Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/file_dialog_engine.js |
function BXDialogTree(){} BXDialogTree.prototype = { Init: function() { this.arIconList = { folder : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/folder.gif', folderopen : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/folderopen.gif', plus : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/plus.gif', minus : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/minus.gif', dot : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/dot.gif' }; this.arDirConts = {}; }, DisplayTree : function() { if (!this.oCont) this.oCont = BX("__bx_treeContainer"); BXFDCleanNode(this.oCont); var arItems = arFDDirs['/'], oTbl = jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {className: 'bxfd-tree-tbl'}), len = arItems.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) this.DisplayElement(arItems[i], oTbl.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1)); this.oCont.appendChild(oTbl); }, oPlusOnClick : function(el) { this.OpenTreeSection(el.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('__bxpath'), 'check'); }, oElementOnClick : function(el) { oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('tree'); this.SelectElement(el.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('__bxpath')); }, SelectElement : function(path, bOpen, bLoadCont) { if (this.curSelectedItem && this.curSelectedItem.path == path) return true; var oCont = this.arDirConts[path]; if (oCont && oCont.firstChild) { var arSpans = oCont.firstChild.getElementsByTagName("SPAN"), oTitle = arSpans[0]; if (this.curSelectedItem && this.curSelectedItem.oTitle) this.UnHighlightElement(this.curSelectedItem.oTitle); this.HighlightElement(oTitle); if (bOpen !== false) this.OpenTreeSection(path, true); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Set(path); if (bLoadCont !== false) oBXDialogWindow.LoadFolderContent(path); this.curSelectedItem = {path: path, oTitle: oTitle}; } }, HighlightElement : function(El) { El.id = '__bx_SelectedTitle'; El.className = 'bxfd-tree-item-sel'; }, UnHighlightElement : function(El) { El.id = ''; El.className = 'bxfd-tree-item'; }, DisplayElement : function(oItem, oCont) { this.arDirConts[oItem.path] = oCont; var innerHTML = '<table>' + '<tr __bxpath="' + oItem.path + '" __bx_bOpen=0>' + '<td class="tree-node-folding" >'; if (oItem.empty) innerHTML += '<img onclick="oBXDialogTree.oElementOnClick(this);" src="' + this.arIconList.dot + '" />'; else innerHTML += '<img onclick="oBXDialogTree.oPlusOnClick(this);" src="' + this.arIconList.plus + '" />'; innerHTML += '</td><td class="tree-node-icon" >' + '<img onclick="oBXDialogTree.oElementOnClick(this);" src="' + this.arIconList.folder + '" />' + '</td><td class="tree-node-name" >' + '<span onclick="oBXDialogTree.oElementOnClick(this);" class="bxfd-tree-item" unselectable="on">' + oItem.name + '</span>' + '</td></tr></table>'; oCont.innerHTML = innerHTML; }, LoadTree : function(path, oCont, dublReq) { var q = new JCHttpRequest(); q.Action = function(result) { oWaitWindow.Hide(); var new_sess = oBXFileDialog.CheckReqLostSessid(result); if (new_sess !== true) { if (dublReq) return alert('0' + FD_MESS.FD_SESS_EXPIRED); oBXFileDialog.sessid = new_sess; return oBXDialogTree.LoadTree(path, oCont, true); } var iter = 0; var loading_int = setInterval( function() { iter++; if (window.action_warning !== false) { clearInterval(loading_int); if (!oBXDialogWindow.lastCorrectPath) oBXDialogWindow.lastCorrectPath = '/'; oBXDialogTree.SetPath(oBXDialogWindow.lastCorrectPath); return alert(window.action_warning); } else if (!window.load_items_correct) { clearInterval(loading_int); return alert(FD_MESS.FD_ERROR); } if (arFDDirs[path] || arFDFiles[path] || iter > 20) { clearInterval(loading_int); if (oBXDialogTree.bRedisplayTree) oBXDialogTree.DisplayTree(); oBXDialogTree.bRedisplayTree = false; if (oCont === false) return oBXDialogTree.SetPath(path); if (oCont === 'timeout') return oBXDialogTree.SetPath(path, false); if (typeof arFDDirs[path] == 'object' && arFDDirs[path].length > 0) oBXDialogTree.DisplaySubTree(oCont, arFDDirs[path]); if (oBXDialogWindow.reloadWindowPath) oBXDialogWindow.LoadFolderContent(path); oBXDialogWindow.reloadWindowPath = true; } }, 5 ); }; oWaitWindow.Show(); window.action_warning = false; window.load_items_correct = false; this.curLoadingPath = path; q.Send(oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()) + '&action=load&path=' + jsUtils.urlencode(path) + '&add_to_menu=' + (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' ? '1' : '') + '&rec=' + (oCont === false ? '2' : '0')); }, focusOnSelectedElment : function() { if (!this.curSelectedItem) return true; var El = this.curSelectedItem.oTitle, startTop = this.oCont.scrollTop; this.tmpFocusInp = jsUtils.CreateElement('INPUT', {size: 1, id: 'bx_fd_tmp_focus_inp'}); El.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tmpFocusInp, El); setTimeout(function() { var inp = (oBXDialogTree.tmpFocusInp && oBXDialogTree.tmpFocusInp.parentNode) ? oBXDialogTree.tmpFocusInp : BX('bx_fd_tmp_focus_inp'); if (inp) { inp.focus(); var endTop = oBXDialogTree.oCont.scrollTop; if (startTop < endTop) oBXDialogTree.oCont.scrollTop += 120; inp.parentNode.removeChild(inp); inp = null; } }, 10); }, OpenTreeSection : function(path, bOpen) { var oCont = this.arDirConts[path]; if (!oCont) return; var arTables = oCont.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"), paramsCont = arTables[0].rows[0], bOpened = paramsCont.getAttribute('__bx_bOpen'), arImages = arTables[0].getElementsByTagName("IMG"), oPlus = arImages[0], oIcon = arImages[1]; if (oPlus.src.indexOf('dot.gif') != -1) return; if (bOpen == 'check') bOpen = (bOpened != 1); if (bOpen) { paramsCont.setAttribute('__bx_bOpen', 1); oPlus.src = this.arIconList.minus; oIcon.src = this.arIconList.folderopen; if (!window.arFDDirs[path]) this.LoadTree(path, oCont); // Load tree and open section else this.DisplaySubTree(oCont, window.arFDDirs[path]); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Set(path); } else { var subTreeTable = arTables[1]; if (!subTreeTable) return; oIcon.src = this.arIconList.folder; oPlus.src = this.arIconList.plus; subTreeTable.style.display = "none"; paramsCont.setAttribute('__bx_bOpen', 0); } }, HighlightPath : function(path) { try{ if (path == "" || path == "/") { if (this.curSelectedItem && this.curSelectedItem.oTitle) this.UnHighlightElement(this.curSelectedItem.oTitle); this.oCont.scrollTop = 0; return; } path = path.replace(/\\/ig,"/"); var arPath = path.split("/"), basePath = '', dir, i, l = arPath.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { dir = arPath[i]; if (dir != '') { basePath += '/' + dir; this.OpenTreeSection(basePath, true); } } var oCont = this.arDirConts[basePath], arSpans = oCont.firstChild.getElementsByTagName("SPAN"), oTitle = arSpans[0]; if (this.curSelectedItem && this.curSelectedItem.oTitle) this.UnHighlightElement(this.curSelectedItem.oTitle); this.HighlightElement(oTitle); this.curSelectedItem = {path: basePath, oTitle: oTitle}; }catch(e){ setTimeout(function () {oBXDialogTree.HighlightPath(path);}, 100); } oBXDialogTree.focusOnSelectedElment(); }, SetPath : function(path, bHightlight) { path = path.replace(/\\/ig,"/"); path = path.replace(/[\/]+$/g, ""); path = BX.util.trim(path); if (path == '' || path.indexOf('..') != -1 || path == '/' || path == './' || path == '/.' || path == '.') path = '/'; if (!window.arFDDirs[path] && !window.arFDFiles[path]) return this.LoadTree(path, false); if (bHightlight !== false) oBXDialogTree.HighlightPath(path); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Set(path); if (arFDDirs[path] && arFDFiles[path]) // Content return oBXDialogWindow.DisplayFolderContent(path); }, DisplaySubTree : function(oCont, arSubTreeItems, bRefresh) { if (!oCont || arSubTreeItems === false) return; var arTbls = oCont.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"); if (bRefresh && arTbls[1]) arTbls[1].parentNode.removeChild(arTbls[1]); // Del sub tree if (arTbls[1] && !bRefresh) { arTbls[1].style.display = "block"; // subTreeTable } else { var contTable = jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {}, {marginLeft: "15px"}), len = arSubTreeItems.length, oCell, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { oCell = contTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); this.DisplayElement(arSubTreeItems[i], oCell); } oCont.appendChild(contTable); } }, Append : function() { var path = oBXFileDialog.oConfig.path; if (path != '/' && path.substr(path.length - 1) == '/') path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1); this.Init(); this.DisplayTree(); this.HighlightPath(path); var iter = 0, maxIter = 20; var apint = setInterval( function() { iter++; if (arFDDirs[path] || arFDFiles[path] || iter > maxIter) { clearInterval(apint); if (iter < maxIter + 1) oBXDialogWindow.DisplayFolderContent(path); } }, 5 ); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Set(path, false); }, OnKeyDown : function(e) { if (!this.curSelectedItem) return; var path = this.curSelectedItem.path, selectPath = false, lind, parPath, parItems, i, curInd; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: // Left if (this.SectionIsOpened(path)) { this.OpenTreeSection(path, false); // Close tree section break; } // Get parent path lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'); parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind); parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; selectPath = parPath == '/' ? parItems[0].path : parPath; break; case 38: // Up // Get parent path lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'); parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind); parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; l = parItems.length; // find cur element in parent path array if (l > 0) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (parItems[i].path == path) { curInd = i; break; } } } if (curInd == 0 && parPath == '/') // Top of the top break; if (curInd == 0) // Select parent section { selectPath = parPath; break; } var upperItem = parItems[curInd - 1]; if (this.SectionIsOpened(upperItem.path)) // section opened, select last item in subtree { var subLen = arFDDirs[upperItem.path].length; if (subLen > 0) selectPath = arFDDirs[upperItem.path][subLen - 1].path; } else // select upper item { selectPath = upperItem.path; } break; case 39: // Right // Get parent path lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'); parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind); parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; l = parItems.length; // find cur element in parent path array if (l > 0) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (parItems[i].path == path) { curInd = i; break; } } } if (!parItems[curInd].empty) // Section have children { if (this.SectionIsOpened(path) && arFDDirs[path] && arFDDirs[path][0])// section opened, select last item in subtree selectPath = arFDDirs[path][0].path; else // Open section this.OpenTreeSection(path, true); } break; case 40: // Down // Get parent path lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'); parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind); parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; l = parItems.length; if (this.SectionIsOpened(path) && arFDDirs[path] && arFDDirs[path][0]) { selectPath = arFDDirs[path][0].path; break; } // find cur element in parent path array if (l > 0) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (parItems[i].path == path) { curInd = i; break; } } } // Section closed if (curInd + 1 < l) { var lowerItem = parItems[curInd + 1]; selectPath = lowerItem.path; } else // Last element selected { if (parPath == '/') // End of the end break; // Get parent of the parent path var lind2 = parPath.lastIndexOf('/'), parPath2 = lind2 == 0 ? '/' : parPath.substr(0, lind2), parItems2 = arFDDirs[parPath2], l2 = parItems2.length, i2, curInd2; if (l2) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < l2; i2++) { if (parItems2[i2].path == parPath) { curInd2 = i2; break; } } if (curInd2 < l2 - 1) selectPath = parItems2[curInd2 + 1].path; } } break; case 8: // Backspace // Get parent path lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'); parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind); parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; selectPath = parPath == '/' ? parItems[0].path : parPath; break; } if (selectPath !== false) { this.TimeoutSelectElement(selectPath); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } }, TimeoutSelectElement: function(path) { if (this.selectTimeout) clearTimeout(this.selectTimeout); this.SelectElement(path, false, false); this.selectTimeout = setTimeout( function() { if (oBXDialogTree.curSelectedItem.path == path) { oBXDialogWindow.LoadFolderContent(path, false, true); oBXDialogTree.focusOnSelectedElment(); } }, 500 ); }, SectionIsOpened: function(path) { try{ return this.arDirConts[path].firstChild.rows[0].getAttribute('__bx_bOpen') == 1; }catch(e) {return false;} } }; // ***************************************************************************** // BXDialogWindow // ***************************************************************************** function BXDialogWindow() {this.Init();} BXDialogWindow.prototype = { Init: function() { this.pWnd = BX('__bx_windowContainer'); this.view = oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.view; this.lastCorrectPath = ""; this.sort = oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.sort; this.sort_order = oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.sort_order; this.filter = oBXDialogControls.Filter.curentFilter; this.arFiles = {}; oBXDialogControls.ViewSelector.Set(this.view, false); oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.Set(this.sort,this.sort_order); var __title = BX('BX_file_dialog_title'); this.cancelRename_innerHTML = ''; if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S') __title.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_SAVE_TAB_TITLE; else if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'O' && oBXFileDialog.oConfig.select == 'D') __title.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_OPEN_DIR; else __title.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_OPEN_TAB_TITLE; BX('BX_file_dialog_close').title = FD_MESS.FD_CLOSE; this.iconsPath = '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/icons/types/'; this.arIcons = { css : {small:'css.gif', big:'css_big.gif', type:'CSS ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, csv : {small:'csv.gif', big:'csv_big.gif', type:'CSV ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, file : {small:'file.gif', big:'file_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, flash : {small:'flash.gif', big:'flash_big.gif', type:'Adobe Macromedia Flash ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, folder : {small:'folder.gif', big:'folder_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_FOLDER}, gif : {small:'gif.gif', big:'gif_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_IMAGE + ' GIF'}, htaccess : {small:'htaccess.gif', big:'htaccess_big.gif', type:'htaccess ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, html : {small:'html.gif', big:'html_big.gif', type:'HTML ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, jpg : {small:'jpeg.gif', big:'jpeg_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_IMAGE + ' JPG'}, jpeg : {small:'jpeg.gif', big:'jpeg_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_IMAGE + ' JPEG'}, js : {small:'js.gif', big:'js_big.gif', type:'Javascript ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, php : {small:'php.gif', big:'php_big.gif', type:'PHP ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, png : {small:'png.gif', big:'png_big.gif', type: FD_MESS.FD_IMAGE + ' PNG'}, txt : {small:'txt.gif', big:'txt_big.gif', type:'Text ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE}, xml : {small:'xml.gif', big:'xml_big.gif', type:'XML ' + FD_MESS.FD_FILE} }; // * * * * * * CONTEXT MENU INIT * * * * * * * * * * this.oCM = new BXFDContextMenu(); this.oSorter = new BXFDSorter(); }, LoadFolderContent: function(path, hard_refresh, bForTimeout) { if (path.indexOf('..') != -1) path = '/'; if (hard_refresh === true) { arFDDirs[path] = false; arFDFiles[path] = false; } if (arFDDirs[path] && arFDFiles[path] && hard_refresh !== true) // Content return this.DisplayFolderContent(path); if (oBXDialogTree.curLoadingPath != path) oBXDialogTree.LoadTree(path, bForTimeout === true ? 'timeout' : false); }, DisplayFolderContent: function(path) { if (path == '') path = '/'; var oPerm = window.arFDPermission[path]; if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'O' && oBXFileDialog.oConfig.showUploadTab && oPerm) oBXDialogTabs.DisableTab("tab2", !oPerm.upload); if (arFDDirs[path] && arFDFiles[path]) { oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElementsList(arFDDirs[path], arFDFiles[path], oBXDialogWindow.view, oBXDialogWindow.filter, oBXDialogWindow.sort, oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); } this.reloadWindowPath = path; this.lastCorrectPath = path; oBXDialogControls.Preview.Clear(); if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'O') oBXDialogControls.filePath.Set(''); //refresh menu types if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' && oBXFileDialog.oConfig.showAddToMenuTab) oBXMenuHandling.ChangeMenuType(); }, DisplayElementsList: function(arDirs, arFiles, view, filter, sort, sort_order) { //Folder doesn't exists if (arDirs === false && arFiles === false) return; if (typeof arDirs != 'object' || typeof arFiles != 'object') return; oBXDialogWindow.view = view; var _this = this, len1 = arDirs.length, len2 = arFiles.length, arElements = [], arFilter = (filter === '' || filter === false) ? '*' : oBXDialogControls.Filter.arFilters[filter], oDir, oFile, lenS, ext, icon, i, l, j, add; //Push directories to Elements array for (i = 0; i < len1; i++) { oDir = arDirs[i]; arElements.push( { name : oDir.name, icon : 'folder', path : oDir.path, permission : oDir.permission, date : oDir.date, timestamp : oDir.timestamp, size : oDir.size } ); } //Push files to Elements array if (oBXFileDialog.bSelectFiles) { for (i = 0; i < len2; i++) { add = false; oFile = arFiles[i]; ext = oFile.name.substr(oFile.name.lastIndexOf(".")+1).toLowerCase(); icon = (!this.arIcons[ext]) ? 'file' : ext; if (arFilter != '*') { l = arFilter.length; for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { if (ext == arFilter[j]) { add = true; break; } } } else add = true; if (add) { arElements.push( { name : oFile.name, icon : icon, ext : ext, path : oFile.path, permission : oFile.permission, date : oFile.date, timestamp : oFile.timestamp, size : oFile.size, tmb : oFile.tmb_src || '' } ); } } } oWaitWindow.Show(); setTimeout(function () { oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = false; oBXDialogWindow.oSorter.Sort(arElements); _this.arElIndex = []; _this['DisplayElList_' + view](arElements); //DisplayElList_list, DisplayElList_detail, DisplayElList_preview oBXDialogControls.NewDirButtonChange(); oWaitWindow.Hide(); }, 3); }, DisplayElList_list: function(arElements) { var addSubCont = function(oTable, oRow) { var curW = parseInt(oTable.style.width || oTable.offsetWidth); if (isNaN(curW)) curW = 0; var w = 220; var oSC = oRow.insertCell(-1); oTable.style.width = (curW + w) + "px"; oSC.className = 'bx-valign-top'; oSC.style.width = w + 'px'; return oSC; }; var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"); if (oSubContTable) oSubContTable.parentNode.removeChild(oSubContTable); oSubContTable = this.pWnd.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {id: "__bx_oSubContTable"}, {height: '228px', width: '0px'})); var oRow = oSubContTable.insertRow(-1); var l = arElements.length, i, oSSContTable, oSubCont; if (l == 0) // List empty, but we have to create subcont { oSubCont = addSubCont(oSubContTable, oRow); oSSContTable = oSubCont.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {}, {width: "100%"})); } else { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i % 12 == 0) { oSubCont = addSubCont(oSubContTable, oRow); oSSContTable = oSubCont.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {}, {width: "100%"})); } this.AddElementToList('list', oSSContTable, arElements[i], i); } } this.Last_ElList_len = l; }, DisplayElList_detail: function(arElements) { var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"); if (oSubContTable) oSubContTable.parentNode.removeChild(oSubContTable); oSubContTable = document.createElement('TABLE'); oSubContTable.id = "__bx_oSubContTable"; this.pWnd.appendChild(oSubContTable); oSubContTable.style.height = '0%'; oSubContTable.style.width = '100%'; var oRow = oSubContTable.insertRow(-1); oRow.className = 'bxfd-det-view-head'; var fill_innerHTML = function() { nameCell.