Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/analytics/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/analytics/catalog.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2014 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main\Analytics; use Bitrix\Catalog\CatalogViewedProductTable; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Context; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\UserTable; use Bitrix\Sale\BasketItem; use Bitrix\Sale\Order; use Bitrix\Sale\OrderTable; if (!Loader::includeModule('catalog')) return; /** * @package bitrix * @subpackage main */ class Catalog { protected static $cookieLogName = 'RCM_PRODUCT_LOG'; // basket (sale:OnSaleBasketItemSaved) public static function catchCatalogBasket(Event $event) { $isNew = $event->getParameter("IS_NEW"); // new items only if (!$isNew) { return; } // exclude empty cookie if (!static::getBxUserId()) { return; } // alter b_sale_basket - add recommendation, update it here if (!static::isOn()) { return; } /** @var BasketItem $basketItem */ $basketItem = $event->getParameter("ENTITY"); // get product id by offer id $iblockId = 0; $realProductId = $basketItem->getProductId(); $isCatalog = $basketItem->getField('MODULE') == 'catalog'; if ($isCatalog) { $productInfo = \CCatalogSKU::GetProductInfo($realProductId); if (!empty($productInfo['ID'])) { $realProductId = $productInfo['ID']; $iblockId = $productInfo['IBLOCK_ID']; } else { // get iblock id $element = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getRow(array( 'select' => array('IBLOCK_ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $realProductId) )); if (!empty($element)) { $iblockId = $element['IBLOCK_ID']; } } } // select site user id & recommendation id $siteUserId = 0; $recommendationId = ''; // first, try to find in cookies $recommendationCookie = Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getCookie(static::getCookieLogName()); if (!empty($recommendationCookie)) { $recommendations = static::decodeProductLog($recommendationCookie); if (is_array($recommendations) && isset($recommendations[$realProductId])) { $recommendationId = $recommendations[$realProductId][0]; } } if (empty($recommendationId) && $isCatalog) { // ok then, lets see in views history //if(\COption::GetOptionString("sale", "encode_fuser_id", "N") == "Y") if (!is_numeric($basketItem->getFUserId())) { $filter = array('CODE' => $basketItem->getFUserId()); } else { $filter = array('ID' => $basketItem->getFUserId()); } $result = \CSaleUser::getList($filter); if (!empty($result)) { $siteUserId = $result['USER_ID']; // select recommendation id $fuser = $result['ID']; $viewResult = CatalogViewedProductTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('RECOMMENDATION'), 'filter' => array( '=FUSER_ID' => $fuser, '=PRODUCT_ID' => $basketItem->getProductId() ), 'order' => array('DATE_VISIT' => 'DESC') ))->fetch(); if (!empty($viewResult['RECOMMENDATION'])) { $recommendationId = $viewResult['RECOMMENDATION']; } } } // prepare data $data = array( 'product_id' => $realProductId, 'iblock_id' => $iblockId, 'user_id' => $siteUserId, 'bx_user_id' => static::getBxUserId(), 'domain' => Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getHttpHost(), 'recommendation' => $recommendationId, 'date' => date(DATE_ISO8601) ); // debug info global $USER; $data['real_user_id'] = $USER->getId() ?: 0; $data['is_admin'] = (int) $USER->IsAdmin(); $data['admin_section'] = (int) (defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION); $data['admin_panel'] = (int) \CTopPanel::shouldShowPanel(); // try to guess unnatural baskets $data['artificial_basket'] = (int) ( ($data['user_id'] > 0 && $data['user_id'] != $data['real_user_id']) || $data['is_admin'] || $data['admin_section'] || $data['admin_panel'] ); // save CounterDataTable::add(array( 'TYPE' => 'basket', 'DATA' => $data )); // update basket with recommendation id if (!empty($recommendationId)) { $conn = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $conn->getSqlHelper(); $conn->query( "UPDATE ".$helper->quote('b_sale_basket') ." SET RECOMMENDATION='".$helper->forSql($recommendationId)."' WHERE ID=".(int) $basketItem->getId() ); } } // order detailed info (sale:OnSaleOrderSaved) public static function catchCatalogOrder(Event $event) { if (!static::isOn()) { return; } $isNew = $event->getParameter("IS_NEW"); if (!