Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/kanban/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/main/kanban/column.js |
;(function() { "use strict"; BX.namespace("BX.Kanban"); /** * * @param {object} options * @param {string|number} options.id * @param {string} [options.name] * @param {string} [options.color] * @param {object} [options.data] * @param {number} [options.total] * @constructor */ BX.Kanban.Column = function(options) { options = options || {}; if (!BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(options.id)) { throw new Error("BX.Kanban.Column: 'id' parameter is not valid.") } this.id = options.id; this.name = null; this.color = null; this.data = Object.create(null); this.total = null; this.isTotalFrozen = false; this.canEdit = null; this.canSort = null; this.canRemove = null; this.canAddItem = null; this.droppable = true; this.setOptions(options); /**@var {BX.Kanban.Item[]} **/ this.items = []; /**@var {BX.Kanban.DraftItem} **/ this.draftItem = null; /** @var {BX.Kanban.Grid} **/ this.grid = null; this.page = 1; this.layout = { container: null, items: null, dragTarget: null, title: null, subTitle: null, subTitleAddButton: null, total: null, name: null, titleArrow: null, color: null, editForm: null, fillColorButton: null, titleTextBox: null, addColumnButton: null, editButton: null, removeButton: null }; this.rectArea = null; this.dragColumnOffset = null; this.dragColumnIndex = null; this.dragTargetColumn = null; this.confirmDialog = null; this.textBoxTimeout = null; this.colorChanged = false; this.pagination = new BX.Kanban.Pagination(this); }; BX.Kanban.Column.DEFAULT_COLOR = "ace9fb"; BX.Kanban.Column.prototype = { /** * * @returns {number|string} */ getId: function() { return this.id; }, /** * * @param {object} options * @param {string} [options.name] * @param {string} [options.color] * @param {object} [options.data] * @param {number} [options.total] */ setOptions: function(options) { if (!options) { return; } this.setName(options.name); this.setTotal(options.total); this.setColor(options.color); this.setData(options.data); var boolOptions = ["canEdit", "canSort", "canRemove", "canAddItem", "droppable"]; boolOptions.forEach(function(boolOption) { if (BX.type.isBoolean(options[boolOption])) { this[boolOption] = options[boolOption]; } }, this); }, setColor: function(color) { if (BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidColor(color)) { this.color = color.toLowerCase(); } }, getColor: function() { return this.color !== null ? this.color : BX.Kanban.Column.DEFAULT_COLOR; }, /** * @param {BX.Kanban.Grid} grid * @internal */ setGrid: function(grid) { this.grid = grid; BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Column:onAddedToGrid", [this]); }, /** * @returns {BX.Kanban.Grid} */ getGrid: function() { return this.grid; }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Pagination} */ getPagination: function() { return this.pagination; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} item * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} [beforeItem] * @internal */ addItem: function(item, beforeItem) { if (!(item instanceof BX.Kanban.Item)) { throw new Error("item must be an instance of BX.Kanban.Item"); } item.setColumnId(this.getId()); //? setGrid var index = BX.util.array_search(beforeItem, this.items); if (index >= 0) { this.items.splice(index, 0, item); } else { this.items.push(item); } if (item.isCountable()) { this.incrementTotal(); } if (this.getGrid().isRendered()) { this.render(); } }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item[]} */ getItems: function() { return this.items; }, getItemsCount: function() { return this.items.reduce(function(count, /*BX.Kanban.Item*/ item) { return item.isCountable() && item.isVisible() ? count + 1 : count; }, 0); }, /** * * @param {boolean} [onlyVisible=true] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ getFirstItem: function(onlyVisible) { var items = this.getItems(); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item.isVisible() || onlyVisible === false) { return item; } } return null; }, /** * * @param {boolean} [onlyVisible=true] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ getLastItem: function(onlyVisible) { var items = this.getItems(); for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = items[i]; if (item.isVisible() || onlyVisible === false) { return item; } } return