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Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/date/
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Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/date/main.date.js

	/****************** ATTENTION *******************************
	 * Please do not use Bitrix CoreJS in this class.
	 * This class can be called on page without Bitrix Framework

	if (!window.BX)
		window.BX = {};

	if (!window.BX.Main)
		window.BX.Main = {};
	else if (window.BX.Main.Date)

	var BX = window.BX;

	BX.Main.Date = {

			UPPER: 1,
			LOWER: 2,
			NONE: false

		format: function(format, timestamp, now, utc)
			var _this = this;

			PHP to Javascript:
				time() = new Date()
				mktime(...) = new Date(...)
				gmmktime(...) = new Date(Date.UTC(...))
				mktime(0,0,0, 1, 1, 1970) != 0          new Date(1970,0,1).getTime() != 0
				gmmktime(0,0,0, 1, 1, 1970) == 0        new Date(Date.UTC(1970,0,1)).getTime() == 0
				date("d.m.Y H:i:s") = BX.Main.Date.format("d.m.Y H:i:s")
				gmdate("d.m.Y H:i:s") = BX.Main.Date.format("d.m.Y H:i:s", null, null, true);
			var date = Utils.isDate(timestamp) ? new Date(timestamp.getTime()) : Utils.isNumber(timestamp) ? new Date(timestamp * 1000) : new Date();
			var nowDate = Utils.isDate(now) ? new Date(now.getTime()) : Utils.isNumber(now) ? new Date(now * 1000) : new Date();
			var isUTC = !!utc;

			if (Utils.isArray(format))
				return _formatDateInterval(format, date, nowDate, isUTC);
			else if (!Utils.isNotEmptyString(format))
				return "";

			var formatRegex = /\\?(sago|iago|isago|Hago|dago|mago|Yago|sdiff|idiff|Hdiff|ddiff|mdiff|Ydiff|sshort|ishort|Hshort|dshort|mhort|Yshort|yesterday|today|tommorow|tomorrow|[a-z])/gi;

			var dateFormats = {
				d : function() {
					// Day of the month 01 to 31
					return Utils.strPadLeft(getDate(date).toString(), 2, "0");

				D : function() {
					//Mon through Sun
					return _this._getMessage("DOW_" + getDay(date));

				j : function() {
					//Day of the month 1 to 31
					return getDate(date);

				l : function() {
					//Sunday through Saturday
					return _this._getMessage("DAY_OF_WEEK_" + getDay(date));

				N : function() {
					//1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
					return getDay(date) || 7;

				S : function() {
					//st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j
					if (getDate(date) % 10 == 1 && getDate(date) != 11)
						return "st";
					else if (getDate(date) % 10 == 2 && getDate(date) != 12)
						return "nd";
					else if (getDate(date) % 10 == 3 && getDate(date) != 13)
						return "rd";
						return "th";

				w : function() {
					//0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
					return getDay(date);

				z : function() {
					//0 through 365
					var firstDay = new Date(getFullYear(date), 0, 1);
					var currentDay = new Date(getFullYear(date), getMonth(date), getDate(date));
					return Math.ceil( (currentDay - firstDay) / (24 * 3600 * 1000) );

				W : function() {
					//ISO-8601 week number of year
					var newDate  = new Date(date.getTime());
					var dayNumber   = (getDay(date) + 6) % 7;
					setDate(newDate, getDate(newDate) - dayNumber + 3);
					var firstThursday = newDate.getTime();
					setMonth(newDate, 0, 1);
					if (getDay(newDate) != 4)
						setMonth(newDate, 0, 1 + ((4 - getDay(newDate)) + 7) % 7);
					var weekNumber = 1 + Math.ceil((firstThursday - newDate) / (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000));
					return Utils.strPadLeft(weekNumber.toString(), 2, "0");

				F : function() {
					//January through December
					return _this._getMessage("MONTH_" + (getMonth(date) + 1) + "_S");

				f : function() {
					//January through December
					return _this._getMessage("MONTH_" + (getMonth(date) + 1));

				m : function() {
					//Numeric representation of a month 01 through 12
					return Utils.strPadLeft((getMonth(date) + 1).toString(), 2, "0");

