Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/im/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/im/lib/chat.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Im; use Bitrix\Main\Application; class Chat { const TYPE_SYSTEM = 'S'; const TYPE_PRIVATE = 'P'; const TYPE_OPEN = 'O'; const TYPE_THREAD = 'T'; const TYPE_GROUP = 'C'; const TYPE_OPEN_LINE = 'L'; const LIMIT_SEND_EVENT = 30; const FILTER_LIMIT = 50; public static function getChatTypes() { return Array(self::TYPE_GROUP, self::TYPE_OPEN_LINE, self::TYPE_OPEN, self::TYPE_THREAD); } public static function getRelation($chatId, $params = []) { $chatId = intval($chatId); if ($chatId <= 0) { return false; } $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); $selectFields = ''; if (isset($params['SELECT'])) { $params['SELECT'][] = 'ID'; $params['SELECT'][] = 'USER_ID'; $map = \Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable::getMap(); foreach ($params['SELECT'] as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key) && isset($map[$value])) { $selectFields .= "R.{$value}, "; unset($map[$value]); } else if (!is_int($key) && isset($map[$key])) { $selectFields .= "R.{$key} {$connection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($value)}, "; unset($map[$value]); } } } if (!$selectFields) { $selectFields = 'R.*, '; } $withUserFields = false; if (isset($params['USER_DATA']) && $params['USER_DATA'] == 'Y') { $withUserFields = true; $list = Array('ACTIVE', 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'); foreach ($list as $key) { $selectFields .= "U.{$key} USER_DATA_{$key}, "; } } $skipConnectorRelation = $params['SKIP_CONNECTOR'] == 'Y'; $whereFields = ''; if (isset($params['FILTER'])) { $map = \Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable::getMap(); foreach ($params['FILTER'] as $key => $value) { if (!isset($map[$key])) { continue; } $whereFields .= " AND R.{$key} = {$connection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($value)}"; } } $skipUnmodifiedRecords = false; if (isset($params['SKIP_RELATION_WITH_UNMODIFIED_COUNTERS']) && $params['SKIP_RELATION_WITH_UNMODIFIED_COUNTERS'] == 'Y') { $skipUnmodifiedRecords = true; } $sqlSelectCounter = 'R.LAST_ID, R.COUNTER, R.COUNTER PREVIOUS_COUNTER'; $customCounter = false; $customMaxId = 0; $customMinId = 0; $counters = []; if (isset($params['REAL_COUNTERS']) && $params['REAL_COUNTERS'] != 'N' || $skipUnmodifiedRecords) { if (is_array($params['REAL_COUNTERS']) && isset($params['REAL_COUNTERS']['LAST_ID']) && intval($params['REAL_COUNTERS']['LAST_ID']) > 0) { $sqlSelectCounter = "R.COUNTER PREVIOUS_COUNTER, ( SELECT COUNT(1) FROM b_im_message M WHERE M.CHAT_ID = R.CHAT_ID AND M.ID > ".intval($params['REAL_COUNTERS']['LAST_ID'])." ) COUNTER"; } else { $customCounter = true; $query = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection()->query(" SELECT ID FROM b_im_message M WHERE M.CHAT_ID = {$chatId} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 100 "); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if (!$customMaxId) { $customMaxId = $row['ID']; } $counters[$row['ID']] = count($counters); $customMinId = $row['ID']; } } } $sql = " SELECT {$selectFields} {$sqlSelectCounter} FROM b_im_relation R ".($withUserFields && !$skipConnectorRelation? "LEFT JOIN b_user U ON R.USER_ID = U.ID": "")." ".($skipConnectorRelation? "INNER JOIN b_user U ON R.USER_ID = U.ID AND (EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID != 'imconnector' OR EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID IS NULL)": "")." WHERE R.CHAT_ID = {$chatId} {$whereFields} "; $relations = array(); $query = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection()->query($sql); while ($row = $query->fetch()) { if ($customCounter) { if (isset($counters[$row['LAST_ID']])) { $row['COUNTER'] = $counters[$row['LAST_ID']]; } else if ($row['LAST_ID'] < $customMinId) { $row['COUNTER'] = count($counters); } else if ($row['LAST_ID'] > $customMaxId) { $row['COUNTER'] = 0; } } else { $row['COUNTER'] = $row['COUNTER'] > 99? 