Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/dom/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/web/dom/htmlparser.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Web\DOM; use \Bitrix\Main\Text\HtmlFilter; use \Bitrix\Main\Text\BinaryString; class HtmlParser extends Parser { public $debugTime = 0; protected $tagsMustBeClosed = array('SCRIPT', 'STYLE'); public $storePhpCode = true; protected static $objectCounter = 0; protected $currentObjectNumber; protected $storedItemCounter; protected $storedPHP = array(); public function __construct() { static::$objectCounter++; $this->currentObjectNumber = static::$objectCounter; $this->storedItemCounter = 0; $this->setConfig(new HtmlParserConfig); } /* * @param Node $node * @return string */ public function getSource(Node $node) { $source = ''; switch($node->getNodeType()) { case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: /*@var $node Element*/ $source = $this->getSourceElement($node); break; case Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE: /*@var $node Attr*/ $source = $this->getSourceAttr($node); break; case Node::TEXT_NODE: /*@var Text $node*/ if($node->getParentNode() && in_array($node->getParentNode()->getNodeName(), $this->tagsMustBeClosed)) { $source = $node->getNodeValue(); } else { $source = HtmlFilter::encode($node->getNodeValue(), ENT_QUOTES); } break; case Node::COMMENT_NODE: /*@var Comment $node*/ $source = '<!--' . $node->getNodeValue() . '-->'; if($this->storePhpCode) { $source = $this->restorePHP($source); } break; case Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: /*@var DocumentType $node*/ $source = $this->getSourceDocType($node); break; } return $source; } protected function getSourceAttr(Attr $node) { return $node->getName() . '="' . HtmlFilter::encode($node->getValue()) . '"'; } protected function getSourceElement(Element $node) { $nodeName = strtolower($node->getNodeName()); $source = '<' . $nodeName; if($node->hasAttributes()) { $attrList = $node->getAttributesArray(); foreach($attrList as $attr) { $source .= ' ' . $this->getSource($attr); } } if($node->hasChildNodes()) { $source .= '>'; if(Node::$isNodeListAsArray) { $childNodes = $node->getChildNodesArray(); foreach ($childNodes as $child) { $source .= $this->getSource($child); } } else { for($i = 0; $i < $node->getChildNodes()->getLength(); $i++) { $source .= $this->getSource($node->getChildNodes()->item($i)); } } $source .= '</' . $nodeName . '>'; } else { $source .= ' />'; } return $source; } protected function getSourceDocType(DocumentType $node) { $source = '<!DOCTYPE html>'; return $source; } /* * @param string $text * @param Node $node * @return void */ public function parse($text = "", Node $node) { if($this->storePhpCode) { $text = $this->storePHP($text); } else { $text = $this->commentPHP($text); } $isCharOpen = true; $buffer = ''; $textLength = BinaryString::getLength($text); for($i = 0; $i < $textLength; $i++) { $char = BinaryString::getSubstring($text, $i, 1); if($char === '<') { $node = $this->getNextNode($buffer, $node); $buffer = $char; $isCharOpen = true; } elseif($char === '>') { $buffer .= $char; if($isCharOpen) { $node = $this->getNextNode($buffer, $node); $buffer = ''; } $isCharOpen = false; } else { $buffer .= $char; } if(!$node) { return null; } } if($buffer != '') { $node = $this->getNextNode($buffer, $node); } return $node; } protected function parseElement($text) { $result = array('NAME' => '', 'ATTRIBUTES' => array()); if(preg_match('/[ \t\n]/S', $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { $delimiterPosition = $matches[0][1]; $result['NAME'] = strtoupper(substr($text, 0, $delimiterPosition)); $textAttr = substr($text, $delimiterPosition + 1); $result['ATTRIBUTES'] = $this->parseAttributes($textAttr); } else { $result['NAME'] = strtoupper($text); } return $result; } protected function parseDocType($text) { return array(); } protected function parseAttributes($text) { static $search = array( "'&(quot|#34);'i", "'&(lt|#60);'i", "'&(gt|#62);'i", "'&(amp|#38);'i", ); static $replace = array( "\"", "<", ">", "&", ); $attributes = array(); if ($text !== "") { preg_match_all("/(?'name'[\w-_:]+)(?'eq'\s*=\s*)?(?(eq)([\"'])(?'val'.*?)\g{-2})/s", $text, $attrTmp); if(strpos($text, "&")===false) { foreach($attrTmp['name'] as $i => $attrName) { $attributes[$attrName] = $attrTmp['val'][$i]; } } else { foreach($attrTmp['name'] as $i => $attrName) { $attributes[$attrName] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $attrTmp['val'][$i]); } } } return $attributes; } protected function parseAttributesOld($text) { preg_match_all("/\b([\w_-]+\s*=\s*([\"']*)[^\\2]+?\\2)/", $text, $pairs); $pairs = $pairs[0]; $attributeList = Array(); foreach($pairs as $pair) { $attr = array_map( function ($data){ $data = preg_replace("/(^['\"]|['\"]$)/","",$data); return $data; }, preg_split("/\s*=\s*/", $pair) ); $name = $attr[0]; $value = $attr[1]; $attributeList[$name] = $value; } return $attributeList; } protected function getNextNode($tag, Node $parentNode) { $node = null; $isSingleTag = true; static $tagsWithoutClose = array('INPUT'=>1, 'IMG'=>1, 'BR'=>1, 'HR'=>1, 'META'=>1, 'AREA'=>1, 'BASE'=>1, 'COL'=>1, 'EMBED'=>1, 'KEYGEN'=>1, 'LINK'=>1, 'PARAM'=>1, 'SOURCE'=>1, 'TRACK'=>1, 'WBR'=>1); $tagsCantHaveNestedTags = array(); $document = $parentNode->getOwnerDocument(); if($parentNode->getNodeType() === Node::COMMENT_NODE) { $commentClosePosition = strpos($tag, '-->'); if($commentClosePosition !