Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/location.php |
<? /** * The entire class was marked as deprecated. * It will be removed from future releases. Do not rely on this code. * * @access private * @deprecated */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Sale\Location; use Bitrix\Sale\Delivery; use Bitrix\Main\Localization; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllSaleLocation { const LOC2_M_OPT = 'sale_locationpro_migrated'; const LOC2_DEBUG_MODE_OPT = 'location2_debug_mode'; const SELF_ENTITY_NAME = 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location'; const NAME_ENTITY_NAME = 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\Name\Location'; const DEFAULT_SITE_ENTITY_NAME = 'Bitrix\Sale\Location\DefaultSite'; const ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID = 'en'; const ZIP_EXT_SERVICE_CODE = 'ZIP'; const MODIFIER_SEARCH_R = '#^((!|\+)?(>=|>|<=|<|@|~|%|=)?)#'; const KEY_PARSE_R = '#^(!|\+)?(>=|>|<=|<|@|~|%|=)?(.+)#'; const LEADING_TILDA_SEARCH_R = '#^~#'; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // enable this when you want to turn on the new functionality public static function isLocationProEnabled() { return self::isLocationProMigrated(); } public static function locationProEnable() { self::locationProSetMigrated(); } public static function locationProDisable() { self::locationProSetRolledBack(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // enable this when you had done the migration public static function isLocationProMigrated() { return Config\Option::get('sale', self::LOC2_M_OPT, '') == 'Y'; } public static function locationProSetMigrated() { Config\Option::set('sale', self::LOC2_M_OPT, 'Y', ''); } public static function locationProSetRolledBack() { Config\Option::set('sale', self::LOC2_M_OPT, 'N', ''); } // very temporal code public static function locationProCheckEnabled() { if(!self::isLocationProEnabled()) { if($_REQUEST['l2switch'] == 'ON') { CSaleLocation::locationProEnable(); return true; } ?> <form action="" method="post"> Location 2.0 were disabled. <button name="l2switch" value="ON">Enable</button> </form> <? return false; } return true; } // very temporal code public static function locationProControlForm() { ?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2migrated']):?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2migrated'] == 'ON'):?> <?self::locationProSetMigrated();?> <?else:?> <?self::locationProSetRolledBack();?> <?endif?> <?endif?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2switch']):?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2switch'] == 'ON'):?> <?self::locationProEnable();?> <?else:?> <?self::locationProDisable();?> <?endif?> <?endif?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2debug']):?> <?if($_REQUEST['l2debug'] == 'ON'):?> <?self::locationProDebugEnable();?> <?else:?> <?self::locationProDebugDisable();?> <?endif?> <?endif?> <?$l2enabled = self::isLocationProEnabled();?> <?$l2migrated = self::isLocationProMigrated();?> <?$l2debug = self::isLocationProInDebug();?> <form action="" method="post"> Migration: <br /> <button name="l2migrated" value="<?=($l2migrated ? 'OFF' : 'ON')?>"><?=($l2migrated ? 'Go Down' : 'Go Up')?></button> </form> <form action="" method="post"> Location 2.0: <br /> <button name="l2switch" value="<?=($l2enabled ? 'OFF' : 'ON')?>"><?=($l2enabled ? 'Turn OFF' : 'Turn ON')?></button> </form> <form action="" method="post"> Debug mode: <br /> <button name="l2debug" value="<?=($l2debug ? 'OFF' : 'ON')?>"><?=($l2debug ? 'Turn OFF' : 'Turn ON')?></button> </form> <? } // for old admin pages the following function should be used // (for the new ones - direct call of sale.location.selector.*) public static function proxySaleAjaxLocationsComponent($parameters = array(), $additionalParams = array(), $template = '', $hideIcons = true, $wrapNewComponentWith = false) { global $APPLICATION; if(self::isLocationProEnabled()) { if(!is_array($additionalParams)) $additionalParams = array(); $parametersProxed = array_merge(array( "ID" => $parameters["LOCATION_VALUE"], "CODE" => '', "INPUT_NAME" => $parameters["CITY_INPUT_NAME"], "CACHE_TYPE" => "A", "CACHE_TIME" => "36000000", "PROVIDE_LINK_BY" => "id", "SEARCH_BY_PRIMARY" => "N", "SHOW_DEFAULT_LOCATIONS" => "N", //"JS_CALLBACK" => "submitFormProxy", //"JS_CONTROL_DEFERRED_INIT" => "soa_deferred" ), $additionalParams); if(strlen($parameters['SITE_ID']) || !defined('ADMIN_SECTION') || ADMIN_SECTION != 'Y') { $parametersProxed["FILTER_BY_SITE"] = "Y"; $parametersProxed["FILTER_SITE_ID"] = strlen($parameters['SITE_ID']) ? $parameters['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID; } if(strlen($wrapNewComponentWith)) print('<div class="'.$wrapNewComponentWith.'">'); if(!strlen($template)) $appearance = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\Admin\Helper::getWidgetAppearance(); else { $appearance = 'steps'; if($template == 'popup' || $template == 'search') $appearance = 'search'; } $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent( "bitrix:sale.location.selector.".$appearance, "", $parametersProxed, null, array('HIDE_ICONS' => $hideIcons ? 'Y' : 'N') ); if($wrapNewComponentWith) print('</div>'); } else { $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->IncludeComponent( 'bitrix:sale.ajax.locations', $template, $parameters, null, array('HIDE_ICONS' => $hideIcons ? 'Y' : 'N') ); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // enable this when you want to get debugging public static function isLocationProInDebug() { return Config\Option::get('sale', self::LOC2_DEBUG_MODE_OPT, '') == 'Y'; } public static function locationProDebugEnable() { Config\Option::set('sale', self::LOC2_DEBUG_MODE_OPT, 'Y', ''); } public static function locationProDebugDisable() { Config\Option::set('sale', self::LOC2_DEBUG_MODE_OPT, 'N', ''); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// public static function getLocationIDbyCODE($code) { if(CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated() && strlen($code)) { $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( '=CODE' => $code ) ))->fetch(); if(empty($item)) return 0; return $item['ID']; } return $code; } public static function getLocationCODEbyID($id) { if(CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated() && intval($id)) { // we must convert ID to CODE $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=ID' => $id), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE')))->fetch(); if(empty($item)) return ''; return $item['CODE']; } return $id; } public static function checkIsCode($id) { return ((string) $id !== (string) intval($id)); } public static function tryTranslateIDToCode($id) { if(!CSaleLocation::isLocationProMigrated()) return $id; $id = (string) $id; if($id != '' && $id === (string) intval($id)) { // ID came, need to translate to CODE and store $location = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=ID' => $id), 'select' => array('ID', 'CODE')))->fetch(); if((string) $location['CODE'] != '') return $location['CODE']; } return $id; } public static function checkLocationIsAboveCity($locationId) { if(strlen($locationId)) { $tail = CSaleLocation::getLocationCityTail(); if(!empty($tail)) { $location = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('select' => array('TYPE_ID'), 'filter' => array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('=ID' => intval($locationId)), array('=CODE' => $locationId) )))->fetch(); if(!isset($tail[$location['TYPE_ID']])) // is not a city and not a descendant of it return true; } } return false; } public static function getLocationCityTail() { static $tail; if($tail == null) { $tail = array(); // spike to emulate previous logic of "city" field $res = Location\TypeTable::getList(array('select' => array('CODE', 'ID'), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'asc'))); $types = array(); $start = false; while($item = $res->fetch()) { if($item['CODE'] == 'CITY') $start = true; if($start) $tail[$item['ID']] = true; } } return $tail; } private static function getLanguages() { $langs = array(); $res = Localization\LanguageTable::getList(); while($item = $res->fetch()) $langs[] = $item['LID']; return $langs; } public static function getSites() { $sites = array(); $res = Main\SiteTable::getList(); while($item = $res->fetch()) $sites[] = $item['LID']; return $sites; } public static function getTypes() { static $types; if($types == null) { $types = array(); $res = Location\TypeTable::getList(); while($item = $res->fetch()) $types[$item['CODE']] = $item['ID']; } return $types; } private static function getZipId() { $res = Location\ExternalServiceTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=CODE' => self::ZIP_EXT_SERVICE_CODE), 'limit' => 1))->fetch(); if($res) return $res['ID']; return false; } private static function refineFieldsForSaveCRC($id, $arFields) { if(!is_array($arFields[self::ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID])) { // make default names as en-names $arFields[self::ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID] = array( 'LID' => self::ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID, 'NAME' => $arFields['NAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $arFields['SHORT_NAME'] ); } $names = array(); foreach(self::getLanguages() as $lid) { if(is_array($arFields[$lid])) { unset($arFields[$lid]['LID']); $names[$lid] = $arFields[$lid]; } } return array( 'ID' => $id, // array should not be empty 'NAME' => $names ); } private static function getLocationIdByCountryId($legacyId) { $res = $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'COUNTRY', '=COUNTRY_ID' => intval($legacyId), '=REGION_ID' => false, '=CITY_ID' => false ), 'select' => array( 'ID' ) ))->fetch(); return $res['ID']; } private static function getLocationIdByCityId($legacyId) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY', '=CITY_ID' => intval($legacyId), ), 'select' => array( 'ID' ) ))->fetch(); return $res['ID']; } private static function getLocationIdByRegionId($legacyId) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'REGION', '=REGION_ID' => intval($legacyId), '=CITY_ID' => false ), 'select' => array( 'ID' ) ))->fetch(); return $res['ID']; } private static function checkLangPresenceInSelect($type, $fields) { return in_array($type.'