Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/mysql/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/catalog/mysql/product_set.php |
<? use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Catalog; require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/catalog/general/product_set.php"); class CCatalogProductSet extends CCatalogProductSetAll { public static function add($arFields) { global $DB; foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnBeforeProductSetAdd", true) as $arEvent) { if (false === ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$arFields))) return false; } if (!self::checkFields('ADD', $arFields, 0)) return false; $arSet = $arFields; unset($arSet['ITEMS']); $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_catalog_product_sets", $arFields); $strSql = "insert into b_catalog_product_sets(".$arInsert[0].") values(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); $intID = (int)$DB->LastID(); if (0 < $intID) { foreach ($arFields['ITEMS'] as &$arOneItem) { $arOneItem['SET_ID'] = $intID; $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_catalog_product_sets", $arOneItem); $strSql = "insert into b_catalog_product_sets(".$arInsert[0].") values(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); } unset($arOneItem); switch ($arSet['TYPE']) { case self::TYPE_SET: $setParams = self::createSetItemsParamsFromAdd($arFields['ITEMS']); self::fillSetItemsParams($setParams); self::calculateSetParams($arSet['ITEM_ID'], $setParams); break; case self::TYPE_GROUP: CCatalogProduct::Update($arSet['ITEM_ID'], array('BUNDLE' => Catalog\ProductTable::STATUS_YES)); break; } foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnProductSetAdd", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($intID, $arFields)); } return $intID; } return false; } public static function update($intID, $arFields) { global $DB; foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnBeforeProductSetUpdate", true) as $arEvent) { if (false === ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($intID, &$arFields))) return false; } if (!self::checkFields('UPDATE', $arFields, $intID)) return false; $intID = (int)$intID; if (!empty($arFields)) { $arSet = $arFields; $boolItems = array_key_exists('ITEMS', $arFields); if ($boolItems) unset($arSet['ITEMS']); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_catalog_product_sets", $arSet); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strSql = "update b_catalog_product_sets set ".$strUpdate." where ID = ".$intID; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); } if ($boolItems) { $arIDs = array(); foreach ($arFields['ITEMS'] as &$arOneItem) { if (isset($arOneItem['ID'])) { $intSubID = $arOneItem['ID']; unset($arOneItem['ID']); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_catalog_product_sets", $arOneItem); if (!empty($strUpdate)) { $strSql = "update b_catalog_product_sets set ".$strUpdate." where ID = ".$intSubID; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); } } else { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_catalog_product_sets", $arOneItem); $strSql = "insert into b_catalog_product_sets(".$arInsert[0].") values(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); $intSubID = (int)$DB->LastID(); } $arOneItem['ID'] = $intSubID; $arIDs[] = $intSubID; } unset($arOneItem); if (!empty($arIDs)) self::deleteFromSet($intID, $arIDs); } $strSql = "select ID, ITEM_ID, TYPE from b_catalog_product_sets where ID = ".$intID; $rsSets = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arSet = $rsSets->Fetch()) { switch ($arSet['TYPE']) { case self::TYPE_SET: $setParams = self::createSetItemsParamsFromUpdate($intID); self::fillSetItemsParams($setParams); self::calculateSetParams($arSet['ITEM_ID'], $setParams); break; case self::TYPE_GROUP: CCatalogProduct::Update($arSet['ITEM_ID'], array('BUNDLE' => Catalog\ProductTable::STATUS_YES)); } } foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnProductSetUpdate", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($intID, $arFields)); } return true; } return false; } public static function delete($intID) { global $DB; $intID = (int)$intID; if (0 >= $intID) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnBeforeProductSetDelete", true) as $arEvent) { if (false === ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($intID))) return false; } $arItem = self::getSetID($intID); if (!empty($arItem) && is_array($arItem)) { $strSql = "delete from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID=".