Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/iblock/classes/general/comp_findtools.php |
<? class CIBlockFindTools { public static function GetElementID($element_id, $element_code, $section_id, $section_code, $arFilter) { $element_id = (int)$element_id; $element_code = (string)$element_code; if ($element_id > 0) { return $element_id; } elseif ($element_code != '') { if (!is_array($arFilter)) $arFilter = array(); $arFilter['=CODE'] = $element_code; $section_id = (int)$section_id; $section_code = (string)$section_code; if ($section_id > 0) $arFilter['SECTION_ID'] = $section_id; elseif ($section_code != '') $arFilter["SECTION_CODE"] = $section_code; $rsElement = CIBlockElement::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, false, array("ID")); if ($arElement = $rsElement->Fetch()) return (int)$arElement["ID"]; } return 0; } public static function GetSectionID($section_id, $section_code, $arFilter) { $section_id = (int)$section_id; $section_code = (string)$section_code; if ($section_id > 0) { return $section_id; } elseif ($section_code != '') { if (!is_array($arFilter)) $arFilter = array(); $arFilter['=CODE'] = $section_code; $rsSection = CIBlockSection::GetList(array(), $arFilter, false, array("ID")); if ($arSection = $rsSection->Fetch()) return (int)$arSection["ID"]; } return 0; } public static function GetSectionIDByCodePath($iblock_id, $section_code_path) { $arVariables = array( "SECTION_CODE_PATH" => $section_code_path, ); return (self::checkSection($iblock_id, $arVariables) ? $arVariables["SECTION_ID"] : 0); } public static function resolveComponentEngine(CComponentEngine $engine, $pageCandidates, &$arVariables) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION, $CACHE_MANAGER; static $aSearch = array("<", ">", """, "'"); static $aReplace = array("<", ">", "\"", "'"); $component = $engine->getComponent(); if ($component) { $iblock_id = intval($component->arParams["IBLOCK_ID"]); $strict_check = $component->arParams["DETAIL_STRICT_SECTION_CHECK"] === "Y"; } else { $iblock_id = 0; $strict_check = false; } //To fix GetPagePath security hack for SMART_FILTER_PATH foreach ($pageCandidates as $pageID => $arVariablesTmp) { foreach ($arVariablesTmp as $variableName => $variableValue) { if ($variableName === "SMART_FILTER_PATH") $pageCandidates[$pageID][$variableName] = str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $variableValue); } } $requestURL = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(true); $cacheId = $requestURL.implode("|", array_keys($pageCandidates))."|".SITE_ID."|".$iblock_id.$engine->cacheSalt; $cache = new CPHPCache; if ($cache->StartDataCache(3600, $cacheId, "iblock_find")) { if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) { $CACHE_MANAGER->StartTagCache("iblock_find"); CIBlock::registerWithTagCache($iblock_id); } foreach ($pageCandidates as $pageID => $arVariablesTmp) { if ( $arVariablesTmp["SECTION_CODE_PATH"] != "" && (isset($arVariablesTmp["ELEMENT_ID"]) || isset($arVariablesTmp["ELEMENT_CODE"])) ) { if (CIBlockFindTools::checkElement($iblock_id, $arVariablesTmp, $strict_check)) { $arVariables = $arVariablesTmp; if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) $CACHE_MANAGER->EndTagCache(); $cache->EndDataCache(array($pageID, $arVariablesTmp)); return $pageID; } } } foreach ($pageCandidates as $pageID => $arVariablesTmp) { if ( $arVariablesTmp["SECTION_CODE_PATH"] != "" && (!isset($arVariablesTmp["ELEMENT_ID"]) && !isset($arVariablesTmp["ELEMENT_CODE"])) ) { if (CIBlockFindTools::checkSection($iblock_id, $arVariablesTmp)) { $arVariables = $arVariablesTmp; if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) $CACHE_MANAGER->EndTagCache(); $cache->EndDataCache(array($pageID, $arVariablesTmp)); return $pageID; } } } if (defined("BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE")) $CACHE_MANAGER->AbortTagCache(); $cache->AbortDataCache(); } else { $vars = $cache->GetVars(); $pageID = $vars[0]; $arVariables = $vars[1]; return $pageID; } reset($pageCandidates); $pageID = key($pageCandidates); $arVariables = $pageCandidates[$pageID]; return $pageID; } public static function checkElement($iblock_id, &$arVariables, $strict_check = false) { global $DB; $strFrom = " b_iblock_element BE "; $strWhere = " ".($arVariables["ELEMENT_ID"] != ""? "AND BE.ID = ".intval($arVariables["ELEMENT_ID"]): "")." ".($arVariables["ELEMENT_CODE"] != ""? "AND BE.CODE = '".$DB->ForSql($arVariables["ELEMENT_CODE"])."'": "")." "; if ($arVariables["SECTION_CODE_PATH"] != "") { //The path may be incomplete so we join part of the section tree BS and BSP $strFrom .= " INNER JOIN b_iblock_section_element BSE ON BSE.IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID = BE.ID AND BSE.ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_ID IS NULL INNER JOIN b_iblock_section BS ON BS.ID = BSE.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID INNER JOIN b_iblock_section BSP ON BS.IBLOCK_ID = BSP.IBLOCK_ID AND BS.LEFT_MARGIN >= BSP.LEFT_MARGIN AND BS.RIGHT_MARGIN <= BSP.RIGHT_MARGIN "; $joinField = "BSP.ID"; $sectionPath = explode("/", $arVariables["SECTION_CODE_PATH"]); foreach (array_reverse($sectionPath) as $i => $SECTION_CODE) { $strFrom .= " INNER JOIN b_iblock_section BS".$i." ON BS".$i.".ID = ".$joinField." "; $joinField = "BS".$i.".IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"; $strWhere .= " AND BS".$i.".CODE = '".$DB->ForSql($SECTION_CODE)."' "; } if ($strict_check) { $strWhere .= " AND BS".$i.".IBLOCK_SECTION_ID is null "; } } $strSql = " select BE.ID from ".$strFrom." WHERE BE.IBLOCK_ID = ".$iblock_id." ".$strWhere." "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($rs->Fetch()) { if (isset($sectionPath)) $arVariables["SECTION_CODE"] = $sectionPath[count($sectionPath)-1]; return true; } else { return false; } } public static function checkSection($iblock_id, &$arVariables) { global $DB; $sectionPath = explode("/", $arVariables["SECTION_CODE_PATH"]); $strFrom = ""; $joinField = ""; $strWhere = ""; $strRoot = ""; foreach (array_reverse($sectionPath) as $i => $SECTION_CODE) { if ($i == 0) { $strFrom .= " b_iblock_section BS "; $joinField .= "BS.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"; $strWhere .= " AND BS.CODE = '".$DB->ForSql($SECTION_CODE)."' "; $strRoot = "AND BS.IBLOCK_SECTION_ID IS NULL"; } else { $strFrom .= " INNER JOIN b_iblock_section BS".$i." ON BS".$i.".ID = ".$joinField." "; $joinField = "BS".$i.".IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"; $strWhere .= " AND BS".$i.".CODE = '".$DB->ForSql($SECTION_CODE)."' "; $strRoot = "AND BS".$i.".IBLOCK_SECTION_ID IS NULL"; } } $strSql = " select BS.ID from ".$strFrom." WHERE BS.IBLOCK_ID = ".$iblock_id." ".$strWhere." ".$strRoot." "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $arVariables["SECTION_ID"] = $ar["ID"]; $arVariables["SECTION_CODE"] = $sectionPath[count($sectionPath)-1]; return true; } else { return false; } } }