Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/composite/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/composite/appcache.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Composite; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset; class AppCache { const MANIFEST_CHECK_FILE = "/bitrix/tools/check_appcache.php"; const DEBUG_HOLDER = "//__APP_CACHE_DEBUG_HOLDER__"; private static $debug; private static $instance; private static $isEnabled = false; private static $customCheckFile = null; private $files = Array(); private $pageURI = ""; private $network = Array(); private $fallbackPages = Array(); private $params = Array(); private $isSided = false; private $isModified = false; private $receivedManifest = ""; private $excludeImagePatterns= array(); private $receivedCacheParams = Array(); private function __construct() { //use \Bitrix\Main\Composite\AppCache::getInstance(); } /** * @return boolean */ public static function getDebug() { return self::$debug; } /** * @return boolean */ public function isEnabled() { return self::$isEnabled; } /** * Sets the array of path patterns to exclude unused images from the manifest file * @return array */ public function getExcludeImagePatterns() { return $this->excludeImagePatterns; } /** * Returns the array of path patters * @param array $excludeImagePatterns */ public function setExcludeImagePatterns($excludeImagePatterns) { $this->excludeImagePatterns = $excludeImagePatterns; } private function __clone() { //you can't clone it } public static function getInstance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); self::$debug = (defined("BX_APPCACHE_DEBUG") && BX_APPCACHE_DEBUG); } return self::$instance; } /** * Creates or updates the manifest file for the page with usage its content. * * @param bool $isEnabled */ public static function setEnabled($isEnabled = true) { self::$isEnabled = (bool)$isEnabled; } public function generate(&$content) { $manifest = static::getInstance(); $files = $manifest->getFilesFromContent($content); $this->isModified = false; $manifestId = $this->getCurrentManifestID(); if ($this->isSided) { $curManifestId = $this->getManifestID($this->pageURI, $this->receivedCacheParams); if ($curManifestId != $manifestId) { self::removeManifestById($curManifestId); } } $currentHashSum = md5(serialize($files["FULL_FILE_LIST"]) . serialize($this->fallbackPages) . serialize($this->network) . serialize($this->excludeImagePatterns)); $manifestCache = $this->readManifestCache($manifestId); if (!$manifestCache || $manifestCache["FILE_HASH"] != $currentHashSum || self::$debug) { $this->isModified = true; $this->setFiles($files["FULL_FILE_LIST"]); $this->setNetworkFiles(Array("*")); $arFields = array( "ID" => $manifestId, "TEXT" => $this->getManifestContent(), "FILE_HASH" => $currentHashSum, "EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_HASH"=> md5(serialize($this->excludeImagePatterns)), "FILE_DATA" => Array( "FILE_TIMESTAMPS" => $files["FILE_TIMESTAMPS"], "CSS_FILE_IMAGES" => $files["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"] ) ); if (!self::$debug) { $this->writeManifestCache($arFields); } else { $jsFields = json_encode($arFields); $fileCount = count($this->files); $params = json_encode($this->params); $fileCountImages = 0; foreach ($arFields["FILE_DATA"]["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"] as $file=>$images) { $fileCountImages += count($images); } $debugOutput = <<<JS console.log("-------APPLICATION CACHE DEBUG INFO------"); console.log("File count:", $fileCount); console.log("Image file count:", $fileCountImages); console.log("Params:", $params); console.log("Detail:", $jsFields); console.log("--------------------------------------------"); JS; $jsContent = str_replace(array("\n", "\t"), "", $debugOutput); $content = str_replace(self::DEBUG_HOLDER, $jsContent, $content); } } return $this->getIsModified(); } /** * OnBeforeEndBufferContent handler * @return array|mixed */ public static function onBeforeEndBufferContent() { global $APPLICATION; $selfObject = self::getInstance(); $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer(); $params = Array(); $appCacheUrl = $server->get("HTTP_BX_APPCACHE_URL"); $appCacheParams = $server->get("HTTP_BX_APPCACHE_PARAMS"); if (strlen($appCacheUrl) > 0) { //TODO compare $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] and $_SERVER["HTTP_BX_APPCACHE_URL"] $selfObject->setIsSided(true); $selfObject->setPageURI($appCacheUrl); if ($appCacheParams) { $params = json_decode($appCacheParams, true); if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } $selfObject->setReceivedCacheParams($params); } } else { $selfObject->setPageURI($server->get("REQUEST_URI")); if(!self::$debug) { $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty("manifest", " manifest=\"" . self::getManifestCheckFile() . "?manifest_id=" . $selfObject->getCurrentManifestID() . "\""); } else { Asset::getInstance()->addString("<script type=\"text/javascript\">".self::DEBUG_HOLDER."