Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/discount/preset/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/sale/lib/discount/preset/manager.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Sale\Discount\Preset; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Main\Entity\Query; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Main\EventResult; use Bitrix\Main\IO\Directory; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Sale\Discount; use Bitrix\Sale\Internals\DiscountTable; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); final class Manager { const DEFAULT_PRESET_DIRECTORY = '/bitrix/modules/sale/handlers/discountpreset/'; const CATEGORY_PRODUCTS = 4; const CATEGORY_PAYMENT = 5; const CATEGORY_DELIVERY = 6; const CATEGORY_OTHER = 7; /** @var ErrorCollection */ protected $errorCollection; /** @var Manager */ private static $instance; /** @var BasePreset[] */ private $presetList; /** @var $restrictedGroupsMode bool */ private $restrictedGroupsMode = false; /** * Returns Singleton of Manager * @return Manager */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; } /** * Registers autoloader for presets. * @return void */ public function registerAutoLoader() { if (!$this->isAlreadyRegisteredAutoLoader()) { \spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'autoLoad'), true); } } private function isAlreadyRegisteredAutoLoader() { $autoLoaders = spl_autoload_functions(); if(!$autoLoaders) { return false; } foreach ($autoLoaders as $autoLoader) { if(!is_array($autoLoader)) { continue; } list($object, $method) = $autoLoader; if ($object instanceof $this) { return true; } } return false; } private function __construct() { $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection; $this->registerAutoLoader(); } private function __clone() {} public function enableRestrictedGroupsMode($state) { $this->restrictedGroupsMode = $state === true; } public function isRestrictedGroupsModeEnabled() { return $this->restrictedGroupsMode; } public function autoLoad($className) { $file = ltrim($className, "\\"); // fix web env $file = strtr($file, Loader::ALPHA_UPPER, Loader::ALPHA_LOWER); $documentRoot = $documentRoot = rtrim($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/\\"); if(preg_match("#[^\\\\/a-zA-Z0-9_]#", $file)) { return; } $file = str_replace('\\', '/', $file); $fileParts = explode("/", $file); if($fileParts[0] !== "sale" || $fileParts[1] !== "handlers" || $fileParts[2] !== 'discountpreset') { return; } array_shift($fileParts); $filePath = $documentRoot . "/bitrix/modules/sale/" . implode("/", $fileParts) . ".php"; if(file_exists($filePath)) { require_once($filePath); } } private function buildPresets() { if($this->presetList === null) { $this->presetList = array_filter( array_merge( $this->buildDefaultPresets(), $this->buildCustomPresets() ), function(BasePreset $preset) { return $preset->isAvailable(); } ); } return $this; } private function buildCustomPresets() { $presetList = array(); $event = new Event('sale', 'OnSaleDiscountPresetBuildList'); $event->send(); foreach($event->getResults() as $evenResult) { if($evenResult->getType() != EventResult::SUCCESS) { continue; } $result = $evenResult->getParameters(); if(!is_array($result)) { throw new SystemException('Wrong event result by building preset list. Must be array.'); } foreach($result as $preset) { if(empty($preset['CLASS'])) { throw new SystemException('Wrong event result by building preset list. Could not find CLASS.'); } if(is_string($preset['CLASS']) && class_exists($preset['CLASS'])) { $preset = $this->createPresetInstance($preset['CLASS']); if($preset) { $presetList[] = $preset; } } else { throw new SystemException("Wrong event result by building preset list. Could not find class by CLASS {$preset['CLASS']}"); } } } return $presetList; } private function buildDefaultPresets() { $documentRoot = Application::getDocumentRoot(); if(!Directory::isDirectoryExists($documentRoot . self::DEFAULT_PRESET_DIRECTORY)) { throw new SystemException('Could not find folder with default presets. ' . self::DEFAULT_PRESET_DIRECTORY); } $defaultList = array(); $directory = new Directory($documentRoot . self::DEFAULT_PRESET_DIRECTORY); foreach($directory->getChildren() as $presetFile) { if(!$presetFile->isFile() || !$presetFile->getName()) { continue; } $className = $this->getClassNameFromPath($presetFile->getPath()); if($className) { $preset = $this->createPresetInstance($className); if($preset) { $defaultList[] = $preset; } } } return $defaultList; } /** * @param string $className * @return BasePreset */ private function createPresetInstance($className) { try { $class = new \ReflectionClass($className); /** @var BasePreset $instance */ $instance = $class->newInstanceArgs([]); $instance->enableRestrictedGroupsMode($this->isRestrictedGroupsModeEnabled()); return $instance; } catch (\ReflectionException $exception) { } return null; } private function getClassNameFromPath($path) { return "Sale\\Handlers\\DiscountPreset\\" . getFileNameWithoutExtension($path); } /** * Returns list of presets. * * @return BasePreset[] */ public function getPresets() { return $this->buildPresets()->presetList; } /** * Returns preset by id. Id is full class name. * * @param string $id Class name of preset * @return BasePreset */ public function getPresetById($id) { if(class_exists($id)) { return $this->createPresetInstance($id); } else { foreach($this->buildPresets()->presetList as $preset) { if($preset::className() === $id) { return $preset; } } } return null; } /** * @param $category * @return BasePreset[] */ public function getPresetsByCategory($category) { $presets = array(); foreach($this->getPresets() as $preset) { if($preset->getCategory() === $category) { $presets[] = $preset; } } uasort($presets, function(BasePreset $a, BasePreset $b){ return $a->getSort() > $b->getSort(); }); return $presets; } public function getCategoryList() { return array( self::CATEGORY_PRODUCTS => Loc::getMessage('SALE_PRESET_DISCOUNT_MANAGER_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS'), self::CATEGORY_PAYMENT => Loc::getMessage('SALE_PRESET_DISCOUNT_MANAGER_CATEGORY_PAYMENT'), self::CATEGORY_DELIVERY => Loc::getMessage('SALE_PRESET_DISCOUNT_MANAGER_CATEGORY_DELIVERY'), self::CATEGORY_OTHER => Loc::getMessage('SALE_PRESET_DISCOUNT_MANAGER_CATEGORY_OTHER'), ); } public function getCategoryName($category) { $categoryList = $this->getCategoryList(); return isset($categoryList[$category])? $categoryList[$category] : ''; } public function hasCreatedDiscounts(BasePreset $preset) { $countQuery = new Query(DiscountTable::getEntity()); $countQuery->addSelect(new ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(1)')); $countQuery->setFilter(array( '=PRESET_ID' => $preset::className(), )); $totalCount = $countQuery->setLimit(null)->setOffset(null)->exec()->fetch(); return (bool)$totalCount['CNT']; } }