$arItem['ID']; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); $strSql = "delete from b_catalog_product_sets where ID=".$arItem['ID']; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); switch ($arItem['TYPE']) { case self::TYPE_SET: CCatalogProduct::SetProductType($arItem['ITEM_ID'], CCatalogProduct::TYPE_PRODUCT); break; case self::TYPE_GROUP: if (!static::isProductHaveSet($arItem['ITEM_ID'], self::TYPE_GROUP)) CCatalogProduct::Update($arItem['ITEM_ID'], array('BUNDLE' => Catalog\ProductTable::STATUS_NO)); break; } foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnProductSetDelete", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($intID)); } return true; } return false; } public static function getList($arOrder = array(), $arFilter = array(), $arGroupBy = false, $arNavStartParams = false, $arSelect = array()) { global $DB; $arFields = array( 'ID' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.ID', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'TYPE' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.TYPE', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'SET_ID' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.SET_ID', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'ACTIVE' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.ACTIVE', 'TYPE' => 'char'), 'OWNER_ID' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.OWNER_ID', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'ITEM_ID' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.ITEM_ID', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'QUANTITY' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.QUANTITY', 'TYPE' => 'double'), 'MEASURE' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.MEASURE', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'DISCOUNT_PERCENT' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.DISCOUNT_PERCENT', 'TYPE' => 'double'), 'SORT' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.SORT', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'CREATED_BY' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.CREATED_BY', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'DATE_CREATE' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.DATE_CREATE', 'TYPE' => 'datetime'), 'MODIFIED_BY' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.MODIFIED_BY', 'TYPE' => 'int'), 'TIMESTAMP_X' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.TIMESTAMP_X', 'TYPE' => 'datetime'), 'XML_ID' => array('FIELD' => 'CPS.XML_ID', 'TYPE' => 'string') ); $arSqls = CCatalog::PrepareSql($arFields, $arOrder, $arFilter, $arGroupBy, $arSelect); $arSqls["SELECT"] = str_replace("%%_DISTINCT_%%", "", $arSqls["SELECT"]); if (empty($arGroupBy) && is_array($arGroupBy)) { $strSql = "select ".$arSqls["SELECT"]." from b_catalog_product_sets CPS ".$arSqls["FROM"]; if (!empty($arSqls["WHERE"])) $strSql .= " where ".$arSqls["WHERE"]; if (!empty($arSqls["GROUPBY"])) $strSql .= " group by ".$arSqls["GROUPBY"]; $dbRes = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) return $arRes["CNT"]; else return false; } $strSql = "select ".$arSqls["SELECT"]." from b_catalog_product_sets CPS ".$arSqls["FROM"]; if (!empty($arSqls["WHERE"])) $strSql .= " where ".$arSqls["WHERE"]; if (!empty($arSqls["GROUPBY"])) $strSql .= " group by ".$arSqls["GROUPBY"]; if (!empty($arSqls["ORDERBY"])) $strSql .= " order by ".$arSqls["ORDERBY"]; $intTopCount = 0; $boolNavStartParams = (!empty($arNavStartParams) && is_array($arNavStartParams)); if ($boolNavStartParams && isset($arNavStartParams['nTopCount'])) { $intTopCount = (int)$arNavStartParams["nTopCount"]; } if ($boolNavStartParams && 0 >= $intTopCount) { $strSql_tmp = "select COUNT('x') as CNT from b_catalog_product_sets CPS ".$arSqls["FROM"]; if (!empty($arSqls["WHERE"])) $strSql_tmp .= " where ".$arSqls["WHERE"]; if (!empty($arSqls["GROUPBY"])) $strSql_tmp .= " group by ".