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_SORT_NAME; sizeCell.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_SORT_SIZE; typeCell.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_SORT_TYPE; dateCell.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_SORT_DATE; }; // Detail table header var iconCell = oRow.insertCell(-1), nameCell = oRow.insertCell(-1), sizeCell = oRow.insertCell(-1), typeCell = oRow.insertCell(-1), dateCell = oRow.insertCell(-1); nameCell.style.width = "45%"; iconCell.style.width = "15px"; fill_innerHTML(); var arr_img = "<img src='/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/arrow_" + (oBXDialogWindow.sort_order == 'asc' ? 'up' : 'down') + ".gif'>"; switch(oBXDialogWindow.sort) { case 'name': nameCell.innerHTML += ' '+arr_img; nameCell.setAttribute("sort_order",oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); break; case 'size': sizeCell.innerHTML += ' '+arr_img; sizeCell.setAttribute("sort_order",oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); break; case 'type': typeCell.innerHTML += ' '+arr_img; typeCell.setAttribute("sort_order",oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); break; case 'date': dateCell.innerHTML += ' '+arr_img; dateCell.setAttribute("sort_order",oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); break; } var __onclick = function(__name,oCell) { fill_innerHTML(); if (oBXDialogWindow.sort != __name) { oBXDialogWindow.sort = __name; var new_sort_order = 'asc'; } else new_sort_order = (oCell.getAttribute("sort_order") == 'asc') ? 'des' : 'asc'; oCell.setAttribute("sort_order",new_sort_order); oBXDialogWindow.sort_order = new_sort_order; var arr_img = "<img src='/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/arrow_"+(oBXDialogWindow.sort_order == 'asc' ? 'up' : 'down')+".gif'>"; oCell.innerHTML += ' '+arr_img; oWaitWindow.Show(); setTimeout(function () { //__BXSort(arElements,__name,new_sort_order); oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.Set(__name, new_sort_order); oBXDialogWindow.oSorter.Sort(arElements); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElList_detail(arElements); oWaitWindow.Hide(); }, 5 ); }; nameCell.onclick = function(){__onclick("name", nameCell);}; sizeCell.onclick = function(){__onclick("size", sizeCell);}; typeCell.onclick = function(){__onclick("type", typeCell);}; dateCell.onclick = function(){__onclick("date", dateCell);}; for (var i = 0, l = arElements.length; i < l; i++) this.AddElementToList('detail', oSubContTable, arElements[i], i); }, DisplayElList_preview: function(arElements) { var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"); if (oSubContTable) oSubContTable.parentNode.removeChild(oSubContTable); oSubContTable = this.pWnd.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement("TABLE", {id: "__bx_oSubContTable"}, {height: '0%', width: '100%'})); var oCont = oSubContTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), i, l = arElements.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) this.AddElementToList('preview', oCont, arElements[i], i); }, AddElementToList: function(view, oCont, oEl, ind) { if (!oEl) return; this.arElIndex[ind] = oEl; var _size = (oEl.icon != 'folder') ? getFileSize(oEl.size) : '', _title = (jsUtils.IsIE()) ? (oEl.name + (oEl.icon != 'folder' ? "\n"+FD_MESS.FD_SORT_SIZE+": " + _size : "") + "\n"+FD_MESS.FD_SORT_DATE+": "+oEl.date) : (oEl.name), oIconCell, src; if (view == 'list') { pEl = oCont.insertRow(-1); oIconCell = pEl.insertCell(-1); var oTitleCell = pEl.insertCell(-1); src = oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons[oEl.icon].small; oIconCell.innerHTML = '<img src="'+src+'" title="'+_title+'" />'; oIconCell.style.width = '0%'; oTitleCell.unselectable = "on"; oTitleCell.title = _title; oTitleCell.className = "bxfd-win-item"; oTitleCell.innerHTML = "<span class='title'>" + oBXDialogWindow.checkNameLength(oEl.name, 210) + "</span>"; } else if(view == 'detail') { pEl = oCont.insertRow(-1); pEl.className = 'bxfd-det-list-row'; oIconCell = pEl.insertCell(-1); var oNameCell = pEl.insertCell(-1), oSizeCell = pEl.insertCell(-1), oTypeCell = pEl.insertCell(-1), oDateCell = pEl.insertCell(-1), _type = oBXDialogWindow.arIcons[oEl.icon].type, _date = oEl.date; src = oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons[oEl.icon].small; oIconCell.innerHTML = '<img src="'+src+'" title="'+_title+'" />'; oIconCell.style.width = '10px'; oNameCell.unselectable = "on"; oNameCell.style.cursor = "default"; oNameCell.style.textAlign = 'left'; oNameCell.title = _title; oNameCell.innerHTML = "<span class='title'>" + oBXDialogWindow.checkNameLength(oEl.name, 210)+"</span>"; oNameCell.className = "bxfd-win-item"; oSizeCell.style.textAlign = "right"; oSizeCell.style.paddingRight = "5px"; oSizeCell.innerHTML = _size; oTypeCell.innerHTML = _type; oDateCell.innerHTML = _date; } else if(view == 'preview') { var pEl = oCont.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('DIV', {className: 'bxfd-prev-cont', title: _title})), elTable = pEl.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('TABLE', {}, {width:"100%", height:"100%"})), oPreviewCell = elTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1), oDetailsCell = elTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); src = (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.genThumb && oEl.tmb) ? oEl.tmb : oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons[oEl.icon].big; // Preview IMAGE oPreviewCell.align = "center"; oPreviewCell.unselectable = "on"; oPreviewCell.valign = "middle"; oPreviewCell.style.height = "110px"; oPreviewCell.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IMG', {src: src})); oDetailsCell.align = "center"; oDetailsCell.unselectable = "on"; oDetailsCell.style.cursor = "default"; oDetailsCell.innerHTML = oBXDialogWindow.checkNameLength(oEl.name, 170) + (_size!="" ? "<br />"+_size : ''); } oBXDialogWindow.AddElementsEventHandlers(pEl, oEl); }, AddElementsEventHandlers: function(pEl, oEl) { if (!oEl._winCont) oEl._winCont = {}; oEl._winCont[this.view] = pEl; this.arFiles[oEl.path] = oEl; pEl.setAttribute('__bxpath', oEl.path); if (oEl.icon == 'folder') { pEl.onclick = function(e) { oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('window'); var path = this.getAttribute('__bxpath'); var name = false; if (oBXFileDialog.bSelectDirs) name = getFileName(path); oBXDialogWindow.SelectElement(this, path, name); }; pEl.ondblclick = function(e) { oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('window'); oBXDialogTree.SetPath(this.getAttribute('__bxpath')); }; } else { pEl.onclick = function(e) { if (!oBXFileDialog.bSelectFiles) return; oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('window'); var path = this.getAttribute('__bxpath'); oBXDialogWindow.SelectElement(this, path, getFileName(path)); }; pEl.ondblclick = function(e) { var path = this.getAttribute('__bxpath'); oBXDialogWindow.SelectElement(this, path, getFileName(path)); oBXFileDialog.SubmitFileDialog(); }; } pEl.oncontextmenu = oBXDialogWindow.OnContextMenu; }, checkNameLength: function(name,width,bAddEllipsis) { if (name.length <= 12) return name; if (!bAddEllipsis) bAddEllipsis = false; oDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); oDiv.style.position = "absolute"; oDiv.innerHTML = name; document.body.appendChild(oDiv); w = oDiv.offsetWidth; document.body.removeChild(oDiv); if (w < width && !bAddEllipsis) return name; var len = name.length; name_base = name.substr(0,name.length - 7); name_end = name.substr(name.length - 7); if (w >= width) name = this.checkNameLength(name_base.substr(0, name_base.length - 3) + name_end, width, true); else if (bAddEllipsis) name = name_base + "..." + name_end; return name; }, SelectElement: function(oCont, path, name) { this.curSelectedItem = {cont: oCont, path: path}; if (this.view == 'preview') { var he = BX("bxfd_selected_element_preview"); if (he) he.id = ""; if (oCont) oCont.id = "bxfd_selected_element_preview"; } else { var oldIcon = BX('bxfd_selected_element_icon'), oldTitle = BX('bxfd_selected_element_title'); if (oldIcon) oldIcon.id = ''; if (oldTitle) oldTitle.id = ''; if (oCont) this.HighlightElement(oCont.cells[0], oCont.cells[1]); } if (name) { oBXDialogControls.filePath.Set(name); oBXDialogControls.Preview.Display(path); } }, HighlightElement: function(ElIcon, ElTitle) { if (ElIcon) ElIcon.id = 'bxfd_selected_element_icon'; ElTitle.id = 'bxfd_selected_element_title'; }, AddNewElement: function() { oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = false; switch(oBXDialogWindow.view) { case 'list': this.AddNewElement_list(); break; case 'detail': this.AddNewElement_detail(); break; case 'preview': this.AddNewElement_preview(); break; } }, AddNewElement_list: function() { var addSubCont = function(oTable,oRow) { var w = 220; oTable.style.width = (parseInt(oTable.style.width)+w)+"px"; var oSC = oRow.insertCell(-1); oSC.className = 'bx-valign-top'; oSC.style.width = w+'px'; return oSC; }; var addElement_list = function(oTable, oEl) { oR = oTable.insertRow(-1); var oIconCell = oR.insertCell(-1); var src = oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons['folder'].small; oIconCell.innerHTML = '<img src="'+src+'"/>'; oIconCell.style.width = '0%'; oTitleCell = oR.insertCell(-1); oTitleCell.unselectable = "on"; oTitleCell.style.cursor = "default"; oTitleCell.style.width = '100%'; oTitleCell.style.textAlign = 'left'; var oNameInput = oTitleCell.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('INPUT', {type:'text', value: oBXDialogControls.DefaultDirName, id:'__edited_element', __bx_mode:'new'}, {width:'100%'})); oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = oNameInput; oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oNameInput); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oNameInput, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); }; var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"), oRow = oSubContTable.rows[0], oSSContTable = oRow.cells[oRow.cells.length - 1].childNodes[0]; if (this.Last_ElList_len % 12 == 0 && this.Last_ElList_len > 0) { oSubCont = addSubCont(oSubContTable,oRow); oSSContTable = oSubCont.appendChild(document.createElement('TABLE')); oSSContTable.style.width = "100%"; } addElement_list(oSSContTable); }, AddNewElement_detail: function() { var addElement_detail = function(oTable) { var oR = oTable.insertRow(-1); var oIconCell = oR.insertCell(-1); var src = oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons['folder'].small; oIconCell.innerHTML = '<img src="'+src+'" />'; oIconCell.style.width = '10px'; var oNameCell = oR.insertCell(-1); oNameCell.className = "bxfd-win-item"; var oSizeCell = oR.insertCell(-1); var oTypeCell = oR.insertCell(-1); var oDateCell = oR.insertCell(-1); var oNameInput = oNameCell.