100: intval($row['COUNTER']); } $row['PREVIOUS_COUNTER'] = intval($row['PREVIOUS_COUNTER']); if ($skipUnmodifiedRecords && $row['COUNTER'] == $row['PREVIOUS_COUNTER']) { continue; } foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'USER_DATA_') === 0) { $row['USER_DATA'][substr($key, 10)] = $value; unset($row[$key]); } } $relations[$row['USER_ID']] = $row; } return $relations; } public static function mute($chatId, $action, $userId = null) { $userId = \Bitrix\Im\Common::getUserId($userId); if (!$userId) { return false; } $chatId = intval($chatId); if (!$chatId) { return false; } $action = $action === true? 'Y': 'N'; $relation = self::getRelation($chatId, Array( 'SELECT' => Array('ID', 'NOTIFY_BLOCK'), 'FILTER' => Array( 'USER_ID' => $userId ), )); if (!$relation) { return false; } if ($relation[$userId]['NOTIFY_BLOCK'] == $action) { return true; } \Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable::update($relation[$userId]['ID'], array('NOTIFY_BLOCK' => $action)); Recent::clearCache($userId); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('pull')) { \Bitrix\Pull\Event::add($userId, Array( 'module_id' => 'im', 'command' => 'chatMuteNotify', 'params' => Array( 'dialogId' => 'chat'.$chatId, 'mute' => $action == 'Y' ), 'extra' => \Bitrix\Im\Common::getPullExtra() )); } return true; } public static function getMessageCount($chatId, $userId = null) { $chatId = intval($chatId); if (!$chatId) { return false; } $userId = \Bitrix\Im\Common::getUserId($userId); if (!$userId) { return false; } $relationData = \Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable::getList(Array( 'select' => Array('START_ID'), 'filter' => Array('=CHAT_ID' => $chatId, '=USER_ID' => $userId) ))->fetch(); if (!$relationData || $relationData['START_ID'] == 0) { $counter = \Bitrix\Im\Model\MessageTable::getList(array( 'filter' => Array('CHAT_ID' => $chatId), 'select' => array("CNT" => new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(1)')), ))->fetch(); } else { $counter = \Bitrix\Im\Model\MessageTable::getList(array( 'filter' => Array('CHAT_ID' => $chatId, '>=ID' => $relationData['START_ID']), 'select' => array("CNT" => new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(1)')), ))->fetch(); } return $counter && $counter['CNT'] > 0? intval($counter['CNT']): 0; } public static function hasAccess($chatId) { $chatId = intval($chatId); if (!$chatId) { return false; } return \Bitrix\Im\Dialog::hasAccess('chat'.$chatId); } public static function getMessages($chatId, $userId = null, $options = Array()) { $userId = \Bitrix\Im\Common::getUserId($userId); if (!$userId) { return false; } $chatData = \Bitrix\Im\Model\ChatTable::getList(Array( 'select' => Array( 'CHAT_ID' => 'ID', 'CHAT_TYPE' => 'TYPE', 'RELATION_USER_ID' => 'RELATION.USER_ID', 'RELATION_START_ID' => 'RELATION.START_ID', 'RELATION_LAST_ID' => 'RELATION.LAST_ID' ), 'filter' => Array('=ID' => $chatId), 'runtime' => Array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'RELATION', '\Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable', array( "=ref.CHAT_ID" => "this.ID", "=ref.USER_ID" => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?', $userId) ), array("join_type"=>"LEFT") ) ) ))->fetch(); if (!