_NAME_', $fields, true) || in_array($type.'_SHORT_NAME', $fields, true) || in_array($type.'_NAME', $fields, true) || in_array($type.'_NAME_LANG', $fields, true) || in_array($type.'_LID', $fields, true); } private static function getTypeValueToStore($type, $arFields) { if(isset($arFields[$type]) && is_array($arFields[$type]) && !empty($arFields[$type])) return $arFields[$type]; if(isset($arFields[$type.'_ID']) && intval($arFields[$type.'_ID'])) return intval($arFields[$type.'_ID']); return false; } protected static function checkIsRealInt($val) { return ((string) intval($val) === (string) $val); } protected static function GetLocationTypeList($typeCode = '', $arOrder = Array("NAME_LANG"=>"ASC"), $arFilter=Array(), $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); if(!in_array($typeCode, array('COUNTRY', 'REGION', 'CITY'))) { $res = new CDBResult(); $res->InitFromArray(array()); return $res; } $types = self::getTypes(); if(!isset($types[$typeCode])) { $res = new CDBResult(); $res->InitFromArray(array()); return $res; } $arSqlSearch[] = "L.TYPE_ID = '".intval($types[$typeCode])."'"; if(!is_array($arFilter)) $filter_keys = Array(); else $filter_keys = array_keys($arFilter); $joinLCO = false; $joinLRE = false; $countFilterKey = count($filter_keys); for($i=0; $i < $countFilterKey; $i++) { $val = $DB->ForSql($arFilter[$filter_keys[$i]]); if (strlen($val)<=0) continue; $key = $filter_keys[$i]; if ($key[0]=="!") { $key = substr($key, 1); $bInvert = true; } else $bInvert = false; switch(ToUpper($key)) { case "ID": if(self::checkIsRealInt($val)) // real int { $field = 'ID'; $val = intval($val); } else { $field = 'CODE'; $val = $DB->ForSql($val); } $arSqlSearch[] = "L.".$field." ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; break; case "NAME": $arSqlSearch[] = "LLN.NAME ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; break; case "COUNTRY_ID": if(self::checkIsRealInt($val)) // real int { $val = intval($val); $arSqlSearch[] = "L.COUNTRY_ID ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; } else { $val = $DB->ForSql($val); $joinLCO = true; $arSqlSearch[] = "LCO.CODE ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; } break; case "REGION_ID": if(self::checkIsRealInt($val)) // real int { $val = intval($val); $arSqlSearch[] = "L.REGION_ID ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; } else { $val = $DB->ForSql($val); $joinLRE = true; $arSqlSearch[] = "LRE.CODE ".($bInvert?"<>":"=")." '".$val."' "; } break; } } $strSqlSearch = ""; $countSqlSearch = count($arSqlSearch); for($i=0; $i < $countSqlSearch; $i++) { $strSqlSearch .= " AND "; $strSqlSearch .= " (".$arSqlSearch[$i].") "; } /* L - location table LN - language-independent LLN - language-dependent */ $strSql = "SELECT L.ID as ID, L.CODE as CODE, LN.NAME as NAME_ORIG, LLN.SHORT_NAME as SHORT_NAME, LLN.NAME as NAME, L.SORT as SORT, ". " CASE WHEN LLN.LOCATION_ID IS NULL THEN LN.NAME ELSE LLN.NAME END as NAME_LANG ". "FROM b_sale_location L ". " LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name LN ON (L.ID = LN.LOCATION_ID AND LN.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en') ". " LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name LLN ON (L.ID = LLN.LOCATION_ID AND LLN.LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."') ". ($joinLCO ? " INNER JOIN b_sale_location LCO ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCO.ID) " : ""). ($joinLRE ? " INNER JOIN b_sale_location LRE ON (L.REGION_ID = LRE.ID) " : ""). " WHERE 1 = 1 ".$strSqlSearch." "; $arSqlOrder = Array(); foreach ($arOrder as $by=>$order) { $by = ToUpper($by); $order = ToUpper($order); if ($order!="ASC") $order = "DESC"; if ($by == "SORT") $arSqlOrder[] = " L.SORT ".$order; elseif ($by == "ID") $arSqlOrder[] = " L.ID ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "NAME") $arSqlOrder[] = " LN.NAME ".$order." "; elseif ($by == "SHORT_NAME") $arSqlOrder[] = " LN.SHORT_NAME ".$order." "; else { $arSqlOrder[] = " LLN.NAME ".$order." "; $by = "NAME_LANG"; } } $strSqlOrder = ""; DelDuplicateSort($arSqlOrder); $countSqlOrder = count($arSqlOrder); for ($i=0; $i < $countSqlOrder; $i++) { if ($i==0) $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY "; else $strSqlOrder .= ", "; $strSqlOrder .= $arSqlOrder[$i]; } $strSql .= $strSqlOrder; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return $db_res; } public static function checkLocationIdExists($id) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getById($id)->fetch(); return intval($res['ID']); } public static function checkLocationCodeExists($code) { $res = Location\LocationTable::getByCode($code)->fetch(); return intval($res['ID']); } public static function getFreeId($type) { $class = self::SELF_ENTITY_NAME.'Table'; $item = $class::getList(array('select' => array($type.'_ID'), 'limit' => 1, 'order' => array($type.'_ID' => 'desc')))->fetch(); $fromLocTable = intval($item[$type.'_ID']); $res = self::GetLocationTypeList($type, array('ID' => 'desc'))->fetch(); $fromTypeTable = $res['ID']; return max($fromLocTable, $fromTypeTable) + 1; } public static function getTypeJOINCondition($ctx = 'this') { static $types; if($types == null) { $types = self::getTypes(); } return array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('='.$ctx.'.TYPE_ID' => array('?', $types['COUNTRY'])), array('='.$ctx.'.TYPE_ID' => array('?', $types['REGION'])), array('='.$ctx.'.TYPE_ID' => array('?', $types['CITY'])), ); } public static function getTypeFilterCondition() { static $types; if($types == null) { $types = self::getTypes(); } return array($types['COUNTRY'], $types['REGION'], $types['CITY']); } protected static $allowedOps = array( '=' ); protected static function parseFilter($filter = array()) { $result = array(); if(is_array($filter)) { foreach($filter as $k => $v) { $found = array(); preg_match(self::KEY_PARSE_R, $k, $found); if(strlen($found[3])) { $f = array( 'NOT' => $found[1] == '!', 'OP' => !strlen($found[2]) ? '=' : $found[2], 'VALUE' => $v ); if(in_array($f['OP'], static::$allowedOps)) $result[$found[3]] = $f; } } } return $result; } public static function getDenormalizedLocationList($entityName, $arFilter = array()) { $class = $entityName.'Table'; $linkField = $class::getLinkField(); $typeField = $class::getTypeField(); $locationLinkField = $class::getLocationLinkField(); //$useGroups = $class::getUseGroups(); $table = $class::getTableName(); $useCodes = $class::getUseCodes(); $locationTable = Location\LocationTable::getTableName(); $groupTable = Location\GroupTable::getTableName(); $locFlag = Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG; $grpFlag = Location\Connector::DB_GROUP_FLAG; $filter = self::parseFilter($arFilter); $where = array(); if(intval($filter[$linkField]['VALUE'])) $where[] = 'DL.'.$linkField.' '.($filter[$linkField]['NOT'] ? '!' : '').$filter[$linkField]['OP']." '".intval($filter[$linkField]['VALUE'])."'"; if(intval($filter['LOCATION_ID']['VALUE'])) $where[] = 'LINK.ID '.($filter['LOCATION_ID']['NOT'] ? '!' : '').$filter['LOCATION_ID']['OP']." '".intval($filter['LOCATION_ID']['VALUE'])."'"; if($filter[$typeField]['VALUE'] == Location\Connector::DB_LOCATION_FLAG || $filter[$typeField]['VALUE'] == Location\Connector::DB_GROUP_FLAG) $where[] = 'DL.'.$typeField.' '.($filter[$typeField]['NOT'] ? '!' : '').$filter[$typeField]['OP']." '".$filter[$typeField]['VALUE']."'"; $sql = " select distinct DL.".$linkField.", LINK.ID as LOCATION_ID, DL.".$typeField." from ".$table." DL inner join ".$locationTable." L on DL.".$typeField." = '".$locFlag."' and DL.".$locationLinkField." = L.".($useCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID')." inner join ".$locationTable." LINK on LINK.LEFT_MARGIN >= L.LEFT_MARGIN and LINK.RIGHT_MARGIN <= L.RIGHT_MARGIN ".(!empty($where) ? 'where '.implode(' and ', $where) : '')." union select DL.".$linkField.", LINK.ID as LOCATION_ID, DL.".$typeField." from ".$table." DL inner join ".$groupTable." LINK on DL.".$typeField." = '".$grpFlag."' and DL.".$locationLinkField." = LINK.".($useCodes ? 'CODE' : 'ID')." ".(!empty($where) ? 'where '.implode(' and ', $where) : '')." "; global $DB; return $DB->query($sql); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////// // old api works in the old manner only when sale::isLocationProMigrated() returns false public static function GetLocationString($locationId, $siteId = SITE_ID, $langId = LANGUAGE_ID) { $locationString = ''; if(!\Bitrix\Sale\SalesZone::checkLocationId($locationId, $siteId)) $locationId = 0; $countryId = $regionId = $cityId = 0; if ($locationId > 0) { if ($arLocation = CSaleLocation::GetByID($locationId)) { $countryId = $arLocation["COUNTRY_ID"]; $regionId = $arLocation["REGION_ID"]; $cityId = $arLocation["CITY_ID"]; } } //check in location city $bEmptyCity = "N"; $arCityFilter = array("!CITY_ID" => "NULL", ">CITY_ID" => "0"); if ($countryId > 0) $arCityFilter["COUNTRY_ID"] = $countryId; $rsLocCount = CSaleLocation::GetList(array(), $arCityFilter, false, false, array("ID")); if (!$rsLocCount->Fetch()) $bEmptyCity = "Y"; //check in location region $bEmptyRegion = "N"; $arRegionFilter = array("!REGION_ID" => "NULL", ">REGION_ID" => "0"); if ($countryId > 0 && $regionId > 0) $arRegionFilter["COUNTRY_ID"] = $countryId; if ($regionId > 0) $arRegionFilter["REGION_ID"] = $regionId; $rsLocCount = CSaleLocation::GetList(array(), $arRegionFilter, false, false, array("ID")); if (!