 2 * border); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.font = size + "px marketing"; ctx.fillText(msg, cnv.width / 2, cnv.height - size, cnv.width); this.set(cnv, false); this.changed = true; } }, blackAndWhite : function() { if (this.busy === true) return; this.stack.add(this.getCopyCanvas()); var cnv = this.getWorkCanvas(true), ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"), frame = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height), v, i; for (i = 0; i < frame.data.length; i += 4) { v = (frame.data[i] + frame.data[i + 1] + frame.data[i + 2]) / 3; frame.data[i] = v; frame.data[i + 1] = v; frame.data[i + 2] = v; } ctx.putImageData(frame, 0, 0); this.set(cnv, false); this.changed = true; }, flip : function(verticaly) { if (this.busy === true) return; this.stack.add(this.getCopyCanvas()); var cnv = this.getWorkCanvas(true), ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"); ctx.save(); if (verticaly) { ctx.scale(1, -1); ctx.translate(0, -cnv.height); } else { ctx.scale(-1, 1); ctx.translate(-cnv.width, 0); } ctx.drawImage(cnv, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); this.set(cnv, false); this.changed = true; }, cropObj : null, cropStatus : false, cropInit : function(button) { if (this.cropObj === null) { this.cropObj = new CanvasCrop( this.id, this.canvas, BX(this.id + 'Crop') ); this.cropObj.cropParams.topShift = parseInt(this.canvasBlock.style.top ? this.canvasBlock.style.top.replace(/[a-z]+$/, '') : 0); this.cropObj.cropParams.leftShift = parseInt(this.canvasBlock.style.left ? this.canvasBlock.style.left.replace(/[a-z]+$/, '') : 0); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onCropHasToBeHidden", BX.delegate(this.cropObj.finish, this.cropObj)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.cropObj, "onCropApply", BX.delegate(this.cropApply, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.cropObj, "onCropTooBig", BX.delegate(this.onCropTooBig, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.cropObj, "onCropStart", BX.delegate(function(){ BX.addClass(button, "bxu-edit-btn-active"); this.cropStatus = true; this.busy = true; this.canvasMap.occupy(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropStart", [this.cropObj, this.cropObj.cropParams]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.cropObj, "onCropFinish", BX.delegate(function(){ BX.removeClass(button, "bxu-edit-btn-active"); this.busy = false; this.cropStatus = false; this.canvasMap.release(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropFinish", [this.cropObj, this.cropObj.cropParams]); }, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onCanvasPositionHasChanged", BX.delegate(this.cropObj.scale, this.cropObj)); } return true; }, crop : function(button) { if (this.cropInit(button)) this.cropObj.turn(); }, onCropTooBigPopup : null, onCropTooBig : function(width, heigth) { if (this.onCropTooBigPopup === null) { this.onCropTooBigPopupApply = BX.delegate(function() { var res = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage( this.canvas, this.onCropTooBigPopup.presetParams, "circumscribed" ); if (res.bNeedCreatePicture) { this.scaleZoom = false; this.scaleWidth(res.destin.width, true, BX(this.id + 'scaleIndicator')); this.scaleZoom = true; } this.cropInsert(this.onCropTooBigPopup.presetParams); this.onCropTooBigPopup.close(); }, this); this.onCropTooBigPopupCancel = BX.delegate(function() { this.onCropTooBigPopup.close(); }, this); this.onCropTooBigPopup = new BX.PopupWindow( 'popupCropTooBigPopup' + this.id, null, { lightShadow : true, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, zIndex : getZIndex(2), overlay : {}, buttons : [ new BX.PopupWindowButton( {text : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_SCALE"), className : "popup-window-button-accept", events : { click : this.onCropTooBigPopupApply } } ), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink( {text : BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_CANCEL"), className : "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events : { click : this.onCropTooBigPopupCancel } } ) ], content : '<div class="adm-photoeditor-buttons-panel-cropping-too-big">' + BX.message("JS_CORE_FI_PRESET_IS_TOO_BIG") + '</div>' } ); } this.onCropTooBigPopup.presetParams = {width : width, height : heigth}; this.onCropTooBigPopup.show(); }, cropApply : function(cropParams) { this.stack.add(this.getCopyCanvas()); var tmpCanvas2 = this.getWorkCanvas(false); BX.adjust(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : cropParams.width, height : cropParams.height } }); tmpCanvas2.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, (-1) * cropParams.left, (-1) * cropParams.top); this.set(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : cropParams.width, height : cropParams.height } } ); this.changed = true; }, cropInsert : function(preset, button) { if (preset && this.cropInit(button)) { this.cropObj.insert(preset.width, preset.height); } }, scaleObj : null, scaleInit : function(pointer) { if (this.scaleObj === null) { this.scaleObj = new CanvasScale( this.id, pointer, this.canvas ); BX.addCustomEvent(this.scaleObj, "onScaleApply", BX.proxy(this.scaleApply, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.scaleObj, "onScaleRestore", BX.proxy(this.scaleRestore, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this.scaleObj, "onScaleSuggest", BX.proxy(this.scaleSuggest, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, "onSetCanvas", BX.proxy(function(){ this.scaleObj.restore(); }, this)); } return true; }, scale : function(e) { if (this.scaleInit(BX.proxy_context)) { this.scaleObj.start(e, this.canvas); } }, scaleWidth : function(width, prop, pointer) { if (this.scaleInit(pointer)) { this.scaleObj.scaleWidth(width, this.canvas, prop); } }, scaleHeight : function(height, prop, pointer) { if (this.scaleInit(pointer)) { this.scaleObj.scaleHeight(height, this.canvas, prop); } }, scaleApply : function(params) { this.stack.add(this.getCopyCanvas()); BX.show(this.scaleObj.getPreventer()); var tmpCanvas2 = this.getWorkCanvas(false), paramsOld = { maxVisibleScale : this.canvas.maxVisibleScale, scale : this.canvas.scale, width : this.canvas.width, height : this.canvas.height, "~shiftX" : this.canvas.pos['~shiftX'], "~shiftY" : this.canvas.pos['~shiftY'] }; BX.adjust(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : params.width, height : params.height } }); tmpCanvas2.getContext("2d").drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, 0, 0, params.width, params.height ); this.set(tmpCanvas2, { props : { width : params.width, height : params.height } } ); this.cursor.x = 0; this.cursor.y = 0; if (this.scaleZoom !== false) { var deltaWidth = (params.width - paramsOld.width) * paramsOld.scale, deltaHeight = (params.height - paramsOld.height) * paramsOld.scale, xShift = Math.max( ((-1) * paramsOld["~shiftX"] + (deltaWidth / 2)), 0), yShift = Math.max( ((-1) * paramsOld['~shiftY'] + (deltaHeight / 2)), 0); this.canvas.pos['~shiftX'] = (-1) * xShift / paramsOld.scale * this.canvas.scale; this.canvas.pos['~shiftY'] = (-1) * yShift / paramsOld.scale * this.canvas.scale; BX.addClass(this.canvasBlock, "adm-photoeditor-active-image-ascetic"); this.zoomProcess(paramsOld.scale); BX.removeClass(this.canvasBlock, "adm-photoeditor-active-image-ascetic"); } if (this.cropObj) { this.cropObj.scale(); } BX.hide(this.scaleObj.getPreventer()); this.changed = true; }, scaleRestore : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onScaleCanvas", arguments); }, scaleSuggest : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onScaleCanvas", arguments); } }; var CanvasScale = function(id, pointer, canvas) { this.id = id; this.pointer = pointer; var pos = BX.pos(this.pointer.parentNode); this.divisionValue = pos.height / 200; this.process = BX.delegate(this.process, this); this.finish = BX.delegate(this.finish, this); if (canvas) { this.init(canvas); } }; CanvasScale.prototype = { canvas : null, divisionValue : 0, value: 0, minValue : 0, maxValue : 100, cursor : { start : 0, end : 0 }, preventer : null, params : { scaleX : 1, scaleY : 1, "~scaleX" : 1, "~scaleY" : 1 }, init : function(canvas) { this.canvas = canvas; this.value = 0; this.minValue = (Math.max(1 / canvas.width, 1 / canvas.height) - 1) * 100; this.params.width = this.canvas.width; this.params.height = this.canvas.height; this.params["~scaleX"] = 1; this.params["~scaleY"] = 1; return this.block; }, getPreventer : function() { var preventer = null; if (this.preventer === null) { preventer = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-scale-area" } }); if (BX(this.canvas)) { this.canvas.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(preventer, this.canvas.parentNode); this.preventer = preventer; } } return this.preventer; }, start : function(e, canvas) { this.init(canvas); BX.fixEventPageY(e); this.cursor.start = e.pageY; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.process); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.finish); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, process : function(e) { BX.fixEventPageY(e); this.cursor.end = e.pageY; this.value = (this.cursor.start - this.cursor.end) / this.divisionValue; if (this.value > this.maxValue) this.value = this.maxValue; else if (this.value < this.minValue) this.value = this.minValue; this.setVis(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, finish : function(e) { BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.process); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.finish); if (parseInt(this.value) !== 0) { this.change(); } else { this.restore(); } return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, setVis : function() { this.pointer.style.top = (50 + parseInt((-1) * this.value * 0.5)) + '%'; this.pointer.innerHTML = Math.ceil(this.value) + '%'; this.params.scaleX = (1 + this.value / 100) * this.params["~scaleX"]; this.params.scaleY = (1 + this.value / 100) * this.params["~scaleY"]; this.params.width = Math.ceil(this.canvas.width * this.params.scaleX); this.params.height = Math.ceil(this.canvas.height * this.params.scaleY); this.canvas.style.transform = "scale(" + this.params.scaleX + ", " + this.params.scaleY + ")"; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onScaleSuggest", [this.params, this.value]) }, scaleWidth : function(width, canvas, prop) { width = Math.ceil(width); if (width <= 0) return; this.init(canvas); var delta = this.params["~scaleX"]; this.params["~scaleX"] = width / this.params.width; delta = this.params["~scaleX"] - delta; if (prop) { this.params["~scaleY"] += delta; } this.setVis(); this.change(); }, scaleHeight : function(height, canvas, prop) { height = Math.ceil(height); if (height <= 0) return; this.init(canvas); var delta = this.params["~scaleX"]; this.params["~scaleY"] = height / this.params.height; delta = this.params["~scaleY"] - delta; if (prop) { this.params["~scaleX"] += delta; } this.setVis(); this.change(); }, change : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onScaleApply", [this.params, this.value]); }, restore : function() { this.value = 