$arSqls["GROUPBY"]; $dbRes = $DB->Query($strSql_tmp, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); $cnt = 0; if (empty($arSqls["GROUPBY"])) { if ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) $cnt = $arRes["CNT"]; } else { $cnt = $dbRes->SelectedRowsCount(); } $dbRes = new CDBResult(); $dbRes->NavQuery($strSql, $cnt, $arNavStartParams); } else { if ($boolNavStartParams && 0 < $intTopCount) { $strSql .= " limit ".$intTopCount; } $dbRes = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); } return $dbRes; } public static function isProductInSet($intProductID, $intSetType = 0) { global $DB; $intProductID = (int)$intProductID; if (0 >= $intProductID) return false; $intSetType = (int)$intSetType; $strSql = 'select ID from b_catalog_product_sets where ITEM_ID='.$intProductID; if (self::TYPE_SET == $intSetType || self::TYPE_GROUP == $intSetType) $strSql .= ' and TYPE='.$intSetType; $strSql .= ' limit 1'; $rsRes = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arRes = $rsRes->Fetch()) { return true; } return false; } public static function isProductHaveSet($arProductID, $intSetType = 0) { global $DB; if (!is_array($arProductID)) $arProductID = array($arProductID); Main\Type\Collection::normalizeArrayValuesByInt($arProductID); if (empty($arProductID)) return false; $intSetType = (int)$intSetType; $strSql = 'select ID from b_catalog_product_sets where OWNER_ID in('.implode(', ', $arProductID).')'; if (self::TYPE_SET == $intSetType || self::TYPE_GROUP == $intSetType) $strSql .= ' and TYPE='.$intSetType; $strSql .= ' limit 1'; $rsRes = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arRes = $rsRes->Fetch()) { return true; } return false; } public static function getAllSetsByProduct($intProductID, $intSetType) { global $DB; $intProductID = (int)$intProductID; if (0 >= $intProductID) return false; $intSetType = (int)$intSetType; if (self::TYPE_SET != $intSetType && self::TYPE_GROUP != $intSetType) return false; $arEmptySet = self::getEmptySet($intSetType); $boolSet = self::TYPE_SET == $intSetType; $arResult = array(); $strSql = "select ID, SET_ID, ACTIVE, OWNER_ID, ITEM_ID, SORT, QUANTITY, MEASURE"; if ($boolSet) $strSql .= ", DISCOUNT_PERCENT"; $strSql .= " from b_catalog_product_sets where OWNER_ID=".$intProductID." AND TYPE=".$intSetType; $rsItems = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($arItem = $rsItems->Fetch()) { $arItem['ID'] = (int)$arItem['ID']; $arItem['SET_ID'] = (int)$arItem['SET_ID']; $arItem['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$arItem['OWNER_ID']; $arItem['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$arItem['ITEM_ID']; $arItem['SORT'] = (int)$arItem['SORT']; $boolProduct = $arItem['ITEM_ID'] == $arItem['OWNER_ID']; $intSetID = ($boolProduct ? $arItem['ID'] : $arItem['SET_ID']); if ($boolSet) { $arItem['QUANTITY'] = (is_null($arItem['QUANTITY']) ? false : doubleval($arItem['QUANTITY'])); $arItem['MEASURE'] = (is_null($arItem['MEASURE']) ? false : (int)$arItem['MEASURE']); $arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT'] = (is_null($arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT']) ? false : $arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT']); } if ($boolProduct) { unset($arItem['OWNER_ID']); unset($arItem['SET_ID']); unset($arItem['ID']); } else { unset($arItem['SET_ID']); unset($arItem['OWNER_ID']); unset($arItem['ACTIVE']); } if (!isset($arResult[$intSetID])) { $arResult[$intSetID] = $arEmptySet; $arResult[$intSetID]['SET_ID'] = $intSetID; } if ($boolProduct) { $arResult[$intSetID] = array_merge($arResult[$intSetID], $arItem); } else { $arResult[$intSetID]['ITEMS'][$arItem['ID']] = $arItem; } } return (!empty($arResult) ? $arResult : false); } public static function getSetByID($intID) { global $DB; $intID = (int)$intID; if ($intID <= 0) return false; $arResult = array(); $arItemList = array(); $arOwner = array(); $strSql = "select * from b_catalog_product_sets where ID=".