Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/file_upload_agent.js |
(function() { var BX = window.BX; if(BX.FileUploadAgent) return; BX.FileUploadAgent = function(arParams) { this.controller = (!! arParams['controller']) ? arParams['controller'] : null; // DOM-element this.inputName = (!! arParams['inputName']) ? arParams['inputName'] : null; // Name for array which contains ID's uploaded files this.urlUpload = (!! arParams['urlUpload']) ? arParams['urlUpload'] : null; // additional params this.urlShow = (!! arParams['urlShow']) ? arParams['urlShow'] : null; // additional params this.values = (BX.type.isArray(arParams['values'])) ? arParams['values'] : []; // values which already have been uploaded this.fileInputID = (!! arParams['fileInput']) ? arParams['fileInput'] : null; // ID DOM-element which type is "file" <input type=file id=arParams['fileInput']... this.fileInputName = (!! arParams['fileInputName']) ? arParams['fileInputName'] : null; // Array name to upload file <input type=file name=arParams['fileInputName'] this.placeholder = (!! arParams['placeholder']) ? arParams['placeholder'] : null; // TBODY to add new row with info about new file this.uploadDialog = (!! arParams['uploadDialog']) ? arParams['uploadDialog'] : null; // Parent class method to upload file this.msg = arParams['msg']; this.fileInput = null; this.uploadFile = null; this.droppedFiles = null; this.place = null; this.progress = null; this.progressPercent = 0.05; this.progressAnimation = null; this.parent = arParams; this.uploadResultShown = false; this.loaded = false; this.hAttachEvents = (!!arParams['hAttachEvents']) ? arParams['hAttachEvents'] : null; this.caller = (!!arParams['caller']) ? arParams['caller'] : null; this.classes = (!!arParams['classes'] ? arParams['classes'] : { 'uploaderParent' : '', 'uploader' : '', 'tpl_simple' : '', 'tpl_extended' : '', 'selector' : '', 'selector_active' : '' }); this.doc_prefix = (!!arParams['doc_prefix'] ? arParams['doc_prefix'] : ''); if (!! arParams['mode']) this.SelectViewVariant(arParams['mode']); // IE or not IE this.id = this.getID(); if (! this.parent._mkFileInput) // first agent this._mkFileInput(); if (! window.wduf_places) window.wduf_places = {}; }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.Init = function() { if (BX.type.isDomNode(this.fileInput)) { this.fileInput = this.fileInput; } else if (BX.type.isDomNode(this.fileInputID)) { this.fileInput = this.fileInputID; } else if (this.fileInputID) { this.fileInput = BX(this.fileInputID); } if (this.fileInput) { if (! this.hUploaderChange) this.hUploaderChange = BX.proxy(this.onUploaderChange, this); BX.bind(this.fileInput, 'change', this.hUploaderChange); } if (this.hAttachEvents && BX.type.isFunction(this.hAttachEvents)) { this.hAttachEvents(this); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.getID = function() { return ('' + new Date().getTime()).substr(6); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype._mkClose = function(parent) { if (!parent) return false; var target = null; var closeBtn = BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'del-but' } } ); var divLoading = BX.findChild(parent, {'className':'loading'}, true); var divLoaded = BX.findChild(parent, {'className':'files-storage-block'}, true); if (!!divLoading) target = divLoading; else if (!!divLoaded) target = divLoaded; if (!!target) { var p = parent; BX.bind(closeBtn, 'click', BX.delegate(function() {this.StopUpload(p); }, this)); target.appendChild(closeBtn); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype._mkPlace = function(name, cacheID) { if (!cacheID) cacheID = name; if ((cacheID in window.wduf_places) && !!window.wduf_places[cacheID]) { this.place = window.wduf_places[cacheID]; this.progress = BX.findChild(this.place, {'className' : 'load-indicator'}, true); } else { this.progress = BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'load-indicator' }, 'style' : { 'width' : '5%' }, 'children' : [ BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'load-number' }, 'text' : '5%' } ) ] }); var