</script>"); } $params = Array( "PAGE_URL" => $selfObject->getPageURI(), "PARAMS" => $selfObject->getAdditionalParams(), "MODE" => "APPCACHE" ); } return (is_array($params) ? $params : array()); } /** * Gets file path for getting of manifest content * @return string */ public function getManifestCheckFile() { $checkFile = self::MANIFEST_CHECK_FILE; if(self::$customCheckFile != null && strlen(self::$customCheckFile)>0) $checkFile = self::$customCheckFile; return $checkFile; } /** * Sets custom file for getting of manifest content * self::MANIFEST_CHECK_FILE uses by default *@param string $customManifestCheckFile */ public function setManifestCheckFile($customManifestCheckFile) { self::$customCheckFile = $customManifestCheckFile; } /* * OnEndBufferContent handler */ public static function onEndBufferContent(&$content) { static::getInstance()->generate($content); } /** * Returns content of the manifest * @return string */ public function getManifestContent() { $manifestText = "CACHE MANIFEST\n\n"; $manifestText .= $this->getManifestDescription(); $manifestText .= "#files" . "\n\n"; $manifestText .= implode("\n", $this->files) . "\n\n"; $manifestText .= "NETWORK:\n"; $manifestText .= implode("\n", $this->network) . "\n\n"; $manifestText .= "FALLBACK:\n\n"; $countFallback = count($this->fallbackPages); for ($i = 0; $i < $countFallback; $i++) { $manifestText .= $this->fallbackPages[$i]["online"] . " " . $this->fallbackPages[$i]["offline"] . "\n"; } return $manifestText; } /** * Parses the passed content to find css, js and images. Returns the array of files. * * @param $content * * @return array */ public function getFilesFromContent($content) { $files = Array(); $arFilesByType = Array(); $arExtensions = Array("js", "css"); $extension_regex = "(?:" . implode("|", $arExtensions) . ")"; $findImageRegexp = "/ ((?i: href= |src= |BX\\.loadCSS\\( |BX\\.loadScript\\( |jsUtils\\.loadJSFile\\( |background\\s*:\\s*url\\( )) #attribute (\"|') #open_quote ([^?'\"]+\\.) #href body (" . $extension_regex . ") #extentions (|\\?\\d+|\\?v=\\d+) #params (\\2) #close_quote /x"; $match = Array(); preg_match_all($findImageRegexp, $content, $match); $link = $match[3]; $extension = $match[4]; $params = $match[5]; $linkCount = count($link); $fileData = array( "FULL_FILE_LIST" => array(), "FILE_TIMESTAMPS" => array(), "CSS_FILE_IMAGES" => array() ); for ($i = 0; $i < $linkCount; $i++) { $fileData["FULL_FILE_LIST"][] = $files[] = $link[$i] . $extension[$i] . $params[$i]; $fileData["FILE_TIMESTAMPS"][$link[$i] . $extension[$i]] = $params[$i]; $arFilesByType[$extension[$i]][] = $link[$i] . $extension[$i]; } $manifestCache = $this->readManifestCache($this->getCurrentManifestID()); $excludePatternsHash = md5(serialize($this->excludeImagePatterns)); if (array_key_exists("css", $arFilesByType)) { $findImageRegexp = '#([;\s:]*(?:url|@import)\s*\(\s*)(\'|"|)(.+?)(\2)\s*\)#si'; if(count($this->excludeImagePatterns) > 0) { $findImageRegexp = '#([;\s:]*(?:url|@import)\s*\(\s*)(\'|"|)((?:(?!'.implode("|",$this->excludeImagePatterns).').)+?)(\2)\s*\)#si'; } $cssCount = count($arFilesByType["css"]); for ($j = 0; $j < $cssCount; $j++) { $cssFilePath = $arFilesByType["css"][$j]; if ($manifestCache["FILE_DATA"]["FILE_TIMESTAMPS"][$cssFilePath] != $fileData["FILE_TIMESTAMPS"][$cssFilePath] ||$excludePatternsHash != $manifestCache["EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_HASH"] ) { $fileContent = false; $fileUrl = parse_url($cssFilePath); $file = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File(Application::getDocumentRoot() . $fileUrl['path']); if ($file->isExists() && $file->isReadable()) { $fileContent = $file->getContents(); } elseif ($fileUrl["scheme"]) { $req = new \CHTTP(); $req->http_timeout = 20; $fileContent = $req->Get($cssFilePath); } if ($fileContent != false) { $cssFileRelative = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File($cssFilePath); $cssPath = $cssFileRelative->getDirectoryName(); preg_match_all($findImageRegexp, $fileContent, $match); $matchCount = count($match[3]); for ($k = 0; $k < $matchCount; $k++) { $file = self::replaceUrlCSS($match[3][$k], addslashes($cssPath)); if (!in_array($file, $files) && !strpos($file, ";base64")) { $fileData["FULL_FILE_LIST"][] = $files[] = $file; $fileData["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"][$cssFilePath][] = $file; } } } } else { $fileData["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"][$cssFilePath] = $manifestCache["FILE_DATA"]["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"][$cssFilePath]; if (is_array($manifestCache["FILE_DATA"]["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"][$cssFilePath])) { $fileData["FULL_FILE_LIST"] = array_merge($fileData["FULL_FILE_LIST"], $manifestCache["FILE_DATA"]["CSS_FILE_IMAGES"][$cssFilePath]); } } } } return $fileData; } /** * Replaces url in css-file with absolute path. * * @param $url * @param $cssPath * * @return string */ private static function replaceUrlCSS($url, $cssPath) { if (strpos($url, "://") !