null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item|string|number} currentItem * @param {boolean} [onlyVisible=true] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ getNextItemSibling: function(currentItem, onlyVisible) { currentItem = this.getGrid().getItem(currentItem); var items = this.getItems(); var itemIndex = BX.util.array_search(currentItem, items); if (itemIndex === -1 || !items[itemIndex + 1]) { return null; } for (var i = itemIndex + 1; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (item.isVisible() || onlyVisible === false) { return item; } } return null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item|string|number} currentItem * @param {boolean} [onlyVisible=true] * @returns {BX.Kanban.Item|null} */ getPreviousItemSibling: function(currentItem, onlyVisible) { currentItem = this.getGrid().getItem(currentItem); var items = this.getItems(); var itemIndex = BX.util.array_search(currentItem, items); if (itemIndex === -1 || !items[itemIndex - 1]) { return null; } for (var i = itemIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = items[i]; if (item.isVisible() || onlyVisible === false) { return item; } } return null; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} itemToRemove */ removeItem: function(itemToRemove) { var found = false; this.items = this.items.filter(function(item) { if (item === itemToRemove) { found = true; return false; } return true; }); if (found) { if (itemToRemove.isCountable() && itemToRemove.isVisible()) { this.decrementTotal(); } if (this.getGrid().isRendered()) { this.render(); } } }, removeItems: function() { this.items = []; this.total = null; BX.cleanNode(this.layout.items); this.render(); }, setName: function(name) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(name)) { this.name = name; } }, getName: function() { return this.name; }, getData: function() { return this.data; }, setData: function(data) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) { this.data = data; } }, /** * * @returns {object} */ getGridData: function() { return this.getGrid().getData(); }, isEditable: function() { return this.canEdit !== null ? this.canEdit : this.getGrid().canEditColumns(); }, isSortable: function() { return this.canSort !== null ? this.canSort : this.getGrid().canSortColumns(); }, isRemovable: function() { return this.canRemove !== null ? this.canRemove : this.getGrid().canRemoveColumns(); }, canAddItems: function() { return this.canAddItem !== null ? this.canAddItem : this.getGrid().canAddItems(); }, /** * * @returns {number} */ getTotal: function() { return this.total !== null ? this.total : this.getItemsCount(); }, /** * * @param {number} [value=1] */ incrementTotal: function(value) { if (this.total !== null && this.getGrid().isRendered() && !this.isTotalFrozen) { value = BX.type.isNumber(value) ? value : 1; this.total = Math.max(this.total + value, this.getItemsCount()); } }, /** * * @param {number} [value=1] */ decrementTotal: function(value) { if (this.total !== null && this.getGrid().isRendered() && !this.isTotalFrozen) { value = BX.type.isNumber(value) ? value : 1; this.total = Math.max(this.total - value, this.getItemsCount()); } }, freezeTotal: function() { this.isTotalFrozen = true; }, unfreezeTotal: function() { this.isTotalFrozen = false; }, setTotal: function(total) { if (BX.type.isNumber(total) && total >= 0) { this.total = total; } }, refreshTotal: function() { if (this.total !== null && this.total < this.getItemsCount()) { this.total = this.getItemsCount(); this.renderTitle(); } }, hasLoading: function() { return this.total !== null && this.total > this.getItemsCount(); }, getIndex: function() { return this.getGrid().getColumnIndex(this); }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ render: function() { var title = this.getTitleContainer(); BX.cleanNode(title); title.appendChild(this.renderTitle()); if (this.getGrid().canAddColumns()) { title.appendChild(this.getAddColumnButton()); } var subTitle = this.getSubTitle(); BX.cleanNode(subTitle); var subTitleContent = this.renderSubTitle(); if (subTitleContent !