progressHolder = BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'loading-wrap' }, 'children' : [ BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'loading' } } ), this.progress ] }); this.place = BX.create('TR', { 'children' : [ BX.create('TD', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'files-name' }, 'children' : [ BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'files-text' }, 'children' : [ BX.create('SPAN', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'f-wrap' }, 'text': name } ) ] }) ] } ), BX.create('TD', { 'props' : { 'className' : 'files-storage' }, 'attrs' : { 'colspan' : '2' }, 'children' : [ BX.create('SPAN', { 'text': this.msg['loading']+':' } ), progressHolder ] } ) ] }); this._mkClose(this.place); this.placeholder.appendChild(this.place); window.wduf_places[cacheID] = this.place; } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype._mkFileInput = function(parent) { var controlParent = BX.findChild(this.controller,{'className':this.classes.uploaderParent}, true); var oldFileInput = BX.findChild(controlParent, {'className': this.classes.uploader}); if (oldFileInput) { BX.remove(oldFileInput); } var newFileInput = BX.create('INPUT', { props: { className: this.classes.uploader }, attrs: { type: 'file', size: '1', multiple: 'multiple' } }); this.fileInput = newFileInput; this.fileInput.name = this.fileInputName; controlParent.appendChild(this.fileInput); if (this.hUploaderChange) BX.bind(this.fileInput, 'change', this.hUploaderChange); return this.fileInput; }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.onUploaderChange = function(e) { if (!this.uploadDialog) return; BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller.parentNode, 'ChangeFileInput', [e, this.fileInput, this]); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'ChangeFileInput', [e, this.fileInput, this]); this.uploadDialog.SetFileInput(this.fileInput); if (!! this.uploadDialog.dropbox) { this.UploadDroppedFiles(this.fileInput.files); } else { this.uploadDialog.CallSubmit(); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.onUploadStart = function(dialog) { var name = dialog.GetUploadFileName(); if ((!this.uploadDialog) || (dialog.id != this.uploadDialog.id)) { return false; } if (!this.place) this._mkPlace(name); if (! this.uploadFile) { this._mkFileInput(); var newdialog = this.GetNewObject(); newdialog.LoadDialogs(this.dialogs); } this.uploadFile = null; }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.onProgress = function(percent, force) { //this.UpdateProgressIndicator(percent); //return; if (isNaN(percent)) return; if (percent > 0.90 && !force) percent = 0.90; if (!BX.fx) { this.UpdateProgressIndicator(percent); } else if (! this.progressAnimation) { this.progressAnimation = new BX.fx({ start: this.progressPercent, finish: percent, allowFloat: true, type:function(params){return (BX.fx.RULES.accelerated(params)+BX.fx.RULES.decelerated(params))/2}, time:3, step:0.01, callback:BX.delegate(function(value) {this.UpdateProgressIndicator(value); }, this) }); this.progressAnimation.start(); } else { this.progressAnimation.stop(true); this.progressAnimation.options.start = +this.progressPercent; this.progressAnimation.options.finish = +percent; //this.progressAnimation.options.time = percent/3; this.progressAnimation.__checkOptions(); this.progressAnimation.start(); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.onUploadFinish = function(result) { this.uploadResult = result; this.onProgress(2, true); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.UpdateProgressIndicator = function(percent) { if (this.progressPercent > percent) return; var percentS = Math.ceil(percent*100); if (percentS > 100) percentS = 100; BX.style(this.progress, 'width', percentS+'%'); var px = BX.findChild(this.progress, {'className':'load-number'}, true); px.innerHTML = percentS+'%'; this.progressPercent = percent; if (percent > 0.9999) { if (this.uploadResult && (!this.uploadResultShown)) { this.uploadResultShown = true; if (this.uploadResult.success) { this.ShowUploadedFile(); } else { if (!! this.uploadResult.messages) this.ShowUploadError(this.uploadResult.messages); } } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.ShowAttachedFiles = function() { if (! this.values) return; var valArr = this.values.slice(); var val = this.values.shift(); if (!!val) { if (BX.type.isDomNode(val)) { var sID = val.id; var mID = sID.match(new RegExp(this.doc_prefix + '(\\d+)')); if (!!mID) { var id = mID[1]; this.BindLoadedFileControls(id, val); } } else { if (! val.element_id) { val = {'element_id' : val}; } this.uploadResultArr = new Array(); for (var i=0;i<valArr.length;i++) { var element_id = valArr[i]; if (typeof(valArr[i]) == "object") { element_id = valArr[i].element_id; } this._mkPlace('', element_id); this.uploadResultArr[i] = {'element_id' : valArr[i].element_id, 'element_url' : valArr[i].element_url, 'element_name' : valArr[i].element_name, 'place' :this.place}; } //this._mkPlace('', val.element_id); this.ShowUploadedFile(val); this.values = []; } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.BindLoadedFileControls = function(id, node) // event { if (!node || node.nodeName !== "TR") { return; } this.place = node; this._mkClose(node); BX.onCustomEvent(this.caller, 'BindLoadedFileControls', [this, id]); this._clearPlace(); setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.ShowAttachedFiles, this), 200); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.ShowUploadError = function(messages) { if (!!messages) { if (BX.type.isArray(messages)) messages = messages.join("\n"); messages = messages.replace("<br>",""); BX.remove(this.progress.parentNode); // .progressHolder if (!! messages) { BX.addClass(this.place, 'error-load'); while(this.place.cells.length > 1) this.place.deleteCell(1); // size var newCell = this.place.insertCell(-1); newCell.setAttribute("colspan", 2); newCell.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'info-icon'}})); newCell.appendChild(BX.create('SPAN', {props: {className: 'error-text'}, text: messages})); this._mkClose(this.place); } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.ShowUploadedFile = function(param) { if (!!param) this.uploadResult = param; BX.onCustomEvent(this.caller, 'ShowUploadedFile', [this]); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.AddRowToPlaceholder = function(TR) { var rows = BX.findChildren(this.placeholder, {'tagName':'TR'}, true); if (!!rows) { for (var i=0;i<rows.length;i++) { if (rows[i] == this.place) { var newRow = this.placeholder.insertRow(i); newRow.className = TR.className; newRow.id = TR.id; var cells = BX.findChildren(TR, {'tagName':'TD'}, true); if (!!cells) { for (var j=0;j<cells.length;j++) { var newCell = newRow.insertCell(-1); newCell.className = cells[j].className; newCell.innerHTML = cells[j].innerHTML; } } BX.cleanNode(this.place, true); this._clearPlace(); this._mkClose(newRow); setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.ShowAttachedFiles, this), 200); break; } } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.AddNodeToPlaceholder = function(node) { BX.cleanNode(this.place, true); this._clearPlace(); var place = this.placeholder.parentNode.parentNode; place.appendChild(node); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype._clearPlace = function() { for (var i in window.wduf_places) { if (window.wduf_places[i] == this.place) { window.wduf_places[i] = false; } } this.place = null; }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.StopUpload = function(p) { var parent = p; BX.hide(parent); BX.onCustomEvent(this.caller, 'StopUpload', [this, parent]); sID = p.id; mID = sID.match(new RegExp(this.doc_prefix + '(\\d+)')); if (!!mID) { id = mID[1]; var fileInput = BX('file-doc' + id); if (!!fileInput) BX.remove(fileInput); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.LoadScript = function(src, callback) { if (!callback) callback = BX.DoNothing; if (! window.loaded_scripts) window.loaded_scripts = []; if (! BX.util.in_array(src, window.loaded_scripts)) { BX.loadScript(src, callback); window.loaded_scripts.push(src); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.BindUploadEvents = function(dialog) { this.LoadDialogsFinished(); if (dialog.parentID != this.id) return; this.uploadDialog = dialog; BX.addCustomEvent(dialog, 'uploadStart', BX.delegate(this.onUploadStart, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(dialog, 'progress', BX.delegate(this.onProgress, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(dialog, 'uploadFinish', BX.delegate(this.onUploadFinish, this)); if (!! this.parent.droppedFiles) { for (var i=0; i<this.parent.droppedFiles.length; i++) { if (! this.parent.droppedFiles[i].ready) { this.parent.droppedFiles[i].ready = true; this.uploadFile = this.parent.droppedFiles[i]; if ((i) < this.parent.droppedFiles.length) { var newdialog = this.GetNewObject(this.parent); newdialog.LoadDialogs(this.dialogs); } break; } } if (this.uploadFile) { if (this.fileInput) { BX.unbind(this.fileInput, 'change', this.hUploaderChange); } var name = (this.uploadFile.fileName || this.uploadFile.name); this._mkPlace(name); } } if (!!this.uploadFile) { this.uploadDialog.fileDropped = true; this.uploadDialog.UpdateListFiles([this.uploadFile]); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.UploadDroppedFiles = function(files) { if (!this.uploadDialog) return; this.droppedFiles = files; if (files.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) { this._mkPlace( files[i].fileName || files[i].name ); } this.uploadDialog.SetFileInput(this.fileInput); this._mkFileInput(); } var newdialog = this.GetNewObject(); newdialog.LoadDialogs(this.dialogs); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.AddSelectedFiles = function(files) { if (!!files && BX.type.isArray(files) && (files.length > 0)) { for (var i in files) { if ((!BX(this.doc_prefix + files.id))) { this._mkPlace(files[i].name, files[i].id); var ar = {'element_id':files[i].id, 'element_url':files[i].link}; this.values.push(ar); } } if (this.values.length > 0) { this.ShowAttachedFiles(); } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.Disable = function() { BX.cleanNode(this.controller); this.controller.innerHTML = this.msg.access_denied; }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.LoadUploadDialog = function() { if (!! this.caller) { this.caller.GetUploadDialog(this); } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.SelectViewVariant = function(variant) { var target = { 'simple' : this.classes.tpl_simple, 'extended' : this.classes.tpl_extended }; for (var i in target) { var domNode = BX.findChild(this.controller, { 'className': target[i]}, true); if (!!domNode) { if (variant == i) BX.show(domNode); else BX.remove(domNode); } } }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.LoadDialogsFinished = function() { this.ShowAttachedFiles(); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.LoadDialogs = function(dialogs) { if (this.loaded) return false; this.loaded = true; if (!dialogs) return false; this.dialogs = dialogs; if ( (dialogs.indexOf('DropInterface') > -1) && ( ! this.parent || ! this.parent.droppedFiles ) ) { if (!!window.BX.DD) { var controller = this.controller; if (!controller) return false; var dropbox = new BX.DD.dropFiles(controller); if (dropbox && dropbox.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { this.dropbox = dropbox; this.Init(); var controllerV = BX.findChild(this.controller, { 'className': this.classes.selector}, true); BX.addCustomEvent(dropbox, 'dropFiles', BX.delegate(this.UploadDroppedFiles, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(dropbox, 'dragEnter', BX.delegate(function() {BX.addClass(controllerV, this.classes.selector_active);}, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(dropbox, 'dragLeave', BX.delegate(function() {BX.removeClass(controllerV, this.classes.selector_active);}, this)); } else { this.Init(); } this.LoadUploadDialog(); } } else { this.LoadUploadDialog(); } if (this.values.length > 0) BX.show(this.controller); }; BX.FileUploadAgent.prototype.GetNewObject = function(parent) { return new BX.FileUploadAgent((!!parent ? parent : this)); }; })();