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('INPUT', {type:'text', value:oBXDialogControls.DefaultDirName, id:'__edited_element', __bx_mode: 'new'}, {width:'100%'})); oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = oNameInput; oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oNameInput); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keydown", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oNameInput, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); }; var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"); addElement_detail(oSubContTable); }, AddNewElement_preview: function() { var addElement_preview = function(oCont) { var elDiv = oCont.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('DIV', {className: "bxfd-prev-cont"})); var elTable = elDiv.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('TABLE', {},{width:"100%", height:"100%"})); var oPreviewCell = elTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); oPreviewCell.align = "center"; oPreviewCell.unselectable = "on"; oPreviewCell.valign = "middle"; oPreviewCell.style.height = "110px"; var oDetailsCell = elTable.insertRow(-1).insertCell(-1); oPreviewCell.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IMG', {src:oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons['folder'].big})); var oNameInput = oDetailsCell.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('INPUT', {type:'text', value:oBXDialogControls.DefaultDirName, id:'__edited_element', __bx_mode:'new'}, {width:'100%'})); oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = oNameInput; oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = oNameInput; oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oNameInput); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oNameInput, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); }; var oSubContTable = BX("__bx_oSubContTable"); var oCont = oSubContTable.rows[0].cells[0]; addElement_preview(oCont); }, RenameElement: function(ElementCont) { var path = ElementCont.getAttribute('__bxpath'), oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[path], ElCont; oBXFileDialog.SetFocus(''); oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = false; if (ElementCont.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'TABLE') //List and detail mode ElCont = ElementCont.cells[1]; else // Preview mode ElCont = ElementCont.getElementsByTagName('TD')[1]; oBXDialogWindow.cancelRename_innerHTML = ElCont.innerHTML; ElCont.innerHTML = ''; var oNameInput = ElCont.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('INPUT', {type:'text', value:oEl.name, id: '__edited_element', __bx_mode: 'rename', __bx_old_name: oEl.name}, {width: '100%'})); oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = oNameInput; oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oNameInput); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oNameInput, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); }, OnElementKeyPress: function(e) { try{ if (!e) e = window.event; if (!e) return; var esc = (e.keyCode == 27); var enter = (e.keyCode == 13); if (esc || enter) { var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); jsUtils.removeEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.removeEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); var mode = oElement.getAttribute('__bx_mode'); if (mode == 'new') oBXDialogWindow.NewDir((esc) ? oBXDialogControls.DefaultDirName : oElement.value); else if (mode == 'rename') { var old_name = oElement.getAttribute('__bx_old_name'); if (esc) oBXDialogWindow.CancelRename(); else oBXDialogWindow.Rename(old_name, oElement.value); } } } catch(e){} }, OnElementBlur: function(e) { var oElement = BX("__edited_element"); if (!oElement) return; jsUtils.removeEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.removeEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); var mode = oElement.getAttribute('__bx_mode'); if (mode == 'new') oBXDialogWindow.NewDir(oElement.value); else if (mode == 'rename') { var old_name = oElement.getAttribute('__bx_old_name'); oBXDialogWindow.Rename(old_name, oElement.value); } }, NewDir: function(name, dublReq) { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(); setTimeout(function () { var nd = new JCHttpRequest(); window.action_warning = ''; nd.Action = function(result) { setTimeout(function () { oWaitWindow.Hide(); var new_sess = oBXFileDialog.CheckReqLostSessid(result); if (new_sess !== true) { if (dublReq) return alert(FD_MESS.FD_SESS_EXPIRED); oBXFileDialog.sessid = new_sess; return oBXDialogWindow.NewDir(name, true); } if (!window.action_status) { if (window.action_warning.length > 0) alert(window.action_warning); var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (oElement) { oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oElement); jsUtils.addEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); } } else if (window.action_status === true) { arFDDirs[path + '/' + name] = []; arFDFiles[path + '/' + name] = []; oBXDialogWindow.DisplayFolderContent(path); var lind = path.lastIndexOf('/'), parPath = lind == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, lind), parItems = arFDDirs[parPath], l = parItems.length, i; // find cur element in parent path array for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (parItems[i].path == path) { parItems[i].empty = false; break; } } oBXDialogTree.DisplaySubTree(oBXDialogTree.arDirConts[parPath], window.arFDDirs[parPath], true); oBXDialogTree.HighlightPath(path); setTimeout(function() { // Select folder after creation var tmpPath; if(path == '/') tmpPath = '/' + name; else tmpPath = path + '/' + name; var oFile = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[tmpPath]; if (oFile && oFile._winCont && oFile._winCont[oBXDialogWindow.view]) oBXDialogWindow.SelectElement(oFile._winCont[oBXDialogWindow.view], name); if(path == '/') oBXDialogTree.DisplayTree(); else oBXDialogTree.DisplaySubTree(oBXDialogTree.arDirConts[path], window.arFDDirs[path], true); }, 50); } }, 5); }; var mess = oBXDialogWindow.ClientSideCheck(path, name, false, true); if (mess !== true) { setTimeout(function () { if (!window.oBXFileDialog) return; alert(mess); var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (oElement) { oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oElement); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); } }, 250); } else { oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl = oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()); nd.Send(oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl + '&action=new_dir&path=' + jsUtils.urlencode(path) + '&name=' + jsUtils.urlencode(name) + '&add_to_menu=' + (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' ? '1' : '')); } }, 5 ); }, // Remove file OR dir Remove: function(path, bFolder, dublReq) { var rf = new JCHttpRequest(); window.action_warning = ''; rf.Action = function(result) { setTimeout(function () { oWaitWindow.Hide(); var new_sess = oBXFileDialog.CheckReqLostSessid(result); if (new_sess !== true) { if (dublReq) return alert(FD_MESS.FD_SESS_EXPIRED); oBXFileDialog.sessid = new_sess; return oBXDialogWindow.Remove(path, bFolder, true); } if (!window.action_status) { if (window.action_warning.length > 0) return alert(window.action_warning); } else if (window.action_status === true) { var li = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (li != -1) { var p, pl = path.length; // Clean dirs for (p in window.arFDDirs) { if (p.substr(0, pl) == path) { window.arFDDirs[p] = false; //oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[p] = null; } } // Clean files for (p in window.arFDFiles) { if (p.substr(0, pl) == path) window.arFDFiles[p] = false; } var parPath = li == 0 ? '/' : path.substr(0, li); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayFolderContent(parPath); if (bFolder) { var openPath = parPath, parItems = arFDDirs[parPath]; if (parItems.length == 0) { var li2 = parPath.lastIndexOf('/'), parPath2 = parPath.substr(0, li2), i; if (arFDDirs[parPath2] && arFDDirs[parPath2].length) { // find cur element in parent path array for (i = 0; i < arFDDirs[parPath2].length; i++) { if (arFDDirs[parPath2][i] && arFDDirs[parPath2][i].path == parPath) { arFDDirs[parPath2][i].empty = true; break; } } } openPath = parPath2; } oBXDialogTree.DisplaySubTree(oBXDialogTree.arDirConts[openPath], window.arFDDirs[openPath], true); oBXDialogTree.HighlightPath(parPath); } } } }, 5); }; oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl = oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()); rf.Send(oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl + '&action=remove&path=' + jsUtils.urlencode(path) + '&add_to_menu=' + (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' ? '1' : '')); }, Rename: function(old_name, name, dublReq) { if (old_name == name) return oBXDialogWindow.CancelRename(); var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(), oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[(path == '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + old_name], bFolder = oEl.icon == 'folder', mess = oBXDialogWindow.ClientSideCheck(path, name, !bFolder, bFolder); if (mess !== true) // Bad name - propose to set correct name { setTimeout(function () { if (!window.oBXFileDialog) return; alert(mess); var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (oElement) { oElement.value = old_name; oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oElement); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); jsUtils.addEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); } }, 100); } else // Do rename { var rn = new JCHttpRequest(); window.action_warning = ''; rn.Action = function(result) { if (!window.oBXFileDialog) return; setTimeout(function () { oWaitWindow.Hide(); var new_sess = oBXFileDialog.CheckReqLostSessid(result); if (new_sess !