Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/img.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/save_colors.php"); /******************************************************* Converts ISO to UNICODE ********************************************************/ function iso2uni ($isoline) { $uniline = ""; for ($i = 0, $n = strlen($isoline); $i < $n; $i++) { $thischar = substr($isoline,$i,1); $charcode = ord($thischar); $uniline .= ($charcode>175) ? "&#" . (1040+($charcode-176)). ";" : $thischar; } return $uniline; } /******************************************************* Creates image to draw on ********************************************************/ function CreateImageHandle($width, $height, $background="FFFFFF", $truecolor=true) { if($truecolor) { $im = ImageCreateTrueColor($width,$height); } else { $im = ImageCreate($width,$height); } if (!$im) { die ("Cannot Initialize GD image stream"); } else { $dec = ReColor($background); ImageColorAllocate ($im, $dec[0], $dec[1], $dec[2]); } return $im; } /****************************************************** Send proper headers for image *******************************************************/ function ShowImageHeader($ImageHandle) { if (ImageTypes() & IMG_PNG) { Header("Content-type: image/png"); ImagePng($ImageHandle); } elseif(ImageTypes() & IMG_GIF) { Header("Content-type: image/gif"); ImageGif($ImageHandle); } elseif (ImageTypes() & IMG_JPEG) { Header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); ImageJpeg($ImageHandle, "", 0.5); } else { die("No images support"); } ImageDestroy ($ImageHandle); } /****************************************************** Returns some color *******************************************************/ function GetArrSaveDecColor($arr) { $arrSaveDecColor = array(); while(list($key, $scolor) = each($arr)) { $arrSaveDecColor[$key] = hexdec($scolor); } asort($arrSaveDecColor); return $arrSaveDecColor; } function GetNextRGB($base_color, $total) { global $arrSaveColor; $tsc = count($arrSaveColor); if ($total > $tsc) { return GetBNextRGB($base_color, $total); } elseif (strlen($base_color) <= 0) { $res = "1288A0"; } else { $index = 0; $step = round($tsc/$total); $dec = hexdec($base_color); $arrSaveDecColor = GetArrSaveDecColor($arrSaveColor); reset($arrSaveDecColor); while(list($key, $sdcolor) = each($arrSaveDecColor)) { if ($dec <= $sdcolor) { $index = $key; break; } } $index = intval($index); $tsc = $tsc-1; if ($index + $step > $tsc) { $rkey = ($index + $step) - $tsc; } else { $rkey = $index + $step; } $res = $arrSaveColor[$rkey]; } return $res; } function GetBNextRGB($base_color, $total, $start_color = "999900", $end_color = "99FFFF") { $step = round((hexdec($end_color) - hexdec($start_color)) / $total); $dec = intval(hexdec($base_color)) + intval($step); if ($dec < hexdec($start_color) - $step) { $dec = $start_color; } elseif ($dec > hexdec($end_color) + $step) { $dec = $end_color; } elseif ($dec > hexdec("FFFFFF")) { $dec = "000000"; } else { $dec = sprintf("%06X", $dec); } return $dec; } /******************************************************* Graph data debug *******************************************************/ function EchoGraphData($arrayX, $MinX, $MaxX, $arrayY, $MinY, $MaxY, $arrX, $arrY, $die=true) { echo "<pre>"; echo "--------------------------------------\n"; while (list($key, $value) = each($arrX)) { echo date("d.m.Y",$value)." = ".$arrY[$key]."\n"; } echo "--------------------------------------\n"; echo "Signs of X axis (arrayX):\n"; print_r($arrayX); echo "MinX: ".