$rsLocCount->Fetch()) $bEmptyRegion = "Y"; //check if exist another city if ($bEmptyCity == "Y" && $bEmptyRegion == "Y") { $arCityFilter = array("!CITY_ID" => "NULL", ">CITY_ID" => "0"); $rsLocCount = CSaleLocation::GetList(array(), $arCityFilter, false, false, array("ID")); if ($rsLocCount->Fetch()) $bEmptyCity = "N"; } //location value if ($locationId > 0 ) { if ($arLocation = CSaleLocation::GetByID($locationId)) { if ($bEmptyRegion == "Y" && $bEmptyCity == "Y") $countryId = $locationId; else $countryId = $arLocation["COUNTRY_ID"]; if ($bEmptyCity == "Y") $regionId = $arLocation["ID"]; else $regionId = $arLocation["REGION_ID"]; $cityId = $locationId; } } //select country $arCountryList = array(); if ($bEmptyRegion == "Y" && $bEmptyCity == "Y") $rsCountryList = CSaleLocation::GetList(array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME_LANG" => "ASC"), array("LID" => $langId), false, false, array("ID", "COUNTRY_ID", "COUNTRY_NAME_LANG")); else $rsCountryList = CSaleLocation::GetCountryList(array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME_LANG" => "ASC")); while ($arCountry = $rsCountryList->GetNext()) { if(!\Bitrix\Sale\SalesZone::checkCountryId($arCountry["ID"], $siteId)) continue; if ($bEmptyRegion == "Y" && $bEmptyCity == "Y") $arCountry["NAME_LANG"] = $arCountry["COUNTRY_NAME_LANG"]; $arCountryList[] = $arCountry; if ($arCountry["ID"] == $countryId && strlen($arCountry["NAME_LANG"]) > 0) $locationString .= $arCountry["NAME_LANG"]; } if (count($arCountryList) <= 0) $arCountryList = array(); elseif (count($arCountryList) == 1) $countryId = $arCountryList[0]["ID"]; //select region $arRegionList = array(); if ($countryId > 0 || count($arCountryList) <= 0) { $arRegionFilter = array("LID" => $langId, "!REGION_ID" => "NULL", "!REGION_ID" => "0"); if ($countryId > 0) $arRegionFilter["COUNTRY_ID"] = IntVal($countryId); if ($bEmptyCity == "Y") $rsRegionList = CSaleLocation::GetList(array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME_LANG" => "ASC"), $arRegionFilter, false, false, array("ID", "REGION_ID", "REGION_NAME_LANG")); else $rsRegionList = CSaleLocation::GetRegionList(array("SORT" => "ASC", "NAME_LANG" => "ASC"), $arRegionFilter); while ($arRegion = $rsRegionList->GetNext()) { if(!\Bitrix\Sale\SalesZone::checkRegionId($arRegion["ID"], $siteId)) continue; if ($bEmptyCity == "Y") $arRegion["NAME_LANG"] = $arRegion["REGION_NAME_LANG"]; $arRegionList[] = $arRegion; if ($arRegion["ID"] == $regionId && strlen($arRegion["NAME_LANG"]) > 0) $locationString = $arRegion["NAME_LANG"].", ".$locationString; } } if (count($arRegionList) <= 0) $arRegionList = array(); elseif (count($arRegionList) == 1) $regionId = $arRegionList[0]["ID"]; //select city $arCityList = array(); if ( $bEmptyCity == "N" && ((count($arCountryList) > 0 && count($arRegionList) > 0 && $countryId > 0 && $regionId > 0) || (count($arCountryList) <= 0 && count($arRegionList) > 0 && $regionId > 0) || (count($arCountryList) > 0 && count($arRegionList) <= 0 && $countryId > 0) || (count($arCountryList) <= 0 && count($arRegionList) <= 0)) ) { $arCityFilter = array("LID" => $langId); if ($countryId > 0) $arCityFilter["COUNTRY_ID"] = $countryId; if ($regionId > 0) $arCityFilter["REGION_ID"] = $regionId; $rsLocationsList = CSaleLocation::GetList( array( "SORT" => "ASC", "COUNTRY_NAME_LANG" => "ASC", "CITY_NAME_LANG" => "ASC" ), $arCityFilter, false, false, array( "ID", "CITY_ID", "CITY_NAME" ) ); while ($arCity = $rsLocationsList->GetNext()) { if(!\Bitrix\Sale\SalesZone::checkCityId($arCity["CITY_ID"], $siteId)) continue; $arCityList[] = array( "ID" => $arCity["ID"], "CITY_ID" => $arCity['CITY_ID'], "CITY_NAME" => $arCity["CITY_NAME"], ); if ($arCity["ID"] == $cityId) $locationString = (strlen($arCity["CITY_NAME"]) > 0 ? $arCity["CITY_NAME"].", " : "").$locationString; }//end while } return $locationString; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// public static function CountryCheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { global $DB; if ((is_set($arFields, "NAME") || $ACTION=="ADD") && strlen($arFields["NAME"])<=0) return false; /* $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc"), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { if ((is_set($arFields[$arLang["LID"]], "NAME") || $ACTION=="ADD") && strlen($arFields[$arLang["LID"]]["NAME"])<=0) return false; } */ return True; } function UpdateCountry($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0 || !CSaleLocation::CountryCheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeCountryUpdate", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; ////////////////////////////////////// if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { // get location id by country id $locId = self::getLocationIdByCountryId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; $res = Location\LocationTable::updateExtended( $locId, self::refineFieldsForSaveCRC($locId, $arFields), array('REBALANCE' => false) ); if($res->isSuccess()) return $ID; return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_country", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_country SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID.""; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc"), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { if ($arCntLang = CSaleLocation::GetCountryLangByID($ID, $arLang["LID"])) { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_country_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_country_lang SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$arCntLang["ID"].""; } else { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_sale_location_country_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_sale_location_country_lang(COUNTRY_ID, ".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$ID.", ".$arInsert[1].")"; } $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } } ////////////////////////////////////// foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnCountryUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } public static function DeleteCountry($ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeCountryDelete", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID))===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { /* $locId = self::getLocationIdByCountryId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; // just "unlink" it, so CSaleLocation::GetCountryByID() wont able to find it $res = Location\LocationTable::update($locId, array( 'COUNTRY_ID' => '' )); return $res->isSuccess(); */ return true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } // and also drop old records, if any $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_country_lang WHERE COUNTRY_ID = ".$ID."", true); $bDelete = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_country WHERE ID = ".$ID."", true); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnCountryDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); return $bDelete; } public static function GetCountryByID($ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'COUNTRY', '=ID' => intval($ID), '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => self::ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME' ) )); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) return $item; return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_country ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID." "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } public static function GetCountryLangByID($ID, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'COUNTRY', '=ID' => intval($ID), '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => trim($strLang) ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'ID_' => 'NAME.ID', 'LID' => 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', ) )); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) { return array( 'ID' => $item['ID_'], 'COUNTRY_ID' => $item['ID'], 'LID' => $item['LID'], 'NAME' => $item['LNAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $item['SHORT_NAME'], ); } return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strLang = Trim($strLang); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_country_lang ". "WHERE COUNTRY_ID = ".$ID." ". " AND LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."' "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// public static function RegionCheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { if ((is_set($arFields, "NAME") || $ACTION=="ADD") && strlen($arFields["NAME"])<=0) return false; return True; } public static function UpdateRegion($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0 || !CSaleLocation::RegionCheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeRegionUpdate", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $locId = self::getLocationIdByRegionId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; $res = Location\LocationTable::updateExtended( $locId, self::refineFieldsForSaveCRC($locId, $arFields), array('REBALANCE' => false) ); if($res->isSuccess()) return $ID; return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_region", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_region SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID.""; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc"), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { if ($arCntLang = CSaleLocation::GetRegionLangByID($ID, $arLang["LID"])) { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_region_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_region_lang SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$arCntLang["ID"].""; } else { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_sale_location_region_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_sale_location_region_lang(REGION_ID, ".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$ID.", ".$arInsert[1].")"; } $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } } foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnRegionUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } public static function DeleteRegion($ID) { // there is no such entity in terms of location 2.0, so... just delete old entity global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeRegionDelete", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID))===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { /* $locId = self::getLocationIdByRegionId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; // just "unlink" it, so CSaleLocation::GetCityByID() wont able to find it $res = Location\LocationTable::update($locId, array( 'REGION_ID' => '' )); return $res->isSuccess(); */ return true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } // and also drop old records, if any $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_region_lang WHERE REGION_ID = ".