Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/js/sale/core_ui_combobox.js |
if(typeof BX.ui != 'object') BX.ui = {}; BX.ui.combobox = function(opts, nf){ this.parentConstruct(BX.ui.combobox, opts); BX.merge(this, { opts: { // default options pageSize: 5, //20// amount of variants to show selectedItem: false, knownItems: [], // already known items which go directly to the cache // behaviour //selectOnBlur: true, // if true, plugin will select first item in variant list when user types tab button on fake input with string being incomplete typed in selectByClick: true, // item can be selected by clicking on it chooseUsingArrows: true, // item can be choosable when user presses arrow up\down while input is in focus selectOnEnter: true, // item can be selected by pressing Enter on it openDdByAltArrow: true, // dropdown can be opened by pressing Alt+ArrowDown when input is in focus closeDdByEscape: true, // dropdown can be closed by pressing Esc when input is in focus scrollToVariantOnArrow: true, closePopupOnOuterClick: true, // if true, popup will be closed when user clicks outside the widget messages: { nothingFound: 'Sorry, nothing found', notSelected: '-- Not selected', error: 'Error occured', clearSelection: 'Deselect' }, // magic design-related values arrowScrollAdditional: 0, pageUpWardOffset: 0, wrapTagName: 'span', dropdownHConstraint: 0, // limit dropdown height with this value, if greather than zero dropdownHConstraintType: 'max-height', // constraint type of dropdown height // fx and decorators inputDebounceTimeout: 500, // time of reaction on input content change. Should not be too small scrollThrottleTimeout: 300, // timeout of reaction on dropdown scroll. Should not be too small selectByClickTimeout: 200, // for better fx perception, should not be too large startSearchLen: 2, // minimum string length search will start with bindEvents: { 'init': function(){ // after all we do this this.setInitialValue(); } } }, vars: { // significant variables opened: false, // whether dropdown is opened or not eventLock: false, displayPageMutex: false, keyboardMutex: false, allEventMutex: false, cache: { // item cache nodes: {}, // data index, keeps data for each node ever loaded search: { // cache for request: map from query string to a set of items in responce. Here pagenavigation can be implemented without a trouble origin: false // this is the default item order, "as it came" from options or item discover. On open popup without filtering this "index" is used to output items } }, applyFilter: false, filtered: [], // items currently filtered by the last filter or non-filter tryDisplayPage() call lastSource: false, pager: false, // control that is responsible for lazy page display selector: false, // control that is responsible for handling arrow-up\down item selection value: false, // actually, [VALUE,DISPLAY] pair id outSideClickScope: null }, ctrls: { // links to controls }, sys: { code: 'combobox' } }); //this.disableInFuncStack('init', BX.some.parent); this.handleInitStack(nf, BX.ui.combobox, opts); }; BX.extend(BX.ui.combobox, BX.ui.widget); // the following functions can be overrided with inheritance BX.merge(BX.ui.combobox.prototype, { // member of stack of initializers, must be defined even if do nothing init: function(){ var ctx = this, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls; // find input var input = this.getControl('input', true); if(input == null) input = sc.scope.querySelector('input[type="text"]'); if(input == null) input = sc.scope.querySelector('select'); if(input == null) throw new Error('Input control still not found'); sc.inputs = { origin: input == null ? sc.scope : input }; // loader sv.loader = new BX.ui.loader({ timeout: 500 }); sv.loader.bindEvent('toggle', BX.proxy(this.whenLoaderToggle, ctx)); if(typeof so.knownItems == 'object') this.fillCache(so.knownItems, false); this.pushFuncStack('buildUpDOM', BX.ui.combobox); this.pushFuncStack('bindEvents', BX.ui.combobox); }, buildUpDOM: function(){ var so = this.opts, sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars, ctx = this, code = this.sys.code; // add container node sc.container = this.getControl('container', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.container)){ sc.container = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-container' }, style: { margin: 0, padding: 0, border: 'none', position: 