Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/b24connector/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/b24connector/lib/connection.php |
<? namespace Bitrix\B24Connector; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Result; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Socialservices\ApTable; use Bitrix\Socialservices\ContactConnectTable; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class Connection * @package Bitrix\B24Connector */ class Connection { /** * @return bool|string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ private static function getAppId() { if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) return ''; if(!self::isLinkedToNet()) self::linkToNet(); $interface = new \CBitrix24NetOAuthInterface(); return $interface->getAppID(); } /** * Link site to Bitrix24.Network * Code borrowed from socialservices/options.php * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException * */ private static function linkToNet() { if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) return false; if(self::isLinkedToNet()) return true; $result = false; $request = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $host = ($request->isHttps() ? 'https://' : 'http://').$request->getHttpHost(); $registerResult = \CSocServBitrix24Net::registerSite($host); if(is_array($registerResult) && isset($registerResult["client_id"]) && isset($registerResult["client_secret"])) { Option::set('socialservices', 'bitrix24net_domain', $host); Option::set('socialservices', 'bitrix24net_id', $registerResult["client_id"]); Option::set('socialservices', 'bitrix24net_secret', $registerResult["client_secret"]); $result = true; } return $result; } /** * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ private static function isLinkedToNet() { return Option::get('socialservices', 'bitrix24net_id', '') !== ''; } /** * @return Result * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException * @throws \Exception */ public static function delete() { $result = new Result(); if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) { $result->addError(new Error('Module socialservices is not installed')); return $result; } if($connection = self::getFields()) { $res = ApTable::delete($connection['ID']); if(!$res->isSuccess()) $result->addErrors($res->getErrors()); $dbRes = ButtonTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=APP_ID' => $connection['ID'] ) )); while($but = $dbRes->fetch()) { $res = ButtonTable::delete($but['ID']); if(!$res->isSuccess()) $result->addErrors($res->getErrors()); } } return $result; } /** * @param string $title Button title * @return string Button HTML. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function getButtonHtml($title = '') { global $APPLICATION; $onclick = ''; $class = 'connector-btn-blue'; $href = 'javascript:void(0)'; $moduleAccess = $APPLICATION->GetGroupRight('b24connector'); if(strlen($title) <= 0) $title = Loc::getMessage('B24C_CONN_BUTT_CONNECT'); if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices') || $moduleAccess <= "R") { $class .= ' connector-btn-blue-disabled'; } else { if(!self::isLinkedToNet()) self::linkToNet(); $hosts = self::getHostsList(); if(!empty($hosts)) { $urlTeml = self::getUrl('##HOST##'); if(!empty($urlTeml)) { $onclick = 'BX.B24Connector.showPortalChoosingDialog(\''.\CUtil::JSEscape($urlTeml).'\', '.\CUtil::PhpToJSObject($hosts).');'; } else { $onclick = 'alert(\''.Loc::getMessage('B24C_CONN_CONNECT_ERROR').'\');'; } } else { $href = self::getUrlNet(); } } $result = '<a href="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($href).'"'. (strlen($onclick) > 0 ? ' onclick="'.$onclick.'"' : ''). ' class="'.$class.'" >'. $title.'</a>'; return $result; } /** * @param string $title Button title * @return string HTML for connect button. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function getOptionButtonHtml($title) { $onclick = ''; $disabled = false; if(!\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) { $disabled = true; } else { if(!self::isLinkedToNet()) self::linkToNet(); $hosts = self::getHostsList(); if(!empty($hosts)) { $urlTeml = self::getUrl('##HOST##'); if(!empty($urlTeml)) { $onclick = 'BX.B24Connector.showPortalChoosingDialog(\''.\CUtil::JSEscape($urlTeml).'\', '.\CUtil::PhpToJSObject($hosts).');'; } else { $onclick = 'alert(\''.