$ID."", true); $bDelete = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_region WHERE ID = ".$ID."", true); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnRegionDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); return $bDelete; } public static function GetRegionByID($ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'REGION', '=ID' => intval($ID), 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => self::ORIGIN_NAME_LANGUAGE_ID ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', ) )); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) return $item; return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_region ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID." "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } public static function GetRegionLangByID($ID, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'REGION', '=ID' => intval($ID), 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => trim($strLang) ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'ID_' => 'NAME.ID', 'LID' => 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', ) )); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) { return array( 'ID' => $item['ID_'], 'REGION_ID' => $item['ID'], 'LID' => $item['LID'], 'NAME' => $item['LNAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $item['SHORT_NAME'], ); } return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strLang = Trim($strLang); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_region_lang ". "WHERE REGION_ID = ".$ID." ". " AND LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."' "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// public static function CityCheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { global $DB; if ((is_set($arFields, "NAME") || $ACTION=="ADD") && strlen($arFields["NAME"])<=0) return false; /* $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc"), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { if ((is_set($arFields[$arLang["LID"]], "NAME") || $ACTION=="ADD") && strlen($arFields[$arLang["LID"]]["NAME"])<=0) return false; } */ return True; } public static function UpdateCity($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0 || !CSaleLocation::CityCheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeCityUpdate", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $locId = self::getLocationIdByCityId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; $res = Location\LocationTable::updateExtended( $locId, self::refineFieldsForSaveCRC($locId, $arFields), array('REBALANCE' => false) ); if($res->isSuccess()) return $ID; return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_city", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_city SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID.""; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $db_lang = CLangAdmin::GetList(($b="sort"), ($o="asc"), array("ACTIVE" => "Y")); while ($arLang = $db_lang->Fetch()) { if ($arCntLang = CSaleLocation::GetCityLangByID($ID, $arLang["LID"])) { $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location_city_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location_city_lang SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$arCntLang["ID"].""; } else { $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_sale_location_city_lang", $arFields[$arLang["LID"]]); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_sale_location_city_lang(CITY_ID, ".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$ID.", ".$arInsert[1].")"; } $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } } foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnCityUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } public static function DeleteCity($ID) { // there is no such entity in terms of location 2.0, so... just delete old entity global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeCityDelete", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID))===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { /* $locId = self::getLocationIdByCityId($ID); if(!$locId) return false; // just "unlink" it, so CSaleLocation::GetCityByID() wont able to find it $res = Location\LocationTable::update($locId, array( 'CITY_ID' => '' )); return $res->isSuccess(); */ return true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } // and also drop old records, if any $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_city_lang WHERE CITY_ID = ".$ID."", true); $bDelete = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_city WHERE ID = ".$ID."", true); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnCityDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); return $bDelete; } public static function GetCityByID($ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { static $regionId; try { if(!$regionId) { $params = array('select' => array()); $res = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\TypeTable::getList(array('filter' => array('=CODE' => 'REGION'), 'select' => array('ID')))->fetch(); if($res['ID']) { $regionId = $res['ID']; } } if($regionId) { $params['runtime'] = array( 'P' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Sale\Location\Location', 'reference' => array( '<=ref.LEFT_MARGIN' => 'this.LEFT_MARGIN', '>=ref.RIGHT_MARGIN' => 'this.RIGHT_MARGIN', '=ref.TYPE_ID' => array('?', $regionId) ), 'join_type' => "left" ) ); $params['select']['PREGION_ID'] = 'P.ID'; } $params['filter'] = array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY', '=ID' => intval($ID), '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => 'en', ); $params['select'] = array_merge($params['select'], array( 'ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', )); $res = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::getList($params); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME', 'PREGION_ID' => 'REGION_ID')); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) { return $item; } return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_city ". "WHERE ID = ".$ID." "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } public static function GetCityLangByID($ID, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=TYPE.CODE' => 'CITY', '=ID' => intval($ID), 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => trim($strLang) ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'ID_' => 'NAME.ID', 'LID' => 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID', 'LNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', ) )); $res->addReplacedAliases(array('LNAME' => 'NAME')); $item = $res->fetch(); if($item) { return array( 'ID' => $item['ID_'], 'CITY_ID' => $item['ID'], 'LID' => $item['LID'], 'NAME' => $item['LNAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $item['SHORT_NAME'], ); } return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); $strLang = Trim($strLang); $strSql = "SELECT * ". "FROM b_sale_location_city_lang ". "WHERE CITY_ID = ".$ID." ". " AND LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang, 2)."' "; $db_res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); if ($res = $db_res->Fetch()) { return $res; } return False; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// private static function processOrderForGetList($arOrder, $fieldMap = array(), $fieldProxy = array()) { if(is_array($arOrder)) { $arOrderParsed = array(); $fieldProxy = array_flip($fieldProxy); // parse order and stirp away unknown fields $arOrder = array_change_key_case($arOrder, CASE_UPPER); foreach($arOrder as $fld => $direction) { $direction = ToUpper($direction); if($direction != 'ASC' && $direction != 'DESC') continue; if(isset($fieldProxy[$fld])) $fld = $fieldProxy[$fld]; if(!isset($fieldMap[$fld])) continue; $fld = $fieldMap[$fld]; $arOrderParsed[$fld] = $direction; } return $arOrderParsed; } else return false; } public static function processFilterForGetList($arFilter, $fieldMap = array(), $fieldProxy = array(), $query = null) { if(is_array($arFilter)) { $filterFieldsClean = array(); $arFilterParsed = array(); $pseudoFields = array(); $fieldProxy = array_flip($fieldProxy); $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbHelper = $dbConnection->getSqlHelper(); // parse filter and stirp away unknown fields $arFilter = array_change_key_case($arFilter, CASE_UPPER); foreach($arFilter as $fld => $value) { $fld = trim($fld); $fld = preg_replace(self::LEADING_TILDA_SEARCH_R, '', $fld); $found = array(); preg_match(self::MODIFIER_SEARCH_R, $fld, $found); $modifier = strlen($found[1]) ? $found[1] : ''; $fldClean = preg_replace(self::MODIFIER_SEARCH_R, '', $fld); if(isset($fieldProxy[$fldClean])) $fldClean = $fieldProxy[$fldClean]; if(!isset($fieldMap[$fldClean])) continue; $fldClean = $fieldMap[$fldClean]; if($modifier == '+') // ORM does not understand + modifier in a filter { if($query != null) { // $value could be array or scalar if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $i => $v) { $value[$i] = "'".$dbHelper->forSql($v)."'"; } $value = 'in ('.implode(', ', $value).')'; } else $value = '= '.$dbHelper->forSql($value); $query->registerRuntimeField('PLUS_'.$fldClean, array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'expression' => array( "case when ((%s ".$value.") or (%s is null) or (%s = 0)) then 1 else 0 end", $fldClean, $fldClean, $fldClean ) )); $arFilterParsed['=PLUS_'.$fldClean] = 1; } continue; } $arFilterParsed[$modifier.