'relative' } }); BX.insertAfter(sc.container, sc.inputs.origin); } // clone input node sc.inputs.fake = this.getControl('fake', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.container)){ var pseudoInput = BX.clone(sc.inputs.origin); pseudoInput.removeAttribute('name'); // make it invisible for form BX.adjust(pseudoInput, { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-fake' } }); sc.container.appendChild(pseudoInput); sc.inputs.fake = pseudoInput; } BX.hide(sc.inputs.origin); if(BX.browser.IsIE8()){ BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'click', function(e){ BX.eventCancelBubble(e); }); BX.bind(sc.container, 'click', function(){ sc.inputs.fake.focus(); }); } // toggle handle sc.toggle = this.getControl('toggle', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.toggle)){ sc.toggle = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-toggle' }, style: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', right: '0px' } }); sc.container.appendChild(sc.toggle); } // insert dropdown sc.dropdown = this.getControl('dropdown', true); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(sc.dropdown)){ sc.dropdown = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-dropdown' }, style: { display: 'none', position: 'absolute' } }); sc.container.appendChild(sc.dropdown); } if(so.dropdownHConstraint > 0 && so.dropdownHConstraintType != '') BX.style(sc.dropdown, so.dropdownHConstraintType, so.dropdownHConstraint+'px'); // init pager and glow sv.pager = new BX.ui.scrollablePager({ scope: sc.dropdown, setTopReachedOnPage: 0, eventTimeout: so.scrollThrottleTimeout, parent: ctx }); sv.selector = new BX.ui.itemSelectManager(); // nothing found message sc.nothingFound = this.getControl('nothing-found', true); }, bindEvents: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, ctx = this, code = this.sys.code; this.bindEventsMouse(); this.bindEventsKeyboard(); sv.pager.bindEvent('scroll-to-top', BX.semaphore(function(){ if(!this.vars.opened) return; var pageNum = sv.pager.getFreePageNumber(0); if(this.checkPageIsOutOfRange(pageNum)) return; ctx.displayPage(pageNum); }, this, {limit: 1, dup: 'drop'})); sv.pager.bindEvent('scroll-to-bottom', BX.semaphore(function(){ if(!this.vars.opened) return; var pageNum = sv.pager.getFreePageNumber(1); if(this.checkPageIsOutOfRange(pageNum)) return; ctx.displayPage(pageNum); }, this, {limit: 1, dup: 'drop'})); sv.selector.bindEvent('item-select', function(id, data){ ctx.whenToggleItemGlow(data, true); }); sv.selector.bindEvent('item-deselect', function(id, data){ ctx.whenToggleItemGlow(data, false); }); }, bindEventsMouse: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, ctx = this, code = this.sys.code; if(so.selectByClick){ BX.bindDelegate(sc.dropdown, 'click', { className: 'bx-ui-'+code+'-variant' }, function(){ if(sv.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here var id = BX.data(this, 'bx-'+code+'-item-value'); var node = this; if(id == ctx.vars.value){ ctx.hideDropdown(); return; } if(typeof id != 'undefined' && typeof sv.cache.nodes[id] != 'undefined'){ ctx.vars.selector.selectById(id); // aware selector of which id is currently selected ctx.setValue(id); if(so.focusOnMouseSelect) sc.inputs.fake.focus(); ctx.fireEvent('item-selected-by-mouse', [id, node]); }else ctx.setValue(''); }); } // outside click should close the dropdown if(so.closePopupOnOuterClick){ if(sv.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here sv.outSideClickScope = sc.container; BX.bind(document, 'click', function(e){ e = e || window.event; if(!BX.isParentForNode(sv.outSideClickScope, e.target || e.srcElement)){ ctx.hideDropdown(); } }); } // toggle handle BX.bind(sc.toggle, 'click', function(){ ctx.toggleDropDown(); }); if('value' in sc.inputs.fake) { // when nothing were selected (but there were already an attempt of search), open dropdown if it was closed occasionly by user BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'click', function(){ if(!sv.opened && sv.value === false && this.value.length > 0) ctx.tryDisplayPage('search'); }); } }, bindEventsKeyboard: function(){ var sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts, sv = this.vars, ctx = this; if('value' in sc.inputs.fake){ // check if it is an input at least // bind debounced key-type input change BX.bindDebouncedChange(sc.inputs.fake, function(val){ if(sv.