Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/ui/uploader/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/ui/uploader/file.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\UI\Uploader; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; use Bitrix\Main\Result; use \Bitrix\Main\UI\FileInputUtility; use \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; use \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\Application; class File { /** @var Package */ protected $package; /** @var array */ protected $data = array(); /** @var ErrorCollection */ protected $errorCollection; /** @var HttpClient */ protected static $http = null; /** * File constructor. * @param Package $package Package for file. * @param array $file File array. */ public function __construct($package, array $file) { $hash = self::initHash(array("id" => $file["id"], "name" => $file["name"])); $this->data = array( "hash" => $hash, "id" => $file["id"], "uploadStatus" => null, "executeStatus" => null, "name" => $file["name"], "type" => $file["type"], "size" => $file["size"], "files" => array( "default" => array() ) ); $this->package = $package; if (FileInputUtility::instance()->checkFile($this->package->getCid(), $hash)) { $this->data = self::getFromCache($hash, $this->package->getPath()); $eventName = "onFileIsContinued"; } else { $eventName = "onFileIsStarted"; } FileInputUtility::instance()->registerFile($this->package->getCid(), $this->getHash()); $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection(); foreach(GetModuleEvents(Uploader::EVENT_NAME, $eventName, true) as $event) { $error = ""; if (!ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array($this->getHash(), &$this->data, &$error))) { $this->addError(new Error($error, "BXU350.1")); break; } } } /** * @param array $file File array("id" => ... ). * @return string */ public static function initHash($file = array()) { if (empty($file["id"])) return md5($file["name"]); return $file["id"]; } /** * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->data["id"]; } /** * @return string */ public function getHash() { return $this->data["hash"]; } /** * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->data["name"]; } /** * @return integer */ public function getSize() { return $this->data["size"]; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->data["type"]; } /** * Returns file data array. * @param string $code File code like "default", "real_picture". * @return array|null */ public function getFile($code) { return $this->data["files"][$code]; } /** * Sets file data in file with code $code and saves changes into cache. * @param string $code File code like "default", "real_picture". * @param array $data Array("name" => "", "code" => ..., "type" => ..., "uploadStatus" => "inprogress",...). * @return void */ public function setFile($code, $data) { $this->data["files"][$code] = $data; $this->saveLog(); } /** * Saves file on drive. * @param array $file Array("name" => "", "code" => ..., "type" => ..., "uploadStatus" => "inprogress",...). * @param Storable $storage . * @param array $copies Array("small" => array("width" => 100, "height" => 100)). * @return Result */ public function saveFile(&$file, Storable $storage, array $copies) { $result = new Result(); $code = $file["code"]; if ($code !== "default" && !array_key_exists($code, $copies)) { $result->addError(new Error("The copy name is not in the list.")); } else if ($this->isUploaded()) { return $result; } else if (isset($file["chunkId"])) { $info = $this->getFile($code); if (empty($info)) $info = array( "name" => $this->getName(), "code" => $code, "type" => $file["type"], "uploadStatus" => "inprogress", "count" => $file["count"], "chunks" => array()); $file["chunks"] = $info["chunks"]; $r = $storage->copy($this->package->getPath().$this->getHash(), $file); if (!$r->isSuccess()) { $result->addError($r->getErrorCollection()->current()); } else { $info["chunks"][$file["chunkId"]] = array( "size" => $file["size"], "number" => $file["number"], "start" => $file["start"], "error" => $file["error"] ); $file["uploadStatus"] = "uploaded"; if (count($info["chunks"]) == $info["count"]) { $data = $r->getData(); $data["name"] = $this->getName(); $data["code"] = $info["code"]; $data["uploadStatus"] = "uploaded"; $info = $data; } $this->setFile($code, $info); $storage->flushDescriptor(); } } else { $r = $storage->copy($this->package->getPath().