$chatData) { return false; } $chatData['RELATION_START_ID'] = intval($chatData['RELATION_START_ID']); $chatData['RELATION_LAST_ID'] = intval($chatData['RELATION_LAST_ID']); $filter = Array( '=CHAT_ID' => $chatId ); if (isset($options['FIRST_ID'])) { $order = array(); if ($chatData['RELATION_START_ID'] > 0 && intval($options['FIRST_ID']) < $chatData['RELATION_START_ID']) { $filter['>=ID'] = $chatData['RELATION_START_ID']; } else { if (intval($options['FIRST_ID']) > 0) { $filter['>ID'] = $options['FIRST_ID']; } } } else { $order = Array('CHAT_ID' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'DESC'); if ($chatData['RELATION_START_ID'] > 0) { $filter['>=ID'] = $chatData['RELATION_START_ID']; } if (isset($options['LAST_ID']) && intval($options['LAST_ID']) > 0) { $filter['<ID'] = intval($options['LAST_ID']); } } if (isset($options['LIMIT'])) { $options['LIMIT'] = intval($options['LIMIT']); $limit = $options['LIMIT'] >= 50? 50: $options['LIMIT']; } else { $limit = 50; } $orm = \Bitrix\Im\Model\MessageTable::getList(array( 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => Array('ID', 'AUTHOR_ID', 'DATE_CREATE', 'MESSAGE'), 'order' => $order, 'limit' => $limit )); $users = Array(); $userOptions = $options['JSON'] == 'Y'? Array('JSON' => 'Y'): Array(); $messages = Array(); while($message = $orm->fetch()) { $messages[$message['ID']] = Array( 'ID' => (int)$message['ID'], 'CHAT_ID' => (int)$chatId, 'AUTHOR_ID' => (int)$message['AUTHOR_ID'], 'DATE' => $message['DATE_CREATE'], 'TEXT' => (string)$message['MESSAGE'], 'UNREAD' => $chatData['RELATION_USER_ID'] > 0 && $chatData['RELATION_LAST_ID'] < $message['ID'] ); if ($message['AUTHOR_ID'] && !isset($users[$message['AUTHOR_ID']])) { $users[$message['AUTHOR_ID']] = User::getInstance($message['AUTHOR_ID'])->getArray($userOptions); } } $params = \CIMMessageParam::Get(array_keys($messages)); $fileIds = Array(); foreach ($params as $messageId => $param) { $messages[$messageId]['params'] = empty($param)? null: $param; if (isset($param['FILE_ID'])) { foreach ($param['FILE_ID'] as $fileId) { $fileIds[$fileId] = $fileId; } } } $messages = \CIMMessageLink::prepareShow($messages, $params); $files = \CIMDisk::GetFiles($chatId, $fileIds); $result = Array( 'CHAT_ID' => (int)$chatId, 'MESSAGES' => $messages, 'USERS' => $users, 'FILES' => $files, ); if ($options['JSON']) { foreach ($result['MESSAGES'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['DATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $result['MESSAGES'][$key]['DATE'] = date('c', $value['DATE']->getTimestamp()); } $result['MESSAGES'][$key] = array_change_key_case($result['MESSAGES'][$key], CASE_LOWER); } $result['MESSAGES'] = array_values($result['MESSAGES']); foreach ($result['FILES'] as $key => $value) { if ($value['date'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $result['FILES'][$key]['date'] = date('c', $value['date']->getTimestamp()); } foreach (['urlPreview', 'urlShow', 'urlDownload'] as $field) { $url = $result['FILES'][$key][$field]; if (is_string($url) && $url && strpos($url, 'http') !== 0) { $result['FILES'][$key][$field] = \Bitrix\Im\Common::getPublicDomain().$url; } } } $result = array_change_key_case($result, CASE_LOWER); } return $result; } public static function getList($params = array()) { $params = is_array($params)? $params: Array(); if (!isset($params['CURRENT_USER']) && is_object($GLOBALS['USER'])) { $params['CURRENT_USER'] = $GLOBALS['USER']->GetID(); } $params['CURRENT_USER'] = intval($params['CURRENT_USER']); $userId = $params['CURRENT_USER']; if ($userId <= 0) { return false; } $enableLimit = false; if (isset($params['OFFSET'])) { $filterLimit = intval($params['LIMIT']); $filterLimit = $filterLimit <= 0? self::FILTER_LIMIT: $filterLimit; $filterOffset = intval($params['OFFSET']); $enableLimit = true; } else { $filterLimit = false; $filterOffset = false; } $ormParams = self::getListParams($params); if (!