Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/mail/lib/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/mail/lib/user.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Mail; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; Main\Localization\Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class User { /** * Creates mail user * * @param array $fields User fields. * @return int|false */ public static function create($fields) { $user = new \CUser; $userFields = array( 'LOGIN' => $fields["EMAIL"], 'EMAIL' => $fields["EMAIL"], 'NAME' => (!empty($fields["NAME"]) ? $fields["NAME"] : ''), 'LAST_NAME' => (!empty($fields["LAST_NAME"]) ? $fields["LAST_NAME"] : ''), 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => (!empty($fields["PERSONAL_PHOTO_ID"]) ? \CFile::makeFileArray($fields['PERSONAL_PHOTO_ID']) : false), 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID' => 'email', ); if (Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $userFields['UF_DEPARTMENT'] = array(); } if ( isset($fields['UF']) && is_array($fields['UF']) ) { foreach($fields['UF'] as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $userFields[$key] = $value; } } } $mailGroup = self::getMailUserGroup(); if (!empty($mailGroup)) { $userFields["GROUP_ID"] = $mailGroup; } $result = $user->add($userFields); return $result; } /** * Runs user login * * @return void */ public static function login() { $eventManager = Main\EventManager::getInstance(); $handler = $eventManager->addEventHandlerCompatible('main', 'OnUserLoginExternal', array('\Bitrix\Mail\User', 'onLoginExternal')); global $USER; $USER->login(null, null, 'Y'); $eventManager->removeEventHandler('main', 'OnUserLoginExternal', $handler); } /** * Returns mail user ID * * @param array &$params Auth params. * @return int|false */ public static function onLoginExternal(&$params) { $context = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext(); $request = $context->getRequest(); if ($token = $request->get('token') ?: $request->getCookie('MAIL_AUTH_TOKEN')) { $userRelation = UserRelationsTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('USER_ID'), 'filter' => array( '=TOKEN' => $token, '=USER.EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID' => 'email', 'USER.ACTIVE' => 'Y' ) ))->fetch(); if ($userRelation) { $context->getResponse()->addCookie(new Main\Web\Cookie('MAIL_AUTH_TOKEN', $token)); return $userRelation['USER_ID']; } } return false; } /** * Returns User-Entity unique email and entry point URL * * @param string $siteId Site ID. * @param int $userId User ID. * @param string $entityType Entity type ID. * @param int $entityId Entity ID. * @param string $entityLink Entity URL. * @param string $backurl Back URL. * @return array|false */ public static function getReplyTo($siteId, $userId, $entityType, $entityId, $entityLink = null, $backurl = null) { $filter = array( '=SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=USER_ID' => $userId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType, '=ENTITY_ID' => $entityId ); $userRelation = UserRelationsTable::getList(array('filter' => $filter))->fetch(); if (empty($userRelation)) { $filter['=SITE_ID'] = null; $userRelation = UserRelationsTable::getList(array('filter' => $filter))->fetch(); } if (empty($userRelation)) { if (empty($entityLink)) return false; $userRelation = array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'TOKEN' => base_convert(md5(time().Main\Security\Random::getBytes(6)), 16, 36), 'USER_ID' => $userId, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId, 'ENTITY_LINK' => $entityLink, 'BACKURL' => $backurl ); if (!UserRelationsTable::add($userRelation)->isSuccess()) return false; } $site = Main\SiteTable::getByPrimary($siteId)->fetch(); $context = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext(); $scheme = $context->getRequest()->isHttps() ? 'https' : 'http'; $domain = $site['SERVER_NAME'] ?: \COption::getOptionString('main', 'server_name', ''); if (preg_match('/^(?<domain>.+):(?