				M : function() {
					//A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
					return _this._getMessage("MON_" + (getMonth(date) + 1));

				n : function() {
					//Numeric representation of a month 1 through 12
					return getMonth(date) + 1;

				t : function() {
					//Number of days in the given month 28 through 31
					var lastMonthDay = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(getFullYear(date), getMonth(date) + 1, 0)) : new Date(getFullYear(date), getMonth(date) + 1, 0);
					return getDate(lastMonthDay);

				L : function() {
					//1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
					var year = getFullYear(date);
					return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0 ? 1 : 0);

				o : function() {
					//ISO-8601 year number
					var correctDate  = new Date(date.getTime());
					setDate(correctDate, getDate(correctDate) - ((getDay(date) + 6) % 7) + 3);
					return getFullYear(correctDate);

				Y : function() {
					//A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
					return getFullYear(date);

				y : function() {
					//A two digit representation of a year
					return getFullYear(date).toString().slice(2);

				a : function() {
					//am or pm
					return getHours(date) > 11 ? "pm" : "am";

				A : function() {
					//AM or PM
					return getHours(date) > 11 ? "PM" : "AM";

				B : function() {
					//000 through 999
					var swatch = ((date.getUTCHours() + 1) % 24) + date.getUTCMinutes() / 60 + date.getUTCSeconds() / 3600;
					return Utils.strPadLeft(Math.floor(swatch * 1000 / 24).toString(), 3, "0");

				g : function() {
					//12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12
					return getHours(date) % 12 || 12;

				G : function() {
					//24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
					return getHours(date);

				h : function() {
					//12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12
					return Utils.strPadLeft((getHours(date) % 12 || 12).toString(), 2, "0");

				H : function() {
					//24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23
					return Utils.strPadLeft(getHours(date).toString(), 2, "0");

				i : function() {
					//Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59
					return Utils.strPadLeft(getMinutes(date).toString(), 2, "0");

				s : function() {
					//Seconds, with leading zeros 00 through 59
					return Utils.strPadLeft(getSeconds(date).toString(), 2, "0");

				u : function() {
					return Utils.strPadLeft((getMilliseconds(date) * 1000).toString(), 6, "0");

				e : function() {
					if (isUTC)
						return "UTC";
					return "";

				I : function() {
					if (isUTC)
						return 0;

					//Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time 1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise
					var firstJanuary = new Date(getFullYear(date), 0, 1);
					var firstJanuaryUTC = Date.UTC(getFullYear(date), 0, 1);
					var firstJuly = new Date(getFullYear(date), 6, 0);
					var firstJulyUTC = Date.UTC(getFullYear(date), 6, 0);
					return 0 + ((firstJanuary - firstJanuaryUTC) !== (firstJuly - firstJulyUTC));

				O : function() {
					if (isUTC)
						return "+0000";

					//Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours +0200
					var timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
					var timezoneOffsetAbs = Math.abs(timezoneOffset);
					return (timezoneOffset > 0 ? "-" : "+") + Utils.strPadLeft((Math.floor(timezoneOffsetAbs / 60) * 100 + timezoneOffsetAbs % 60).toString(), 4, "0");

				P : function() {
					if (isUTC)
						return "+00:00";

					//Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes +02:00
					var difference = this.O();
					return difference.substr(0, 3) + ":" + difference.substr(3);

				Z : function() {
					if (isUTC)
						return 0;
					//Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative,
					//and for those east of UTC is always positive.
					return -date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60;

				c : function() {
					//ISO 8601 date
					return "Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP".replace(formatRegex, _replaceDateFormat);

				r : function() {
					//RFC 2822 formatted date
					return "D, d M Y H:i:s O".replace(formatRegex, _replaceDateFormat);