$ormParams) { return false; } if ($enableLimit) { $ormParams['offset'] = $filterOffset; $ormParams['limit'] = $filterLimit; } if (isset($params['ORDER'])) { $ormParams['order'] = $params['ORDER']; } $generalChatId = \CIMChat::GetGeneralChatId(); $orm = \Bitrix\Im\Model\ChatTable::getList($ormParams); $chats = array(); while ($row = $orm->fetch()) { $avatar = \CIMChat::GetAvatarImage($row['AVATAR'], 100, false); $color = strlen($row['COLOR']) > 0? Color::getColor($row['COLOR']): Color::getColorByNumber($row['ID']); if ($row["TYPE"] == IM_MESSAGE_PRIVATE) { $chatType = 'private'; } else if ($row["ENTITY_TYPE"] == 'CALL') { $chatType = 'call'; } else if ($row["ENTITY_TYPE"] == 'LINES') { $chatType = 'lines'; } else if ($row["ENTITY_TYPE"] == 'LIVECHAT') { $chatType = 'livechat'; } else { if ($generalChatId == $row['ID']) { $row["ENTITY_TYPE"] = 'GENERAL'; } $chatType = $row["TYPE"] == IM_MESSAGE_OPEN? 'open': 'chat'; } $muteList = Array(); if ($row['RELATION_NOTIFY_BLOCK'] == 'Y') { $muteList = Array($row['RELATION_USER_ID'] => true); } $chats[] = Array( 'ID' => (int)$row['ID'], 'NAME' => $row['TITLE'], 'OWNER' => (int)$row['AUTHOR_ID'], 'EXTRANET' => $row['EXTRANET'] == 'Y', 'AVATAR' => $avatar, 'COLOR' => $color, 'TYPE' => $chatType, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => (string)$row['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => (string)$row['ENTITY_ID'], 'ENTITY_DATA_1' => (string)$row['ENTITY_DATA_1'], 'ENTITY_DATA_2' => (string)$row['ENTITY_DATA_2'], 'ENTITY_DATA_3' => (string)$row['ENTITY_DATA_3'], 'MUTE_LIST' => $muteList, 'DATE_CREATE' => $row['DATE_CREATE'], 'MESSAGE_TYPE' => $row["TYPE"], ); } if ($params['JSON']) { foreach ($chats as $key => $chatData) { foreach ($chatData as $field => $value) { if ($value instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $chats[$key][$field] = date('c', $value->getTimestamp()); } else if (is_string($value) && $value && in_array($field, Array('AVATAR')) && strpos($value, 'http') !== 0) { $chats[$key][$field] = \Bitrix\Im\Common::getPublicDomain().$value; } else if (is_array($value)) { $chats[$key][$field] = array_change_key_case($value, CASE_LOWER); } } $chats[$key] = array_change_key_case($chats[$key], CASE_LOWER);; } } return $chats; } public static function getListParams($params) { if (!isset($params['CURRENT_USER']) && is_object($GLOBALS['USER'])) { $params['CURRENT_USER'] = $GLOBALS['USER']->GetID(); } $params['CURRENT_USER'] = intval($params['CURRENT_USER']); $userId = $params['CURRENT_USER']; if ($userId <= 0) { return null; } $filter = []; $runtime = []; if (isset($params['FILTER']['SEARCH'])) { $find = $params['FILTER']['SEARCH']; $helper = Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper(); if (Model\ChatIndexTable::getEntity()->fullTextIndexEnabled('SEARCH_CONTENT')) { $find = trim($find); $find = \Bitrix\Main\Search\Content::prepareStringToken($find); if (\Bitrix\Main\Search\Content::canUseFulltextSearch($find, \Bitrix\Main\Search\Content::TYPE_MIXED)) { $filter['*INDEX.SEARCH_CONTENT'] = $find; } else { return null; } } else { if (strlen($find) < 3) { return null; } $filter['%=INDEX.SEARCH_TITLE'] = $helper->forSql($find).'%'; } } if (User::getInstance($params['CURRENT_USER'])->isExtranet()) { $filter['=TYPE'] = [self::TYPE_OPEN, self::TYPE_GROUP]; $filter['=RELATION.USER_ID'] = $params['CURRENT_USER']; } else { $filter[] = [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '=TYPE' => self::TYPE_OPEN, ], [ '=TYPE' => self::TYPE_GROUP, '=RELATION.USER_ID' => $params['CURRENT_USER'] ] ]; } $runtime[] = new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'RELATION', 'Bitrix\Im\Model\RelationTable', array( "=ref.CHAT_ID" => "this.ID", "=ref.USER_ID" => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?', $params['CURRENT_USER']), ), array("join_type"=>"LEFT") ); return [ 'select' => [ '*', 'RELATION_USER_ID' => 'RELATION.USER_ID', 'RELATION_NOTIFY_BLOCK' => 'RELATION.NOTIFY_BLOCK', ], 'filter' => $filter, 'runtime' => $runtime ]; } }