$this->getHash(), $file); if ($r->isSuccess()) { $data = $r->getData(); $data["name"] = $this->getName(); $data["code"] = $code; $data["uploadStatus"] = "uploaded"; $this->setFile($code, $data); } else { $result->addError($r->getErrorCollection()->current()); } } if ($result->isSuccess()) { $info = $this->getFile($code); if ($info["uploadStatus"] == "uploaded") { $info["url"] = $this->getUrl("view", $code); $info["~url"] = $this->getUrl("view", $code, \COption::GetOptionString("main.fileinput", "entryPointUrl", "/bitrix/tools/upload.php")); $info["sizeFormatted"] = \CFile::FormatSize($info["size"]); foreach ($this->data["files"] as $k => $f) { if ($f["uploadStatus"] == "uploaded") unset($copies[$k]); } if (empty($copies)) $this->setUploadStatus("uploaded"); } $this->setFile($code, $info); } return $result; } /** * Saves changes into cache. * @return void */ public function saveLog() { static $lastSaved = null; if ($lastSaved != $this->data) { $lastSaved = self::arrayWalkRecursive($this->data); self::setIntoCache($this->data["hash"], $this->package->getPath(), $lastSaved); } } /** * Just function to prepare data array for saving on drive. * @param array $array Data array. * @return array */ protected static function arrayWalkRecursive(array $array) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { $array[$k] = self::arrayWalkRecursive($v); } else if (is_object($v)) { unset($array[$k]); } } return $array; } /** * Adds error into errorConnection * @param Error $error * @return void */ public function addError(Error $error) { $this->errorCollection->add(array($error)); } /** * Checks if errorCollection has errors. * @return bool */ public function hasError() { return !$this->errorCollection->isEmpty(); } /** * Returns error collection. * @return ErrorCollection */ public function getErrorCollection() { return $this->errorCollection; } /** * Returns error message. * @return string */ public function getErrorMessage() { $m = array(); if ($error = $this->errorCollection->rewind()) { do { $m[] = ($error->getMessage()?:$error->getCode()); } while ($error = $this->errorCollection->next()); } return implode("", $m); } /** * Return data array from cache. * @param string $hash * @param string $path * @return array|false */ protected static function getFromCache($hash, $path) { return unserialize(\CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance()->GetFile($path.$hash."/.log")->GetContents()); } /** * @param Package $package * @param array $file * @return void */ public static function deleteCache(Package $package, array $file) { $hash = self::initHash($file); if (FileInputUtility::instance()->checkFile($package->getCid(), $hash)) { $file = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance()->GetFile($package->getPath().$hash."/.log"); if ($file->IsExists()) $file->unlink(); FileInputUtility::instance()->unRegisterFile($package->getCid(), $hash); } } /** * Saves serialized data on disk. * @param string $hash * @param string $path * @param array $data * @return void */ protected static function setIntoCache($hash, $path, $data) { $io = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $directory = $io->GetDirectory($path.$hash); if ($directory->Create()) $io->GetFile($path.$hash."/.log")->PutContents(serialize($data)); } /** * this function just merge 2 arrays with a lot of deep keys * array_merge replaces keys in second level and deeper * array_merge_recursive multiplies similar keys * @param $res * @param $res2 * @return array */ static function merge($res, $res2) { $res = is_array($res) ? $res : array(); $res2 = is_array($res2) ? $res2 : array(); foreach ($res2 as $key => $val) { if (array_key_exists($key, $res) && is_array($val)) $res[$key] = self::merge($res[$key], $val); else $res[$key] = $val; } return $res; } /** * Sets upload status. * @param string $status * @return void */ public function setUploadStatus($status) { $this->data["uploadStatus"] = $status; $this->saveLog(); } /** * Checks if file is uploaded. * @return bool */ public function isUploaded() { return ($this->data["uploadStatus"] === "uploaded"); } /** * Sets executed status. * @param string $status * @return void */ public function setExecuteStatus($status) { $this->data["executeStatus"] = $status; $this->saveLog(); } /** * Check if file is executed. * @return bool */ public function isExecuted() { return ($this->data["executeStatus"] === "executed"); } /** * Returns file whole data. * @return array */ public function toArray() { return $this->data; } /** * Restore data from array and saves into cache. * @param array $data * @return void */ public function fromArray(array $data) { $data["id"] = $this->data["id"]; $data["hash"] = $this->data["hash"]; $this->data = $data; $this->saveLog(); } /** * @param string $cid Control exemplar ID. * @param string $hash File ID. * @param string $path Path to temporary directory. * @return bool */ public static function deleteFile($cid, $hash, $path) { if (FileInputUtility::instance()->unRegisterFile($cid, $hash)) { $io = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $directory = $io->GetDirectory($path.$hash); $res = $directory->GetChildren(); foreach($res as $file) $file->unlink(); $directory->rmdir(); return true; } return false; } /** * @param string $cid Control exemplar ID. * @param string $hash File ID. * @param string $path Path to temporary directory. * @return void */ public static function viewFile($cid, $hash, $path) { $file = false; $copy = ""; if (strpos($hash, "_") > 0) { $copy = explode("_", $hash); $hash = $copy[0]; $copy = $copy[1]; } $copy = ($copy ?:"default"); if (FileInputUtility::instance()->checkFile($cid, $hash)) { $file = self::getFromCache($hash, $path); $file = $file["files"][$copy]; } if (is_array($file)) { $docRoot = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot(); if (strpos(\CTempFile::GetAbsoluteRoot(), $docRoot) === 0) \CFile::ViewByUser($file, array("content_type" => $file["type"])); else self::view($file, array("content_type" => $file["type"])); } } /** * @param string $act * @param string $copy * @return string */ private function getUrl($act = "view", $copy = "default", $uri = null) { $uri = is_null($uri) ? \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRequestUri() : $uri; return \CHTTP::URN2URI($uri.(strpos($uri, "?") === false ? "?" : "&"). \CHTTP::PrepareData( array( Uploader::INFO_NAME => array( "CID" => $this->package->getCid(), "mode" => $act, "hash" => $this->getHash(), "copy" => $copy ) ) ) ); } public static function getUrlFromRelativePath($tmpName) { $io = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if (($tempRoot = \CTempFile::GetAbsoluteRoot()) && ($filePath = $tempRoot.$tmpName) && $io->FileExists($filePath)) { $f = $io->GetFile($filePath); $directory = $io->GetDirectory($f->GetPath()); $hash = $directory->GetName(); if (($cache = self::getFromCache($hash, $directory->GetPath()."/")) && is_array($cache) && array_key_exists("files", $cache) && array_key_exists($f->getName(), $cache["files"])) { return $cache["files"][$f->getName()]["~url"]; } } return false; } /** * @param $error * @return string */ public static function getUploadErrorMessage($error) { switch ($error) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $message = Loc::getMessage("BXU_UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION"); break; default: $message = 'Unknown uploading error ['.$error.']'; break; } return $message; } /** * @return HttpClient */ public static function http() { if (is_null(static::$http)) static::$http = new HttpClient; return static::$http; } /** * @param $file * @param File $f * @param $params * @return Result */ public static function checkFile(&$file, File $f, $params) { $result = new Result(); if ($file["error"] > 0) $result->addError(new Error(File::getUploadErrorMessage($file["error"]), "BXU347.2.9".$file["error"])); else if (array_key_exists("tmp_url", $file)) { $url = new Uri($file["tmp_url"]); if ($url->getHost() == '' && ($tmp = \CFile::MakeFileArray($url->getPath())) && is_array($tmp)) { $file = array_merge($tmp, $file); } else if ($url->getHost() <> '' && self::http()->query("HEAD", $file["tmp_url"]) && self::http()->getStatus() == "200") { $file = array_merge($file, array( "size" => self::http()->getHeaders()->get("content-length"), "type" => self::http()->getHeaders()->get("content-type") )); } else { $result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("BXU_FileIsNotUploaded"), "BXU347.2")); } } else if (isset($file['bucketId']) && !CloudStorage::checkBucket($file['bucketId'])) { $result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("BXU_FileIsNotUploaded"), "BXU347.2.8")); } else if (!isset($file['bucketId']) && (!file_exists($file['tmp_name']) || ( (substr($file["tmp_name"], 0, strlen($params["path"])) !