				U : function() {
					//Seconds since the Unix Epoch
					return Math.floor(date.getTime() / 1000);

				sago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				sdiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_SECOND_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_SECOND_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_SECOND_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_SECOND_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_SECOND_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				sshort : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_SECOND_SHORT").replace(/#VALUE#/g, intval((nowDate - date) / 1000));

				iago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_MINUTE_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_MINUTE_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_MINUTE_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_MINUTE_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_MINUTE_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				idiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_MINUTE_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_MINUTE_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_MINUTE_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_MINUTE_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_MINUTE_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				isago : function() {
					var minutesAgo = intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 1000);
					var result = _formatDateMessage(minutesAgo, {
						"0" : "FD_MINUTE_0",
						"1" : "FD_MINUTE_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_MINUTE_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_MINUTE_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_MINUTE_MOD_2_4",

					result += " ";

					var secondsAgo = intval((nowDate - date) / 1000) - (minutesAgo * 60);
					result += _formatDateMessage(secondsAgo, {
						"0" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_SECOND_AGO_MOD_2_4",
					return result;

				ishort : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_MINUTE_SHORT").replace(/#VALUE#/g, intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 1000));

				Hago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_HOUR_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_HOUR_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_HOUR_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_HOUR_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_HOUR_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				Hdiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_HOUR_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_HOUR_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_HOUR_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_HOUR_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_HOUR_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				Hshort : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_HOUR_SHORT").replace(/#VALUE#/g, intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 1000));

				yesterday : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_YESTERDAY");

				today : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_TODAY");

				tommorow : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_TOMORROW");

				tomorrow : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_TOMORROW");

				dago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_DAY_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_DAY_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_DAY_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_DAY_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_DAY_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				ddiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_DAY_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_DAY_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_DAY_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_DAY_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_DAY_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				dshort : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_DAY_SHORT").replace(/#VALUE#/g, intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000));

				mago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 31 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_MONTH_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_MONTH_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_MONTH_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_MONTH_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_MONTH_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				mdiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 31 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_MONTH_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_MONTH_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_MONTH_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_MONTH_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_MONTH_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				mshort : function() {
					return _this._getMessage("FD_MONTH_SHORT").replace(/#VALUE#/g, intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 31 / 1000));

				Yago : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_YEARS_AGO_0",
						"1" : "FD_YEARS_AGO_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_YEARS_AGO_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_YEARS_AGO_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_YEARS_AGO_MOD_2_4",

				Ydiff : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_YEARS_DIFF_0",
						"1" : "FD_YEARS_DIFF_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_YEARS_DIFF_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_YEARS_DIFF_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_YEARS_DIFF_MOD_2_4",

				Yshort : function() {
					return _formatDateMessage(intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 / 1000), {
						"0" : "FD_YEARS_SHORT_0",
						"1" : "FD_YEARS_SHORT_1",
						"10_20" : "FD_YEARS_SHORT_10_20",
						"MOD_1" : "FD_YEARS_SHORT_MOD_1",
						"MOD_2_4" : "FD_YEARS_SHORT_MOD_2_4",

				x : function() {
					var ampm = _this.isAmPmMode(true);
					var timeFormat = (ampm === _this.AM_PM_MODE.LOWER? "g:i a" : (ampm === _this.AM_PM_MODE.UPPER? "g:i A" : "H:i"));

					return _this.format([
						["tomorrow", "tomorrow, "+timeFormat],
						["-", _this.convertBitrixFormat(_this._getMessage("FORMAT_DATETIME")).replace(/:s/g, "")],
						["s", "sago"],
						["i", "iago"],
						["today", "today, "+timeFormat],
						["yesterday", "yesterday, "+timeFormat],
						["", _this.convertBitrixFormat(_this._getMessage("FORMAT_DATETIME")).replace(/:s/g, "")]
					], date, nowDate, isUTC);