$intID; $rsItems = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arItem = $rsItems->Fetch()) { $arItem['ID'] = (int)$arItem['ID']; $arItem['SET_ID'] = (int)$arItem['SET_ID']; $arItem['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$arItem['OWNER_ID']; $arItem['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$arItem['ITEM_ID']; $arItem['SORT'] = (int)$arItem['SORT']; $arItem['QUANTITY'] = (is_null($arItem['QUANTITY']) ? false : doubleval($arItem['QUANTITY'])); $arItem['MEASURE'] = (is_null($arItem['MEASURE']) ? false : (int)$arItem['MEASURE']); $arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT'] = (is_null($arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT']) ? false : doubleval($arItem['DISCOUNT_PERCENT'])); $arResult = $arItem; $arResult['ITEMS'] = array(); $strSql = "select * from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID=".$intID; $rsSubs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($arSub = $rsSubs->Fetch()) { $arSub['ID'] = (int)$arSub['ID']; $arSub['SET_ID'] = (int)$arSub['SET_ID']; $arSub['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$arSub['OWNER_ID']; $arSub['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$arSub['ITEM_ID']; $arSub['SORT'] = (int)$arSub['SORT']; $arSub['QUANTITY'] = (is_null($arSub['QUANTITY']) ? false: doubleval($arSub['QUANTITY'])); $arSub['MEASURE'] = (is_null($arSub['MEASURE']) ? false: (int)$arSub['MEASURE']); $arSub['DISCOUNT_PERCENT'] = (is_null($arSub['DISCOUNT_PERCENT']) ? false : doubleval($arSub['DISCOUNT_PERCENT'])); $arResult['ITEMS'][$arSub['ID']] = $arSub; } } return (!empty($arResult) ? $arResult : false); } public static function recalculateSetsByProduct($product) { global $DB; if (self::$recalculateSet < 0) return; $setsList = array(); $setsID = array(); $product = (int)$product; $query = 'select SET_ID, OWNER_ID, ITEM_ID from b_catalog_product_sets where ITEM_ID='.$product.' and TYPE='.self::TYPE_SET; $setIterator = $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($setItem = $setIterator->Fetch()) { $setItem['SET_ID'] = (int)$setItem['SET_ID']; $setItem['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$setItem['OWNER_ID']; $setItem['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$setItem['ITEM_ID']; if ($setItem['ITEM_ID'] === $setItem['OWNER_ID']) continue; $setsList[$setItem['OWNER_ID']] = array(); $setsID[] = $setItem['SET_ID']; } unset($setItem, $setIterator, $query); if (!empty($setsID)) { $productMap = array(); $productIds = []; $query = 'select SET_ID, OWNER_ID, ITEM_ID, QUANTITY as QUANTITY_IN_SET from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID IN('.implode(',', $setsID).')'; $setIterator = $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($setItem = $setIterator->Fetch()) { $setItem['SET_ID'] = (int)$setItem['SET_ID']; $setItem['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$setItem['OWNER_ID']; $setItem['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$setItem['ITEM_ID']; if ($setItem['ITEM_ID'] === $setItem['OWNER_ID']) continue; if (!isset($setsList[$setItem['OWNER_ID']])) $setsList[$setItem['OWNER_ID']] = array(); $setsList[$setItem['OWNER_ID']][$setItem['ITEM_ID']] = $setItem; if (!isset($productMap[$setItem['ITEM_ID']])) $productMap[$setItem['ITEM_ID']] = array(); $productMap[$setItem['ITEM_ID']][] = $setItem['OWNER_ID']; $productIds[$setItem['ITEM_ID']] = $setItem['ITEM_ID']; } unset($setItem, $setIterator, $query); sort($productIds); foreach (array_chunk($productIds, 500) as $rowIds) { $iterator = Catalog\ProductTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'QUANTITY', 'QUANTITY_TRACE', 'CAN_BUY_ZERO', 'WEIGHT'], 'filter' => ['@ID' => $rowIds] ]); while ($item = $iterator->fetch()) { $item['ID'] = (int)$item['ID']; if (!isset($productMap[$item['ID']])) continue; foreach ($productMap[$item['ID']] as &$setKey) $setsList[$setKey][$item['ID']] = array_merge($setsList[$setKey][$item['ID']], $item); unset($setKey); } unset($item, $iterator); } unset($productIds); $setsList = array_filter($setsList); if (!empty($setsList)) { foreach ($setsList as $setKey => $oneSet) static::calculateSetParams($setKey, $oneSet); unset($setKey, $oneSet); } } } protected static function getSetID($intID) { global $DB; $intID = (int)$intID; if (0 >= $intID) return false; $strSql = "select ID, TYPE, SET_ID, OWNER_ID, ITEM_ID from b_catalog_product_sets where ID=".