Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/core/core_image.js |
;(function(){ if (window.BX.CImageView) return; /******* image viewer ********/ // show single image - not recommended BX.viewImage = function(img_src, w, h, title, params) { params = params || {}; params.cycle = false; params.list = [{image:img_src, height: h, width: w, title: title}]; var obView = new BX.CImageView(params); obView.show(); return obView; } // bind image viewer on concrete node BX.viewImageBind = function(div, params, isTarget, groupBy) { var obImageView = new BX.CImageView(params); if(!isTarget) isTarget = {tag:'IMG'}; BX.ready(function(){ _viewImageBind(div, isTarget, groupBy, obImageView); }); return obImageView; }; function _viewImageBind(div, isTarget, groupBy, obImageView) { var div = BX(div); if (!!div) { BX.bindDelegate(div, 'click', isTarget, function(e) { var parent = div; if (!!groupBy) { parent = BX.findParent(this, groupBy, div)||parent; } var imgNodeList = BX.findChildren(parent, isTarget, true), imgList = [], currentImage = false; for(var i=0; i<imgNodeList.length; i++) { var imgData = { thumb: imgNodeList[i].src, image: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-image'), width: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-width'), height: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-height'), full: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-full'), full_width: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-full-width'), full_height: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-full-height'), full_size: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-full-size'), title: imgNodeList[i].getAttribute('data-bx-title')||imgNodeList[i].alt||imgNodeList[i].title }; var bHasLink = imgNodeList[i].parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A' && !!imgNodeList[i].parentNode.href; if(bHasLink) { imgData.image = imgData.image || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.href; imgData.title = imgData.title || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.title; imgData.width = imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-width'); imgData.height = imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-height'); imgData.full = imgData.full || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-full'); if(!!imgData.full) { imgData.full_width = imgData.full_width || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-full-width'); imgData.full_height = imgData.full_height || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-full-height'); imgData.full_size = imgData.full_size || imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-full-size'); } imgData.title = imgData.title||imgNodeList[i].parentNode.getAttribute('data-bx-title')||imgNodeList[i].parentNode.alt||imgNodeList[i].parentNode.title; } imgData.image = imgData.image || imgData.thumb; if(imgNodeList[i] == this) currentImage = imgData.image if (!!imgData.image) imgList.push(imgData); } var bLink = this.parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A' && !!this.parentNode.href, bExtLink = bLink && !!currentImage && this.parentNode.href != currentImage; if(!bExtLink) { obImageView.setList(imgList); obImageView.show(this.getAttribute('data-bx-image')||this.src); if(bLink) return BX.PreventDefault(e); } }); } }; /******* image viewer main class ********/ /* params: { list: [], // starting list of images cycle: true, // whether to cycle images list - go to first after last resize: 'WH', //'W' - resize image to fit width, 'H' - resize image to fit height, 'WH' - W&H , ''||false => show original image size without resizing. RECOMMENDATION: set lockScroll: true for resize: W or resize: false; resizeToggle: false, showTitle: true, // whether to show image title preload: 1, // number of list images to be preloaded (in both sides. default - 1 next and 1 previous) minMargin: 20, // - minimum space between viewer and screen edge. minPadding: 12, // - minimum space between viewer and image edge. lockScroll: false, // whether to lock page scroll. keyMap: {} // map for hotkeys. set to false to disable hotkeys. use BX.CImageView.defaultSettings.keyMap as default } elements: [{ thumb: '/images/image.jpg', image: '/images/thumb.jpg', title: 'This is my image!', height: int width: int }] */ BX.CImageView = function(params) { this.params = BX.clone(BX.CImageView.defaultSettings); for(var i in params) { this.params[i] = params[i]; } this.DIV = null; this.OVERLAY = null; this.IMAGE_WRAP = null; this.IMAGE = BX.create('IMG', { props: { className: 'bx-images-viewer-image' }, events: { load: BX.proxy(this.adjustPos, this), click: BX.proxy(this.next, this) } }); this.list = this.params.list; this.list_preload = []; this._current = 0; this.bVisible = false; }; BX.CImageView.defaultSettings = { list: [], cycle: true, // whether to cycle images list - go to first after last resize: 'WH', //'W' - resize image to fit width, 'H' - resize image to fit height, 'WH' - W&H , ''||false => show original image size without resizing resizeToggle: false, showTitle: true, // whether to show image title preload: 1, // number of list images to be preloaded minMargin: 20, //minimal margin minPadding: 12, // minimal padding lockScroll: false, keyMap: { 27: 'close', // esc 33: 'prev', // pgup 37: 'prev', // left 38: 'prev', // up 34: 'next', // pgdn 39: 'next', // right 40: 'next', // down 32: 'next' // space } }; BX.CImageView.prototype._create = function() { if (!this.DIV) { var specTag = BX.browser.IsIE() && !BX.browser.IsDoctype() ? 'A' : 'SPAN', specHref = specTag == 'A' ? 'javascript:void(0)' : null; this.OVERLAY = document.body.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-overlay'}, events: {click: BX.proxy(this._hide, this)} })); this.DIV = this.OVERLAY.appendChild(BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-wrap-outer'}, events: { click: BX.eventCancelBubble }, children: [ (this.PREV_LINK = BX.create(specTag, { props: { className: 'bx-images-viewer-prev-outer', href: specHref }, events: { click: BX.proxy(this.prev, this) }, html: '<span class="bx-images-viewer-prev"></span>' })), (this.NEXT_LINK = BX.create(specTag, { props: { className: 'bx-images-viewer-next-outer', href: specHref }, events: { click: BX.proxy(this.next, this) }, html: '<span class="bx-images-viewer-next"></span>' })), (this.IMAGE_TITLE = BX.create('DIV', { style: {bottom: '0'}, props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-title'} })), BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-wrap-inner'}, style: {padding: this.params.minPadding + 'px'}, children: [ (this.IMAGE_WRAP = BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-wrap'}, children: [ this.IMAGE ] })) ] }), BX.create(specTag, { props: { className: 'bx-images-viewer-close', href: specHref }, events: {click: BX.proxy(this._hide, this)}, html: '<span class="bx-images-viewer-close-inner"></span>' }) ] })); if (!!this.params.resizeToggle) { this.IMAGE_WRAP.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', { props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-size-toggle'}, style: { right: this.params.minPadding + 'px', bottom: this.params.minPadding + 'px' }, events: { click: BX.proxy(this._toggle_resize, this) } })) } } }; BX.CImageView.prototype._keypress = function(e) { var key = (e||window.event).keyCode || (e||window.event).charCode; if (!!this.params.keyMap && !!this.params.keyMap[key] && !!this[this.params.keyMap[key]]) { this[this.params.keyMap[key]].apply(this); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } }; BX.CImageView.prototype._toggle_resize = function() { var tmp = this.params.resize; this.params.resize = this.params.resizeToggle; this.params.resizeToggle = tmp; if (this.params.resize != 'WH') { this.params.lockScroll = true; this._lock_scroll(); } else { this.params.lockScroll = false; this._unlock_scroll(); } this.adjustSize(); this.adjustPos(); }; BX.CImageView.prototype.adjustPos = function() { if (this.list[this._current].height > 0 && this.list[this._current].width > 0) { this._adjustPosByImg(); } else { if (!this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.height) this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.height = "100px"; if (!this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.width) this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.width = "100px"; setTimeout(BX.proxy(this._adjustPosByImg, this), 250); } }; BX.CImageView.prototype._adjustPosByImg = function() { if (this.bVisible) { var wndSize = BX.GetWindowSize(), top = parseInt((wndSize.innerHeight - parseInt(this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.height) - 2 * this.params.minPadding)/2), left = parseInt((wndSize.innerWidth - parseInt(this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.width) - 2 * this.params.minPadding)/2); if (!this.params.lockScroll && wndSize.innerWidth < wndSize.scrollHeight) left -= 20; if (top < this.params.minMargin) top = this.params.minMargin; if (left < this.params.minMargin + Math.min(70, this.PREV_LINK.offsetWidth)) left = this.params.minMargin + Math.min(70, this.PREV_LINK.offsetWidth); if (this.params.showTitle && !!this.list[this._current].title) { top -= 20; } this.DIV.style.top = top + 'px'; this.DIV.style.left = left + 'px'; } }; BX.CImageView.prototype.adjustSize = function() { var wndSize = BX.GetWindowSize(), img = this.list[this._current]; if (!!img.height && !!img.width) { if (!this.params.lockScroll && wndSize.innerWidth < wndSize.scrollHeight) wndSize.innerWidth -= 20; wndSize.innerWidth -= this.params.minMargin * 2 + this.params.minPadding * 2 + Math.min(140, this.PREV_LINK.offsetWidth + this.NEXT_LINK.offsetWidth); wndSize.innerHeight -= this.params.minMargin * 2 + this.params.minPadding * 2; if (this.params.showTitle && !!this.list[this._current].title) { wndSize.innerHeight -= 40; } var height = img.height, width = img.width, ratio = [1]; if (this.params.resize) { if(this.params.resize.indexOf('W') >= 0) ratio.push(wndSize.innerWidth/width); if (this.params.resize.indexOf('H') >= 0) ratio.push(wndSize.innerHeight/height); } ratio = Math.min.apply(window, ratio); height *= ratio; width *= ratio; this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.height = parseInt(height) + 'px'; this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.width = parseInt(width) + 'px'; if (BX.browser.IsIE()) { var h = parseInt(this.IMAGE_WRAP.style.height) + this.params.minPadding * 2; this.PREV_LINK.style.height = this.NEXT_LINK.style.height = h + 'px'; this.PREV_LINK.firstChild.style.top = this.NEXT_LINK.firstChild.style.top = parseInt(h/2-20) + 'px'; } } }; BX.CImageView.prototype._lock_scroll = function() { if (this.params.lockScroll) BX.addClass(document.body, 'bx-images-viewer-lock-scroll'); }; BX.CImageView.prototype._unlock_scroll = function() { if (this.params.lockScroll) BX.removeClass(document.body, 'bx-images-viewer-lock-scroll'); }; BX.CImageView.prototype._unhide = function() { this.bVisible = true; this.DIV.style.display = 'block'; this.OVERLAY.style.display = 'block'; this.PREV_LINK.style.display = (this.list.length > 1 && (this.params.cycle || this._current > 0)) ? 'block' : 'none'; this.NEXT_LINK.style.display = (this.list.length > 1 && (this.params.cycle || this._current < this.list.length-1)) ? 'block' : 'none'; this.adjustPos(); BX.unbind(document, 'keydown', BX.proxy(this._keypress, this)); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustSize, this)); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustPos, this)); BX.bind(document, 'keydown', BX.proxy(this._keypress, this)); BX.bind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustSize, this)); BX.bind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustPos, this)); this._lock_scroll(); }; BX.CImageView.prototype._hide = function() { this.bVisible = false; this.DIV.style.display = 'none'; this.OVERLAY.style.display = 'none'; BX.unbind(document, 'keydown', BX.proxy(this._keypress, this)); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustSize, this)); BX.unbind(window, 'resize', BX.proxy(this.adjustPos, this)); this._unlock_scroll(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onImageViewClose', [this.list[this._current]]); }; BX.CImageView.prototype.add = function(data) { this.list.push(data); }; BX.CImageView.prototype.setList = function(list) { this.list = []; this.list_preload = []; if (!!list && BX.type.isArray(list)) { for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { this.add(list[i]); } } if (this.bVisible) { if (this.list.length > 0) this.show(); else this.close(); } }; BX.CImageView.prototype.show = function(img) { var _current = this._current; if (BX.type.isElementNode(img)) img = img.getAttribute('src'); if(typeof(img) == 'object' && (!!img.image || !!img.thumb)) img = (img.image||img.thumb); if (BX.type.isString(img)) { for(var i=0; i < this.list.length; i++) { if(this.list[i].image == img || this.list[i].thumb == img) { _current = i; break; } } } img = this.list[_current]; if (!img) return; this._current = _current; this._create(); this.IMAGE.style.opacity = 0; this.adjustSize(); if (!this.list_preload[this._current]) { BX.addClass(this.IMAGE_WRAP, 'bx-images-viewer-wrap-loading'); this.list_preload[this._current] = new Image(); this.list_preload[this._current].bxloaded = false; this.list_preload[this._current].onload = this._get_image_onload(); this.list_preload[this._current].src = img.image; BX.defer(function(){ if((this.list_preload[this._current].width > 0 || this.list_preload[this._current].height > 0)) { this.IMAGE.onload = null; this.IMAGE.style.opacity = 1; } }, this)(); } else if (this.list_preload[this._current].bxloaded) { setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.list_preload[this._current].onload, this.list_preload[this._current]), 350); } setTimeout(BX.proxy(this._check_title, this), 300); this._unhide(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onImageViewShow', [img]); }; BX.CImageView.prototype._check_title = function() { this.IMAGE_TITLE.innerHTML = ''; if (this.params.showTitle && this.list[this._current].title || this.list[this._current].full) { var height = 0, bottom = 0, params = { style: { opacity: '1' }, children: [] }; if(this.params.showTitle && this.list[this._current].title) { params.children.push(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-title-item'}, text: this.list[this._current].title})); height += 35; bottom += 35; } if(this.list[this._current].full) { var p = []; if(this.list[this._current].full_height && this.list[this._current].full_width) { p.push(this.list[this._current].full_width+'x'+this.list[this._current].full_height); } if(this.list[this._current].full_size) { p.push(this.list[this._current].full_size); } html = '<a href="'+this.list[this._current].full+'" class="bx-images-viewer-full-link" target="_blank">' + BX.message('JS_CORE_IMAGE_FULL') + (p.length > 0 ? (' ('+p.join(', ')+')') : '') + '</a>'; params.children.push(BX.create('DIV', {props: {className: 'bx-images-viewer-title-item bx-images-viewer-full'}, html: html})); height += 35; bottom += 35; } params.style.height = height + 'px'; params.style.bottom = -bottom + 'px'; BX.adjust(this.IMAGE_TITLE, params); } else { this.IMAGE_TITLE.style.opacity = '0'; this.IMAGE_TITLE.style.bottom = '0'; this.IMAGE_TITLE.style.height = '0'; } } BX.CImageView.prototype._get_image_onload = function(_current) { _current = typeof _current == 'undefined' ? this._current : _current; return BX.delegate(function(){ BX.proxy_context.bxloaded = true; if (_current == this._current) { var img = this.list[this._current]; BX.removeClass(this.IMAGE_WRAP, 'bx-images-viewer-wrap-loading'); this.IMAGE.onload = function(){ this.onload = null; this.style.opacity = 1; }; this.IMAGE.src = BX.proxy_context.src; if (BX.proxy_context.width) img.width = BX.proxy_context.width; if (BX.proxy_context.height) img.height = BX.proxy_context.height; this.adjustSize(); this.adjustPos(); BX.defer(this._preload, this)(); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onImageViewLoad', [this.list[_current], _current == this._current]); }, this); } BX.CImageView.prototype._preload = function() { if (this.params.preload > 0) { var finish = Math.max(this._current-this.params.preload, this.params.cycle ? -1000 : 0), start = Math.min(this._current+this.params.preload, this.params.cycle ? this.list.length + 1000 : this.list.length-1); if (finish < start) { for (var i=start; i>=finish; i--) { var ix = i; if (ix < 0) ix += this.list.length; else if (ix >= this.list.length) ix -= this.list.length; if (!this.list_preload[ix]) { this.list_preload[ix] = new Image(); this.list_preload[ix].src = this.list[ix].image; this.list_preload[ix].onload = this._get_image_onload(ix); } } } } }; BX.CImageView.prototype.next = function() { if (this.list.length > 1) { this._current++; if(this._current >= this.list.length) { if(!!this.params.cycle) this._current = 0; else this._current--; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onImageViewFinishList', [this.list[this._current], 1]); } this.show(); } }; BX.CImageView.prototype.prev = function() { if (this.list.length > 1) { this._current--; if(this._current < 0) { if(!!this.params.cycle) this._current = this.list.length-1; else this._current++; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'onImageViewFinishList', [this.list[this._current], -1]); } this.show(); } }; BX.CImageView.prototype.close = function() { this._hide(); }; })(window);