				X : function() {

					var ampm = _this.isAmPmMode(true);
					var timeFormat = (ampm === _this.AM_PM_MODE.LOWER? "g:i a" : (ampm === _this.AM_PM_MODE.UPPER? "g:i A" : "H:i"));

					var day = _this.format([
						["tomorrow", "tomorrow"],
						["-", _this.convertBitrixFormat(_this._getMessage("FORMAT_DATE"))],
						["today", "today"],
						["yesterday", "yesterday"],
						["", _this.convertBitrixFormat(_this._getMessage("FORMAT_DATE"))]
					], date, nowDate, isUTC);

					var time = _this.format([
						["tomorrow", timeFormat],
						["today", timeFormat],
						["yesterday", timeFormat],
						["", ""]
					], date, nowDate, isUTC);

					if (time.length > 0)
						return _this._getMessage("FD_DAY_AT_TIME").replace(/#DAY#/g, day).replace(/#TIME#/g, time);
						return day;

				Q : function() {
					var daysAgo = intval((nowDate - date) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 1000);
					if(daysAgo == 0)
						return _this._getMessage("FD_DAY_DIFF_1").replace(/#VALUE#/g, 1);
						return _this.format([ ["d", "ddiff"], ["m", "mdiff"], ["", "Ydiff"] ], date, nowDate);

			var cutZeroTime = false;
			if (format[0] && format[0] == "^")
				cutZeroTime = true;
				format = format.substr(1);

			var result = format.replace(formatRegex, _replaceDateFormat);

			if (cutZeroTime)
				/* 	15.04.12 13:00:00 => 15.04.12 13:00
					00:01:00 => 00:01
					4 may 00:00:00 => 4 may
					01-01-12 00:00 => 01-01-12

				result = result.replace(/\s*00:00:00\s*/g, "").
								replace(/(\d\d:\d\d)(:00)/g, "$1").
								replace(/(\s*00:00\s*)(?!:)/g, "");

			return result;

			function _formatDateInterval(formats, date, nowDate, isUTC)
				var secondsAgo = intval((nowDate - date) / 1000);
				for (var i = 0; i < formats.length; i++)
					var formatInterval = formats[i][0];
					var formatValue = formats[i][1];
					var match = null;
					if (formatInterval == "s")
						if (secondsAgo < 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if ((match = /^s(\d+)\>?(\d+)?/.exec(formatInterval)) != null)
						if (match[1] && match[2])
							if (
								secondsAgo < match[1]
								&& secondsAgo > match[2]
								return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
						else if (secondsAgo < match[1])
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "i")
						if (secondsAgo < 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if ((match = /^i(\d+)\>?(\d+)?/.exec(formatInterval)) != null)
						if (match[1] && match[2])
							if (
								secondsAgo < match[1] * 60
								&& secondsAgo > match[2] * 60
								return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
						else if (secondsAgo < match[1] * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "H")
						if (secondsAgo < 24 * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if ((match = /^H(\d+)\>?(\d+)?/.exec(formatInterval)) != null)
						if (match[1] && match[2])
							if (
								secondsAgo < match[1] * 60 * 60
								&& secondsAgo > match[2] * 60 * 60
								return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
						else if (secondsAgo < match[1] * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "d")
						if (secondsAgo < 31 *24 * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if ((match = /^d(\d+)\>?(\d+)?/.exec(formatInterval)) != null)
						if (match[1] && match[2])
							if (
								secondsAgo < match[1] * 24 * 60 * 60
								&& secondsAgo > match[2] * 24 * 60 * 60
								return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
						else if (secondsAgo < match[1] * 24 * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "m")
						if (secondsAgo < 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if ((match = /^m(\d+)\>?(\d+)?/.exec(formatInterval)) != null)
						if (match[1] && match[2])
							if (
								secondsAgo < match[1] * 31 * 24 * 60 * 60
								&& secondsAgo > match[2] * 31 * 24 * 60 * 60
								return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
						else if (secondsAgo < match[1] * 31 * 24 * 60 * 60)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "now")
						if (date.getTime() == nowDate.getTime())
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "today")
						var year = getFullYear(nowDate), month = getMonth(nowDate), day = getDate(nowDate);
						var todayStart = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						var todayEnd = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						if (date >= todayStart && date < todayEnd)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "todayFuture")
						var year = getFullYear(nowDate), month = getMonth(nowDate), day = getDate(nowDate);
						var todayStart = nowDate.getTime();
						var todayEnd = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						if (date >= todayStart && date < todayEnd)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "yesterday")
						year = getFullYear(nowDate); month = getMonth(nowDate); day = getDate(nowDate);
						var yesterdayStart = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day-1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day-1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						var yesterdayEnd = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						if (date >= yesterdayStart && date < yesterdayEnd)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "tommorow" || formatInterval == "tomorrow")
						year = getFullYear(nowDate); month = getMonth(nowDate); day = getDate(nowDate);
						var tomorrowStart = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day+1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						var tomorrowEnd = isUTC ? new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day+2, 0, 0, 0, 0)) : new Date(year, month, day+2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
						if (date >= tomorrowStart && date < tomorrowEnd)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);
					else if (formatInterval == "-")
						if (secondsAgo < 0)
							return _this.format(formatValue, date, nowDate, isUTC);