== null) { subTitle.appendChild(subTitleContent); } BX.cleanNode(this.layout.items); var isEmptyColumn = true; var items = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; if (item.isVisible()) { isEmptyColumn = false; items.appendChild(item.renderLayout()); } } if (!isEmptyColumn) { this.layout.items.appendChild(items); } var columnContainer = this.getContainer(); columnContainer.classList[isEmptyColumn ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-column-empty"); columnContainer.classList[this.isDroppable() ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-column-droppable"); if (this.getGrid().isRendered()) { this.getPagination().adjust(); this.getGrid().adjustEmptyStub(); } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Column:render", [this]); return columnContainer; }, /** * Renders title content. It can be overridden. * @returns {Element} */ renderTitle: function() { var titleBody = this.getDefaultTitleLayout(); var isDark = BX.Kanban.Utils.isDarkColor(this.getColor()); titleBody.classList[isDark ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-column-title-dark"); this.layout.nameInner.textContent = this.getName(); this.layout.total.textContent = this.getTotal(); this.layout.color.style.backgroundColor = "#" + this.getColor(); this.layout.titleArrow.style.background = "transparent url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//www.w3.org/2000/svg%22%" + "20width%3D%2213%22%20height%3D%2232%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2013%2032%22%3E%3Cpath%20fill%3D%22%23" + this.getColor() + "%22%20fill-opacity%3D%221%22%20d%3D%22M0%200h3c2.8%200%204%203%204%203l6%2013-6%2013s-1.06%203-" + "4%203H0V0z%22/%3E%3C/svg%3E) no-repeat" ; return titleBody; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getDefaultTitleLayout: function() { if (this.layout.titleBody) { return this.layout.titleBody; } var customButtons = this.getCustomTitleButtons(); if (BX.type.isDomNode(customButtons)) { customButtons = [customButtons]; } else if (!BX.type.isArray(customButtons)) { customButtons = []; } this.layout.titleBody = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-wrapper" }, children: [ this.layout.color = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-bg", style: "background: #" + this.getColor() } }), this.layout.info = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-info" }, children: [ this.layout.name = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-text" }, children: [ this.getColumnTitle(), this.getTotalItem() ] }), this.isEditable() ? this.getEditButton() : null ].concat(customButtons) }), this.isEditable() ? this.getEditForm() : null, this.layout.titleArrow = BX.create("span", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-right" } }) ]}); return this.layout.titleBody; }, getColumnTitle: function () { return this.layout.nameInner = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-text-inner" } }) }, getTotalItem: function () { return this.layout.total = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-total-item" } }) }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getEditButton: function() { if (this.layout.editButton) { return this.layout.editButton; } this.layout.editButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-edit" }, events: { click: this.switchToEditMode.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.editButton; }, getCustomTitleButtons: function() { return null; }, getRemoveButton: function() { if (this.layout.removeButton) { return this.layout.removeButton; } this.layout.removeButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-remove-button" }, events: { click: this.handleRemoveButtonClick.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.removeButton; }, getEditForm: function() { if (this.layout.editForm) { return this.layout.editForm; } this.layout.editForm = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-block-edit" }, children: [ this.getTitleTextBox(), this.getFillColorButton(), this.isRemovable() ? this.getRemoveButton() : null ] }); return this.layout.editForm; }, getTitleTextBox: function() { if (this.layout.titleTextBox) { return this.layout.titleTextBox; } this.layout.titleTextBox = BX.create("input", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-input-edit", type: "text", placeholder: this.getGrid().getMessage("COLUMN_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER") }, events: { blur: this.handleTextBoxBlur.bind(this), keydown: this.handleTextBoxKeyDown.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.titleTextBox; }, getFillColorButton: function() { if (this.layout.fillColorButton) { return this.layout.fillColorButton; } this.layout.fillColorButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-color" }, events: { click: this.showColorPicker.