== $params["path"]) && !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name']) )) ) { $result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("BXU_FileIsNotUploaded"), "BXU347.2.7")); } if ($result->isSuccess()) { if ($params["uploadMaxFilesize"] > 0 && $f->getSize() > $params["uploadMaxFilesize"]) { $error = GetMessage("FILE_BAD_SIZE")." (".\CFile::FormatSize($f->getSize()).")."; } else { $name = $f->getName(); $ff = array_merge($file, array("name" => $name)); if ($params["allowUpload"] == "I") { $error = \CFile::CheckFile($ff, $params["uploadMaxFilesize"], "image/", \CFile::GetImageExtensions()); } elseif ($params["allowUpload"] == "F") { $error = \CFile::CheckFile($ff, $params["uploadMaxFilesize"], false, $params["allowUploadExt"]); } else { $error = \CFile::CheckFile($ff, $params["uploadMaxFilesize"]); } } if ($error !== "") $result->addError(new Error($error, "BXU347.3")); } if (preg_match("/^(.+?)\\.ch(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.chs(\\d+)$/", $file["code"], $matches)) { $file["code"] = $matches[1]; $file["number"] = $matches[2]; $file["start"] = $matches[3]; $file["count"] = $matches[4]; $file["chunkId"] = self::getChunkKey($file["count"], $file["number"]); } $file["~size"] = $f->getSize(); $file["~name"] = $f->getName(); $file["~type"] = $f->getType(); return $result; } /** * Generates hash from info about file * @param $chunksCount * @param $chunkNumber * @return string */ protected static function getChunkKey($chunksCount, $chunkNumber) { $chunksCount = max(ceil(log10($chunksCount)), 4); return "p".str_pad($chunkNumber, $chunksCount, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } /** * @param array $source Source file. * @param array $dest Destination File. * @param array $canvasParams Array("width" => 100, "height" => 100). * @param array $watermarkParams Array("position" => "top", "type" => "text", "text" => "Bla-bla", "font" => "", "color" => "red"). * @return array */ public static function createCanvas($source, $dest, $canvasParams = array(), $watermarkParams = array()) { $watermark = (array_key_exists("watermark", $source) ? array() : $watermarkParams); if (\CFile::ResizeImageFile( $source["tmp_name"], $dest["tmp_name"], $canvasParams, BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, $watermark, $canvasParams["quality"], array() )) { $dest = array_merge($source, $dest); if (array_key_exists("watermark", $source) || !empty($watermarkParams)) $dest["watermark"] = true; } else $dest["error"] = 348; $dest["size"] = filesize($dest["tmp_name"]); $dest["type"] = $dest["type"] ?: \CFile::GetContentType($dest["tmp_name"]); $dest["sizeFormatted"] = \CFile::FormatSize($dest["size"]); return $dest; } /** * @param array $fileData * @param array $options * @return bool|mixed */ public static function view(array $fileData, $options = array()) { if (!array_key_exists("tmp_name", $fileData) || empty($fileData["tmp_name"])) return false; /** @global \CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $fastDownload = (\COption::GetOptionString('main', 'bx_fast_download', 'N') == 'Y'); $attachment_name = ""; $content_type = (array_key_exists("type", $fileData) && !empty($fileData["type"]) ? $fileData["type"] : ""); $cache_time = 10800; $fromClouds = false; $filetime = 0; if(is_array($options)) { if(isset($options["content_type"])) $content_type = $options["content_type"]; if(isset($options["specialchars"])) $specialchars = $options["specialchars"]; if(isset($options["force_download"])) $force_download = $options["force_download"]; if(isset($options["cache_time"])) $cache_time = intval($options["cache_time"]); if(isset($options["attachment_name"])) $attachment_name = $options["attachment_name"]; } if($cache_time < 0) $cache_time = 0; $name = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $fileData["name"]); if ($attachment_name) $attachment_name = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $attachment_name); else $attachment_name = $name; $content_type = \CFile::NormalizeContentType($content_type); $src = null; $file = null; if (strpos($fileData["tmp_name"], \CTempFile::GetAbsoluteRoot()) === 0) { $file = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File($fileData["tmp_name"]); try { $src = $file->open(\Bitrix\Main\IO\FileStreamOpenMode::READ); } catch(\Bitrix\Main\IO\IoException $e) { return false; } $filetime = $file->getModificationTime(); } else { $fromClouds = true; } $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); while(ob_end_clean()); $cur_pos = 0; $filesize = $fileData["size"]; $size = $filesize-1; $server = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getServer(); $p = $server->get("HTTP_RANGE") && strpos($server->get("HTTP_RANGE"), "="); if(intval($p)>0) { $bytes = substr($server->get("HTTP_RANGE"), $p+1); $p = strpos($bytes, "-"); if($p !== false) { $cur_pos = floatval(substr($bytes, 0, $p)); $size = floatval(substr($bytes, $p+1)); if ($size <= 0) { $size = $filesize - 1; } if ($cur_pos > $size) { $cur_pos = 0; $size = $filesize - 1; } } } if ($server->getRequestMethod() == "HEAD") { \CHTTP::SetStatus("200 OK"); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Type: ".$content_type); header("Content-Length: ".($size-$cur_pos+1)); if($filetime > 0) header("Last-Modified: ".date("r", $filetime)); } else { $lastModified = ''; if($cache_time > 0) { //Handle ETag $ETag = md5($fileData["tmp_name"].$filesize.$filetime); if ($server->get("HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH") === $ETag) { \CHTTP::SetStatus("304 Not Modified"); header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=".$cache_time.", pre-check=".$cache_time); die(); } header("ETag: ".$ETag); //Handle Last Modified if($filetime > 0) { $lastModified = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $filetime).' GMT'; if ($server->get("HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH") === $lastModified) { \CHTTP::SetStatus("304 Not Modified"); header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=".$cache_time.", pre-check=".$cache_time); die(); } } } $utfName = \CHTTP::urnEncode($attachment_name, "UTF-8"); $translitName = \CUtil::translit($attachment_name, LANGUAGE_ID, array( "max_len" => 1024, "safe_chars" => ".", "replace_space" => '-', "change_case" => false, )); //Disable zlib for old versions of php <= 5.3.0 //it has broken Content-Length handling if(ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); if($cur_pos > 0) \CHTTP::SetStatus("206 Partial Content"); else \CHTTP::SetStatus("200 OK"); header("Content-Type: ".$content_type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$translitName."\"; filename*=utf-8''".$utfName); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".($size-$cur_pos+1)); if(is_resource($src)) { header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); header("Content-Range: bytes ".$cur_pos."-".$size."/".$filesize); } if($cache_time > 0) { header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=".$cache_time.", pre-check=".$cache_time); if($filetime > 0) header('Last-Modified: '.$lastModified); } else { header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); } header("Expires: 0"); header("Pragma: public"); // Download from front-end if($fastDownload && ($fromClouds || strpos($fileData["tmp_name"], Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getServer()->getDocumentRoot()) === 0)) { if($fromClouds) { $filename = preg_replace('~^(http[s]?)(\://)~i', '\\1.' , $fileData["tmp_name"]); $cloudUploadPath = \COption::GetOptionString('main', 'bx_cloud_upload', '/upload/bx_cloud_upload/'); header('X-Accel-Redirect: '.$cloudUploadPath.$filename); } else { header('X-Accel-Redirect: '.\Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($fileData["tmp_name"], SITE_CHARSET, "UTF-8")); } } else if ($src) { session_write_close(); $file->seek($cur_pos); while(!feof($src) && ($cur_pos <= $size)) { $bufsize = 131072; //128K if($cur_pos + $bufsize > $size) $bufsize = $size - $cur_pos + 1; $cur_pos += $bufsize; echo fread($src, $bufsize); } $file->close(); } else { $src = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient(); $fp = fopen("php://output", "wb"); $src->setOutputStream($fp); $src->get($fileData["tmp_name"]); } } \CMain::FinalActions(); die(); }}