				//return formats.length > 0 ? _this.format(formats.pop()[1], date, nowDate, isUTC) : "";
				return formats.length > 0 ? _this.format(formats[formats.length - 1][1], date, nowDate, isUTC) : "";

			function getFullYear(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCFullYear() : date.getFullYear(); }
			function getDate(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCDate() : date.getDate(); }
			function getMonth(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCMonth() : date.getMonth(); }
			function getHours(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCHours() : date.getHours(); }
			function getMinutes(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCMinutes() : date.getMinutes(); }
			function getSeconds(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCSeconds() : date.getSeconds(); }
			function getMilliseconds(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCMilliseconds() : date.getMilliseconds(); }
			function getDay(date) { return isUTC ? date.getUTCDay() : date.getDay(); }
			function setDate(date, dayValue) { return isUTC ? date.setUTCDate(dayValue) : date.setDate(dayValue); }
			function setMonth(date, monthValue, dayValue) { return isUTC ? date.setUTCMonth(monthValue, dayValue) : date.setMonth(monthValue, dayValue); }

			function _formatDateMessage(value, messages)
				var val = value < 100 ? Math.abs(value) : Math.abs(value % 100);
				var dec = val % 10;
				var message = "";

				if(val == 0)
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["0"]);
				else if (val == 1)
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["1"]);
				else if (val >= 10 && val <= 20)
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["10_20"]);
				else if (dec == 1)
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["MOD_1"]);
				else if (2 <= dec && dec <= 4)
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["MOD_2_4"]);
					message = _this._getMessage(messages["MOD_OTHER"]);

				return message.replace(/#VALUE#/g, value);

			function _replaceDateFormat(match, matchFull)
				if (dateFormats[match])
					return dateFormats[match]();
					return matchFull;

			function intval(number)
				return number >= 0 ? Math.floor(number) : Math.ceil(number);

		convertBitrixFormat: function(format)
			if (!Utils.isNotEmptyString(format))
				return "";

			return format.replace("YYYY", "Y")	// 1999
						 .replace("MMMM", "F")	// January - December
						 .replace("MM", "m")	// 01 - 12
						 .replace("M", "M")	// Jan - Dec
						 .replace("DD", "d")	// 01 - 31
						 .replace("G", "g")	//  1 - 12
						 .replace(/GG/i, "G")	//  0 - 23
						 .replace("H", "h")	// 01 - 12
						 .replace(/HH/i, "H")	// 00 - 24
						 .replace("MI", "i")	// 00 - 59
						 .replace("SS", "s")	// 00 - 59
						 .replace("TT", "A")	// AM - PM
						 .replace("T", "a");	// am - pm

		convertToUTC: function(date)
			if (!Utils.isDate(date))
				return null;

			return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()));

		 * Function creates and returns Javascript Date() object from server timestamp regardless of local browser (system) timezone.
		 * For example can be used to convert timestamp from some exact date on server to the JS Date object with the same value.
		 * @param timestamp - timestamp in seconds
		 * @returns {Date}
		getNewDate: function(timestamp)
			return new Date(this.getBrowserTimestamp(timestamp));