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here if(val.length >= so.startSearchLen){ ctx.tryDisplayPage('search'); }else ctx.hideDropdown(); }, function(){ if(sv.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here if(sv.value != false && sv.value != '') ctx.deselectItem(); }, so.inputDebounceTimeout, sc.inputs.fake ); BX.bind(sc.inputs.fake, 'keydown', function(e){ if(sv.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here if(sv.keyboardMutex) // kb mutex is on, ignore keyboard type in return; var key = e.keyCode || e.which; var arrowsPressed = (key == 38 || key == 40); // up (38) - down (40) if(so.chooseUsingArrows){ if(arrowsPressed && sv.opened){ sv.selector[key == 38 ? 'selectPrevious' : 'selectNext'](e.shiftKey ? 5 : 1); if(so.scrollToVariantOnArrow){ var selected = sv.selector.getSelected(); if(typeof selected != 'undefined'){ var item = selected.data.node; // here we determine if currently selected item is not in the visible area var pos = BX.pos(item, sc.dropdown); var a = pos.top; var b = pos.height; var c = sc.dropdown.clientHeight; var d = sc.dropdown.scrollTop; var f = so.arrowScrollAdditional; var scrollTo = false; if(a + b > c + d) scrollTo = a + b - (c + d) + f; else if(a < d) scrollTo = -(d - a + f); if(scrollTo != false) sv.pager.scrollTo(scrollTo, false, 1); } } BX.PreventDefault(e); } } // dropdown open by alt+key up/down if(so.openDdByAltArrow && e.altKey && arrowsPressed && !sv.opened) ctx.tryDisplayPage('toggle'); if(so.closeDdByEscape && key == 27 && sv.opened) ctx.hideDropdown(); // on enter and tab we perform item selection if(key == 13 && so.selectOnEnter && sv.opened){ var node = sv.selector.getSelected(); if(typeof node != 'undefined'){ if(node.id == ctx.vars.value){ ctx.hideDropdown(); return; } ctx.setValue(node.id); } } /* // on tab dropdown close and optional select if(key == 9 && sv.opened && so.selectOnBlur){ if(displayedLen > 0) ctx.selectItem(sv.displayedIndex[0]); else ctx.hideDropdown(); } */ if(key == 13) BX.PreventDefault(e); }); } }, ////////// PUBLIC: free to use outside // common addItems2Cache: function(items){ this.fillCache(items); }, clearCache: function(){ this.vars.cache = {nodes: {}, search: {origin: false}}; }, // set focus to fake input focus: function(){ this.ctrls.inputs.fake.focus(); }, // todo checkDisabled: function(){ }, // todo disable: function(){ }, // todo enable: function(){ }, setValue: function(value){ this.hideDropdown(); this.hideNothingFound(); this.setFakeInputValue(''); if(value == null || typeof value == 'undefined' || value.toString().length == 0){ // deselect this.deselectItem(); return; }else if(value == this.vars.value) // dup return; else // set this.setCurrentValue(''); var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, ctx = this; // todo: here we require another semaphore to ensure noboy calls setValue twice while discover is in progress this.discoverItems(function(){ if(typeof sv.cache.nodes[value] == 'undefined') // still not found ctx.displayNothingFound(); else ctx.selectItem(value); }); }, getValue: function(){ return this.vars.value; }, clearSelected: function(){ this.setValue(''); }, getNodeByValue: function(value){ return this.vars.cache.nodes[value]; }, setTabIndex: function(index){ this.ctrls.inputs.fake.setAttribute('tabindex', index); }, setTargetInputName: function(newName){ this.ctrls.inputs.origin.setAttribute('name', newName); }, cancelRequest: function(){ }, // low-level, use with caution setTargetInputValue: function(value){ this.vars.eventLock = true; this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value = value; BX.fireEvent(this.ctrls.inputs.origin, 'change'); this.vars.eventLock = false; }, setFakeInputValue: function(display){ var sc = this.ctrls; if('value' in sc.inputs.fake){ BX.data(sc.inputs.fake, 'bx-dc-previous-value', display); // prevent bindDebouncedChange from fire sc.inputs.fake.value = display; }else{ if(display == '') display = this.opts.messages.notSelected; sc.inputs.fake.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(display); } }, setValueVariable: function(value){ this.vars.value = value; }, // specific // fill current item cache with values fillCache: function(items, parameters){ var sv = this.vars; if(!items.length) return; if(!BX.type.isPlainObject(parameters)) parameters = {}; parameters.modifyOrigin = parameters.modifyOrigin || sv.cache.search.origin === false; var arrayOperation = parameters.modifyOriginPosition == 'prepend' ? 