== true) { if (dublReq) return alert(FD_MESS.FD_SESS_EXPIRED); oBXFileDialog.sessid = new_sess; return oBXDialogWindow.Rename(old_name, name, true); } if (!window.action_status) { if (window.action_warning.length > 0) alert(window.action_warning); var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (oElement) { oBXDialogWindow.SelectInput(oElement); jsUtils.addEvent(oElement, "blur", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementBlur); jsUtils.addEvent(document, "keypress", oBXDialogWindow.OnElementKeyPress); } } else if (window.action_status === true) { oBXDialogWindow.DisplayFolderContent(path); var oCont = oBXDialogTree.arDirConts[path]; if (oCont) oBXDialogTree.DisplaySubTree(oCont, window.arFDDirs[path], true); } }, 5); }; oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl = oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()); rn.Send(oBXFileDialog.RequestUrl + '&action=rename&path=' + jsUtils.urlencode(path) + '&add_to_menu=' + (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' ? '1' : '') + '&name=' + jsUtils.urlencode(name) + '&old_name=' + jsUtils.urlencode(old_name)); } }, CancelRename: function() { var oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (oElement) oElement.parentNode.innerHTML = oBXDialogWindow.cancelRename_innerHTML; oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput = false; }, ClientSideCheck: function(path, name, checkFiles, checkDirs) { if (name.length <= 0) return FD_MESS.FD_EMPTY_NAME; var p, new_name = name.replace(/[\\\/:*?\"\'<>|]/i, ''); if (name !== new_name) return FD_MESS.FD_INCORRECT_NAME; if (checkFiles && oBXFileDialog.bSelectFiles) for (p in arFDFiles[path]) if (arFDFiles[path][p].name == name) return FD_MESS.FD_NEWFILE_EXISTS; if (checkDirs) for (p in arFDDirs[path]) if (arFDDirs[path][p].name == name) return FD_MESS.FD_NEWFOLDER_EXISTS; return true; }, SelectInput: function(oElement, value) { if (!value) value = oBXDialogControls.DefaultDirName; if (!oElement) oElement = BX('__edited_element'); if (!oElement) return; oElement.select(); oElement.focus(); }, OnContextMenu: function(e) { var paramsCont = this, // TR or DIV path = paramsCont.getAttribute('__bxpath'), oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[path]; if (!e) e = window.event; if (!e || !oEl) return; oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('window'); oBXDialogWindow.SelectElement(paramsCont, path); if (oEl.permission.del || oEl.permission.ren) { if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { e.realX = e.pageX; e.realY = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { e.realX = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; e.realY = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; } var arItems = []; if (oEl.permission.ren) { arItems.push({ id : 'rename', src : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/rename.gif', name : FD_MESS.FD_RENAME, title : FD_MESS.FD_RENAME_TITLE, handler : function() {oBXDialogWindow.RenameElement(paramsCont);} }); } if (oEl.permission.del) { if (arItems.length > 0) arItems.push('separator'); arItems.push({ id : 'delete', src : '/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/delete.gif', name : FD_MESS.FD_DELETE, title : FD_MESS.FD_DELETE_TITLE, handler : function() { if (confirm(oEl.icon == 'folder' ? FD_MESS.FD_CONFIRM_DEL_DIR : FD_MESS.FD_CONFIRM_DEL_FILE)) oBXDialogWindow.Remove(path, oEl.icon == 'folder'); } }); } oBXDialogWindow.oCM.Show(3500, 0, {left : e.realX, top : e.realY}, arItems); } else if (oBXDialogWindow.oCM) oBXDialogWindow.oCM.menu.PopupHide(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); }, OnKeyDown : function(e) { if (oBXDialogWindow.oNameInput !== false) return true; var newInd = false, curInd, l, oEl; switch(e.keyCode) { case 37: // Left if (this.view != 'detail') // For detail viewing it looks like "Up" { curInd = this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path); if (this.view == 'list') newInd = curInd - 12; else // preview newInd = curInd - 1; if (newInd < 0) newInd = 0; break; } case 38: // Up curInd = this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path); if (curInd === false || curInd <= 0) return; if (this.view == 'preview') newInd = (curInd > 2) ? curInd - 3 : 0; else newInd = curInd - 1; break; case 39: // Right if (this.view != 'detail') // For detail viewing it looks like "DOWN" { curInd = this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path); l = this.arElIndex.length; if (curInd === false || curInd == l - 1) return; if (this.view == 'list') newInd = curInd + 12; else // preview newInd = curInd + 1; if (newInd > l - 1) newInd = l - 1; break; } case 40: // Down curInd = this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path); l = this.arElIndex.length; if (curInd === false || curInd >= l - 1) return; if (this.view == 'preview') newInd = (curInd < l - 4) ? curInd + 3 : l - 1; else newInd = curInd + 1; break; case 46: // Del - delete oEl = this.arElIndex[this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path)]; if (oEl) { if (oEl.permission.del && confirm(oEl.icon == 'folder' ? FD_MESS.FD_CONFIRM_DEL_DIR : FD_MESS.FD_CONFIRM_DEL_FILE)) oBXDialogWindow.Remove(this.curSelectedItem.path, oEl.icon == 'folder'); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } break; case 113: // F2 - rename oEl = this.arElIndex[this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path)]; if (oEl) { if (oEl.permission.ren) oBXDialogWindow.RenameElement(this.curSelectedItem.cont); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } break; case 13: // Enter oEl = this.arElIndex[this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path)]; if (oEl) { oEl = this.arElIndex[this.GetCurIndex(this.curSelectedItem.path)]; if (oEl.icon == 'folder') oBXDialogTree.SetPath(this.curSelectedItem.path); else oBXFileDialog.SubmitFileDialog(); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } } if (newInd !== false) { var newEl = this.arElIndex[newInd]; var name = false; if (newEl.icon == 'folder' && oBXFileDialog.bSelectDirs || newEl.icon != 'folder' && oBXFileDialog.bSelectFiles) name = newEl.name; this.SelectElement(newEl._winCont[this.view], newEl.path, name); return BX.PreventDefault(e); } }, GetCurIndex : function(path) { for (var i = 0, l = this.arElIndex.length; i < l; i++) { if (this.arElIndex[i].path == path) return i; } return false; } }; function BXDialogTabs() {this.Init();} BXDialogTabs.prototype = { Init: function() { this.contTable = BX("__bx_tab_cont"); this.arTabs = {}; this.tabsCount = 0; this.activeTabName = ''; }, AddTab: function(name,title,fFunc,bActive) { this.arTabs[name] = { name : name, title : title, func : fFunc, active : bActive, disable : false }; if (bActive) { if (this.activeTabName != '' && this.activeTabName != name) this.arTabs[this.activeTabName].active = false; this.activeTabName = name; } this.tabsCount++; }, DisplayTabs: function() { this.contTable.innerHTML = ""; if (this.tabsCount < 2) return; var _this = this; var createBlankImage = function(oCell,width,className) { var _style = "background-image: url(/bitrix/images/main/file_dialog/tabs/tab_icons.gif);"; oCell.innerHTML = '<img class=" '+className+'" src="/bitrix/images/1.gif" height="27px" width="'+width+'px" style="'+_style+'"/>'; }; var createTitleArea = function(oCell,name,title,hint,bActive,bDisable) { oCell.innerHTML = "<span style='white-space: nowrap !important; margin: 0 5px;'>" + title + "</span>"; oCell.style.cursor = "default"; if (bActive) oCell.className = "fd_tabs_a"; else if (bDisable) oCell.className = "fd_tabs_pd"; else oCell.className = "fd_tabs_p"; if (!bDisable) oCell.onclick = function(e){_this.SetActive(name,!bActive);}; oCell.title = hint; }; var count = 0, oTab, class1, class2, class3, name, oTable = this.contTable.appendChild(document.createElement("TABLE")); oTable.className = "tab-content-table"; var oRow = oTable.insertRow(-1); for (name in this.arTabs) { count++; oTab = this.arTabs[name]; oCell_1 = oRow.insertCell(-1); oCell_1.style.width = "0%"; oCell_2 = oRow.insertCell(-1); oCell_2.style.width = "0%"; if (count == 1) { if (oTab.active) createBlankImage(oCell_1,6,"fd_tabs_0a"); else createBlankImage(oCell_1,6,"fd_tabs_0p"); createTitleArea(oCell_2,oTab.name,oTab.title,_ReplaceNbspBySpace(oTab.title),oTab.active,oTab.disable); } else if (this.tabsCount == count) { oCell_3 = oRow.insertCell(-1); if (oTab.active) { createBlankImage(oCell_1, 11, "fd_tabs_pa"); createTitleArea(oCell_2, oTab.name, oTab.title,_ReplaceNbspBySpace(oTab.title),oTab.active,oTab.disable); createBlankImage(oCell_3,9,"fd_tabs_a0"); } else { createBlankImage(oCell_1,11,"fd_tabs_ap"); createTitleArea(oCell_2,oTab.name,oTab.title,_ReplaceNbspBySpace(oTab.title),oTab.active,oTab.disable); createBlankImage(oCell_3,9,"fd_tabs_p0"); } } } lastCell = oRow.insertCell(-1); lastCell.style.width = "100%"; lastCell.className = "fd_tabs_0"; }, SetActive: function(tabName,bActive) { var oTab = this.arTabs[tabName]; if (oTab.active) return; for (var name in this.arTabs) this.arTabs[name].active = false; oTab.active = true; if (oTab.func) oTab.func(); this.DisplayTabs(); }, DisableTab: function(tabName, bDisable) { if (!this.arTabs[tabName] || this.arTabs[tabName].disable == bDisable) return; var br = false; for (var name in this.arTabs) { this.arTabs[name].active = false; if (name == tabName || br) continue; this.arTabs[name].active = true; this.arTabs[name].func(); br = true; } this.arTabs[tabName].disable = bDisable; this.DisplayTabs(); } }; function BXDialogControls() { var _this = this; this.DefaultDirName = 'New Folder'; this.dirPath = new __DirPathBar(); this.filePath = new __FilePathBar(); this.Preview = new __Preview(); this.ViewSelector = new __ViewSelector(); this.SortSelector = new __SortSelector(); this.Uploader = new __Uploader(); this.Filter = new __FileFilter(); this.History = new __History(); this.currentSite = BXSite; // Part of logic of JCFloatDiv.Show() Prevent bogus rerendering window in IE... window.fd_view_list.BuildItems(); this.fd_view_list_frame = document.body.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IFRAME', {id: 'fd_view_list_frame', src: "javascript:''", className: 'bxfd-sys-frame'})); if (window.fd_site_list) { window.fd_site_list.BuildItems(); this.fd_site_list_frame = document.body.