$fldClean] = $value; $filterFieldsClean[] = $fldClean; } return array($arFilterParsed, $filterFieldsClean, $pseudoFields); } else return array(false, array(), array()); } public static function processSelectForGetList($arSelectFields, $fieldMap) { $selectFields = array(); if(is_array($arSelectFields) && !empty($arSelectFields) && !in_array('*', $arSelectFields, true)) { $arSelectFields = array_map("strtoupper", $arSelectFields); foreach($arSelectFields as $fld) { if(isset($fieldMap[$fld])) // legal one $selectFields[$fld] = $fieldMap[$fld]; } } else $selectFields = $fieldMap; $select = array(); foreach($selectFields as $fldFrom => $fldTo) { if($fldFrom == $fldTo) $select[] = $fldTo; else $select[$fldFrom] = $fldTo; } return $select; } private static function proxyFieldsInResult($res, $fieldProxy = array()) { if(!is_array($fieldProxy) || empty($fieldProxy)) return $res; $result = array(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $pItem = array(); foreach($item as $k => $v) { if(isset($fieldProxy[$k])) $pItem[$fieldProxy[$k]] = $v; else $pItem[$k] = $v; } $result[] = $pItem; } return new DB\ArrayResult($result); } private static function stripModifiers($filter) { if(is_array($filter) && !empty($filter)) { $result = array(); foreach($filter as $k => $v) { $k = preg_replace(self::MODIFIER_SEARCH_R, '', $k); $result[$k] = $v; } return $result; } return $filter; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// public static function getFilterForGetList($arFilter) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $types = self::getTypes(); $arFilter['TYPE_ID'] = array(); if(intval($types['COUNTRY'])) $arFilter['TYPE_ID'][] = intval($types['COUNTRY']); if(intval($types['REGION'])) $arFilter['TYPE_ID'][] = intval($types['REGION']); if(intval($types['CITY'])) $arFilter['TYPE_ID'][] = intval($types['CITY']); } return $arFilter; } public static function getFieldMapForGetList($arFilter) { global $DB; $additionalFilter = ""; if (isset($arFilter["LID"]) || strlen($arFilter["LID"]) > 0) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $additionalFilterLCL = " AND COL.LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; $additionalFilterLRL = " AND REL.LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; $additionalFilterLGL = " AND CIL.LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; } else { $additionalFilterLCL = " AND LCL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; $additionalFilterLRL = " AND LRL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; $additionalFilterLGL = " AND LGL.LID = '".$DB->ForSql($arFilter["LID"], 2)."'"; } } if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $tableDefault = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\DefaultSiteTable::getTableName(); // FIELDS --> $arFields = array( "LOC_DEFAULT" => array("FIELD" => "CASE WHEN DEF.LOCATION_CODE IS NULL THEN 'N' ELSE 'Y' END", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN ".$tableDefault." DEF ON (DEF.LOCATION_CODE = L.CODE)"), /* COO = COuntry Original COL = Country Language REO = REgion Original REL = REgion Language CIO = CIty Original CIL = CIty Language */ // lang-independent "COUNTRY_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "COO.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COO ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COO.LOCATION_ID and COO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "COO.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COO ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COO.LOCATION_ID and COO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), // lang-dependent "COUNTRY_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "COL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_LID" => array("FIELD" => "COL.LANGUAGE_ID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "COL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "COL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), // lang-independent "CITY_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "CIO.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIO ON (L.CITY_ID = CIO.LOCATION_ID and CIO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), "CITY_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "CIO.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIO ON (L.CITY_ID = CIO.LOCATION_ID and CIO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), // lang-dependent "CITY_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "CIL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIL ON (L.CITY_ID = CIL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_LID" => array("FIELD" => "CIL.LANGUAGE_ID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIL ON (L.CITY_ID = CIL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "CIL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIL ON (L.CITY_ID = CIL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "CIL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIL ON (L.CITY_ID = CIL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), // lang-independent "REGION_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "REO.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REO ON (L.REGION_ID = REO.LOCATION_ID and REO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), "REGION_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "REO.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REO ON (L.REGION_ID = REO.LOCATION_ID and REO.LANGUAGE_ID = 'en')"), // lang-dependent "REGION_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "REL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REL ON (L.REGION_ID = REL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_LID" => array("FIELD" => "REL.LANGUAGE_ID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REL ON (L.REGION_ID = REL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "REL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REL ON (L.REGION_ID = REL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "REL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REL ON (L.REGION_ID = REL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "COUNTRY" => array("FIELD" => "COL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name COL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = COL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "CITY" => array("FIELD" => "CIL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name CIL ON (L.CITY_ID = CIL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "REGION" => array("FIELD" => "REL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_loc_name REL ON (L.REGION_ID = REL.LOCATION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "TYPE_ID" => array("FIELD" => "L.TYPE_ID", "TYPE" => "int") ); } else { // FIELDS --> $arFields = array( "LOC_DEFAULT" => array("FIELD" => "L.LOC_DEFAULT", "TYPE" => "string"), "COUNTRY_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "LC.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country LC ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LC.ID)"), "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LC.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country LC ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LC.ID)"), "CITY_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "LG.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city LG ON (L.CITY_ID = LG.ID)"), "CITY_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LG.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city LG ON (L.CITY_ID = LG.ID)"), "REGION_NAME_ORIG" => array("FIELD" => "LR.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region LR ON (L.REGION_ID = LR.ID)"), "REGION_SHORT_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LR.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region LR ON (L.REGION_ID = LR.ID)"), "COUNTRY_LID" => array("FIELD" => "LCL.LID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country_lang LCL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCL.COUNTRY_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LCL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country_lang LCL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCL.COUNTRY_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LCL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country_lang LCL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCL.COUNTRY_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "COUNTRY_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LCL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country_lang LCL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCL.COUNTRY_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "REGION_LID" => array("FIELD" => "LRL.LID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region_lang LRL ON (L.REGION_ID = LRL.REGION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LRL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region_lang LRL ON (L.REGION_ID = LRL.REGION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LRL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region_lang LRL ON (L.REGION_ID = LRL.REGION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "REGION_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LRL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region_lang LRL ON (L.REGION_ID = LRL.REGION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")"), "CITY_LID" => array("FIELD" => "LGL.LID", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LGL ON (L.CITY_ID = LGL.CITY_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_NAME" => array("FIELD" => "LGL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LGL ON (L.CITY_ID = LGL.CITY_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LGL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LGL ON (L.CITY_ID = LGL.CITY_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "CITY_SHORT_NAME_LANG" => array("FIELD" => "LGL.SHORT_NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LGL ON (L.CITY_ID = LGL.CITY_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "COUNTRY" => array("FIELD" => "LCL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_country_lang LCL ON (L.COUNTRY_ID = LCL.COUNTRY_ID".$additionalFilterLCL.")"), "CITY" => array("FIELD" => "LGL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LGL ON (L.CITY_ID = LGL.CITY_ID".