'unshift' : 'push'; if(sv.cache.search.origin === false) sv.cache.search.origin = []; // first fill items themselves for(var k in items) { if(!items.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if(parameters.modifyOrigin) { sv.cache.search.origin[arrayOperation](items[k].VALUE); } sv.cache.nodes[items[k].VALUE] = items[k]; } this.fireEvent('after-cache-filled', []); }, getLastSource: function(){ return this.vars.lastSource; }, toggleDropDown: function(){ if(this.vars.allEventMutex) return; // semaphore later here if(this.vars.opened) this.hideDropdown(); else this.tryDisplayPage('toggle'); }, // lately should appear as an item in remove stack remove: function(){ // drop scope if(BX.type.isDomNode(this.ctrls.scope)) this.ctrls.scope.innerHTML = ''; // ubind custom events BX.unbindAll(this); if(this.vars.pager != null){ this.vars.pager.remove(); this.vars.pager = null; } if(this.vars.selector != null){ this.vars.selector.remove(); this.vars.selector = null; } }, ////////// PRIVATE: forbidden to use outside (for compatibility reasons) getLastPageIndex: function(){ return Math.ceil(this.vars.filtered.length / this.opts.pageSize) - 1; }, checkPageIsFirst: function(pageNum){ return pageNum == 0; }, checkPageIsLast: function(pageNum){ return pageNum == this.getLastPageIndex(); }, checkPageIsOutOfRange: function(pageNum){ return pageNum < 0 || pageNum > this.getLastPageIndex(); }, setInitialValue: function(){ var initalValue = false; if(this.opts.selectedItem !== false) initalValue = this.opts.selectedItem; else if(this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value.length > 0) initalValue = this.ctrls.inputs.origin.value; if(initalValue !== false && typeof initalValue != 'undefined') this.setValue(initalValue); }, discoverItems: function(callback){ var sv = this.vars, ctx = this; var discover = new BX.deferred(); discover.done(function(params){ if(typeof params != 'undefined') ctx.fillCache(params.items); sv.loader.hide(); sv.allEventMutex = false; // semaphore here later callback.call(this); }); discover.fail(function(){ sv.loader.hide(); sv.allEventMutex = false; // semaphore here later ctx.displayNothingFound(); }); if(BX.util.getObjectLength(sv.cache.nodes) == 0){ sv.loader.show(); sv.allEventMutex = true; // semaphore here later discover.startRace(1000, false); this.fireEvent('item-list-discover', [discover]); }else discover.resolve(); }, tryDisplayPage: function(source){ var sv = this.vars, ctx = this, query = this.ctrls.inputs.fake.value; sv.applyFilter = (source == 'search' && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(query)); sv.lastSource = source; this.discoverItems(function(){ ctx.fireEvent('before-display-page', []); // page number to be displayed with var pageNum = sv.applyFilter ? 0 : ctx.getPageNumberOfSelected(); sv.filtered = []; if(sv.applyFilter){ var queryLc = query.toLowerCase(); for(var k in sv.cache.search.origin) { if(!sv.cache.search.origin.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; var value = sv.cache.search.origin[k]; if(sv.cache.nodes[value].DISPLAY.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryLc) == 0){ // match, but only from the start of line sv.filtered.push(value); } } }else sv.filtered = sv.cache.search.origin; if(sv.filtered == false) sv.filtered = []; sv.pager.cleanUp(); sv.selector.cleanUp(); ctx.displayPage(pageNum); }); }, displayPage: function(pageNum){ var page = this.getPage(pageNum); if(page.length == 0) this.displayNothingFound(); else{ this.displayVariants(page, pageNum); } }, getPage: function(pageNum){ var sv = this.vars, so = this.opts; return sv.filtered.slice((pageNum * so.pageSize), ((pageNum + 1) * so.pageSize)); }, getPageNumberOfSelected: function(){ if(this.vars.value == false) return 0; var sv = this.vars; var pos = 0; for(var k in sv.cache.search.origin) { if(!sv.cache.search.origin.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; if(sv.cache.search.origin[k] == this.vars.value) break; pos++; } if(pos > sv.cache.search.origin.length) return 0; // item not found return Math.floor(pos / this.opts.pageSize); }, displayNothingFound: function(){ BX.cleanNode(this.ctrls.vars); if(BX.type.isElementNode(this.ctrls.nothingFound)) this.whenNothingFoundToggle(true); else{ // show message directly in the dropdown var pager = this.vars.pager; pager.cleanUp(); this.vars.selector.cleanUp(); pager.setTopReached(); pager.setBottomReached(); pager.appendPage(this.whenRenderNothingFound(this.opts.messages.nothingFound)); this.showDropdown(); } this.fireEvent('nothing-found'); }, displayVariants: function(page, pageNum){ var sc = this.ctrls, sv = this.vars, so = this.opts, code = this.sys.code; this.hideNothingFound(); var pagerRows = []; var selectorRows = []; // special option "deselect" if(sv.lastSource == 'toggle' && pageNum == 0 && sv.value !