0; this.params["~scaleX"] = 1; this.params["~scaleY"] = 1; this.setVis(); this.canvas.style.transform = ''; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onScaleRestore", [this.canvas]); } }; var CanvasCrop = function(id, canvas, pointerOnCanvas) { this.id = id; this.canvas = canvas; this.block = pointerOnCanvas; }; CanvasCrop.prototype = { active : false, canvas : null, root : null, preventer : null, projection : null, pointer : null, // pointer on projection block : null, // pointer on canvas turn : function() { if (this.init()) { if (this.active === false) { this.start(); } else { this.finish(); } } }, cursor : { pageX : 0, pageY : 0 }, cropParams : { width : 0, height : 0, top : 0, left : 0, topShift : 0, leftShift : 0, defaultWidth : 0, defaultHeight : 0 }, init : function() { if (this.preventer === null) { this.root = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-area-root" }, style : { position : "absolute", zIndex : BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupOverlayZindex") + getZIndex(10), boxSizing: "border-box", "-webkit-user-select" : "none" } }); document.body.appendChild(this.root); this.preventer = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-area" } }); this.apply = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-apply" }, style : { zIndex : 3 }, events : { click : BX.delegate(this.cropApply, this) } }); this.cancel = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-cancel" }, style : { zIndex : 3 }, events : { click : BX.delegate(this.cropCancel, this) } }); this.proportion = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-proportion" }, style : { zIndex : 3 }, events : { click : BX.delegate(this.cropProportionActivate, this) } }); this.width = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-width" } } ); this.height = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-height" } } ); this.stretchStart = BX.delegate(this.stretchStart, this); this.stretch = BX.delegate(this.stretch, this); this.stretchEnd = BX.delegate(this.stretchEnd, this); this.leftBottom = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-left-bottom" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.left = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-left" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.leftTop = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-left-top" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.top = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-top" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.rightTop = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-right-top" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.right = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-right" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.rightBottom = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-right-bottom" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.bottom = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-bottom" }, events : { mousedown : this.stretchStart } } ); this.pointer = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-pointer" }, style : { position : "absolute", top : 0, left : 0, bottom : 0, right: 0, boxSizing : "border-box", zIndex : 3, cursor : "pointer" }, children : [ this.apply, this.cancel, this.proportion, BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-measures" }, children : [ this.width, this.height ] }), this.leftBottom, this.left, this.leftTop, this.top, this.rightTop, this.right, this.rightBottom, this.bottom ] }); this.overlayTop = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-overlay-top" } } ); this.overlayRight = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-overlay-right" } } ); this.overlayBottom = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-overlay-bottom" } } ); this.overlayLeft = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : { className : "adm-photoeditor-crop-overlay-left" } } ); this.projection = BX.create('DIV', { attrs : {id : 'projection'}, style : { position : "absolute", top : 0, left : 0, bottom : 0, right: 0, zIndex : 1001, display : 'none', boxSizing: "border-box" }, children : [ this.overlayTop, this.overlayRight, this.overlayBottom, this.overlayLeft, this.pointer ] } ); this.projection.appendChild(this.pointer); this.root.appendChild(this.projection); this.root.appendChild(this.preventer); this.drawStart = BX.delegate(this.drawStart, this); this.draw = BX.delegate(this.draw, this); this.drawEnd = BX.delegate(this.drawEnd, this); this.stop = BX.delegate(this.stop, this); this.moveStart = BX.delegate(this.moveStart, this); this.move = BX.delegate(this.move, this); this.moveEnd = BX.delegate(this.moveEnd, this); BX.bind(this.pointer, "mousedown", this.moveStart); } return this.block; }, scale : function() { if (this.canvas.width < this.cropParams.width || this.canvas.height < this.cropParams.height) { this.finish() } else if (this.active === true) { var left = 0, leftAfter = 0, top = 0, topAfter = 0; if (this.projection) { left = Math.ceil(parseInt(this.projection.style.left ? this.projection.style.left.replace("px", "") : 0)); top = Math.ceil(parseInt(this.projection.style.top ? this.projection.style.top.replace("px", "") : 0)); } this.showProjection(); if (this.projection) { leftAfter = Math.ceil((this.projection.style.left ? parseInt(this.projection.style.left.replace("px", "")) : 0)); topAfter = Math.ceil((this.projection.style.top ? parseInt(this.projection.style.top.replace("px", "")) : 0)); if (left != leftAfter) this.pointer.left = Math.max(0, (this.pointer.left + left - leftAfter)); if (topAfter != top) this.pointer.top = Math.max(0, (this.pointer.top + top - topAfter)); } this.cropParams.left = Math.ceil(this.pointer.left / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.left); this.cropParams.top = Math.ceil(this.pointer.top / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.top); if (this.canvas.scale < 1) { this.cropParams.width = Math.ceil(this.pointer.width / this.canvas.scale); this.cropParams.height = Math.ceil(this.pointer.height / this.canvas.scale); } else { this.pointer.width = Math.ceil(this.cropParams.width * this.canvas.scale); this.pointer.height = Math.ceil(this.cropParams.height * this.canvas.scale); } this.setLeft(this.pointer.left, this.cropParams.left); this.setTop(this.pointer.top, this.cropParams.top); this.setWidth(this.pointer.width, this.cropParams.width); this.setHeight(this.pointer.height, this.cropParams.height); } }, drawStart : function(e) { var left = 0, top = 0; if (e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); left = e.pageX - this.projection.pos.left; top = e.pageY - this.projection.pos.top; if (left > this.projection.pos.width || top > this.projection.pos.height) return this.finish(); this.cursor = { pageX : e.pageX, pageY : e.pageY }; BX.PreventDefault(e); } left = (left > 0 ? left : 0); top = (top > 0 ? top : 0); this.cropParams.left = Math.ceil(left / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.left); this.cropParams.top = Math.ceil(top / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.top); this.cropParams.maxWidth = this.canvas.width - this.cropParams.left; this.cropParams.maxHeight = this.canvas.height - this.cropParams.top; this.cropParams.savePropotions = (this.proportion.active === true); this.setLeft(left, this.cropParams.left); this.setWidth(0, 0); this.setTop(top, this.cropParams.top); this.setHeight(0, 0); this.showPointer(); BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.draw); return false; }, draw : function(e) { var width = 0, height = 0; if (e) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); width = e.pageX - this.cursor.pageX; height = e.pageY - this.cursor.pageY; BX.PreventDefault(e) } this.cropParams.width = Math.ceil(width / this.canvas.scale); if (width <= 0) { width = 0; this.cropParams.width = 0; } else if (width >= (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.left)) { width = (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.left); this.cropParams.width = this.cropParams.maxWidth; } this.setWidth(width, this.cropParams.width); this.cropParams.height = Math.ceil(height / this.canvas.scale); if (height <= 0) { height = 0; this.cropParams.height = 0; } else if (height >= (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.top)) { height = (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.top); this.cropParams.height = this.cropParams.maxHeight; } this.setHeight(height, this.cropParams.height); return false; }, drawEnd : function(e) { if (e) BX.PreventDefault(e); this.stop(); return false; }, insert : function(width, height) { if (!this.init()) { BX.DoNothing(); } else if (this.canvas.width < width || this.canvas.height < height) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropTooBig", [width, height]); } else { this.start(); this.cropProportionActivate(true); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropStart", []); this.drawStart(); this.cropParams.width = width; width = Math.ceil(width * this.canvas.scale); if (width <= 0) { width = 0; this.cropParams.width = 0; } else if (width >= (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.left)) { width = (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.left); this.cropParams.width = this.cropParams.maxWidth; } this.setWidth(width, this.cropParams.width); this.cropParams.height = height; height = Math.ceil(height * this.canvas.scale); if (height <= 0) { height = 0; this.cropParams.height = 0; } else if (height >= (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.top)) { height = (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.top); this.cropParams.height = this.cropParams.maxHeight; } this.setHeight(height, this.cropParams.height); this.drawEnd(); } }, moveStart : function(e) { this.cursor = null; if (e.target == this.pointer) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); this.showPreventer(); this.cursor = { pageX : e.pageX, pageY : e.pageY, x : e.pageX - this.projection.pos.left - this.pointer.left, y : e.pageY - this.projection.pos.top - this.pointer.top }; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.moveEnd); } }, move : function(e) { if (this.cursor != null) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); var deltaX = e.pageX - this.cursor.pageX, deltaY = e.pageY - this.cursor.pageY, left = this.pointer.left + deltaX, top = this.pointer.top + deltaY; this.cursor.pageX = e.pageX; this.cursor.pageY = e.pageY; if ( (left + this.pointer.width) >= this.projection.pos.width && (this.canvas.visiblePart.left + this.canvas.visiblePart.width) >= this.canvas.width ) { left = (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.width); this.cropParams.left = this.canvas.width - this.cropParams.width; } else { if (left <= 0) left = 0; else if ((left + this.pointer.width) >= this.projection.pos.width) left = (this.projection.pos.width - this.pointer.width); this.cropParams.left = Math.ceil(left / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.left); } if ( (top + this.pointer.height) >= this.projection.pos.height && (this.canvas.visiblePart.top + this.canvas.visiblePart.height) >= this.canvas.height ) { top = (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.height); this.cropParams.top = this.canvas.height - this.cropParams.height; } else { if (top <= 0) top = 0; else if ((top + this.pointer.height) >= this.projection.pos.height) top = (this.projection.pos.height - this.pointer.height); this.cropParams.top = Math.ceil(top / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.top); } this.setLeft(left, this.cropParams.left); this.setTop(top, this.cropParams.top); } }, moveEnd : function() { this.hidePreventer(); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.moveEnd); }, showPointer : function() { this.block.style.display = "block"; this.pointer.style.display = "block"; this.overlayTop.style.display = "block"; this.overlayRight.style.display = "block"; this.overlayBottom.style.display = "block"; this.overlayLeft.style.display = "block"; }, hidePointer : function() { this.block.style.top = 0; this.block.style.bottom = 0; this.block.style.width = 0; this.block.style.height = 0; this.block.style.display = "none"; this.pointer.style.display = "none"; this.overlayTop.style.display = "none"; this.overlayRight.style.display = "none"; this.overlayBottom.style.display = "none"; this.overlayLeft.style.display = "none"; }, showProjection : function() { var pos = BX.pos(this.block.parentNode.parentNode, false); BX.adjust(this.root, {style : { left : pos.left + 'px', top : pos.top + 'px', width : pos.width + 'px', height : pos.height + 'px', display : "block" }}); var projection = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0, display : "block" }; if (this.canvas.visiblePart.topGap > 0) projection.top = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart.topGap) + 'px'; if (this.canvas.visiblePart.leftGap > 0) projection.left = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart.leftGap) + 'px'; if (this.canvas.visiblePart.bottomGap > 0) projection.bottom = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart.bottomGap) + 'px'; if (this.canvas.visiblePart.rightGap > 0) projection.right = Math.ceil(this.canvas.visiblePart.rightGap) + 'px'; BX.adjust(this.projection, {style : projection}); this.projection.pos = BX.pos(this.projection); }, hideProjection : function() { BX.hide(this.root); BX.hide(this.projection); BX.hide(this.preventer); }, showPreventer : function() { BX.show(this.preventer); }, hidePreventer : function() { BX.hide(this.preventer); }, start : function() { this.active = true; BX.bind(document, "mousedown", this.drawStart); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.drawEnd); this.hidePointer(); this.showProjection(); this.showPreventer(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropStart", []); }, stop : function() { this.hidePreventer(); BX.unbind(document, "mousedown", this.drawStart); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.draw); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.drawEnd); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropStop", []); }, finish : function() { this.active = false; this.stop(); this.hidePointer(); this.hideProjection(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropFinish", [this.cropParams]); }, cropApply : function() { this.finish(); if (this.cropParams.width > 0 && this.cropParams.height > 0) { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropApply", [this.cropParams]); } }, cropCancel : function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCropCancel", []); this.finish(); }, cropProportion : { active : false, "w/h" : 0, "h/w" : 0 }, cropProportionActivate : function(active) { if (!(active === true || active === false)) { active = this.cropProportion.active !== true; } this.cropProportion.active = active; if (this.cropProportion.active) { if (!BX.hasClass(this.proportion, "active")) { BX.addClass(this.proportion, "active"); } BX.hide(this.left); BX.hide(this.top); BX.hide(this.right); BX.hide(this.bottom); } else { BX.removeClass(this.proportion, "active"); BX.show(this.left); BX.show(this.top); BX.show(this.right); BX.show(this.bottom); } }, cropProportionInit : function() { if (this.cropProportion.active !== true) { this.cropProportion["w/h"] = 0; this.cropProportion["h/w"] = 0; } else if (this.pointer.width > 0 && this.pointer.height > 0) { this.cropProportion["w/h"] = this.pointer.width / this.pointer.height; this.cropProportion["h/w"] = this.pointer.height / this.pointer.width; } else { this.cropProportion["w/h"] = 1; this.cropProportion["h/w"] = 1; } }, stretchPosition : null, stretchStart : function(e) { BX.PreventDefault(e); var div = BX.proxy_context; this.stretchPosition = div.className.replace("adm-photoeditor-crop-", ""); this.cursor = null; if (this.stretchPosition == "left-bottom" || this.stretchPosition == "left" || this.stretchPosition == "left-top" || this.stretchPosition == "top" || this.stretchPosition == "right-top" || this.stretchPosition == "right" || this.stretchPosition == "right-bottom" || this.stretchPosition == "bottom" ) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); this.cropProportionInit(); this.showPreventer(); this.cursor = { pageX : e.pageX, pageY : e.pageY, left : this.projection.pos.left + this.pointer.left, right : (this.projection.pos.left + this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width), top : this.projection.pos.top + this.pointer.top, bottom : this.projection.pos.top + this.pointer.top + this.pointer.height }; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.stretch); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.stretchEnd); } return false; }, stretch : function(e) { if (this.cursor != null) { BX.fixEventPageXY(e); var tmp, left = null, width = null, top = null, height = null; this.cursor.pageX = e.pageX; this.cursor.pageY = e.pageY; if (this.stretchPosition.indexOf("left") >= 0) { tmp = (this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width); width = Math.max((this.cursor.right - e.pageX), 0); width = Math.min(width, tmp); left = tmp - width; } else if (this.stretchPosition.indexOf("right") >= 0) { width = Math.max((e.pageX - this.cursor.left), 0); } if (width !