\CUtil::JSEscape(Loc::getMessage('B24C_CONN_CONNECT_ERROR')).'\');'; } } else { $onclick = 'window.location.href="'.\CUtil::JSEscape(self::getUrlNet()).'"'; } } return '<input type="button" onclick="'.htmlspecialcharsbx($onclick).'" value="'.$title.'"'.($disabled ? ' disabled' : '').'>'; } /** * @return array Connection fields. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getFields() { static $result = null; if($result === null) { $result = array(); if(Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) $result = ApTable::getConnection(); } return is_array($result) ? $result : array(); } /** * @return string Domain. * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function getDomain() { $fields = self::getFields(); return !empty($fields['DOMAIN']) ? $fields['DOMAIN'] : ''; } /** * Check if connection exists. * @return bool */ public static function isExist() { $fields = self::getFields(); return !empty($fields); } /** * @param $host * @return string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ private static function getUrl($host) { global $APPLICATION; if(strlen($host) <= 0) return ''; if(!Loader::includeModule("socialservices")) return ''; $result = ''; $appId = self::getAppID(); if(strlen($appId) > 0) { $result = $host.'apconnect/?client_id='.urlencode($appId).'&preset=ap&state='.urlencode(http_build_query(array( 'check_key' => \CSocServAuthManager::GetUniqueKey(), 'admin' => 1, 'backurl' => $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam(), ))); } return $result; } /** * @return string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ private static function getUrlNet() { if(!Loader::includeModule("socialservices")) return ''; global $APPLICATION; $appId = self::getAppID(); $result = ''; if(strlen($appId) > 0) { $result = \CBitrix24NetOAuthInterface::NET_URL.'/oauth/select/?preset=ap&client_id='.urlencode($appId).'&state='.urlencode(http_build_query(array( 'check_key' => \CSocServAuthManager::GetUniqueKey(), 'admin' => 1, 'backurl' => $APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam('', array('apaction', 'apID')), ))); } return $result; } /** * @return array * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ private static function getHostsList() { if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) return array(); $result = array(); $query = \CBitrix24NetTransport::init(); if($query) $result = $query->call('admin.profile.list', array()); return !empty($result['result']) && is_array($result['result']) ? $result['result'] : array(); } /** * @return string Url to edit open lines settings. */ public static function getOpenLinesConfigUrl() { $res = self::getDataFromRest('imopenlines.config.path.get', array('result')); if(is_array($res) && !empty($res['SERVER_ADDRESS']) && !empty($res['PUBLIC_PATH'])) { $result = $res['SERVER_ADDRESS'].$res['PUBLIC_PATH']; } else { $domain = self::getDomain(); if(strlen($domain) <= 0) return ''; $result = 'https://'.htmlspecialcharsbx($domain).'/settings/openlines/'; //default for b24 cloud } return $result; } /** * @return string Url to edit telephony settings. */ public static function getTelephonyConfigUrl() { return self::getDataFromRest('voximplant.url.get', array('result', 'lines'), '/telephony/lines.php'); } /** * @return string Url to edit webform settings. */ public static function getWebformConfigUrl() { return self::getDataFromRest('crm.webform.configuration.get', array('result', 'URL'), '/crm/webform/'); } /** * @return string Url to edit widgets. */ public static function getWidgetsConfigUrl() { return self::getDataFromRest('crm.sitebutton.configuration.get', array('result', 'URL'), '/crm/button/'); } private static function getDataFromRest($method, $pathToData, $defaultPath = '') { if(!Loader::includeModule('socialservices')) return ''; $result = ''; if($client = \Bitrix\Socialservices\ApClient::init()) { $result = $client->call($method); if(is_array($result)) { foreach($pathToData as $idx) { if(!empty($result[$idx])) { $result = $result[$idx]; } else { $result = ''; break; } } } } if(is_array($result)) return $result; if(strlen($result) <= 0) { $domain = self::getDomain(); if(strlen($domain) <= 0) return ''; $result = 'https://'.htmlspecialcharsbx($domain).$defaultPath; //default for b24 cloud } return $result; } }