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IFRAME', {id: 'fd_site_list_frame', src: "javascript:''", className: 'bxfd-sys-frame'})); } var SubmButton = BX("__bx_fd_submit_but"); if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'O') { SubmButton.value = FD_MESS.FD_BUT_OPEN; SubmButton.onclick = SubmitFileDialog; } else if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S') { SubmButton.value = FD_MESS.FD_BUT_SAVE; SubmButton.onclick = SubmitFileDialog; if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.showAddToMenuTab) { var SubmButton2 = BX("__bx_fd_submit_but2"); SubmButton2.value = FD_MESS.FD_BUT_SAVE; SubmButton2.onclick = SubmitFileDialog; } } if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' && oBXFileDialog.oConfig.showAddToMenuTab) { BX("__bx_page_title_cont").style.display = "block"; this.PageTitle1 = BX("__bx_page_title1"); this.PageTitle2 = BX("__bx_page_title2"); this.PageTitle1.onchange = function(e) { _this.PageTitle2.value = this.value; }; this.PageTitle2.onchange = function(e) { _this.PageTitle1.value = this.value; }; this.PageTitle = {}; this.PageTitle.Get = function() { return _this.PageTitle1.value; }; this.PageTitle.Set = function(value) { _this.PageTitle1.value = _this.PageTitle2.value = value; }; var defTitleInp = BX('title'); if (defTitleInp) this.PageTitle.Set(defTitleInp.value); else this.PageTitle.Set('Title'); } this.GoButton = BX("__bx_dir_path_go"); this.GoButton.onclick = function(e) {oBXDialogTree.SetPath(oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true));}; this.UpButton = BX("__bx_dir_path_up"); this.UpButton.onclick = function(e) { var sPath = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true); if (sPath != '/') oBXDialogTree.SetPath(sPath.substr(0, sPath.lastIndexOf('/'))); }; this.RootButton = BX("__bx_dir_path_root"); this.RootButton.onclick = function(e) { if (oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true) != '/') oBXDialogTree.SetPath('/'); }; this.NewDirButton = BX("__bx_new_dir"); this.NewDirButton.onclick = function(e){oBXDialogWindow.AddNewElement();}; this.NewDirButtonActive = true; this.NewDirButtonChange = function() { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(); if (path == '') path = '/'; var oEl = window.arFDPermission[path]; if (oEl) { if (oEl.new_folder && !this.NewDirButtonActive) { this.NewDirButton.className = "fd_iconkit new_dir"; this.NewDirButtonActive = true; } else if(!oEl.new_folder && this.NewDirButtonActive) { this.NewDirButton.className = "fd_iconkit new_dir_dis"; this.NewDirButtonActive = false; } } }; } BXDialogControls.prototype.RefreshOnclick = function() { arFDDirs = {}; arFDFiles = {}; arFDPermission = {}; BXDialogWindow.arFiles = {}; oBXDialogTree.bRedisplayTree = true; var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get() || '/'; oBXDialogTree.SetPath(path); }; BXDialogControls.prototype.SiteSelectorOnChange = function(site) { if (this.currentSite != site) { if (!window.bx_fd_site_selector) window.bx_fd_site_selector = BX('__bx_site_selector'); window.bx_fd_site_selector.innerHTML = '<span>' + site + '</span><span class="fd_iconkit site_selector_div_arrow"> </span>'; this.currentSite = site; oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Set('/'); this.RefreshOnclick(); // Cange selected item in selector fd_site_list.SetItemIcon(window.bx_fd_site_selector.getAttribute('bxvalue'), ''); fd_site_list.SetItemIcon(site, 'checked'); window.bx_fd_site_selector.setAttribute('bxvalue', site); } window.fd_site_list.PopupHide(); }; BXDialogControls.prototype.SiteSelectorOnClick = function(node) { var pos = jsUtils.GetRealPos(node); pos.left += 2; setTimeout(function(){window.fd_site_list.PopupShow(pos);}, 5); }; function BXFDSorter(){} BXFDSorter.prototype = { name: function(a, b) { var _this = oBXDialogWindow.oSorter; if ((a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon == 'folder') || (a.icon != 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder')) return _this.common_sort(a.name,b.name); else if (a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder') return (_this.order == 'des' ? 1 : -1); else return (_this.order == 'des' ? -1 : 1); }, size: function(a, b) { return oBXDialogWindow.oSorter.common_sort(parseInt(a.size), parseInt(b.size)); }, type: function(a, b) { var _this = oBXDialogWindow.oSorter; if ((a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon == 'folder') || (a.ext == b.ext)) return _this.common_sort(a.name,b.name); else if (a.icon != 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder') return _this.common_sort(a.ext,b.ext); else if (a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder') return (_this.order == 'des' ? 1 : -1); else return (_this.order == 'des' ? -1 : 1); }, date: function(a, b) { var _this = oBXDialogWindow.oSorter, _a = parseInt(a.timestamp), _b = parseInt(b.timestamp); if ((a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon == 'folder') || (a.icon != 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder')) return _this.common_sort(_a,_b); else if (a.icon == 'folder' && b.icon != 'folder') return (_this.order == 'des' ? 1 : -1); else return (_this.order == 'des' ? -1 : 1); }, common_sort: function(a, b) { var _this = oBXDialogWindow.oSorter, res = 1; if (a < b) res = -1; else if (a == b) res = 0; if (_this.order == 'des') res = -res; return res; }, Sort: function(arr) { this.order = oBXDialogWindow.sort_order; arr.sort(this[oBXDialogWindow.sort || 'name']); return arr; } }; function __DirPathBar() { this.oInput = BX("__bx_dir_path_bar"); this.oInput.onclick = function(e) {oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('name');}; this.value = this.oInput.value; this.butBack = BX("__bx_dir_path_back"); this.butForward = BX("__bx_dir_path_forward"); this.butBack.onclick = function(e) { var newPath = oBXDialogControls.History.Back(); if (newPath !== false) oBXDialogTree.SetPath(newPath); }; this.butForward.onclick = function(e) { var newPath = oBXDialogControls.History.Forward(); if (newPath !== false) oBXDialogTree.SetPath(newPath); }; __DirPathBar.prototype.Set = function(sValue, bSaveConfig) { if (!sValue || sValue == "") sValue = "/"; sValue = sValue.replace(/\/\//ig,"/"); if (this.value != sValue) { this.oInput.value = this.value = sValue; this.OnChange(bSaveConfig); } else this.oInput.value = this.value = sValue; }; __DirPathBar.prototype.Get = function(bEmp) { var path = this.oInput.value; path = path.replace(/\\/ig,"/"); path = path.replace(/\/\//ig,"/"); if (path.substr(path.length-1) == "/") path = path.substr(0,path.length-1); if (path == '') path = '/'; return path; }; __DirPathBar.prototype.OnChange = function(bSaveConfig) { var _get = this.Get(); oBXDialogControls.UpButton.className = "fd_iconkit "+(_get == "" ? "dir_path_up_dis" : "dir_path_up"); oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.path = _get; oBXDialogControls.History.Push(_get); //if (bSaveConfig !== false) // oBXFileDialog.SaveConfig(); }; } function __FilePathBar() { __FilePathBar.prototype.Init = function() { this.oInput = BX("__bx_file_path_bar"); if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S') { var defFilenameInp = BX('filename'); if (defFilenameInp && defFilenameInp.value.length > 0) this.defaultName = defFilenameInp.value; else { var exts = oBXFileDialog.oConfig.fileFilter, ext; if (exts.length > 0) { var ind = exts.indexOf(','); ext = (ind > 0) ? exts.substr(0, ind) : exts; } else ext = 'php'; this.defaultName = "untitled." + ext; } } this.oInput.onclick = function() { this.focus(); oBXFileDialog.SetFocus('name'); }; }; __FilePathBar.prototype.Set = function(sValue) { this.oInput.value = sValue; }; __FilePathBar.prototype.Get = function() { return this.oInput.value; }; this.Init(); } function __Preview() {this.Init();} __Preview.prototype = { Init : function() { this.oDiv = BX("bxfd_previewContainer"); this.addInfoCont = BX("bxfd_addInfoContainer"); if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.select == 'D') this.oDiv.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden"; }, Display : function(sPath) { this.Clear(); if (!oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[sPath]) return; if (BXFDIsImage(sPath)) this.DisplayImage(sPath); else if (getExtension(sPath) == 'swf') this.DisplayFlash(sPath); else this.DisplayBigIcon(sPath); }, DisplayImage : function(sPath) { var oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[sPath], _this = this, src; if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.genThumb && oEl.tmb) return _this._DisplayImage(oEl); var div = BX("__bx_get_real_size_cont"); BXFDCleanNode(div); var oImg = div.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IMG', {src: sPath})); oImg.onload = function() {_this._DisplayImage(oEl, this.offsetWidth || 100, this.offsetHeight || 100);}; }, _DisplayImage : function(oEl, w, h) { var newW, newH, date = oEl.date.substr(0, oEl.date.lastIndexOf(':')), sPath = oEl.tmb || oEl.path; this.addInfoCont.innerHTML = getFileSize(oEl.size) + " " + date; if (w && h) { var a = 100, b = 130; //max height, width newW = w + "px"; newH = h + "px"; if (a/b > h/w) { //Resize by width if (w > b) { newW = b + "px"; newH = Math.round(h * b / w) + "px"; } } else { //Resize by height if (h > a) { newH = a+"px"; newW = Math.round(w * a / h) + "px"; } } sPath = oEl.path; } var oImg = this.oDiv.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IMG', {src: sPath, align: 'middle'})); if (newW && newH) { oImg.style.width = newW; oImg.style.height = newH; } this.oDiv.className = ''; }, DisplayFlash : function(sPath) { var oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[sPath], date = oEl.date.substr(0, oEl.date.lastIndexOf(':')), pFrame = this.oDiv.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IFRAME', {id: "bxfd_ifrm_flash", frameborder: "0"})); this.addInfoCont.innerHTML = getFileSize(oEl.size) + " " + date; pFrame.setAttribute("src", oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()) + '&action=flash&path=' + jsUtils.urlencode(sPath)); this.oDiv.className = ''; }, DisplayBigIcon : function(sPath) { var oEl = oBXDialogWindow.arFiles[sPath]; if (oEl.icon == 'folder') return; var date = oEl.date.substr(0,oEl.date.lastIndexOf(':')), src = oBXDialogWindow.iconsPath + oBXDialogWindow.arIcons[oEl.icon].big; this.addInfoCont.innerHTML = getFileSize(oEl.size) + " " + date; this.oDiv.