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.fillColorButton; }, switchToEditMode: function() { this.disableDragging(); this.getContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-column-edit-mode"); this.getTitleTextBox().value = this.getName(); this.focusTextBox(); }, applyEditMode: function() { var title = BX.util.trim(this.getTitleTextBox().value); var titleChanged = false; if (title.length > 0 && this.getName() !== title) { titleChanged = true; } if (titleChanged || this.colorChanged) { if (titleChanged) { this.setName(title); } BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onColumnUpdated", [this]); this.render(); } this.colorChanged = false; this.enableDragging(); this.getContainer().classList.remove("main-kanban-column-edit-mode"); }, handleTextBoxBlur: function(event) { this.textBoxTimeout = setTimeout(function() { this.applyEditMode(); this.textBoxTimeout = null; }.bind(this), 250); }, stopTextBoxBlur: function() { if (this.textBoxTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.textBoxTimeout); } }, focusTextBox: function() { this.getTitleTextBox().focus(); }, handleTextBoxKeyDown: function(event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { this.applyEditMode(); } }, handleRemoveButtonClick: function(event) { this.showRemoveConfirmDialog(); }, showColorPicker: function() { this.stopTextBoxBlur(); this.getColorPicker().open(); }, /** * * @returns {BX.ColorPicker} */ getColorPicker: function() { if (this.colorPicker) { return this.colorPicker; } this.colorPicker = new BX.ColorPicker({ bindElement: this.getFillColorButton(), onColorSelected: this.onColorSelected.bind(this), popupOptions: { events: { onPopupClose: this.focusTextBox.bind(this) } } }); return this.colorPicker; }, /** * * @param {string} color */ onColorSelected: function(color) { this.setColor(color.substr(1)); this.colorChanged = true; this.render(); }, /** * * @returns {BX.PopupWindow} */ getConfirmDialog: function() { if (this.confirmDialog) { return this.confirmDialog; } this.confirmDialog = new BX.PopupWindow( "main-kanban-confirm-" + BX.util.getRandomString(5), null, { titleBar: this.getGrid().getMessage("REMOVE_COLUMN_CONFIRM_TITLE"), content: this.getGrid().getMessage("REMOVE_COLUMN_CONFIRM_DESC"), width: 400, autoHide: false, overlay: true, closeByEsc : true, closeIcon : true, draggable : { restrict : true}, buttons: [ new BX.PopupWindowButton({ text: this.getGrid().getMessage("REMOVE_BUTTON"), id: "main-kanban-confirm-remove-button", className: "popup-window-button-create", events: { click: this.handleConfirmButtonClick.bind(this) } }), new BX.PopupWindowButtonLink({ text: this.getGrid().getMessage("CANCEL_BUTTON"), className: "popup-window-button-link-cancel", events: { click: function() { this.popupWindow.close(); } } }) ], events: { onPopupClose: function() { this.focusTextBox(); this.confirmDialog.destroy(); this.confirmDialog = null; }.bind(this) } } ); return this.confirmDialog; }, handleConfirmButtonClick: function() { var confirmDialog = this.getConfirmDialog(); var removeButton = confirmDialog.getButton("main-kanban-confirm-remove-button"); if (removeButton.getContainer().classList.contains("popup-window-button-wait")) { //double click protection return; } removeButton.addClassName("popup-window-button-wait"); var promise = this.getGrid().getEventPromise( "Kanban.Grid:onColumnRemovedAsync", null, function(result) { this.getGrid().removeColumn(this); removeButton.removeClassName("popup-window-button-wait"); confirmDialog.close(); }.bind(this), function(error) { confirmDialog.setContent(error); removeButton.getContainer().style.display = "none"; }.bind(this) ); promise.fulfill(this); }, showRemoveConfirmDialog: function() { this.stopTextBoxBlur(); var confirmDialog = this.getConfirmDialog(); confirmDialog.show(); }, handleAddColumnButtonClick: function(event) { var newColumn = this.getGrid().addColumn({ id: "kanban-new-column-" + BX.util.getRandomString(5), type: "BX.Kanban.DraftColumn", canSort: false, canAddItem: false, droppable: false, targetId: this.getGrid().getNextColumnSibling(this) }); newColumn.switchToEditMode(); }, /** * Renders subtitle content. It can be overridden. * @returns {Element} */ renderSubTitle: function() { if (this.layout.subTitleAddButton) { return