$MinX." - ".date("d.m",$MinX)."\n"; echo "MaxX: ".$MaxX." - ".date("d.m",$MaxX)."\n\n"; echo "Signs of Y axis (arrayY):\n"; print_r($arrayY); echo "MinY: ".$MinY."\n"; echo "MaxY: ".$MaxY."\n\n"; echo "Values of X axis (arrX):\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($arrX as $d) { echo "[".$i."] => ".GetTime($d)." (".$d.")"."\n"; $i++; } echo "\nValues of Y axis (arrY):\n"; print_r($arrY); echo "--------------------------------------\n"; echo "</pre>"; if ($die) { die(); } } /******************************************************* Makes proper X axis (date) *******************************************************/ function GetArrayX($arrX, &$MinX, &$MaxX, $max_grid=15, $min_grid=10) { $h = 2; $MinX = (count($arrX)>0) ? min($arrX) : 0; $MaxX = (count($arrX)>0) ? max($arrX) : 0; $period_days = (($MaxX-$MinX)/86400)+1; if ($period_days>$min_grid) { $h = $min_grid; } if ($max_grid<$h) { $max_grid = $h; } $arrOst = array(); for ($i=$max_grid; $i>=$h; $i--) { $ost = $period_days%$i; $arrOst[$i] = $ost; if ($ost == 0) { break; } } $minOst = min($arrOst); $shiftX = ($period_days/array_search($minOst, $arrOst)); $shiftX = $shiftX*86400; $unix_date = $MinX; if(preg_match("/(DD|MM)(.*?)(DD|MM)/",FORMAT_DATE,$arMatch)) { $strFrmt = str_replace(array("DD","MM"), array("d","m"), $arMatch[0]); } else { $strFrmt = "d.m"; } $prev_date = ""; $tmp_arrX = array(); $arrayX = array(); while ($unix_date < $MaxX+$shiftX) { if ($prev_date == date("d.m.Y", $unix_date)) { $unix_date += 3600; } $date = date($strFrmt, $unix_date); $arrayX[] = $date; $tmp_arrX[] = $unix_date; $unix_date += $shiftX; $prev_date = date("d.m.Y", $unix_date); } $MinX = MkDateTime(date("d.m.Y", min($tmp_arrX)),"d.m.Y"); $MaxX = MkDateTime(date("d.m.Y", max($tmp_arrX)),"d.m.Y"); return $arrayX; } function GetArrayY($arrY, &$MinY, &$MaxY, $max_grid=15, $first_null="Y", $integers=false) { $arrayY = array(); $arrY = array_unique($arrY); if ($first_null=="Y") { $arrY[] = 0; } asort($arrY); $MinY = min($arrY); $MaxY = max($arrY); if ($MinY==$MaxY) { if ($MinY!=0) { $arrayY[] = 0; } $arrayY[] = $MinY; $arrayY[] = $MaxY+1; asort($arrayY); } else { $shiftY = round(($MaxY-$MinY)/$max_grid); if($shiftY<=0) { if($integers==false) { $shiftY = round(($MaxY-$MinY)/$max_grid,3); } else { $shiftY = 1; } } $i = $MinY; if ($shiftY>0) { while ($i<$MaxY+$shiftY+$shiftY) { $arrayY[] = $i; $i += $shiftY; } } else { for ($i=$MinY; $i<=$MaxY+$shiftY+$shiftY; $i++) { $arrayY[] = $i; } } } $MinY = min($arrayY); $MaxY = max($arrayY); return $arrayY; } /****************************************************************************** * $colorString - Color. Example 'FFFFFF' or '#FF0000' * ReColor - function converting HEX to DEC color ******************************************************************************/ function ReColor($colorString) { if (!is_string($colorString)) return 0; if (!preg_match('/^#{0,1}([0-9a-z]{2})([0-9a-z]{2})([0-9a-z]{2})$/i', $colorString, $match)) return 0; return array( hexdec($match[1]), hexdec($match[2]), hexdec($match[3]), ); } /****************************************************************************** * $k - array performance font size to pixel format * array index == font size ******************************************************************************/ $k = array(); $k[1]=5; $k[2]=2.7; $k[3]=2.3; $k[4]=2; $k[5]=1.7; $k[6]=1.5; $k[7]=1.3; $k[8]=1.1; $k[9]=1; $k[10]=0.85; $k[11]=0.75; $k[12]=0.7; $k[13]=0.65; $k[14]=0.60; $k[15]=0.55; $k[16]=0.52; function