<port>\d+)$/', $domain, $matches)) { $domain = $matches['domain']; $port = $matches['port']; } else { $port = $context->getServer()->getServerPort(); } $port = in_array($port, array(80, 443)) ? '' : ':'.$port; $path = ltrim(trim($site['DIR'], '/') . '/pub/entry.php', '/'); $replyTo = sprintf('rpl%s@%s', $userRelation['TOKEN'], $domain); $backUrl = sprintf('%s://%s%s/%s#%s', $scheme, $domain, $port, $path, $userRelation['TOKEN']); return array($replyTo, $backUrl); } /** * Returns Site-User-Entity unique email * * @param string $siteId Site ID. * @param int $userId User ID. * @param string $entityType Entity type ID. * @return array|false */ public static function getForwardTo($siteId, $userId, $entityType) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cacheKey = sprintf('%s_%s', $userId, $entityType); $cacheDir = sprintf('/mail/user/forward/%s', bin2hex($siteId)); if ($cache->initCache(365*24*3600, $cacheKey, $cacheDir)) { $forwardTo = $cache->getVars(); } else { $userRelation = UserRelationsTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=USER_ID' => $userId, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType, '=ENTITY_ID' => null ) ))->fetch(); if (empty($userRelation)) { $userRelation = array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'TOKEN' => base_convert(md5(time().Main\Security\Random::getBytes(6)), 16, 36), 'USER_ID' => $userId, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType ); if (!UserRelationsTable::add($userRelation)->isSuccess()) return false; // for dav addressbook modification label $user = new \CUser; $user->update($userId, array()); } $site = Main\SiteTable::getByPrimary($siteId)->fetch(); $domain = $site['SERVER_NAME'] ?: \COption::getOptionString('main', 'server_name', ''); if (preg_match('/^(?<domain>.+):(?<port>\d+)$/', $domain, $matches)) $domain = $matches['domain']; $forwardTo = sprintf('fwd%s@%s', $userRelation['TOKEN'], $domain); $cache->startDataCache(); $cache->endDataCache($forwardTo); } return array($forwardTo); } /** * Sends email related events * * @param string $to Recipient email. * @param array $message Message. * @param string &$error Error. * @return bool */ public static function onEmailReceived($to, $message, &$error) { if (!preg_match('/^(?<type>rpl|fwd)(?<token>[a-z0-9]+)@(?<domain>.+)/i', $to, $matches)) { $error = sprintf('Invalid recipient (%s)', $to); return false; } $type = $matches['type']; $token = $matches['token']; $userRelation = UserRelationsTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TOKEN' => $token, 'USER.ACTIVE' => 'Y' ) ))->fetch(); if (!$userRelation) { $error = sprintf('Unknown recipient (%s)', $to); return false; } $message['secret'] = $token; switch ($type) { case 'rpl': $content = Message::parseReply($message); break; case 'fwd': $content = Message::parseForward($message); break; } if (empty($content) && empty($message['files'])) { $error = sprintf('Empty message (rcpt: %s)', $to); return false; } $attachments = array(); if (is_array($message['files'])) { $tmpDir = \CTempFile::getDirectoryName(6); checkDirPath($tmpDir); foreach($message['files'] as $key => $file) { if( !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) || $file['size'] <= 0 ) { continue; } $uploadFile = $tmpDir.basename($file['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $uploadFile)) { $attachments[$key] = $uploadFile; } } } $addResult = User\MessageTable::add(array( 'TYPE' => $type, 'SITE_ID' => $userRelation['SITE_ID'], 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $userRelation['ENTITY_TYPE'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $userRelation['ENTITY_ID'], 'USER_ID' => $userRelation['USER_ID'], 'SUBJECT' => $message['subject'], 'CONTENT' => $content, 'ATTACHMENTS' => serialize($attachments), )); if ($addResult->isSuccess()) { \CAgent::addAgent( "\\Bitrix\\Mail\\User::sendEventAgent(".