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IMG', {src: src}, {width: '25px', height: '25px'})); this.oDiv.className = 'bxfd-prev-big-icon'; }, Clear : function() { this.oDiv.innerHTML = ""; this.oDiv.className = ''; this.addInfoCont.innerHTML = ""; } }; function __ViewSelector() { this.oSel = BX("__bx_view_selector"); this.value = ''; __ViewSelector.prototype.OnClick = function() { var pos = jsUtils.GetRealPos(this.oSel); pos.left += 7; pos.top += 6; setTimeout(function(){ window.fd_view_list.PopupShow(pos); // Temp hack for old popupmenus if (BX('fd_view_list')) BX('fd_view_list').style.zIndex = 3510; }, 5); }; __ViewSelector.prototype.OnChange = function(value) { oWaitWindow.Show(); setTimeout(function () { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElementsList(arFDDirs[path], arFDFiles[path], value, oBXDialogWindow.filter,oBXDialogWindow.sort, oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); oWaitWindow.Hide(); oBXDialogControls.ViewSelector.Set(value, true); }, 3 ); }; __ViewSelector.prototype.Set = function(value, bSaveConfig) { // Cange selected item in selector var cur_val = this.oSel.getAttribute('bxvalue') || ''; fd_view_list.SetItemIcon(cur_val, ''); fd_view_list.SetItemIcon(value, 'checked'); this.oSel.setAttribute('bxvalue', value); this.value = value; window.fd_view_list.PopupHide(); oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.view = value; //if (bSaveConfig) // oBXFileDialog.SaveConfig(); }; __ViewSelector.prototype.Get = function() { return this.value; } } function __SortSelector() { var _this = this; this.oSel = BX("__bx_sort_selector"); this.oCheck = BX("__bx_sort_order"); this.oSel.onchange = function() { if (oBXDialogWindow.sort == this.value) return; oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.OnChange(); oBXDialogWindow.sort = this.value; setTimeout(function () { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElementsList(arFDDirs[path], arFDFiles[path], oBXDialogWindow.view, oBXDialogWindow.filter, oBXDialogWindow.sort, oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); oWaitWindow.Hide(); }, 3); }; this.oCheck.onclick = function() { var _new = (oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.SortOrderGet() == 'asc' ? 'des' : 'asc'); oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.SortOrderSet(_new); oBXDialogWindow.sort_order = _new; oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXDialogControls.SortSelector.OnChange(); setTimeout(function () { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElementsList(arFDDirs[path], arFDFiles[path], oBXDialogWindow.view, oBXDialogWindow.filter, oBXDialogWindow.sort, oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); oWaitWindow.Hide(); }, 3); }; __SortSelector.prototype.Set = function(sort, sort_order) { this.oSel.value = sort; this.SortOrderSet(sort_order); if (window.oBXDialogWindow) { oBXDialogWindow.sort = sort; oBXDialogWindow.sort_order = sort_order; } this.OnChange(); }; __SortSelector.prototype.Get = function() { return {sort : this.oSel.value, sort_order : this.SortOrderGet()}; }; __SortSelector.prototype.SortOrderSet = function(sort_order) { this.oCheck.setAttribute("__bx_value", sort_order); this.oCheck.className = "fd_iconkit " + ((sort_order == 'asc') ? "sort_up" : "sort_down"); }; __SortSelector.prototype.SortOrderGet = function() { return this.oCheck.getAttribute("__bx_value"); }; __SortSelector.prototype.OnChange = function() { var r = this.Get(); oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.sort = r.sort; oBXFileDialog.UserConfig.sort_order = r.sort_order; //oBXFileDialog.SaveConfig(); } } function __FileFilter() { __FileFilter.prototype.Init = function() { var filter = oBXFileDialog.oConfig.fileFilter; this.curentFilter = false; this.arFilters = []; var _this = this; this.oSel = BX("__bx_file_filter"); if (!oBXFileDialog.bSelectFiles) { this.oSel.style.display = 'none'; return; } this.oSel.options.length = 0; this.oSel.onchange = function(e) { _this.curentFilter = oBXDialogWindow.filter = this.value; var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(true); oWaitWindow.Show(); oBXDialogWindow.DisplayElementsList(arFDDirs[path], arFDFiles[path], oBXDialogWindow.view, oBXDialogWindow.filter, oBXDialogWindow.sort, oBXDialogWindow.sort_order); oWaitWindow.Hide(); }; var addOption = function(arExt, sExt, sTitle) { oOpt = document.createElement('OPTION'); oOpt.value = _this.arFilters.length; _this.arFilters.push(arExt); oOpt.innerHTML = sTitle+" ("+sExt+")"; _this.oSel.appendChild(oOpt); oOpt = null; }; if (filter == '') { addOption('*','*.*',FD_MESS.FD_ALL_FILES); return; } this.oSel.style.display = 'block'; var arExt, sExt, sTitle, oExt; if (typeof(filter) == 'object') { try { for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { oExt = filter[i]; if (typeof(oExt.ext) == 'string') oExt.ext = oExt.ext.split(','); sExt = '*.'+oExt.ext.join(',*.'); addOption(oExt.ext, sExt, oExt.title); } } catch(e) { arExt = filter; sExt = '*.'+arExt.join(',*.'); sTitle = ''; addOption(arExt, sExt, sTitle); } } else if (filter == 'image') { arExt = ['jpeg','jpg','gif','png','bmp']; sExt = '*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.bmp'; sTitle = FD_MESS.FD_ALL_IMAGES; addOption(arExt, sExt, sTitle); } else { arExt = filter.split(","); sExt = '*.'+arExt.join(',*.'); sTitle = ''; addOption(arExt, sExt, sTitle); } if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.allowAllFiles) addOption('*','*.*', FD_MESS.FD_ALL_FILES); this.oSel.options[0].selected = "selected"; this.curentFilter = 0; }; this.Init(); } function __Uploader() {this.Init();} __Uploader.prototype = { Init : function() { this.oCont = BX("bxfd_upload_container"); this.oIfrm = BX('bxfd_iframe_upload'); this.oIfrm.src = oBXFileDialog.GetRequestUrl(getSite()) + '&action=uploader&lang=' + BXLang; var _this = this; if (jsUtils.IsIE()) this.oIfrm.onreadystatechange = function(){_this.OnLoad()}; else this.oIfrm.onload = function(){_this.OnLoad()}; }, OnLoad : function() { var pFrameDoc = this.oIfrm.contentDocument || this.oIfrm.contentWindow.document, _this = this, inp = pFrameDoc.getElementById("__bx_fd_load_file"); if (inp) { inp.onchange = function() { var pFrameDoc = _this.oIfrm.contentDocument || _this.oIfrm.contentWindow.document; _this.pFilename = pFrameDoc.getElementById("__bx_fd_server_file_name"); _this.pFilename.value = getFileName(this.value.replace(/\\/ig,"/")); }; } }, OnSubmit : function() { this.pFrameDoc = this.oIfrm.contentDocument || this.oIfrm.contentWindow.document; var fileName = this.pFrameDoc.getElementById("__bx_fd_server_file_name").value, path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(), mess = oBXDialogWindow.ClientSideCheck(path, fileName, false, false), p, arExt = false; if (mess !== true) { alert(mess); return false; } //CHECK: If file extension is valid try { if (!oBXFileDialog.oConfig.allowAllFiles) arExt = oBXDialogControls.Filter.arFilters[oBXDialogWindow.filter]; } catch(e) { arExt = false; } if (arExt !== false) { if (typeof(arExt) == 'object' && arExt.length > 0) { var fileExt = (fileName.lastIndexOf('.') != -1) ? fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf('.')+1) : ""; var res = false; for (var _i = 0; _i < arExt.length; _i++) { if (arExt[_i] == fileExt) { res = true; break; } } if (!res) { alert(FD_MESS.FD_INCORRECT_EXT); return false; } } } //3. CHECK: If such file already exists for (p in arFDFiles[path]) { if (arFDFiles[path][p].name == fileName) { if (!confirm(FD_MESS.FD_LOAD_EXIST_CONFIRM)) return false; this.pFrameDoc.getElementById('__bx_fd_rewrite').value = 'Y'; } } //4. Set file name in hidden input this.pFrameDoc.getElementById('__bx_fd_upload_fname').value = fileName; //5. Set path in hidden input this.pFrameDoc.getElementById('__bx_fd_upload_path').value = path; this.pFrameDoc.getElementById('__bx_fd_server_site').value = getSite(); oWaitWindow.Show(); }, OnAfterUpload: function(fileName, bClose) { oWaitWindow.Hide(); oBXDialogControls.filePath.Set(fileName); if (bClose) { oBXDialogControls.filePath.Set(fileName); oBXFileDialog.SubmitFileDialog(); } else { oBXDialogWindow.LoadFolderContent(window.oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(), true); } } }; function __History() { __History.prototype.Init = function() { this.arHistoryPath = []; this.currentPos = -1; }; __History.prototype.Push = function(sValue) { var len = this.arHistoryPath.length; this.currentPos++; if (len == 0 || (this.arHistoryPath.length > this.currentPos-1 && this.arHistoryPath[this.currentPos-1] != sValue)) { this.arHistoryPath[this.currentPos] = sValue; if (len > 0) this.ButBackDisable(false); } else this.currentPos--; }; __History.prototype.RemoveLast = function() { this.arHistoryPath.splice(2,1); this.currentPos--; if (this.currentPos == this.arHistoryPath.length-1) this.ButForwardDisable(true); }; __History.prototype.Back = function() { if (this.currentPos <= 0 || !this.CheckButBack()) return false; this.currentPos--; var newPath = this.arHistoryPath[this.currentPos]; if (newPath) { if (this.currentPos == 0) this.ButBackDisable(true); this.ButForwardDisable(false); return newPath; } return false; }; __History.prototype.Forward = function() { var len = this.arHistoryPath.length; if (!this.CheckButForward() || (this.currentPos > len-2)) return false; this.currentPos++; var newPath = this.arHistoryPath[this.currentPos]; if (newPath) { if (this.currentPos == len-1) this.ButForwardDisable(true); this.ButBackDisable(false); return newPath; } return false; }; __History.prototype.CheckButBack = function() { return (oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butBack.getAttribute("__bx_disable") != 'Y') }; __History.prototype.ButBackDisable = function(bDisable) { if (bDisable) { oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butBack.setAttribute("__bx_disable",'Y'); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butBack.className = "fd_iconkit path_back_dis"; } else { oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butBack.setAttribute("__bx_disable",'N'); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butBack.className = "fd_iconkit path_back"; } }; __History.prototype.CheckButForward = function() { return (oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butForward.getAttribute("__bx_disable") != 'Y') }; __History.prototype.ButForwardDisable = function(bDisable) { if (bDisable) { oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butForward.setAttribute("__bx_disable",'Y'); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butForward.className = "fd_iconkit path_forward_dis"; } else { oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butForward.setAttribute("__bx_disable",'N'); oBXDialogControls.dirPath.butForward.className = "fd_iconkit path_forward"; } }; this.Init(); } function SubmitFileDialog() { var filename = oBXDialogControls.filePath.Get(), path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(), site = getSite(); if (filename == '' && !oBXFileDialog.bSelectDirs) return alert(FD_MESS.FD_EMPTY_FILENAME); if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S' && !oBXFileDialog.bSelectDirs && filename) { var clearName = filename, ext = ''; if (filename.indexOf('.') !