DrawCoordinatGrid($arrayX, $arrayY, $width, $height, $ImageHandle, $bgColor="FFFFFF", $gColor='B1B1B1', $Color="000000", $dD=15, $FontWidth=2, $arrTTF_FONT=false) { global $k, $xA, $yA, $xPixelLength, $yPixelLength, $APPLICATION; $arResult = array(); $max_len=0; $bUseTTFY = is_array($arrTTF_FONT["Y"]) && function_exists("ImageTTFText"); $bUseTTFX = is_array($arrTTF_FONT["X"]) && function_exists("ImageTTFText"); $ttf_font_y = ""; $ttf_size_y = $ttf_shift_y = $ttf_base_y = 0; if ($bUseTTFY) { $ttf_font_y = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$arrTTF_FONT["Y"]["FONT_PATH"]; $ttf_size_y = $arrTTF_FONT["Y"]["FONT_SIZE"]; $ttf_shift_y = $arrTTF_FONT["Y"]["FONT_SHIFT"]; $ttf_base_y = 0; if (isset($arrTTF_FONT["Y"]["FONT_BASE"])) $ttf_base_y = $arrTTF_FONT["Y"]["FONT_BASE"]; $dlataX = 0; foreach($arrayY as $value) { $bbox = imagettfbbox($ttf_size_y, 0, $ttf_font_y, $value); $dlataX = max($dlataX, abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]) + 1); } } else { foreach($arrayY as $value) $max_len=max($max_len, strlen($value)); $dlataX = $max_len*ImageFontWidth($FontWidth); } $arr_bgColor = ReColor($bgColor); $colorFFFFFF = ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle,$arr_bgColor[0],$arr_bgColor[1],$arr_bgColor[2]); $arr_Color = ReColor($Color); $color000000 = ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle,$arr_Color[0],$arr_Color[1],$arr_Color[2]); $arr_gColor = ReColor($gColor); $colorCOCOCO = ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle,$arr_gColor[0], $arr_gColor[1], $arr_gColor[2]); ImageFill($ImageHandle, 0, 0, $colorFFFFFF); $bForBarDiagram = is_array($arrTTF_FONT) && ($arrTTF_FONT["type"] == "bar"); if($bForBarDiagram) { $arResult["XBUCKETS"] = array(); } /* C | | | | |__________________ A B */ $ttf_font_x = ""; $ttf_size_x = $ttf_shift_x = $ttf_base_x = 0; $xA = $dD+$dlataX; if ($bUseTTFX) { $ttf_font_x = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$arrTTF_FONT["X"]["FONT_PATH"]; $ttf_size_x = $arrTTF_FONT["X"]["FONT_SIZE"]; $ttf_shift_x = $arrTTF_FONT["X"]["FONT_SHIFT"]; if (isset($arrTTF_FONT["X"]["FONT_BASE"])) { $ttf_base_x = $arrTTF_FONT["X"]["FONT_BASE"]; } $yA = $height-$dD-$ttf_shift_x; } else { $yA = $height-$dD-ImageFontHeight($FontWidth)/2; } $xC = $xA; $yC = $dD; $xB = $width-$dD; $yB = $yA; $GrafWidth = $xB - $xA; $GrafHeight = $yA - $yC; $PointsX = max(sizeof($arrayX)+$bForBarDiagram, 2); $PointsY = max(sizeof($arrayY), 2); $dX = $GrafWidth/($PointsX-1); $dY = $GrafHeight/($PointsY-1); /* C P1 | | | | | | | | |___|______________ A P0 B */ $i=0; $xP0 = $xA; $yP0 = $yA; $yP1 = $yC; while ($i < $PointsX) { if ($i==$PointsX-1) { $xP0 = $xB; } $style = array ( $colorCOCOCO, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, ); ImageSetStyle($ImageHandle, $style); ImageLine($ImageHandle, ceil($xP0), ceil($yP0), ceil($xP0), ceil($yP1), IMG_COLOR_STYLED); if($bForBarDiagram) $arResult["XBUCKETS"][$i] = array(ceil($xP0)+1, ceil($xP0+$dX)-1); $captionX = $arrayX[$i]; $xCaption = $xP0 - strlen($captionX)*$k[$FontWidth] + ($dX*$bForBarDiagram/2); $yCaption = $yP0; if ($bUseTTFX) { $bbox = imagettfbbox($ttf_size_x, 0, $ttf_font_x, $captionX); $ttf_width_x = abs($bbox[2] - $bbox[0]) + 1; $xCaption = $xP0 - $ttf_width_x/2 + ($dX*$bForBarDiagram/2); $yCaption = $yP0 + $dD + $ttf_shift_x - $ttf_base_x; $captionX = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($captionX, LANG_CHARSET, "UTF-8"); ImageTTFText($ImageHandle, $ttf_size_x, 0, $xCaption, $yCaption, $color000000, $ttf_font_x, $captionX); } else