== false || strpos($url, "data:") !== false) { return $url; } $url = trim(stripslashes($url), "'\" \r\n\t"); if (substr($url, 0, 1) == "/") { return $url; } return $cssPath . '/' . $url; } /** * Sets received cache params * @param $receivedCacheParams */ public function setReceivedCacheParams($receivedCacheParams) { $this->receivedCacheParams = $receivedCacheParams; } /** * Gets received cache parameters * @return array */ public function getReceivedCacheParams() { return $this->receivedCacheParams; } /** * Sets received path to manifest * * @param $receivedManifest */ public function setReceivedManifest($receivedManifest) { $this->receivedManifest = $receivedManifest; } public function getReceivedManifest() { return $this->receivedManifest; } public function setIsSided($isSided) { $this->isSided = $isSided; } public function getIsSided() { return $this->isSided; } public function setPageURI($pageURI = "") { $this->pageURI = $pageURI; } public function getPageURI() { return $this->pageURI; } public function setFiles($arFiles) { if (count($this->files) > 0) { $this->files = array_merge($this->files, $arFiles); } else { $this->files = $arFiles; } } public function addFile($filePath) { $this->files[] = $filePath; } public function addAdditionalParam($name, $value) { $this->params[$name] = $value; } public function getAdditionalParams() { return $this->params; } public function setNetworkFiles($network) { $this->network = $network; } public function getNetworkFiles() { return $this->network; } public function addFallbackPage($onlinePage, $offlinePage) { $this->fallbackPages[] = Array( "online" => $onlinePage, "offline" => $offlinePage ); } public function getFallbackPages() { return $this->fallbackPages; } public function getCurrentManifestID() { return $this->getManifestID($this->pageURI, $this->params); } public function getIsModified() { return $this->isModified && !self::$debug; } private function getManifestDescription() { $manifestParams = ""; $arCacheParams = $this->params; if (count($arCacheParams) > 0) { foreach ($arCacheParams as $key => $value) { $manifestParams .= "#" . $key . "=" . $value . "\n"; } } $desc = "#Date: " . date("r") . "\n"; $desc .= "#Page: " . $this->pageURI . "\n"; $desc .= "#Count: " . count($this->files) . "\n"; $desc .= "#Params: \n" . $manifestParams . "\n\n"; $desc .= "#Exclude patterns: \n" . "#".implode("\n#",$this->getExcludeImagePatterns()) . "\n\n"; return $desc; } private function writeManifestCache($arFields) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $manifestId = $arFields["ID"]; $this->removeManifestById($manifestId); $cachePath = self::getCachePath($manifestId); $cache->StartDataCache(3600 * 24 * 365, $manifestId, $cachePath); $cache->EndDataCache($arFields); return true; } public function readManifestCache($manifestId) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cachePath = self::getCachePath($manifestId); if ($cache->InitCache(3600 * 24 * 365, $manifestId, $cachePath)) { return $cache->getVars(); } return false; } private static function removeManifestById($manifestId) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cachePath = self::getCachePath($manifestId); return $cache->CleanDir($cachePath); } /** * @param $manifestId * * @return string */ public static function getCachePath($manifestId) { $cachePath = "/appcache/" . substr($manifestId, 0, 2) . "/" . substr($manifestId, 2, 4) . "/"; return $cachePath; } private function getManifestID($pageURI, $arParams) { $id = $pageURI; if (count($arParams) > 0) { $strCacheParams = ""; foreach ($arParams as $key => $value) { $strCacheParams .= $key . "=" . $value; } $id .= $strCacheParams; } return md5($id); } public static function checkObsoleteManifest() { $server = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer(); $appCacheUrl = $server->get("HTTP_BX_APPCACHE_URL"); $appCacheParams = $server->get("HTTP_BX_APPCACHE_PARAMS"); if ($appCacheUrl) { $params = json_decode($appCacheParams, true); if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } static::clear($appCacheUrl, $params); } } private static function clear($url, $params) { $manifestId = self::getManifestID($url, $params); if (self::readManifestCache($manifestId)) { self::removeManifestById($manifestId); self::getInstance()->isModified = true; } } } class_alias("Bitrix\\Main\\Composite\\AppCache", "Bitrix\\Main\\Data\\AppCacheManifest");