		 * Function transforms server timestamp (in sec) to javascript timestamp (calculated depend on local browser timezone offset). Returns timestamp in milliseconds.
		 * Also see BX.Main.Date.getNewDate description.
		 * @param timestamp - timestamp in seconds
		 * @returns {number}
		getBrowserTimestamp: function(timestamp)
			timestamp = parseInt(timestamp, 10);
			var browserOffset = new Date(timestamp * 1000).getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
			return (parseInt(timestamp, 10) + parseInt(this._getMessage('SERVER_TZ_OFFSET')) + browserOffset) * 1000;

		 * Function transforms local browser timestamp (in ms) to server timestamp (calculated depend on local browser timezone offset). Returns timestamp in seconds.
		 * @param timestamp - timestamp in milliseconds
		 * @returns {number}
		getServerTimestamp: function(timestamp)
			timestamp = parseInt(timestamp, 10);
			var browserOffset = new Date(timestamp).getTimezoneOffset() * 60;
			return Math.round(timestamp / 1000 - (parseInt(this._getMessage('SERVER_TZ_OFFSET'), 10) + parseInt(browserOffset, 10)));

		formatLastActivityDate: function(timestamp, now, utc)
			var ampm = this.isAmPmMode(true);
			var timeFormat = (ampm === this.AM_PM_MODE.LOWER? "g:i a" : (ampm === this.AM_PM_MODE.UPPER? "g:i A" : "H:i"));

			var format = [
			   ["tomorrow", "#01#"+timeFormat],
			   ["now" , "#02#"],
			   ["todayFuture", "#03#"+timeFormat],
			   ["yesterday", "#04#"+timeFormat],
			   ["-", this.convertBitrixFormat(this._getMessage("FORMAT_DATETIME")).replace(/:s/g, "")],
			   ["s60", "sago"],
			   ["i60", "iago"],
			   ["H5", "Hago"],
			   ["H24", "#03#"+timeFormat],
			   ["d31", "dago"],
			   ["m12>1", "mago"],
			   ["m12>0", "dago"],
			   ["", "#05#"]
			var formattedDate = this.format(format, timestamp, now, utc);

			if ((match = /^#(\d+)#(.*)/.exec(formattedDate)) != null)
				switch (match[1])
					case "01":
						formattedDate = this._getMessage('FD_LAST_SEEN_TOMORROW').replace("#TIME#", match[2]);
					case "02":
						formattedDate = this._getMessage('FD_LAST_SEEN_NOW');
					case "03":
						formattedDate = this._getMessage('FD_LAST_SEEN_TODAY').replace("#TIME#", match[2]);
					case "04":
						formattedDate = this._getMessage('FD_LAST_SEEN_YESTERDAY').replace("#TIME#", match[2]);
					case "05":
						formattedDate = this._getMessage('FD_LAST_SEEN_MORE_YEAR');
						formattedDate = match[2];

			return formattedDate;

		isAmPmMode: function(returnConst)
			if (returnConst === true)
				return this._getMessage('AMPM_MODE');

			return this._getMessage('AMPM_MODE') !== false;

		 * The method is designed to replace the localization storage on sites without Bitrix Framework.
		 * @param message
		 * @returns {*}
		 * @private
		_getMessage: function(message)
			return BX.message(message);

	 * @private
	var Utils = {
		isDate: function(item) {
			return item && Object.prototype.toString.call(item) == "[object Date]";
		isNumber: function(item) {
			return item === 0 ? true : (item ? (typeof (item) == "number" || item instanceof Number) : false);
		isArray: function(item) {
			return item && Object.prototype.toString.call(item) == "[object Array]";
		isString: function(item) {
			return item === '' ? true : (item ? (typeof (item) == "string" || item instanceof String) : false);
		isNotEmptyString: function(item) {
			return this.isString(item) ? item.length > 0 : false;
		strPadLeft: function(input, padLength, padString)
			var i = input.length, q=padString.length;
			if (i >= padLength) return input;

				input = padString + input;

			return input;


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0