Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/general/pdf.php |
<? define('FPDF_FONTPATH', $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/fonts/"); require($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/sale/general/tfpdf/tfpdf.php"); class CSaleTfpdf extends tFPDF { private $background; public function SetBackground($image, $bgHeight = 0, $bgWidth = 0, $style = 'none') { if (!in_array($style, array('none', 'tile', 'stretch'))) $style = 'none'; if ($image && $bgHeight && $bgWidth) { $this->background = array( 'image' => $image, 'height' => $bgHeight, 'width' => $bgWidth, 'style' => $style ); } } public function Image($file, $x = null, $y = null, $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '') { try { return parent::Image($file, $x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $link); } catch (Exception $e) { } } public function Header() { if (!empty($this->background)) { switch ($this->background['style']) { case 'none': $this->Image($this->background['image'], 0, 0); break; case 'tile': $y = 0; while ($y <= $this->GetPageHeight()) { $x = 0; while ($x <= $this->GetPageWidth()) { $this->Image($this->background['image'], $x, $y); $x += $this->background['width']; } $y += $this->background['height']; } break; case 'stretch': $this->Image( $this->background['image'], 0, 0, $this->GetPageWidth(), $this->GetPageHeight() ); break; } } } public function GetPageWidth() { return $this->w; } public function GetPageHeight() { return $this->h; } public function Output($name = '', $dest = '', $utfName = '') { // invalid symbols: "%*:<>?| and \x00-\x1F\x7F and \x80-\xFF $name = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x22\x25\x2A\x3A\x3C\x3E\x3F\x7C\x7F-\xFF]+/', '', $name); $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name); if (in_array($dest, array('I', 'D'))) $name = basename($name); return parent::Output($name, $dest, $utfName); } function _parsebmp($file) { // Extract info from a BMP file (via PNG conversion) if(!function_exists('imagepng')) $this->Error('GD extension is required for BMP support'); $im = CFile::ImageCreateFromBMP($file); if(!$im) $this->Error('Missing or incorrect image file: '.$file); imageinterlace($im,0); $f = @fopen('php://temp','rb+'); if($f) { // Perform conversion in memory ob_start(); imagepng($im); $data = ob_get_clean(); imagedestroy($im); fwrite($f,$data); rewind($f); $info = $this->_parsepngstream($f,$file); fclose($f); } else { // Use temporary file $tmp = tempnam('.','gif'); if(!$tmp) $this->Error('Unable to create a temporary file'); if(!imagepng($im,$tmp)) $this->Error('Error while saving to temporary file'); imagedestroy($im); $info = $this->_parsepng($tmp); unlink($tmp); } return $info; } public function calculateRowsWidth($cols, $cells, $countItems, $docWidth, $margin = null) { $eps = 1E-05; $arRowsWidth = array(); $arRowsContentWidth = array(); if ($margin === null || $margin < 0) $margin = 5; else $margin = (int)$margin; // last columns always digital end($cols); $lastColumn = key($cols); $cols[$lastColumn]['IS_DIGIT'] = true; $digitWidth = 0; foreach ($cols as $columnId => $column) { $max = $this->GetStringWidth($column['NAME']); foreach ($cells as $i => $cell) { if ($i <= $countItems || $lastColumn === $columnId) { $max = max($max, $this->GetStringWidth($cell[$columnId])); } } $arRowsWidth[$columnId] = $max + $margin * 2; $arRowsContentWidth[$columnId] = $max; if ($cols[$columnId]['IS_DIGIT'] === true) $digitWidth += $arRowsWidth[$columnId]; } $noDigitWidth = array_sum($arRowsWidth) - $digitWidth; $requiredWidth = $docWidth - $digitWidth; if ($noDigitWidth - $requiredWidth > $eps) { $colNameTitle = $this->GetStringWidth($cols['NAME']['NAME']); if ($colNameTitle < $requiredWidth) { $arRowsWidth['NAME'] = $requiredWidth; $arRowsContentWidth['NAME'] = $requiredWidth - $margin * 2; } $noDigitWidth = array_sum($arRowsWidth) - $digitWidth; if ($noDigitWidth - $requiredWidth > $eps) { $tmp = array('PRICE', 'SUM', 'VAT_RATE', 'VAT_SUM', 'TOTAL'); if (!in_array($lastColumn, $tmp)) $tmp[] = $lastColumn; foreach ($tmp as $columnId) { if (isset($cols[$columnId])) $digitWidth -= $arRowsWidth[$columnId]; } foreach ($tmp as $columnId) { if (!isset($cols[$columnId])) continue; $max = 0; foreach ($cells as $i => $cell) { if ($i <= $countItems || $lastColumn === $columnId) { $max = max($max, $this->GetStringWidth($cell[$columnId])); } } $arRowsWidth[$columnId] = $max + $margin * 2; $arRowsContentWidth[$columnId] = $max; $digitWidth += $arRowsWidth[$columnId]; } $requiredWidth = $docWidth - $digitWidth; } } foreach ($arRowsWidth as $columnId => $rowWidth) { if ($cols[$columnId]['IS_DIGIT'] !== true) { $ratio = $requiredWidth / $noDigitWidth; $arRowsWidth[$columnId] *= $ratio; $arRowsContentWidth[$columnId] *= $ratio; } } return array( 'ROWS_WIDTH' => $arRowsWidth, 'ROWS_CONTENT_WIDTH' => $arRowsContentWidth ); } } class CSalePdf { protected $generator; public static function isPdfAvailable() { if (!extension_loaded("mbstring")) return false; if (!file_exists(FPDF_FONTPATH.'/pt_serif-regular.ttf') || !file_exists(FPDF_FONTPATH.'/pt_serif-bold.ttf')) return false; return true; } public static function prepareToPdf($string) { $string = htmlspecialcharsback($string); $string = CharsetConverter::ConvertCharset($string, SITE_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return $string; } public function splitString($text, $width) { if ($width <= 0 || $this->generator->GetStringWidth($text) <= $width) { return array($text, ''); } else { $string = $text; while ($this->generator->GetStringWidth($string) > $width) { $l = floor(mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8') * $width/$this->generator->GetStringWidth($string)); $p = mb_strrpos($string, ' ', $l-mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8') ?: $l; $string = mb_substr($string, 0, $p, 'UTF-8'); } if ($p == 0) $p++; return array( $string, mb_substr($text, $p, mb_strlen($text, 'UTF-8'), 'UTF-8') ); } } public function __construct($orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $size = 'A4') { $this->generator = new CSaleTfpdf($orientation, $unit, $size); } public function __call($name, $arguments) { return call_user_func_array(array($this->generator, $name), $arguments); } public function SetBackground($image, $style) { list($bgHeight, $bgWidth) = $this->GetImageSize($image); $this->generator->SetBackground($this->GetImagePath($image), $bgHeight, $bgWidth, $style); } public function GetImageSize($file) { $height = 0; $width = 0; if (intval($file) > 0) { $arFile = CFile::GetFileArray($file); if ($arFile) { $height = $arFile['HEIGHT'] * 0.75; $width = $arFile['WIDTH'] * 0.75; } } else { $arFile = CFile::GetImageSize($this->GetImagePath($file), true); if ($arFile) { $height = $arFile[1] * 0.75; $width = $arFile[0] * 0.75; } } return array(0 => $height, 1 => $width); } public function GetImagePath($file) { $path = false; if (intval($file) > 0) { $arFile = CFile::MakeFileArray($file); if ($arFile) $path = $arFile['tmp_name']; } elseif ($file) { $path = strpos($file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) === 0 ? $file : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $file; } return $path; } public function Image($file, $x = null, $y = null, $w = 0, $h = 0, $type = '', $link = '') { return $this->generator->Image($this->GetImagePath($file), $x, $y, $w, $h, $type, $link); } public static function CheckImage(array $file) { $pdf = new \tFPDF(); $pos = mb_strrpos($file['name'],'.',0,'8bit'); $type = mb_substr($file['name'],$pos+1,mb_strlen($file['name'],'8bit'),'8bit'); try { $pdf->Image($file['tmp_name'], null, null, 0, 0, $type); } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } return null; } }