$addResult->getId().");", "mail", //module "N", //period 10 //interval ); return true; } return false; } /** * Agent method, retrieves stored user message and sends an event */ public static function sendEventAgent($messageId = 0, $cnt = 0) { $messageId = intval($messageId); if ($messageId <= 0) { return; } $res = User\MessageTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=ID' => $messageId ) )); if ($messageFields = $res->fetch()) { if (intval($cnt) > 10) { if (Main\Loader::includeModule('im')) { $title = trim($messageFields['SUBJECT']); if (strlen($title) <= 0) { $title = trim($messageFields['CONTENT']); $title = preg_replace("/\[ATTACHMENT\s*=\s*[^\]]*\]/is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, "", $title); $CBXSanitizer = new \CBXSanitizer; $CBXSanitizer->delAllTags(); $title = $CBXSanitizer->sanitizeHtml($title); } \CIMNotify::add(array( "MESSAGE_TYPE" => IM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_SYSTEM, "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "mail", "NOTIFY_EVENT" => "user_message_failed", "TO_USER_ID" => $messageFields['USER_ID'], "NOTIFY_MESSAGE" => Loc::getMessage("MAIL_USER_MESSAGE_FAILED", array( "#TITLE#" => $title )) )); } User\MessageTable::delete($messageId); return; } switch ($messageFields['TYPE']) { case 'rpl': $eventId = sprintf('onReplyReceived%s', $messageFields['ENTITY_TYPE']); break; case 'fwd': $eventId = sprintf('onForwardReceived%s', $messageFields['ENTITY_TYPE']); break; } if (!empty($eventId)) { $attachments = array(); if (!empty($messageFields['ATTACHMENTS'])) { $tmpAttachments = unserialize($messageFields['ATTACHMENTS']); if (is_array($tmpAttachments)) { foreach($tmpAttachments as $key => $uploadFile) { $attachments[$key] = \CFile::makeFileArray($uploadFile); } } } $event = new Main\Event( 'mail', $eventId, array( 'site_id' => $messageFields['SITE_ID'], 'entity_id' => $messageFields['ENTITY_ID'], 'from' => $messageFields['USER_ID'], 'subject' => $messageFields['SUBJECT'], 'content' => $messageFields['CONTENT'], 'attachments' => $attachments ) ); $event->send(); foreach ($event->getResults() as $eventResult) { if ($eventResult->getType() == \Bitrix\Main\EventResult::ERROR) { $cnt++; return "\\Bitrix\\Mail\\User::sendEventAgent(".$messageId.", ".$cnt.");"; } } User\MessageTable::delete($messageId); } } return; } /** * Returns email users group * * @return array */ public static function getMailUserGroup() { $res = array(); $mailInvitedGroup = Main\Config\Option::get("mail", "mail_invited_group", false); if ($mailInvitedGroup) { $res[] = intval($mailInvitedGroup); } return $res; } public static function getDefaultEmailFrom($serverName = false) { if (defined("BX24_HOST_NAME")) { if(preg_match("/\\.bitrix24\\.([a-z]+|com\\.br)$/i", BX24_HOST_NAME)) { $domain = BX24_HOST_NAME; } else { $domain = str_replace(".", "-", BX24_HOST_NAME).".bitrix24.com"; } } else { $domain = Main\Config\Option::get('main', 'server_name', $GLOBALS["SERVER_NAME"]); $domain = ($serverName ?: $domain); } $defaultEmailFrom = "info@".$domain; return $defaultEmailFrom; } public static function getUserData($userList, $nameTemplate) { $result = array(); if ( !is_array($userList) || empty($userList) ) { return $result; } $filter = array( "ID" => $userList, "ACTIVE" => "Y", "=EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID" => 'email' ); if ( \IsModuleInstalled('intranet') || Main\Config\Option::get("main", "new_user_registration_email_confirmation", "N") == "Y" ) { $filter["CONFIRM_CODE"] = false; } $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'order' => array(), 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => array("ID", "EMAIL", "NAME", "LAST_NAME", "SECOND_NAME", "LOGIN") )); while ($user = $res->fetch()) { $result[$user["ID"]] = array( "NAME_FORMATTED" => ( !empty($user["NAME"]) || !empty($user["LAST_NAME"]) ? \CUser::formatName($nameTemplate, $user) : '' ), "EMAIL" => $user["EMAIL"] ); } return $result; } public static function handleSiteUpdate($fields) { if (array_key_exists('SERVER_NAME', $fields)) { static::clearTokensCache(); } } public static function handleServerNameUpdate() { static::clearTokensCache(); } public static function clearTokensCache() { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cache->cleanDir('/mail/user/forward'); } }