$intID; $rsItems = $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); if ($arItem = $rsItems->Fetch()) { $arItem['ID'] = (int)$arItem['ID']; $arItem['SET_ID'] = (int)$arItem['SET_ID']; $arItem['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$arItem['OWNER_ID']; $arItem['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$arItem['ITEM_ID']; $arItem['TYPE'] = (int)$arItem['TYPE']; if ($arItem['OWNER_ID'] == $arItem['ITEM_ID'] && 0 == $arItem['SET_ID']) { return $arItem; } } return false; } protected static function deleteFromSet($intID, $arEx) { global $DB; $intID = (int)$intID; if (0 >= $intID) return false; Main\Type\Collection::normalizeArrayValuesByInt($arEx, false); if (empty($arEx)) return false; $strSql = "delete from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID=".$intID." and ID NOT IN(".implode(', ', $arEx).")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); return true; } protected static function calculateSetParams($productID, $items) { global $DB; if (empty($items) || !is_array($items)) return false; $quantityTrace = 'N'; $canBuyZero = 'Y'; $quantity = null; $weight = 0; $allItems = true; $tracedItems = array_filter($items, 'CCatalogProductSet::isTracedItem'); if (empty($tracedItems)) { $tracedItems = $items; } else { $allItems = false; $quantityTrace = 'Y'; $canBuyZero = 'N'; foreach ($items as &$oneItem) $weight += $oneItem['WEIGHT']*$oneItem['QUANTITY_IN_SET']; unset($oneItem); } foreach ($tracedItems as &$oneItem) { if ($oneItem['QUANTITY'] <= 0) $itemQuantity = 0; else $itemQuantity = (int)floor($oneItem['QUANTITY']/$oneItem['QUANTITY_IN_SET']); if ($quantity === null || $quantity > $itemQuantity) $quantity = $itemQuantity; if ($allItems) $weight += $oneItem['WEIGHT']*$oneItem['QUANTITY_IN_SET']; } unset($oneItem); $measure = CCatalogMeasure::getDefaultMeasure(true, false); $fields = array( 'WEIGHT' => $weight, 'QUANTITY' => $quantity, 'QUANTITY_TRACE' => $quantityTrace, 'CAN_BUY_ZERO' => $canBuyZero, 'MEASURE' => $measure['ID'], 'TYPE' => CCatalogProduct::TYPE_SET ); $fields['AVAILABLE'] = (CCatalogProduct::isAvailable($fields) ? 'Y' : 'N'); if($productData = Catalog\ProductTable::getRowById($productID)) { $fields['SUBSCRIBE'] = $productData['SUBSCRIBE']; if(Catalog\SubscribeTable::checkPermissionSubscribe($productData['SUBSCRIBE'])) Catalog\SubscribeTable::setOldProductAvailable($productID, $productData['AVAILABLE']); } foreach(GetModuleEvents('catalog', 'OnBeforeProductSetAvailableUpdate', true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($productID, &$fields)); $update = $DB->PrepareUpdate('b_catalog_product', $fields); $query = "update b_catalog_product set ".$update." where ID = ".$productID; $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); Catalog\SubscribeTable::onProductSetAvailableUpdate($productID, $fields); foreach (GetModuleEvents('catalog', 'OnProductSetAvailableUpdate', true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($productID, $fields)); $query = "delete from b_catalog_measure_ratio where PRODUCT_ID = ".$productID; $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); $fields = array( 'PRODUCT_ID' => $productID, 'RATIO' => 1, 'IS_DEFAULT' => 'Y' ); $insert = $DB->PrepareInsert('b_catalog_measure_ratio', $fields); $query = "insert into b_catalog_measure_ratio (".$insert[0].") values(".$insert[1].")"; $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); return true; } protected static function createSetItemsParamsFromUpdate($setID, $getProductID = false) { global $DB; $result = array(); $getProductID = ($getProductID === true); if ($getProductID) { $result = array( 'ITEM_ID' => 0, 'ITEMS' => array() ); $query = 'select ID, ITEM_ID, QUANTITY from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID = '.$setID.' or ID = '.$setID; $setIterator = $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($item = $setIterator->Fetch()) { $item['ID'] = (int)$item['ID']; if ($item['ID'] == $setID) { $result['ITEM_ID'] = $item['ID']; } else { $item['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$item['ITEM_ID']; $result['ITEMS'][$item['ITEM_ID']] = array( 'QUANTITY_IN_SET' => $item['QUANTITY'] ); } } } else { $query = 'select ITEM_ID, QUANTITY from b_catalog_product_sets where SET_ID = '.$setID; $setIterator = $DB->Query($query, false, 'File: '.__FILE__.'<br>Line: '.__LINE__); while ($item = $setIterator->Fetch()) { $item['ITEM_ID'] = (int)$item['ITEM_ID']; $result[$item['ITEM_ID']] = array( 'QUANTITY_IN_SET' => $item['QUANTITY'] ); } } return $result; } }