$additionalFilterLGL.")"), "REGION" => array("FIELD" => "LRL.NAME", "TYPE" => "string", "FROM" => "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_region_lang LRL ON (L.REGION_ID = LRL.REGION_ID".$additionalFilterLRL.")") ); } return array_merge(array( "ID" => array("FIELD" => "L.ID", "TYPE" => "int"), "CODE" => array("FIELD" => "L.CODE", "TYPE" => "string"), "COUNTRY_ID" => array("FIELD" => "L.COUNTRY_ID", "TYPE" => "int"), "CITY_ID" => array("FIELD" => "L.CITY_ID", "TYPE" => "int"), "REGION_ID" => array("FIELD" => "L.REGION_ID", "TYPE" => "int"), "SORT" => array("FIELD" => "L.SORT", "TYPE" => "int") ), $arFields); } protected static function getNameOfParentOfType($item, $typeCode, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { /* $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array( '<=LEFT_MARGIN' => $item['LEFT_MARGIN'], '>=RIGHT_MARGIN' => $item['RIGHT_MARGIN'], '=TYPE.CODE' => $typeCode, '=NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' => $strLang ), 'select' => array( ToUpper($typeCode).'_NAME' => 'NAME.NAME', ToUpper($typeCode).'_NAME_ORIG' => 'NAME.NAME', ToUpper($typeCode).'_SHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME', ToUpper($typeCode).'_NAME_LANG' => 'NAME.LANGUAGE_ID' )))->fetch(); */ global $DB; $dbConnection = Main\HttpApplication::getConnection(); $dbHelper = $dbConnection->getSqlHelper(); $types = self::getTypes(); $typeCode = ToUpper($dbHelper->forSql($typeCode)); $strLang = substr($dbHelper->forSql($strLang), 0, 2); $mappedTypes = array("'".intval($types[$typeCode])."'"); if($typeCode == 'CITY' && intval($types['VILLAGE'])) // VILLAGE is also can be CITY in the old terms { $mappedTypes[] = "'".intval($types['VILLAGE'])."'"; } $query = " select N.NAME as ".$typeCode."_NAME, N.SHORT_NAME as ".$typeCode."_SHORT_NAME, L.ID as ".$typeCode."_ID from b_sale_loc_name N inner join b_sale_location L on N.LOCATION_ID = L.ID and N.LANGUAGE_ID = '".$strLang."' and L.LEFT_MARGIN <= '".intval($item['LEFT_MARGIN'])."' and L.RIGHT_MARGIN >= '".intval($item['RIGHT_MARGIN'])."' and L.TYPE_ID in (".implode(', ', $mappedTypes).") "; $item = $DB->query($query)->fetch(); $item[$typeCode.'_NAME_ORIG'] = $item[$typeCode.'_NAME']; $item[$typeCode.'_NAME_LANG'] = $item[$typeCode.'_NAME']; if(!is_array($item)) return array(); return $item; } protected static $city2RegionMap = array( '0000073738' => '0000028025', // moscow => moskovskaya oblast '0000103664' => '0000028043', // stpetersburg => leningradskaya oblast ); protected static $specialCities = array('MOSCOW', 'STPETERSBURG'); public static function GetByIDForLegacyDelivery($primary, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { $primary = trim($primary); $regLoc = false; $loc = CSaleLocation::GetByID($primary, $strLang); if(!intval($loc['REGION_ID'])) // no region { if(isset(self::$city2RegionMap[(string) $primary])) // got CODE and this code in The List { $regLoc = CSaleLocation::GetByID(self::$city2RegionMap[(string) $primary], $strLang); } elseif(!empty($loc['CODE']) && !empty(self::$city2RegionMap[(string) $loc['CODE']])) { $regLoc = CSaleLocation::GetByID(self::$city2RegionMap[(string) $loc['CODE']], $strLang); } elseif((string) $loc['CITY_NAME_LANG'] != '') // search by name { $name = ToUpper(trim($loc['CITY_NAME_LANG'])); $regionName = false; foreach(self::$specialCities as $city) { if($name == ToUpper(GetMessage('CITY_'.$city))) $regionName = GetMessage('REGION_'.$city); } if($regionName !== false) { $regLoc = CSaleLocation::GetList( false, array('~REGION_NAME_LANG' => $regionName.'%', 'LID' => $strLang), false, array('nTopCount' => 1), array('REGION_ID', 'REGION_NAME', 'REGION_SHORT_NAME', 'REGION_NAME_ORIG', 'REGION_NAME_LANG') )->fetch(); } } } if($regLoc !== false) { if(intval($regLoc['REGION_ID'])) { $loc['REGION_ID'] = $regLoc['REGION_ID']; $loc['REGION_NAME'] = $regLoc['REGION_NAME']; $loc['REGION_SHORT_NAME'] = $regLoc['REGION_SHORT_NAME']; $loc['REGION_NAME_ORIG'] = $regLoc['REGION_NAME_ORIG']; $loc['REGION_NAME_LANG'] = $regLoc['REGION_NAME_LANG']; } } return $loc; } public static function GetByID($primary, $strLang = LANGUAGE_ID) { if(!strlen($primary)) return false; try { // try code $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array( array('=CODE' => $primary) ), 'select' => array('ID', 'SORT', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'CODE') ))->fetch(); if(!is_array($item)) { // try id $item = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array( array('=ID' => $primary) ), 'select' => array('ID', 'SORT', 'LEFT_MARGIN', 'RIGHT_MARGIN', 'CODE') ))->fetch(); } } catch(\Exception $e) { return false; } if(!is_array($item) || !intval($item['ID'])) return false; $country = self::getNameOfParentOfType($item, 'COUNTRY', $strLang); $region = self::getNameOfParentOfType($item, 'REGION', $strLang); $city = self::getNameOfParentOfType($item, 'CITY', $strLang); $item = array_merge($item, $country, $region, $city); unset($item['LEFT_MARGIN']); unset($item['RIGHT_MARGIN']); return $item; } public static function LocationCheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { global $DB; if ((is_set($arFields, "SORT") || $ACTION=="ADD") && IntVal($arFields["SORT"])<=0) $arFields["SORT"] = 100; if (is_set($arFields, "COUNTRY_ID")) $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] = IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"]); if (is_set($arFields, "CITY_ID")) $arFields["CITY_ID"] = IntVal($arFields["CITY_ID"]); return True; } public static function UpdateLocation($ID, $arFields) { // it seems that method is okay... we probably want to move region and city as it set in $arFields, but then we`ll have to adjsut the rest of locations global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID <= 0 || !CSaleLocation::LocationCheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeLocationUpdate", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, &$arFields))===false) return false; $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_sale_location", $arFields); $strSql = "UPDATE b_sale_location SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID = ".$ID.""; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnLocationUpdate", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); return $ID; } public static function CheckFields($ACTION, &$arFields) { global $DB; if (is_set($arFields, "CHANGE_COUNTRY") && $arFields["CHANGE_COUNTRY"]!="Y") $arFields["CHANGE_COUNTRY"] = "N"; if (is_set($arFields, "WITHOUT_CITY") && $arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"]!="Y") $arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"] = "N"; if (is_set($arFields, "COUNTRY_ID")) $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] = trim($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"]); // $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] = IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"]); if (is_set($arFields, "CHANGE_COUNTRY") && $arFields["CHANGE_COUNTRY"]=="Y" && (!is_set($arFields, "COUNTRY_ID") || $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"]<=0)) return false; return True; } private static function AddLocationPart($creat, $type, $parent, $sort) { $langs = self::getLanguages(); $types = self::getTypes(); $creatFlds = array(); if(is_numeric($creat)) { // check whether location exists... $res = Location\LocationTable::getList(array('filter' => array('='.$type.'_ID' => $creat, 'TYPE_ID' => $types[$type]), 'select' => array('ID'), 'limit' => 1))->fetch(); if($res['ID']) { $parent = intval($res['ID']); } else { if($type == 'COUNTRY') $res = self::GetCountryByID($creat); //!!! elseif($type == 'REGION') $res = self::GetRegionByID($creat); //!!! elseif($type == 'CITY') $res = self::GetCityByID($creat); //!!! if(!$res) // no such type exists, smth strange throw new Exception('No such '.$type); // create location using type found $creatFlds[$type.'_ID'] = $res['ID']; $creatFlds['NAME'] = array(); foreach($langs as $lid) { if($type == 'COUNTRY') $name = self::GetCountryLangByID($res['ID'], $lid); //!!! elseif($type == 'REGION') $name = self::GetRegionLangByID($res['ID'], $lid); //!!! elseif($type == 'CITY') $name = self::GetCityLangByID($res['ID'], $lid); //!!! $creatFlds['NAME'][$lid] = array( 'NAME' => $name['NAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $name['SHORT_NAME'] ); } } } elseif(is_array($creat)) // should create type { $creatFlds[$type.'_ID'] = self::getFreeId($type); $creatFlds['NAME'] = array(); foreach($creat as $lid => $name) { $creatFlds['NAME'][$lid] = array( 'NAME' => $name['NAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $name['SHORT_NAME'] ); } } if(!empty($creatFlds)) { $creatFlds['PARENT_ID'] = $parent; $creatFlds['TYPE_ID'] = $types[$type]; $creatFlds['CODE'] = rand(999,99999999); if($sort !== false) $creatFlds['SORT'] = $sort; $res = Location\LocationTable::add($creatFlds); if(!$res->isSuccess()) throw new Exception('Cannot add location'); $parent = $res->getId(); Location\LocationTable::update($parent, array('CODE' => $parent)); } return $parent; } public static function Add($arFields) { global $DB; if (!CSaleLocation::CheckFields("ADD", $arFields)) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $country = self::getTypeValueToStore('COUNTRY', $arFields); $region = self::getTypeValueToStore('REGION', $arFields); $city = self::getTypeValueToStore('CITY', $arFields); // Let`s treat a location 1.0 structure as a static structure where you can not move nodes up\down // along a tree by passing just IDs in triplets like (COUNTRY_ID, REGION_ID, CITY_ID). // Then parse out some meaningless situations to preserve tree integrity: // you cann not add existing region to a non-existing country if($region && is_numeric($region) && $country && is_array($country)) throw new Exception; // you cann not add existing city to a non-existing country if($city && is_numeric($city) && $country && is_array($country)) throw new Exception; // you cann not add existing city to a non-existing region if($city && is_numeric($city) && $region && is_array($region)) throw new Exception; $parent = 0; $sort = isset($arFields['SORT']) ? intval($arFields['SORT']) : false; if($country) { $parent = self::AddLocationPart($country, 'COUNTRY', $parent, $sort); } if($region) { $parent = self::AddLocationPart($region, 'REGION', $parent, $sort); } if($city) { $parent = self::AddLocationPart($city, 'CITY', $parent, $sort); } return $parent; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { if ((!is_set($arFields, "COUNTRY_ID") || IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"])<=0) && strlen($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"]) > 0) { $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddCountry($arFields["COUNTRY"]); if (IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"])<=0) return false; if ($arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"]!