ImageString($ImageHandle, $FontWidth, $xCaption, $yCaption+ImageFontHeight($FontWidth)/2, $captionX, $color000000); $xP0 += $dX; $i++; } /* C | | | M1|___________________ M0 |___________________ A B */ $i=0; $xM0 = $xB; $yM0 = $yB; $xM1 = $xA; $yM1 = $yA; while ($i < $PointsY) { if ($i==$PointsY-1) { $yM0 = $yC; $yM1 = $yC; } if ($yM1>0 && $yM0>0) { $style = array ( $colorCOCOCO, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, ); ImageSetStyle($ImageHandle, $style); ImageLine($ImageHandle, ceil($xM0), ceil($yM0), ceil($xM1), ceil($yM1), IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $captionY = $arrayY[$i]; $xCaption = $dlataX; $yCaption = $yM1-$k[$FontWidth]*3; if ($bUseTTFY) { $captionY = $APPLICATION->ConvertCharset($captionY, LANG_CHARSET, "UTF-8"); $bbox = imagettfbbox($ttf_size_y, 0, $ttf_font_y, $captionY); $yCaption = $yM1+($ttf_shift_y-$ttf_base_y)/2; ImageTTFText($ImageHandle, $ttf_size_y, 0, $xCaption-abs($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])-1, $yCaption, $color000000, $ttf_font_y, $captionY); } else ImageString($ImageHandle, $FontWidth, $xCaption-strlen($captionY)*ImageFontWidth($FontWidth), $yCaption, $captionY, $color000000); } $yM0 -= $dY; $yM1 -= $dY; $i++; } ImageLine($ImageHandle, ceil($xA), ceil($yA), ceil($xC), ceil($yC), $color000000); ImageLine($ImageHandle, ceil($xB), ceil($yB), ceil($xA), ceil($yA), $color000000); $xPixelLength = $xB - $xA; $yPixelLength = $yA - $yC; $arResult["VIEWPORT"] = array(ceil($xA), ceil($yA), ceil($xB), ceil($yC)); return $arResult; } function Bar_Diagram($ImageHandle, $arData, $MinY, $MaxY, $gridInfo) { $max_y = 0; foreach($arData as $arRecs) { $y = max($arRecs["DATA"]); if($y > $max_y) $max_y = $y; } $scale = ($gridInfo["VIEWPORT"][1] - $gridInfo["VIEWPORT"][3]) / ($MaxY - $MinY); $xIndex = 0; foreach($arData as $arRecs) { $arPair = $gridInfo["XBUCKETS"][$xIndex]; if (is_array($arPair)) { $bar_count = count($arRecs["DATA"]); $bar_width = ceil(($arPair[1] - $arPair[0] - 1) * 0.7 / $bar_count); $ws_width = round((($arPair[1] - $arPair[0] - 1) - ($bar_width * $bar_count)) / ($bar_count + 1)); foreach($arRecs["DATA"] as $i => $Y) { $arColor = ReColor($arRecs["COLORS"][$i][0]); $color = ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle, $arColor[0], $arColor[1], $arColor[2]); $x1 = $arPair[0] + $ws_width + ($bar_width + $ws_width)*$i; $y1 = round($Y*$scale); if($y1 > 0) { imagefilledrectangle($ImageHandle, $x1, $gridInfo["VIEWPORT"][1]-$y1, $x1 + $bar_width, $gridInfo["VIEWPORT"][1]-1, $color); } } } $xIndex++; } } function Graf($arrayX, $arrayY, $ImageHandle, $MinX, $MaxX, $MinY, $MaxY, $Color='FF0000', $dashed="N", $thikness=2, $antialiase=true) { global $xA, $yA, $xPixelLength, $yPixelLength; if(sizeof($arrayX) != sizeof($arrayY)) { return; } $arr_Color = ReColor($Color); $color = ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle, $arr_Color[0], $arr_Color[1], $arr_Color[2]); $xGrafLength = $MaxX - $MinX; $yGrafLength = $MaxY - $MinY; if($antialiase) { $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($ImageHandle, 255, 255, 255); $fgcolors = imagecolorsforindex($ImageHandle, $color); $bgcolors = imagecolorsforindex($ImageHandle, $bgcolor); for( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++ ) { imagecolorallocate( $ImageHandle, ($fgcolors['red'] + $i*$bgcolors['red'])/($i + 1), ($fgcolors['green'] + $i*$bgcolors['green'])/($i + 1), ($fgcolors['blue'] + $i*$bgcolors['blue'])/($i + 1) ); } } $x1 = $y1 = $x2 = $y2 = 