this.layout.subTitleAddButton; } this.layout.subTitleAddButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-subtitle-box" }, children: [ this.canAddItems() ? BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-add-item-button" }, events: { click: this.handleAddItemButtonClick.bind(this) } }) : null ] }); return this.layout.subTitleAddButton; }, handleAddItemButtonClick: function(event) { this.addDraftItem(this.getFirstItem(false)); }, getDraftItem: function() { return this.draftItem; }, /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Item} [targetItem] * @returns {BX.Kanban.DraftItem|null} */ addDraftItem: function(targetItem) { var id = "kanban-new-item-" + this.getId(); if (this.getGrid().getItem(id)) { return null; } var targetId = null; if (targetItem instanceof BX.Kanban.Item && targetItem.getColumn() === this) { targetId = targetItem; } this.draftItem = this.getGrid().addItem({ id: id, type: "BX.Kanban.DraftItem", columnId: this.getId(), draggable: false, droppable: false, countable: false, targetId: targetId }); if (this.draftItem) { this.draftItem.focusDraftTextArea(); } return this.draftItem; }, removeDraftItem: function() { if (this.draftItem !== null) { this.getGrid().removeItem(this.draftItem); this.draftItem = null; } }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getContainer: function() { if (this.layout.container !== null) { return this.layout.container; } this.layout.container = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column" }, children: [ this.getHeader(), this.getBody() ] }); this.makeDraggable(); this.makeDroppable(); return this.layout.container; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getHeader: function() { if (this.layout.header) { return this.layout.header; } this.layout.header = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-header" }, children: [ this.getTitleContainer(), this.getSubTitle() ] }); return this.layout.header; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getBody: function() { if (this.layout.body) { return this.layout.body; } this.layout.body = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-body", "data-id": this.getId(), "data-type": "column" }, events: { wheel: BX.delegate(this.blockPageScroll, this) }, children: [ this.getItemsContainer(), this.getDragTarget() ] }); return this.layout.body; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getTitleContainer: function() { if (this.layout.title) { return this.layout.title; } this.layout.title = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title" } }); return this.layout.title; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getSubTitle: function() { if (!this.layout.subTitle) { this.layout.subTitle = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-subtitle" } }) } return this.layout.subTitle; }, getAddColumnButton: function () { if (this.layout.addColumnButton) { return this.layout.addColumnButton; } this.layout.addColumnButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-title-add-column" }, events: { click: this.handleAddColumnButtonClick.bind(this) } }); return this.layout.addColumnButton; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getItemsContainer: function() { if (!this.layout.items) { this.layout.items = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-items" } }) } return this.layout.items; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getDragTarget: function() { if (!this.layout.dragTarget) { this.layout.dragTarget = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-drag-target" } }); } return this.layout.dragTarget; }, /** * * @param {WheelEvent} event */ blockPageScroll: function(event) { var bodyContainer = this.getBody(); if (bodyContainer.scrollHeight > bodyContainer.offsetHeight) { var mouseScroll = event.deltaY || event.detail || event.wheelDelta; if (mouseScroll < 0 && bodyContainer.scrollTop === 0) { event.preventDefault(); } if (mouseScroll > 0 && bodyContainer.scrollHeight - bodyContainer.clientHeight - bodyContainer.scrollTop <= 1) { event.preventDefault(); } } }, makeDraggable: function() { if (!this.isSortable()) { return; } var title = this.getTitleContainer(); //main events title.onbxdragstart = BX.delegate(this.onColumnDragStart, this); title.onbxdrag = BX.delegate(this.onColumnDrag, this); title.onbxdragstop = BX.delegate(this.onColumnDragStop, this); this.enableDragging(); }, makeDroppable: function() { if (!this.isDroppable()) { return; } var columnBody = this.getBody(); columnBody.onbxdestdraghover = BX.delegate(this.onDragEnter, this); columnBody.onbxdestdraghout = BX.delegate(this.onDragLeave, this); columnBody.onbxdestdragfinish = BX.delegate(this.onDragDrop, this); columnBody.onbxdestdragstop = BX.delegate(this.onItemDragEnd, this); jsDD.registerDest(columnBody, 40); this.disableDropping(); }, disableDragging: function() { if (this.isSortable()) { jsDD.unregisterObject(this.getTitleContainer()); } }, enableDragging: function() { if (this.isSortable()) { jsDD.registerObject(this.getTitleContainer()); } }, disableDropping: function() { if (this.isDroppable()) { jsDD.disableDest(this.getBody()); } }, enableDropping: function() { if (this.isDroppable()) { jsDD.enableDest(this.getBody()); } }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ isDraggable: function() { return this.isSortable(); }, /** * * @returns {boolean} */ isDroppable: function() { return this.droppable; }, /** * * @param {Element} itemNode * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onDragEnter: function(itemNode, x, y) { var draggableItem = this.getGrid().getItemByElement(itemNode); this.showDragTarget(draggableItem.getBodyContainer().offsetHeight); }, /** * * @param {Element} itemNode * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onDragLeave: function(itemNode, x, y) { this.hideDragTarget(); }, /** * * @param {Element} itemNode * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onDragDrop: function(itemNode, x, y) { this.hideDragTarget(); var draggableItem = this.getGrid().getItemByElement(itemNode); var event = new BX.Kanban.DragEvent(); event.setItem(draggableItem); event.setTargetColumn(this); BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onBeforeItemMoved", [event]); if (!event.isActionAllowed()) { return; } var success = this.getGrid().moveItem(draggableItem, this); if (success) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onItemMoved", [draggableItem, this, null]); } }, /** * * @param {Element} itemNode * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onItemDragEnd: function(itemNode, x, y) { this.disableDropping(); }, onColumnDragStart: function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onColumnDragStart", [this]); this.getContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-column-draggable"); this.dragColumnOffset = jsDD.start_x - this.getRectArea().left; this.dragColumnIndex = this.getIndex(); this.dragTargetColumn = this.dragTargetColumn || this; }, /** * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onColumnDrag: function(x, y) { this.getContainer().style.transform = "translateX(" + (x - this.dragColumnOffset - this.getRectArea().left) + "px)"; var columns = this.getGrid().getColumns(); var columnWidth = this.getRectArea().width; for (var columnIndex in columns) { var column = columns[columnIndex]; if (column === this || !column.isSortable()) { continue; } var columnContainer = column.getContainer(); var columnRectArea = column.getRectArea(); var columnMiddle = columnRectArea.middle; if ( x > columnMiddle && columnIndex > this.dragColumnIndex && columnContainer.style.transform !== "translateX(" + (-columnWidth) + "px)" ) { //move left columnContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; columnContainer.style.transform = "translateX(" + (-columnWidth) + "px)"; this.dragTargetColumn = this.getGrid().getNextColumnSibling(column); column.resetRectArea(); } if ( x < columnMiddle && columnIndex < this.dragColumnIndex && columnContainer.style.transform !== "translateX("+(columnWidth)+"px)" ) { //move right columnContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; columnContainer.style.transform = "translateX(" + columnWidth + "px)"; this.dragTargetColumn = column; column.resetRectArea(); } var moveBackRight = x < columnMiddle && columnIndex > this.dragColumnIndex && columnContainer.style.transform !== "" && columnContainer.style.transform !== "translateX(0px)" ; var moveBackLeft = x > columnMiddle && columnIndex < this.dragColumnIndex && columnContainer.style.transform !== "" && columnContainer.style.transform !