== false) { $clean = substr($tag, 0, $commentClosePosition); $parentNode->setNodeValue($parentNode->getNodeValue() . $clean); $parentNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = true; $tag = substr($tag, $commentClosePosition + 3); if(!$tag) { return $parentNode->getParentNode(); } else { $parentNode = $parentNode->getParentNode(); } } else { $parentNode->setNodeValue($parentNode->getNodeValue() . $tag); return $parentNode; } } elseif(in_array($parentNode->getNodeName(), $this->tagsMustBeClosed)) { if(strtoupper(substr($tag, -9)) == '</' . $parentNode->getNodeName() . '>') { $parentNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = true; $parentNode = $parentNode->getParentNode(); } else { $firstChild = $parentNode->getFirstChild(); if(!$firstChild) { $parentNode->appendChild($document->createTextNode($tag)); } else { $firstChild->setNodeValue($firstChild->getNodeValue() . $tag); } $parentNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = false; return $parentNode; } } if(substr($tag, 0, 2) === '</') { // closed tag //TODO: find closest opened parent with same nodeName and return it $cleaned = strtoupper(substr($tag, 2, -strlen('>') )); $searchableNode = $parentNode; $isSearchableNodeFound = false; $unclosedNodes = array(); do { if(!$searchableNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag) { $unclosedNodes[] = $searchableNode; } if($searchableNode->getNodeName() === $cleaned) { $isSearchableNodeFound = true; break; } }while($searchableNode = $searchableNode->getParentNode()); if($isSearchableNodeFound) { foreach($unclosedNodes as $unclosedNode) { /* @var $unclosedNode Node */ if(in_array($unclosedNode->getNodeName(), $tagsCantHaveNestedTags)) { if($unclosedNode->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($unclosedNode->getChildNodesArray() as $childNode) { $unclosedNode->getParentNode()->appendChild($unclosedNode->removeChild($childNode)); } } } $unclosedNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = true; } return $searchableNode->getParentNode(); } else { if(false) { throw new DomException('Parser error. Find close tag, but can not find open tag ' . $cleaned); } else { $parentNode->getParentNode()->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = true; return $parentNode; } } } elseif(substr($tag, 0, 4) === '<!--') { // Comment $cleaned = substr($tag, 4); if(substr($tag, -3) == '-->') { $cleaned = substr($cleaned, 0, -3); $parentNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = true; } else { $isSingleTag = false; } //$parentNode->bxNodeFoundCloseTag = false; $node = $document->createComment($cleaned); } elseif(substr($tag, 0, 1) === '<') { // Element if(substr($tag, -2) === '/>') { // empty tag $cleaned = substr($tag, 1, -2); $bxNodeWithCloseTag = false; $isSingleTag = true; } else { $cleaned = substr($tag, 1, -1); $isSingleTag = false; $bxNodeWithCloseTag = true; } $list = $this->parseElement($cleaned); $isDocType = substr($list['NAME'], 0, strlen('!DOCTYPE')) === '!DOCTYPE'; if(isset($tagsWithoutClose[$list['NAME']]) || $isDocType) { $bxNodeWithCloseTag = false; $isSingleTag = true; } if($isDocType) { $list = $this->parseDocType($cleaned); //TODO: set doctype fields } else { $node = $document->createElement($list['NAME']); foreach($list['ATTRIBUTES'] as $attrName => $attrValue) { $nodeAttr = $document->createAttribute($attrName, $attrValue); $node->setAttributeNode($nodeAttr); } $node->bxNodeWithCloseTag = $bxNodeWithCloseTag; } } else { // Text $cleaned = html_entity_decode($tag, ENT_QUOTES, (defined("BX_UTF") ? "UTF-8" : "ISO-8859-1")); $node = $document->createTextNode($cleaned); } if($node && $parentNode) { $parentNode->appendChild($node); if(!$isSingleTag) { return $node; } } return $parentNode; } /* * @param string $html * @return string */ public function commentPHP($html) { $html = str_replace(array('<?', '?>'), array('<!--', '-->'), $html); return $html; } /* * @param string $html * @return string */ public function storePHP($html) { if(preg_match_all('/(<\?[\W\w\n]*?\?>)/i', $html, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) && is_array($matches)) { $prefix = 'BX_DOM_DOCUMENT_PHP_SLICE_PLACEHOLDER_' . $this->currentObjectNumber . '_'; foreach($matches as $key => $value) { $this->storedItemCounter++; $this->storedPHP['<!--' . $prefix . $this->storedItemCounter . '-->'] = $value[0]; } $replaceFrom = array_values($this->storedPHP); $replaceTo = array_keys($this->storedPHP); $html = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $html); } return $html; } /* * @param string $html * @return string */ public function restorePHP($html) { $html = str_replace( array_keys($this->storedPHP), array_values($this->storedPHP), $html ); return $html; } }