$isNew) { // only new orders return; } /** @var Order $orderItem */ $orderItem = $event->getParameter("ENTITY"); $data = static::getOrderInfo($orderItem->getId()); if (empty($data['products'])) { return; } // add bxuid $data['bx_user_id'] = static::getBxUserId(); if (empty($data['bx_user_id']) && !empty($data['user_id'])) { $orderUser = UserTable::getRow(array( 'select' => array('BX_USER_ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $data['user_id']) )); if (!empty($orderUser) && !empty($orderUser['BX_USER_ID'])) { $data['bx_user_id'] = $orderUser['BX_USER_ID']; } } // add general info $data['paid'] = '0'; $data['domain'] = Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getHttpHost(); $data['date'] = date(DATE_ISO8601); // add debug info global $USER; $data['real_user_id'] = $USER->getId() ?: 0; $data['cookie_size'] = count($_COOKIE); $data['is_admin'] = (int) $USER->IsAdmin(); $data['admin_section'] = (int) (defined('ADMIN_SECTION') && ADMIN_SECTION); $data['admin_panel'] = (int) \CTopPanel::shouldShowPanel(); // try to guess unnatural orders $data['artificial_order'] = (int) ( ($data['user_id'] != $data['real_user_id']) || !$data['cookie_size'] || $data['is_admin'] || $data['admin_section'] || $data['admin_panel'] ); CounterDataTable::add(array( 'TYPE' => 'order', 'DATA' => $data )); // set bxuid to the order if (!empty($data['bx_user_id'])) { // if sale version is fresh enough if (OrderTable::getEntity()->hasField('BX_USER_ID')) { OrderTable::update($data['order_id'], array('BX_USER_ID' => $data['bx_user_id'])); } } } // order payment (sale:OnSaleOrderPaid) public static function catchCatalogOrderPayment(Event $event) { if (!static::isOn()) { return; } /** @var Order $orderItem */ $orderItem = $event->getParameter("ENTITY"); $data = static::getOrderInfo($orderItem->getId()); if (empty($data['products'])) { return; } // add bxuid $data['bx_user_id'] = static::getBxUserId(); if (empty($data['bx_user_id']) && OrderTable::getEntity()->hasField('BX_USER_ID')) { $order = OrderTable::getRow(array( 'select' => array('BX_USER_ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $orderItem->getId()) )); if (!empty($order) && !empty($order['BX_USER_ID'])) { $data['bx_user_id'] = $order['BX_USER_ID']; } } // add general info $data['paid'] = '1'; $data['domain'] = Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getHttpHost(); $data['date'] = date(DATE_ISO8601); CounterDataTable::add(array( 'TYPE' => 'order_pay', 'DATA' => $data )); } public static function getOrderInfo($orderId) { // order itself $order = \CSaleOrder::getById($orderId); // buyer info $siteUserId = $order['USER_ID']; $phone = ''; $phone256 = ''; $phone256_e164 = ''; $email = ''; $email256 = ''; $result = \CSaleOrderPropsValue::GetList(array(), array("ORDER_ID" => $orderId)); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if (empty($phone) && stripos($row['CODE'], 'PHONE') !== false) { $stPhone = static::normalizePhoneNumber($row['VALUE']); if (!empty($stPhone)) { $phone = sha1($stPhone); $phone256 = hash('sha256', $stPhone); $phone256_e164 = hash('sha256', '+'.$stPhone); } } if (empty($email) && stripos($row['CODE'], 'EMAIL') !== false) { if (!empty($row['VALUE'])) { $email = sha1($row['VALUE']); $email256 = hash('sha256', strtolower(trim($row['VALUE']))); } } } // products info $products = array(); $result = \CSaleBasket::getList( array(), $arFilter = array('ORDER_ID' => $orderId), false, false, array('PRODUCT_ID', 'RECOMMENDATION', 'QUANTITY', 'PRICE', 'CURRENCY', 'MODULE') ); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $realProductId = $row['PRODUCT_ID']; $iblockId = 0; // get iblock id for catalog products if ($row['MODULE'] == 'catalog') { $productInfo = \CCatalogSKU::GetProductInfo($row['PRODUCT_ID']); if (!empty($productInfo['ID'])) { $realProductId = $productInfo['ID']; $iblockId = $productInfo['IBLOCK_ID']; } else { $realProductId = $row['PRODUCT_ID']; // get iblock id $element = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getRow(array( 'select' => array('IBLOCK_ID'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $realProductId) )); if (!empty($element)) { $iblockId = $element['IBLOCK_ID']; } } } $products[] = array( 'product_id' => $realProductId, 'iblock_id' => $iblockId, 'quantity' => $row['QUANTITY'], 'price' => $row['PRICE'], 'currency' => $row['CURRENCY'], 'recommendation' => $row['RECOMMENDATION'] ); } // all together $data = array( 'order_id' => $orderId, 'user_id' => $siteUserId, 'phone' => $phone, 'phone256' => $phone256, 'phone256_e164' => $phone256_e164, 'email' => $email, 'email256' => $email256, 'products' => $products, 'price' => $order['PRICE'], 'currency' => $order['CURRENCY'] ); return $data; } protected function getBxUserId() { return $_COOKIE['BX_USER_ID']; } public static function normalizePhoneNumber($phone) { $phone = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $phone); $cleanPhone = \NormalizePhone($phone, 6); if (strlen($cleanPhone) == 10) { $cleanPhone = '7'.