== "translateX(0px)" ; if (moveBackLeft || moveBackRight) { //move to the start position columnContainer.style.transition = "300ms"; columnContainer.style.transform = "translateX(0px)"; this.dragTargetColumn = moveBackRight ? column : this.getGrid().getNextColumnSibling(column); column.resetRectArea(); } } }, /** * * @param {number} x * @param {number} y */ onColumnDragStop: function(x, y) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onColumnDragStop", [this]); var success = this.getGrid().moveColumn(this, this.dragTargetColumn); if (success) { BX.onCustomEvent(this.getGrid(), "Kanban.Grid:onColumnMoved", [this, this.getGrid().getNextColumnSibling(this)]); } this.getContainer().classList.remove("main-kanban-column-draggable"); var columns = this.getGrid().getColumns(); for (var columnIndex in columns) { var column = columns[columnIndex]; var columnContainer = column.getContainer(); column.resetRectArea(); columnContainer.style.removeProperty("transition"); columnContainer.style.removeProperty("transform"); } this.getGrid().adjustEars(); }, /** * * @returns {ClientRect} */ getRectArea: function() { if (!this.rectArea) { this.rectArea = BX.pos(this.getContainer()); this.rectArea.middle = this.rectArea.left + this.rectArea.width / 2; } return this.rectArea; }, resetRectArea: function() { this.rectArea = null; }, /** * * @param {number} height */ showDragTarget: function(height) { this.getContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-column-target-shown"); this.getDragTarget().style.height = height + "px"; }, hideDragTarget: function() { this.getContainer().classList.remove("main-kanban-column-target-shown"); this.getDragTarget().style.removeProperty("height"); } }; /** * * @param options * @extends {BX.Kanban.Column} * @constructor */ BX.Kanban.DraftColumn = function(options) { BX.Kanban.Column.apply(this, arguments); this.asyncEventStarted = false; BX.addCustomEvent(this, "Kanban.Column:onAddedToGrid", this.onAddedToGrid.bind(this)); }; BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex = -1; BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.prototype = { __proto__: BX.Kanban.Column.prototype, constructor: BX.Kanban.DraftColumn, applyEditMode: function() { if (this.asyncEventStarted) { return; } var title = BX.util.trim(this.getTitleTextBox().value); if (!title.length) { title = this.getGrid().getMessage("COLUMN_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER"); } this.setName(title); this.getContainer().classList.add("main-kanban-column-disabled"); this.getTitleTextBox().disabled = true; this.asyncEventStarted = true; var promise = this.getGrid().getEventPromise( "Kanban.Grid:onColumnAddedAsync", null, function(result) { if (!BX.Kanban.Utils.isValidId(result.targetId)) { var targetColumn = this.getGrid().getNextColumnSibling(this); if (targetColumn) { result.targetId = targetColumn.getId(); } } this.getGrid().removeColumn(this); this.getGrid().addColumn(result); }.bind(this), function(error) { this.getGrid().removeColumn(this); }.bind(this) ); promise.fulfill(this); }, handleRemoveButtonClick: function(event) { this.stopTextBoxBlur(); this.getGrid().removeColumn(this); }, onAddedToGrid: function() { this.setColor(this.getNextColor()); }, getNextColor: function() { var defaultColors = BX.Kanban.Utils.getDefaultColors(); if (!defaultColors.length) { return null; } if (BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex === -1) { var columns = this.getGrid().getColumns(); for (var i = columns.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var column = columns[i]; var index = BX.util.array_search(column.getColor(), defaultColors); if (index !== -1) { BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex = index; break; } } } BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex = defaultColors[BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex + 1] ? BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex + 1 : 0; return defaultColors[BX.Kanban.DraftColumn.lastColorIndex]; } }; /** * * @param {BX.Kanban.Column} column * @constructor */ BX.Kanban.Pagination = function(column) { /** @var {BX.Kanban.Column} **/ this.column = column; this.timer = null; this.page = 1; this.loadingInProgress = false; this.layout = { topButton: null, bottomButton: null, loader: null }; BX.addCustomEvent(column, "Kanban.Column:onAddedToGrid", this.init.bind(this)); }; BX.Kanban.Pagination.prototype = { init: function() { var column = this.getColumn(); var columnContainer = column.getContainer(); var bodyContainer = column.getBody(); columnContainer.appendChild(this.getTopButton()); columnContainer.appendChild(this.getBottomButton()); bodyContainer.appendChild(this.getLoader()); var