== false){ var domItem = this.createItemForPage('', {DISPLAY: so.messages.clearSelection}, pagerRows, selectorRows); BX.addClass(domItem, 'bx-ui-'+code+'-deselect-item'); } var id2dom = {}; for(var k in page) { if(!page.hasOwnProperty(k)) continue; this.createItemForPage(page[k], sv.cache.nodes[page[k]], pagerRows, selectorRows); id2dom[sv.cache.nodes[page[k]].VALUE] = pagerRows[k]; } this.fireEvent('after-page-built', [pageNum, pagerRows, selectorRows]); this.showDropdown(); sv.selector.addPage(selectorRows, pageNum); if(this.checkPageIsLast(pageNum)) sv.pager.setBottomReached(); var prevCnt = this.vars.pager.getPageCount(); sv.pager.lockScrollEvents(); sv.pager.addPage(pagerRows, pageNum); if(prevCnt == 0){ var selected = false; if(sv.value !== false){ this.vars.selector.selectById(sv.value); selected = sv.value; }else{ this.vars.selector.selectFirst(); selected = this.vars.selector.getSelected().id; } // here we must additionally scroll page to the selected node if(selected !== false && typeof id2dom[selected] != 'undefined'){ this.vars.pager.scrollToNode(id2dom[selected]); } } sv.pager.unLockScrollEvents(); sv.pager.dispatchScrollEvents(); this.fireEvent('after-page-display', [sv.cache.nodes, pageNum]); }, createItemForPage: function(itemId, itemData, pagerRows, selectorRows, prepend){ var domItem = this.whenRenderVariant(itemData)[0]; BX.data(domItem, 'bx-'+this.sys.code+'-item-value', itemId); this.fireEvent('after-item-append', [domItem]); pagerRows[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push'](domItem); selectorRows[prepend ? 'unshift' : 'push']({id: itemId, data: {node: domItem}}); return domItem; }, hideNothingFound: function(){ if(BX.type.isElementNode(this.ctrls.nothingFound)) this.whenNothingFoundToggle(false); }, showDropdown: function(){ if(this.vars.opened) return; if(this.vars.opened) return; var flip = !this.vars.opened; this.vars.opened = true; BX.show(this.ctrls.dropdown); // read height var dropdownHeight = BX.height(this.ctrls.dropdown); BX.hide(this.ctrls.dropdown); // read height end var input = this.ctrls.inputs.fake; var inputPos = BX.pos(input); var spaceUnderItem = BX.scrollTop(window) + BX.height(window) - (Math.ceil(inputPos.top) + inputPos.height); this.whenDropdownToggle.apply(this, [true, spaceUnderItem - dropdownHeight < -20, inputPos.height, flip]); }, hideDropdown: function(){ this.vars.opened = false; this.whenDropdownToggle.apply(this, [false, false, 0, true]); }, // turn everyting off and clear up selection deselectItem: function(){ var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts; this.setCurrentValue(''); this.fireEvent('after-deselect-item'); }, // invokes when user selects value selectItem: function(value){ var sv = this.vars, sc = this.ctrls, so = this.opts; sv.value = value; // set current [VALUE, DISPLAY] pair id sc.inputs.origin.value = sv.cache.nodes[value].VALUE; // update origin input value this.setFakeInputValue(this.whenItemSelect.apply(this, [value])); this.setCurrentValue(value); this.hideDropdown(); this.fireEvent('after-select-item', [sv.value]); }, // this function sets value of an origin input setCurrentValue: function(value){ var so = this.opts, sv = this.vars; sv.value = value == '' ? false : value; this.setTargetInputValue(value); }, // when* functions stand for behaviour and meant to be overrided with inheritance // evaluates when user selects a particular item. should return value which we want in our fake input whenItemSelect: function(itemId){ return this.vars.cache.nodes[itemId]['DISPLAY']; }, whenToggleItemGlow: function(itemData, way){ BX[way ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](itemData.node, 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-variant-active'); }, whenDropdownToggle: function(way, upward, inputHeight, flip){ if(way){ if(flip) this.whenDecideDropdownOrient(upward, inputHeight, flip); BX.show(this.ctrls.dropdown); }else BX.hide(this.ctrls.dropdown); this.fireEvent('after-popup-toggled', [way]); }, whenDecideDropdownOrient: function(upward, inputHeight){ var sc = this.ctrls; if(upward){ var top = BX.style(sc.dropdown, 'top'); if(top != 'auto'){ BX.data(sc.dropdown, 'pane-top', top); } BX.style(sc.dropdown, 'top', 'auto'); BX.style(sc.dropdown, 'bottom', (inputHeight + this.opts.pageUpWardOffset)+'px'); }else{ var top = BX.data(sc.dropdown, 'pane-top'); if(typeof top != 'undefined') BX.style(sc.dropdown, 'top', top); BX.style(sc.dropdown, 'bottom', 'auto'); } }, whenNothingFoundToggle: function(way){ BX[way ? 