== -1) { clearName = filename.substr(0, filename.indexOf('.')); ext = filename.substr(filename.indexOf('.')); } if (ext == '' && oBXDialogControls.Filter) { if (oBXDialogControls.Filter.arFilters && oBXDialogControls.Filter.arFilters.length > 0) { var filter = oBXDialogControls.Filter.arFilters[oBXDialogControls.Filter.curentFilter]; if (filter != '*') { if (typeof filter == 'object') filter = filter[0]; filename = clearName + '.' + filter.toLowerCase(); } } } } if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'O') { window[oBXFileDialog.oConfig.submitFuncName](filename, path, site); } else if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.operation == 'S') { var title, menuObj = {type : false}; if (oBXFileDialog.oConfig.showAddToMenuTab) { title = oBXDialogControls.PageTitle.Get(); var add2MenuCheck = BX("__bx_fd_add_to_menu"); if (add2MenuCheck.checked) { menuObj = {}; menuObj.type = BX("__bx_fd_menutype").value; if (BX("__bx_fd_itemtype_n").checked) { menuObj.menu_add_new = true; menuObj.menu_add_name = BX("__bx_fd_newp").value; menuObj.menu_add_pos = BX("__bx_fd_newppos").value; if (menuObj.menu_add_name == '') { alert(FD_MESS.FD_INPUT_NEW_PUNKT_NAME); return; } } else { menuObj.menu_add_new = false; menuObj.menu_add_pos = BX("__bx_fd_menuitem").value; } } } window[oBXFileDialog.oConfig.submitFuncName](filename, path, site, title, menuObj); } oBXFileDialog.Close(); } function BXFDIsImage(fileName) { return BXFDIsUserExt(fileName, ['gif','jpg','jpeg','png','jpe','bmp']); } function _IsPHP(fileName) { return BXFDIsUserExt(fileName,['php']); } function BXFDIsUserExt(fileName, arExt) { var ext = getExtension(fileName), len = arExt.length, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (arExt[i] == ext) return true; return false; } function _ReplaceSpaceByNbsp(str) { if (typeof(str)!='string') return str; str = str.replace(/\s/g, ' '); return str; } function _ReplaceNbspBySpace(str) { if (typeof(str)!='string') return str; str = str.replace(/ /g, ' '); return str; } function _Show_tab_OPEN() { try{ BX("__bx_fd_preview_and_panel").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_load").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_container_add2menu").style.display = "none"; }catch(e){} } function _Show_tab_LOAD() { try{ BX("__bx_fd_preview_and_panel").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_load").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_container_add2menu").style.display = "none"; }catch(e){} } function _Show_tab_SAVE() { try{ BX("__bx_fd_top_controls_container").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_tree_and_window").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_preview_and_panel").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_load").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_container_add2menu").style.display = "none"; }catch(e){} } function _Show_tab_MENU() { try{ if (!oBXMenuHandling.Add2MenuCheckbox.checked) { oBXMenuHandling.Add2MenuCheckbox.checked = true; oBXMenuHandling.Add2MenuCheckbox.onclick(); } BX("__bx_fd_top_controls_container").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_tree_and_window").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_preview_and_panel").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_load").style.display = "none"; BX("__bx_fd_container_add2menu").style.display = "block"; BX("__bx_fd_file_name").innerHTML = oBXDialogControls.filePath.Get(); }catch(e){} } function BXMenuHandling() { var _this = this; this.Add2MenuCheckbox = BX("__bx_fd_add_to_menu"); this.Add2MenuCheckbox.onclick = function(e) { //oBXDialogTabs.DisableTab('tab2', !this.checked); oBXMenuHandling.Show(this.checked); }; this.MenuTypeSelect = BX("__bx_fd_menutype"); this.MenuTypeSelect.onchange = function() { oBXMenuHandling.ChangeMenuType(); }; this.NewItemOpt = BX("__bx_fd_itemtype_n"); this.ExsItemOpt = BX("__bx_fd_itemtype_e"); var optCheck = function() { if (_this.NewItemOpt.checked) { _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e1",true); _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e2",true); _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e3",false); } else { _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e1",false); _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e2",false); _this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e3",true); } }; this.NewItemOpt.onclick = this.ExsItemOpt.onclick = optCheck; BXMenuHandling.prototype.Show = function(bShow) { if (bShow) BX("add2menuTable").style.display = "block"; else BX("add2menuTable").style.display = "none"; }; //################################################################################# BXMenuHandling.prototype.ChangeMenuType = function() { var path = oBXDialogControls.dirPath.Get(); if (!window.arFDMenuTypes[path]) return; var arTypes = arFDMenuTypes[path].types, arItems = arFDMenuTypes[path].items, cur = this.MenuTypeSelect.value, i; for(i = 0; i < arTypes.length; i++) { if (cur == arTypes[i]) break; } var itms = arItems[i]; if (itms.length == 0) { this.NewItemOpt.checked = true; this.ExsItemOpt.disabled = "disabled"; this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e1",true); this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e2",false); this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e3",false); } else if (this.NewItemOpt.checked) { this.ExsItemOpt.disabled = false; this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e1",true); this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e2",true); this._displayRow("__bx_fd_e3",false); } var list = BX("__bx_fd_menuitem"); list.options.length = 0; for(i = 0; i < itms.length; i++) list.options.add(new Option(itms[i], i+1, false, false)); list = BX("__bx_fd_newppos"); list.options.length = 0; for(i=0; i<itms.length; i++) list.options.add(new Option(itms[i], i+1, false, false)); list.options.add(new Option(FD_MESS.FD_LAST_POINT, 0, true, true)); }; BXMenuHandling.prototype._displayRow = function(rowId,bDisplay) { var row = BX(rowId); if (bDisplay) { try{row.style.display = 'table-row';} catch(e){row.style.display = 'block';} } else { row.style.display = 'none'; } }; //################################################## } function BXWaitWindow(){} BXWaitWindow.prototype = { Show: function() { if (!this.oDiv) { var fd = BX("BX_file_dialog"); if (!fd) return; this.oDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); this.oDiv.id = "__bx_wait_window"; this.oDiv.className = "waitwindow"; this.oDiv.style.position = "absolute"; this.oDiv.innerHTML = FD_MESS.FD_LOADIND;//"Loading..."; this.oDiv.style.zIndex = "3000"; this.oDiv.width = "150px"; this.oDiv.style.left = '320px'; this.oDiv.style.top = '200px'; fd.appendChild(this.oDiv); } this.oDiv.style.display = "block"; }, Hide: function() { if (!this.oDiv) this.oDiv = BX("__bx_wait_window"); if (this.oDiv) this.oDiv.style.display = "none"; } }; //*********************************** CONTEXT MENU ********************************************// function BXFDContextMenu() {this.Init()} BXFDContextMenu.prototype = { Init: function() { this.oDiv = document.body.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('DIV', {id: '__BXFDContextMenu'})); this.oDiv.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td class="popupmenu"><table id="__BXFDContextMenu_items" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'; // Part of logic of JCFloatDiv.Show() Prevent bogus rerendering window in IE... //document.body.appendChild(jsUtils.CreateElement('IFRAME', {id: '__BXFDContextMenu_frame', src: "javascript:''", className: 'bxfd-sys-frame'})); this.menu = new PopupMenu('__BXFDContextMenu'); }, Show : function(zIndex, dxShadow, oPos, arItems) { if (!arItems) return; this.menu.PopupHide(); this.AddItems(arItems); if (!isNaN(zIndex)) this.oDiv.style.zIndex = zIndex; if (!isNaN(dxShadow)) this.menu.dxShadow = dxShadow; oPos.right = oPos.left + this.oDiv.offsetWidth; oPos.bottom = oPos.top; this.menu.PopupShow(oPos); }, AddItems : function(arMenuItems) { //Cleaning menu var tbl = BX(this.menu.menu_id+'_items'); while(tbl.rows.length>0) tbl.deleteRow(0); //Creation menu elements var row, cell, i, elpar, oTable, n = arMenuItems.length; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { row = tbl.insertRow(-1); cell = row.insertCell(-1); if (arMenuItems[i] == 'separator') { cell.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="popupseparator"><tr><td><div class="empty"></div></td></tr></table>'; } else { elpar = arMenuItems[i]; cell.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="popupitem" onMouseOver="this.className=\'popupitem popupitemover\';" onMouseOut="this.className=\'popupitem\';" __bx_i="'+i+'">\n'+ ' <tr>\n'+ ' <td class="gutter"><div style="background-image:url('+elpar.src+')"></div></td>\n'+ ' <td class="item" title="'+((elpar.title) ? elpar.title : elpar.name)+'"'+'>'+elpar.name+'</td>\n'+ ' </tr>\n'+ '</table>'; oTable = cell.firstChild; oTable.onclick = function(e) { arMenuItems[this.getAttribute('__bx_i')].handler(); oBXDialogWindow.oCM.menu.PopupHide(); }; oTable.id=null; } } this.oDiv.style.width = tbl.parentNode.offsetWidth; } }; function BXFDCleanNode(pNode) { var c; while(c = pNode.lastChild) pNode.removeChild(c); } function BXFDCompareObj(obj1, obj2) { for (var p in obj1) if (obj1[p] != obj2[p]) return false; return true; } function BXFDCopyObj(obj) { var newObj = {}, p; for (p in obj) newObj[p] = obj[p]; return newObj; } function getFileName(sPath) { sPath = sPath.replace(/\\/ig,"/"); return sPath.substr(sPath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } function getExtension(sName) { var li = sName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (li > 0) return li > 0 ? sName.substr(li + 1).toLowerCase() : ''; } function getFileSize(size) { if (size < 1024) return size+" "+FD_MESS.FD_BYTE; size = Math.round(size/1024); if (size < 1024) return size+" K"+FD_MESS.FD_BYTE; size = Math.round(size/1024); if (size < 1024) return size+" M"+FD_MESS.FD_BYTE; } function getSite() { if (window.oBXDialogControls && window.oBXDialogControls.currentSite) return window.oBXDialogControls.currentSite; return BXSite; }