adjust = BX.delegate(this.adjust, this); BX.bind(bodyContainer, "scroll", BX.throttle(adjust, 150)); BX.bind(window, "scroll", BX.throttle(adjust, 150)); BX.addCustomEvent("Kanban.Grid:onFirstRender", adjust); }, adjust: function() { var column = this.getColumn(); var columnContainer = column.getContainer(); var bodyContainer = column.getBody(); var scrollHeight = bodyContainer.scrollHeight; var offsetHeight = bodyContainer.offsetHeight; var scrollTop = bodyContainer.scrollTop; var isTopVisible = bodyContainer.scrollTop > 0; var isBottomVisible = scrollHeight > offsetHeight + scrollTop; columnContainer.classList[isTopVisible ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-column-top-button-shown"); columnContainer.classList[isBottomVisible ? "add" : "remove"]("main-kanban-column-bottom-button-shown"); if (columnContainer.classList.contains("main-kanban-column-top-button-shown")) { this.getTopButton().style.top = this.getColumn().getBody().offsetTop + "px"; } jsDD.refreshDestArea(); var loader = this.getLoader(); if (!this.loadingInProgress && column.hasLoading() && loader.offsetTop < scrollTop + offsetHeight) { this.showLoader(); this.loadItems(); } }, loadItems: function() { this.loadingInProgress = true; var promise = this.getColumn().getGrid().getEventPromise( "Kanban.Grid:onColumnLoadAsync", null, this.onPromiseFulfilled.bind(this), this.onPromiseRejected.bind(this) ); promise.fulfill(this.getColumn()); }, onPromiseFulfilled: function(result) { this.hideLoader(); this.processPromiseResult(result); }, onPromiseRejected: function(reason) { this.hideLoader(); //this.loadingInProgress = false; }, processPromiseResult: function(result) { if (!BX.type.isArray(result) || !result.length) { return; } var column = this.getColumn(); column.freezeTotal(); column.getGrid().setRenderStatus(false); var scrollTop = column.getBody().scrollTop; for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { var item = result[i]; column.getGrid().addItem(item); } column.render(); column.getBody().scrollTop = scrollTop; column.getGrid().setRenderStatus(true); column.unfreezeTotal(); column.refreshTotal(); this.page++; this.loadingInProgress = false; this.adjust(); }, /** * * @returns {BX.Kanban.Column} */ getColumn: function() { return this.column; }, /** * * @returns {number} */ getPage: function() { return this.page; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getTopButton: function() { if (this.layout.topButton) { return this.layout.topButton; } this.layout.topButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-top-button" }, events: { mouseenter: BX.delegate(this.scrollUp, this), mouseleave: BX.delegate(this.stopScroll, this) } }); return this.layout.topButton; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getBottomButton: function() { if (this.layout.bottomButton) { return this.layout.bottomButton; } this.layout.bottomButton = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-column-bottom-button" }, events: { mouseenter: BX.delegate(this.scrollDown, this), mouseleave: BX.delegate(this.stopScroll, this) } }); return this.layout.bottomButton; }, /** * * @returns {Element} */ getLoader: function() { if (this.layout.loader) { return this.layout.loader; } this.layout.loader = BX.create("div", { attrs: { className: "main-kanban-loader" }, html: '<div class="main-kanban-loader-outer">' + '<div class="main-kanban-loader-inner">' + '<svg class="main-kanban-loader-circle" viewBox="25 25 50 50">' + '<circle ' + 'class="main-kanban-loader-path" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none" ' + 'stroke-width="1" stroke-miterlimit="10"' + '/>' + '</svg>' + '</div>' + '</div>' }); return this.layout.loader; }, showLoader: function() { this.getLoader().classList.add("main-kanban-loader-shown"); }, hideLoader: function() { this.getLoader().classList.remove("main-kanban-loader-shown"); }, scrollUp: function() { if (this.getColumn().getGrid().getDragMode() !== BX.Kanban.DragMode.ITEM) { return; } this.timer = setInterval(BX.delegate(function() { this.getColumn().getBody().scrollTop -= 10; }, this), 20); }, scrollDown: function() { if (this.getColumn().getGrid().getDragMode() !== BX.Kanban.DragMode.ITEM) { return; } this.timer = setInterval(BX.delegate(function() { this.getColumn().getBody().scrollTop += 10; }, this), 20); }, stopScroll: function() { clearInterval(this.timer); } }; })();