0; for($i = 0, $n = sizeof($arrayX)-1; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($xGrafLength>0) { $x1 = $xA + ((($arrayX[$i]-$MinX) * $xPixelLength) / $xGrafLength); $x2 = $xA + ((($arrayX[$i+1]-$MinX) * $xPixelLength) / $xGrafLength); } if ($yGrafLength>0) { $y1 = $yA - ((($arrayY[$i]-$MinY) * $yPixelLength) / $yGrafLength); $y2 = $yA - ((($arrayY[$i+1]-$MinY) * $yPixelLength) / $yGrafLength); } $x1 = ceil($x1); $y1 = ceil($y1); $x2 = ceil($x2); $y2 = ceil($y2); if($antialiase) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ _a_draw_line($ImageHandle, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fgcolors, $dashed, 10, 4); if($thikness>1) { if($y1<$y2) { _a_draw_line($ImageHandle, $x1-0.4, $y1+0.4, $x2-0.4, $y2+0.4, $fgcolors, $dashed, 10, 4); _a_draw_line($ImageHandle, $x1+0.4, $y1-0.4, $x2+0.4, $y2-0.4, $fgcolors, $dashed, 10, 4); } else { _a_draw_line($ImageHandle, $x1+0.4, $y1+0.4, $x2+0.4, $y2+0.4, $fgcolors, $dashed, 10, 4); _a_draw_line($ImageHandle, $x1-0.4, $y1-0.4, $x2-0.4, $y2-0.4, $fgcolors, $dashed, 10, 4); } } } elseif($dashed=="Y") { $style = array ( $color,$color, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT ); ImageSetStyle($ImageHandle, $style); ImageLine($ImageHandle, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } else { ImageLine($ImageHandle, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); } } } function Draw_Sector($ImageHandle, $start, $end, $color, $diameter, $centerX, $centerY) { $radius = $diameter/2; $dec = ReColor($color); $color = ImageColorAllocate ($ImageHandle, $dec[0], $dec[1], $dec[2]); imagearc($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter, $diameter, 0, 360, $color); $startX = $centerX + cos(deg2rad($start)) * $radius; $startY = $centerY + sin(deg2rad($start)) * $radius; imageline($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY, $startX, $startY, $color); $endX = $centerX + cos(deg2rad($end)) * $radius; $endY = $centerY + sin(deg2rad($end)) * $radius; imageline($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY, $endX, $endY, $color); $diff = intval($end - $start); if ($diff < 180) { $x = ($centerX+(($startX + $endX)/2))/2; $y = ($centerY+(($startY + $endY)/2))/2; } else { $m_end = $start + $diff/2; $m_X = $centerX + cos(deg2rad($m_end)) * $radius; $m_Y = $centerY + sin(deg2rad($m_end)) * $radius; $x = ($centerX+$m_X)/2; $y = ($centerY+$m_Y)/2; //ImageString($ImageHandle, 2, 30, 30, $m_end, $color); //imagesetpixel($ImageHandle, $m_X, $m_Y, ImageColorAllocate($ImageHandle,"FF", "00", "00")); } imagefill ($ImageHandle, $x, $y, $color); //imagesetpixel($ImageHandle, $x, $y, $color); } function Circular_Diagram($ImageHandle, $arr, $background_color, $diameter, $centerX, $centerY, $antialiase=true) { if($antialiase) { $ImageHandle_Saved = $ImageHandle; $diameter_saved = $diameter; $diameter=$diameter*5; $centerX=$centerX*5; $centerY=$centerY*5; $ImageHandle = CreateImageHandle($diameter, $diameter, "FFFFFF", true); imagefill($ImageHandle, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($ImageHandle, 255,255,255)); } $arr2 = array(); $diameterX = $diameter; $diameterY = intval($diameter*0.6); if(count($arr)>0) { $sum = 0; foreach($arr as $sector) { $sum += $sector["COUNTER"]; } $degree1=0; $p=0.0; $i=0; foreach($arr as $sector) { $p += $sector["COUNTER"]/$sum*360.0; ++$i; if ($i==count($arr)) { $degree2 = 360; } else { $degree2 = intval($p); } if($degree2 > $degree1) { $dec = ReColor($sector["COLOR"]); $arr2[] = array( "DEGREE_1" => $degree1, "DEGREE_2" => $degree2, "COLOR" => $sector["COLOR"], "IMAGE_COLOR" => ImageColorAllocate ($ImageHandle, $dec[0], $dec[1], $dec[2]), "IMAGE_DARK" => ImageColorAllocate ($ImageHandle, $dec[0]/1.5, $dec[1]/1.5, $dec[2]/1.5), ); $degree1 = $degree2; } } if(count($arr2)>0) { $h = 15; if($antialiase) { $h = $h * 5; } for($i = 0; $i <= $h; $i++) { foreach($arr2 as $sector) { $degree1 = $sector["DEGREE_1"]; $degree2 = $sector["DEGREE_2"]; $difference = $degree2 - $degree1; $degree1 -= 180; $degree1 = $degree1<0?360+$degree1:$degree1; $degree2 -= 180; $degree2 = $degree2<0?360+$degree2:$degree2; $color = $i==$h?$sector["IMAGE_COLOR"]:$sector["IMAGE_DARK"]; if ($difference==360) imageellipse($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY-$i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $color); else imagearc($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY-$i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $degree1, $degree2, $color); } } $i--; foreach($arr2 as $sector) { $degree1 = $sector["DEGREE_1"]; $degree2 = $sector["DEGREE_2"]; $difference = $degree2 - $degree1; $degree1 -= 180; $degree1 = $degree1<0?360+$degree1:$degree1; $degree2 -= 180; $degree2 = $degree2<0?360+$degree2:$degree2; $color = $i==$h?$sector["IMAGE_COLOR"]:$sector["IMAGE_DARK"]; if ($difference==360) imagefilledellipse($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY-$i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $color); else { imagefilledarc($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY-$i, $diameterX, $diameterY, $degree1, $degree2, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE); } } } } else { $dec = ReColor($background_color); $color= ImageColorAllocate ($ImageHandle, $dec[0], $dec[1], $dec[2]); imagefilledellipse($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY, $diameterX, $diameterY, $color); } if($antialiase) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ imagecopyresampled($ImageHandle_Saved, $ImageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $diameter_saved, $diameter_saved, $diameter, $diameter); } } function Clean_Circular_Diagram($ImageHandle, $background_color, $diameter, $centerX, $centerY) { $dec = ReColor($background_color); $color = ImageColorAllocate ($ImageHandle, $dec[0], $dec[1], $dec[2]); for($i=0;$i<=$diameter;$i++) imagearc($ImageHandle, $centerX, $centerY, $diameter+$i, $diameter+$i, 0, 360, $color); } function _a_set_pixel($im, $x, $y, $filled, $fgcolors) { $rgb=imagecolorat($im, $x, $y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $red = round($r + ( $fgcolors['red'] - $r ) * $filled); $green = round($g + ( $fgcolors['green'] - $g ) * $filled); $blue = round($b + ( $fgcolors['blue'] - $b ) * $filled); imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, imagecolorclosest($im, $red, $green, $blue)); } function _a_frac($x) { $x = doubleval($x); return $x-floor($x); } function _a_draw_line($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fgcolors, $dashed="N", $dash=5, $white=2) { $xd = $x2-$x1; $yd = $y2-$y1; if($xd==0 && $yd==0) { return; } if(abs($xd)>abs($yd)) { $wasexchange = false; } else { $wasexchange = true; $tmpreal = $x1; $x1 = $y1; $y1 = $tmpreal; $tmpreal = $x2; $x2 = $y2; $y2 = $tmpreal; $tmpreal = $xd; $xd = $yd; $yd = $tmpreal; } if( $x1>$x2 ) { $tmpreal = $x1; $x1 = $x2; $x2 = $tmpreal; $tmpreal = $y1; $y1 = $y2; $y2 = $tmpreal; $xd = $x2-$x1; $yd = $y2-$y1; } $grad = $yd/$xd; $xend = floor($x1+0.5); $yend = $y1+$grad*($xend-$x1); $xgap = 