="Y" && strlen($arFields["REGION_ID"]) <= 0) { UnSet($arFields["CITY_ID"]); CSaleLocation::AddLocation($arFields); } } if ($arFields["REGION_ID"] <= 0 && $arFields["REGION_ID"] != "") { $arFields["REGION_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddRegion($arFields["REGION"]); if (IntVal($arFields["REGION_ID"])<=0) return false; if ($arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"] != "Y") { //$arFieldsTmp = $arFields; UnSet($arFields["CITY_ID"]); CSaleLocation::AddLocation($arFields); } } elseif ($arFields["REGION_ID"] == '') { UnSet($arFields["REGION_ID"]); } if ($arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"]!="Y") { if (IntVal($arFields["REGION_ID"]) > 0) $arFields["CITY"]["REGION_ID"] = $arFields["REGION_ID"]; $arFields["CITY_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddCity($arFields["CITY"]); if (IntVal($arFields["CITY_ID"])<=0) return false; } else { UnSet($arFields["CITY_ID"]); } $ID = CSaleLocation::AddLocation($arFields); return $ID; } } public static function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; if (!CSaleLocation::CheckFields("UPDATE", $arFields)) return false; if (!($arLocRes = CSaleLocation::GetByID($ID, LANGUAGE_ID))) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { // only partial support: name update functionality if(($arFields["CHANGE_COUNTRY"]=="Y" || intval($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"])) && is_array($arFields["COUNTRY"])) CSaleLocation::UpdateCountry($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"], $arFields["COUNTRY"]); if(intval($arFields["REGION_ID"]) && is_array($arFields["REGION"])) CSaleLocation::UpdateRegion($arFields["REGION_ID"], $arFields["REGION"]); if(intval($arFields["CITY_ID"]) && is_array($arFields["CITY"])) CSaleLocation::UpdateCity($arFields["CITY_ID"], $arFields["CITY"]); } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { if ((!is_set($arFields, "COUNTRY_ID") || IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"])<=0) && $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] != "") { $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddCountry($arFields["COUNTRY"]); if (IntVal($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"])<=0) return false; UnSet($arFields["CITY_ID"]); UnSet($arFields["REGION_ID"]); CSaleLocation::AddLocation($arFields); } elseif ($arFields["CHANGE_COUNTRY"]=="Y" || $arFields["COUNTRY_ID"] == "") { CSaleLocation::UpdateCountry($arFields["COUNTRY_ID"], $arFields["COUNTRY"]); } //city if ($arFields["WITHOUT_CITY"]!="Y") { if (IntVal($arLocRes["CITY_ID"])>0) { CSaleLocation::UpdateCity(IntVal($arLocRes["CITY_ID"]), $arFields["CITY"]); } else { $arFields["CITY_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddCity($arFields["CITY"]); if (IntVal($arFields["CITY_ID"])<=0) return false; } } else { CSaleLocation::DeleteCity($arLocRes["CITY_ID"]); $arFields["CITY_ID"] = false; } //region if (IntVal($arFields["REGION_ID"])>0) { CSaleLocation::UpdateRegion(IntVal($arLocRes["REGION_ID"]), $arFields["REGION"]); } elseif ($arFields["REGION_ID"] == 0 && $arFields["REGION_ID"] != '') { $db_res = CSaleLocation::GetRegionList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("NAME" => $arFields["REGION"][LANGUAGE_ID]["NAME"])); $arRegion = $db_res->Fetch(); if (count($arRegion) > 1) $arFields["REGION_ID"] = $arRegion["ID"]; else { $arFields["REGION_ID"] = CSaleLocation::AddRegion($arFields["REGION"]); if (IntVal($arFields["REGION_ID"])<=0) return false; $arFieldsTmp = $arFields; UnSet($arFieldsTmp["CITY_ID"]); CSaleLocation::AddLocation($arFieldsTmp); } } elseif ($arFields["REGION_ID"] == '') { //CSaleLocation::DeleteRegion($arLocRes["REGION_ID"]); $arFields["REGION_ID"] = 0; } else { UnSet($arFields["REGION_ID"]); } CSaleLocation::UpdateLocation($ID, $arFields); return $ID; } } // ??? public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = IntVal($ID); if (!($arLocRes = CSaleLocation::GetByID($ID, LANGUAGE_ID))) return false; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeLocationDelete", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID))===false) return false; if (IntVal($arLocRes["CITY_ID"]) > 0) CSaleLocation::DeleteCity($arLocRes["CITY_ID"]); $bDelCountry = True; $db_res = CSaleLocation::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array("COUNTRY_ID" => $arLocRes["COUNTRY_ID"], "!ID"=>$ID), LANGUAGE_ID ); if ($db_res->Fetch()) $bDelCountry = false; if ($bDelCountry && IntVal($arLocRes["COUNTRY_ID"]) > 0) CSaleLocation::DeleteCountry($arLocRes["COUNTRY_ID"]); $bDelRegion = True; $db_res = CSaleLocation::GetList( array("SORT" => "ASC"), array("REGION_ID" => $arLocRes["REGION_ID"], "!ID"=>$ID), LANGUAGE_ID ); if ($db_res->Fetch()) $bDelRegion = false; if ($bDelRegion && IntVal($arLocRes["REGION_ID"]) > 0) CSaleLocation::DeleteRegion($arLocRes["REGION_ID"]); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location2location_group WHERE LOCATION_ID = ".$ID."", true); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_delivery2location WHERE LOCATION_ID = ".$ID." AND LOCATION_TYPE = 'L'", true); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_zip WHERE LOCATION_ID = ".$ID."", true); if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $res = Location\LocationTable::delete($ID); // the whole subtree will be deleted if(!$res->isSuccess()) return false; $bDelete = true; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { $bDelete = $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location WHERE ID = ".$ID."", true); } foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnLocationDelete", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); return $bDelete; } public static function OnLangDelete($strLang) { global $DB; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\LocationTable::getTableName()." WHERE LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."'", true); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\TypeTable::getTableName()." WHERE LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."'", true); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\GroupTable::getTableName()." WHERE LANGUAGE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."'", true); } $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_city_lang WHERE LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."'", true); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_country_lang WHERE LID = '".$DB->ForSql($strLang)."'", true); return true; } public static function DeleteAll() { global $DB; foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnBeforeLocationDeleteAll", true) as $arEvent) if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent)===false) return false; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { //main $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\LocationTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\GroupTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\TypeTable::getTableName()); //names $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\LocationTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\GroupTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\Name\TypeTable::getTableName()); //links $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\GroupLocationTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\SiteLocationTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Delivery\DeliveryLocationTable::getTableName()); //other $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\DefaultSiteTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\ExternalTable::getTableName()); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\ExternalServiceTable::getTableName()); } $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location2location_group"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_group_lang"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_group"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_delivery2location"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_city_lang"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_city"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_country_lang"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_country"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_region_lang"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_region"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_zip"); foreach (GetModuleEvents("sale", "OnLocationDeleteAll", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent); } public static function GetLocationZIP($location) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { if(!intval($location)) throw new Exception(); return Location\ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SERVICE.CODE' => self::ZIP_EXT_SERVICE_CODE, '=LOCATION_ID' => $location ), 'select' => array( 'ID', 'ZIP' => 'XML_ID' ) )); } catch(Exception $e) { return new DB\ArrayResult(array()); } } else { global $DB; return $DB->Query("SELECT ZIP FROM b_sale_location_zip WHERE LOCATION_ID='".