'show' : 'hide'](this.ctrls.nothingFound); }, whenRenderError: function(message){ if(typeof this.tmpls['error'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('error', {message: message}, true)[0]; return BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-error' }, text: message }); }, whenRenderNothingFound: function(message){ if(typeof this.tmpls['nothing-found'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('nothing-found', {message: message}, true)[0]; return this.whenRenderError(message); }, whenLoaderToggle: function(way){ this[way ? 'setCSSState' : 'dropCSSState']('items-discover-in-progress'); }, whenRenderVariant: function(itemData){ this.fireEvent('before-render-variant', [itemData]); if(typeof this.tmpls['dropdown-item'] == 'string') return this.createNodesByTemplate('dropdown-item', itemData, true); return [BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'bx-ui-'+this.sys.code+'-variant' }, text: itemData.DISPLAY })]; } }); BX.ui.itemSelectManager = function(){ ////////// PUBLIC: free to use outside this.selectFirst = function(){ if(this.head != null) this.selectById(this.head.id); }; this.selectNext = function(distance){ this.jumpToDistance(true, distance); }; this.selectPrevious = function(distance){ this.jumpToDistance(false, distance); }; this.selectById = function(id){ var item = this.data[id]; if(typeof item == 'undefined') return; if(this.current != null) this.fireEvent('item-deselect', [this.current.id, this.current.data]); this.fireEvent('item-select', [id, item.data]); this.current = item; }; this.getSelected = function(){ if(this.current == null) return undefined; return {id: this.current.id, data: this.current.data}; }; this.addPage = function(data, pageNum){ if(this.range == false){ this.appendData(data); this.range = [pageNum, pageNum]; }else if(pageNum > this.range[1]){ this.appendData(data); this.range[1]++; }else if(pageNum < this.range[0]){ this.prependData(data); this.range[0]--; } }; this.cleanUp = function(){ this.data = {}; this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.current = null; this.range = false; }; this.remove = function(){ this.cleanUp(); }; this.fireEvent = function(eventName, args, scope){ scope = scope || this; args = args || []; BX.onCustomEvent(scope, 'bx-ui-item-select-manager-'+eventName, args); }, this.bindEvent = function(eventName, callback){ BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'bx-ui-item-select-manager-'+eventName, callback); }, ////////// PRIVATE: forbidden to use outside (for compatibility reasons) this.jumpToDistance = function(way, distance){ if(this.current != null){ if(!distance) distance = 1; var node = this.current; for(var k = 0; k < distance; k++){ if(node[way ? 'next' : 'previous'] == null) break; node = node[way ? 'next' : 'previous']; } if(node != null) this.selectById(node.id); } } this.appendData = function(data){ for(var k = 0; k < data.length; k++) this.append(data[k]); }; this.prependData = function(data){ for(var k = data.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) this.prepend(data[k]); }; this.append = function(item){ var tail = this.tail; this.data[item.id] = {id: item.id, data: item.data, next: null, previous: tail}; if(this.tail != null) this.tail.next = this.data[item.id]; if(this.head == null) this.head = this.data[item.id]; this.tail = this.data[item.id]; if(this.current == null) this.current = this.data[item.id]; }; this.prepend = function(item){ var head = this.head; this.data[item.id] = {id: item.id, data: item.data, next: head, previous: null}; if(this.head != null) this.head.previous = this.data[item.id]; if(this.tail == null) this.tail = this.data[item.id]; this.head = this.data[item.id]; if(this.current == null) this.current = this.data[item.id]; }; this.cleanUp(); return this; }