1-_a_frac($x1+0.5); $ix1 = floor($x1+0.5); $iy1 = floor($yend); $brightness1 = (1-_a_frac($yend))*$xgap; $brightness2 = _a_frac($yend)*$xgap; if( $wasexchange ) { _a_set_pixel($im, $iy1, $ix1, $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, $iy1+1, $ix1, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } else { _a_set_pixel($im, $ix1, $iy1, $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, $ix1, $iy1+1, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } $yf = $yend+$grad; $xend = floor($x2+0.5); $yend = $y2+$grad*($xend-$x2); $xgap = 1-_a_frac($x2-0.5); $ix2 = floor($x2+0.5); $iy2 = floor($yend); $brightness1 = (1-_a_frac($yend))*$xgap; $brightness2 = _a_frac($yend)*$xgap; if( $wasexchange ) { _a_set_pixel($im, $iy2, $ix2, $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, $iy2+1, $ix2, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } else { _a_set_pixel($im, $ix2, $iy2, $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, $ix2, $iy2+1, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } $kk=0; for($x = $ix1+1; $x <= $ix2-1; $x++) { if(($kk % $dash)<($dash-$white)) { $brightness1 = 1-_a_frac($yf); $brightness2 = _a_frac($yf); if( $wasexchange ) { _a_set_pixel($im, floor($yf), $x, $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, floor($yf)+1, $x, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } else { _a_set_pixel($im, $x, floor($yf), $brightness1, $fgcolors); _a_set_pixel($im, $x, floor($yf)+1, $brightness2, $fgcolors); } } $yf = $yf+$grad; if($dashed=="Y") ++$kk; } } function _a_draw_ellipse($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fgcolors, $half=false) { if( $x2<$x1 ) { $t = $x1; $x1 = $x2; $x2 = $t; } if( $y2<$y1 ) { $t = $y1; $y1 = $y2; $y2 = $t; } if( $x2-$x1<$y2-$y1 ) { $exch = false; } else { $exch = true; $t = $x1; $x1 = $y1; $y1 = $t; $t = $x2; $x2 = $y2; $y2 = $t; } $a = ($x2-$x1)/2; $b = ($y2-$y1)/2; $cx = ($x1+$x2)/2; $cy = ($y1+$y2)/2; $t = $a*$a/sqrt($a*$a+$b*$b); $i1 = floor($cx-$t); $i2 = ceil($cx+$t); for($ix = $i1; $ix <= $i2; $ix++) { if( 1-pow(($ix-$cx)/$a, 2)<0 ) { continue; } $y = $b*sqrt(1-pow(($ix-$cx)/$a, 2)); $iy = ceil($cy+$y); $f = $iy-$cy-$y; if( !$exch ) { if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy-1, $f, $fgcolors); } else { if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy-1, $ix, $f, $fgcolors); } $iy = floor($cy-$y); $f = $cy-$y-$iy; if( !$exch ) { if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy+1, $f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy, 1-$f, $fgcolors); } else { if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy+1, $ix, $f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix, 1-$f, $fgcolors); } } $t = $b*$b/sqrt($a*$a+$b*$b); $i1 = ceil($cy-$t); $i2 = floor($cy+$t); for($iy = $i1; $iy <= $i2; $iy++) { if( 1-pow(($iy-$cy)/$b, 2)<0 ) { continue; } $x = $a*sqrt(1-pow(($iy-$cy)/$b, 2)); $ix = floor($cx-$x); $f = $cx-$x-$ix; if( !$exch ) { if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix+1, $iy, $f, $fgcolors); } else { if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix+1, $f, $fgcolors); } $ix = ceil($cx+$x); $f = $ix-$cx-$x; if( !$exch ) { if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix, $iy, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $iy>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $ix-1, $iy, $f, $fgcolors); } else { if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix, 1-$f, $fgcolors); if(!$half || $ix>$cx) _a_set_pixel($im, $iy, $ix-1, $f, $fgcolors); } } }