== null) { left = (left === null ? this.pointer.left : left); 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if (this.stretchPosition.indexOf("top") >= 0) { top += (oldValue - height); } } if ((this.cropProportion["h/w"] == 1)) { this.cropParams.left = Math.ceil(left / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.left); this.cropParams.top = Math.ceil(top / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.top); strictMax = Math.min( (this.canvas.width - this.cropParams.left), (this.canvas.height - this.cropParams.top) ); } } else { width = null; height = null; } } if (width !== null) { this.cropParams.left = Math.ceil(left / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.left); this.cropParams.maxWidth = (strictMax || (this.canvas.width - this.cropParams.left)); this.cropParams.width = Math.ceil(width / this.canvas.scale); if (width <= 0) { this.cropParams.width = 0; } else if (this.cropParams.width >= this.cropParams.maxWidth) { this.cropParams.width = this.cropParams.maxWidth } this.setLeft(left, this.cropParams.left); this.setWidth(width, this.cropParams.width); } if (height !== null) { this.cropParams.top = Math.ceil(top / this.canvas.scale + this.canvas.visiblePart.top); this.cropParams.maxHeight = (strictMax || (this.canvas.height - this.cropParams.top)); this.cropParams.height = Math.ceil(height / this.canvas.scale); if (height <= 0) { this.cropParams.height = 0; } else if (this.cropParams.height >= this.cropParams.maxHeight) { this.cropParams.height = this.cropParams.maxHeight; } this.setTop(top, this.cropParams.top); this.setHeight(height, this.cropParams.height); } } }, stretchEnd : function() { this.hidePreventer(); BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.stretch); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.stretchEnd); }, setWidth : function(visible, real) { this.pointer.width = visible; this.pointer.style.width = (visible + 'px'); this.block.width = this.width.innerHTML = real; this.block.style.width = (real + 'px'); this.overlayTop.style.width = (this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width) + 'px'; this.overlayRight.style.left = (this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width) + 'px'; }, setLeft : function(visible, real) { this.pointer.style.left = visible + 'px'; this.pointer.left = visible; this.block.style.left = real + 'px'; this.overlayTop.style.width = (this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width) + 'px'; this.overlayRight.style.left = (this.pointer.left + this.pointer.width) + 'px'; this.overlayBottom.style.left = this.pointer.left + 'px'; this.overlayLeft.style.width = this.pointer.left + 'px'; }, setHeight : function(visible, real) { this.pointer.height = visible; this.pointer.style.height = (visible+ 'px'); this.block.height = this.height.innerHTML = real; this.block.style.height = (real + 'px'); this.overlayRight.style.height = (this.pointer.top + visible) + 'px'; this.overlayBottom.style.top = (this.pointer.top + visible) + 'px'; }, setTop : function(visible, real) { this.pointer.style.top = visible + 'px'; this.pointer.top = visible; this.block.style.top = real + 'px'; this.overlayTop.style.height = this.pointer.top + 'px'; this.overlayRight.style.height = (this.pointer.top + this.pointer.height) + 'px'; this.overlayBottom.style.top = (this.pointer.top + this.pointer.height) + 'px'; 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document.body.appendChild(this.root); } this.moveStart = BX.delegate(this.moveStart, this); this.move = BX.delegate(this.move, this); this.moveEnd = BX.delegate(this.moveEnd, this); this._bindNodes = BX.delegate(this.bindNodes, this); BX.defer_proxy(this._bindNodes)(params); BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.onResizeWindow, this)); return this; }; CanvasMapMaster.prototype = { bindNodesCounter : 0, bindNodes : function(params) { this.bindNodesCounter++; if (this.bindNodesCounter > 100 || !BX(this.id + 'Canvas')) { if (this.bindNodesCounter <= 100) BX.defer_proxy(this._bindNodes)(params); return; } this.canvasMapBlock = BX(this.id + 'Block'); this.canvasMapResizer = BX(this.id + 'Resizer'); BX.hide(this.canvasMapResizer); // TODO map-resize this.canvasMapCover = this.canvasMapBlock.firstChild; this.canvasMap = BX(this.id + 'Canvas'); this.canvasMapPointer = this.canvasMapBlock.firstChild.childNodes[2]; this.canvasMapPointer.params = params; BX.addClass(this.canvasMapPointer, "adm-photoeditor-active-map-pointer-draggable"); BX.bind(this.canvasMapPointer, "mousedown", this.moveStart); BX.bind(this.canvasMapResizer, "mousedown", this.stretchStart); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onMapIsInitialised", [this]); }, init : function(canvas, canvasParams) { if (canvasParams) { var res = BX.UploaderUtils.scaleImage(canvasParams, this.canvasMapPointer.params); this.root.style.display = 'none'; this.collapsedNode.style.display = 'none'; BX.adjust( this.canvasMap, { props : res.destin } ); this.canvasMap.pos = null; this.options.visible = false; BX.adjust( this.canvasMapCover, { style : { width : res.destin.width + 'px', height : res.destin.height + 'px' } } ); BX.adjust( this.canvasMapPointer, { props : { width : res.destin.width, height : res.destin.height }, style : { width : res.destin.width + 'px', height : res.destin.height + 'px' } } ); this.canvasMap.canvasProp = res.coeff; } this.canvasMap.canvasWidth = canvas.width; this.canvasMap.canvasHeight = canvas.height; this.canvasMap.getContext("2d").drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0, this.canvasMap.width, this.canvasMap.height ); }, options : { collapsed : false, collapsing : null, visible : false, busy : false, mode : "slow" }, animationV: null, animationC: null, show : function() { if (this.options.visible) return; else if (this.animationV) this.animationV.stop(); this.options.visible = true; var pos = BX.pos(this.block, false); this.root.pos = { top : pos.top, left : (pos.right - this.canvasMap.width), width : this.canvasMap.width, height : this.canvasMap.height }; this.root.style.top = this.root.pos.top + 'px'; this.root.style.left = this.root.pos.left + 'px'; this.root.style.overflow = "hidden"; this.root.style.width = this.root.pos.width + 'px'; this.root.style.height = this.root.pos.height + 'px'; this.root.style.display = (this.options.collapsed ? 'none' : 'block'); this.collapsedNode.style.display = ''; this.canvasMapBlock.style.top = "-" + (this.canvasMap.height + 1) + 'px'; this.canvasMapBlock.style.left = 0; this.canvasMapBlock.style.width = this.canvasMap.width + 'px'; this.canvasMapBlock.style.height = this.canvasMap.height + 'px'; this.canvasMapBlock.y = (this.canvasMapBlock.y || this.canvasMap.height); this.canvasMapBlock.x = (this.canvasMapBlock.x || this.canvasMap.width); this.animationV = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : { y : this.canvasMapBlock.y, x : this.canvasMapBlock.x}, finish : { y : 0, x : 0}, step : BX.delegate(function(state){ this.canvasMapBlock.y = state.y; this.canvasMapBlock.style.top = "-" + state.y + "px"; }, this), complete : BX.delegate(function(){ this.canvasMapBlock.y = false; this.canvasMapBlock.x = false; this.canvasMapBlock.style.top = 0; this.canvasMapBlock.style.left = 0; this.root.style.overflow = "visible"; this.animationV = null; }, this) }); this.animationV.animate(); }, hide : function(slow) { var func = BX.delegate(function(){ this.root.style.display = 'none'; this.collapsedNode.style.display = 'none'; delete this.root.pos; this.canvasMapBlock.y = false; this.canvasMapBlock.x = false; this.animationV = null; }, this); if (slow !== true) { if (this.animationV) this.animationV.stop(); this.options.visible = false; func(); } else if (this.options.visible) { if (this.animationV) this.animationV.stop(); this.options.visible = false; this.root.style.overflow = "hidden"; this.canvasMapBlock.y = (this.canvasMapBlock.y || 0); this.canvasMapBlock.x = (this.canvasMapBlock.x || 0); this.animationV = new BX.easing({ duration : 200, start : { y : this.canvasMapBlock.y, x : this.canvasMapBlock.x}, finish : { y : this.canvasMap.height, x : this.canvasMap.width}, step : BX.delegate(function(state){ this.canvasMapBlock.y = state.y; this.canvasMapBlock.style.top = "-" + state.y + "px"; this.canvasMapBlock.x = state.x; }, this), complete : func }); this.animationV.animate(); } else { func(); } }, zoom : function(visPart) { var show = (visPart && ( visPart["~top"] > 0 || visPart["~left"] > 0 || visPart["~width"] < this.canvasMap.canvasWidth || visPart["~height"] < this.canvasMap.canvasHeight)); if (show) { var shiftX = Math.ceil(visPart["~left"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), shiftY = Math.ceil(visPart["~top"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), width = Math.min(Math.ceil(visPart["~width"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), (this.canvasMap.width - shiftX)), height = Math.min(Math.ceil(visPart["~height"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), (this.canvasMap.height - shiftY)); BX.adjust( this.canvasMapPointer, { props : { etalonWidth : Math.ceil(visPart["~etalonWidth"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), etalonHeight : Math.ceil(visPart["~etalonHeight"] * this.canvasMap.canvasProp), 'bx-left' : shiftX, 'bx-top' : shiftY, width : width, height : height }, style : { width : width + 'px', height : height + 'px', transform : 'translate3d(' + shiftX + 'px, ' + shiftY + 'px, 0)' } } ); } else { BX.adjust( this.canvasMapPointer, { props : { etalonWidth : this.canvasMap.width, etalonHeight : this.canvasMap.height, 'bx-left' : 0, 'bx-top' : 0, width : this.canvasMap.width, height : this.canvasMap.height }, style : { width : this.canvasMap.width + 'px', height : this.canvasMap.height + 'px', transform : 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)' } } ); } }, shiftX : 0, shiftY : 0, moveEventTimeout : 0, moveEventParams : {top : 0, left : 0}, moveCursor : null, wSize : null, moveStart : function(e) { this.moveCursor = null; if (e.target == this.canvasMapPointer) { if (this.canvasMap.pos === null) this.canvasMap.pos = BX.pos(this.canvasMap); this.wSize = BX.GetWindowSize(); this.moveCursor = { deltaX : this.canvasMap.pos['left'] + (this.canvasMapPointer['bx-left'] || 0), deltaY : this.canvasMap.pos['top'] + (this.canvasMapPointer['bx-top'] || 0) }; this.moveCursor.x = e.clientX + this.wSize.scrollLeft - this.moveCursor.deltaX; this.moveCursor.y = e.clientY + this.wSize.scrollTop - this.moveCursor.deltaY; BX.bind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.bind(document, "mouseup", this.moveEnd); } }, move : function(e) { if (this.moveCursor === null) return; var deltaX = e.clientX + this.wSize.scrollLeft, deltaY = e.clientY + this.wSize.scrollTop, width = parseInt(this.canvasMapPointer.etalonWidth), height = parseInt(this.canvasMapPointer.etalonHeight), right = false, bottom = false; deltaX -= (this.canvasMap.pos['left'] + this.moveCursor.x); if (deltaX <= 0) deltaX = 0; else if (deltaX > (this.canvasMap.width - this.canvasMapPointer.width)) { deltaX = (this.canvasMap.width - this.canvasMapPointer.width); right = true; } deltaY -= (this.canvasMap.pos['top'] + this.moveCursor.y); if (deltaY <= 0) deltaY = 0; else if (deltaY > (this.canvasMap.height - this.canvasMapPointer.height)) { deltaY = (this.canvasMap.height - this.canvasMapPointer.height); bottom = true; } if (deltaX != this.shiftX || deltaY != this.shiftY) { this.shiftX = deltaX; this.shiftY = deltaY; if (width > this.canvasMapPointer.width && (width + deltaX) > this.canvasMap.width) width = this.canvasMap.width - deltaX; if (height > this.canvasMapPointer.height && (height + deltaY) > this.canvasMap.height) height = this.canvasMap.height - deltaY; BX.adjust( this.canvasMapPointer, { props : { 'bx-left' : deltaX, 'bx-top' : deltaY, width : width, height : height }, style : { width : width + 'px', height : height + 'px', transform : 'translate3d(' + deltaX + 'px, ' + deltaY + 'px, 0)' } } ); clearTimeout(this.moveEventTimeout); this.moveEventParams = { '%left' : deltaX / this.canvasMap.width, '%top' : deltaY / this.canvasMap.height, left : deltaX / this.canvasMap.canvasProp, top : deltaY / this.canvasMap.canvasProp, right : right, bottom : bottom, width : width / this.canvasMap.canvasProp, height : height / this.canvasMap.canvasProp }; if (!this['moveEventFunction']) this['moveEventFunction'] = BX.delegate(function(){ BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onMapPointerIsMoved', [this.moveEventParams]); }, this); this.moveEventTimeout = setTimeout(this.moveEventFunction, 100); } }, moveEnd : function() { BX.unbind(document, "mousemove", this.move); BX.unbind(document, "mouseup", this.moveEnd); }, collapsedNode : null, registerCollapsedNode : function(node) { if (BX(node)) { this.collapsedNode = BX(node); BX.bind(this.collapsedNode, "click", BX.delegate(function(){ if (this.options.collapsed === true) { this.collapse(false); } else { this.collapse(true); } }, this)); BX.bind(this.canvasMapBlock, "dblclick", BX.delegate(this.collapse, this)); } this.collapseEnd(); }, collapseEnd : function() { if (this.options.collapsed) { this.root.style.display = 'none'; if (this.collapsedNode) BX.removeClass(this.collapsedNode, "disabled"); BX.removeClass(this.root, "collapse"); BX.addClass(this.root, "collapse2"); } else { this.root.style.display = 'block'; if (this.collapsedNode) BX.addClass(this.collapsedNode, "disabled"); BX.addClass(this.root, "collapse"); BX.removeClass(this.root, "collapse2"); } this.root.style.transform = 'translate(0, 0) scale(1, 1)'; this.root.style.opacity = '1'; if (this.root["~top"]) { this.root.style.top = this.root["~top"]; delete this.root["~top"]; } this.options.collapsing = null; }, collapse : function(collapse) { collapse = (collapse === true || collapse === false ? collapse : (!this.options.collapsed)); if (this.options.collapsing !== null || this.options.collapsed == collapse) return; this.options.collapsing = true; this.options.collapsed = collapse; var posB, pos, shiftX, scale; if (collapse) { if (!this.collapsedNode || !this.root.pos) { this.collapseEnd(); } else { posB = BX.pos(this.collapsedNode, false); pos = this.root.pos; shiftX = Math.ceil((posB.left + posB.width / 2 ) - (pos.left + pos.width / 2)); scale = (posB.width * 0.7)/pos.width; this.root.style.transform = 'translate(' + shiftX + 'px, 0) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'; this.root.style.opacity = '0'; this.root["~top"] = this.root.style.top; this.root.style.top = posB.top + 'px'; setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.collapseEnd, this), 700); } } else if (this.root.pos) { this.collapseEnd(); /*if (!this.collapsedNode) { this.collapseEnd(); } else { posB = BX.pos(this.collapsedNode, false); pos = this.root.pos; shiftX = Math.ceil((posB.left + posB.width / 2 ) - (pos.left + pos.width / 2)); scale = (posB.width * 0.7)/pos.width; BX.removeClass(this.root, "collapse2"); this.root.style.opacity = '0'; this.root.style.display = 'block'; this.root.style.transform = 'translate(' + shiftX + 'px, 0) scale(' + scale + ', ' + scale + ')'; this.root["~top"] = this.root.style.top; this.root.style.top = posB.top + 'px'; BX.addClass(this.root, "collapse2"); this.root.style.transform = 'translate(0, 0) scale(1, 1)'; this.root.style.opacity = '1'; this.root.style.top = this.root["~top"]; setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.collapseEnd, this), 1000); }*/ } }, stretchStart : function() { }, occupy : function() { this.options.busy = true; }, release : function() { this.options.busy = false; }, onResizeWindow : function() { if (this.options.visible) { var pos = BX.pos(this.block, false); this.root.pos.top = pos.top; this.root.pos.left = pos.left; this.root.style.top = pos.top + 'px'; this.root.style.left = (pos.right - this.canvasMap.width) + 'px'; } } }; var frameMaster = new FrameMaster(), getZIndex = function(delta) { var res = Math.max(BX.WindowManager.GetZIndex(), BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupOverlayZindex")) - BX.PopupWindow.getOption("popupOverlayZindex") + delta; return res; }; })();