$DB->ForSql($location)."'"); } } public static function GetByZIP($zip) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { if(!strlen($zip)) throw new Exception(); $res = Location\ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SERVICE.CODE' => self::ZIP_EXT_SERVICE_CODE, '=XML_ID' => $zip ), 'select' => array( 'LOCATION_ID', ), 'limit' => 1 )); if($item = $res->fetch()) return self::GetByID($item['LOCATION_ID']); else return false; } catch(Exception $e) { return false; } } else { global $DB; $dbRes = $DB->Query('SELECT LOCATION_ID FROM b_sale_location_zip WHERE ZIP=\''.$DB->ForSql($zip).'\''); if ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) return CSaleLocation::GetByID($arRes['LOCATION_ID']); else return false; } } public static function ClearLocationZIP($location) { global $DB; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\ExternalTable::getTableName()." WHERE LOCATION_ID='".$DB->ForSql($location)."'"); } else { $query = "DELETE FROM b_sale_location_zip WHERE LOCATION_ID='".$DB->ForSql($location)."'"; $DB->Query($query); return; } } public static function ClearAllLocationZIP() { global $DB; if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM ".Location\ExternalTable::getTableName()); } else { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_sale_location_zip"); } } public static function AddLocationZIP($location, $ZIP, $bSync = false) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { if($bSync) { $res = Location\ExternalTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=SERVICE.CODE' => self::ZIP_EXT_SERVICE_CODE, '=XML_ID' => $ZIP, '=LOCATION_ID' => $location ), 'select' => array( 'ID', ), 'limit' => 1 ))->fetch(); if($res) { if(!Location\ExternalTable::update($res['ID'], array( 'LOCATION_ID' => $location, 'XML_ID' => $ZIP ))->isSuccess()) { $bSync = false; } } } if(!$bSync) { $zipId = self::getZipId(); if($zipId) { Location\ExternalTable::add(array( 'LOCATION_ID' => $location, 'XML_ID' => $ZIP, 'SERVICE_ID' => $zipId )); } } } catch(Exception $e) { return new DB\ArrayResult(array()); } } else { global $DB; $arInsert = array( "LOCATION_ID" => intval($location), "ZIP" => intval($ZIP), ); if ($bSync) { $cnt = $DB->Update( 'b_sale_location_zip', $arInsert, "WHERE LOCATION_ID='".$arInsert["LOCATION_ID"]."' AND ZIP='".$arInsert["ZIP"]."'" ); if ($cnt <= 0) { $bSync = false; } } if (!$bSync) { $DB->Insert('b_sale_location_zip', $arInsert); } return; } } public static function SetLocationZIP($location, $arZipList) { global $DB; if (is_array($arZipList)) { CSaleLocation::ClearLocationZIP($location); $arInsert = array( "LOCATION_ID" => "'".$DB->ForSql($location)."'", "ZIP" => '', ); foreach ($arZipList as $ZIP) { if (strlen($ZIP) > 0) self::AddLocationZIP($location, $ZIP); } } return; } public static function GetRegionsIdsByNames($arRegNames, $countryId = false) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { $types = self::getTypes(); $query = new Entity\Query(self::SELF_ENTITY_NAME); $fieldMap = array( 'RID' => 'REGION_ID', 'RNAME' => 'NAME.NAME', 'RSHORT_NAME' => 'NAME.SHORT_NAME' ); $selectFields = $fieldMap; $filterFields = array( array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', 'RNAME' => $arRegNames, 'RSHORT_NAME' => $arRegNames, ), '=TYPE_ID' => $types['REGION'], '!=REGION_ID' => '0' ); if($countryId = intval($countryId)) $filterFields['=COUNTRY_ID'] = $countryId; // order $orderFields = array( 'RNAME' => 'asc', 'RSHORT_NAME' => 'asc' ); // group $groupFields = array( 'RID' ); $nameJoinCondition = array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.LOCATION_ID', ); if(strlen($strLang)) $nameJoinCondition['=ref.LANGUAGE_ID'] = array('?', $strLang); $query->registerRuntimeField( 'NAME', array( 'data_type' => self::NAME_ENTITY_NAME, 'reference' => $nameJoinCondition, 'join_type' => 'left' ) ); $query->setSelect($selectFields); $query->setFilter($filterFields); $query->setOrder($orderFields); $query->setGroup($groupFields); $result = array(); $res = $query->exec(); while($item = $res->fetch()) { $result[strlen($item['RNAME']) ? $item['RNAME'] : $item['RSHORT_NAME']] = $item['RID']; } return $result; } catch(Exception $e) { return array(); } } else { global $DB; $arResult = array(); $arWhere = array(); $arQueryFields = array('RL.NAME', 'RL.SHORT_NAME'); if(is_array($arRegNames)) { foreach ($arRegNames as $regName) { $regName = $DB->ForSql($regName); foreach ($arQueryFields as $field) $arWhere[] = $field." LIKE '".$regName."'"; } if (count($arWhere) > 0) { $strWhere = implode(' OR ', $arWhere); $query = " SELECT RL.REGION_ID, RL.NAME, RL.SHORT_NAME FROM b_sale_location_region_lang RL "; if ($countryId) { $strWhere = 'L.COUNTRY_ID=\''.intval($countryId).'\' AND ('.$strWhere.')'; $query .= "LEFT JOIN b_sale_location L ON L.REGION_ID=RL.REGION_ID "; } $query .= "WHERE ".$strWhere; $query .= " GROUP BY RL.REGION_ID"; $query .= " ORDER BY RL.NAME, RL.SHORT_NAME"; $dbList = $DB->Query($query); $arRegionsLang = array(); while($arRegion = $dbList->Fetch()) { if(strlen($arRegion["NAME"]) > 0) $idx = $arRegion["NAME"]; else $idx = $arRegion["SHORT_NAME"]; $arResult[$idx] = $arRegion["REGION_ID"]; } } } return $arResult; } } public static function GetRegionsNamesByIds($arIds, $lang = LANGUAGE_ID) { if(self::isLocationProMigrated()) { try { if(!is_array($arIds) || empty($arIds)) throw new Exception(); $arIds = array_unique($arIds); $parsedList = array(); foreach($arIds as $id) { if(intval($id)) $parsedList[] = intval($id); } if(!strlen($lang)) $lang = LANGUAGE_ID; $arResult = array(); if(!empty($parsedList)) { $res = self::GetLocationTypeList( 'REGION', array('NAME' => 'asc', 'SHORT_NAME' => 'asc'), array('ID' => $parsedList), $lang ); while($arRegion = $res->fetch()) { $arResult[$arRegion["ID"]] = strlen($arRegion["NAME"]) > 0 ? $arRegion["NAME"] : $arRegion["SHORT_NAME"]; } } return $arResult; } catch(Exception $e) { return array(); } } else { global $DB; $arResult = array(); $arWhere = array(); if ('' == $lang) $lang = LANGUAGE_ID; if(!empty($arIds) && is_array($arIds)) { foreach ($arIds as $id) { if(intval($id) > 0) $arWhere[] = intval($id); } if (!empty($arWhere)) { $query = "select RL.REGION_ID, RL.NAME, RL.SHORT_NAME from b_sale_location_region_lang RL"; $query .= " where REGION_ID IN(".implode(',', $arWhere).") and RL.LID='".$DB->ForSql($lang, 2)."'"; $query .= " order by RL.NAME, RL.SHORT_NAME"; $dbList = $DB->Query($query); while($arRegion = $dbList->Fetch()) $arResult[$arRegion["REGION_ID"]] = strlen($arRegion["NAME"]) > 0 ? $arRegion["NAME"] : $arRegion["SHORT_NAME"]; } } return $arResult; } } // location import is overwritten, and it is enabled when self::isLocationProMigrated() == true, so no proxy provided for the obsolete methods below public static function _GetZIPImportStats() { global $DB; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT, COUNT(DISTINCT LOCATION_ID) AS CITY_CNT FROM b_sale_location_zip"; $rsStats = $DB->Query($query); $arStat = $rsStats->Fetch(); return $arStat; } public static function _GetCityImport($arCityName, $country_id = false) { global $DB; $arQueryFields = array('LCL.NAME', 'LCL.SHORT_NAME'); $arWhere = array(); foreach ($arCityName as $city_name) { $city_name = $DB->ForSql($city_name); foreach ($arQueryFields as $field) { if (strlen($field) > 0) $arWhere[] = $field."='".$city_name."'"; } } if (count($arWhere) <= 0) return false; $strWhere = implode(' OR ', $arWhere); if ($country_id) { $strWhere = 'L.COUNTRY_ID=\''.intval($country_id).'\' AND ('.$strWhere.')'; } $query = " SELECT L.ID, L.CITY_ID FROM b_sale_location L LEFT JOIN b_sale_location_city_lang LCL ON L.CITY_ID=LCL.CITY_ID WHERE ".$strWhere; $dbList = $DB->Query($query); if ($arCity = $dbList->Fetch()) return $arCity; else return false; } protected static function AddLocationUnattached($typeCode, $names = array()) { static $types; if($types == null) { $types = self::getTypes(); } if(!intval($types[$typeCode])) // no such type { return false; } foreach (GetModuleEvents('sale', 'OnBefore'.ucfirst(ToLower($typeCode)).'Add', true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($names))===false) { return false; } } if(!is_array($names)) { $names = array(); } $name = $names['NAME']; $shortName = $names['SHORT_NAME']; unset($names['NAME']); unset($names['SHORT_NAME']); $fields = array(); foreach($names as $lang => $n) { $fields['NAME'][$n['LID']] = array( 'NAME' => $n['NAME'], 'SHORT_NAME' => $n['SHORT_NAME'] ); } if(!isset($fields['NAME']['en'])) { $fields['NAME']['en'] = array( 'NAME' => $name, 'SHORT_NAME' => $shortName ); } $fields['CODE'] = 'randstr'.rand(999, 99999).rand(999, 99999).rand(999, 99999); $fields['TYPE_ID'] = $types[$typeCode]; $fields['PARENT_ID'] = 0; $id = false; $res = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::add($fields); if($res->isSuccess()) { $id = $res->getId(); $uRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::update($id, array('CODE' => $id)); foreach (GetModuleEvents('sale', 'On'.ucfirst(ToLower($typeCode)).'Add', true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($id, $names)); } } return $id; } protected static function RebindLocationTriplet($fields = array()) { $country = intval($fields['COUNTRY_ID']); $region = intval($fields['REGION_ID']); $city = intval($fields['CITY_ID']); foreach (GetModuleEvents('sale', 'OnBeforeLocationAdd', true) as $arEvent) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($fields))===false) { return false; } } if($region && $country) // set country as PARENT_ID for region { $uRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::update($region, array('PARENT_ID' => $country)); } if($city) { if($region) // set region as PARENT_ID for city { $uRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::update($city, array('PARENT_ID' => $region)); } elseif($country) // set country as PARENT_ID for city { $uRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::update($city, array('PARENT_ID' => $country)); } } if(intval($fields['SORT'])) { $loc2Update = $city ? $city : ($region ? $region : ($country ? $country : false)); if($loc2Update) { $uRes = \Bitrix\Sale\Location\LocationTable::update($loc2Update, array('SORT' => $fields['SORT'])); } } foreach (GetModuleEvents('sale', 'OnLocationAdd', true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($loc2Update, $fields)); } return $loc2Update; } } ?>