$cleanPhone; } return $cleanPhone; } public static function isOn() { return SiteSpeed::isRussianSiteManager() && Option::get("main", "gather_catalog_stat", "Y") === "Y" && defined("LICENSE_KEY") && LICENSE_KEY !== "DEMO" ; } public static function getProductIdsByOfferIds($offerIds) { if (empty($offerIds)) return array(); $bestList = array(); $iblockGroup = array(); $itemIterator = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID'), 'filter' => array('@ID' => $offerIds, '=ACTIVE'=> 'Y') )); while ($item = $itemIterator->fetch()) { if (!isset($iblockGroup[$item['IBLOCK_ID']])) $iblockGroup[$item['IBLOCK_ID']] = array(); $iblockGroup[$item['IBLOCK_ID']][] = $item['ID']; $bestList[$item['ID']] = array(); } if (empty($iblockGroup)) return array(); $iblockSku = array(); $iblockOffers = array(); if (!empty($iblockGroup)) { $iblockIterator = \Bitrix\Catalog\CatalogIblockTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('IBLOCK_ID', 'PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID', 'SKU_PROPERTY_ID', 'VERSION' => 'IBLOCK.VERSION'), 'filter' => array('=IBLOCK_ID' => array_keys($iblockGroup), '!=PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID' => 0) )); while ($iblock = $iblockIterator->fetch()) { $iblock['IBLOCK_ID'] = (int)$iblock['IBLOCK_ID']; $iblock['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID'] = (int)$iblock['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID']; $iblock['SKU_PROPERTY_ID'] = (int)$iblock['SKU_PROPERTY_ID']; $iblock['VERSION'] = (int)$iblock['VERSION']; $iblockSku[$iblock['IBLOCK_ID']] = $iblock; $iblockOffers[$iblock['IBLOCK_ID']] = $iblockGroup[$iblock['IBLOCK_ID']]; } unset($iblock, $iblockIterator); } if (empty($iblockOffers)) return array(); $offerLink = array(); foreach ($iblockOffers as $iblockId => $items) { $skuProperty = 'PROPERTY_'.$iblockSku[$iblockId]['SKU_PROPERTY_ID']; $iblockFilter = array( 'IBLOCK_ID' => $iblockId, '=ID' => $items ); $iblockFields = array('ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', $skuProperty); $skuProperty .= '_VALUE'; $offersIterator = \CIBlockElement::getList( array('ID' => 'ASC'), $iblockFilter, false, false, $iblockFields ); while ($offer = $offersIterator->Fetch()) { $productId = (int)$offer[$skuProperty]; if ($productId <= 0) { unset($bestList[$offer['ID']]); } else { $bestList[$offer['ID']]['PARENT_ID'] = $productId; $bestList[$offer['ID']]['PARENT_IBLOCK'] = $iblockSku[$iblockId]['PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID']; if (!isset($offerLink[$productId])) $offerLink[$productId] = array(); $offerLink[$productId][] = $offer['ID']; } } } if (!empty($offerLink)) { $productIterator = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID'), 'filter' => array('@ID' => array_keys($offerLink), '=ACTIVE' => 'N') )); while ($product = $productIterator->fetch()) { if (empty($offerLink[$product['ID']])) continue; foreach ($offerLink[$product['ID']] as $value) { unset($bestList[$value]); } } } if (empty($bestList)) return array(); $finalIds = array(); $dublicate = array(); foreach ($bestList as $id => $info) { if (empty($info)) { if (!isset($dublicate[$id])) $finalIds[] = $id; $dublicate[$id] = true; } else { if (!isset($dublicate[$id])) $finalIds[] = $info['PARENT_ID']; $dublicate[$info['PARENT_ID']] = true; } } unset($id, $info, $dublicate); return $finalIds; } /** * @param array $log * * @return string */ public static function encodeProductLog(array $log) { $value = array(); foreach ($log as $itemId => $recommendation) { $rcmId = $recommendation[0]; $rcmTime = $recommendation[1]; $value[] = $itemId.'-'.$rcmId.'-'.$rcmTime; } return join('.', $value); } /** * @param $log * * @return array */ public static function decodeProductLog($log) { $value = array(); $tmp = explode('.', $log); foreach ($tmp as $tmpval) { $meta = explode('-', $tmpval); if (count($meta) > 2) { $itemId = $meta[0]; $rcmId = $meta[1]; $rcmTime = $meta[2]; if ($itemId && $rcmId && $rcmTime) { $value[(int)$itemId] = array($rcmId, (int) $rcmTime); } } } return $value; } /** * @return string */ public static function getCookieLogName() { return self::$cookieLogName; } }